Newspaper Page Text
v. April -b. 1918. THE TIME PL Pajje Five am . "in a.LL. Vote For Candidate for the Republican Nom ination for Coeety Primaries Wznr the Ti.T At jr reasurer 7th I'rida - o IIS A. IN AROUND -GARY- ii-: -i !--: humi-ki. U T. :-.!. Israel Kntla.v. Apt I 'J " . a p. in.. ibvtr.e (fiv-!f. tvi.l he held as -:al. S'.il.'hi M G S'Nir.ian will pek : til- s . eject ' V. i. i Is Wise'.'" Alt' I W Co't :i... : IITIM. H Fl. TI T I.KK- I.IM). M t .. Mj K Mir, TIT !Vnii!!ui.l j street, '"ft i " i :i tor a Kevral , h 'i'Uv v : 1 1 with i - i a I i i e s at i'!fvc- i '..T.d Rfri i n i koi r.vr nu)K.. Mrs .!. T. Holir.s. of Polk sVeet. j t t irr.ed y ester-day from the health : Rt West Haden. I r.d. i BIIl!Tlll:RS III3HK HKItl I 1 ' a ."..'.- f 'aiifoin.i. ! hr .-. f. H.i, t . '. ! l -: .. !.. S ! ,h(. , in !::! n.. .t : . n:. :i i!i::NUiMri. 'ii - !.':. I lar.ln'To.'k. of iVtin.-:-; i a h-r gnosis. S x. ....:.- M: rhillii." rl I.-3I) til IIKITH OF MK( . M: I.. V. Hfuri. i'eiawure St. 1 ?r v v..rp. ciie'! I."io:i. (.'.;).. I y ti... M vMK KM1 1 HI T. i at v " ...-iv f-o fift'a a ! t ; !..' iv . ".'ns.t io h.bit on :,ndr tbe f. . . tj o .Muses Until ilascow. Ann i.lo,. iL( i mo i s ,i. ''H'iu' il. l : i f ! f-' '" "r. tV nndito;-'."n ti T'i op'ie! '...I. v ii i !.o Brd of xf iiisth nmn of this rity. mho Iian sr?ns U-n ! o-.o'.l i- (ni will ivarti.- pat- in :lic liao" at Karsa. ("itv. Mo.. Tulja. t kl.. r ; . ::.! and a i I. a! inviTniioTi r- and ntlior i itips. r.'t'iind last eienimt. I o:"l to tl.e yoioh.- Wliil." in Kunfif City Mr. Gr..v- at- tnded a of th- ar.d RKi . JOMXWOX BKTl ,,frir.. s of The Consol ida tfrd Arizona1 . of tl.e. First Rforti.ed i'o;.p.-r M;n."-si .-.. in ivlr-h ic ha 8 t -' ' or ,i. n in f rum a WfeK'i' vn- ien;ly inesf'l t sthr heavily. ; i.--n ti ;. ai Vntoii. t '.. and oilier M r. if fouiol t!: Bl'airs of x'.jr r cirs. Mr. Jrdiniton and ii'.t'e on ; -ontpany in r splendid onndilion and j .' i-o with Mr. .Inhnaon wtll leniain . iport. hi" b1:ef that the rornpanv ' in i ;-. i."o f i i I day. owns one of si.e tat Kt t bodies of -of- j ! i-i- ar.d ."ilvei and l.-ad o:e in southern ?ITWT.V MAPPTFTI i ii na i . 1 l - Alio TX &V4.VJkJ SELECTS SLATED I T FOR CLASS ONE v: ?iff ; -irirri'-fl irrntly :m rlaa: f-r t:.-.n official a few e.- .p i. .n vvi'l be I '.-.'. '1, hut t ! rii'1 for ja o. Mi? de- rec !!: n.'.i ! -.n- d. n . are i , AETNA MAKES BETTER SHOWING -' A report on eurp r.xpioaivfs on'pan.v i..r jarch is e- pete,i vjtni, lh net f o w da S 'Hid "S- li'r.a'.-" j-oa. t. 'licni si io ?j.i-t .Oui This is considerable iriiprovetnuii over t :, si'ovviujf in I-Vb;-:iry. when net ?-n'n)a were only ?fi."!r.. after about $-.',!.i-.r.f, ;n fees for attorr.evs nd re- e ; e rs. BIG SHIP ORDER ! FOR SO. CHICAGO I At a spe-iel 'ii'fi'.:: of i-j,-. fine, tors of ihe s nir.iil s:-.'phiii;jiii; tV.tnpany In cte' .'eland yef r.Jay it was di.'!'B"d i.rr '- i. i"1"!..' i;.) !-'-. n .-i -i r!j'.l a on " . i by the ('!-.:! e l S:-e li:!.biii!d njt l.'.sr.i cal'inB S'-r sixty-six ..seis I LOOK Ror Page 3 Monday, April 29th. Story & Clark Piaoo Co. K.