Newspaper Page Text
THE TttlEa T '.:.(' Thirl- Classified Advertisements After Aufnt 13th, ca aU claa iftad dTrianats pl4e4 rriib a cw ti;:toa ib sort ptia lor ftt tiie. oT.c wltZUm 5 daya. as 4 flitlaaaJ nhvrsre or tan cents Trill ba mad for ooll action. Th last rrSoa can h riven oar ( Jitrona "by brtotfta ill cissifl.l ad- j TwitfraTCftBts to cnr orfl9 and jr- ! j lake eoTJimr w. & fiu. co. Heal Esiats Bargains 'inn stanllv norn, ,wr paths Mo i rn in ei v Rate, $1 ' and in'. w r li 1 urUtsh Pti t h tor rr.i p. Si.,"" up. !.!-! .lav aul msli'- J-tfilies' hw'h onen from 3 a. lit. to P i' tti. Wa-fiiiPSion st. tun, Ind. Ph.-.n sat. 2-21-rc c ' n .s ale 2 i-.i within ',; tiny. I noun-. I.Virono 115 Hammond. J S eel i takon j I. 1. Mr-d.ifS'" ! For Rent Furnished Rooms i . THE STAMXT HUTn, AND PATHS I Modern in every v. . Rate. $1.00 and up. Koori) with Turk h Path for ' f l.,0 and up. Open da an1 nighi. Ladies' haiti" open from a. fi. t ' f "i. Syrj as hins'ioa st. tiaiv, Ind Phone 531. 2-21-if FOR RENT SleepiiiK room?, ionven:.ut .Standard and CnnUvs. plmpe Hamim.nd. 405 May s: . 3-l-tf FOR HE.NT- ood st- 'fice.'-e I 1 ! -n i!ied fi'.in: in .' Ketitlemeot Pi.oe.. ra'Km if taKo.n ' 10U2T. Hammond I.". m I or Hammond 3-T-l Wanted Male Help V ANTED K.p.ricr.. cd 5teei hlowvr sill. a'.! corvorfr in open fimp in i:'i round-:.. ."' '.1 v. auko-: ! '1'!" cha.i.e f 1-..-1U nun. Add re.-r. ' Kc ::i'.'.' Vtmt.s. Ha rni.iiiMl. U-it A " T E D - HKN Td l.EAl'.N HAUKHI! i E Pr. paif L r .igh-er vr. hc. t-r pa . more jobs. IVs'uviij v.-u-m. ma i !tU f rv Mult-r l 1 : !"!, CV:itf. ' K'i 'VSi'? r. Chi.-K'. 5-!-2 I 1'Vt n laCXT- Kurnifhefi rooms for iaht im7-,i7-"': . : T" ."!. """''"('P'ni;; r..nv.-tuut to t'on- ; .i. ' . l..i. ill. .... ... . j f I ;K .-(iolrt Ao.lrf PS "iig liii : fs !i;." T:ir. s Hui- j i"o.-d it: i.' i.-N--r Hi lr mi'inl. -13-4 l'n PA1.K-- :-!!,! v fr "'l'i ''""I. lnfU!!t pfr!' 1";s; st. i:as' (In. ago. i- "i-.!.. 0':i."'h . 1 1 o h i n n 1 1 s? t i r fl ! o : i) , ; K 'I: fil-'N'T 2 I'i:rnts)rJ rt.oms S !5 Prions Hninmond KM IK. it)!; K T: . c.iix Ti'hm f.:i . Ppohw Ha-nin V !.!:- I ' II ; i )r - 11 ; i . ' rt 1 !j; .! '-f I - - . 4 ; i :; i i. Mar. 1 . I'.j VO S furr.ihf.'l ro-.m f.r 7 "'. . ! '-'"it houseke-pme. o": Mucbigan -,. n,i.k-i i. 'iiP8- n-,nf. Hammorl 1 T."!. ."-n-l i . xpp!;, -t i ; . ; ! I.'... ..-,v-h J.'tu: KKNT run moil E. C. MOOSE HOLD ELECTION Th annual nio-linjc of thp l.oyal Or i! r "f Moo" of i:,it f'hu'dg-n, lodp No. '.f.6. n hld st 11fl!cuA' ha n.(u r ! - fr iRt cen:nR. i nr r was a trridari' anH :he foilowmg- Pii lntor- fnor l.en M ' 'orjnai.k. : Ip.-i5or l.eonnr.l FiirnJ. !'! 'ji ! ). H. fnn.-iim, T'Ti"iirFr i i-o-clf ft.Ml , v:1 Coh.-n. Triil -I- ilbni ) I Ir-r h- 1-1. 3 yrats; J. K .Schwai-t.:, . "'! . iiiiam N-l!t.. 1 'r. If!