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Tlmrstfnv. March 14. 1913. THE TIMES. Pa ere Throo I f r.rc I .r pillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM Knitting Week March 18th to 23rd livery woman interested in knitting for the soldiers ' end Bailors should visit our knitting section main aisle. A competent teacher win be here to show you how to knit. o w5t KAUFMANN & WOLF - Hammond. Ina i Thrift Stamps On Sale at Our Office i Th'-so stamps are the best "Loan Jn- j vestment'' ever offered the American j people. You pay $4.13 for them now i and on Jan. 1, 1323, you cash them in ' for IZ. Beautiful Models for 1913 Are Now Ready for Selection Friday and Saturday March 15th and 16th, 1918 And we extend a cordial invitation to you to come i n I Thev constitute the cream nf if r-4 i 4 -m - i. W Lnac are now being shown in the foremost centers of Txey are m a wonderful variety of pretty Pokes, Turbans and Sailors, small in size and simple in line and trimming. This is your personal invitation to attend the Spring Exhibit. n 11 : J KAUFMANN & WOLf - Mam-ond ina A EE t! THE OPPORTUNITY is here to choose your Spring Suit, Coat or Dress. We have made careful preparations for this event. Stocks are now complete. If you have a particular style in mind or a certain material or a preference for color, you. will un doubtedly find it here Great care has been taken in preparing for this event and we feel quite sue that the most dis criminating taste will be satisfied. Here you will see the latest ideas of the leading designers of wom en's apparel. iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 (' " -THsiyle , 1 Style' 'Ml Ma. " W These Specials for Friday and Saturday Silk and Serge Suits Week-End Suit New Modes for Easter Priced at $23.75 Special at only $18.75 Priced at $35,00 g!i!Hilli!iii!iII!!illiHi!iIlllIiII!IM For the Spring Stroll H Mens, Womens and Childrens U New Spring Shoes are Ready H for Inspection. EE KEEN foresight and judicious buying are reflected in the display EE of Spring Footwear which awaits you here in endless variety as E to color, material, style and price we say price because, in spite EH of the rising cost of leathers, fabrics and labor, our placing of EE early orders gives us the opportunity of selling these new Spring EE models at prices comparable with almost a year ago. If only for EE style information come see this new display. T:.i Taffeta Suits ar In belted ?tyle, with fan. y ' 'Un-s f contrasting Color, they come ;n co. .mi. nnvy bine and gray. The French ?erpe -'":t! ar aio in bolted styles, rame plaited over t'n- hips. ther. with smart flared backs, braid and buttons constitute the trimmings. If you're plan ning en having a new suit for spring-, don't hesi tate to see this group whu h we of- (t g T fet for the week-cnU at JLJjiZ 5 Have Just received a number of real smart s iits which we ore offering at this fpi'cia! price. They are tailored of Delhi Cloth, French Serge and Poplin. Colors are navy biue, Ha vana brown and black; women's and mises' sizes . . $18.75 TTi. air of EaMer and Springtime Is most pleasing;;.- imbodied in this array of Spring Suits. Each ftari.ient possesses a Ftyle distinction of its own. The materials confoim closely to the demands of fashion and include Spring Velours, Delhi f'.'lotiis, Toiret Twills. Topllns and French Serges. la the group are fmart Kton suits, vestee effects, strictly tailored stilts, also embroid ered and braid trimmed suits, at '$35.00 I rag .fl ;J v" j LrfH - John Kelly Boots The Correct Styles for Spring In our Spring-Easter offerings you will find the season's authentic Myles in !):-. leatliors and patterns. V.'e want t-- .-fte-mpt to describe a few, of Die real new things. JOHN K KI-LY f'-in-ii nc boots of brown kid, long amps and narii, easy fitting toe?, Douis lieel.s. I'cr pnir SF.VKX I'RCTTy MODl"I,S ar shown in John Kelly black $11.50 in John Kelly black 1: 1 boots, 0 inch b'-nh. piuin toes, I-'llis O It f leather heeif. T'f pa.r v5lL fHVKr.AL rRKTTV MOI'd-S are shown in John Kelly Mack, kid l..J(.t. f InclKJ hiS'i. Pain toes, m gf heei-. IV r pair p C .JJ L.-ui9 leal::-- Pretty Novelties In Sherwood nntl Red Cross Boots You're going to need new boots for next funday Falm Sunday. 'Winter !. about fady to ma'e bis exit and the coming of Spring sug.te.-ts new l.,-r.t. Tlie Sherwoui andi Ud ''lops i'.n'-s offer many s'- styles. A MIGHTY SMART SlIKUWOOO Ii"T is shown at $S.OO. It la of brown kid with stitched t:p, !i mch-s high and ha Kouis heels. ANOTIinrt FMAKT BOOT is tills P-ineh U1 Crn;s iniiitaiv model with narrow whlt welt s.'les and military heels. Friceii The Favored Styles in Neiv Spring Coats The styles we are now showing include only those which have already won their way into the good graces of the Fashion Public for wear this season. We here extend a cordial invitation to come and see them. The Coats at $25.00 You Must See Them Thev exhibit the fashionable straight lines; are fitted with large collar., which can be worn up or down, and big kimono sleovce; ioi.-.ive to loriy-eignt inni lengths. Some are made of light fyl C v.e'ght velours of bright shades trimmed with a decidedly- con-SjW trasting color; other materials art? Delhi. Gabardine, French S-rp" and fancy mixtures. Colors are French blue. Havana brown, 'uak. i gray,' Fekai. Sammy and navy; splendi.1 f f value.. Triced for this sale at SjiOjUU Most Every New Style is to be Found in this $16.50 Spring Coat Sale !' 