Newspaper Page Text
Pago Ten. THE TIMES. Friday, June 14, 1918. PESKY BED A MILLION' REDBl'ij?. Just th'nk, h two ounce parka c cf th new golden chemical 1. l. Q. ( J'esky Devils" Quietus), is enough to nuk n Quart nnd enough to kill n million be limes, no i.iaut-r how- large thev may ho. w hem tlu-y citnc from, thri'r age, color or se, mil! at the same time l.-ars n coating on their eggs and preents hatching. CUT THIS OI'T. This nw chem ical can b had at any tlrst-clasa ji-i.j. ;or .v "So p.nknco makes n .mart of r. T. Q. nid will g - f ar ther than a barrel of old-fashtuned hug killer jmo tipon feeing oi on ha T ' v. tin t doi t o rs Don't lot anjbodv lm jour hitel'.igon.'n 1 v of. something rlsr.. Insist, tt nsli for. t lu 11 jou'li havj prcsc rill'-. KILLS I'l.LAS OV ixx;.. Tt s fun to s,-e ih drop off vour ret doc. KII.l.S ('llli'KKN" LL'K. N"o use for -!ii-kon to h.ivn lie A l':ui:iS'' intM'd maki -S a ca!!n of ohirkoti K.o k:l!.-r. Tour dnisct has It, or ran g-t It for you. Adv. THIS LOXG TUNIC IS SLEXDEIUXG X? f V TV O' ? v i I T lie Grocery and Market P. B. BLEY, Prop. Corner Roberts Ave. and 117th St., Whiting. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 15th AND MONDAY, JUNE 17th. 39c 25c Navy op Lima Beans, per lb., 17c; 1 " for - S1.65 Our Special Coffee, per lb., 21c; 5 for SI. 00 Best Creamery Butter, all brands, per lb --ITC Butterine, All Brands, per lb.. 32c; 2 lb- brck 63C 10 Rolls Toilet Paper, for . 3 Rolls Tissue Toilet Paper for Uncolored Japan Tea, Fancy, Per lb- -- - 47c Z lb. Cans Pork and Beans, per can, 18c; 2 for 35iC Three Small Cans Sliced Peaches for 29c Extra Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb., 23c; 2 lbs. for 55c Three Large Packkages Spaghetti or Macaroni for 3 Cans Aichelicu Tomato Soup, for Large Milk, all brands, per can, 12c; 5 cans for Jg. Fancy White or Yellow Corn Meal, per lb- 61 sC Blue Label Karo Syrup, pp can -- i3e Quaker Oats, Kellcgg's Corn Flakes, per package oi :9c 3c Shredded Wheat or Kellogg's Krumbles, per pkg Gallon Cans Canned Apples, per can 3C Gallon Cans Blue Berries or Black Berries, per can S5C FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN Women Praise Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for Health Restored. . 1 .vv.v . .v. : Meats. Swift's O'd Fashioned Pure Lard, Per lb 29C Fresh Veal Stew, Per lb ISC Fresh Spare Ribs, ?er lb - 16c Our Own Pickled Cured Corned Beef, per lb 17 2oC Strictly Fresh Eggs for Saturday, not delivered, per dozen 37C s v. -f l,?', 7 V t - Soaps and Washing Powder! This pretty summer frock is marja of white peorpette gracefully print ed in bli;e circles and stripe?. It is made on lines which are very te comir.K to the plump woman. The long tunic and the plain blouse ive the eiTect of long ines which ara desired this year of all years. T 1 . 1 1 in aimost pvery ncignoorrioorl m i America are women who have tried this 6tandard remedy for female ilia and know ita worth. 1 Athol, Mass. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me a world of good. I suffered from a weak ness and a great deal of pain every month and nothing brought me any re lief until I tried this famous medicine. I am a different woman since I took it and want others who suffer to know about it." Mrs. Arthur Lawson, 653 Cottage St, Athol, Mass. San Francisco, Cal. " I was in a very weak nervous condition, having suffered terribly from a female trouble for over five years. I had taken all kinds of med icine and had many different doctors and thev all said I would have to ba operated on, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me entirely and now I am a strong well woman." Mrs. II. Rosskamp. 1447 Devisadero St., San Francisco, Cal. For special advice in regard to such ailments write Lydia E. Pinkham Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of its many years experience is at your service. For Skin Soreness cf infants and children you can find nothing that heals like Sykes Comfort Powder Leading physicians and nurses have used nd endorsed it for more than 25 years. 5c at the Vlnol and other drug store The Comfort Powder Co., Boston, Mass. DOUBLE STAMPS SATURDAY HAMMOMD'8 GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. STORE OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 9:30 P. M- Dainty New Georgette aists $5.00 Styles which open up entirely new pages in waist modes. The daintiest of Georgette Waists in the new pastel shades of white, flesh, grey, etc New square, round, 1 u t t o n back styles. Embroidered and -mbination color trimmings. They are unusual values at '.". " . 1 . 1 Swift's Pride Soap or Washing Powder, 10 for Choice Old Country, White Linen. Rub-No-More, Galvanic or Armour's -1D for 55c Sweetheart or Baby Doll Toilet Soa?