(R:r 1.. ConifnUcii-U. p. Run on HKt. - W lUiam n-ihprt. fip'TPtary P. J. i!oior, haviriK rejusn rrt on iiitoiiiH of "iihsi ni,-n n jf,, j s rmv sio cet r by ih elpction of David Earn. NEW FUElTyaRDS FOR E. CHICAGO SHTPriXG AXD SHIP HUILI)IX(; IS FVIA, SWING IX CANADI AN Mi:T!I( POI,IS -7- t IK 1 1 ; t ' ' 1 . ' f r U .-. r F4 "M' M hou !l ill' v i ; t'. oil pr".n- l-hone- li.'T.M. Illd. r-u-tr l-!lO!U Th I'nion (')! and Supplv inmpany has 'iikhbM Architect Karl Norris to prepare plan for jt?t I.ijiMjn; rd yrd. j to ho iooa:-d at and Nortluotr.. ! Tin concern, purchased from AValicr ! 'in i;iMie '1 room: young i Sohl of llanonond. Jus cement block him-t " - joiiiin ""ii-s. mi ,.,,-. ... 148lh ntlil lailrn-.l 1 '1? f 1 t r !4 f i fx S i ;'-vi 1 M I TV, r 1 KM! Yuri Ruren 50. 1 . . ' 1 .'.tl M.iro.iu-.r.d. 3-l-2 ro!U """l,!.v :,lrrl" nd ccjnnt lil.u k, 7-;- . ifacinry be located at tln Math; r.f.N 1 f ront room: e.u , . inn xx'lfeMt H AVTL'li lAierwncoi c':erk , - ;.,-. .; can rumiMi ' , . 1 : - i r- t . A 1 11 i 1 . V1. ..: an: S : p n", ! a ! 1 !'v:l Oar t'o. Hi i one fcr- l;s A - 1! vv-VNTtD A'.l lomid n;ai ni nia- i r.'tiit'x htip. r. lUtr.niond Macrt-r.f r..rK- Work.". -' W:;Co, Mt. I'hoti" 4 . !t . H.lJiiruct. WANTED At on. e, ex perienced grocery sales ladies; Experienced grocery order packers. Apply in person to V. D. Lovccron, Lion Store Grocery. 13-tf WANTED Experienced car repair piecework checker: steady work with rood pay. Apply The Cuda hy He fri aerator Line, East Chicago, Iml. " J W WTKP D; ' T 'or 'r,r,d''v trut e; ,- m und"rs.-!ld V- r.i Truck; - -ed r.."i rr -fetr'-.l. WhtM'is; !rv Oo. Vh it m it. Ind. M' NTF.O r-.-r 't.. Ti'hr for En'.is;: ." r. vr. 2 to 4 t'heuriR e pt. fTan-.n ond. 3-13-S fcr: ooi wag"- p"" . . ilnril r orcionn. i m k- -San ?- I. '". I. KV. :i- i i i ' i : s a i : -- . ... .. i c;i i : ; .1 1 W ', '... K-v-. 1 i ... :, n . nn . .. 'i:iro 7 . s. i K-hnin n M r-i--od. I'Oi: SAJK- ."i-'j f. N co'e :!ii ! t . en a' onci'. 4;.-.:i .,nt': caK'. . a i :o f. lor. i id 1 !. !. :r.;i ii ; , To:. i'.NSr.. U'ir.- i ( '! t t I'M ! .' llti bl.1 1 .onlUman 1 f i i 1 T4KMi .:. 'E. ClicB'o. 3 -1 3 -3 j ' ' 1 Principal promoter ti'C I1KNT- l"nrnihed rooms for licit Sziia f i one f of the new vtn - i'.ouseke.'i'iiifc. ' tmmorid. lH rintrrner M - Van 'ill!' 1 In!. j:. o-. North- ! J' ri RENT Vewlv furnisl,r.J rooni.v .'chc-an if tnk-i r'r m1,'i ni"i l,r- Aa!cn Tlotr'. ire ase; K. t'l.i- j ftate t. itammond. ' i 1 , . , yon KENT -Large front room ftirnixlf S A l.K---Tv o st.iri frnif imnv it ": modern con rtiu: nof. rtiitnbie for ri -. i.Hi';;i,:i it' j... Id hi oti-e. In fit 4 1 Kr:nK ae. EitSt Chicaito. 1 or 2. o Ktmiiach ae. 1'hone Hamtnoiii! 122.M. 3-M-tf -1 . FCIt S UK - I!;.;.- k H I Dwncitie. li!.; No. 1 kvcMM Tr i.Hi.lerts f for . fn -l !' or i!ia'-.ufcurinF plant: :'or c3..!i i : r'o:- ou a medmtn yizd farri:. K,,r i.-i rt 1 1- : l.i i 5 n.idn M v I H. C. r'i.-;,.. rnticct-n. HI. 3-13-2! I't'!'. l;i;NT lurmshed beriud riwns. ;2i' 14;.th t. E. Chicaso. C-14-1 Wanted to Buy For. Tec o'i.