Newspaper Page Text
THE TIMES NEWSPAPERS 6Y THE LAKE COUNTY PRINTING &. PUBLISHING COMPANY. Jtinty Timfs raHv except Saturday and J a: tha postol'fU-e in Hammond. Jun I THE SCOUT CAMPAIGN. The Boy Sront campaign is a war measure and peo ; pie should not look at it in anv other light- They should pledge their financal support - not niiK'h is asked when it is prorated 10 anythinc and everything that will help to make tit citizens of these hoys of ours. r. fe TtmesKat Chicago-Indian Harr. daily except j " "tan '""' '" hmMV "' Jnday. Ef.t -e.1 t thn i-..-.. -e... rr..., rhTnEO. NOV- V.'ar will mnlio v.. on ,.f V,;, V, . f,.,... --- linfma The Lake Co "" Latere ruber is. 191 3 The Iak" Count Ttme r..,.,i.,- .h TViklv Edition. t're.i ; tn n.-wVoffl.'e n u. j Fhrur 4. Er.t he matter i! 2 n would have been a man prior to Hie war. l he fiarv Evening rimes D-iUy evcpt Sunday. w-i rriend. you ve pot to remember one thins the erhl Alf JXrth'Sf'MaVVT'lb.1 Second-cla,Uays are pone never to return It was possible in the p.tst for a man to "got by without hoipini: any one hut himself. You rnn do so no loneer. The world is b tng re-horn. You have now a duly to your fellow nun. W e must take care of tho e boys of ours. The r.a tion is train ins men to train thorn to he men. Th ;m paicn in Hammond -'o cot li.htiit Boy Semits for liam- FOREIGN '"tor iJ j . ; J ; r. g . . advertising; OI ITCE. . Chicago TKI EPH ONKS. exei-iange whatfwr department f-'at! for Garv O'l... Tho'.pm .' EaVt" ciicii''.'. 1 I Kvins, r-'vc-igo Fast (hirnsx), The Time """ y. ''.Hsbor uvm:::::::::::: 1 ''' s ' Agency and CVi-""- .! 'h; Ci t Vt. . .3100. 3101. 310 wanted.) . . . Tc'i phfin 1 3 1 . . . Tot, phone 931 .Ti'('hn" S42-R . . .Toifphcmc 2i3 . . . To t- yiinn '-3 inond and teach these boys for two years how in he manly with all thai the word implie- is th- ino.M impor- t.i-V "i'arbrtr i tant thing of the day. Those 2.000 hoys n t . .TC phone SC-M ; Te iep tot i Larger Paid-Up Circulation Than Ar;y Two Other Paper In the Calumet Region. ens mate potential citi j will be the men who nt a few years will dom- Iliw do you wan' them to dominate it lor pood e i! ' b,. h--v'I ""' trouble K'tVnsr The Time- muk com . .,,,,- :a net ne ro.'ponsinl" ' . '" ' ' ' ' ' or l-ttt-rs un:l w ; i i n. . t i, fn?;'r.cC,0'J' !i n s fat ! on . Sh-rt signed letters tnterefct printed et discretion. return of a non y ' eneral notice to M ' TtJ fa 1 to rKflVf your copy of Ti'R prnrrvU'y a vom have in the Pai. the rallrojriv T:if as 1 rlfajc d- nit think. , t or n-ai tint sfnt en time. Remember that i are eng-a?cd with the ureent mivmnt of i troeps ani their upb!!: that m.f. t. I :n vsr;,"i part of the country fiol pt f;i- that plant? will also yield l.'.'U'iO 4 7 inch she'ls daily- ave more business titan thev can handle ! (in ion fourteen private p'anls are loadine shell the rn ; THESE WILL RID THE WORLD OF SOME HUNS- , Th secretary of war announce the enmplei ion of one nw shell loading plant and the near complet ton of work j on seeral other.. Four new' t nnn to he in iiera- i tion will make 1H0,I"'",0 of the T.Vmiiiincter shells. 4 S . 1 1 j of the 1 mihmeter shells to fit s;ms such as they njrn j out in Gary, and 1,0(m S-inch an I larger. Two of the In ad- j three FY r I: :-.. !s co- t. .at reason many trair.s i--e Itt has Sncrrasoi Jt? malt tier p.,:itym.-t and d'-nvery. Even . ... d- 1:: - s .-,.