Newspaper Page Text
June 15, 1918. THE TIME 2. Page Seven if t; k r a.t ill be Iff: -l'-v? - v J APPEAL BOARD RDLINGS The First Indiana Appeal Board Has Made the Fol lowing Classifications for National Army. In addition to the business it affords ns, every repair job is an opportunity for that nine) advertising. Every man who brings in a ear for repairs is a prospective purchaser of a new car. m't we ai't'oi to treat yon liberally on repairs when wo losve a sale in prospect? It is good business to trade here, where the double incentive to good Servian oxisl s. i iiyyi -am i id I ho uocniirnoc nt I ha Nation I IIU IUJUU Ulid Ul I u IimiUI! I are based on the savings oi f ha ndlYiduaf. Our Savings Department affords absolute safety as well as every convenience for these de siring to build up a surplus account at liberal interest. Savings Accounts may be opened at any time in any amount that suits your convenience. This bank's very complete equipment and strong personnel makes it the ideal depositary for small depositors who expect to be bigger ones. The officers will be glad to talk over banking relations with you at any time and pledge them selves to serve your interests faithfully when you intrust your business to this bank. Come in and get one of our savings banks free, which will help you to save money and get ahead financially. The First National Bank (THE BANK OF FRIENDLY SERVICE.) Hammond, Indiana. East Chlcaffo. I rf-d J", shnio-.. rr i Is MMfir-d "K: Pfliil SkiniuT. 21'. ItcrriT Johnson, 2I: Fat- i rk'k (,'fircy. II con appeal), lien Nasi. II ion nipraU; IuitwiR II : fin Hpptnl); J. une Pit Ion, II (on ap jrar); Jomm h Martlsnws. II (on ip jpealK Anthony t rtarz-nkl, 11 (on np iI'ohI): Thomas Wni. Jon-. II (on p i peal); Andrew llooney, II (on appeal); ! John Kliis iibiTg. II (on appeal); rtr J (ioutas, 11 (on appeal) Okrte San jtnkach. 5F (on appeal); Kartnntnmr ! f;r"Ks;ir. It ton appeal); Thco. Pilnick. ill (on oppral); Stanley Kaznski, II I ion appeal ; .las. I:.l.t. Kindolaw, 4 A i ion :ipp,-a!, 2I; .lam-k Hlo-mn. fF (on ! a pp.-u ! ) : Jhiihh Harry Hall. II ( on ap- p.-al): rmnk lix.n, ZV, Julius Letn-n-son. II (on appeal): Arthur 15. Oerbor, r.IC. l.oslcr K. Kruzan. 2P; H--nry Hitzer, CD; Frank Kaprowskl. -f; Wm. Lsli Hnthawiy. i'I: Thro. SfhwmKf. 2I"; larl Kdwm llundy, ID; Lorenzo Sera flni'. II ion appeal); Unman M. Fisher. HP; "irt-a.-U Maru-a. II (on appeal); F.iWs Pikalka. 5F (on appeal); Uwremif H. Lfonard, II; Geo. l.nxaris. II; Paul R. l.lvergnfxl. II; Jos. l.iptnski. II (on ap Ph!): Wm. John Burns, I A (on appeal) .Inrrrs "hriftap ulos, 1A. John Ki M.-Ki'ima. -I: Karl Wm Ryder. SK; John T.curr.s. II ion a; peril ; Ceo. Pel lahan, II; J.. Rossi, 2P; John J Stub M. r, 1A ion appeal i; Frank f Sharpo. 3K; Joe. piie!:n!. II (on appeal); John WIioImii, SK; I'.ri-y (."has. Outler. 1A ton appear) 2D: Aldrie IV For. 3K tluiserpe. II (on apreal : ("has. F. "Wright. "K; J hn Ozminski, II (on ap penl); Mike Szslr.ons. 2l; Tony Ti;skn. 2D: Adam F. Vadsn. II (on appeal); Julius Fein. 1A (on appeal) 2D: Domf nio Joyce, 2D; Theo. Kara. 11 (on ap peal : S'eve Sinkn. II: Vm. P. I'ahey, II: (on appeal): John Kuten Hart. 3K: Wa'.'r-r PhuK. AVest. 