- 10 for 53c WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. "WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN AND STAR STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES. Advertise in The Times Wh St f rs or And Its People NOTICQ. Commcnrini? May 1st Mr. J. L. Clark 514 113th St., "Whiting, will receive ad vprtiscmenfs for Aitlng anJ Iloberts dalo for Times New?p;i ;crs. Office Phone 1CSW. Residence ZZSJ. It WANTED Ticket ff ". r. Stir thea tre. 'Whiting. 6-12-3 Star theatre tonight. "Th K;i pie's Eye." the serial cf fnts of Imperial Germany's spy army in America with j the favorite ?!nrs, Kirm M.-irgueri'e Snow. Al."i t nw, nnd n. ciif-rT i r. 'The r.r.iv. I'rincf-ss theatre tuatinoe and night. Engng.;nirnt extraordinary the super picture "The I'tibe lirver." a i-mashing patriotic frature that h.'iS brought a thrill to th luart nnd tears to the eye!' rf th.'.usar.d?. The dramatic story of the eoiutinn of a man's soul and n really great photoplay of the bf-t story th war his vet produced. rrodm--d by A. Edison In r-vnj;m'-ti"n v. !'h I", f!. n:arine corp. Adapted fr.mi Mary naynmnd Shipman Andrews- novl "The Three Things." This !s a pic ture every true American should see. Tris: Afternoon, 10 and 20c; eve-n-int'. Z't ai,d COc. 6-14-1 Mrs. Mandel Titzele who underwent a serious operation, is now ab to leave the hospital and is nt the home of rel atives in ("hi -ago while recuperating. Mrs. H. Eaumga.-ten has moved to her new home in Amy avenue, Eoberts dale. The Dnughters of Rcbekah will meet at the hall tomorrow night at 7:."0 for degree team rraerjre. All members are urged to ha present. Mrs. I.inia Pherwin his returned ..... 4j 1 bAl'A . FT" 5V-.5.-ir .V. - - . . ; - -r ". i p.-'-j.ij J she TO tl peciai Saturday trices Hind Quarters . . . 22c Fore Quarters . . . 213c 25c home from Detroit. Mich, where 11-1 Miss Atrer, FT Wilwn nf i r-r, ,--,. r!:e pjr: of Miss Ruth Tilton for th If.dlett-Tilr'.n wedding. The Ri t'ross headnuartcrs are in I nrerj of a typewriter and desire the 1-an of one from some patriotic person who might have one in their possession they are not now tiding. The Whiting High School Alumni association will give their dancing party in honor of the graduating class at 1h high school auditorium this evening. A number of out-of-town persons will present and this is to be one of th biggest affairs of the commencement .1 Veal 9 JNo. 1 Boiliug fNo. 1 Chuck Cuts mo, 1 Prime Rolled Ribs ' i 7 25c 2Uc Litrmfrmna Quarters . . wLaJlflUP (Fore Quarters 0 . . ,11 (Sweet Pickled, nice and lean 22c (nuajji, luuiijj ng snomoers zuc LITTLE NECK RIBS, nice and meaty Saturday only : 7c CHEESE, nice mellow cream or brick : : 27c Marie Bartuska Is confined to her i limine in Oi--ve;-jnd avenue wit a an at tack of'ct fever. ?he however is rapiil;-', being a very mild im pro vi ease. Albert Marci. manager of th "WTiit ing Tuie Ice Co.. has returned from a business trip to Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Edward Clark and daughter Del lie of Alton. 111., are here visiting her rarents, Mr. and Mrs. John AVvlie i J orK avenue. The D. of n. will have a meeting of the degree .staff and othr members at their hill tomorrow night at 7:Zn i iVlock. LOWELL Late Arrivab Georgette Blouses unusual at $7.95 Recent arrivals just fresh out of the boxes which perfectly interpret Fashion's trend; hrautifully trimmed with embroidery, beaded and frills. Among them are the. new frilled round neck styles. Sand, white and f!e:-h col or?. Special at 57.95- r ,a V ,. I k f "&A i f A A Phillipine Und'rwear Complete assortments of these highly favored undergarments. Hand made, hand sewn and band embroidered by the natie women of the Phillipine Islands. Gowns S2-25 to $4.00 Envelope Chemises $2.25 to $4.50 Second Floor. Extra! Saturday Selling Jap Silk, Voile and Organdie Waists, $2.25 A $3.00 Value In a variety of charming styles. The newest trimming features. They're unu5ually smart and supgestive of the pleasant days to come. They won't, last long at this special price of v2.2.". They are amply worth $:!.') and more. Garden Smocks 3.50 Colorful affairs of Cotton Crepe and Voiles. Very picturesque in effect and yet highly prac tical for their appointed purpose. Flesh, rose. copen and white. A special value, New Knitting Smocks o r.i A variety of styles newest trimming effects. Mr x&A iness yesterday. James Grant was in Chicago on bus-J health and as brown as an Indian for we fore I get back home but I won't come have had sunshine for a week and no back till its over over Mere. And tell sisters Anna and Jessie n"t to worry. With a world of love, BROTHER FETE. Moines. Ia., fame last evening for a visit with her husbands parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. AVood. Mrs. .Tameji Pinkerton of Shelby, vis ited her children here yesterday. LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS From Peter Schneider. Question What is the largest city in Fra nee ? Answer "Somewhere." Fomewhere in France. Thursday. May 23. 