Newspaper Page Text
Friday, May 17, 1918. THE TIMES. To Relieve Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises. If you have Onarrhal Deafness or rend noises go to your drurgist and get 1 i",in of Pormiist (double stren&thK find add t - It 1-4 pint of hot Hter an! r. l.ttle pranuiati. ! s:i;:ir. Take .n.? LahVi-poCnf i;l f,,Mr 'ii'KS a dav. Tills wiM ,.f;en b.-:;ig quick relief from d is: i fjin head ncises. Iiog god nostrils- ..i..u!.i or.-ri. breathing - omc f:fy n-i the mucus t ij "'roppinjr Into the hriat. T :r .sy to prt-j ire cost., lie... jin.1 is pj:Fnt to take. Vny or.c who has'utarrhft! D nfivsa or h-a i vif should jrtve this prescription a trial.- V-' Our Work Is Right, Our Prices Are Right, and Wc Are Here to Serve You. HAMKOSO OPTICAL CO. 141 E. State St. Hammond Tho undersi! uSer for sale am! will receive .-eaiod bid.- for s:i:r.e tip tt 12 o'clock noon, June 1st, IMS, for approxiraattly fj'. '.,tVV worth nf sal vage lutabor and other materia! con tained in the feveral buiidtnes and fence situated on ground- known as Lakewonds Amusement Park iccat-'d corner l'ah Avenue and Clark R'-ad. (Vary, Indiana. Did to be ace :r, pan'ed bv certified cheel: for 10 'e c f bid offered. Itslance to be p.i!(! vv:;hi;-, ten day. j?uccop.ful b'dder to wreck buildings and remove from pround within n'nety dr.ys. Right reserved to reject any or all bid. International Trust and Savings Bank, Trustee GARY, INDIANA. ffCE22i22i Si High Grade f , Standard Make hi J j ires aiiTiiDBS H J N! ,, p j f j ' tj ! Bargain Prices ' t Mi We are the largest jobbers in seconds in the ',f.or!d. We get cur tires direct from the manu facturers. We have brought these tires from our warehouse in Chicago to Gary so as to save von from makina that trio. We S i Mi 5 K 5 g'j ('J P 3 opened this store to take care of all the car owners in the State of Indiana. Bear in mind when you buy from us, you save . L mirl ''.min'c rrrf-t liii; nnu j.-' iu-' j jjivn.. if Our stock consists of new, p, fresh stock, first-class factory ft seconds. These tires have ro I blemishes, but are selected fi stock. They are the same as f f ; brand new, guaranteed -firsts M same material, same workman- Is ship, same manufacturer enly they are surpius stocks of over- !f loaded manufacturers. Our tires will win your confidence and ij permanent patronage. A trial ri order will convince ycu. Our U enormous buying power saves H you 40 to 50 per cent. You wiil ? nni.t3l. th. fi! i fl i 111 te I L : a.-iiv'cv. values offered you in these tempting bargain prices. Ve have the following makes in stock and can assure you cf choice selection: 4 i H ! . I j Firestone Ajax Diamond f Lee I Batavia Portage McGraw Marathon Falls Defiance Mason fJ.S. Tubes. JDhOO ?2.23 13.73 i :..:.. 1 4.10 1 .'.no 1 Sod T5..-.0 lft. OH 2.. cl 2. '''I 11 1 1 21' 1 22.30 23 i i) 27'-' 2 30 2 it. Oil 2: 3 30.73 3 3-. 50 A 'i.n.'i 4 2 50 4. 'HI 4.23 -I...'! i 3 . 3 0 Hi Out-of-town customers, don't '3 delay but order r.c vv. V,'!t:,i or- dering stato whetlicr 3. S.. or CI., piair, or r;i sVcl is desired. 1 Send St. CO oepas.i. ior ejtch tirs 1 ordered, ba'arcc C. . D. subic to your t imir..