'i y wanted mater. ai, every new color and most every new style nb a is to lie found in this group of low priced coats. Women's misses' and juniors' seizes, in Delhi ''loth, French Serge and Novelty t 'hecks; semi-rilted, panel back, box back and shirred effects, with all around belts, immense collars topped with silk in contrasting shades. Colors are Quaker gray, French blue, Havana brown, burgundy, tan. mustard, strawberry. gold and navy blue. Excellent values at & 1 J hi 0 ' The New Spring Frocks 1 are Real Charming 1 Authoritative advice from those "high up" in Fashiondom EE predict a strong vogue for Dresses this season and if those EE still to come are anywhere as becoming as these, we know EE the reason why. No woman who sees these but will fall EE in love with 'them at first sight. EE Splendid Values at $25.00 1 Elegant Assortments EE ever new Spr,ng Dresses, with a tendency toward the military in :!i style and c i or. aut ful embroidered Taffetas, '.lk Ging hams, all Uenrgctt and combinations. Tunic and shirred mod els, vesteo effect?, others embroidered, many styles of belts and pof-kets. Colors are Quaker gray, bieg-e. Fekin blue, navy and old rose. The silk pia-'ds are in tans, pinks and blues; r g w's and missus' size?. Priced at :C.5t and. . j)JZ5ijJ . The Woman in Search of a mart Spring Frock --at a little price should by all means attend our week-end sale, for n op portunity like this does not present itself every day. These, charming dresses are developed of fine ;uai:ty Silk Taffeta and have Georgette sleeves; they are inthc new t itiic effect and have soft roll collars of whit satin. They are well made, at.d pe rfect fitting garments. The colors are I'ekin blue, plum. Vuakcr g:ay and navy; extraordinary, values. Triced at $16.50 U $9.50 High Boots $7.50 SHERWOOD f'-lXCH BOOTS in gray and in !, kid, lace mojels with De.uis leather heels I'er pa r $8.50 1 ill I white $9.00 Tomorrow only we offer these Herman E. Jewis tO.Z bents of black kid with Quaker gray or ivory tops, Irre models. 3 inches high with Louis heels. Per pair only Misses Shoes 7 50 W. L. Douglas Boots A very stylish new Spring boot of black kid, ! inches higii with military or Douis leather heels, of fine.' Quality leather throughout; splendid value. Tcr pair only $5.50 Smart new Spring Shoes of dull kid and patent leather. with white tops, with stitched tip: gizes 1 n ' to 2, rer pair $3.50, sizes S'.J to 11, priced at pet , ra'-r $3.00 Misses' and Children's Button Shoes made of brown calf, button style with welt sewed oles, made on foot- form last; sizes ll'j to 2, pair $3."n: siz3 'i to 11. I'air. $3.00 EE The Lion Store is now the Hammond Home of the Famous Educator Shoe for EE Men, for Boys and for Girls. See tomorroxus paper. - Introducing the New Kaho Corsets Our first shipment of the styles which were designed to conform with the lines of the Spring apparel have just arrived and are now con- j veniently displayed in our corset de. j partment. where you can see and i examine them to your heart's con- tmt. They are in high and low bust, : short and long hip fffects. back I laced. Triced at from j ..?i mm I Smart New Spring Blouses E I Boys'1 JSTeiu Spring Easter Suits That Mothers Will be Proud to See Their Sons Wear Mothers who take great pride !n keeping the appearance of their boys above the commonplace should not fall to give, thesa garments an early Inspection. They are In single and double breasters, with two and three button fronts; belts all around or only half way; close fitting waistlines and narrow shoulders; trousers In knickerb x ker style "3 pnlr." Rich looking hand finished serges, worsteds, etc.. ere included In the materials they are made up In. Sizes 6 to IS, priced at $5.98-$6.98-$8.50-$10-$12.50 $1 to $6.50 Nplendld Hlac erge Suit for Tnlm Sun- I.lttt HojV Jnnlor Xorfolk Suits Trifh lnv, nrnftt modelst sises to A mm m - ra5ght pnnts; sties S to. is. Priced nt O L .k)J 1w- rrieel nt '."$4.98 6 ....iifa. Every one new, dainty and in the most alluring styles Imaginable. Waist that will delight every one who sees them. They are made of the finest quality Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine in simple tailored styles-as well as thoEe more elaborately decorated with rretty laces and embroideries. A Special Value at $5.98 There's a number of charming new Blouses in this group. They arc made of Georgette Crepe, pre-ttlly embroidered, some are trimmed with Persian Silk, many new collar effects are shown. They come In orchid, maize, nile green, peach and white; all sizes. , Priced at $5.98 Children s Pretty Frocks Mothers should not fail to make them selves familiar with what the new styles In children's wearables are like for Spring, for they differ to a great extent from the styles of children's dresses of all previous seasons. "We would like to have you accept this In vitation to view them. Wc have pre pared several specials, At $6.98 Zl You'll also find a number of pretty Crepe do . Chine waists in flesh and whit-, at )5ti0 show a mini- of pretty styles in Organdy and Voile in a vari ety of collar designs, adorned with belts and sashes; fizes 6 to 14, excep tional values. i iMMIMNlllMir Pretty New House Dresses At $4 98 The new Spring House Dresses have Just arrived they are a splen did lot and Include a number of very pretty and attractive styles. In percale and gingham, regular and extra sizes. Priced at $1.25 to $3.98 An extra value is offered in child- ren's dresses; these are made of white i organdy in several very attractive j styles, being trimmed In lace and in- j sertion; s; 6 to H. :. !i:$!i!liiIi!l!lii!llll(iiiiiii!ll!S!i!!i!llliiiiII!!IIl!i!I!i!Iiii!l!iil!i!!!H