Newspaper Page Text
Page Eight THE TIMES Thursday, .March 14. 1918. WSRfBIBH"!1 -J. .l.MIe!P?R EB . , . . . i " : ' i - I From Tow-Boy to World's Champion A History of the Life of John L. Sullivan By X. C. HAMILTON (Halted Treat Staff Correspondent.) (Ccryri&ht, 1013, by The United Tress.) 'FOR DUSTWEIGUT CUAMVIOXSMV ' niAnn: x nr. f- U " 1 . .1 1 1 . t i As the twelfth i ninil p'stifl a cold offered run and s!rt bi'g.-in to fill. A sharp (rt let .Vol POumls Wind V as l.loumr- .-tirc.-tlv int,- 'j!!:- J-X-fe on lain?!-'f bcHre i,iii'. -.,-, and rl.;. tait It-jrt him badi. Si hut tho-e wni. t,ir?. Then Mitch ell's r.i.-n got their fttid t.-U th. hek t.'l t!l'? Mltl. a I 1 t i;!!nT, ; 8 ' l :T 1 ch " . i ' 1 us. 'L;!!iar, w a n i ' go a!! a'oiis. 11' fM.ii y acti-m right arm became pjcllfti from cons- wnd n:i offer t tan. but; men p Ills tvi )t ha J horn place, pounds broken at:-! was pp'tung- him intensely., vn in? 1 '.HKiir hma n Hut he fuusht on through ci'iirat'. i was left vrtis.'- t'-e. fgV. pv s.-e; ?e 1 :.::-.! the cs. '. I .-. ... t t.Mtt . h o t t 1.'.' ratn Iv.nn to l,a its effort, 5 iiin at s - -jKsi-. ,..-e i . " 1 3 to 1 on Su'i.aiin. a, k of condition became t-:ore and mot; J It l.r.d hern rum-';-..,!..- IT. .-h ;! .-d h- f.-.;;--.t' f a?Me x v jgi "iJ erod rw;n the rmi- ami h t"",ii rhattre.I. hut lit!" l'-.-u ' - .: Hr 1 1 i sifle that Su'.iivaa i-.oirt win;!. I nt ric tip. lie brcsth'.l W.C.HAMUTf N rtiiK. hoivot r. wrj--. ' hnr thr.-:;h.-:t. ouH not V" jsk:'"'.vr.i to win. tl. it .s the thirt y-ruttt h i "".,r, ! nprroafh.i-.l ft ien1s of Mi c'v. i r .-;art a ,t nr ratcti! l-: H lighters vere !"..;ch-hoa9 ,t n-l Ir'-r, tti p:-.vee.!in,-s 1 1 .n.r emi'. -i rTilH;.; no longer. ' vr tF it her-ini. in: ' s: i' e f.. ihf pr.j's's r.f . t-t" 1 ?ndvrB. fc'a"ji9tor to,;iu V rl'O'l V'r:- hitr.srir. ;; r. vi Mii. 1. th . iopelpysiy trtn. Thes tin'entp niy rrf .re- t;. (...;? .r.-i nl''l i' i ' have be a mad of t5-,in air, hut Sulii-' .i-a-.v. Cn of M: teller. al'n:t ert? rta an' hacWrrs rallte-j n r;n-! of fneul e,l a ti.e ref. rr w ith httl uitt'cI ho i?sil th"1 t :! arouii'l 'int i" . ami tri-.M hr.t m ln;n v, i h it. ht;' u . anything !artpi Fheottns wo;i'.l follow. ' .opneri by others. At.o'per f .:!'. Th fight began short iy after I o'clock, j self !,-.; n )R Su'!ian crtlfr v-pt. Ir was eviJnt frotn the vry f.rst that ' The c h.3..pioti. 1i ;r-!". his firms fo;.1, JNl'tchf'.i was tit th? ting for on pur- i n.-ross h' hrrn. sa hi not h ids. h'.i! ' p.s to con'iT-.uo the't f.n'.tl dark-, ow!.1 at M;tehe;l niv! h refer-:. n5 or ?orri p t h i p !!e sh-'U'-l intervene.. , H "w-nt to grass" at over;- eppyluni - ; j t; and at t!:n-s lett.l it in ttjarit.e of j ! th, champion, with Su'.Uvnn in hot p-ir-: -i'.r. Many tlns In' tv ground; f-ojn a t-"'ght push pt th hands of th"; ,-hamptcn. and i was clait'ie'l seral: ttrns th h wer.t 3o n wVn r.c? : ruhed, Tej-i t'.a:rr:s - f f h;w c-.or. ' -r not a'l""d by the rfcre. tin grw va?pe-;-ato-i s'lfra! tif.s rlr-; i-r- th hnr.t fltl.l. S'riUitlv Sl,e:;;t ;r tVi m:dd:e of f; ritts. ca".'.l ' M;t.