Newspaper Page Text
'.) Ill If i-. IA. Page -bleven Classified Wanted Male Help WANTED Grocery order packers, also groeery salesmen. Apply to P. D. Lovegren, Lion Store, Ham 6-8-tf mond. WaNTFP Toting man to read motors. t,. xt- -5tnifn STt Hohman ft. V I I l Y N'TEP KxrTtMfe4 drier for 4 truck. Apply. 110 I'lumnifr ae. Hammond, between 6 and in morning, .'"il and 7:"0 In evening Hammond. , JlL'l 4" ana j t.-'-TM i. ' , -t WAV'TEP Fi'lirc stsfsnn ttn.ian s ... ..,-,. ttlnn it 1Vi r-Tncr of , Fhtf'irM ittd Indianapolis blvd. AVP 'V. Standard Oil. Hammoti.1.. or Rw;n 40. S10 S. Michigan a e. Chicapo. 1. WWTKP Comrft-rit r-nfkkTr. with ip'rre " of stfnoprnph v and shorthand: good pay and mps posi-i-n Self.r Furn. Co. Thon- 900 lnd Harbor. t-1-'0 EOT 1VANTEP Bring roffTfnc. I J. T pr fiS State St. nBiniiK'iM. 6-1 "-t f WAVTED 5 bovsi to dlstributo cUu c..,,rio,- ''nil Q a. rn. Hooii 52 Hammond Puildtng. Aliuer '1,v; 1 ia . - .j - i. v. i. - - - . . . . 6-13- iitrn. WANTED Men Steady v;or. 37Uc per hour. rharin & Co., Columbia avenue and I. H. B. tracks 6-14-tf TTANTEP Mfti to unload coni: :0o per ton. Malleable iron r""'"IJ..;6 TV ANTED A ma--bin1st and milHvrieh' n.cea: best working c?nd: lens. L" Chicafro. S. Metals xi. err. ins tv. 0-14" rriVT Priver for milk wason. C;r erd Dairy Co. Phone 421 Hammond. cat F'MF.N IVho can qualify au to ran make" permanent and hijthlv profit -v.,- ..,tinn with stock propnsitloi on of hichfst rrerir. i.eaa .-.rin.-.c-. ...... s-ronic orxanization suprort. So M . . irn. 'riif!0. 1 i T f Tr-4unx'A ilarv. t - i - i WANTED Fainfers and paper b.arsrers Ct1v nosit!.-n. i. .-u.i- 11S0M. 50 A 2 Fcr.eythe ave. ca go. East i"hi- 6-14- frOVEHNMENT NEEDS :n.nnn TLERKS V AVH'h'nton. Examinations every where Julv Experience nnrPsary Men ad women desirins povernment ;oei.inr,s write for free rarticu'ars to T . ' I.eonard. (former 'i .1 Service Examiner.. I'M K'enois Bid?.. J- t n g rotv 6'1S' PHIPFING CT.ERK WANTED Enter prise Bei Co. Hammond WANTED Experienced and reliable man to work in sma'.i renuri m .. i"",ood pay. stead r work. ' t -ch-'c-.n ":t'.', Ind. O. Box IS. 6-15-3 W A. NT FT' Man to cook fish and; dinners: free ret-.t and cod facii! rver Kol.anin. T?7 Indianpolts b'-. i. Tel. 5. rhiCHfn 1 3'." fi-15- WA.NTEF1 4 carpenters for tr'.mmmz 1.. t.eander. 3?'0 Ora pevtn' Karoo r. Tnd f nti r-i:.-i Lost and Found I ogX sme::rr Thursdav, small 'bird iparrakeet. a small parrot, cr-en w.'h few red feathers; enildren s re' and very tame. Finder pleas-e call The Tinted 3100 HamrnonfJ. 6-14-i t , i?T Memorandum book, bank bcok. Itberv bond. Standard Steel . o. s ..-, "check, rent receint and other pa pers; reward if returned. Gust Lines, p o' Box 3."f. Hammond. 6-14-6 t fiST Fockt-tbooVc on Bulletin st : confined about ?30f.00; 550 reward e ..i..m to F.ulletin st. Ham mond. 6-15-1 LOST At E. Chicago Restaurant. nPm face sold watch: Ci reward; return to proprietor of retaurant. I oT $1" ""'I ?2 hir.s: return $20 snd kep $10. 4571, E. Sibley st. or to Times office. Hammond. 6-la-l I nST Pure brown r'n seal-strap 'handle- containing fio and jrld handle knife: r-ward: return Jack I-ox frl Hohman St. Hammond. 6-I0-I For Rent. FOR P.ENT Will rent cottace. furn ished, to coup for the summer: S10 weeltlv; reference'". 'a'l ttr 7 p. m. 111O Monroe St. lei. af.M. numnionu 6-1S-3 FOR P.ENT During summer. 6 room modern' cottage; nt, lawn. Phone ,t-1.,,1 11S9.I or 949IC. Call 95 Dotv st. Hammond. FOR RENT room flat. W. R Dia mond. East Chicago. Phone S57 EOR RENT 5 rom new 1st floor. 