-l Ft F : s H..V. oc...i,d wa n 5 .vi.r: . l' . ,!.!: : fi. ! K n M. will sivp (I .!..-r- it;e m riC'U buiid. Te'. .33! THE STANLEY HOTEL AND BATHS eW hoie :n run. Mrt3rn in every w n c. Rate, $100 T,.,.i i, Kio-i' - j and up. Rootn with TueUih Bn'h for ;',., 'ii " i 7 I men. $1.30 and up. Oi n iav and nigrht. p. m. SOiJ Washington &t. Gary. Ind one 531. 2-21-tf ''xi w ocd and j ? ,f . l and taki part;- who Hannnorid. " 1 'i r. ? h Apply, liary V- lu C r: ior. ;m1 AVI'-L BK G1A-.EN to each of ?e -,.i-,.n) bova who vi;l d:H-r ccp.e" of the Curti puolK'tMor.s to ow k,'..'!!.. n;i:y -h,x.:!"v,-,-T! s""l ws-ilv and arrbition--ne..1 PP !t. .... m addition to rat cah pro.i -...I .r-v o-hf-r aHHttKC- Ali':V to o, u-.-r I":t2K-ra!1. " ;-4 -. ,v.orti I?i:Ct:n 14-1 ,' A NTEI' Rci vnsnnins cicm Acp'v A. M. leAVeese i R.i . H.-iiumond t .a rv Alton i. M4-tf a LFSUEN Wanted in every town :n Lake county. Apply. R-cha-dson. 110 K-:t National Rank Rldg. Hamrnopd. o -1 4-t . . -w - i e Wanted Female Help -HF ?t'I.ET HOTEL AND RAT 113 " Modem m 'n' wv., .Kaw. ,r: no. Uoor.i with Turkish Ba.h .ot ni.., ti 5a and up. Open day and tugnl. I adiej.-"' hatha open from 3 a. 'r-' , iri.i wanhinrion si- dury. inn. ; 1 . :i-t f GIRLS .v-:FNTT K A 1 I OR Y EAirLOY MENT CoN'l.TIN.i I.ARriKLY OF -TNM1AT WORK. rr.'iM op--n s lie-ween tM age? of IS and Xo .11 ai con-mion. .-i.... work for those wishing ta . .x r hi oMirri 11 11 : t ". '- -ir-uricnto or bnns 'h' TP ,,' ,.eve.n t Factorv Employment Of e The Goodvcar Tire & Rubber o., c o'-r ;; 'ai. Aic'it, Ohio. 1,- V t-T-i I' sirl for BT.-neral : ' - f 1 I ... ' H L l 1 .1. isfwork i'l.'TI 170 am n. 1". Hale. Last. t"hioti(.i. 1 K5 Roaoon. ' NTFr Girl. E"f-rl I' oi; sei ork. Ap r.! . 'Pharmacy. 13Tth nl to. ind. iisr. o-j--.. a r - ANTED A vounu lady to learn nurs- t. . Sawver Maternity Hospital. 2bU W ts' loth ave. Gary. Fhono 3721. 'A ANTED G:: !iict have cc ' v. Hammond. m"it he IS eac, and " ate. I;e.d Murdoch WANTED W'orrnr, to wor in ..a"r,o: neadv pof.'tion. Apply at .,! e o. M;ns Co. Hammond L 3 ff e- 5-13-3 N'TEP Experienced Rirl for pert e -at h.vic.vork: good talar . 4'".il Barms : F.. ''hi' ago. r.-i 3- 4 V. A NT ED Experienced waitnf (: " a '.. n Hate ne. nd . Wa ;ne 3-1 3-2 WANTED S.'i-tibwomati; SI 2 per week. -n W'et'-ter ave. lianimond. '"" " 3-13-tf WANTED Ten Girls Central Ry. Signal Com pany, Hammond. 14-3 w , : ;XK1 2 dihwaherJ. Mark Mtg. i pri'anrsn- Phone Ind. Ifarbor. H Local I?. 3-14-3 AVA N'T El 1 rirrnff loom ru t. S'ern- Vrt's Krfta' .3313 Michigan v ln-i liar. 3-14-.; Situations Wanted. ANTED POSITION Rv a vosjnar lad" enosra pher and bookkeeper: hc- ,,,,,er. Phone Hammond .32'3. lUni orid. 3-13-2 Lost and Found T Sma)l al'm'or piirsa on Ifoh ian t.. rcptainitiit hill and small i.fiC reward. Return 4 33 2 Magoun Phone 44SAA". E. i'h,. npo. 2-13-2 1 '.-T Pute on E chicaso cai. or bet. ink ley a ve. and Price piac--; n.numf nj; and money. Reward: ic'urii. Mr. I'd Scott. 