-h:! i.i come on ar-d f;gh'. -r.'nar. wor" a vowl most of th Itn-., M.tchfil's fic nss wrra'h.1 in sni's. Pom!r.i--k Mc-Vafter f in v J J - " v f fcT - -. y - : V'.. J" . - W r - - '. A ' ' J it' , y -ii . v , ? ''j " ''""'U;vf ?i!ljf ';'"1J t:-v.. r.r tt-j-: -f , ,i,'prv V Fl?,i:-:::"fT?2sigr -J I - ' -tt . . . , ... . J. Sporting News and Notes A patriotic lesati-i. for -o'g crw? n:;v.' b saced i--n the ?orri li-.-r c-'-urs". Annap-ilj-;. this ejin:r.r. pr. .-,-.! nn snt r-.;r.t h- o r i afpTJ c a ;i i T d T ' s thl.S 51 11";. i -V" 'a - I WILURD AND FULTON MAY SIGN OP TODAY FOE BATTLE Ofl JULY 4 f?T. I.OCI5. March 14. Fred Vullon, j dm v-.-.pitl.t fiiehfr ar-d h ' man- j after. Mr'; Collins, left, li'tf. lonicht I for Kansas Or', whei they expert ; to sign f-.- a championship bout with j i.less "WilSaid an-1 l-'.jlton on July 1. j , Telegiams to rlilna f rorn J. ' '. Mi'.ltr i . 1 I who v. Ul nice t T-'t:lton arul I''inu in ; j Kansas City tomorrow, sa s that ! Ilarrl lias acrcetl to meet ri.l'i-n on i j Coll.ns raid (hat wh:! he did not j V-now hat terms would h offered to I r;i'ei-. t be M:;in"ota f rhi'r would) i h w i!!lnsr !" a e p t o n -1 h i r d of th j j r- ip-.n rather Hia-n rr. '.fs t h 'halt' ! i to fight the chatnpion. A Nw- Orleans! nn ri'.r.t e r. ir i si.-td, has envied ' I $ia'.,or-.i for the j t'iiljon '! ;- afternoon was mat' htl i J e. meet jack 1.-mp ev in a nvgrbt- j to .ml. no-d"; iston hr- it, r.ri May "0. j I I f 1 he wa t he r is f avora'd to an j .-.rtep -a , contest, the h'.'jt w;J; fafi j i-a"o if Newark. N. J.; if th wathr r e e'' s s 1 1 a t e s a ti in rloor m-v. t th contest j J v ,ll be called ofT in case ,1'iilt on t J J mat-'hefj t-i f ch: AVtUa'd. j i .la.-ksoni!l Via . Msuli II. When ; J.T-ked today whthr ari e.frr of $lCn.-i I Ofi'i had heen trad ftorn N wOrlcansj jte tie proposed V i 1 3 a rd - V ul t o n i jiioi.t !n that : t y, W'i'lard eaid he knw ! j ti. thins of si'n an offer. Wil'ard said! ; h e r x : p e ' t r d to 1 1 e a r of en areemn'; Iti. .hi Kan.,i ''.'; iv tomorrow. ' bf'3 , 1 . o: t i . a protv ' n,. .-, a .1 a irli : ' a v ra .- - s A r r , ' ! and !g:at. track ntid tU H u h a r, p iur. h . r M i y "I and .It;" 3. j (Oxford ati.'l t' s udtr.' s pa ChfS Dough-! -r, :ir,v,rt athletics Alhie send left to head. Ont t Cmp ).wis, American Lak. Wuh., thes two "dustw eight" rattlers ftrusht a trinti sis rotxnda rcentl7 jt a F.eei Cross benefit per firmaref. fh?v are A'.bi, fit, ar.d Jumro. four, ons of W. H. u;!nr.tndert cf t'r.p Vancouver lf'anj Athletic association. They aa rielieJ the Kea Crof $4,0.jy Ly their fistic exhibiticrvsu Dodgers to Train at j j Hot Springs 2 Weeks! i I j Nr, TOHK, March H Tw- r;t;--twei . T".dger-. w;!; tram for ftf'i'n davj at ; H"l rprtnps before th cur'atn ! ratscej , . on the hi; sh.-.w this . ; I e, i i 1 be mn j.ichr? In the cii!.'. Oiltc ' ; i. Mara, th Hlo'niris' r.ortst.op, 5ft fori : il-. ?o'i'h tola v. J;.k liatiberf , star th ilx.-rr.. w;'! von j incn p'Oending the games can-1 team shor'ly. Hi Meyers. o.i! tie-d-r. i rry, B: rortr and Artb'tr Matnuss : n s to V 1 d an trdtv.'dual .ens 'i.r-r'.s frctn wr tn FulHvan s corner at the pntn; . tr.r(yn (r,,.rrn r, rn , of the bat'.!. 1 forty-f '?!.t ct: . Th first roui-! torf.!na.d -hn Su!- I - " ir.' -r.