Newspaper Page Text
Page Two. ALBERT JONES OUT OF NEWSPAPER WORKr I i Able Writer Forsakes Jour-; nalism for Special Work at East Chicago. Alfred Jont.i of 5nry. v ho for right ,,r,;!,,r ,J regarded n iin pre. . e,l, n'ans years has tffn associated with The f"' U;p ,ip'"se ' fan. -nt m.i.-.i t.. T:vp:s 'newspapers mid is one of th.t I Th' minister of puhiio vo,'i. t-er.t known an J Wft new spa p. r nun j ! n-,mifmcn! f r nmat in,i of in th midd'.ewest has .severed Ins -di- j "v;':sn i'Op',:a t ; on in cae of no torial connections anil on Mnminy rakes ; ves.-ty. They have ci!!i-.l upon ton up his new duties at Kast 'hint ro-I ti- j diana Harhor as piT.T!t to I'ol. AVal- : fr Riley w hri- he koos ith 'ho host WIMM'i o: Mil Ml HO 1'rt 1 1 Mr. Jones will do special work for fnl. ( Rl'ey. who is president of the First j ("aoaniPt Trust and Savings hank, presi- ; dent of 'the Citizens Tmt ami BtivinK t hunk of Indiana Harlmr. president or' the O. B. .Jordan rem: nany, and at tho hn.d of o'Hir financial and ni.mufaetur enterprises Including; the Iiieciay Friel? company of Michigan Citv. Durlnr the summer Mr. and Mrs. will dispose cf th- residence, they on f Ji'.ome street ana nun nvsr two children will move t .- tho Twin Citv to make their future home. I FORMER TIMES HEWSIE, UNITED STATES SOLDIER Henry Furstenberg Train ing at Alabama Canton ment for Service. Th! T'mes and Henry Furstenherft , wre always closely associated hut they j have never been so near each other) as now w ith Henry at Camp Shridan. I Aiabama, in the hundred and thirty- fourth field artillery. sonn to leae for " r France. In days prone by Henry delivered The I lies sh'ps will giro th's nation TtvES through sunshine, darkness, rain, i ereatt de.tro ep floe; in the woild mow and blizzard as faithfully as any i l.tstory. i a squadron includes s rie. carrier in the city, and he will follow stroyersV ;h colors and carry the mess-age of To men these thre must be an i,. freedom as faithfully and heroically i rrediat snereas :n nar'al .-ff:-.'r. tv" as any other soldier m the American ; committee was told in letters fnm Ad army. His brother Fred is in ia:r.p in j miral Paimer and Adiira! Benn ani New Jersey and his brother Herman in I Secretary faniels. urine a permanent Minnesota. GEUENT EMPLOYE DEIO FROM Harrv MCul1n. S4 years old. who sus'sined an electrical shock whil wrrkintr at the Ruffinsfon riant. Vni versa! Fortiand Cemnt company, Gary. ri:d at the steel corporation's hospital esterday. Mr. McCullen was employed as an e'eetrician. F'.meral arrangements w.H be made after relative;? at Blue Is land, 111., arrive in Gary. Mary Wiihbon. Mrs. Mary E. Washborn. 74 years cid. rassed away at the home of her daughter. 