686 Price l.lace. Hainniwnd. 3-1 1-2 j.osT Yoiingr do, nbotr. 10 n.i.nth old. 1-roAvn lor.x hair3, white ritiir around ne. k: return 1o 473 RaritiR a ve. Ka-it hicseo and receive reward. 3-14-2 J.OST Rot. Majentic Restaurant wnd Sf 2 Ilohman t.. black pur contairinR cjsmco lavel'ier: reward. Return Times 0T.-3 or il Hohrran St.. Hammond. 3-14-1 0-7 Eyerlaffe 7a-t 5unda-: finder please return to 255 Truman ate. Phone S7!M. Hammond. 3-11-1 For Rent HERE IS AN EASY SELLER "To m.'.ke some ery e.i?v money. A : 1 "'Tsp'-oi emert raid in fu'l. A"er- cood 7 riinji boue on ."fi fr.: J huiit of and frame. Furnace heat' j f'f-r. and ra fixture: rood a?jo. Also i eoot 4 i-ooin house rear or tor brinrmc ren'al. Yard in f ne. jhap with s-v. -! t r-c. Totsi rental $? p.r !;,o. t an be bv.-icht .n a', erms iMid is a v. n.r r. If i";eie?-ie,j ln th; k nd of a prop. -sit ion please don t dt:av for 1; 1 a sure seJVr. Phone no or tj-?. Seal latata In All Ita Bracchts. ' G-ostlin, Meyn & Co. Prate an-1 Ilohman . Iiammond. WANT TO R 1." Y 2 sow with piRS: atate age and price. N. T Z. Times. Hum mend. 3-l-tf U AN'TKli A (rood runabout or touting cnr. Ptandard make and in good con diticn: state best price. M. H . Time Hammond. 3-13-3 eod LIBERTY LOAN MEETING AT GARY TODAY I - t Organization worker for 1 he thud' Libertj loan were 1,1 t Ihi after noon at Gar;.- Commercial lub. This : evenins they ie laied to dine at the T. M. A. when Oliicapo and Ensli.-h speaker are to make addrce. U hilc 110 official information is to b- ' had it is believed ih the thi.i lorn i will ohlie Lake county to raise much this time as it. did in two ires 1-; ous loans. That would he between $7.-' 000. 'too and $.000.00rt. Chairman H G. ' Hay, jr.. will preside at both gatherings. 1 I ; . I i. v. I S,.- : . . ..,:-..'- . -.. L.- " -..r -i - ' HLsf..: ' oi y. ' :i - , r ...i V k. 1s'.- . f -' .-i.'. r AfomBf a l 4e-v W-r ? rffONT o.-sc ,- SV-l't- WANTED S oung lirht Rreniens and a rooster, or any other jcood layers: nlo g pair of pigeons, good blenders; state best price. M 11. Time. Ham nond. 3-13-2 aod For Sale Motorcycles. 1 4-1 GARY BREAD WAR BROUGHT TO CLOSE j Rakers of Gary and repreeniai ive ; of Chicago bread factories attended a ; food administration rr.d't ot Commercial I club, Gar. last nisM wh'ri Roy G, Parry, deputy county food s dir. i r. i' 1 a - ; tor ;n charge of the ste.; t!ty district I dctincd Hoover's regulations. One teu!t of the meeting w a. the a c quiesenre of t'hnago bakers. to ceae cutting: price in Gary. Manipulation or ' bread price? i forbidden end Gary bak ers had complained. Administrator' Parry threatened to seize Chicago stocks but last nifrht 'rv thing- turned! out in apple pie order. Who wouid thyr.k of finding a busy i Pacific Kailway, an-1 was han&ed with conjpiirativ seaport one thousand miles from the' with little or no conception. This was thanks to t!i" o!