-ti-:n --1 . F- 13, ne day H I l provai. uraers Ttiied same i received. G&ty Tire Corporation " . - r . ' t- Tiro Ran3 !m . - -' ' CSS WASHINGTON ST. M GARY, INDIANA. t i We Are Open Eveninjt: and Sunday. m Etcry : Clark Piano Co. f Kstahiishod is." 7. I Capital and Sti-p'ns S3;"03,00O.O0. Manufacturers t PLAYERS, PIANOS, G R A Ni 25 S I Stores in all principal cities of jf the United State. f Ftctcry Crarch 582-584 Cskley Ave.. Hammond, t -i Fs 1 Wilfred Hughes, r.t3r. f fJ Uppcisito Pjstof.lco. I H Size. Plain. f 30x1 $ f'.oO a 29x3 la 13.00 H 30x3'.i le.-.-. n Slx3'3 M 32xl2 11 P 3iV2 I"0''1 U 31x1 IT". f 32x1 1S.7T. ii i'Sxt V. 3 4x4 2o.2r, il .15x4 21.r,t- N 36x4 22.7.. n 33x4'a 2'.o fj 34x4,b 27.00 M 3.tx4lj 2.o i M 3f.x4i 2S.23 R 37x4 12 2:.oo H 36x3 3 n 37x." 3s.r,d -ZZ. 1JL. 'I. t i.,i. :.. ..',. r -!-: - r.- PERSONAL 1 SOCIAL NEWSI 2 i II;on. We especially wish to thank GARY LADY ENTERTAINS. I I. 1 ;. 1Z. W. of 1.. l Local "SO. and F.ov. Mrs. Pnyt Huston ,,f limy, enter- j .shai p and I he choir, tamcl ecniiJim, nlaiy to Mis. Mar; m ; M US. I.AYNK HtXOX AND DAC'lH v ' ; ''- 'venir.g at her home. The j ti;); LICILK o-17-l 1 i t v i.-is in the nature of a surprise . , l.nen shower and the bride received a ; fSyiv-Mer will have for his subject, number of attractive gifts'. The lunch- i Substitutes." ton appointments wero in w hlte an i j red and the table was pretty with red j Thirty-two members of the Baptist oa: nations. There were cov.-rs for the j Woman's I'nion were in attendance at flowing guests, a'l members of a club ti,c meeting in the church parlors yos- to wlli. il Xlr. All". OSS belone 111 llMl- ! ..P1iv .flcnimm Th m. oih.-rs sowed pta-nd: Mrs. John P.ikaler. Mrs. Al- p.' i'orsoy, Mrs. i.oseoe He msto.-K. Miss KliJtabeth Webber and Mi.-s Mabel ?herhy of i ! .a mm . on! . and Mi .'-. Jrvln Latham and Miss litaiidu- Lon. of Ci.i- capo. COMING EVE-NTS. The North Side T. I", will meet this evening at the h"ine of Mrs. W. 1.. Tiuroh in t'i.icio avinue. ' Mi.s Dor.'tliv Slater will be hostess nt iier home !n Truman avenue this c-venii-K to the nu-inbers of the i. a. M. ;hi' '1 lie TtTibi-oidery Club nteothiij Iris been postponed for one week until the afternoon ,,f May ITth v.lon Mrs. J. W. Smith of Detroit street vi!l b,- T!io members will be -n ; ,-r' a i le d at luncheon at one c'i '.i ck. Th Hoys Orplvn-Kre on Sh true bv tl..-. c'rT:i. b fro-., -t ,-ard party c-rn by a ki -u;- of vc;.,n -ffi. 11 av. i;e Sisters a n.i dan e !.- :.ded by .Mrs. 1.. J. i I'Suilivati nt t! " vcm re- ha II last W. !.' Cliamlvr of iav .'venintr. -i i t.i..; a. .. .-;-y ili ui to them for a which i o di ars v, as r pa i t y. Mr. Caroline ;rie.t,bers of ("irele terday nf'rr,oo!i at st in f . I Yd ro vn the riimes poms to o entertarned th 'o. 1 at cards y.i lo r hom In liussell la yi d. t lie honors in Mrs. i'i-ir-nre Kins:. n:id Mrs. J; h Kifstii'mi. The consi -la t : n jr;7.e was awanb.d to Mrs. Jacob Soldo' r. The pue.-stw- played at three tables end at the conclusion of the refreshments wr servml. Mrs. j i .end .-re !,!.-r it S'titli strict 1 l was nanred as the ivt h Mrs. i'aul It. I.: fit: ski hn-' returned J t'.