2D: I. onto Arrnato. II ion appeal): Willard Irandidier. IV all: Thomas IWanay. II: Alex ;F ton appeal); Harry i".. T'et- Schual. II: Kdwln K. Johnson. 2D; Oust Million. 2D: Jos. A. Alhert, 1A: John Vuris. II; Oletin I.. Anderson. 21; Feter Jahaay. 3B (on appeal) 2C; Arthur E. Kreanbaum, 1A (on appeal ; John Koelk, 2D; Vettr Crnjrorao, 2D; linns n. Jens. II; Peter Herat in. II (on ap peal); ''at! l.ute. 2D; Fernard Litz. 2D; A. II Tieffer. Jr.. II; Anastoiy Kotyn ki. II: Km II . Diedtrleh. H; Anlonto Argentine, n (on fippeal) Arthur F. Cui niu huel. 2D: Frank Raker. 3F; John Klueek. 11; C3ustave H Iuri(fe. 2D; Fd mund II. Kainer. IF; H. J. VanWalken ben. 2D: Fred Au?. I'.ohde. 1A; Fdward Koch. 2D: (ilinn I,. Hidlgener. 2D; Tom Hrzowoski. 2D; I'Mek Huixenza. 2D; Theo. i,;rof. 2D: M.-thew I". Fox, 2D. Toney titeythe. 2D. Cornelius Swoon, 1A (on appeal) 2"; Robert Hutehinson. II; Fete Kitayaski. 2D; Custave D. Jlnc danz. SK': Win Fotmatier, 2D; Win. J. Meyer. 2D; Adam J. Hrzezinski. I'D; Paul W ni. Diederleh. II; Clifton A. Webb. 1A (on appeal); Walter H. Kunde. 2D: Pemick Jacerko, 2D: Salva tore Huindo. 2D: Fawrence F. Carrelt, 2D: John (.'lark. 2D: Herbert J. Millies. II; Harry F. Anderson. 2D: Hugh It. Heardsley, 2D; Harry P. Jabaay. 2C; Henry F. Hayles. 1 , ; (on appeal) 2C; Henry ilurzensa. 2''. Harold F. Throop. 11; Hay mend P Flder. . II; Andrew Adanczek. 2P. Adam Kubnyortz. 2P: t'harles R. Fpkar. 1A (on appeali; Ar rnous W. Marshall. 2D; Walenty Pazen kerwicz 2P; John K' Iskl. 2P: Chester FiKili I J. Thomkin. 2D: Alias Furndenheim. 2K; Frank Kowichkos. 2D; Lewi Sokal. 2I: Rernard Kern'-y. 2D; Feo. F. 'or rall. 1A: F. D. Vander Wall. 2C; Julius R. Kolb. 2D; Jim Madonna. 2P. Win. J. Van Dee Vliet. 2C; Curtis W. Wai ters. 2D; ;Unn S. Smith. 2D. Glenn R. N'abhtt. II; John T. Hane. 2C; Chas. W. Dlethich. II: Wtn, ;. Molo. II; Albert Kory. 4A (on appea) Geo. H. Kistlr. 2D; Tihon ( Flojoft'. 2D: F"rd F. Fauer- John Kotzbak. 2C; F. K. Hart. II; John Jausen, 2C; W'm. Spocrner. 2D; Carl F. Zohrte, 2D; tiurlan C. Stevens. 2D; Foyd G. Reed. 3K; Brayton ". yhirley, I'D; Feter Klootwjk. Jr.. 4" (on appeal); Gerald O'Donnell, 2D; Fred F. Hoover. 3D: Martin D. McGregor, 2D; Carl ). Doner. 2D; Alfred Slaker, 2D; Sylves ter Hoffman. 11: Vai?el Meloff, II (on appeal); John Fdward Keinholtz. 3K; Walter Rukowski. 2: Naurn Rolloff. IF; Fdwaid (iohde. 2P; Joa. C. Kohl, 2D; Pam F:Iloppo. 2D; Mtk 1-enzo. 2D: Wm. J. Fllan. II; Scharinga Hot?). 11 (on appeal) Domino Romenu. 2D; Chas. M. Hick. SL; Tony Kowalski. 2D; Rer nard Tho.v. R-iyl. . II, Finest Fittrell, 2D; A'bert V. J Faboisse. II (on ap peal); Gariel Marline, 2D: James Will. 1A; Fred Rumpke. 2C; Fdward J.- Heidi man. 2D; Arthur Fin kn ski. 2D; Jjoi.-r-ios J. Soterifin, II (on appea!) Lewis Wiltflr,er. 2D: Wni. J. K. Vail;, 1A: Feter Miesboer. 2C; Fdward J. Ix-tt-brenner, D. (inffery I'une, II; Ri.hard Fletcher. 2D. Ii.ini'l W. Meyers. 'D; Albert Gre. n. 2D: .1. -j T. Zi-der. 21); Fhihr' Goniyar. 2D: John Jams, 2D. PREACHER USES STRONG LANGUAGE The laiiunfje is rather fiiopr for a clergyman but it comes from the henri and will receive many an "Amen" by fellow war Kardeners The little verse that follows was written by. a promi nent Hammond minister this mornlnsr after spending- hcrtjrs in hi! garden, com bating the weeds, and was presented to The Times: la My Garden. With apologies to the unknown au thor f'f "Remit .iful Snow." ( '. the weeds, trie beautiful weeds. In my garden '' af"t like the devil's ow n deeds ' Fr;trenh-1 and pre-emptinjr the best of the foil, And ti.akinK ur.iiniited labor and toll You come from the dewdrops, the earth and the air, You're so mean that you make a Rood deacon to swear. troublesome weeds. Tops from the i i on app, i Miiro-t.i man, 2D: A. -rson. 2D: ssojornon WiMinms. 1A; Fred- I IUc.bow erh.k ilot-r. 2D; Daid M--yrs. 3K: Joe ski. 2P ." F ion appeal): Ansel Rurt sukhs II u : sppeal) IF: Carl G Carl- .-on. 2D. Andrew Gu.-tafjon. 2D I llolstr om. 2D: Carl Elmer Johnson. 2D; Josrf Krsyuwski. 2D: Vas'.le Kowalcuk. (2D: Al.-x Piopki. 1A (on appeal): Glenn Fdward P Iiouiiherty. 2D; Ira rts. 2D: Henry Hausen. 2D: Fbi'tr-poff. 2D; John Skiekow Mnhnel Doly, IT: S"m. Adema. 2C; Kenneth W, Oonk. 2T; Jos. Sozonzo. 2D: Fdward II (on ap- Pontus l pnal): Harley A. Fochlum. 1A; John Markewiez. II: A. H. A. Hiliters. 11: O. you weed, you You grow up !;ke est s-eds. Ypu're as black as the Kaiser, as mean as the Hun. For you never will die when we think you are done. You lauKh at my efforts to put you to death You are mor to be dreaded than par Inky breath! Tj()R TIIK MAX who pays the bill, the one who looks to get his money back in extra heat and less smoke and clinkers, then." is satisfaction in the coal we sell. Once you start usin our coal once you try it it will need no praise of ours. The first order is all we are anxious about after that you'll come here any-wav. v. 'mil mmMi . own weeds, for humanity's O. ycu weeds, you deil You don't rare a snap needs. You stick down your roots among car rots and beets A.-i depraved as the courtezan out on the streets. I have sworn, and I mean it, to pet all vour scalps You dirty, you vile, you detestable whelos! PP.EACHKR. Abovt? al I p BrinAirgjRcsuib nynbsr of. esuHslian any Iry orv9 'xo-m o rrovv. i Pch!--I , . . :s. 2D: Ipr.taz Yalter. 2I: Joseph -n. II Jos. M. bet. ski. 1A: Joe II: Weadelnw Ousiak. 2D; Stan asecki, 2P; P'an'.ey Simon. 2D: 3f a u J. - ...w. .... --..1- tt , -A-Tf, i-nW - i't IglfiV Ji ir."t vu iitt , iWi i ir, ffh'l -AT- COVS PARK SUNDAY, JUNE 16th 2:00 P, WE REMIND YOU IT WILL BE PICNIC! DO NOT KISS IT. FINE MUSIC. Sitornes Sxzozepkoskf. tA (on appeali' II: Goo. Sutko. ?H (on appeal): Con stantir.e Ylachis. 1A: Adam Wisnenchl. uF (on appeal: John Malewskl. II (on j appeal): K. Yuther, 2D: Fddte Fritz, II j (on appeal); Marka Murgdltclnlan. II j (on appeal): Dr. mi nick Kusickis, II (on appeal) Nicholas Stasuk, 2D: John C. J C.e:, kostnntis. 2D; Thos. Margant, 11: Wm. P. O'Connor. 3K: Vernon J. Gra- j harr. 3K: Harl H. Tester, SK; Harry L. J Csrlson. 3K: Jim C. coan. SF; ' "n ap- peui): lios. hco Konaff. 2D; Ray W. j F.vnn. 11 ion eppeali, Paul Garonis. II ; (on appeal); William MuMakis. II (on j appeal): Harry C. Nelson, II Con ap- i peal); Win. A. Ferry. 3K: Fudwig Ru- j sinakl, 2D; John Wheelie, 1 1 , prank Yekowfiki. 2D: Carl Olaf Johnston. 2D; Swen Notberg. 