-. inevitable b. j 0t l- enormous den.anus np-n t"i railroads and a w-.thdrawal of men from many of work. o'her.s are prot'icini? l.' fusers. and Iivp plan;. at i ! loadtre Te.OO!' shrapnel Fhells of lr-'-milirceter and ntiier , het li these thousands of he ip a a 1 1 :b?f .la-.iv with the huc arti'lery mined ovit to--IN. ! ?-r-n new plants, four of whirh ate in ti-.e ("alum' t reeion. ; Certnany will soon realiz that i' is up Rcaitis- a natf"!! trhfif will he strong in artillery. And every one of these '.-lulls probably will rid the world and civilization of one o; mote Huns. WHAT PRUSSIAN VICTORY WOULD MEAN. The id-a of an ultimate Prussian victory is growing raore intolerable to the majority of the Pop!e 0f this eour.-ry every time the sun sets in the West. They cacno' crrei.-e of such a sinister possibility. Why- A wri:: ltn? nid rhnt rr.:--?!ans are uniqu in tit, nio.1e.-r. w,-,.:d in that, ! hough enjoyins th physical atlvnn'ac of civir-ation, they ar- still moral and spiritual I'-arhar-:an?- r,f!nsr 'r ': ; 'arians, possessinit barbarian ideals, thev v?-e built u amongst thm?elves and their allies a bar barian code which is an anachronism, yet which they arc u torce upon the world. It is the md ion " on iy law, v.irc'i exa::s ruthless brutality, which wars upon the weak, which enslaves prisoners, ravishes women and maim? and murders children. Oermany believes in her cod, as you believe in your, religion, as you believe in government. -f. by and for th people. She loves her doctrines as vou iovo what is dearest to you. Her ideals and yours ran not exist and prosper in the sam world. Her ideal.? or yours must go down That is what this war is abor Should nr!r:acy win th- ors cf the war. to date wsr- the rrtilifary hnn- are here, ever, r-.'-.-h the moral hor,'-" ar-. not -he result will represent, in German e-.-Ps. conclusive proof 0f th correctness of her point of view- nr.! vi the folly and weakness of ary other poin' of view. She will say. "We ,ea?on-d that if wP did - :n re-u't would be so-and-so. Now we have i.!' y rxr.d r-.r rcsail been as we anticipated. We right end the rest of the world is wrong. We sha'l dominate the world, and we shall dominate if wi'h the sord. Wn have whipped a comb nation of the siron.t-'-st r.aio:,s in tli" world, ar.d we can do so again, at will." A victoricu? Ormt.ny would be more arrosan than rVf" before. Tier pledge, in future, as in the past, win be worn less than nothing. The militarists, the expan-' vnr;-.s will be more than ever in oon'rol of Germany. They will 'urn n-xt to the Western Hemtrphere whr they wish to acquire irritory. The United S:afe? will to face, point blar.k. th question whe-her for the Monroe Poctrine or 'iiamefui!'." aranren t; -.- doct:-jne at th order of the k? To ciio up the Monroe Doctrine, to give Germany a foot hold in this hemisphere, would b equivalent to the ac tion of a householder who, intimidated by a powerful ul'y. takes him to live in his ho-is. Life in tha house thenceforwr.rd becomes hll. .nd that i what life in our part of the world would be with Germany for a neighbor. Just as the householder lackinc courage to stand up against a bully sacrifices his honor and self re;t-rT, WOMEN, WORK IN UNISON- j "Women of my state" fit was a Western state I ;ren't very much aroused," saM a Home lv onumic.