-i.i a twit v 1; s iit in the east. Mrs. Lip:: --ki '. ft for N-w y. rk City to v isit her Sons. i-Mvvin and ;oore. Imt they had ! f..r l'nnyo just previ- ous to he r arrival, Siie r i::att;et'l in the east and worked in the inter- st of the ti ! I.ih-i 'y 1. -:! a:: l w a - in attend- " at pi-vcrat a! meoMns with Madame Pa, i-asi ; nil ini'i -rss I n i f i Turc.tyr.ow i.-z w...j sp.-ke in the ititerrst I of h-- Lihcr'y Loan. Mr. Ltpinskl j hopes to he .-J.'e to brine Madame Tt:rczyt:o-, icz t- H-unniond to speak at Liberty Ton; !-. j A pleasa.r.t nftern-,on was spent by j the mernbers of the Stitc h and Chatter I Club yesterday as the (ruets of Mrs. ! William II-.:-hn of Mur.ieh Court. The- 'nr-n was spent by titch and Chatter cfti rno.-n was o,-cu d with sewinc an ! Re-1 Cross knifi ir.s; and at the close a daintv. collation was served. On c- count of Dc-eoratton Day and th- next club nie rjnp w:i! he lo-ld in three weeks irist'-.ol of two an 1 the hostess for the afternoon will b" Mrs, Ora Mr. XirV. economics cl. ' i a s in: i c-r'.ir.T. home i H il illiond of ; the Coi:n-il of Ief. rv-,-. and lo r as-is t- ''"t. Mrs. W. J. Mo ran. have arranged an ir.t-ri st it:'- pro-ra-n In- piven at k this ri ninff at Liberty mertinc is op.f n to both men Beid.-. a ptoRi-e.t.i of pa- i Hall Th- and wot triotic music t'ore v.i'l be remarks by ; the assistant hairtnan of the State : 'ouncil of talks bv A I'efi n::e, Ind'anapolis, and: rtiev .Te.ise Wil.-'on and C. i V.'. Sylvester, vo.'.-1 i-vtl director of thej j Hammond s--1 --i-ls. Mr. U'il r-n will talk ,' i on 'Why -onser- e j s" and Mr. I A)UR LI SKOW VCU VHAT 3 V'!: MEAN ViiitU i a yc Orit i u H AMD YOUR ?REDS c w iwwi?vj uvurti i i c T?5 frV-v-.C-"w!tiHii;i-.r-ji.- if c . -.,1 K.-f ?j 'A zi ZtH itiiie-aMv 'sjLtomng and llcnit'ii's I'anaiuns and St i 111 " " "yy," ' j j tJ ; . . f ,.- ,i.. ,, P j I tl,- . 'I !-iai. Mil' FAliO0 iite'&&ti&'&w work mokes j- - :-- . v- c : - 4 I ti done ty exports in a satisfactory manner, aud trv on the new hats we sell. BIJOU SHOE SHINING 5 HAT CLEANING PAELOE Catsulis & Gramas. Proprietors. 175 STATE STREET. HAMMOND, IND. 7X52 CARD OF THANKS CAES Cr THANES. We wish to thank cur neighbors, friends and relatives for their- kindness i iid sympalhy and for the beautiful Iloral offerings during bereavement of beloved husband and father. Layne. ! and the program for the afternoon con- sfst-il of n paper by Mrs. .1. K. Fraud j of the ,ild culture department and a vocal duet by Vivian Dietrich and Kittli MeDar.iel. Next week's meeting will be held at the church. Mrs. Hex Keeler opened her home yes terday afternoon for the weekly me-'t-imr of the Dine Street Ladies" Aid So ciety. The members sewed for the ba zaar which they will hold June 7th and a print dial of work was accomplished. The monthly business uniting of the so-1, ty ill be held next Thursyoy even ing instead of afternoon at the home of Mrs. 11. It. Harper. t the recital of the Hammond Musi - oat "ol!e:;. Saturjiay aftriioon at lour at Itec.tal Hall in the . K. biirdin tin- following pupils wil! par ticipate: .b an KoViertsson. .loo rhnres. ilrace Sh.a. Irvin l.avtn. Mary x, 11a;:. 