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Page Fourteen THE TIMES. Thtirsdav, March 14. PJlS. Double Stamps Friday All Day Saturday untilnoon Monday All Day SALE DAYS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY A SUPERB SHOWING OF THE Foremost Dresses for Spring American designers have done themselves proud in our assemblage of new dresses. The originizations as.well as the Americanization of the foremost Paris models are ideal to behold, and they are all repro duced in fabrics of fashion at prices that will greatly enhance the reputation of our anparel section as "the place for values." Women and Misses' FROCKS $25.00 to $45.00 (Jowns that arc strictly original and having an individuality, (jeor gcttes. Satins and Taffeta?!, such wonderful soft draperies and tun ics, a newness in the style of bodices, and the hand embroidery lends a most charming effect. 9 Georgette Frocks $22.50 Also Taffetas and the Silk Ging hams, and the price is most un usual. They come in all the new colorings and they have all the new style features. Stylish Stouts For Women Whether a Suit. Coat. Frock or a. Skirt, we are glad to announce spe cial attention has been stylish garments, up to size 52 mm w WW OpeningSpecial $14.50 Of smartly tailored Serges, skirts have pointed tunics, some braid trimmed in navy., black and tan. The price of these dresses anvwharc would be $18. riven to New Blouses for Spring Par Excellence There is a collection so large and beautiful that it is well nigh bewildering. These lin- I gerie, voile and georgette blouses eloquently exjreessmg every new note of style. Exquisite Blouses $6.50 Sl'J.50 Xaturally the return to favor of t he suit de mands pretty blouses ;nul tlio are. the nvot- u j j ta tiest for many sea sons. ieorge cmbroid- eroA w ith silk or pitld thread, novel stvJc eeves and the new roll collars are verv in evidence. Exrta Size Blouses $5.00 to $12.50 Georgette and Crepe dc Chene with as much niflit as could be, prettily embroidered or beaded. Blouses $5.50 T hese are Opening Week Specials and in clude Georgette and Crepe de Chene; these fi in tea rose, iineriy blue aiid sea foam are the new colors; haud- somelv beaded, some- T ;' , Vfe'i collars; all sizes. 1 1 m xr-.-j.;.-i ii- Ami,' si I' i it hi i it ii rt fc, . . i K!! IN. jA nuich j I . ..... t-v r--M OPENING FFERINGS Soap 10 bars reefs Crystal White Soar, for i (Limit 10 bars.) Sunmald Raisins Two packages Sunmaid Kaia ins, freshly needed, for (Limit two packages.) 1 1 1 ! ,11 . H, Ml i till , n i fi , 1 u Springtime Neckwear The latest and the loveliest, the daintiness, beauty and style of early Spring Xcckwear is proverbial, but this year exquisite colorings appear that brighten its charm more than ever the soft pastel shades that match yTrN or contrast vrith Spring froi'ks or suits make the . . . I . i i i I r-i"'ik'H, m smartness, uur large j ri-l 5" assortment i n 1 u d e s ! novelties that Jiave in- t '.(iXAff dividualitv and s t v 1 e .V R71 .'r-T? that women will fofnv ! ; ; -I'A a -.essing 2.50 down to 5 1 1 f . .-f . - v A ' , ' Child's Shoes Tatent leather button with white kid or black cloth tops, sizes 3 to S, -worth J!.1. Special at 1.10 Dining Chair Golden oak finish, wood seat, wirh medium high back, $T.., value. On sale at- Khaki Yam Khaki worsted knitting yarn, good and serviceable, larK skein. Special per skein - 57c Children's Creepers Fine quality white pique, stamped ready to embroider; sizes 2 and 4. Special for 68c Curtain Scrim White, cream and natural colors, "6 inches wide, open work bor(kr, 15c value. TVr yard 9c Scrim Curtains Jn white or natural colors. "6 Inches wide, 2li yards long, lac trimmed edge, value $1.25. Per pair 59c Men's Hose Fine lisle and silk fiber Hose, reinforced heels and toes, various shades, 35c values. Spring Opening Special at 20c HAMMOND'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. STUNNING STYLES IN Tailored Suits For Spring The autocrat of all Spring outer apparel the Tailored Suit is shown here in a variety of the most fashionable styles. The severe lines dictated by national spirit have been wonderfully assimilated in the grace that makes these suits distinguished. The coats represent all the newest ideas and in every instance practically looms up large. We know you will be delighted to see our displays. I. ' I.I . tm. . . " l . I Ever Fashionable Suit $35.00 to $50.00 Of Poirot Twills. Velours and Sorpes, and the extremely bcconiini: styles are sufficient assurance of the favor all suits will enjoy. You may choose the pony jacket, or the longer one; skirts plain or tunic. .Braid trim is found on many and rows of buttons on practically all. Suits $24.50 to $34.50 Wonderful values in plain tailored Serges, also Checks and novelties. Vest effects are among the clever new features. ; i f i MILLINERY OF THE MOMENT The most authentic fashionable mod els are displayed here in admirable array. You will iind this collection prolific of expiesshm of the style ideas you like best. Simply impos sible to adequately describe here our 'assemblage s vast and beautiful. The models are creations by our own experts as well as designs adopted from shops in New York. H '. 