-i sea? Canada, that land of marvf 1-; accomp.lished through a co-operative . maintained !.y Iv-i'Sun-i. l- -. j 7:t;: . j i v - arrangement. The representatives I to the creat K"-in '"' othvr os development, has one it : Gf all transoortation lines met in ! products of tho frufui !'r.: -ne Prcv- -4vu.i, jut mcuvvwiia. i.uj.t, ou conierence itn iMor.rreai s Jiarooxir mQcs ma:-. For Sale Miscellaneous ! s FOR .SALE Fr redeem.-; dtaroni! and I ra.Iroad wa'cheh. i,OSaer's ReliaH'e i Loan Ran!:, si slate t., Hammond! Opn evenings. 4 J2 tf j 2ND HAND MOTORCYCLES. Ev-e!or. Henderson. Indi.n. Harlcy. r.n.lem Thor Ya.e. Eagle. Sea rs. I'ope Dayton. Moiorhike, Exelsor ?:t::v ,v,. con says this EXCELSIOR AUTOCAR SALXS f IOOH. sn :-.t ,--:!': t.'JT lsiana oi Aiontreai mat nits Mount - commission arid alter discussion oe- ter and enc-e-o are ct. ' :r-qr-; Koyal where the waters of the prreat cided that CSO cars of ex-port freight : a steady stream to feo.i ti e bene . St. Lawrerce and Ottawa rivers : f.hould be delivered daily by th millions of Europe and our httta, :. -f - ,j' M. TKi ' lines, the Commi ssi one r undertak- oversoas. pnele its sita js admirable. This in(f to handlo lhat amount without This of sh:rr. mea narks the head of ocean navisration ; congestion. This they have done ' tmcc-asinp activi-v iti tiio o.ovators. and here the great oceancrossiD$; successfully. warcho':.-,o and .Mtuitreai'? ships meet the lake and river boats. Because of secrecy entailed by the j waterfront. It ha z'r.-r. -in ad j.- : The cargoes brought from the west war, little has been heard concerning '. stimulus- to C i "c. tne ;:!; by boat and rail are transferred to movements of vessels and it will sur-,' output of ono ' rrn t--ir-r sur me ocean carriers and start on their way t prise many to learn that 647 ocean for the A i ;c errrier.t.: i to faraway ports hy an initial voy-' vessels came into Montreal harbour ' steel trawler h-tiis. an-i i'-'tniied mur age down the michty St. Lawrence, during 1917. Naturnlfr. passenger : rlied toiiers arm tns'.-t -nv-rv; e st"-i thirty feet deep at this point. 'travel has been creatly curtailed. ; trpwler h;:!- ?":r'-;-G: -c ) bo.J.T During 1917 Montreal witnessed i The war shoves continental travel : and niacin, ry. :!K v. r. drifter the sailing away from her wharves! out of the question and demands all' hulls; .nstai!- u m:ictiiri; v nrej r.-.til-r-i of more than sixty-five million bush- available ship space for the trans-i in I drifters; iu;i;c :.vnu l.i-:ri.-reii oris e Iz of grain. Over two-thirds c this ; port of supplies. These have been ; 7,Ut)-tca -a.-co rsoat: do- i-.-.: nd f grain came into Montreal by rail, coing forward in enormous quaa paired 30 vessels. a crt:jituij sfccw chiefly oq the tracks of the Canadian ( titicu and landed on the other side i ins. IS THE LIMIT 223 Slate St. Phone Hammond 3-14-3 1 Wanted To Rent. ... ... T " 1 ' V A J l.MI .vj.. , rapu. phone 465R. U im I ' "to ,,dv with bedroom set. Phone 4?1. Hammond. o-13-3 :NT Furnished l.grht oartment: mus' be od neighborhood. Thcne lot. MA.M.EY HOTEL AND BATHS -Modern in every way. liatcs. 