Newspaper Page Text
June 15. 1918. THE TIMES. Page Five PERSONAL I SOCIAL HEWS r : COMING EVENTS. The Tast Chiefs Association of Hm mend Tfrnpie Xo. 7 3 Pythian Sisters will be entertained by Mrs. Fred Alrl rich and Mrs. Henry Ashbaucher at the latter's home. 469 Summer street, Tues day n-7i'ing. A rtano recital -will be Riven by a jrcup Of pupils of Miss Adele M Dun bar at the First Methodist Episcopal church, Monday. June 17th. at 7:45. as sisted by Mr. J. M. Valentine, baritone. Mr. Valentine is a pupil of R. C. Out tnts Wanie of Chicago, formerly lead ing baritone of the First Grand Opera Houses of Europe and American includ ing the Royal Ita'iun Opera Co. The. annual certificate recital of the Clifford Conservatory of Music will be g:en Tuesday evening. June ISth. at the First Methodist church at S o'clock. Pupils in piano, voire, expression and Daily War 'Recipe Italian Queen as a Red Cross Nurse in Field ft The following is one of the Food Ad ministration's recipes to housewives: NO 1VHF.AT. Use CORN BARLEY OATMEAL RICE AND OTHER CEREALS. Saving the "Wheat for cur Soldiers and j the Allies. In using substttuies. muffins or drop- j red biscuits arc referable to molded biscuits. OATMEAL. The food of Many Uses. Breakfast Food Bread Puddings Wafers Baked Dishes (with nuts) Cookies In rlace of meats Soups RAKING POWDER LOAF BREADS. You do not need either Wheal or Yeast for loaves. Can be cut in slices. Can he toasted. Method: Mix the melted fat. liquid, sirup and egg. Combine the liquid and well mixed dry ingredients. Hake as a loaf In a moaerateiy not oven inr on 5 w ; - , t iT , Has, v - -i v - ' a . Boy Scout System Works Twenty-Four Hours a Day y Jv i).1 vjj y,V lit 'iv ??S ..v ' .. fc.if.'.- , M Some parents think that they hav-idea erected impregnable defenses about a boy's character, proof against the wiles of the devil, when thy have provided , 1:1m with a good home, put him u. school and led him to Sunday school. Too late, they often discover that there whs a weak pot somewhere. In spite of all these fine institutions boys fre quently Ifurn to swear, smoke, drink, ua.nhle and form unrlan habits. Why" Where How? It 1, not 4 difficult to answer thes questions as It kicking- at it. Th llu:ln ,plr uP"n-mis rroitram. j hour or untH thoroughlv baked. There is no admission charged and the j x,lta rafslns or date, mftv be added rutlic is cordially invited to attend. Jf dfslre(j OAT AND CORN FLOUR BREAD. Ground Rolled Oats Corn Flour. cup l:qutd. 4 tablespoons fat 4 tablespoons sirup. 2 eggs 6 teaspoons bakintr powder. 1 te-vspoon salt. 1 1-3 cups corn f.our. 1 cup buckwheat. Mary. 95 GostUn street, will leave to morrow for Lakeside. Mich., for a visit with relatives. The civic department of the Ham- j mnd Woman's Club adjourned its meet- i ing at the home of Mrs. J. M. Turner j In Truman avenue last evening after j the readinsr of the minutes and the members attended the Flag Day exer cises at Liberty Temple. A meeting of the Lincoln Community Club was held last evening in the kin dergarten room of the Lincoln school for the purpose of discusstrg a school buiidlnar for that district. The meeting wss attended by a large rumber of north !de residents. A program was given in connection with the meeting which Included a piano eolo by ErvaJ Stereiis. a song by Vivian Skellinger and a. piano selection by Day Malo. fit ' J X S it f It :1 f fit' -i i 1 Testerday afternoon the King' Daughters of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. Herbert Norton in Murray street for their rcpu'.ar busi ness and social meeting. It was the first meeting of the society in several weeks and the member srent very enjoyable social hour. Mrs. De'.mer Btinett of Indiana avenue was named as the next hostess. Quite an interesting meeting of the North Side W. C. T. V. was held last evening at the home of Mrs. Betlby in Elm street. Plans were made to go to Crown Point with the other Hammond unions next Sunday. June 1 3rd. to give an entertainment at the county farm. The members will discontinue their meetings curing July and August but everyone of those present last evening pledged to devote the meeting day to work for the Red Cros. Miss Rachel IL Davis and Wilton Davis Alley were tjuietly married this morning at St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. W. J. Hawthorne pronouncing Th? ceremony in th presence of rela tives and a few fri;nds. The bride's mother came from Pennsylvania for th wed'lir.f. Mr. and Mrs. Alley wl'.I make their home in Hammond. Mrs. A"j"y has been a teacher in the Ham-rr.