1 $5.00 o $15.00 m - r. .nv It cJ y1 K V fTTfr1 r (- f i t ? 4 THE BEAUTIFUL SPRING Coats That Merit Inspection They should win your approval, too, by their general attractiveness and desirability. The colorings of Spring: Pekin, Lettuce Green and Rookie, are as charming as the styles are different. Many novel ideas are here. Ultra Fashionable COATS $25.00 Nothing tailors so beautifully and proves it by appearance as the Covert Cloth. These semi box styles, the only trimming be ing large, handsome pearl but tons. Very Interesting Groupe of Coats $25 to $35 Vclour Cloth, Silvertone, Jersey Cloth and Gabardine. They are in biege. rookie, American beau ty, besides the staple colors, and are most attractive. Combina collars and trim, all smart, youth ful lines. Silk Wraps 836.50 A new fabric. Silk Xricotine, most serviceable in the greys and and new blues; large collars and the sash belt. Ik i Military Style $35.00 Or Trench Coat, as many call them, are the height of fashion. These arc made of regulation army cloth, highly tailored. Smart for. general and utility wear, with and without cape.' OPENING FFERINGS Ladies' Hose Highly mercerized, hemmed top, double heel nnd sole, black, white, pretty Palm Beach, tan and bronze; all sizes, all perfect weave; 5?c quality. Tair 39c Silk Poplin ' ."(j inches wide, street and evening shades, bright lus trous finish, sell everywhere for $1.". Ter yard 63c Silk Gloves For wonin. two elassi, dou ble f;nger tips, self and con trasting embroidered backs, white, black and navy; worth 7c: Per pair 57c Georgette Crepe Collars For w omen, round and square shapes, sailor and shawl styles, trimmed with dainty lace; values to 63c. Each 38c Georgette Blouses Also Crepe de Chene, with satin collars, hand embroid eries, beautiful colorings, as coral, maize, flesh and white: ?5.0 blouses for-"- $3.95 Silk Petticoats All Taffeta?, also Jerseys with mcssaline flounce, ad justable waist bands, assort ed colors. al.?o changeable?. Special at 1.96 Boys' Blouses New Spring patterns, stand ard makes, in plain white or fancies; sizes 6 to 16; 03c values. Spring Opening spe cial at 45c Jetum Jetum The great hat dye, makes old hats new, 25e bottle very spe cial at 17c Step Ladder Step Ladder 5 ft. size, with bucket shelf, made of clear wood, $1.20 val us, special ........ 75 Clothes Line Clothes Line 50 foot, .hank, good' and strong, well braided, 20c value, eial 12loC VRit" "Kit" Washes and dyes instantly in one op eration, iOc special at . . pkg. verv . . . . . .6 These Special Offerings are on Sale Friday, Saturday and Monday. We Reserve file Right to Limit Quantities. New Footwear Fashions That are in perfect harmony with the fore most apparel fashions, the smart graceful lines for this Spring. We have a fulL range of all that is desirable and beautiful in the new correct footwear. , mi i, ;,,-i. k -'.siji-w jiiiu dun l.hl;- Toney Red Boot 6.85 This pretty boot has Jt-t.z, v ' .;-Mtop, nflfde on the V'-SSS11 11K,doli : stock 'nV $&S2&a Dark Tan Boot $5.35 Several classy styles arc in stock at this price; Eng lish model and c!o:h tops, Goodvear welt sewed soles. Field Mouse Color Boot J. & T. Cousins make, has buck quarter with leather full breasted Freii'-h heels, a very high crrade model; in- stock AAA to 1). Prh-cd at $14.50 Other Cousins Boots at $9.50 to $13.50. . Light and Dark Grey Boots $7.50 and $7.95 If you wish a pair of grey boots we have them, all leather or cloth tops, low and high heel models, sizes and widths to lit you. Black. Kid Lace Boots In all the wanted models, cloth. or all leather. Priced S5.00 to 88.75 Childrens Fancy Dress Shoes ey models, solid colors V' and two-tone effects: i . sizes i to 8 j M : Semi-Annual Silk Sale Continues Friday and Saturday Georgette Crene. tlm cd ; Fancy Silk, rG inches wide, consisting of the new stripes and plaids in light and dark col orings, taffeta and messaline weaves. "Per yard 97 Black Tafetta all silk, ; (Jinches wide, bright chiffon finish, K,i-fcct weave. Yard.. 1.17 quality that looks new after laundering, ev ery wanted color, AO inches wide. Per vard at $1.77 Tub Silk for men's shirts and women's blouses, bright rain bow stripes, '.)' inches wide. Yard. . . .$117