-.O ; ;a t r;f tournatnenf li'sn'? tight liarid. sniasli'r.c o..t at ' w ill b r-ro;.. ..;-,; j y the war !r ' liiimn nnnimi nr I Harry Ii1:irtr have been d'ing r.obl:-, ; f,, ?t basen-an of tie f KMflVIIII IIIIIIiaiRI III mm onunn ur I not b l ' fee; ;-nli;!cl t ' h 'he sp:i t. tha' i sjgnerl ' ( t .s t: a:. . fr; ' ! ' Ii players therti-' The tanlev lotel and h Modem in every waj. All rooms out side rooms. Hot and cold running -water in every room. Best of furniture. Slumberon hair mattresses. Why not have the best,-it don't cost you any more. Only one block from Broadway, ' but far enough from all nerve shatter ing noise. Rates only $1 a day and up. Special weekly rates to permanent guest?. Our Turkish Baths are the best there i3. Rooms with Turkish Baths, $1.50 and up. Inspection invited. Respectfully, Mi'chell. barely teu. h.d hoo. Mitchell I n-nf. Students rf vari... ,.0::c, 0IV1 merjca YlVSt, HammilOd ' al, ' w nt down. A right hr.u.I stnash that ; titiivers.t.ies w ill I : given o. ihanr to ' j re. i ed that Second and Then Basebal : for This Executive. jSix Phillie Stars Still landed fairly, vhirW the Ihtp'.ishmati 1 f!i"' tneir na rksrriatish i p by ibis tf. the gr.,.,md in the s..c ::d. In th j means. Tatr. of tw enty mn ar to third round Mitchell opened up w tth his) sh.oot a mat .-h a work for ten wk runn'nc and fuiiivan ak.J him to de- and tn best score- -a n! win th haker w game, j '... t .. . -tgeilient beililt utl- i that quintet. 11 is ex.- j this came will atlrac: thei rfrgert attendance of the year. ,m j Boston Braves OfT For Florida Camp TOr.K. March U Dositiess , Manager "Walter Hapy-oil and Piaycrs' j Henry an-J Mclraf compoe,i th ad-1 vaneo guard of the r.oston Hraves which went, through New York yesterday en i The Stanley Hotel and Baths 800 Washington St., Gary, Ind. Phone 531. s3 sis- ! I 1 ropny. I nd : i.ii; a Is on tus vanning' F. ery tound was practical1' 1'ke this. . eam w i'l b giv en r,cdals i v rt. for the fact, that Mitchell would ! T'ierr or ".elatej. chain-, reimd in o.-asicnaUy nr.d hit th ehatr.-l rlon of the ir.tcrst v three. cushion b;!-. rion. ' Th. tactics earned him f.rtf hard 'm;tn!. n :u n- "l'h Hammond city hall rcrortr In h,s u.iiiy FOjOurns to the municipal 1-nc luarrnH th foHowmE t h i II g S the wirner oi, . ' riOT!" 11 3 in!' I IflFI 1'. T'JV Tt . - h!"od. which was awarded to him by' th world's title match between Aug;, " " . , ; holdouts yesterday, and witn th ad-j PonnrTor A s TTnlrlAllTC rrat, te -Miami, I la. totner memwrs XVepOrieCl iS XlOiUOUlS n. thc ,vsves started for th ir.-iining ! camp from their homes in arious part rilir.APKI-I'llIA. March 1 Seral '" th best players on the rotr of tli ! rhillirs were f.iil nambeied among tlie of lh" country. Mudolrh. Konc'chy and j ilerzcg are still holding out. trie referee m the eiahth round, when a KIckhfer. of. fhivag'... ana Kobe:' smash opened a cut behind Sullivan's Canncf-ix. of St. I-ouis. to take place In ar. and another rut him over the. eye.' Chi. 'ago. March I 1 1 and 1 ". The Th : oiigbe t h r-it. af-r this, n sliehr ; :ra t' h w ii! !? 1M pcd.i'.s In blocks of !r.,kle of et.mse.n ran down Sullivan's i flft y point a rich!. f;ic. The blood liiitilly became ntat"-d rS"bo I a rt 'ii'Ui athletic c.-yircl w;!! ir. h.' n-.'istHche. but h obstinately re-'stni-e .a f--t s of seven athletic f.arni-1 f i --ed to ha-.