1 00 ,.-. VTr , , to HE and up. Room with Turkish Rath for "i, i -leeniosr at nun. 1. 50 and up. open da v and nirht ,J' ''il P E . fJ Ladies- baths open from a. A to "I" tifl-vv m-. AVahingion t. Gary. TnV I Hattimor.d 1lt.,N. Contractors and Builders. Asphalt Shingles. $2 :,0 up. Aspha'r Rooi::ng, fl uo. 11'" 1 Paint. 25c per tea I Em:! Minn?, t-.12-6l4 Oakiev a-, e. rhons 2205. Iie-nionce. phon 2467 itammond. . 2-21-tf I WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 light house- v -n . r rooms. tn nam. -vu1" - - lei. I f. Y. Times. Hammond. -1 4-3 LEGAL NOTICES. Cortiehu Rurr. proprietor of a woik ing mens liote at Calumet avenue and 15'"th treet. cut hi suspendrs and; went through the ceiling this a'ternoon. figuratively sprakinc. The cause of Mr. Rurnt' excitement could be yeen and smelled. First came ! a ci'y dump cart with a load of hes which were deposited next to his hotel Then followed a load of jarhage. "It's right under my window." ex p:ained Burns. East Chicago Her People and Occurences i (Continued from Pace Jmx) e - Mr. ami Mis. Me; ju.-I Mrs. Dale Flick .g t!.. c.-mmn'c'-" -o?-L-er fe r ill, Umill... , i i 1 - ' " ' ' ' " I - ' "u,"""Bl"',vu resented t this a ff or M r. Rums w a for the S and a prominent demociat the i to the pub! u: de dance and n the eel lent cause. Stephens and Mi. inger arc direc'i lit -r. Aluch disappoint -n p be. ri' k's ilai. which. lli: vcar Pundav . Toe q'i' "i arr."' .-epir.g bt foro or toe ,ja jf-i e. ii.l-ad of ft.iii'i.iv, winch it realiv oi-'.''.' To the 'fi'inj'ic clci-gy are tjii. the Lenten ban canr..t be L nten rults he viola'e.j b.c f ti'i" Ciiih. Tie I.- nten y. : i li'.'-iiii: and tiieri pien-y t.r :i'ii r-'. i 'lose v. hn .'i'l'i.d o. ."jv on . 'Ti tr-.- r t. . b- ' i : e . ' : ;ne i. r..:i'- tii.-lt ri-.i. ,.! , oi 'rip. rs ti is fas: o- nwy h he r t. sah tCKii-ar; . d a ' -. i i.' ''( n .- ,. ' : ;i iid t a -i .-: ml a- . ,j . i: . :i y 1 l.-il ; no --. e Ofej.l,.r :;c- ' iiiiiiHti'tf d .h::i1 (;-.r-i;,, i. r.f !. , buivri. 1'c'u i.-- ii..! ;i pa.r'"i o -v .v.i.'P ,ri the pat i!.. T.-1 sk'ii.-n t s will i HI . if.t i.-n to the pub- ' f:d. e ex- Sealed proposals vwill be received by j If .-.our business should he hurt some, pressed bv tomv i tl t hy V."ar-?avjngs it may be a cress. .-, i g r,,v.!, tl-n.L-t of the 1 ifv i l-soaitl I ... Itna ee.-,.. f !,.. vr ihmwomi, iniii. . ui ......... , i coal to the Hammond Pumping S'ation ! for the jear from May 1. 1!IS to May l1!. Paid pi-opoa' o ne openeo but 1 plp ibt the harm cf lifted in due r'fog; . r. t has r; "t hern li nKF.PL R o pipe breed Rar. Rock and Ruff Orph :?!! on.. Rreed o It. Egg. .r ettitig, $1.2.1 pr 1 .3. Addtet E. VA o. ,d Poo 1 r,- l-'o,-!,, 1 .-..,.'1 TJ ... box ,.. , w ; .. " ' fl Mh,,,, 5S. , lrt I l.'if4mgyaMaa I't'R .SALE F't Owtl'l-. 