361 Jefferson street, yester day cf complication of diseases. The leniains will be takn via frown Point on Sunday to Star City, Ind.. the former home, for funeral services and burial. Th. Gary Undertaking company will be in charge. HUN PROPAGANDA IN MEXICO t"BT T'vren Pnr.ssJ ?T. PAt'L. June 13. How Grman propaganda was spread in Mexico was, told the Federation of Labor conven tion today by the Federation Mission to Mex'co which just reached her. Th mission reported encouraging accom plishments towards fotmafion c.f a pan-American federation of labor. KOW'DYE LIKE MEATLESS WEEK? rtNtTrr Press Cabifgram 1 CPENAGEN. June IV Meatless week has been ordered in Bavaria, ac cording to a,dvi--es received here todav. Twenty-five workmen who refused to work were courtmartialed in Prague on charges of mutiny. HOW HUNS TRY TO WORRY U. S. TRr T.'xiTFn Pkss 1 WASHINGTON. June 15. A German Hammond, Sat,, June 22 ?nI!cSr TENTS AT CALUMET AVE. SHOW GROUNDS. AH New Again! AH A tlSUS GAIiiiHEa e. A A i2 tsed w r4tii? ifi $3,000,000 t BAIXROAD TRAINS 8 82 TINTS Si 8 BAUDS 8 403 ?.F0&J(XS YOU HAVE NEVER WITNESSED A CIKCU8 LIKE THIS Two Mrformaocei daily, 3 and 8 o. JtiUioa-Doliar 6treet Pixxd 10 i m., Pi Including Wcr!d's Greatest CtUcsi cf Trained Beasts la a nttf'ive Steel-Girdled Arona. The Wida World, CiTiiized m I -j UnpiTilized, meet aad aomplete what is now tha BIGGEST ZOO n EARTH te Reserved and admission tickets N pharmacy, 552 Hohman St., near P orounds. I fleet is sndine out !trms two or threp limes a wi'fk. inlt-nduiK to uorry ihf ! A niei i, a n-A I ! ! j tleet that 111" Teut-m.s m i n s i i t 1 1 tHt! M -l.-i -i in.i - - .h e. r me i ;. a ii - I Allied Hi -et pi em up. PLANS FOR DEFENSE OF PARIS CONTINUE PAIUS. June IT. - Allhm.-h the l,!,1!ls"ni "'"vkiiirn for 1-- n . f IVnl h CANADIAN TOWN IS ON FIRE SAK.' Tnox. I'nnarl;!, .Inn- -:iri i;n , 1! n s.-.uh of Sr . ' 'l -o- V'let V h sh v. . ri . I I n: en from fa out; t Kator n is t , .-.i i si i u ! 1. TI he f . , Veil !n the ti; . i t c w n . BATTLE NOT FOR channel portsi;1;;:;";. HT I Mi;,!. W.!HI.ViiT(i. .tune if, Wh'te ine ei:t that ft-.- drive now he.l 'i Paris the general pdn'ed n-it atuur i. f th channel no- w-,-.:irt ve a more immediate anri tmport a "it i ctt ect on t he whui v ar situut ion than would the fail of Paris. The tlermans thus far failed to reach the maximum bo-.tnd ry they attained in h. said T!i -battle this n-,o- ment i. not toward th channel ports, he added. FIVE SQUADRONS OF DESTROYERS ADDED fp,. I-VITEr) rr.F5!. , WASHINGTON. .Tun 15. America's sa forces in European waters will hp Increased by five squadrons of des-rov- tbis year, the house naval io-o- Utee was orfieiallv Informed t,-,tov increase m th naw 4 01 enlisted mn. T.nel t ISIX MORE EOYS GET CROSS FOR HEROISM I He Pm 1 Er pr.'-fs 1 WA?H!N"i;thV, Jim 15 Six Amer ican soldiers huvo bn awarded th I. . S. distinguished serv--A ci,--sa f,,.- orsverv undr Mr. t;enral Pe s n : n g reported in Friday's ceivd today. c o nt ri q n 1 rpj r e - AUSTRIANS BEGIN ARTILLERY FIE rT-N-TTrr FnEPs CAm.r.i-.n v i POME. June 13 An 'nten, on of Austrian artillery fr to th sa he- gan at dawn today. "Artillerv countered eefpcttvely,- n statement adds. "At Tono Leour battT!. ye.ct-rdy prevented the enemy from renwinsr th attack." REVOLUTION IS SPREADING IN VIENNA tT'NtTEn Press r A a m 1 I.oN'nny, Jun IS A report tha a revolution with sritis rlotintr ;n Vi enna was contained in a Central News dlspatcj-. todav- from Amsterdam. Details of the rnvolf weTo f.r, Th . . . 