-e j r?.njo -d ' vais lo iif-lud track and f.eid contests. At the hestinnms of th- tight Sullivan boring, wi ling, t.,g o' and mill had iiea'. -l Miti lie'! with contempt. bu j tary feature.-. when he i.i.ickv Hue ishman fouaut cni 1 h western oon?ernc t-ecK ana lie doe.-n't rirink. 31 never smokes. He -'-,. hies rc-t. He docs not p'ay b He do" not ilar. e and tiieate t ?. r.ui oh. boy. t.ov he. loves baseball. Miyor r.rown : a dyed-!n-thc,-woo! fan. e3-d b.ick of third bnso In his shirt i--ev.s he is in ft soventh heasen. i ; vance g'taid J.-Vicdulcd to start for Prtrsburtr. F'a . today tho i a 1 1 a g In ha ins tt woinrs. Anrmg the; n!-.l ..i- r atris. utei . s. -1. : . . - j T-., vi i lorn a'tends nomouts aie 'itt'tnc i-.iue.i. i . . .o-- t hpff. Milton Stock. r,ay f'ravath. Cy ! Will, arcs and Chief Bender Athlete Sells Dogs Too High; Is Arrested 8 tTfi aae mar PLENTY OF COAL ON HAND at prompt service win rk in nn ii nn fiOAT. Xr VULCAN COAL CO. PHONE 2654. KENWOOD AVE AND ERIE TRACK8 FEED HAMMOND, IND. and on a'"r ta!:!ng Sulltvati's blows,! Held ehammonship meet will be held in' 11111 1 Q 0 H It P R 1 1 1 T P" fl 1 1 D rh cr , tt t.r.ei f or n t to a j-! hicag t-a u: day. Jun S 1 1 w ill mark I UU J Q j Q J J U U II miia-io., I'"! whi.-pred at the j tho. reappcaratjca tf Mieh.gan in the ;! SRMES FOR SEASON END NMtV YORK. March lt--Iohn O'kin. a baskeiba!! player, was held in $-.50": bail yesterday by Un;ld 5'ates "om-r.-,iss.!onr Jlttchcock. He is -harged '. with sel'tne nioncrels as redicieed Kn:- ! Iitth bulidor. According t postoffic! 5CEW TOP.IC March H Mike Don-! inspector, mpnsicl docs with pedt cvin, former middleweight chamrdon of grcs attached .old for 17 to America end for many eai-5 instructor! ! 4wgiiaJB, Mike Donovan Is Sick. til-i of ;i-e f I o h t t ' h a r '. p ;a a c ; c w a - i ' - .e : I ha 11: PlO! ;o:i'i 1 1-a h" was ge.ip.j; J sports or j.o i'p." 'ay awhile. iin r.e--e-i The ;'o.sacj.j Tlirce-ttcshion P. 'llai 'i.s'aV, for Mi'dy'!, I.eagu j'it laurel, ed t composed of tid out -gene, al m; the '. iy '.uhs establishments in ' 1eiiv er. Purb'o aud 'olr-rado Spririg. cf bokir.ff at the N'e'wr Tork Athletic t Club, is fghtln? for his life here today at a hospital, a victim cf pneumonia. Tin TOTE GRBGE C4.1V TO THE nrlIt'MVS TAIL. , It is all right to put a flag !n your I w indefX, h-;t the war will be von a lot j quicker if ycu wfl! invest in "Var-av- ; lugs and Thrift filatnpa also. conv niiF,r irr aid aumv! FF.D, ' Behr Bros. Player Pianos I Lake Countv Title & Goaraii t.y Co ft SSS c5sa; CESS i?2E lirI I Hl'I.Eil fll I UlSr"' Abstracts of Title furnished to all Lands and Lots in Lake County. FRED R. MOTT, Pr- 3 FRANK HAMMOND. Vice Pre ALBERT MaACK, Sec'y-Traaa, EDWARD J. EDER, Mansgcr. Crown Point, Indiana. Branch Offices at Hammond and Gary. ! By JXK IS AT. j WHITI.v-;. l.N"D. March 1I.