-tah!,-hd iS-'.T. '.;.':p:::.! and Surplus $.;,"''.i,tu;t.tiO. Manufscturera PLAYERS, PIANOS, GRANDS S;nro.s in rsU p. :u( iii.i' cities o! ti.' l itiid Ssa'fs. Factory Eranch 352-384 Oakley Avs.. Hammond. Wilfred Hughes, Mgr. 0;i')sit Posi office. jt i I J a i iWESSSS Lvii !.VT THE deduction Sale Diamond Stand1 Come anf' save money by buying shoes at the CALUMET SHOE STORE M. M0TKIN, Prop. 320 Fayette, Cor. Calumet Ave., Hammond, Ind. 1 -t Woint.. size, lo be delivered J j h. I .-. n May ntid August. ISI'h j ( Tl.!' ..nlid'', imohi s V'. "Of .''''. In i I iiiUiui;: h- boat i lo ruiiii'imv will re unite approximately 10.i" ton of , jpiai.-s a-n.i structural fcli.-i !-.. The com- ! S Itii.Ts' 1-' e-1 i'lia ' .i a' i". j -r colli of tin- it !... .-!iio li.-iliH i int f'-il- ial: i isi-'S. which vvoul.l 1 -'."."".ni.ii. or; p cue than 1 . per tn on its $ I ,..1)00.. mi. i ; , o' "ii ; s ' a n-i in u iocr.. Martin Collins Dead ; Tlo- ilai,i ..f M :i 1 1 i n ol!tnf. 40 yrn' i-ai p.iii' r '! -itiBii of slit u.i!ti, ooi-iii : rl 3 "Stfrday at tjotnt-. 74?' Virnir.iB s!:..'t. i.'.ii . a.'t'-!' a shoi t r.'5 of j.t: i i! ;. n la J-'un'-ial s"io.'? v. ill It1 !!!1 !.;i' . Vi'iT'ii Si;t- :,rfs :ni''r)ir. 'AT n r: ..'rltn-'i. vMrh i'i::-iH- hi 's:-. -n'.t tr . Iniei'l k.' Fint l'- (a: Th il"'fafl i . ui v . ei ! ho- wi'r ami Hi e bildvon GARY DIVORCES. Vitloo.ab il. -5 t'n tftnting sf-as. n. ; , fivo ?i i i i!:;if ' t.'iiay !i:hcd into ; ; !: y v!.;.::i r .oi-i askm? for rtiviore t "i'l:. ... iio ...-l-. i-i.'. arp as fti- Nuns. II Viis..n a.-iv.- ,i A voicf from TviaU'-H. I.n-aiuf .h- d'ol not ct ".srnls. 'I'hrv Ii ill .Jai y. t'lic.-ip.' .Ir.TirJ"o of I'as' ''! i :-j;o !i'.ts t;;r.t .! t.-.-l Mm. j : Anioj.. His -i!ia ays that 1 'an lTf i ; batrv h.-i'.K- .U-st I 'oii'Tii ok su i tlls ttit court : " a t Andrew :v. and inh-iuian. i".iri.''. .lo'insioii. on? 1'ii-st- 4 S.-n. I. o:i t, '.. diiorf f fi-tn Il-innoli. rllt-cins i i fl and in i.'.' : n t : a t ri: t n t : GARY MAN BACK. A. i th well known h'tsinrKS 1 l.e none. i e lo. a ted ; n the Pi r a n t'r anla i i . a ho-: t t . f nt y n '" . i 1 aa'es. an-1 onlv n few miles from a i i u ' ' -. Hi .1 si. ;",.' r .: t" inf. The co'iipanv is i r r.rtPTi f ed in - -a . i o 1.- f i.v .1 . a aw . . . . I. . . y ' ! i put p...-s in '.ar i.v m .i ki-i '.-nt -netu y co i i t if rpanv. an Indiana rpn- iiatien wiihi it jceneial off i .-oif for the I state x :'2 West Fifth, avenue. Oat-v. j i'!ite a n:-r b r "f Ijake -ot:nty men i ! a e 1 . a -t v f)nveKijtate the op, . - J s'to.n t t.heir sr. t i fa ' ' ;ion and p .r- i v oa ei ,M-o.-k . i HEftD I nib Hi TULSA, OKUHOHKi S$S Is All Gary Man Speaks of Since He Got Back. Csiry i!nrii!)- its boom ibn of -o 6 -' 0 7 h.lfl lo-'inns in Tcisn. '.;!a.. the oil "i . ' ii i'i' t . aooorduiB : A. i'.iliO ' " 'ion.., :ry bisniis man. v.ho has ri' fro,n ;i visit there. T.'r. n.o b-fi ;ary t-n d-jvs . to: . ivit Kar,.-:;i: ',i . !)n ii'ines of tl.e Arizona :.j ? .1 Copier i o:.i i ;.:.. . .md to see Tuisa. "Tti!s:s i li.i.'k vviih n, i ' 1 ions , res. 'i'lov .-.ik of a fellow vviili a niillioti as a piker. The i:!ks hxl.