2D; Fred D. Price, II: W'm. A. Dii kson. 1A (on appeal) 2P; Geo. A. Hart; us. SK: Louis Fazarius. 5F (on appeal); John (Juinlan. II (on nrpeal); David Harris. 2D; Frank Kon ct, 2D. I.eo F.d McLaughlin. 2D; Chas. John Carlson. 2D: A. K. Foisberry. 2D: Miain9. 2C; Miek Martin, 2D: Nathan Stratford. 2D; Oscar Johnson, 2D: Herman Nelson. 2D: Peter Bardzy. 2D; Albert W. Sleight. 2D; Clem Kostus, 1A (on appeal); F. W. Williams, 3K; John Bllski. II (on appeal) : Augusta Girat'.o. II (on appeal); Tony Kruszyn hki. II: W'alfred Alstrnm. 2D: John V. MeDonough. 2l: John Yovash. 1A (on nrpeal): Francis J. Reynolds, 2D; Wayne Lucas Miller II (on appeal); Os car Hrickson, 2D; Alfred J. Flkins, II , j (on appeal; jonn ;asn. ii ton appeal); I Jo.i Kolis. II (on appeal); Ardie Bchrist, j ! 2D: Tony Grabowski. 2D. Louis Ferium, ) ! "to t l"" Mtiwnhisar IF Walter ! Kalhut, II (on ttppeal); John Conrad j limn. II; Bob Curel. 11: Jos Pollello, j II (on appeal) : Clarence Fstis, 2D; James McCool. II; Jos. Slowencki. 1 A j (on appeal) 2P: Paul Hobt. Aldrn. 2P; j Harry H. Nitholas, II (on appeal), j Chariea ("ilor.a II (on appeal); Gust i Labkin, 2D: Morris Littlejohn. 2D; John Szizerba. 2D; Adolph Hachanovich, 2D; Ildward Bloom. 2D, Arthur Peterson, II: Fete Zdzearski, 2P; John N. Neth Kern. II; F-Iward Jenkins. 21); Fred G. Gavin. 2D; Constantino Danos. II (on appeal ). Lake County No. 3 Hammond. Waltor Hajak, 2D; Dartel Kirincia, 2D: Geo F. Knymse. 2D: Benjamin F. A GRAND ALSO Samu-l H. Hicks. 2P; Wm. rvi:t Klaun. 2D; Quinis Quis, 15. Cannon, 1A (on appeal); i::iis. 2D; Lawrence Ceder-J.-.lm Miller. 2D; Frank Hy turn wi-i",.i-! liVihff.ViilVi IIIIIJIIWIUM.UI'W1,H T . .-i.:i--rf F- - STANDARD B44 Cafumet Ave PHONE 1450. Radiator Repairing Through our long years of experience in the au tomobile business and with an up-to-date equip ped ehop for repairs, wo are in a position to re pair radiators of any malte or design and of any Ehape, twisted, smashed, eprunir or frozen. Esti mates furnished on ail repair worlt. AUTO SHEET Near Industrial METAL WORKS High School, Hammond, Ind. Work Called for and Delivered. i;.-.:.!. 21); lock 1A; 2C; Floyd Hurry r. holm. 1A; Voik, 1A (on appeal); H. R. Sickle, 2D; Sam Kstz, 1A (en appeal); Harry A. Schramm. 1A (on appeal); Geo. Bunde, 2D; Harry E. Wilson, 2D; Bortell K. Kimpers, 2G; Lcu:s O. Otto, 1A. (on ap peal); Alfred C. Zweck, 2D; John Dor man. 2D; Gurtis Cleveland, 3K; Alfred U. I.crt, SK; Henry H. Pell. 2D; Geo. Gilinan. 2D; Bernard HF Hart. SK; Wm. I'.ishop. 2": (has. Gilbert Olson. 3D; Mo to Verkin. 2D; Albert Luechel, 1A (fit nr-peal); Louis Sol, 2D; Walter Newrran. 2D; Garit Hartsinjr, II; Ben W. CundifT. 2D; Tony Faunela. 2D; John Nordstrand. 2D; Arthur H. Wilson, 2D; Itichard Schultz, 1A (on appeal) Henj. Hamum. Jr.. II (on appeal) Bernard Johnson, II (on appeal); Chas. W. Rob- , erts. 1A; John J. Kingston, 1A; Jesse j Dillon. 21); C-ecrae Kostoff, 2D; Claud j Huhier. 2D: John llunik. 2D; F. W. j M-iiinusur.. 2D; F. L. Pohlkamp. 1A (on j ippealt; Dionid Gheato, II; Edmore j Christian. 2D; Fred W. Lute. 2D; Chas. L Crumpacker. 2D; Morris Fckenherry, 2D; Thomas B. McCarthy. 