-ind schools and Mr. Alley is employed by the Northern Indiana Gas & Elec tric Co. Garfield Lodge No. F59. F. ft- A. M. will hold a called meeting Monday. June 17. at 1:0 p. m. to conduct funeral services for our late Br". Elmer Hoff man. Services at the Methodist church and interment at Oak Hill. Brethren will leave the Temple promptly at 1:30. 6-15 WILLIS R. FORD, Wor. Mas. Members of Garfield Lodge No. 563. F. & A. M.. are hereby notified of a Called Meeting to be held on Tuesday evening. June 15th. at 6:30 o'clock, for the Master Mason degree. Members and visitors are urged to be present. WILLIS R. FORD. Wor. Mas. G. O. MA L LETT. Sec 6-15-17 - "m- -nr i i-1 rut . .-3 Queen Helena of Italy as a Red Cross nurse Is a familiar fgure in the Italian hospitals. She lias scattered cheer amcng the wounded Itniinn yold'ers. mav seem Wake i:p wtth the boy and .e. bow far into the day you can go it is essentially useless to py upon a boy or tell him 'don't." If you take a nice, clean, bright tin pan and put it down, anywhere, with n.ihing in It. it will first collect dust, nnd then rust. Then someone will come silong and throw something into it a match, a piece of crumpled paper, an apple core maybe, and the next fellow ndds something, and the next and next, till it's full. Then somebody gives It a kick, and presentlv somebody, is it goes to the I CROWN POINT NEWS $ 5 HArpcM.ioa or a say i.v ukd covtts uvuut oajttai. hJ! 11:45 a. m. Sunday school. Imman el Evangelical Church. The Rev. A. J. Hoti. Pattor. Ill Sibley street. Phone 11J5-W. 9:15 a. m. Sunday school. German and English classes. 10: JO a. m. German service. 7:30 r. m. Evening service. The Asoclated Bible Student 3 p, m. I. O. O. F. hall. OTron Dept. store. Undenomina tional services. Every Sunday. All welcome. Seats free. No collection. dim p. You can nail it down and fill it with with him (paraffin" wax and keep the dirt out. It is well to remember that "many I but it wili onlv sit around like a bump are called, but few get up." There Is on a log and accomplish nothing. Pat ihance for a lot of mischief between J some flour and yeast in It. and it will the alarm clock and breakfast. The . not only keep full, but will spread its reason i psychological and any doctor i useful contents all over the place, tan explain it. j A bov is Just like that tin pan. ei- Frorn breakfast until -heol time the , cept that he starts higher and may fall b'v i under the eyes of his pa rent ! owr. and is not likely t - do anything more! The Hoy Scout Movement stands for serious than to kiclfl shout d"i ng j every th i n g which is good and Interest chores. The city Uid. unfortunately, i ing in boy life woodcraft, oamperaft. has few chores to kick about, but 'health and endurance, chivalry, hero theiw are othr things Any parent ; Ism. clean sport, patriotism. A scout who 1s wise enough to forego molly-i has so many worthwhile things to coddiing and cajolery and put it 'think about and do that he simply can squarely up to the bov to bear bis' not find time to exper'mnt with vice,,, share of the home hurden or g- w hr A s soon a s he a wa kes In t he mn rni ng he he can d better will have l.tti dif- I pimning for the good turn which Hciilty wuh this part of th day. ! h has promised to dl that day, th When he leave for the school house. mea l he is to cook over th open fire, especially If he leaves eerly. the world the bird whose photograph he Is going takes a shot at him. It mav Are the j to make, or- the big tree in which he shrapnel of hoodlum'sm. the