- Direcor a a recent Washington Food Confer. noe, "but , the work is being done." j Tii--. work for the country isn't don," leplid Mr' i ' Tar'-'ell. member o' the Woman's Committor. Coun- j oil of National Defense, "until the last woman in the, coun'ry is working; ; the woman who blon s to several I croups or societies and the woman who beionc to no J group: the millions born in o'her countries as well a? our own millions. Not one single woman among them ' but has her war service to glv r.very woman nas a chance now. no matter what tr station, to gam the j wonderful spiritual experience of working in unison to J support civilization. Neither food conservation, nor re- j lief, liberty-finance nor child welfare, nor work to hlp j our women in industry, is done until every woman has J become aware of all these great, questions, and ;s gh ins ; hcr strength to the great effort. All shoulders mu-t he j placed to the wheel, no' -he shoulders of one c'.ass nor j on co'e-r, r.or one creed. i "Calamity threatens us. No woik is complete un'il participation in the job is comp'efe. No leader may fc-l j sa'isfled un'il she can say, 'There is no one woman lef j in my district who needs to b ftirred to a hicher pi'ch of rnthusia.-m. nor on who couid work more cff , i iy." ; Mrs. Malone and the Censor i The following poem has scored a tremendous hit among the American soldiers in Frame, where it was written by an officer whose identity for obviouj reasons is concealed . When Mis. Malone got a letter from Tat, She staited to read it aloud in her flat- "Dear Mary," it startvd, "I can't tell you much. . I m somewhere In France, and I'm fighting the Dutch. I'm ch.okin' w id now thot I'd like to relate, luit its little a roidior's permitted f stair. ro ye mind Rod McPhee wi 11. he fell in a ditch An' busted an art m, but I can't tell ye which. "An' Taddy () Mara was cautlit in a fVtme An' rescued, by , faith, I can't loll Je his nanv. nU'ht 1 yoke up wid a terrible pnin. I thought for a while H would drive ine insane. h. the suff'rin I had was most dreadful to be;.-; I'm so, t; . my dear, but I r r n t toil you whre. 'I'lie dor-tor gave me a pill, but I find It's contrary f rules f disclose hero the kind. "I've be. n t' the din'ist an' had a tooth out. trn sorry lo h ave you so shrouded in uoub. Hut the (c-i I can say is one tooth is j-one. The censor won't lei me inform ye which on. I rat t a youns fellow who kno.vs ye right wo'i. And ye know htm, too, but his name l can't tell. IK'S Irish, rtd headed, an' tin re wid th blarney, Hfs foits once knew : our folks bdek heme in Killarncy." T!.y ce:;.," sr. id Mrs. Malone in her fla. "It's hard f mi'.ke sens" out rv wri'm' like fha !' I'll give h'ni ?.s good as he sends, I win." So s!ir went right to work wi'Ii her ink we-11 and qtiill. Ar.d she wrote: "I suppose you're dead eager fer news. You know when ye left we were buyin' th' shoe.--; Well, the btiby has come, an' we're both cloin' well. It's a--. Oh, but thats somthin' they won't let nie te'lll" POP IX FORTIETH YEAR AS DRIVER Lake County's Roll of Honor fy ?i-e i ty -:? 4' . 4- ,-' "- it He.' - it if- 7 n Tilt --Jfe ft c-' -f xt-i tf f - - Fop Gers. Pop Geera, prand oii man of th light harness game, is now preppinj; his table of horses for another sea son on the gTand circuit- He drove his first race at a fair m Mobile in 1&78. Dr.Emest vrocl&ri&z -t LowU, has been stationed ar a. Virg.r.ia tralnircj carnp and l'ft this v.ek. , lieut Bay Cas7,Iwell, statlon-efl t Atlanta, 'ta,, has t--- n T'Jered 'o ermpj Shtri'ian. a' MonT'iry. Ala, Tifut.j 'as"y'-d Ea he; Rrowneil oft I T r vt- e 1 : t Xrt. Joseph Griffith, has received a l'-t '.' r f band, in the aviation ser Crown Polat, ! r'-m b' r hus- j :r. ;n i THE-Y ARE News of Lake County Boys In Uncle Sam's Service WELCOMING MRS. BUSC'H. then he for she .-ill Pel a mong sa-s the i I WHAT HERE anil OVER THERE THEY ARB DOIPs'O Tf must occasion a great deal of joy ami the mothers 0f America who have 50us abro Mtmrlf Tress, to know that Mrs. Lily Husch is on her - rav home to America where her family made its niulions j by brewing bee th, outbreak of the European war maintaining a hopial i by this mtini. to rsrzNes or the bots. THE TDTES iroes dally to over a after she has been in Germany since I Las. County b e s. 1 A. V W. .3. A". A wujl f . - - They lian mr otner Trad Kelnemann writes from Eagle Pass. Texas, that he was made a first class rrivaie. He also says that Pri vate IVK : ? o" West Hammond and himself o :.0-C" rend,ng The Times. way of getting' the news. It Is a letter , They want vha ; for wounded German soldier., Likely these mothers ; ?rhom. fSr them. would l'ke to welcome her with outstre'ehed arms s!i news or tha- boys they Know, tcou want j bor's boy to get to them. It to I ns fer ti'.em. Let tis keep each other ' posted as to the comings and peings of our boys In the service. Write I briefly or call up THE TIMES as an i act of patriotism. Do it noyr. walks d '! the gangplank and in each outstretched arm a long hatpin. GREAT FOR THE AUTO. so would this nation sacrifice its honor and its re- specr snouia v at any time back down ne'ore kaisensm. At present we aie no match for Germany, but it would be far be-ter to die resisting her than to li'-e en slaved hy he--, for life under German domination would ho intolerable to people' who believe as we do. i why we cannot permit ourselves to rnnt em thought of German victory in the present war. i According to that very aoiy e-nun ik-t spapft . nf fv.i..i. Co.AnfA Mnnitnr Mr Me rlnn' hicher nassen- I eer and freight rats on the railroad? of the United States look like an unconscious inauguration of 'he era when the train will tend more and more to be a hauier of freight and the one-t;nie passenger w-ill take icfuse in the automobile or the flying machine. In the mean- . if - r,-,-jn l,o a ?rt nav or 1 cent-- a mile for passace 1 on a t ram. i pas-ongers non-o uhich cost him twenty-five cents, he i think twice before buying a railroad ticket. The auto- James Wainwrlfcht of 413 119th ej-r-r:. Whiutic has left for Pibana. 11' to f.-rr it tie' training school for 'T: eery the. av latien cerp. Mr. Watnwrich: w orkerl in the engineering .leparfieen- ef the St. o. to. and was a number ef the ivy's cmh. I TO THE MZIT IN SEKVICE It doesn't matter where yon are, on this side or tha other tide of the At lantic, keep la touch with yonr friends Vw t.AnnlHff t VO ta-er ft line. ThtT will be glad to hear what yon are do- , Mr and "Mr3 j0B vrarnecko of St. Ing. Use this department to communi- J M, n r,1( ( ,,rrl -rd f , 0-n l,iren..-e Sic cate with your soldier pals. ! ,ht he arrive, i yafelv in France. 1 I: a-s the t they had heard from Corporal Charles D. Gainer, Whitinf, j has been transferred f v m t"amp Taylor. Louisville. Kv., ti Camp Shrmiin a", j Chillicothe. e.ihio, where he has been J chosen as one to enter the fourth of- fleers' training class. j j Camp Logan, Houston, Tex4 June : 15. Several hundred recruits from In- ! dtana are making what btft they may-j of the internment prr!er following j their arrival at Camp I.egan a f'-r iays ( u" end :n the mter-.als between "cus-1 sine" nin'iuPos. fretting tinder the )iat ef th Texa; eeast muntrv at this I season ar.d nurtng arms and Iffts Into ! which have been Injer.