1 110 Beacon s cafto a pa rt men t. East Chf-fi-14-1 FOR RENT- 5 room upper flat, pantry and closets: all well arranged, mod- cf Calumet. Call Phone 32i8 mond. Ham- 6-14-2 FOR P.ENT Flat: 3 rooms and bath: team heat. Inquire 42"6 Bar ins: e. Rear. Fust ChictiRo. rt-14-2 FOR EENTO.irige: South Side, Phone Hammond 057W. 6-15-1 Wanted to Rent W ANTED TO RENT S or 4 light housa !.-r. . .1 . rooms cv a 5 room flat: no children. TIiMomond Ice Cream Co. phone Htiiiiitiotid. D - 1 1 - O W ANTED TO RENT On or before, jie'pteniher 1, a flat, cottage or bouse: no hildren: rcjerences lurint-nt-'u. -i-.- dies? Timr-s 100. o-i.-n W ANTED TO RENT 5 or 5 room cot iaKe or lower flat by July 1. Address, Nassau A- Thompson. East Chicago. 6 - I - J '.A" AN'TED T RENT Good modern room in East Chicago. Address BnS. Times. Hammond. 6-ll-o Wanted to Buy. WANTED TO BUY Automobile radi ator 21,1 Hoffman st. Hammond. 6-14-2 WANTED 1 to 5 acres near Ham mond, with small bv"dincs. In ex. change for Rood 25 acre farm near South Haven. Mich.: also have pood CO" acre, onlv per acre; want sina'l improved farm, northern Indtami. B. W Moore SR2" Carpenter st Chtcico. I". 6-15-1 WANTED TO BUY Automobile radi ator. 213 Hatman St. Fhon- 3 4S2. Hammond 6-15-2 Advertisements j p i Real Estate Bsrgains L : -J i KOE SALE New modern U'atclies. Lessers Reliable six room bungalow, hanliLoan Bank, 65 State Street, wood floors throughout, kit--Hammond. Open evenings. chen cabinet, laundry tubs, 4-m-tt et. South side, one block 'Oct the habit; pay less; buy from car line, within walk-jfV.r cash; at tho Hammond ing distance of the Standard Furniture Co., 2 12 E. State Steel Car Co. Price ox. -op- street. Look for the clock in tiona!lv low. Small pavmont IIAK'CIS & MOOKE, T1 . 6-n-tr. GOSTLIN. MEYN & CO. BASOAIX LISTINGS. Good p'Oii'. ihi.-V!1 h..ii. v, (iik.- ' a v -i r 1,ti; tuition I'rn- $:'".'ii. An all midcn brl b.-"" t.ind st C-oiiM no- I- li-.r- Jl'iHl'Vl'iil of th price. Owner i : y. A chanc.1 f.M- a!. n Hi i ' Poube fiat bu!i.'.:!iK ' 1 Ti ? prison ( .: r.i.hI rental tnt'nt ii t $::00'i f'O Tcrm. 5 room ti:;iiR.i;.Mv on ft on i;tirV sr.: not . f, i I'rire $"rro i, tiit nnd all nvoorn. I Terms. Very Or, 5 ro In W. Hammond $3300.00. Tertps. b.-ric 1 : ft. i Hi tiarR.T.ll lit I , ,1 corn hp- I'Ktlts. I 16 acres cf fne s-ot 'h house. water s t m. e'er' On ndce road in ( 'n:. (Jbti; tance from Hammond. -hOI t 2 F.A-ft. lots on Torrance jivr. 'e cheap at $15'.fft each. Easy terr-s. , Tor T.eal Estate Bargains Call 140. Cor State end St. Hammond H'K aic- ' onac. i i ".."! hii'i : . . i -o.t on lot . Hammond . xlt"i. InT.ii-e, ok ' 6-1 r. FOR SALE GASY. New bouses In; renter of city. Apply. Joseph Frost. 522 Br -ad way. Telephone. Gary Z9I. ! 3-27-tf j - I FOR SALE 6 r-m cottac all mod-i, ern: furtt'ce h'nt. a'l asess!rte. ptid: barcain 1' taken a' once. owner. EPS Ml It.-.n avo. Hrmm-nd 6""'" I 1 FOE SALE New modern oj i room buncalow on easv j i I terms. Corner of 1 4: t n and!1 Iliekorv streets, Hammond: ' r.aved street: one block 1 rom 1 ,. fi.51.1nt Cai' line. ' T am building on Elizabeth street and State Lino seven modern bungalows. Come i and see them. Owner t; nremises. i FOR SALE 12.' n"" Ttenr west pi rt Indiana. . rrice $4r.oo. Tnnutr- f'ti Fir st. Indiana. 7-i: - 1 OOOD FARO TN Modern f"'.'.'.v: (food ba"--m r ; b hep: gsMff. 1162 .Tacon s . ri rt-o- a i liiSl. l!i.;ttmep.l 6-14 FOR SALE--ry cwoe- re bur.ire'ew .mst fir i '-he. : trim. 6?l Hoffmin s. " rc low, hard wood floors, r rn t h r.'ii r-o.;. w :lt e-it-Tce ison St.: t.?rn. .