- ta 24 mil lionaires wh.) ai- pienihcrn Indiana pei :"-" ' motilh eaeh and more for oil' leases on their lands. j No riivvera Thar. " Vou .lon'i si Hhuis in Tn'sa." sa'd ; Mr 'iio'.c. i;-. inohi.lin? bahv ' j 'to'l .-..'.' v. - i i.;. a...ui:.1 ii, Pm-kards. Tito boom j. really over now. Put the ' stream of tnoney iv flowing in.! ! llunks have deposits of $2li.nii(i. i ! Sees Sinclair Offices. I !'. Ci re.-plo would think , ionic o. ! o .! :a.r on lo-TnniK com-; par.v 's i-'ant in their own. which runs j an SH't-M He line froni Oklahoma to! J-ia st t '! i a o "The S:t: :a:i- c.n .patiy has a 23-story . r.ffice biiildniB in Tuisa and i( is the' pride of i - to v n." In a Mr. linn.' met w it Ii "t ho in niiiij inana "iiient. many dary people! i.avniB st ..U in Ihe mine. XX hen ..ltler ll life rnn't joit I N KT mono t I Let's -ill nel in on Ike bin drlir. Il ,',,,"'r coffin or -intra ' ' ' I ii!' men's h o y s' i n il children's s h e s sold at greatly rediwod 1 trices. Men's Army Shoes, ?3.75 Men's Dress Shoes at $3.00 and up. Children's Dark Tan Skuffers $2.00 Boys' Shoes $2.00 rfR-ua "i; y 4i.jv rf i-i M f 1 ir'iS?&&r-rtr fiWe , JO i -.vy V 1" rotTife r;t-r-iSW Guns and ' hIi! j5irfT-T L'-'JCl-bLSIt ' ' S-ltffT Munitions I .Ji'iS z XSI Vj Many Shi ! AUMCHEP r.ix tn- roi.i.iNr, iii'K i""'n rui MAlIY KI.Ki'TIDX. MAY 7, I'M. WHIT1NC,. ' Petersen" Huiidtn?. "41-'.in:;i St. j T. evert' Ha!!. T.i.rnna P. v,i ie vn 'd. j li.ovaf Bsth'-r Shop. t'.-Ul.'tj -.'.'. lis':', Wh t pb. j Whit lis Ptire ! C .. f 4 j '.'"Hf i ! 4 Ave. HAMM'iN'h il;i;iio. i;:d'ani it-.',ii . a-d. y . f - r 1 on . l.oi.ana Kou'evard. ( :Z'- Wh : i'a . i. ! 'o; i '& ii. p ".: S e. ' . :i reKa-ioiiiii ve , Uobertda 1 e ",i ; rch. Tnw S; and r-h ',i;o Ave. s. File St'ftt . ii N Caiiiriet Kr 7. S'lpe; iov r.:.,t t H use. i. P',bi; '.i'jriiry. ! ; tnriiana Ave . W;'J Piaoe. 1.1 ir,?. HuMet'n St. loirl njiiiii.' :. j ; . 7 1! 1 1 oh stir n St. i : ea 1 c , 1 2fi 7 State Si . ! 757 Ali.o Sr. Hass:-.ent . j It. MrUi.-'s tJa-age, SSI .'oilman St. I j I - ; c..ti",ev Ave. i Barber Shop. ! IS : M ' l 'pin Ave. iMr.ui. j i ' r:l!'' Place. . ! 1 ( ' irrio.a Ii,. Ti-'j;ixovsk'.' Ba-ber Shop. 5. VI .o : r.n " e. l'i. 7'.;' I'aiaroe' .e. ( Ra se men I . FAST HI i'AO. K 1 . ' : r, Mn conn Ave. Civ 1 1 o 1 ! . Fial 1 "h ca ro. ."Out; RericltiB Ave till V . . -; h. ot " Ave. -7 :.' M.P'on Ave. 1 ! C ( 11.' . o - Todd Ave., pear i :, 1 .-1 S'. 7'.i--lf.!t St. 4 S I i A ! r- v a n .1 e r Ave STft M -xrpder A . ; v ' s I m :i m Dii.l A i ' . I ". ti- a ;,-v n - St. I'edar St :;( i i'.Tt h S n.",ni Pennsylvania Ave r!i Hii-i 1, Ave. Mid rTtithr'e St. ::.. 1 Mi ii'san A v ... 1 ". 1 4. i ? 1 T eV of innr.l S:. i.n,l !i. k. P'. e. N'ilTl! T'iWNSHIP. 1 Hasi ie 1.1 F. K'iit. ow's testdenc ;tec:H.. T. ii ii I 'a ' i. U : i iati 1. CAM" MKT 7i.'VXin!'. I T.iivr HaH. G- :i"f "i. I Pub!:.- Ihrnry. R .ss. ' j HiR'lT T'lW.VSHlP ! 1 F ranier En. id i. g. Main Sv. Ho- l..'i-t. : Htel's Plt'-e. near Pennti Pepot. j TToba"t S. Ti v. n Hail. Fast Gary t. Fire .Stat'r.n. Milbri-? piM.I.ING PICF' THF T'ViKiy.WING A R F THF POKF- , t.