101 S. Dear Bro.: Knjoying the best of had nothing but rain and mud. Last night met two boys from "West Hammond. Maybe you know them. One is Dave O'Keef and the other Lewis Weining and they were glad to see me. Weinln? said he had to look twice to recognize me because I have grown, so. Tony, let me know if you received the letters I wrote you from the ship. It isn't much different over here than over there except that we have lots of rain and mud You won't have to worry about the Germans for the Flathead? are just as far as they are eer going to get. I wouldn't have nussed coming over here for anything. I see a whole lot more in a few- davs here. All the boys over here can't wait to get to the front line. It may be quite a while be- Teter A. Schneider. Bat. C, 54th Rgt., C. A. C. A. E. F. You'd like to take a punch at the kaiser you say? Then buy a Thrift Stamp. DE. ROB'T J. CARROLL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 155 State St.. Hammond, Irtd. Fhone ZZS3. GIVE MY OWN MEDICINES. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nichols who have been spending the winter in Hollywood, j t alir.. came home yesterday. They will -tay here (hiring the summer ard intend to return tr California this v.-inter i- '. Steaks (Porterhouse, l Sirloin and Club 2Hc PIGS FEET, all fronts 6c LIVER, any amount : 5c HAMS, Selected, Wo. 1, 10-12 lb. average 29c HAMS, Calif, style, small and lean, No. 1 guaranteed : : : ; : 23c H Hot Water for Sick Headaches Tells why everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In it before breakfast. Ms ft. U Largest Assortment in Hammond Compare oof prices with the other fellow's and please market early and avoid the big rush We close evenings at 6 o'clock Saturday evenings 9:30 o'clock 573 Hohman St. 8 K? Headache of any kind, is caused by auto-intoxication which means self poisoning. Lixer flr.d bowel persons called toxins, sucked into the blood, through the lymph ducts, excite the heart which rumps the blood so fast that it congests in the smaller arteries and veins of the head producing vio lent, throbbing pam and di fess, called headache. You become nervous, de spondent, sick, feverish and miserable, vour meals svur and almost nauseate iii. Then you resort to acetanilide. : pj aspirin or the bromides which tempo rarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these irritating toxins. A glass of hot water with a teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate in it. drank before breakfast for awhile, will not only wash these poisons from jour sys tem and cure you of headache but will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary canal. Ask jour pharmacist for a. quarter round of limestone phosphate. It is in expensive, harmless as sugar. If you aren't feeling jour best, if tongue is voated or ou wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds, in digestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the phosphatcd hot water cure to rid jour system of toxins and poisons. Adv. Telephone 1441 tl ' a lit 1f u If. it 5 lit) r'"'" ""j i hini in the war and that you intend ' J to stay to the finish. The War Savings Pledge Card is tie note written to Uncle Sam;H rssure him that vou are with' lLwiBsi Pe(D0 im I &o .w. rfo jrra I w -jrAi V'3 nrt 1 5 ''. m-' r - M t .t ;:m; St". . ,-wt- T---i.'3 i :. I Try-! In these lny of soaring prices in tho cost of piano manufacturing, the Straube Piano & Music Co. are selling pianos of distinguished makes at prices usually asked for pianos of low grade sold on the sliding scale methods. Like hundreds of others, you have promised your family a player-piano. Do not put off buy ing. Within six months, prices will advance from KO to 100 on each piano. You can save from $r0 to $100 by making a selection today. Dealers everywhere are forced to advance prices. Straube s arc keeping tho prices down to the last notch. You will be agreeably surprised to mid that our extensive line of Kranich & Bach, Behr Bros., Haines Bros., Marshall & Wendall, Kohler & Campbell, Brambach, Straube and Francis Bacon Pianos, including the Players and Baby Grands of these noted makes are being sold at your own door for less than sold by eastern dealers. If you will compare these famous pianos with pianos sold elsewhere, you will be a satisfied Straube customer. Our terms arc most reasonable. Our service is excellent. Just now- our warerooms show many new creations in period case designs. Before you make a selection, visit our piano department. Splendid Used Pianos $80, $90, $100 to $150 New Upright Pianos $190, $200, $225 to $500 New Grand Pianos $495, $525, $575 to $800 New Player Pianos $395, $425, $450 to $750 "Every Piano Must Be a Bargain." Siraube Piano awtii feUtsslc o 631 HOHMAN ST. PHONE 661. HAMMOND. n t J