-A1- I though the regular basketball season 3s i j about at nn end, th Whiting Ow have j scheduled four -more games with, three ' of the stte-ncest teams In the country. I The fir "I. cf this series of games will i be with t Army Y. M- C. A. of Camp I Grant, K'.ckford. Tins team Is com ! pesr-a of the pick of the rrn and offi cers at Camp Grant, and have on.y los. a few game', two of them being to the Fairbanks. Morse team of Teiob. The- games were won by the P.eiojt .aggrega tion by a one and fle point u"t "' 'mp Grant, will play in V.'hitmr on i Saturday ever log, March 3 6th. Th.ej stronKt Fairbanks-Morn team comes , here cut the twenty-third, followed bv j the strong Km Roes of Ind'anapoii? v ho v -.ll play on the 2!th and I'-'th. The Whiting" Owls ha e shot 11 e.ui-t siderable strength in the last ft .v gatr.cti; and th games mentioned above tvi'.l certainly nt'ract the attention -or the basketball loving public. Th boys un der tl " guidance end le od- t ship of mN I 4 ew Yictrola r , sc-,,-.-. iv -j-" .,-.4,r.v- 1 SSjT--j Cujnparc tiii sjlpiidiil iiiacliine vith other makes selling at double thc pt i-T. The Victrola has no CMjual. Selections. 12 Double-Faced Records. ff Virtrola V)-A. only sU.UU Payments monthly. New Vlctrolas $20 $30 Si 5 S57.50 S85 SI 10 up Straube Piano and Music Co. 631 Hohman Street. Phone CGI. Hammontl, inn. is. .'i.i.ll 1.1 i . i n nw V I "K .'Sj'-'Ii.'W-1 JJ,Wt. 11 H- ,:!,'! J.W.JJ! i1"1!',1.! IPXw. t-i il riM tim 'n inr-iT 1 ii a tmt mm main e nt- ""''si?W Style 10" A a ,. ,. ,. -1,1,1,11 f ! Hi I! .I...... . .......j iimn . hi -. n.ii. .... mm ..ti..j.i .... Him. ywwrroi !.'!'.' I' . mmimmmmu i ...m.oiw m . e;.t.7r RSMS!iir 'lum- iiimiir-- - aTirt'-'iMiiMii --r ' mirit - i ' - -... r- THE TIMES Doesn't Need to Blow it's Horn LET US BLOW YOURS The people of the Calumet Re gion KNOW that THE TIMES NEWSPAPERS are the most read, newsiest, widest circulated and progressive newspapers in this part cf the state. JOB WORK Estimates Furnished on Letter Heads, Cards, Envelopes, Books and Booklets Commercial Printing THE GARY EVENING TIMES. THE EAST CHICAGO TIMES. THE LAKE COUNTY TIMES, (four o'clock ' rural mail edition). THE LAKE COUNTY TIMES (Evening edition). THE TIMES (sporting edition) . A Want Ad in one i3 a Want Ad in all of them, and your real money's worth. :: :: :: 93 - - . - - Juv 1 -jlr t 1 ferbil cr to I . r l ... , I e!!V - . 5- 4. k : 8 il -fTo The DeLuxe of Plzy er Perfection They are manufactured by the Behr Bros. Piano Co. of New York, established 1881. Behr Bros. Pianos received highest honors at New Orleans World Exposition, 1885; Melbourne Centennial, 1889; Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Behr Bros. Pianos arc iirst class in every particular. Uy their musical worth, they have gained first rank in the realm of pianists. The great Mo.szkowski said: "The Behr Bros. Piano is a masterpiece." Behr Bros. Pianos and Player Pianos are sold in Hammond at prices lower than elsewhere in the United States. The Straube abs61utely one-price no-commission plan of piano selling has made it possible for you to purchase a Ihr Bros. Piano or Player P-iano at prii-es from 7" to -SloO less than thee celebrated in struments can be obtained elsewhere. Behr Bros. Pianos $265, $275, $285, $290, $300. Behr Bros. Players $425, $465, .$480, $485. According to size and case designs. Other Players Gulbransen, Wessel, Wilborn, Hammond, Kohler & Campbell, Ampico, Straube etc. illS 631 Hohman !& Phone 661. Hammond. jLtegduesagay e SUBSCRIBE FOB THE TIMES At the Indiana Ga rae SPECIAL FEATURE THURSDAY NIGHT. AMATEUR RACES BETWEEN SOME OF THE FASTEST SKATERS OF CHICAGO AND NORTHERN INDIANA RINKS. CDlIer General Admission 10c LINEMAN & M.4DUR1, Props.