-x,, JI..V i.v ' ' ' ' '-iis T) HE HFFO MW TTH. !t1S. r. ..;v,t v., tt.'-v,1-s.,i. , ' 11 K.I. P e.'cct NO. ' 'I p.'i'in'-" No. Z Raseiiient !a-d S. Piec'.nei No I 1!H W. 7th Ave., Store Root: I. Prerin. : No 5 "IS Washington St ' r, x- v- . . ' I Precinct No. ti V M C. A. i . reciti' t No. Store Room. Precinct No, Residence. Prec'nct N . Jai' Pr'c'n".-t No. Ptecin. t No. S-..-1 Wah neton St.. $,) J.fferson St I j -Play Grounds, 1'h and !1 "t'i and Jackson St. 11 121 '1 W. .-ih Ave.. Garage. n rir. j Preclpef No. i-fsi5 Van F. iren St.! Resilience. 1 Precinct No. IS 7.1 Ty ler Si , Ga- j rane. j Precinct No. it Sth Ave. and Am. j br-dge St . Store Room. j Precinct Nc 11 Fire House ! Precinct No. IS 1549 Conn. St. Precinct No. 1" Cfn.-e. 1nii Conn. St. Precinct No. !j eel Washington St.. S'oie Room. Precinct No. 1 9 i Ttroadway. rear. ! Precini t No. '.i :' I W. 1 ' Ave. .: Sto-e. . j Precinct Xo .21 1 7.10 Adams St., Store ' Room. I riecinct Tfo. 2? In? (I Jefferson St.. 9. Store R.-oin. Prerinot No. I5ih and Broadway. Free;n t No. "4 1T.6 Jarkson Kt. Pre. iii-t No. "j "21fi Washington St.. Srore Room. pr,.,n,.t ,-. "17" W. Tenth Ave., s, nre Koom. fC:n.-t N". ;; 18.-.4 W. '1th Ave. Prer-.not No. 21 Ttalston St. Pre-vii.-t No. ;9 :. -..r. .? ?t n Ave mifi Bioadway. Store Room. Preciro t No. S't Barker Shop. Corner Adams n.l Roige Road. WEST CRICK4C TOWNSHIP. 1. Ablgt itn"s Huiidir.K. Schne.der. .. Rasemenr T,ak- Prairie rhurit. ITAiil.K I'liKE K ToWNn.T. I. Cntcr .School tjmise. WIN V ! F l.r TOWNS HIP. 1. Paimer Sf'.i:-oI House. Fa'nir. FDA R I'HKKK TOWNSHIP William T.o.eV Ofl.te. '.on-eli. t'o.-,,lneti's I rail. S.heihy. I i A VO V F P. Ti V- N'S 1 1 1 P. F.nrolr: Si 1 1 lourv. A rttioiir. Briirswii i, Hall, llrunnwii'k. ST .!!''IIN fiiWN'ciHir, Town l;jl, S- hcteri i'.le. j r:ss T iw.vsttip. j y Ve.-iiR 1T,C!. M.-r-l'vile. j 2. A h Tl,':. A '-.a worth. 1 -KXTi:n T'i?.-;cs!i;p. I O'-oge sh-si man-.' Rt iCSo!'l-"hoi o'lRh. i'o-v"ii Pot. 2. 1 ' tv TU.M. Crown Po'nt. j :'- Mekrr TP:Md;jr. C,,.-. We" .loiiet and S. fi.nrt S'.. Vow n T'o'n. I P-.""eiren ; , F! r ; . n Si-hoo) lT.-oie. j "e(a r Likr. j ,!AMr: m.AfK. I C, F--:l. i. Si-HA A i " 'I I.V H. IT. MV-liN. ,R..;.d i.e Count-.- Comrtl : i . ,ne- of I.ske County. I n 'vara j Attest: i liFi ii;c,F M. !'o!.AV. j And. to: Lil: i"..un! . tnd ana. ! Apr 25 May 4 Q mi pnci GOAL COMING TO flEGIOI Re pre.pas-ed use ln,i.,-!i,a, Jilmoi" g,,,! wt.8tt..n K-nti.i'k.v -.ial next fall am' j winter. H is smoky, to be sure, and reeds firing oftener. but it is a power- 1 fill h. at-siver. , This is war time i,s, nf Po- ,shnnl nut , ,. ,.OH, ' '.5cvv.' t&Z. I-- iiafc.ik.iid.'- t-jt. . r .-rrr- ,t. -Tvfi W ftJZ "4i!Zi? iSSL?3- . -- "--Ivvil! have to forego these. The inline that e must use .-oal mined in cur a. , f.- .,. . ,. import ot her . ou i Col! I. 1 I Id i a 1 'i II- : . i t- - . 1. - . 