1 Kitchen. H.-icn Itairocli. Julia Mntido. I'at.nie I'elman, Anna Ko-a-h. j Henrh-tt : l''-! i Latzr. Ad' line ',ob!en. June I. la lluhin, Caroline. Iteichcrs. Hiliy D:t,s,'r, Naotni Itthnke. Marion H -user. Kuth V.'nniimiint and Mildred Anderson. They are I h" violin pupils of Louis Zander, piano pupils of Klsbeth Kidman Sohulz, ;eor;!;t ltrower and Kii.aberh Webber and pupils of expres sion of r.onuie Hanes K-ilirli-on. A surprise party was tendered Mrs. Tl. ..,.,1- J HI T., ...... ,..-. 1...- in I be party was mraiiKed by V. F. Crotik. I Th" story hour nt the Himmond pub ; lie library will he held at the usual hour 1 Saturday from t n to eleven o'clock. Miss R'.chanhon will be the story teller j and all h:;dr n are in-, ited. I -- j V,trd ha been received of th pron-o-! tion of three Hammond boys to rm peril. I t hey are l'hillip Hard' ns. son of Mr. and ' Mrs. Tt.ard.iis of 10 Hoffman street; "arl Shroyer. son of Mr. and I ?frs. J. N. Shroyer of p. ty tureet, and i William Criiooer. a ire.nhevv of Henry j Tbf. hflv, nre all stationed at i Camp Tayier. Louisville. Kj-. G Mrs. Blanche Sheckels of Klkhart. i Ind.. district deputy for this district. was entertained at the meeting- of Unity r.ev iew No. 2 XV. Ti. A. of the Maccahet s I last c. j nieetlnj ( rnembc: ! jn j eventr.p. Initiation featured the nieetlnff and plans were made by- the i niefnbers for attending the rally to be in Clary. ! Ther will be a short session thH ! evening of Hammond Chapter Xo. 120 i Women rf Monseh'cart L-ccion at their hall followed by a card party for the 'members and their invited guests. i Mrs. F. A. I-r.uerman left this m-irti-I lop for a few weeks visit with rrla I tires in O ,-.!-. Mrs. Norman CVRdenning and sister Tor. rto. Canada, are Vlsltlnff rela j , , v(s jn Himn..on1 j ;.- Meyers. 3 ' ..: 31 Warren street, ad- -f 'sine ootor for I lie limes, was . al'.f-d to Decattie. HI . t 'day on account ..f the drath of his ht other. Mrs. Me v. e'-s will leave later to attend the f'.j - n e r a 1 . Miss Martraret V.H, iSo:th HMi 1 n n s'tTct. is sr-ndinsr th week with Miss Laura. Pwlney r? Chicnp . Pr. T W. t'd.erl in. of Warren street, w:tl iro to Mansfield. tnniuht to r roa'n until Sinday. Walter Trzy;i,!:.inkt. a son-in-law if Mr. and Mrs. .? P. Ortt. of j r 1 - a "' nd street, who 's m toe navy, j left Hammond Wodn"-day for the fpi-e.i ' Lai..- Naval Tralntnir Station. M !. Po;-othy tlrwiati will leave to- . ti t nr r.f-r hniic n line not. low.a a visit with :.'-r parents. She will return to Hammond for th close of s-'io'-l after w:;:-;k sh will leave tAj-Waj-loncton. whre she has af"ept"i a po vi-rnment posit ion. Miss 1ro:tian is ,- member f th" Himmond h igh h'.ol faculty. Led Cross benefit program and dance at Woodrow Vilson Scho-o j,, Saxony. ;i-,en by H. K. X. Club of Sis-ny. Ad mission "3c. Kveryb...!y vv Icomc. 3-11-2 BED GROSS WORKERS I mm mum An er.-.' o.- iastic meet ing of R d Cross War Fun ! v. o'-lo .-.. -,;!s lo-Id at Liberty jTiall last riUTh'. in I'-sponse to the .,.! I issued by Chairman Turner. T'-sin cap- t.