high ex-j and his patrol ar planning to bulid plosives of passion, the machine gun In house. of profanity, or the asphyxiating gas! He share, the home duties es a mat of tobacco. TCvery boy !s under fire. ter of cours that Is one of the first and mo..t are wounded before they en-t step in scoutoraft. He finds it more ter the protecting walls of wisdom. j interesting to r!o against the gang In school the pup!! is wmrrllv'r which t-v!nc- tn k,..v u of dishonesty discipline than it ever was to plot with A farewell party was given on Mon day evening honoring Alfred Kaufman and Jack Wilson who left on Tuesday for the Missouri Military Academy. The guest3 were the members of the F. O. C. Club. They spnt a delightful social time. Pedro wa3 played by the members of Circle No. 1 who were entedtained on Friday afternoon of this week instead o fThursday by Mrs. Leonard Knoerzer a her home in Clinton street. Mrs. L. Wrd wen the first honors and prizes were also won by Mrs. Clarence King and Mrs. Jacob Kussmaul. After the card games the hostes sserved refresh ments. In two weeks Mrs. Walz will en'ertai nthe club at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ruff in Russell street. So many girls have signified a desire to join the Girl Scouts that at least one cr two new patrols will be. organized at the meeting Wednesday eiening at the home of Mr. C. R. Teedle in Calumet avenue. There will be a speaker at the meeting. Where to Worship rMeetlns t Vtrioua Hammond Churches Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Brooks, 8SB Doty s'reet. arsnounce the birth of a son. Saturday, June 15th. Mrs. Brooks whs formerly Miss Lillian Srafford. Mrs. Albert Meder of Jackson. Mich.. will return home today after visiting 1 l0 ;45 a her mother, Mrs. Jane Morrison cr Hammond. Mrs. A B Stevens and daughter. rirst Presbytariaa Chorch. Corner of Highland an 3 Hohman Sis. J. C. Parrett, Minister, rhene 1045R. 9:45 a, m. Bible school. 10:45 a. m. Morning worship. Subject: "'Tha Church of Today." 6:30 p. m. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Chris'iar. Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship Subject: Lesson from the Judges, rirst Pentecostal Church of the Ktt anna. Corner of Michigan and Calumet- Rev. A S. Balsmeier, Pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Preaching. 3;00 p. m. Pentecostai Un!o praise service. 6:0 p. m. Young people's meeting. 7:30 p. m. Preaching. Salvation Army. 267 East State street. 9:45 a. m. Company meeting. 2:15 r. m. Street meeting. 3:00 p. m. Christian Praise meeting. 7:15 p. m. Street meeting. :00 p. m. Salwtion meeting. Public invited. Capt. and Mrs. Bear!ey. It. Paul's Chnrch (Episcopal.) W. J. Hawthorne, Rector. S.0O a. m. Early celebration. Corpo rat communion of the men of the parish. ?:o a. m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. Mid-day service. 7:3" p. m. Evening service. Methodist Episcopal Church T. J. Raset Fast"-. 9P0 a. m. Class meeTing. 9.45 a. m. 3-nday school and Bible classes. 1V45 a. m. Morning worship Them of sermon by the ristor: "The Measure of Responsibility." 2. 3" p. m. Junior league. 6:"0 p. m. Fpwcrth Vaeue. -ry,Prn: "Jealousy, th Handicap of Team - Work." Leader. Rev. Geo. W. S!reecr. 7:30 r. m. Evening worship. TW-me of pastor's sermon: "The Unerring Petoc'ive." saf. though the sp;es may steal away bis allegiance to the truth. H is kept busy, and a busy boy Is seldom a bad hoy. After school how many parents really know what their boys are up to during that bour or two between school end supper? Then there Is an other hour or two or three between supper and bed line, oftn unaccount- I i hm. in- 7-.1M.T care-.ui and con-Isc-.entious parnt would probably be I astonished and cho'kd if the whole truth nere known, j Now some Indignant mother is ex claiming: i.o tney want us to spy upon our boys and make them fel that we cannot trust them out of our s'ght?'" No. dear lady, no. yr,u couldn't see your son's faults no matter what you did that's why we know we can always go bak to mothr when every