2113 ; .1 InTUire or' I A. M ltid. ilarhor. I i r -. Hi'- ' . . certif.ed check for S100.00 mut accom- t'JR SALE Main Sire.-r (,aige. Ho-' hart. Ind.. ii" hiding all rooin. stock! v' 'S Kas pump, on pump, air nuinn I rk of the Water Department. A The panv each and every proposal Roard reserves the li&hl to rtjeft any) or Z touring cars. Prlc- rich w-trh c-.-,,,h and a,! Dicis. i reasons for seiimg. l. i;. i-,:iS t;.. s' 1 3-13 FOR ? a LE APT ;v, tt Indiana Harbor. heap. iri(i-eCK. incubator, i i'hone 1 35. 3-9-4 ' j OHAS. LUTILMAN. V. C. I TO PM ANN, o. K. HrOIILAND. Eoard of Public W.?ikt. Mar- h 14 FOR PALE Young- maple arid tree. k. Kuty.ha-'li, Hidge r'hor.e. Uanter 4r',i. NOTICE TO NOV-PvESIDEN'T, FOR SALE- i !! or rttai mono. ry cheap; whole. .". v i te'ey t. Ham- I 2-1 1 - FOR AT.E Raby ee.ndit ton. t 'a 1! Ao. E. (.Iitcago.- car-ige jn hursdav. A!. a FOR SALE Ral 'fition; sail 1 m mond. t"n,l con P'a en 1 r -,,! 3-ll-5;THE STATE OF INDIANA. MKE enMl. i.n jur. i,.iir. i-i.1.. i. Tr.n CO CRT. MARCH: TERM. 191S. TODOA' AVOZMIWOSKT 'l! ELIZA RETH DWELL Y AND WILLIAM T. DWELLY. CAUSE NO. 1T0!4. Ar-TTON TO FORECLOSE MORT GAGE. Now come th Plaintiff bv GilXf i i -d i apt. . 1 I a i inner ur Tlt, i i her rer a ' ti'ti'i s. and files his complaint! ' ; IP-p.,n, together -w i'.h an affidavit of j OpeCial UaSil Bargain. i competent person, shov ins that the d-i- - , i I . " ' fendant. Elizabeth Dwell y and William .11 Kil Wlll. -r ryweiiy. her husband, are no longer Klf'cjnc Laillp With Sliadc, residents of the State of Indiana. eoti-m el c. . n ,. !. ff Said flerennanr urn mcreiore i.ern Omplr1o: WtiVXh for min, f JhP pfndf,y of said action ?4.00 (ollO 'lll"). Haillinolltl ' arid that the same wi'l stand for trial) Film ( ''4 K St'if i. 1 t-l : at He ,,ex- 'erm of -aid Court, and that ii. . ., " l j. i I ill'.. (unless they appear and answer or de- t rn5" j nrar therein, st.the calling- of said cause. 3-1 CI 'on the 20th day of May. A. D. 131 S. the - i atne hoing the 7th day of the next term r 12 bedrooms. ! .e ....j .-, h hunm n,4 lelrl in R SALE Auto acrenri. 1"2 H -hnian si. Hunu-.ortd FOR SALE F'.irr.i'ure i cheap if taken ;1 1 one Drut.-.n.ond sr. Ind. Ha r. ' ! of For SaleAutomobiles. I O R PA I ,E 1 r' 1 7 Fo rd condirion: rea-iriahie Hah, Room ?! 1- Nat t "r.ii ao. FOR SALE Motor truck, express body. Phone HOTD, 204 State street. 3. t4.- j the Court House. Room No. 2 at Hm- ! mond. said County and State on 'he 2nd Monday of Mav, A. D. 19!S. said action will be heard and determined in their abcerice. IN WITNF.SS A HEREOF. T bereunto is.t my hand and affix the Peal of raid Court, a' Hammond, this 14th day of March. A. D RMC. HERBERT L. AV HE A TON", P.y Clerk L.. . c. j p.OSOOE HEMPTOCK. Deputy Clerk, j Mar 14-21-21- . j til-ilia rat-. AI e fr (;. p. bk. Iildy . E. 3-S-tJ .3 - 1 3 - w FOR SLE-;e, .