1 1 ; "jFeur-r today saiJ tiiat ihe national fuel .lviniiiiis! lation iiaii turned down the ? i ijui-st i.r Fake county oealers to irn- ! POri 11,,. .,1',,.,. ...... ... ,c , , . , " 1 '"' z"nr ''"81 ciacks a great dial. .... , .,, , t...,i. a ...11 Vatu t.. .... .. .... , , '" v w-n io ine Indiana, Fiitjois and Kentucky coal." Me Feuer. "It is cheaper and w hile smoky it. gives intense, heat." SOUTH AMERICAN ! BISHOP IN GARY Uinhi p William I". CMdham. Methodist Episcopal bishop for South America, and " P-1 of Home sr.d J-orein missionary workers, is visiting tlary loday. Bishop Oldham is active in the centennary movement of his church, which has ns its aini to work out a constructive pro- gram that shall greatly increase the ef ficiency of the work of the church in mission fields both at home and abroad, lie will have a conference with a email group of ministers hnd layment at the "Y" this evening. i-iisnop tjionnm win spaK on Sunday n'ght at the First Methodist Episcopal chun h. He lias the unique distinction of having been elected bishop three ft" V 3 . 1 M i ' S (. Majo General Jomn j. PcRsh;NG times. He was bishop for South Kast ern Asia for a time, where because, of his staienian-lik vision he was very influential. GARY MM REFEREE 1ST SOUTH BED Th boxing contest to be given under the auspires of th FIks cub at South Bend Tuesday niht. April 30. Adam Seifert. essiatant fre chief of Oary will a--t as referee. A large delegation of fight fans from Jary will aee the bouts. The main attraetion will be between Patsv Cronin of Toledo, one of the cor.i ir.B bantams ar.d Frankie Mason, of Fort Wayne, and the pride of the mid die west. These bo;, s wol box ten nandi at 115 pounds rinKside. The sern'i-windup w'.il bring together two '. .ve wire Chicago T ?S-potmde rs. Pilly cepak of CUfiyo. and "Batf M ieile. of rue west a i". "Batt" of Sate is go'tig iii-ie a house on fire asid th? "ght fans r.;a." expect to sec s.-:ne rea! "knock e:n dead ' aissff bef.,; e the R it.f- : ins? the eighth and las! round. In the main preliminary the 'sits will .' our little Joe Murray, the cure for sore eyes, and Benny Franklin, a fact com injr. CVcago bantam. They will go s x rounds at IV". pounds at r o' lock. "Red" Gardner, another Gary favorite, mv be seen in act on ncainet Young Wiliai l. a coming 1 ."0-pound star from R'.i.hart. if Ma t choiaker Swurshe can V.dui-e tile pa .r to ,' up pun-, hes if w li he v. clh v.hi'.e to see as Gardner alivais pleases the crowd and is s vvickeii hi-d The bei! rinss at S HO and it is expected a laifre crowd '.v.'.i be at t!e ritigs'ide. WILD CALL TO EAST GARY LAST NIGHT "The la''al at Fast Gq.y needs help. A toming car with seven men in it has dropped into the river." ! That wss the message broritjht to Gary police a'ation nhortly after sup- 1 per time night. Chief, Capi. Vodii'I-.i and Setgts. Finn and McCartney b.ppped into a fast csi and iiiii.l.'- f..r Fa t Ga-y. the i'a'v blueroaf s arr-v.-d at Fast O fey Marsha! Smith said that he had .