other fnnd has failed us. K- Mrs. August Hildebrant entertained Gibbs. the Stitch and Chatter club on Friday af t ernoon. Miss Margorle Tinkham has return ed from Wellesley, having finished her sophmore course in that institution. The Chamber of Commerce Boys' Band went to Hammond on Friday to participate in a patriotic demonstra tion which was held at Liberty Hall on that evening. Mrs. O. J. Eruce and daughters. Dor othy and Leone have returned from a ten days visit with relatives in south ern Indiana Miss Leone attended De I'auw university the past year. The graduation class of St. Mary's school will give an entertainment at the school hall at S p in . Wednesday. June 15th. at which time the following program w;!l be given: Star-f panglcd Bin-r Tantomine "Captain Ted" (Drama in 4 A-ts). Come Where 'he Ros Buds Sleep. Awarding Diplomas, by Rev. Fh. Guet hnff. The members of the graduating class are: John Car!. Walter Gelsen, Wil lard Hein, Lawrence Kramer. Matthias Miller. August Schuster. Fieri Schus ter, Edward S'-hmal. George Reitman, ora Hegan, Eleanor Kussmaul. Ger trude Klaas. Adeline Miller, Lauretta Wehner. Frances Thomas.. The Lake County Council of Defense will hold a meeting at the court house on Monday afternoon owing to the large volume of business this body will meet bi-monthy in the future. Mi'f Mary H. Curtis, a former teach er In the Crown Toint schools Is spend ing a few days with Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Miss Curtis taught in them. He has a hundred stunts to teach the other fellows, which gives him a comfortable sense of superiority and helpfulness. The organization even provides Mm with a monthly magazine built to fit him. and a list of books which even the approval of ministers and critics cannot belittle in his eyes, for boys everywhere have read and liked them The nickel novel o?e. ts grip upon him even when it Is reinforced by forty-five cents' worth of red cover When his legs are too tired to wiggle he can read. Falling asleep after a strenuous day of service, in which a clean body and a clean mind have Interpreted to his world his sp rit of altruism and pro gress, the scout dreams of still strong er endeaior and still stronger achievement. Pirst Baptist Church. Rev. Floyd H. Adams, pastor. 10:30 a, m. Morning service. Subject: "Religious Independence." 11:15 a. m. Sunday School session. 110.30 a. rn.-Burnham Sunday school. 1.30 P. m. East Hammond Kindergarten. 2:00 p. m. West Hammond school. t.30 p. m. East Hammond school. 3.00 p. m. Junior B. T. P. II. 6.30 p. m. Intermediate and E. T. P. U. S.OO p. m. Evening service. Subject: "The Frice of a Boy, Sunday Divine Healing Meetings Held at our branch, 615 159th street every Sunday, welcome. 10 a. m. All free. All NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. THE STATE OF INDIANA. LAKE COUNTY. IN" THE LAKE SUPER IOR COURT. MAY TERM. 191 1 ANNA ELIZABETH DOUGLAS VS. CARVER J. DOUGLAS. CAUSE NO. 1T35. ACTION TO DIVORCE. Now comes the Plaintiff by D. E. Boone, attorney, and files her complaint herein. oeey,er with en n ff i davit of a comrctrn r-fn, showin? that the de- ( rrte4enB rra.ucu church. trr.dam arvr j. ioue:as -.- iiu. a. res ident of th State of Indiana. Said defendant is therefore hereby notified of the pendency of said action and that the same will stand for trial at th" next term of sail Court, and that . j j i .v !"-' ' i ip:oo a. m. tnerein, at m casing ci i'i nasf, i-t 101' the same being the 2nd d:iv 'he next term of said Court to be begun i and he'd in the Court House, Room No ' u ,anr. x,ntneraa 2 at Hammond, in said County and State - r,. i 8.00 a. m. English Sunday school. J 9:30 a. m. German catechism. The trip was made under auspices of the American Automobile association, the Chicago Motor Club and the Detroit Automobile Club. The chassis of the Elgin Military Scout model is a duplicate of the Scout car which completed the history mak ing journey to the raclfic Coast and back. The body design is distinctive and is Sunday noted for its snappy, clean cut