1 -i -i 1 u 1 n a 1 m e e 1 n g s t n f a -var of end'ns; th war a r be-ng h:.i !n Hunaary THREE U. S. SHIPS SUNK THIS WEEK f" FvTTfcn rFF.oa -j N'V TOBK. June t 5 G rm a n sub! marine. in American waters during the w-ek ending todav sunk threo htp. totaling r.'n thousand, four hundred and fifty-eight tons. You'd like to take a punch at th; kaiser you. say? Then buy a Thrift Stamp. Right Again! FF.OH 18 NATIONS roa capitau invested S m eo p.iDEEs eo 0 AERIALISI8 63 50 CLOWNS 50 100 ACTS 100 m Doors open one bcur eulier. G.l, Goldsn, pr..cir.g first jwrfonntace, Hnsaoked to Aue- on sale circus day at Summers' State. Same prices at at show I vy ,i 4f "SJ ICOUCE MEHT WEST HAMMOND SCHOOLS The progrtsm for coriimcncemi-nt w k t :., I of the West Hfitoii.on.l puMie .- ho.-hs is as fol iow s : Siiivl iv .MfninK. ,1'iu- Ita.-ca-iaui cci.- Sermon: I 'r. T. .1. l;:s.elt. pn tor Hammond I'irt M . K. chu.'.h. Went v oi t h scic.l lia ; i. Mop.-iav .Mi-nini;, June 2 - Senior partv. -cho.-l hull. "i'u..iiy po'iiitip. Tun 2Ti Kishth pt n-i-. ut-adunt intt exercisen V 1 ii. --ila v .'O -iinc, Iiii.e SHp'-r-mtcfid in 's t v plt.-ii r.-uior r.i-.-. CI - l"o I lie I! Vl'lllie. Tlrarlav, June 27 I'lnv dy. Thurs.iav e. nltts. June ;7 -Hu;h sch.-i-l i-c-mtr enc. nii-nt . Mcmh.-rs of H:nh s.'l 1 S- mor epi-'-s: i1ein'-!e Mayer. lia,-:ei r.o.s.ijcium. lec tio Haa.-k. Sa-le 1-1 1. k- 1st u. tii'ii tii'onioi. ('Hff.'fii ITevel. Paul 1'alii nim. l-'ntm Urnwti. Hi:l! c honl . oiutnenc.eiiK nt. Thurs day oni!i(f- June 27: ("la.-s ..!ors: Gold find white. Class lower: .lo-.Kjaills. Baptist orches'ra Ameri. -i - - !nocct!-n T:ev. T J Bassett ('.-me h re th l.i'ies lt:-n; . U e;0 wort !i i 'lioro.s SaititHtor Haze! ; It -senlntiiil Piano duet l.a Guil'iia.. - . -1 M - : 1 0 l'"arri.'l Mnud Mc''ea.v WHITING FULL OF MASONS TODAY Al Hassan to Give Veiled Prophet Degree at Ceremonial. fPFETAT. To Tr" Time' 1 WHITING. In i. June 15 Many Wh'ting Masons will rol v th degre f Veiled Prophet at th ceremonial o 1 Hiiss-m Grot-o to he h Jd -n this ty Saturday. XI Hn-.-an ts -err. v.l V.:.f t 1":. i. h g -. r ed of :,u n - , Whiiins, Ham mond. Gary, Hohart. Low el'. frr.w n I Point and V:,:Pa , -G-. -! it is expe,.,d j that th-s week w : : 1 'e th la rges turr.r-tit of M..t ns thnt this ci'v ln: ever w 1 1 n ' ssd I'erm-s-i-on has hern obtained frm j Th follow. n Hammond boys en .h street depat t"-r.t f-r th, 't of j trnnd todav for the army training LaPott and c'entia' avenues 1 1 t h j sch .o) nt Indianapolis: street for th" park in of at"n. h.V.s 1 J.-hn I.isaoch. Geo. F. F'agg. Evan- 6 no Cmef of Pep - Covins h-is pr-:"- r-ed !de-"piat poiicj t-i tic-n. r-mks second to rh. ph.,.a. p in th. n '.it!. br rf t:.f m'.ers ana lh N.v, lior.r to obtain e-n. i.-'h new tre,. hrs Saturday to place- them in the lead. The Grotto, com pat a t i el y new', has grown in popularity and ti; ship, until it is now on of the n 1 1 Mascn'c organizations in this : t t y. 1 LIEUT. PAT O'BRIEN FALLS 2,000 FEET!'' FAN" ANTONIO. TEX.. Jure IS. Lieut. Pat O'Brien. Boya! British F!y- Si ft v,o s.V.vv"v ct ? Jrr r7rT'" s . v'- ' i.PMjii.r;.isi.,'-,'in.Lw;-,fWJii!'