-.r . :i :-o.; rah. Phono 222 H r.:rtf it i n - nr or V !1 fi-11-?! WILL FELT, OK E :'-H N "t E --P u- I i 11 CSC I KtllOS -fe.lUst l,lRC t.iful sinomer resort -.:;..-.- ;.ti Kan- i - ttakee Rner. JTo'r t. rct,i-,r,,ii tv' ; AOW. buildintr. ill. M. D. M.v2. Hinri"ol.n r ' i 4 -..,w. Ind. Tel 2-4- 6-- cod MllC IMianr. USel 4 VTS.. ') ) .i- j;:w vrv.d- i.'. Blf? p A T, T F" T " F o - h r re farm: orchard" larce bu.l.l'.t Te-nts .'J1" nt'ttl'lv rr' Fe; ker. He.hman Ti' t'-., ,,,-..,!. : 1 1 -4 r -..J i ro r r 4 ror. 0-1 rnttic-p r.n . . t i - ne ren'cr Priee $ 1 " ' '1 : ?21'' t":'"?'. bfllnce tn rnop.thl-" nfin-ens RlacVcn-un nt on d . II ?Mt I tt 01 -6-1. -,-2 OR S LE 9 room house, 2 tots. nl' ahte fop a'.d l...r.rini; Honse; opTv a t e V oiir"it.- '.a'.i fr0'"1 eojr r f'.-e. Pr!oo tJSt'ifo c'lt radi pn balance in month!'- pa tr.ept. PlacVmun - Co.. K,l Prare p. t'n mond. 6-K For Sale Automobiles. FOR SALE 5 pas. .f'li'-inir r: n ' - , chanical condition perfect: p'i:r,t liliel new 5 new tires; fur'her Ruth s'. 2nd apiirtm.nt. phone" mm Hammond. 3-3 VOn SALE 1 Lexinjrton ;( $400. ?,401 Ai!chirj,tn a ups-airs. I'hone 91. jto I r i I . II : ;;4j FOR SALE 1915 Empire 5 pass.: start- er and lights. $lf.:.. 4 5 or. Forsvth ave. Phone 672M. East Chgo, ,1-::,-! FOR SALE tn. J150 a ' 1 1 o : P'St. jroo-1 . r.d 6-11-2 Ph-ne FOR PALE 1917 Ford tou-inr.-: 1 7 pass Marmon 41: 1 7-rass I'halnierf; 1 o-pass 0 et rlr r,.l : 1 ."-p--ss Port. A' VN't5 AUTO SALES CO. ci ?tsiu pt. Hioniond. f.-i i-: SAVE $500 ON THIS BARGAIN A Stiidebaker Six tourinc sedan, driv en 1900 miles, cost at f . -torv to lay, J1950: Ret this' bargain j 1'100: $11. "1 v.. .r'n of f-fimpmeni eh. r-wn i. 'h'1 r.t 7.".'i S. St.; K.odrasop f. r llmK. Hammond. C-U-2 I FTR SALE t 9 ; r, Hudson ?Hnn, cc.d I condition; 6 (food tires. Price ?Kfin:; can be seen at Harbor lnra.Ro. i V.niiT Watlincr and Outhrte s'. Ind. Har Phone 99. fi-1 4-3 F,'iP-.SAhfC.-5 ,1- 0xT!ar:'- Vlirt, 9712 Ivy st. In. hana Ha rbr. T hone 1 1 t-1 ? - FOR SALE Chummy oo.ipe; 4 pass Oif-rinnd: s'nrter and t;eVf p. a bargain. Cal! 4 Ci Sheridan ave. AVhit in?. Ind. 6-15-1 I'OR SALE 1117 Ford toUrmK car: cheap Phone East Chicago "4L Saturday or Morday. 6-15-1 FOR PALE $275 takes Ford roadster: just overhauled: new tire. en1 nen parts t'n rouRhotj' : pood as new. 160 Fayette st. Hammond. FOR PALE 1916 Overland: 5 bass.. Al shape f S25: 1916 Dode, 5 pass, $475. 4506 Fnrsythe ae. East Chi cago. 6-15-1 Situations Wanted. WANTED .TOR As watchman, bv handv mcr wi-h one arm. A m. AAritf. Hobart." Ind. 6-15-2 Room nsd Board. ROOM AND BOARD For 1 or 2 fr tltmsn. In private home. App'.v. 25 S'.bley St. Hammond 6-15-1 For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Unredeemed Diamonds a n d Railroad jeonf or of si,Tn J. Ark in, 4-25-tf ',We Buy Liberty Bonds for 'J!and Insurance. Open eve - ! jninffs. & COMPANY. 4i;n.,-, Forty the iip. I'.nst heneo. I'hnnr .'... F- m: T.t:- 'nri an-! ,!tiirr incbt o-!; foi;T, tijin, tnhle mi ! chairs. "i -'-. .'i;;ir r;i.e and l.-e b.. n t M: Itiiran. i'hoi.e 17.VI. Harntn..nd Hammond K' 'U SALE OH TP. f '' l or i:;fitclic. tenm of sori.-l nrses ixi : i l ri"- or. I 2 ;m f .- m v.h,:.,ti iT!i:. k i tit ' t. i-n.i.-rwoo,i jiii . n i I f.-i : fOR ? VI. E Very pno at fi b.i rici it;. ('till sv Hamm.-nd .. 1 irri ci ie p:,i no ! . 1 1-i. hr -i:-4 VK HAT.E Mtit soil ci;.. r,jario. in !-.e i i j Pest of condition. C'l't r.'l. will . ; on pay men's. .12 I'm.- st I' 47 i t'l minnml. . ti -1 C-4 IFOR VI.E Kce.l b:b c-r-ia j Ka stov "i. M tch -:-ui ivvt i niond. ! - .. Hnt.i-ti-13-2 , F.7t SALE -Kitcnen 1 J''; Mi jfsr i'stnir I SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY; AND SATURDAY . T.TTTr a rr ' j ji,,.,.,, t - o Jeol v.i-is S'to.