-im .ni d and -: t -r v si i .a lt 1, n d :: t ier y ' e i ,io i lit it J). jn. Th- e . : y v, onv.n '. ho r " ; " one day to this .-'tit at this meet intr. j ire to be given the ht liio'ting also, and for this work will be n ESSiON r fid iacts (.nicn varv. hoinc i irooil impres J j A sion ;it first. Imt nftor a day r so of wear . oil find your hat as sliaily as over. Wo make a sjio c i a I t v of 1 El Blocin ladies' aud ii-en- raw Hats. Al! ouk work i? Come in outlined Monday afternoon. Much favorable comment has been heard regarding the series of War Fund posters now being distributed about tha city, they belli if Renerally regarded as the most beautiful md striking of the war posters yet Issued. An Increased supply has been ordered and it is exreetod to cover the city with them A small wind-shield stick er of attractive design will be. distrib uted by the Hoy Scouts, beginning Saturday. Ilea hiuarters for the drive have been opened at the offices of Liberty Hill find the committee nR.iin ?UKSests that they have pl-nty of work for ail who may volunteer the!r services, even if lor but nn hour. BRAKEMAN IS HURT. MICIHCAN CiTV, Ind.. -May 17. I-rank 'li'-i-r. a on the mid dle divlsi-.n of the Mlehisan Central fell from a box car this m-.rnins while at work In the lower yards and broke Ills left left. The company physician and the Karl ambulance responded and the injured man was taken to the hos pital, where t!i" bone was set. Mi. deer's home is at Jackson. STREET CAR MEN ASK JL5 CT. RAISE Two hundred employes of the Ham mond, Wliitlns? and East Chieaco street railway have made demands fur a nf-te.-n cent per hour increase. The- demand were made in "hie,at:o to jibe city t all wa n. The Hammond street ar ni n are in the same organization and under the same agreements as the O'hioatro rc.en. They 't.-ini that the cost of livtnsr has increased faster than they antic ipated wh.-n th.-y sned a wajE aciee m nt now in elt'.-ct fOBB,NK HEN Twin City Young Men Rise in the Banking World As Result of Changes. Due to war business and expansion, the cashiership of the l-'irs: Calumet Trust i Savings bank, Kast Chlcapo. has been tilled by three men within the past two months. The new cashier is A. Keily, heretofore assistant cashier, who succeeds Arthur Jacks, who re- ! turns to Cliicafto. Mr. Jacks had suc- .-ceded A. M. P.oeske, I romoted by I'resi.b at. Ril.y to be superintendent "f the latter's manufacturing interest. rh Jordan company-. Mr. Jacks got his training: with the Central Trust Company of Chicago, nnl is an experienced banker. The assist ant ashler's desk is taken by J. S. Wnlkowiak. heretofore paying teller, who worked himseli up from the bottom of the organization. GROCERS WHO ASK TOO HUGH FAGEPROSEGUTEON Lake County Storekeepers Under Eye of U. S.; West berg Is To Act. trnrrrymen and others In Lak- coun ty who are profiteer, n:r in ooeh w'.eo s 1 1 bs t fiour. tfes a e.itnieal. cornmeal. rice fc., face hnnr.-, of davinr thetr huslTiesses elostd by the f-fc.ra! fT-iv-ernment and possible fine r.nd imprison ment. Kortlon Chnrerrf. Complaint has been niad that sre-cpt-s and miil.