- fstw ' &se Ami ill W s 11 lift m WEEK OF Address .Hon Francis G. Blair. Sta' Supe'irit.-tiiietu of Public Instruction ocal .Seh ct ions Mrs. George Hannauer I're-i lit 1 urn f f Diplomas Board of l-aiuca tlon Select inn Orchestra iil.-.liotory delaide H Mayer We'll Ni vi r Let the old I'IK Fall .... WiMitwor'h Chorus Star Spaiu I'-d Banner-- Benediction !v. T. C Xattle Stunt mKl.t, West Hammond public ho -. June is, briietit Home Cora- r.-rt I'Uib. Program. Star Spnntrled Banntr l-'o'.k I nce- KlnrierKarten Mkh Smith. Miss Honeywell Nlti.l Csp S"io; . -- . Fi-st Grade, Miss Biordan American P.and . .. Fust Grade, Miss Bardon Th" Yen r I u Sontr Set ond Grad. Mi's Harrow Kose I r II I 1 ii-Mnn? T 'p and Down Third Grade, MIsh Bennett The Minuet. Stihvr's Hornpipe. Boat sons Fourth Grade, Miss Snell Patriotic Souk and Drill . j'ifth Grade. Miss Spencer 'hoi o'n te Props S:th Grade. Miss fallen 1- ii'ci nicy and ntr,rrac,yBoy Scouts S.ummi v . . En Semhle Stra Spnniilo'l P.anner Audienca ing Corps, who is in the I'nited States utter having escaped from a German prison, ft 11 nearly 2.llf,0 feet in an airphitie here vesterday. but was only slightly injure.!. He was alone in the machin. over Kelly Field, when he fell. He was tak en to the emergency hospital. His nose v.ns smashed and he suffered cuts and bruises about the face 8Tid body. O'Brien was conscious when aid r- ached him. and his chief corn ern was over bis new trousers, which he feared had been ruined. O'Prion's accident was believed due j 10 the fact that h was more nccustom- !d to a lighter machine than th heavy j training plan in which he undertook !l1 fly. ! Had he been In the front seat of the ' iri'!n h would ha been instantly killed, cm-rrs said, because it was smashed to fiagments and mixed with . th machinery. LEAVE FOR ARMY TODAY ) e'li Ttagad":S. Alex J. Szymanski. Rii- j ! dolph Hansen. Stvc G. Scoofakis. Wal- i i t-r E. Thompson. Stanley M. Lewan- I I'l' V'' '- 1'eter McLaughlin. Joseph Kap- j i '". Mrs. H. Johnston. F. J. Hoerpner. Uin. F. Conrad. Jack Give, Frwn-esoo A Molmari. W. If. Strauch. Geo. Soter I'-ld Steve Punay. HEIMBACH LEAVES EXPRESS BUSINESS Charles W. Himbneh. for four years sgent for th T'aculc Express Co.. and for th last eleven vears agent for the lam Express Co.. has left the express 1 business find will hgin duties Monday mond. Michael M. Kfisko . engineer j as for.-man for Chapin fc Company. corps. East Hammond; Kenneth H. Al j Th express companies of the nation are Ktr. quartermaster department. Ham Peine ons.Midated ir.'n one company. mor.d. Ind : Sam iel P. Elder, infantry. . Y- 3 111 11 A f I ffll ! Suoported by LOIS MEREDITH, JAMES MORRISON and an ALL-STAR VITAGRAPH CAST A MARVELOUS PICTURIZATION OF EMPEY'S WORLD-FAMOUS BOOK THE GREATEST PRODUCTION IN THE HISTORY OF MOTION PICTURES ifMMUtiaa DIP SHS IDENTIFIED 8? POLICE Through the asnisian-e of the Br til'ion department of the police force of East Chicago, complete identification of the two ni n arrested as pickpockets ! in WhitiriK has been . stablished. Photographs and njr a su lements of i the prisoners were recorded in East . l('tlri MIl'I inKCIl I'l ! HO fl 1 c;gO j tective nureaii hy thief (.'ollins r the Whiting force, whre 1 was found that ths men were old offenders and bad records extending back as far as !'