3D; Harvey j 4 Harbor Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shining Parlor 3404 Michigan Avenue Near Guthrie St. Indiana Harbor, Ind. Straw, Panama and Felt Hats Cleaned Blocked and Repaired for both ladies and gentlemen. WE CLEAN AND DYE ALL KINDS OF SHOES Exclusive Chairs for Ladies. . George Kondiles, Prop. t-J1 ': r.T 1 - - -j-'e Tel. East Chicago 2 DR. J. GOLDMAN DENTIST Flrirt National Rttk Bids. Cor. Cblcago ft Forijrthe Area. rT rnic;o. ia. Consultation In English, Otrmw FoiUh. Klavlsh and Runlam. Telephons 944, JOHN PORA CO. Real Estate, Loans Insurance NOTARY PUBLIC. Pora Building. S462 Guthri St Indiana Harbor, Ind. S 1 1 (f. o. b. CXvEcago) Prt mobret to change without fic 5-Passenger Touring 4-Passenser Roadster V- 5, V lIJTT! i r -mm. i r.r , The Car of the Hour" V Four Points ia cmsicaer Elgin Distinction Elgin Endurance Elgin Economy Elgin Comfort .13 are the bi points that rank the El&in Six best in the moderate-price class. El&in Distinction comes with the fashionable center cowl of the hijh-priced European models, combined with the beautiful yacht line design of the Elgin Six, giving a style and distinction that sets the Elgin Six apart from the monotonous design of the average car. Elgin Endurance has been proven by crucial tests in some of the most gruelling reliability contests, where the Elgin Six came through with perfect scores and without mechanical adjustment during or immediately after such runs. The Elgin Six has established a new record of 1,626 car-racking, stamina-testing miles, in 67 hour4 between Chicago and Miami, Fla., over steep, rocky mountain reads, heavy sands, and slimy, treacherous swamp roads. El&in Economy is the third bi& point that a prospective buyer should consider. A minimum in wear on all parts' of the motor and equipment of the car, minimum consumption of gasoline and oil at all times and under all conditions these are the points that make Elgin Economy famous. Elgin cars in the tests mentioned above traveled an aggregate of 825 miles on an average consumption of gasoline of 25.6 miles to the gallon, and over 200 miles to a quart of oil, Elgin Comfort is insured by the work of Elgin Engineers, who have perfected an improved rear spring suspension, found only in the Elgin Six, which sets a new standard of motoring ease and comfort at high speeds, reducing shock and vibration to a point not surpassed in any car at any price. The special construction of the Elgin velvet-acting clutch enables the Elgin Six to be started on high gear, eliminating to a large degree the necessity of gear shifting under ordinary conditions, thus making the handling of a motor car safe and easy for women. These four points are only the big factors of a car that justify such an en viable reputation as the Elgin Six bears. There are scores of other points that contribute materially to its standing as the premier car of its class. From front to rear of the car, inside and out, seen and unseen, the Elgin Six will stand the inspection of the most expert mechanics and not be found wanting in anything that makes for comfort, power, speed, endurance and beauty. Let us prove these statements to you Elgin Motor Car Corporation, CMcag, U. . A. Vasi A tit 93 State Street atiitnond naiana D H an h a a