-rs have ben h-ihi'nir up customers for wheat substitutes. The I prarfee is said to be cer-cml.! i Ad mtn is! t a t or Hoove r and St at Adn " n- lsr.-ato;- Ttarnatd have t h and ev-c i r3 .- . d m r. : -1 r,a t same reports, r c. A. 'e.-t-Kast Chicago, see that me:-- he. w!-.o holds has lorn Insfui tii p. d to enants obey the haw. A hat Minut.I He Pnld. He- o is what tiie to,, i Cornmeal should cost, t went y-fiv rr cent less than wk'at four, or even 1 s s t h a n t h a . Corn flour shmild s; f,r a, fifteen pe r c, nt oi'-awr than wheat flour. t.'atmea! should sell for less than the pv-(.e asked f -.- v 'c ut fjour. A gene i to be pe-,, i -; i e t : . a n l; , m ;4- ' i Li ": "f i .lo, 1. d t ' y r F' s ' s i- t; a-t ti: I 1. loo.t an per : iris e' i O f !) i i I e C. ' ! - :i" in- c HEET Mg TIB PLATE Tour Fer Gent Reduction Because or Ccst-Frico Agreement. Decreases ranpoi f r.-m .1.7 cent for tonnate wori;Ts of the sheet and ton piate j la tits of the American j Ql . .1 T i i T ' -. t . have been mai'.e as the ronference nt .1 t br t v tur, rs and the ;:: :a l-;am.a: While Cure's luil's j . result of the o'-u mao.ufac . 1 a ssoc-ia t a.:-. ii"t union i.: - I the tonnage moll go by the union seal--. the cut in w:ii ral throughout America. . Eopo Tcr Rise. it is hop. d that v.h-m tie pcei-iiint n (1 inc. i "on I. '-il 1 'it"i-i , 1 til. - r.ili.v'. i . . - c ; o, ..1 . ' . -I , ....... n n . ' will bo i noro for hlfher I r,: .-.1 thus- nil u or Km-:.. r-m f- Hi these I branches get paid according to the s.-;!-,3 ing price and the costs rind their wngr; i lie-ease last year was .- r ;rn. per cent. Reasons for th o: :-r-- due to th" manufacturers' higher cost-: 1 p.-;- cut incrras-" for other labor, ft 3 1-? per c inrre.ase m freight rales, the incica: in the j.riee of pig tin. Giiry Ctheet Il.tls Zlovr. V.'hile Clary's tin mills are sov.- the sheet mill plant is only running " days every two weeks. It does not work on war orders and th" government Is hold ing back steel for domestic purposes. If You Think THE TIMES Is Doine Its Bit Your Support Is Al ways Welcome. OUIGK PR0H0TI0H BDRGILOW HE LUXE E. Merchant to Have Cosy Lit tle Home With All the Latest Fixins'. The bungalow type of home dwel ling Is petting more and more popular in Kr..sil Chicago-Indiana Harbor and scores have been built within the past year. Flans are being prepared now for what will be on" cf the finest bung alows In the calumet region. This dwelling will be built In Beacon street, near Wesrce, nivi wiil cost up wards of JS."(iQ. H will be a brick bung alow, with tile roof, press brick, sun parlor, oak floors and trim, hot water heating system and o'.her desirable a pointmenls and will be built for A. H. Lewin. the furniture merchant. Karl Norrls Is the architect. New Dairy Building. Mr. Norrls on Iay 25 will recei bid.-) for the I'rairie View Dairy Corn pany's J13.000 offices 2nd bottfingN plant to bo built at ISOth and Olcott. ' H .