-"lit no word about a machine go ing into tie river, but that nn did s'op at a woods and the occupants were suspicious. Whfn the men were ap proached by the rr a rsiial they told him to ko to a hot place. Then they left for some other place. GROSS 3 AYS PAPER IS HOUNDING HIM Jus'ice Flwnid Gross of Gary today said tl.ei a'taeks made on him by the Gary Tril.ure follows withdrawal of political advertising from that paper. The judge said that Charles Raran. who seeks his arrest for sssault and battery, attacked the court verbally and then came into his office. Ordered out. the justice said Raran refused to go and then his constables ejected him. Raran became indignant when Stanley Fspey got into trouble over n larceny charge ad was fined. Later Kspey and his prosecutor, 1). Schwann settled it. WILL MOVE TO CROWN POINT James W. Shew, saleg agent for the Fnivej-sa Portland Cement company, a man who is well and favorably known from one end of the county to the oth er, will, after tomorrow, be a resident of the ocunty Instead of a resident of Chicago. His work and interests are so large ly In northern Indiana and so much of his time is necessarily spent in thi region that he has been thinking for some time of changing his residence and 'dent'.fylng himself with the 3 ' A f' CW I V 4 e I t ' i lo growth and activities of Lake county. Tomorrow. Saturday, he will move 1 his household grods from one of the choice residential districts en the north side. Chit ago. t'i one r f the fine homes on South Main stret. ( town Point. "Not only will 1 he more in the thi'-k of -hirgs in living there." said i Mr. Shaw, "but I like Crown Poir.t. the J whole heartedness of its people, and i its lack of o,nite so much of conges j tion and the strenuous life." j The family of Mr. and Mrs. Shaw ' will be a valuable acquisition to the so Ciel and business life of Crown Point j and they ate sute to find a warm wel I come among that hospitable people. RRY SENDS 128 MORE MEN TO OHAFT GAMP! Aero Men Go Saturday; 29 Colored Boys Leave With Monday's Quota, Fr.ough men to maUo a half company left Gary today for (.'amp Taylor. I.ovils vii'.e. Ky. respite a drenching rain hundred turned out to say good-byo to to uuota from three boards. They were honored with a police escort command ed by Sergeai.i Johnson. A total or 1-iS U-ft today, soing via New Yori; Cintral. Mobilized at Fnion depot were 47 men from Chairman Pren nan'K No. 1 board: .'!2 b.ome. and h out town from Chairinan Holmes' board, and i.l, r.f whom 'J n ere outsiders from chairman Williams' No. ?. board. They paraded in Broadway to Fnion depot. Aero Kan Tomorrow. Tomorrow at 7:1S a. m. the Pennsyl vania railroad takes live nun from board No. 1. and four each from the other two board. Round for the filia tion school at Purdsie. they will be head ed by Car! 'b I.'enn' v it :, tuatiHCing ed itor of the Gary Tribune, who s-'s aside the blue pencil for the khaki. Colored Men Groin?. On Monday at 7 a. in. tiie R. O. lakes twenty-six men from Chairman Holmes' board, and Hire, from Chair man Rrennan's. Gary's n. xt draft e odus will be May 1. INDICTED FOR THE LYNGHING OF EX-GARYITE ST. I.OFIS. April 2fl. Twevle indict ments . harging murder and four indict in. nts af-aiiist members of the Collins i v rlc lil.. police department charging j ii.alf'nsioo in office and omission of ; duty were returned by the Madison j county grnnd jury at Fdw ardsi illc. 111., in connection with the