-od serums to j effset tyrbeid anl other preventable j di5f-ses, they f.r.d it't'e time for ary- j thin? (.i-rp' sr-e.-iila'.i''rt a : b"-.v ions it m l tie before tb-v are suiciently i - - - - ! ! Valparaiso, lad., June 15. Kore than t j $f 0 mt'ttary drift rcjt' rant? now are J j s-'ationrd at Valparaiso university here. I where they arc r. ing a speejal ; fiiir in army w erk. Men have arrives. I in the i-ist rew civs iron .iKlaitfnia, i Texas end A rk in?;i. . -O Tort Snellinff. Minneapolis, June 15. There is intense interest wmons In diana men of the twelve reeruit com- ! panics of ti.e nth infantry here as te j r'-eomrnendat ions for non-commission- rd eicers. Four serean's and seven- j teen corporals are to be named for each 1 . on-. pan v cf o 0 men. j A i Camp Sherman. Chillicothe, O., Jnne j I". Genera! H-il-- b?ts iss-ied an order j that no leaves of absence shall he, jrran'ed in future t" efi-c r or men ; except in special emerpen. v cases. The ; J order i" a part cf the general's pre- ,' pram t make the S4th division' stay i at Camp Sherman a "workin? period. " I ! Mr. o--n.I. m n ! the re and Mrs. K. S. Smith of Ham. e, ci-.e l vy.-rd today ef th" a r--,f their son, Eobt.rt Smi'h, 'over l-obert is with the if.s-vh field Pa til Goyke. West Hammond, 343 in- fantrv. rsivp Grant. be. been tranfee. ted to Camp Vi'eJ'c v. V. for a'mst i three weeks. ratil Mas been )!l for a j fortnight but is Improving now. j . . : itna 1 bq ; t a! m. Adolch M. Backman. Camp tee, Vs.; H tone thi.e. nd be cm run a motor oar. with thiec tour , , ,. ,ia.kman rd:.. net., T?;- eigh'een 'o twenty miles on a gallon of sa-'- j Walter Ba k.npn. i '''..'' -r . Texas. . Kax SSxacek, a Center Township to'intee Oolton sr.; her l.o-.s .vert oalteit o.inR iifn. na w ni.eii m- i" -o,.... i r-.. home to n'end tne fi.'i'iai ol 'neir r rancn. ue s in ine nr.:ii-.r I'lancn aitr Vt'a . IJiC .-CI n . .. . . v.- .-., VI,. M l,1nn moinie rnanuiaciurers ihusi w. iwu, .. . . - TV is plate the these days, siih great glee and rubb.ns of h,.r.d - - Carson. TERRIBLE POSTAL SERVICE. thi" hli- The mail service is setting -o abomin-ib! Bess and professional men are crying to high heaven for relief. Two very important. Indianapolis letters mailed to tliis offie on Thursday reached it exactly sixty hours after being mailed. It is impossible to evn coun on newspapers and other than first class matter any more, j The whole postal service from Washington down o the; local offices seeni demoralized. Mai! not oniy now is j late, but some ef it never even puts in any appearance, j The p.urleson administration of postal a.Tairs. has been' a fright ever since it w as started. Complain. are made . on every hand o; tne man service. i ney nave neon made so often that they have become a bore. Ps'tons of 'be postoffice department have even gotten o now that they have b come t ired of mrking complaints. The ccuntrv makes allowance 'or w-ar conditions, but it really ,ioes seem as if Mr. Rurleson' potof fires and Mr. Mo Arioo's railroads ought to 'lo bet fcr. ' GIVE 'em hand grenade, anyway 'Ohio State Journal in connection t'tt j New Orleans States: "When r.rac I ty of murler she ti led to tt ancb ney. in time n may ne nr i y o do their work behind a wire nf." su ll'ltS I he si r: e -: - h , -:i: of th, -as fount: ite'K n t or- t X.teut. C. E era ! a i d it,:. -: r of j Khi Inland , a -.Is and i '"I t he V Y. '.. has i ,';ieij in t lie t a , ;v a i corps. - i i formerly gen- I. H Hfite r claim agent i K n e d and i n -t rauspoT ' a t ion Dr. G. W. Miller, East Chicago, was j in ('c"i:fi e-terday aMending the j ii-'i'iiit' i I ttte American .veti;,-a i asso . ist ion. Il al' t o. .k bis examination for i nuance ip-o !)., inf dical re serve col i-s. THE people of Cologne are f'ini panicky because j their city has been bombed a few times- When a few i of their choicest rathskellers and beer gard'ns are blown j to bs they'll know how Parisians di.-hke having their worship in'errupted hy big shells. j Mton Vatcrman, tlbiic proseciror- , ,nok.-,- .,..!ne,l 1 !,. . ot. 1 Thompson of I'.nerua I (t in the bank, is now in corps. O ae hi South Holland W. Arthur of Hammond, has recel- s i oda v. Harold od vv.-td fiom tiis son who ha been in his pi edeci Fiance, for peailv a vcar t,ating tha' on '.e Povs a r -li. 'o E, f n i i?rn .a: the kaiser and vveojld rather fight ' lia n tt r; !!. Laontau. airerdal. has quali- i!;e nav h1 e!'ficerv i mining! Mrs. Thomas B.vrtlett. Wblttr.e, has .errlve'l v. o o t-t : no e,. ' h .o ! r h;o- C. B to d !! i !;e na u o! ticer camp, Mutioipal her. v'hicag j Harry Uayls, Indiana Hcrbor, Is a I ne,v eno'ed man v. ho to'i.ay for! i lntl::iiH.p!l.s to .-roii si rvp .. i ; bet -in-law, A 1.;:!' home in e'.arirdn. A in serv ice in 1-Ynnro ni't-t :t :: t h;s -li v. io Iris been or fo; i y monihs. POLOGXE Volks-Zeitunsr says that af'er the war is will be hard for German? to come to Leslie Peterson and Hoy Wood ef You have it right. We don't want any j l-""- "ave h,.ih enlisted in the army. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swets of High- j. i ;.M-s from t heir t it. t , -. t '. ' ! st n- j S r.eers w bo ba lie n in France for he v...) ti nien'tis. !t'e ,s in the best of h-n t ' ii ,n re! s pi i it , Over this countr; Huns here. KAISER bill says peace." You knotv n hat thinks limburger chocs v. a t;c, en y rc!-ac b tlie gi-vf rnment to pre hit father, reaching heme only a sliert time before be pass-d away. must : one' ' trr'd. be a mean? t o I'ong German :. people tha a - id. ha ve 1 e, e i e. rttiirr. -Jot: n S. u , O. Howard, Crown Point, at the In- bistri"! soi,!;evs training si-hool at Val- o. hotro on furlough. . Russell Ford, Hammond, at Camp Grant, was h one i his w eek en a short fuConch. WHAT ZjETTEHS WIXI. DO. PARIS Letters are one of the most essential factors In keeping oar men's hearts and spirits np and spirit is needed now that onr boys a:M petting Into the real fighting. Therefore, fathers and mothers, remember thnt through yonr letters the men get their happiest diversion In the field. So send them often. Through letters the men derive com fort and cheer. Don't tell your troubles your boy hits his own. Give him the local news. Letters are the soldier's tonic j and help powerfully to maintain the j army's morale. Use all your lnflu- j ence to improve tn postal service. i Lake County's deaS la the war with Germany and Austria. Hun. rary: ROBERT MARKLK T. Ham mond; drowned off coast of Ne Jersey, ilay 28. DENNIS HANNON. Indiana Harbor; ptomaine poison, at Fcr; Oglethrope. ChattaDooa. Teen. June H. JAMES MACKENZIE, Gary; k.. led in action in France v h: oghung with the iOta fecor.'h Itltler.; May :j, 1517, KARL IVELSBf, W.iltlng; U P. I. Died at Fori Sam Houston cf spinal meningitis. July 1 1) 17. FRANK MANLET. Indiana Harbor; kil!ed in France at Bat tle of u.Uf. Aug. 15. ARTHUR BASELER. Ham mond; died at Eion Springs. Tex., of spinal meningitis, August 28. JOHN is AM IS HOOKS, ast Chi caso; killed 11 France, Sept. It. AR'iHCK ROREHTSON, Oary. kiiied in France. Oct. 81. LIEUT. JAilES VAN ATIA. Gary; killed at Vimy Ridge. JAMliS MAC KINZIB, Oary. kiiied at Vliny Ridge. DOLi-ii BIEDZYKI. East Chi cago; killed in France, Nov. 27. E, BURTON HUNDLEY. Gary; killed in aviation accidtnt ai Taliaferro fields, E verm an, Tex. Dec. 1. 1317. HARRY CUTHBERT LONG. Indiana Harbor; kiiied in acci uetit at Ft. Riisfc, Texas. Dec 111. DEKVi'UOD GICKINSON. Low ell; died tomewhere in France, of tneumonia, Dec. 12. EDWARD C. KOSTBADE. Ho bart; killed by explosion tc France, Dec 22. THOMAS V. RATCL1FFE. Gary; killed somewhere in France. Feb. 24. FRED SCHMIDT. Crown Point: d:ed of pneumonia jn Brooklyn. March 7. after being on a torpedo ed steamer. CORPORAL EDWARD M. SUL LIVAN. Gary; killed somewher in Franc. March 8. illCHAEL STEPICH. Wh!t:n. Camp Taylor; pneumonia. Marci 14. ROBERT ASPIN". Gary; Co. F. lElst infantry; Camp Shelby; ty rhohl; March 17. CLIFFORD E. PETTT. enlisted at Kamrnond. Jan. S. in tT. S. cav alry. Died at Delrio. Tex., April S. PAUL Fl'hTO Toiiest-n died in hospital. Marfa. Tnav April 6, ISIS. Sergeant. ;nachi gun battalion. Sth e .airy. VICTOR SHOTLIFF. Oeor. killed at aviation camp. San A tomo. Arnl IS. 191S. JOSEPT BECKHART, Gary, died at an east-rn cantonment; week ending April 10. 101S. LIEUT. IRA B. KING. Gary; reported killed in France, April ii. 191 S. NE WELT. TEACHER. Gary; Graves Registration Unit S04, died m New Jersey. t918. E. EIRCH HIGHES, Gary, or dnance department, died in Phil-H-ielphia, 191S. WEST HAMMOND. .TOstKPH SLIETZAN. West Hammond. U. S. Field Artillery. Kiiic-d in action, France. April 27. WOUNDED. ROBERT M. EEATTT. Ham mend. Trench mortar. France. Feb. 25. R. A. SPARKS, Highland. Trench mortar. France. Feb. 27. HENRY BAKEMAN. Hammond; Sth engineers. France. April 7. EUGENE M. FISHER. East Chicaso; severeiv wounded April 22, 1?IS, by shrarnel. while in a trench in No Mans Land. JOSETH ADAMIC. Indiana Harbor. Artillery. France, May THILLIP PETERSON. Ham-rci-nd : se verely wounded in France. June ft. MEMORIAM" cm ow di:h ViE vjK'e.T OR. CO ENOUOH mow see v4Moy t 1 w tf B Ait pAIERlAl SHOUL0 6E DRIED SUFICtNTL JOK IT VsMLL MC7 HEEP PUT VMA MOULD Complete instructions for home canning and drying will be sent to the readers of this paper upon appli cation to the National War Garden Commission, Washing-ton, D. C, en closing m two-cent stamp for postage. Story & Clark Piano Co. Established 1S57. Capital and Surplus $1,000,000.0!). Manufacturers PLAYERS, PIANOS, GRANDS Stores in all principal cities of the United States. Factory Branches 4603 Forsyth Ave., East Chicago. 582-584 Oakley Ave., H. -v Tim end Wilfred Hughes, Mgr. Opposite J'OSteffj.-r PETEV DTXK Save Your Word?, Pete, to Shock the Corn , . 11 By C. A. V0IGH1' C- SANE-E- - COME OUT ea.X j MtTf?e AMD GWifz NlE a J ZyV1y CAVjT ca : v-- . meacDEw I' lA JAOKlT .ACR6E1A Njucill "Tr-fAiT'S A.' HoT out:' What's a matte .2.. DOES Noufe Racic DA 11 1 1 r Tf-fTS A. -Cr, No I GOT A I. mi