-. . , - . . . , ! f" pan fbe upper floor will be reserved for apartments. Allen & Youngren cperate the dairy company. OPPORTUNITIES II GARY HOME LOTS'! M.llar & Ihrr.llton, propr!e"ors of the Schug Kroaiway Dark subdivision in ;ary. are offering home seekers and in- vstors in the Calumet region on op- l.ort unity to acquire cl-,oic residential lots i-n the easy payment plan. Klse- where in Tun Times is the company's ad ertnsement. This firm has offices In the Gary building. The firm keeps salesmen on the grounds, i's land being located In i the ilistri. t. hot ween 3"th and 37th ave nues and between Delaware and Georgia street each of Broadway. MRS. PALMER'S WILL FILED fBr rxiTEa Press. CHICACO, May 17. The late Mrs. potter Palmer's will disposing of hear personal estate of $1 600titO and her dead husband's trust vai'o d at lie. 000, Cma was f:l--d for probate hrri- tcday. Mrs. Palmer .-l;vid--J the hu-nand's trust, ijual'.y between their two sons. Of h-r own estate .t-he left !2',000 to vnr.otis charities. $tf' to the Chi n;.i Art Institute, gifts of $.v.o to $ s ,(oi -i t'l servants, annvinities te. rela tives, and lieo.fioo to each of her son's W'ivej. 'Th most notable of the bequests for charity was a fund of $ 100,000 left with her sens to be expended in founding or assisting an educational cr philan thropic Inst . t u ;ion. LOSES CONTROL OF HIS TRUCK Sam Rothblat. 3472 Guthrie street. Indiana Harbor, while driving a light truck on Pooaar street lost control or III': lllcl..!li!li: II llll.ll Ulcl-l- 1' I tt I fill Ul j box (so that the officer could not report j its amies), knocked over this piece cf i apparatus. slued off. ran across the , street, took offense at. somebody of j something at the residence of John j Forstz and crashed full tl it into the structure. The truck came out of the conflict j badly damaged and was taken to for the conduct of his crazy was plactd under arrest. Ford ai:i HAS GOOD TIME WITH BOARDERS r. Aur'io I'i'lipon. Ml Michigan j 1' n a virion of J ght have n-:h i !, : avenue, Indiana Harbor, I t!-e oi.d time that she t i ! b r board-r t . to v unreduced tl i-swirv expenses, cotiecteet one month 5, board in advan- e from thirteen of her j j boarders and casually pi'-he-i up $-'0 in j t, eash that l"-l"iii;i-'l to dark l'arie. put if into lo r grip ab n;t ? 1 .", worth of dress!; goods that had been intrusted 10 her as a rea-nstres-; by Mrs. Beyer. 3 B10 Mmhi gr 11 a venue, find like the prov crbial Arab, folded Iit tent and silently stole a a '. The police are making inquiries among j her fraud m an effort to discover hci i di s'.inat ion. ' LAKE DRAFT TROOPS moving to Capitol C.MP ;'.('IIKV TAYLOR. I.ririS-jj - I 1 I ', U n 1 - -i'.i r. " a 1 , r- 1 . . 1 t J i i::i t-.- ios nnd full equip. n. ut, will i 1 1 1 U to I -,di- inielis som.- tin;.- next motith a id be ncam;.eij hi, I't .Benjamin Harris.. i, (-. b two v.. k'. 'i'.c n-inee-. e - -,. inpos, d t ilraf t m n oiiuiti'-. Kast Chii .a i an i i - , undrr command of Colonel .l:.rv .s B.. m. 1 i i i SERGEANT MILLER BACK FROM IDAHO j j ,t ct.-rTea.rt Wit-'ll For sc. eyal dp; Do linm ?.t iiler has pause f.-orii his wh'n thmc w ere dull in the g: im s rei'.-.l Of ".. police ' !;. j.-.r; ;i;i l : , : lad j 1 ... .; ! dy it-rft.-s of his frt f-ri- m Idaho To lay Ic i-e t u -r.'"d fr-cu thrre. ha.i .i5ited it;.- t-'aee. .