lynching of Rob : ert I'. Prager. formerly of Gary. Ind. an From Every STANDARD ELECTRIC A L ABRAHAM 235 STATE STREET VK -x ivioWj 'liY'iiiHiiiMhf i Nat io-l kff : 5Ji5 alleged German spy. at Oollinsville the ni.'ht of ApiM! 0. Seven of the twelve men indicted for mtirder have not been arrested and their names are withheld. Those who are in jail and who were arrested immediately following the coroner's inquest are: Joseph Rigel, Wesley Beaver. Richard Dukes Jr.. William Brockmeier and Enid Flmore. The four policemen who were on duty at the Collinsville jail when Prager was taken out by a mob of several hundred men and against whom true bill were returned are: Fred Frost, Martin FuUh el. Harry Stevens and John Tobnick. "SPURLOS VERSENKT" ENR0U7E TO HARBOR The Mary Ellen, a thirty-eight-foo' gasoline launch, belonging to A. H. Beale. 6053 Kenwood avenue. "sank without a trace" off the foot of Forty seventh street yesterday when an at tempt was made to take it to Indiana ! Harbor. The crew escaped with a wel- ting. j i I nele Sam Is beset vrlti. manr dltTl I enltles. Ion rnn reader his Innumerable tasks lea ditrienlt by buying Third Liberty I nun oHnds. Huyinic bonds saves soldiers' lives In I nele's FIshtlnK Arm noixns vs. noun. RHEUHJLTISU LEAVES YOU FOREVER Deep Seated IT sic Acid Daposits Ar D1sso1t1 and the Rheumatic Poiscr Starts to Leave the System Withir i Tventy-fonr Hours. j Fverv druggist in the cunirv is au 'thoriZ' d to s.i to every rheumatic suf Merer in xVinity that if two bottles i of Albnihti. the sure connuerer oT j i heumatisin. does not stop all ngon . ' reduce swollen jointi ind do away with I even the slightest twinge of rheumatic 'pain, he will gladly return your moniv ! vv it limit comment. I Alienrhu has hen tried and tested foi -ears. and renlly marvelous results hv I been accomplished in the most sever' cas. wi.- rc the suffering and a-on.v w.- I intense ap.l pit'ons and where the p i Liei.t whs helpless. i Mb'-nrhtJ relieves at once. Immediate! i after vou stait io take it the good worU i begins. It searches out the urc acid de posits, dissolves the secretions hti I drives rheumatic poison out of the bod., (through Ihe kidneys and bowels. I Is's marvelous how quickly it. acts I Blessed relief often in two days 'and even in cases where the sufferim is most painful all traces disappear in a few days. ... Mr. Junes IT. Allen, the discoverer ' lb-nrhu. who for many years suffere I the torments of acute rheumatism, de ii es ni' s-i'ferers to know that he d. -e iiot w.-.n a vent of anvone's tnoney un ;Pss ller.rhu decisively ioniuer this wort' of all diseases, and he has in structed pharmacists to guarantee il in every instance Adv. Point of View --if pays to have shoes repaired hc-ie on our modern machines. I'iif-1, bemuse it saves the price of a new ji:;ir a mighty important consideration these day?. Then it paves the breaking in that new shoes Always require to a greater or less degree. New shoes with old phoe comfort are well worth haT ing. P.rinK in your old pair end we wi'l accomplish it for you. SHOE REPAIR SHOP SON, PROP. PHONE 2514 HAMMOND.