appear ance known as the beveled-edge, siraishtline type. The slanting wind shield and low straightline effect of the top adds to the raJish style cf the car. Detailed appointments and finish are of unusual Quality for a car of its price, $1,195. An option of two color schemes is given, either military grey body and hood with Derby red wheels and a nar row Derby red Etripa around th body, or else military blue body nrd bond with white wheels and a narrow white strip- around the body. th- schools of Iona. Michigan, this year Mr.. C. F. Williams, a missionary from South America, will speak at th Presbyterian church on Sunday eve ning, at 7.30. NEW M A RR I AfiE LICENCES. Teter Schneider. Merrtllville. Mary Berens. Merrill ville. William Dai, Canton. Mo.. Hin Krause. Hammond. Mike Kulda. Gary; Anna Knotek. Gary. Henry W. Teterson. East Chicago. Tho-resa Robers, East Chicago. i Joseph L. Daghy, Indiana Harbor; Lillian Setdler. Chicago. Wiadysiaw Mikolajcsak. Gary, Jo ze'a Zrampkowska. Gary. Jack Zlemba, Gary; Ogata Glad, Gary. George Schaser. Gary; Hattie E Kurth. Gary. Louis Terme, Ea.t Chicago. Mary Szanyi. East. Chicago. Hie Vasilie. Gary; Joana Mo-loth. Gary. Anna Nelson, South Chicago; Rom nev Sleight. South Chicago. Chas. A. Marson. East Chicago; Ethel Ba ugh man. Hammond. "The Hippodrome" wlil be given by the Women s Study Club at the Crown theatre cn Monday evening. June 17. The play will be given 1n two sets, the first being the Prenciville Sku! and the second "The Family Album All members of the Study Club will take part and the proceeds will go toward the final payment on a Liberty Bond subscribed for ty the Club and the remainder will be given to the Fled t'rops such war," said Judge Wildermuth. "You Boy Scouts may see the time when you will play your part in preventing war. America is ging through another great period. Her flag is the uncon quered emblem cf an unconquered peo ple. I hope when the time comes that pence is signed that it can never be said that our boys won, by means of the terrible atrocities the Germans have employed. I'd rather see our sol diers dofaTcd than to have the story come back that they hid behind the bodies of innocent women and children to gain victory. ' A great picture cf an Elk, life size, was one of the many beautiful decora tions on the stage which was draped in flags and held the beautiful floral Lib erty Bell of the Elks. Each year in times of peace the Elks have maintained the greatest tone of patriotism and their annual flag day exercises have fed the divine fiame. HIGHER FARE HEARING JUNE 20 Senior ' Cor. isohi St. and Indiana Ava, Kav. Peter Weil. Pastor. 9.30 a. m. Sunday school. 10.30 a. m. Church service. I Pirst Congregational Church, -Sunday school. p. m. Evening service. i i.ev. irjeo.ooa cr uni f ! be in charge. ng. -will Th Indiana Publ- Service Commis sion on June 20 will conduct a hear ing in re the petition of the South Shore line to raise prices of commu tation tickets between Gary and East Chicago and Hammond. A charge of $1.40 j.s made for the Gary-East Chicago ton-ride ticket: $1 45 is asked. The ?1 .S'l ticket be tween Gary and Hammond will $1 B5 if the r'ea Is granted. With 5-ride tickets the raise on the Gary-East Chicago run would be from $3.00 to $3 SO and en the Hammond run the same. GARY SENDS 22 MORE TO ARMY Gary's three draft boards today sent 22 more selective service men to the army. They were escorted by police and a band to the union depot from where they entrained for the mechan ical school at Indianapolis. Mr. Hoetger, a postoffice clerk. 353 Polk street, lost his purse containing $4" and souvenirs Just before he left. The crowd wanted to make it good, hut Hoetger wouldn't let any collec tion be taken up. IBS CARD OF THANKS CASS OP TH ANTES. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbors. The orders of I. O. L. ef V., I. O. V. and Golden Rod Camp, Royal Neighbors, and especially Rev, Arthur Johnson for their kindness an4 sympathy during the death cf our hus band and father. MRS. CHARLOTTE JOHNSON. MR. AND MRS. FRED OEDARGREEN. MR. AND MRS. CARL JOHNSON. cost MR. AND MRS. , GUST JOHNSON. MR. AND MRS. SIG JOHNSON. on the 2nd Monday of- September, A. D. 1913, said action will ba heard and de termined in his absence. I.V WITNESS WHEREOF. I hereunto set my hand and affix the Seal of said Court, a; Hammond, this 7th day of June. A. I. 101. HERBERT L. By ROSCOE HEMSTOCK, June S-15-.2 1515 WHEATON. Clerk L. S. C Deputy Clerk. I rirst Church of Christ, Scientist 730 South Hohman street. m. Sunday services. $:0i) p. m. Wednesday evening tes timonial meeting. 10.00 a. m. German service. Monro Street Kethodlit Episcopal P. E. Benedict, Pastor. 10. 00 a. m. Sunday School. ll:on a, m. Preaching servi-es. 7.00 p. m. Epworth leagu. Luella Richards, leader. Topic: "Finding and Pilling Ones Place in the World." S:00 p. m. Evening service. Pine St. Presbyterian Church, 11 :"0 6:30 a. m Divine- service. p. m.--Sf nior Christian Endeavor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE. IN THE LAKE SUTERIOR COURT. MAY TEEM. 131. IN THE MAT TER OF THE ESTATE OF CATH ERINE BERG. NO. 1562. j Notice is hereby given to the H-lrs. j PicniC at KoWalsW CJrOVP Creditors of Catherine j to appear in the Lake j Barnham Ave. ana Mich. City Xd. held at Hammond. In- ', SATXXHDAT, JUNE 15th, ana reynlar legatees and I'.erg. deceased Superior Court HAMMOND JUDGE NOT A CANDIDATE (Continued from page one.) didate. There will be two nominations for Appellate Court judge from the northern half of the state. Judpe F. S. Caldwell of Winchester and Mr. Me Caba are the only candidates for the two places. Against Judge Ibach In the race on the republican side is Judge McMahon of Crown Point. Chairman VanNuys received a tele gram from Willis A. Fox of the Tri State College at Angola stating that he is a candidate for the nomination for state superintendent of public Instruc tion. MARSH AX X TO GIVE KETKOTE. Vice President Thomas R. Marshall, who is to deliver th keynote speech at the Democratic state convention next Wednesday, telegraphed Chairman Fred VanNuya of the state committee yester day that he and Mrs. Marshall will arrive here Tuesday noon. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Elder while here. Chairman VanNuvs also received a Announcement The MID CONTINENT SECURI TIES COMPANY desires to announce the offering of an authorized block of Two Hundred Thousand shares of the treasury stock of the CONSOLIDATED ARIZONA COPPER MINES COM PANY. The stock of CONSOLIDATED ARIZONA COPPER MINES COMPA NY is full paid and non-assessable. The net proceeds are for develop ment and equipment purposes. The Company's properties have been examined and approved by highly capable and widely known Engineers of Mining. References , as to the standing and high integrity of every man associated with the enterprise are accessible at the offices of the company's Fiscal Agent. Your most searching investigation into the merits of this security is cordial ly invited by Mid-Continent Securities Company 22 West Fifth Ave, Gary, Ind. Telephone 1407 i EEE2S diana. on the 9th day cf September. , 101S. and show cause, if any, why the I Firxl Settlement Recounts with the i estate of ssid deeedent should not be approved; and said heirs are notified! to then and there make proof of heir- ' ship, and receive th.r distributive shares. WITNESS the Clerk of the Ijike Su perior Court, at Hammond this 14th day of June, 1 n 11. HERBERT L. WHEATON. Clerk Lake Superior Court. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT. THE STATE OF INDIANA, LAKE cnrXTY. IN THE LAKE SUPER IOR COURT. MAT TERM. 19H. i OEOR'lE T. MICKLE LUMBER I COM PA N Y. A CORPORATION VS. j MORTON LUMFER COMPANY. A j CORPORATION ET AL, CAUSE NO. 1T32!. ACTION TO ATTACH AND GARNISHEE AND ON AC COUNT. Now comes the Plaintiff by E. G. Sproat, attorney, and files ils complaint hrein. together with an affidavit of a competent person, showing that the defendant Morton Lumber Company, a corporation, is not a resident of the State of Indiana. Said defendant is therefore hereby notified of the pendency of said action and that the snme will stand for trial at the next term of paid Court, and that unless it appears and answers or demurs therein, at the calling of said cause, on the 10th day of September. A. D. 1911. the same being the 2nd day of the next term of. said Court to be begun and held in the Court House. Room No. 2 at Hammond, in said County and State on the 2nd Monday of September. A. D. 131S, said action will be heard and determined in its absence. I.N WITNESS WHEREOF. I hereunto set my bar.d and affix the Seal of said Court, at Hammond, this 14th day of June, A. P. 131 R. HERBERT L. WHEATON. Clerk L. S. C. 6-15-22-29 copy of the YK-e President's address plcalcs hereafter on every Saturday, j yesterday. He said the Vic President by the Old Settler's. it 7 p. m. Grand entrance 6-14-3 R N HE UUU I II 1 1 1 I w BECOME pnpin aq I Ul ULMI l Following announcement of the new will not occupy more than thirty-five minutes in the delivery of the kenote. "We will not have any long speeches at the convention." said Chairman Van Nuys. KALSTON TO SPEAK 30 MINUTES. "The speech of former Governor Samuel M. Ralston as permanent chair man will consume not more than twen ty minutes. Former Senator TaEgart is expected to speak less th3n ten minutes. Representative Scott Ferris, chairman of the national congressional campaign committee, will speak less than half an i hour. We are not going to have a long. tiresome rrogram, but we are assured that our convention will be large and ! enthusiastic' Representative Ferris and W. R. Hol llster, acting chairman of the national Elgin Six Miiitarv Scout model, the committee, will arrive here at t o clock 'latest addition to the Elgin line. Van's 1 Tu'Pday morning. Chairman VanNuys iAuto Sales Co. reports that the car has ! many well known party leaders ! alreadv become immensely popular. As I will arrive Sunday. Some of the candi ja lesult dealers and distributors are ' dates will open headquarters then. iiai-ing open oraers lor hs many tt- gins of this type as the factory can furnish. Dealers by the score are dailv visit ing the plant, cash or checks in hand, anxiously seeking the new Military Scout models. Not content to depend upon rail facilities, they are driving the cars away in such numbers as are ob- tainnble The new Military Scout model 1s so named as a tribute to the famous Elgin Six Scout car which in its capacity as U. S. War Department R.oad Reporter covered 6,202 miles with hood, clutch and transmission sealed. It establish ed a world's record for a long distance trip under the same conditions, going from Chicago to San Francisco over the Lincoln Highway, south to Los Angeles, and returning to Chicago via trfe Old Trnils route. Crossing the Rockies twice, the driv ers of the Elgin Scout also contended with all manner of road and weather conditions. The entire journed was made without a single mechanical ad justment. The sealed hood and chassis rendered such adjustments impossible. ELKS ftHO SCOUTS HOLD FUG DAY EXERCISES On the birthday of the flag a great crowd filled Liberty hall last evening at the. celebration given jointly by the Hammond lodge of Elks and the Boy Scouts. 3"he program was interesting and stimulating, from the bugle coll of the scouts, the singing of the Star Spangled Banner by th audience, the R. P. O. E. ritualistic, service, the tribute to the flag by Judge Reiter. the Flag Day address of Judge Wildermuth and the intervening numbers. Miss F.velyn Murphy and Miss Grace Eder sand: Louise Marcus recited; Lit tle Miss Habereorn danced and Frank Weston spoke on Boy Scout activities. "I bel'eve there will be organized fol lowing this war a council of nations war. America is going through another j American I jjjjiK-. Submarine fjjn j Special jjjjll I Spoonful I I I' Every glass bubbles over Tvith I fgpg I ;( delight! A hundred other special bev erages and ice cream dainties To laugh and linger over, at Summers Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Hohman Street, Near State. Phones: 1420-1421-28 1?