-, Rood i-.inn'.nc orde t : Oife-r. I'hoi e lit? . .q i 'a d ila c ra r : make me a cash FOR S A LR Stands :d make late J p t 7 i. utine ear; t 'out ironta 1 motor 545 H'llitlian St. I !a "n nn 'id. -14-3 FOR SALE 5 na' starter and ligh' 4 "1 ; l-'dr i he a e. Ch ica ro. . 'i;4 3 me r s : A I h l". Phone 72.l. Six: J 5 Fas' 1-14-2 Miscellaneous PIANO LESSONS Rcfrlnners or advanc ed pupi!: adult. or children. Geo. G. Green. 11 It im bach are I- h"ni Ham mond 22D5. 3-11-6 CO CRT A TN" LACNDPIED 35c pa-r. Phone Hammond 1124W. ' rer 14-2 There's no false modesty about this want ad page. $INo legitimate propo sition need hesitate to launch forth to find a THE STANLEY HOTEL AND BATHS -Modern in every way. Rate, ji.oo nd tip. Room with Turkish Rath for men, $1.50 and up. Orti dav and nijrnt. Ladie' hath open from 9 a. ti. to ! p. m. ol AVashinarton st. .;arv. Ind. Phone 531. 2-2 i-T FOTt RENT rrivaie tmr-t-e. suiiahle for 2 car also jueely fi!viiiheel fiorii rrm for 2 2 1 hii t. Phone 2191. Hammond. SCPERINTFNrENTS, Eoretnon '" rPCnflTICP Bookkeepers. Meet the hiith cost of t i vioJLVJI i.ii:pi. iiii. rn ?H jtiir rarmimn in '"ti spar time. Learn how. Applv Richard son. 110 First National Bank Bid. Ham mond. 3-14-6 DENTISTRY Tn exchanjr for laundry, furniture, paintlnjr, plumbing, carp enter wni li ete. Painless Rex, 9 I. Ion Store Rik. Hammond. 3-14-1 For Sale Horses and Cattle fNeed not even sign your name or address. This office receives and holds replies for you. T V Maim, TL. . Ncil. SSSSrBZu-issjfc!!! 1 IT A. ill V"? -f T 't? p THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan $695.00 N Under TIMES' Cross ST " 71" m TT " Auspices FOt; PALE Red i creed while spin male :: f"u iitoit'ha old. Inquire fti i Aii-v i. AA'hiiiiig, Ind. 3-9-J- cars: US. To show their patriotism anl practice conserva tion the owners' of high priced fiirs are dispensing with the use of them during the war and arc Imi ingonn of the several makes of a FORD a Sedan, Coupclet. Touring or Roadster. Comfort, greatest economy, lasting durability, smallest upkeep, and greatest mileage. Wo -an best conserve your interests by asking your early inspection of these models on our salesroom 1'Ioov. Sedans .... (i!to.on Coupelets .... rd().0-) Toming .... Fio.en Chassis .... tOO.ou Roadster .... F'M.OO The Original 1-Ton Ford Truck tJOO.O' Oinmercial Cars for Every Jurpose. For your convenience we. will accept your nego tiable paper in payment of any car, or arrange for time payments. Bunnell Auto Sales Co. Hammond Gary East Chicago. All F. O. B. Factory. 508 Hohman St. Phone 650 Hammond Phone 1470 Gary. 1-P f" ! "' U 1 ftiii m n r XT XL Hammond, Indiana i-i is t "guts L"- Tiies- March 8 P. M. 19th William G. Shepherd, famous United Press War Cor respondent on all European war fronts. The most striking storv of war from a trained reporter's actual view. I'.wwtr 5 A three-year story of Ger man horrors in seeking world domination. Admission, 50c. Tickets on Sale, ZZ32Z r la---- t-f r.5i, iw ugM, e.e m.-j