.') The name of the dips are Patrick j uniiufin-r ana 1-rar.K h:un. Gallagher has be.n arrested oneo In Louisvillo Ky.. and half a dozen times In New Tork City. Stith also has a criminal rocord. The conviction of the r.ickt.i. elect ,r (rested in East Chicago and thi eon- mci inn of thesn two men will to .,.,,- extent, deter other criminals of this class from attempting to operate in this region. Tho police of both cities are determined to stop this phase of criminality in 'hi se two cities and of ficers are daily "on the watch 'o detect any further wi u!d be operators. COOLEST PLACE IN HAMMOND The boast of the manager of the Hammond Orpheutn Theater that his house is the coolest place in town would be hard to contradict for during the hot weather the theater is always com fortable surprisingly so. On the ho' tst day reheT from the heat can be found within its walls. Great fans pump the air through coils packed In ice. Al Lauahhn & Co., a musical act. with a chorus, and four other acts ar at. the Orpheum today and tomorrow with pictures starting again Monday. The. management of the Orpheum and Pel -tixe Theaters disclaim any responsi bility for th nin who appeared in front of the theaters to take the names and addresses of those going in. to us the names for mailing stock selling propositions. REMODEL BUILDING. The Cox building on Stat street, west of Hohman street, is being remod eled for the King Jo Lo Co. of Chi caeo, which will install a chop suy rcstaur-int. Th company operates a chop house on Dearborn street, Chicago. FIRST AIDCLASSES. The First Aid Bed Crosy rlasses will not becin until Friday. June 21. owing to the absence of Dr. Howat from th city. Registrations will b rtc-ivol up ! to that date. ENLISTMENTS. Enlisted since, last report at Ser geant Welch s office; Hugo Bialker. encinr corps. East Hammond; Alex A Feder. engineer corp.--. East Hammond. Thomas K. Daniels, eng'neer corps. East Ham- Next Mon., Tues., Wed. and Tburs. Popular Prices Children, Morning and Afternoon, 6c. Ontinuous from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. i o 'l.''V-'ywvi!wy Qve&fc Americans. ' T"'iinlidll lifir-L-. . - Whiting-. Ind: Walter R. Bojanowskl. engineer corps. Suuth Chloaso, 111.;; Edmond A. Sleckh medical corps, Lo well, Ind ; Hoy E Wood, quartermaster orps. Lowell. Ind ; Elmer L. Wilmuth. cavalry. Mlllford, Ind ij THE TIES' i ! nrii,if.iniAi l r H9 IH I IllllllWIIIk I i "icnisnn fc5 ' Anaconda 65 i Brooklyn Bapid Transit. 142 i ' 1 Baltimore and Ohio American Can Co. Now York Central 53 4 OS 72 67 66', 1 6 14S 95 44 52 90 fentral Leather j Chesap' ake and Ohio " ib! Stee l Erie ';erer! Electric j Mexican Petroleum I ennsylana Pittsburg Coal liepublie Iron and Steel Beading 91s- American Sugar 113 Southern I'aciflc 84 Southern Hallway 2 4 Ohgo Mil. and St. Paul 43's Texas Oil 14JM; I". S. Steel ior,t4 I'nion I'aciflc 122'i t'tah Copper R-i Wabash 1 S i W illys Overland 20 CHICAGO GHAUT PTJTi7E,ES. Corn Aug. $147; July $1.45''. Oats Aug, 65Hc; July. 70 7c; June,' 76c. CHICAGO LITE STOCK. Hogs Receipts. 7.0(ln; rough. $16 31'?' j S3: light. $16,653? SO; pigs. Jl S.25 75 ; bulk. J16. 40W70: packing. $16.00 J? 40: butchers. $16.45 75. Cattle Receipts. 3.0A0; meeves. $12.- j 75 18.00; stoekers-feeders. $8.75 13.- 50; canners. $7.00 fi S.25 ; calves, $13.50 5 ! 16.75: butchers, $s.25 'a 15 25. ! CHICAGO PH.03UCE. Butter Creamery extras. 42!sc; creamery f, rsts. 4 242'c; firsts, 309 42-: seconds, SSf; 4Sc. Ecgs Ordinaries. 2Sfi31c; firsts. fi S2'u-. Li-.e Poultry Fowls. 27c: ducks. 26c: j geese, 14c: springs, ?7'i7 45c; turkeys, j 24e Veal 50 to 60 lb., 10c; 60 to SO ihs., !fii2 20 is; 00 to 110 ibs.. ifii,a:mc: fancy. Z-c: overweight. 140 to 175 lbs.. 15 U lSe; roars. 15c. Potaii'fs Cars, 6"; M nn -Wis., $1.50 "6 1.65: new springs. $2.50 i 2.75. The famous Miller Beach row has heon settled as a result of a hearing in Justice Jordan's cAurt at East Chi- cago, yesterday. This case, involved the arrest of 1 David Gross, an emp-ove of Mrs. Dru-I silla I'arr, who tor dow n at Mrs. Carr's orders, a shack belonging to Mrs. Jo hanna reterson. Mr. Curr alleged Photodraissa I " e("s 11.1,1! IM I'll 7 - iMILLER ROW ISJETTLED t or I If f M ? n that ths ahack was on her land and on advice of counsel had It evicted. Arrest of Gross for malicious tres pass followed. Attorney a. C. Huber of Gary, assisted the state in prosecu tion, ond E. G. Ballard of Gary repre sented Gross. The court ruled that there was no evi dence, it being shown that a civil ation might lie instead of a criminal charge, as the defendant could remove th house whn doing it in good fanh. CHICAGO PAPERS 9 CTS IN REGION hir-aRo Sunday papers will go u n tomorrow. In Gary as n hi' ago th sale price win be 7 cents at stands and cents for delivery at homes. GARY BUILDING SO FAR OVER MILLION Buitd-nir pTinlli. issued n Garv date show a total of $ 1 . 0 -1 j.i AO. wy; -n exc;i.i-e cf vristruction , flertaken by the ste corporation, which no permit- are I DeLuxe :: Theatre I TODAY William Russell Hearts or Diamonds" Manager's deci.-ion: 1 hit- is an exceptionally gnotl pirtur. And Abraham Lincoln "Under the Stars." also Douglas Fairbanks "Swat the Kaiser" SUNDAY Baby Marie Osborne in "Dolly Does Her Bit" And a Very Funny Mack Ssnnett Comedy. Theatre if HAacaoi?D, IND. The Coolest Place in Town. Feature Extraordinary TODAY and SUNDAY 3 MELANGE REVUE A Miniature Musical Comedy. 16 People Pretty Girls Catchy Music- Wolf & Wilson The Golf Cure. i j McConriack & Shannon ! j j j y A tjrsatn .rem "uiti trin-' Godfrey & Johnson Vithout Power. Sperry Brothsrs Parallel Ear Novelty. Admission Saturday matinee: 10c-l-"c. Nipht r.nri Stinday in-, 2:.c 33c. PAST I M g TODAY PEGGIE HIGHLAND in a five act Fox fra'ui '5 "HER DEBT OF HONOR" SUNDAY Jack Pickford and Louise Huff in a act featur? "FRECKLES" WE ARE REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS And examine your eyes without the use of druss. Hammond Optical Co. 141 E. State St. Hammond Svs5ads to Dads f'you looH cmte5well -I 6iysTa(R"yoacU) J VUt tiTMel rid i . .. J I Let Us Perfect Work for You PHONE 134 I ! lt , -, MJ ! n n r- ii ' "