-e. poor as r.etv. Ke'frirera . lli..t., ,.,,,.,) Bhosjt 151 ;v, e ape. e 1 1 v - Klli'il.'li Jll.f.iV A!. TM-O-tV.'-l l;,-o.l Srantsh lea '!-. ? 1 ' r,r."f;ir;.Ii;v.u;,'1 three.r.,.Vc c.-ri. r tie w. bi.iok I'lif.-m! en:ir, mr-m fi . -w. i f.-o,l I d r b- n- : i Buef. rn:K c .1 r,, ,,o. $.. : ' en ic -. ?: ai.d ur : lid tit-.mTnH- ami e-roi ). r so.-Uoci mtc.'i-i. JL'i - c j se k Wr-t'lit K-...: oh. !ji n..l.;ere.J. t .-w . tf-r.'.I I'lt-tck IphOkt. Oil Itootl I M. -tf . r. d i. p. A so S"oiti k' R , Prompt' Deliveries to EtUdYinr - m.: - tj tti Chicago, Ind. Harbor and;o! ! Vh 1 1 1 ft Cf 1 1 Line. Tr- 1 AlTi't Hammond Furniture Exchange w-l-7o...T.!331 E. State St., near Calu- nu t .Ave., Phone I lain. ..0TJ. PIANO BARGAINS. er 1 I k 4 1 . l . ! Kimball, used onlv I vears 12o! mo ; 1 10 Decker Eros., used onb 1 ( a 1 , Cable Piann, ncd mil' vears Hauer Piano, u-ed f.nly I years iSfult Co. T'iano, used only 2 years illallett v Davi Piano, j used on v 8 Aears ' PI a ver-T'iano, nsed onlv 1 IT. I I 1'', ,-. )( t 2 vrnrs '2e0 ' E!.i.ver-PiatH. uel onlv 2 vears II.. ...i, - I'.-l! i t c.ii,-:i;i:i!ce iiiii purchase price m two vears I MUM Ar.j0 f,f I ' "! ' . j J T WilCOCkSOU MU?iC Co. I Orpheuni Theatre Eld-r.. i Haniniond. fnd. '' -' yr r. fio ca Ro. ALE P e d r.rah'e. t lio'ice. tlvr --4 ' BICYCLES. pe'-l cn Ea v Pavments A. J. WALZ, !20 Stato S. :: r.fl. Phone 24R9. 4-2:-tf FR PALE : : ! Reds 2 I ;- - ;er- 1 int.- i ;..?.;!. 2 1 ; : is i T9, lllilhf fi.-MiV 1 '"abble. room i Ta'oe. dir-'vm room 1 Rtid.aiit H 1 1 p Piiip. r. 1 Wi t . r ,1m. koted l.-iod Stone Li no ;. i r i 1) AA:..,.x st. Hat-on. .to?. -l : i r'mo.5:.rt!"'fIar 1 imimna n n. 1 a so (.p Hart. or. Cut Address ,A1 .( i". -15-3 T,,np, Han.n.oi.d. (FOR P X LI Was. .11 ':a it'. and oihcr i e rit ; p. :. n t t .'lis,-. .O;,.,. 1 1 1 r o I I 1 3 ' . 11!- ; . !udinc ttnto r'-or.n:C c'.-. k Oal-n,.' t I Park Stock Yai ils. f'h'-ti. Himmotid ML f,-K,-: M ANt'RE W. for sh l e .a ' Han morid 4 ! . Yards. I lam no II rotted horse, manure, cost e.f liatihnc. Phono Calume Park Stock id. 6-15-2 T"OR PALE First class co0k stove and beater; good condition. 4012 i!.-oit ave. Eist Chicago. 6-15-2 I'OR PALE Brown horse, weight 1050. Otto Bencake. Crown Point, Ind. -15-1 FOR PALE Dininsr tabic nn.l chairs. bra si bed con, 1. n l--.iti.licn tab!. and ut.nsils. Phone nn.J. 10:M S. Hoh man St. Hammond. 6-14-2 For Sale Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES " All makes from $15.00 tip. To get what you wan: m.r-ke your selection now. ;o'd on oes- pavmeii's. 7I3r.CZX.3IOH, AT7TCCA3 SAX.5S EOOM. 229 State Sr. Phone 249. Hammond Wanted Female Help W NTI.I.- ! fin liMiu- In East t'iiM.iK'" Mil-! with !!!.? i-k pern in e I I f !T .Mj. 'i. ;) I i i 'U IT (MJlHlll A p ! , -Mr. Si' lit' ii. -:. ' 1 li"hin;iii -t . II. i inmortd. 6 111 - 6 W ANTE I old- ily "on. mi who wants hi. mo. f',.r ht us. ! i"-r and .are of 2 li.l.iion. W i ll.-, V. y. Tun s. Hum-in..-!. I 6-13-3 v. tei v mu-ArMv. Mr . .iitush r . inl Ann ricnn Tsiik rr i li,.l 6-13-:! WTKIt : ii' Hiv.kk.Ti.rr with some kni'v! 'Ipe of sifn..Mphy and sl:i.-i hand . goo ' l';,v and susdv posi tion. S.-tfer l 'u ' ii H u rr- i'., Ind. Mar Phone i'K'V 6-13" I WANTED Gii'l r general hnuMwirk, ! no vsa-hing; ii" cook trig. Phono Hum-' ion. I In:.!1. IT! '"iiky hvc. H-immond. 6-1 ."-'! I GIRLS IVVM'i;!1 Tn 'PTHle pfiwn v iiic inni litws. Apply. McIilov F.-inn Co. Tr:im-iii Hud s..hl Ms Ham inniiil. 6-13-tf V AN'TI.I' . a it rosso- .ind .lishw nslifr. 1 . I :. -n i. . T ;.i 'i r;i n' . Mi.-liienn r i . ! n.i Hi r 0-1-1-3 r.TPT.c; - tt.t Ci I'llK IIINDIU WORK. liSrtrxro mk.x i?i-' in ir. im; ukkk. i FINE OPPORTUNITYY l oll H-..l N M .!. ;.:good pay xvmm f eho. Z? A CJV" TO 'KH' 1 fT X A XT SxMTxH" WORK ROOM. ! CLEAN """'NO NOFKOl 'M( lllF.KY, APPLY AT ON, F- i "JT TJ C JTKriTT' V r Pi II IMMOVD. f -1 3 - S ' ' ' ' ! WANTED Vounu- iadv as! i i i a i ' ' i v i- ojj icon , out; who understands some Y hen list i-y ineferred. Ex-el- IV Ml WjFJMM I UIUI ' ftJtU 11111 est in-work. William t : rr.,,.i- v...).- IYast -15-3 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 j 1 1 ' i rv ! Chicago. i I WANTED Stenographer vv illinL: to assist in general ' new. lmPcr..,i;0ffi,.r. work. Efckinan Slip- ',. ' , ... , . . 1 i iror (' -'. n ().) .MlrJtlfran AVO- "o-' Y.Y ',, ' 6-14-1 CMHc. 0 ' 1 I -i 'Of. , ... . V AN'TED 2 d'shw il-.., --. qt once-I w ;i ires 0 per v eek and board n. er- an Res-aiuvnt. i;i Stblv t Ham - r.d. 6-1-1 W X T Coo-i . - i;.f f..r r! boureworK. i .eS. PW.tte Hammond 2RS j -15-1 WA VTF.D - ri-ncfj, id.' r- wot?o t :: -nrr. Ind qt ror : 2 in ennniv. C.-Cl H21 White 'iqi.-fi-lr.-1 i U N T i! .i . .1 iretiersl bmiseworU: , ' oTe nig!it App! v I ifl.'r '. or Sundav. -. .p. "f. Hohman st. ..Mam.-"-. B'wv R'dsr Room s. Hammond. 6-15-1 I ! W NTKD Otrl f.-T flreelc coffee bouse. ; j ytof t d-:nk. Hi 1 9 Vrm. ave. Indiana . I'.h rbo r. -1 1 ( For Rente Furnished Rooms! Vri ftlrv 'v f urn i? h1 i AVALON HOTEL lfi2 State St. Phone 16r. TfTn.'r.cnd. fi-l-tf ! j F'"'R R,rNT Desirnb'e r- i T'nitti oond st. Ind. ; ,K r-EVT -Com.P'e'rlv f-i,- ri.11 fi-12-3 I !hd rnod- et. rn.'!!1;; otj'M k ; . rr m! nays Intl.. 1: .to rrt'drer..; r-.ffppre r.-rj ; : red Piie-ne 5.1".'. H'nni.nd. -il- F R RFN'T Larce r'c iv furnished room for 1 2 rt'etcen : eon von - io-i'Iv loi-ated J1l M'.C' ave. Fas ''hi. -ago. B-1.7- For: RENT ;-. M t . f De ..! o (ore f M o ....m 11 fir nd 11 oM. fi-1 4 ; I'r.n RENT--To responsible pnr'v. firt- cl;i - .podet-n poo..; hot : s. keo p i n c i'.!. t ' 7 . Erte Hai-iMiepd. -!l-2 FOR P.ENT-Niretv furn for p. fi : if n, en . i-efei.-no hod room required. fami! v near Coi;nrv mh: ,. red phone.. 1119 Ham. 1 1-T h..:,rd no , d J y n RENT Two 'arse fi;tnihd rooms. Sf.) S-bU y s K ir.n ond. fi-1 4-1 t- ! .n -i I .iRht hoiisol- itMim. f-' St repine- f'ont ito st. Flam 6-1 I- FMr CENT- t-'.i '-ri !''!ie.l room: modern. - t 'i , e.t ! f. Ph-.t.e 12R. TI a rn - I ,,.;,. f.-i 4 -2 LOR KENT 2 lartje litrht louse kcepmcr rooms: rei. ,. I'hone SoT-J, ."ID Kane 1 pet e, -1 ; -1 avenue 1-V'R t:en - Larce ft'.m 1 1 l.-ntu : n.'.ih West H.imm i.'.o:r sij. fable n. 47 FirW nd. fi-1.".-! go a P -in j po I: r. N T - Fu 'til ''n.'.'l room for - ,r u.u. kefi'in:: c ann rtatn. .(.. Sa"e st. lnou'r 4flr May st. Phono :75W I-an.inoti'l 6-1'j-l 1 j.-. ii. or. vr - R M'f,:,,:,)!-: oo.- with r.pat.1: pri- blo.k from car line 4 ", 0 s;. st. Hammond. 6-15-1 : RENT Furnished .)r r.d-d local ton. Phone at'". a p a r ' rc e n t : 7".2M T"a tt-1 5-2 1 FOR REN -2 fron rooms fop lirht 1 ifdio.pnii:; Mil' 1 i modern. 1 ai' Mnh'gan ave. P'n.-n 1 776 Him- m.-nd. 6-15-1 I F i it KENT Furnished room. P 10 Hoh--ean st I'hone 52 51 Hammond. 6-15-1 I'oR PENT 2 rooms fo- "entlenien. W'li li.-.oe nriileites, ne-ar cr line. r.7.7 Plieflo'd ave. Hammond. 6-15-2 FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms for 'ic'lt hoisrke i.iniT. 'a ; 1 4f,1 Ah st. Hammond. 6-15-1 FO R TiE.NT -1 rto-ely furnished rooms fo- V, on ?r tee er i n sr at 24 1 Michigan a ve. Phone 5122. Hammond. fi-15-l I FOR PENT Pi np'" nd double furn- 'sbrd room, ic.-oer'i, n.(r S'nodard, Conker's and M' line. 475 Summer st. Hammond. 6-15-T Miscellaneous NOTICE LOANS ON DIAMONDS & WATCHXS 3'- Per Cent a Month. PEOVIDEKT LOAN CO. Near Orpneum Theatre. CARPENTER WORK' DNE Pv day or contract. Peterson, 467 IJOth t. Hammond. 6-11 GTJAILANTIE:!) EOOTINO. AAV red and frree n Rootine over old shingles; !so rrv-l Profit. nr.d repatrinp. Pee us on nj-th!iig In ti. R .oilr.ti line. Calumet Xooflnff Co OVio.ic JS".i-;,t'. Oonm 27 PI-nViBV. Ttlrf Hammond. 5-10-2 &eod 3 I Money to Loan L.V RGK I.HANS U.ans nor. under JBO.. 000 on huniess blocks, office build ings, hotels, theatres, manufacturing plants: also lerinancing legitimate prop oi'ions. K. H. I'ierson, Hobart. Ind. 5-14-tf THREE DAV Red Letter Sale Used Automobiles At a time when mate rial necessitates great in creases in the price of automobiles we are mak ing a still further reduc tion in the prices on all of our rebuilt automobiles. All late models equip ped with starters, which must be sold during our -three day sale. Sunday Monday Tuesday 16, 17, 18. at our salesroom, 101.-, MICHIGAN BLVD. Chicago, 111. We have had experts examine the mechanism of these cars and price them exceedingly low. They were pronounced the best lot of used cars ever inspected. During this sale we are making further reduc tions of from 25 to50rr . Owing to the lack of suf ficient sales force all cars will be marked in plain figures Come in and make your selection. Regular Sa'.e HayP Turlr. 5 rs. J 9i.rt.00 $7.0(i f r.uick P.oadster 400 00 Sr, fin ! Hudson Roadster 5fin 1 ' '"'" Tounnic. 7 pass, l dun no 7S0. 0(1 .Chalmers. 7 pass., like new 1.10V (.0 750.00 u ), s -- ..f.n r,n er An rnce price. Puiok. S pat i'f'0.00 fi.'O.OO F1F- Roadster 70.0rt 450 ("1 i ' M 'rI!, nri- P 700 00 f.0H 00 i Ooiljre Touring 750.00 500.00 And a great many other bargains of even greater value. Don't forget the date of this sale, JUNE 16-17-18. and the location of the greatest bargains. 16ir MICHIGAN BLVD. Chicago. 111. Open Evenings and All Day Sunday. LEGAL NOTICES. ' NOTICE. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myself. JOSEPT A. THOMA. 1191 Van Buren St. Hammond. 6-14-2 THE CITY OF AVHITING. NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF THE SEWAOE PUMPING DISTRICT AND THE CONPTRECTION OF A FEVAAOE PI'MPI.NG STATI077. NOTICH IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of P.ib!:c AA'orks did on the 13th day of June. 10 IS. adopt Declar atory Resolution .No. 166, for the form ation of the sewage pumping district and the construction of a sewage pump in; station. Said sexvage pumpins sta tion is to he a brick pumping house approximately 47x6. containing five crntrifugal pumrs. hainsr a pumping a parity of 56.500 gallons per minute, and said sewage pumping d strict lies wnhin the following described territory in said city of Whiting. Lake County. Indiana, towit. All real estate lying and being with in the piesent corporate limits of raid city of AS'hiting. Paid Board of Public AA'orks will at its office in the City Hall of said city of AAhiting. at two o'clock P. M.. on the 1st day of July. 19m, re eive and hear rf monstrances, from persons m t. -rested in or affected by the construc tion of such f!a?e pumping station. and will also hear and determine the n'jeption as to whether such district or area is properly bounded for the purposes of such sewage pumping sta tion, whether other territory not in ciuded in such boundaries should be added to such district, or whether any of the real estate therein Included should be excluded therefrom, and will also hear and determine the question as to whether the speeial benefits to the several lets and parcels of land within such area and to said City by reason of such proposed improvement, will be efiual to the established cost of said improvement. A map of said sew-aft rurnping dis trict and the plans, drawings and speci fications for said sewage, pumping sta tion, aie now on file in the office of this Board. JAMES J. NEDJL. FRANK R. LEWIS. A. GONDON. Attest: Board of Public Works. JOHN A. TOKARZ. Clerk of the Board of Public Works, jure 15-22 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. 1S30. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has teen appointed by the Judge of the Superior Court of Lako County, State of Indiana, Adminis trator of the Estate of Fred J. Spencer, late of Lake County, deceased. Said decedent also had assets In said county at time of his death. Said Estate is supposed to be solvent. June :. 1918. GEORGE W. KASSABAUM. 6--15-22 Administrator. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. IN 1 HE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or JONAS BUDA, DECEASED. NO. 1S31. Notice is hereby given that the nil- darslfmed has been appointed admin istrator of said Kstate, by the Judga of th Iake Superior Court. Said Estate is s"pposedto b solvent. FIRST STATE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. Administrator. Dated May 29. 191 J. Juna 8-15-22 11S NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. THE STATE OF INDIANA. LAKE COUNTY. IN THE LAKE SUPER IOR OOFRT. MAT TERM. 1918. ANNA SMITH VS. A I. SMITH. CAUSE NO. 17306. ACTION TO DIVORCE. Now comes the Plaintiff bv D. E. Boone, attorney, and files her complaint herein, together with an affidavit of a competent person, showing that the de fendant. Al Smith, Is not a resident of the State of Indiana. Suld defendant is therefore hcreby notlnd of the pendency of said action and that the same will stand for trial at the next term of said Court, and that, unless he appear and answer or demur therein, at tha calling of said cause, on the 10th day of Septenibir. A. D. 118. the same beinj? the 2nd d.iy of the next term of s.-iid Court to be ho put. and held in the Court House. Room No. 1 at Hammond, in said County and State on th 2nd Monday of St-ptrrr.her. A. I). 1918. paid action will h- heard and de termined m his absence. ( IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hereunto! i my nana ana anix tn) or sum! ' Court, at Hammond, this 7th day f June, A. I 19 1 S. HERBERT L. WHEATON. By Clerk L. S. C. ROSfOK HEMSTOCK. Dcpaty Cirk June 8-15-22 1918 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. ' ET ATE OF INDIANA, L mUXTT. J I., -i.- f...iK .- I ' ' H I'L'-T. SITTING AT ',aPT. ? t 1818. V.'ILEi E. NASH VS. MArtlEl E. NASH. CAUSE NO. 3029. AC-j TION TO DIVORCE. j Now comes the plaintiff iy Burns & ' Wells, his attorneys, and filetv h:s com-' plaint herein, together with an affi davit of a competent person, showing that the defendant thereto, to wit: Marie E. Nash, is not a resident of the State of Indiana. Said defendant is therefore herebv notlfled of the pendency of said action ' and that the same will stand for trial! at the next term of said Court, and that unless fh appear and answer or demur therein, at tl.e calling of said cause, on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1 3 1 fi. the same being the 2nd day of the next term of said Court to be be gun and heid in the Court House at Gary, in said County and S'ate, on the 2nd Monday of September. A. D. 1918, 'SI h's'lnc d irl her abenc I IN WITNESS j unto set my ha ,, mmi4, t'f I1 Court, at said action will be beard and deterrnin- absence. WHEREOE. 1 here- hand and affix tht seal t Gary, this 7th day of June. A. D. 19! S. HERBERT L, WHEATON. Clerk L. S. C. june fi-15-22 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CLEMENT DE ROSA, DECEAS ED. NO. is; 3. NVip.ce is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of said Estate, by the Judge of tha Lake Superior Court. Said Eetate is supposed to be solx-ent. CLEMENT DE ROPA. Admnistrator. Dated May 27. 191$. jure S-15-22 101S Performance the Greatest Oakland Virtue The owner of an Oakland Sensible Six never fears to v. put his car in competition with another. He knows that the ear he drives is equal to any de mand he may put upon it that performanee is its greatest virtue. The high-speed overhead-valve engine of this Oak- , land Sensible Six delivers at 2600 r. p. m., one full j; horsepower to every 48 pounds of car weight. No motor in the world carries less weight, per horse- t power than this none is spryer, more efficient, more j saving. With a speed range of from 1 to 55 miles an hour and a trigger-quick acceleration, it is still very eco nomical. It delivers from ,18 to 25 miles on every gallon of gasoline, and its even power draws the greatest pos sible mileage from the Oakland's oversize tires. We know you will like this new Oakland for its comfort, its ability and its value. The price is $1050. ToarinK Car Roadster Roadster Coupe $1050 Sedan $1050 Sedan (Unit Bor!y) $1210 Coupe (Unit Body) F. 0. B. Pontiac, Michigan Bohling Auto Sales Co. Douglas and Hohman Sts., Hammond. Phone 266. r ORDER YOUR WINTER COAL -era fir NOW j T'o not wait until fall you tfj- ma be to... lute to ft it- -fc er- If von do riut have ibe ready - .. . 1 I . . . M' 1 M .1 6- vance you hut money you jf need nn'rt If.t .u pay it beck "tl in small moi.thlv payments. -ftA gjf fillowiriK you ttureoty montli' Pjri tlnie if you desire 1t. or if you jji ErS" prefer von ran jay in full at "f If- any ttn.e. ati.l on'y pay inter--fi est a' ieri raxes tor actual yj time loan i.i corritd Loans made i n pianos furn- 'JJ iture, flXtij.r. s, etc. j PMVATE ANT) CONTIDEITT. ; ZAZ., DXALIN&S. fl t Provident Loan Co., Boom 3. Panama P.ldg. -tfl Si-laO East State Street. Near Orrhev;m Trteatre. jfZ Phone 323. "y I it i w i tit n ii , J pt-i 5 LOANS ' to people-owniitgAj! TiTTTrrTTTtlTTTlTI it'. P1A2TCS ' J $100 TO $300 I P3lfGniZ3HoniBiGipri Deal with, a cmpay 'whwR-,i ... vuu b.j 11 n uri u . uu. - - . , lun:u vi ..til unurhiuuit ft m ireauaoox. 1 nia company oon-,. ; 1 . slata of all Hammond men. ra- .1 t iJ.aMrar l this cy for;the ?atj jc ft I f 1 v j wa-i m, uu i rat iivio'iu a. k-t t tw t WHY 4,o SWXTEWimfli; 1 L'i wwnan you can rorrpw anry f, .Vmount frorn 5, to l0frrn pianos,, watalis 'and 4 'urn on A. Tn.I ... 71, r. par mooth and yc.i on have R urora 1 to 10 mon.oa to repny W in ium moniniy iivurairnota. Loaxs Anywhere iu Calamet : District. Lake 'County LoanRgaK Eslatznd Insurance Co. M Btmbaeh Block, Orr Uom tora, HamoiMii, Phoue 31 N. Open avery en:ng antll 9 p. in. GRIMirER & LIESErrELT. Wan age re. LADIES When irregular or delayed usa Triumph Pilis. Safe and always de pendable. Not sold In drug stirea. Refuse others, save disappointment. Write for "Relief and particulars, it's free. Address. National Medical Institute. Milwaukee, AA'is. 7:14 $1250 $TE50 liJ l b trTMhiiMin -nil'i' ''' i!