-,dhe r!e,-.nerl . 1 1 t i i i t i ii".".--i'in.'-, , v i uii,'i;"ii, t ' i n f-vM.M r.-ir" t ...... . . I i.'..- ca : an. of v n P. doing a il v lausl v a resident I'nin Nf v. man is Tia' G ARYITHS CLIP BOND COUPONS ; Oar1' hank viol's w ,-e b r -or -od dav ui'h persons clipping thrir i::i coupons off or liberty bo:Hs. T who did not. .lip th" tirs1: jsniio to ET" their 1117 ( December i intei--t. mid-.Iur.e second liberty bonds will clipped. ny , M . ' In j he j BAND HONORS GARY SELECTS LEAVING'.tk K ' t C a r s ' ' - 1 ? r 1 t -e left o - ti-. It ; .! ( I F-.rt Ha-r. son.',. -ih-v re ser- r.a b-d by Perry's bai Tu.silav lary sends S7 more :e th ' o.-rvi'o. ti- :. r els into Andy is Some Speeder yesterday Motorcvele ro! iceman GouH of he Kast Chicago force, while out on his new twin cylinder motorcy cle overtook and captured a speeder at 23.rd strfft on Fo rs-.-r v ivTo,r Tim' man is sail to have hern driving i:f-ty-six miles an hour. He pave his name as Andy Mclson and his address as 1313 Roberts avenue. Robertsdale. He is a machinist at the plr-r.t of the V. S. Me-als Refining Co. PURCHASES CALUMET HOTEL airs, jua ttebh:n, lor tr.rec rears proprietor of tl C;i hotel avenue arid Broad w a-. . has sr.;-) out to Henry I.ueUle. a lo, at !. .l man. ?.tr-. Stf bbir.s v. i.o is a largo p- operty bolder in Cary will go to Dayton, o., to care for her ng- d tr.o!'c- r. I ! : K. J S , j$ j ; fj J ! f &t with Line a of t V 1.3 I jj I & r; 1, 5 ' What? I P The Stvle Shoi 1 .ojisT,;! tl SERGE DRESSES Values up to ?2o reduced to SS.50 and SILK DRESSES Regular $18 values, at FANCY STRIPED SILK SKIRTS- vaiues up to -.-'K at rt;t-en C mm tj !': a 'i i -i r . M ? !-T!--r--- f ! N, ii i-J Hi SU "SS afmdhr f. 4. T ana "7-. "3 H1 I 1 - .ii V, in -VM-j. ' ';.';!-''- ' ' -v . ittrsmEh i r-" reduce t to IcO E. State St., Hammond, Ind. Next Door to Orpheuin Theater Buildir-r. 1 1 J ITtCl i Chas. F. Willias3Sy Chiropractor Affe-r t!io 27t! liank ltliidiit': will h in bit- i r- wii! !o Ic.fV r (! ! itinm;:!i ;;; ; ;'. r ;. our h.oalth. E CtrSJdS4CtTJiilS.'K3jS..Ti: irs: rsT' around ! -G A R Y- i m I Hi WEEE.SSD VISIT Cm. Mr. and Mrs. Lobe II Lea 'S 1 0 Madi son street, have as t'.rctr guest for a we k. M'ss Liic'Ie f;:ng of India nape Its. j 3 lie Clen I'-r;.; I ,a vee - i em e.-iers as- sociation ri'-t this a f term --n and elected loOOorrs top Toe eniiTo- -i..i- Mr. I H. Highlands. 710. Washirgtor. t, is :s .'. ing relatives nt Muricle, 1 1 1 -3 . Complete Ladies' "4 A A 11 - is 1 1 1 ; -! 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 rr mimnery. .- fi I Yiidmi-r, the comple-'jrf turn or the intalla- :n P tion of our fixturcstiwe a have deeided to DUt N fi on the following spe cials in drcs?er and' .aillinery for Friday, Saturdav and IMon- da 1Q;00 m J i Lmm W i Georrjette Crepe Waists s 3 i w o u Cotton Voiie o, o, i, ist: ii 53 11 Children's Hat3 at 75c and S1.G3 my Milan Trimmed Ha;-, c up TO r IT3 1 ; 1 M 3 'A a Ve ' . ,-St. J . Fjf.'-i.t Hrtts Vr.l- n o x ("'.: f f 7'1 - 3t ii Bt,'l it aC-.V-Is, . ii f1 ?' Ii .1-.. '. i H il !-ii n 1 ft . ttt .(it Si'do-. C. ; 'i n; "? t ion.i! I lar.itii ..i:d, im'., ylii t: