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4 ' ' w lie 1 il I - im.UI.IUWUU'U 1 iW ." S'.W.J' !WJ! '1-1 4 JrV 53 j ,fi t t ' 'Hart J a jr tow bjki:h rnrnrr xewi.y ror'.vn success to ins system r; V: 7vr; eJ- rrr : i " -, v-rt-: " ' t t . r" i t rr f.TTTTTn -r-r-rv-.j--tv; r-f-sa-v ' ttt i i :r-t.?i t i i -n BIG LEABU BILL II ;; ,feBEST IN THE LONG RUN KA,te f R T U n : t F r Press 1 tiri"N. Juii 15. Kisht h't batt cubj r" a way to a running start, play ing 'fun" baseball in old llncl.-ind on !l-lurarr schedule for the first time In the History of the Grand Old Game and of Knjiiand. The Aiislo-Amoncan League is made up cf Buddie nnd Jacks from the ranks snd fs in d ' n Tonmiif-!" from the hos ritals and the Pay and Records offices. There l-n't h professional in the whole orjraturat Ritbuph every club ha? several t ars who can lay claim to mlncr-a kus fan-.e back home before w cpni'1 int" th War. Thta t th list of clubs: AtnsncHii Army Headquarters. Amer ican Xavy Ht adquarter. Houpslow American Aviation. Norfboit Am?rii-in Aviaf.on. ,Sunnmgdai Canadian 1-1 os-P-lal. F.psm Canadian Hospital. Tap It w I'nttadtan Hospital. Canadian 1'ay .rid KfCfriis Offices. Admital Pmiii 5f n; th otitr.t away f' th b.-rr;T at a rosu'ar 'ox!can '''j.. whfn h to.srd th fir.' ball at r .rtnj-N"vy JI?ndqtiartT fm. Maj. Gt-n. Riddle, command mp all th vriTican r.vps In Enp'atid. a( bepid ?.'n: In th- stand, and scatiord among: tur o.r",i.- crowd th?ro hundred of l:"tah' KnsHsh and Amri an. s"!d!rs r-T." snilrrj. 'iip'.oma:?. bnnktTi and r'mt Co k. The field was frinpe-d with t': khui f nd two hnrl?5 of blue of figb'.np d;:i the dark b!u of th fai'rr-mon and th lighter-hued h.os ri'a! untforri of the lad? who'e bren f! up at the frr-nt. Gold cracked pea nut 5 ani? drank cmger and r' o'd Arli- l.a'hsrp 'n hi drriion as ur.pire. liut Ar'.ie '"sn't n::nd aft'-r all the. yea rs in Fpoi-ljch ciai'o of frn7.!fd fan? Thirty Angels There. t Among 1 1 ppotator? m th.e stands j tra,t rlay : r " American bum. the league race. l';r off. the n verapo I "n(i ' isiima ti thir.ks lnsol.'il must be something like rr.cfcet. but after a lit : ie friendly coaclttnp ho begins to s.v. y what's : all a'.n.ut. They don't al! 1 1 k it at the rlrsl name, or fioi th sceotid. but so-iie of them had seen baseball :hs!. sear, hu.1 now it's bepinning to tak hold. lbyvard I r-"oker. S:in Francieo. an ex-rhainp:.n r.'SIf r ?kti,r. is the bt:si ness rnanapt-r of the Anplo-Amcricaii leagae. He has promoted roller ska! i "ip cornp"! it ;i'i's and prire -ftcbts all over Knroii booker even believes that af- er tiie war he can tnrke a .succohs of a J professional lluropian !. apue. cohht s- i ins the principal cities of Knplaud. I j b'rati e anil spa rt i "Pro" Player Basnecl. j I'or r timf- ihip sprinp Fnplard was threatened with an invasion of two teams of professional bail p!aers path erecl from busit eauc!uba throttphout America. Admiral Flms put bis foot aown on this plant, and Hooker tl;en de cided upon the plan to popularize base bail through the simon-pure athletic of Army and N'ay players General buidi" crimped the arrange ments for a brief moment when Cross and the other backers wanted to divids the proceeds Fritish and Ameri can war charities. 'Give i all to British charities." said General 1'iddle. "We. AnieriCiins hae com over here to do and g'.ve rot to recei e." The promoters "got" htm. K. Newton Crane. Iswjf:. ! presi dent: II. II. I.uker.?. of the du ront Powder Company, secretary, and Itr-h-ert Grant, banker, is treasurer cf the I lea cue. 5 V ;4- & J TTneV fneTieeol les esgu s r.'ti w n r'a v ? . Tin'l eery cr.e of ihm Ivtd pjid his my through th tvirnsti'e. "'r er no seasoi passes for "the leys" from the l?:h ward in this ta cje. Thre ar three sea?-1 why these 31 An'erii'an de-oted their time and ven tured th?ir money to make the Ang'o A men can Irneue ball-playmp reality. l'".M. They w fi n t to gi til d"up'r.h". find .Id ks their fa-.f-nte summer dish f r their leisure time. That's obvious. Seroiid-y I'ney wanted t" re-iiet mor.ey for charity. The British Red Cress and other approved Rr:': 'n war ctri&inUy will cit a ruh di-. vy from tins season of hulling sinctly ray crowds i ball games where nobody draw arty pay but the urrsps and the i league ma razor. I To Show Eritlshers. j ThirdS-. i.hey wanieri to t'ln-v the I vve Kr. e' '. eh m ;- n a1! about Iaebn-.l. how it'sjof p'a: .! ani wha' regul-ir fellow play the pome. p,-.tei t s'o un on the billboards n'l -er London pr.tif.infirir rex; we'k ' sr-" ar-1 t ht of the club. neri' n business rren take their 'ami' .e c t o--- panr.e ar.d are gradual- -- i r e e ; :c th?ir Engl :b friends in I n pi u cnni i ilUUULL COM TOMORROW x sir rT) woe woi 1 ;:: ; , s f.-i- , Pj-ct t 1 irfk'' 1 TW ) ittfi i'"ifiM1-ty''1rti,.''ri '' iff i -it-i m i 1 1 i iiimi mi i am w 11 Frank Raker. Frank Baker is batting well over .300 for the Yankees and is fielding'arh-. Critics who have said for the last two seasons that he was through can't dope it out. Baker says systematic training in the winter kept him in fine fettle and is responsible for the improvement. but the fans themselves will be able to tell conclusively, after tomorrow's game, whether or rot theae players come up t oexpeetations. Fl eryhmg is In readiness for emor row ' bip parne w ith th Great Lakes Jivkle and the fans pie preparing to receive "Paddy" Ir;'eoi! with open The b:e navy band which will as semble downte.wn at ah'jl l:"1"! p. m. for a shert parade before matching to the hn' l Rt it is sure to receive a grand i-eme from Hammond's loyal crowd of patriotic citizen. Fearing the strong aggregation of b 11 player that represent the navy la. is. Parduhn has at the iast minu:e ;nn"unred th fact that he has signed a new- first baseman as well e. a new third sacker for tomorrow's eon'est. Poih men have repi. iioofl hitters, as well a? KENTUCKY WILL DROP LULL RAGES AND III QUIT TILUFTEB WAR LA TON I A. KT.. June 15 At a meet ing of the slate racing commilon yej tuday. no fall racing dates were aked for because of the rrpo.ition that has developed from various organizations at Louisville, includ'.n; 'he Itotary club and the Ministers' js? c ation. Gen. V. B Haldeman. member of the comniisslon. read a long statement in which he says be i opposed to any m .! racing in Ken uk f'r thi close cf W:e present Linia meetii1,. until the end of the war. In view of the stand islcn by Gen. Haldeman. the various track managers decided not to ask for any fall dates at af.ons of being K O Drown of Toledo fought tn fast rresent, and on motion duly made and clever infieliers. round to TWO KNOCKOUTS AT IVS LAST SCRAPS FOR SOME TIME CINCINNATI. ".. June IS. Ttvo knockout. marked the last of boxing in '"inotnnati for the summer at least. Jack I"oup!as of Cincinnati was kre-ektd out. by Hoy Moore of California in the fifth round of their fifteen rovnd n-.i'cli, fb- main go of Wednesday righ". Pouglan claimed a foul in the. fifth round, but examination prned his in correct, and a knockout was -he decision of Ileferee Mills. .Iiramie Harris of Denver knocked out Garbmd Hutchinson of Cincinnati in the fifth round of their six round ma'ch. F.lily F.ynn of Cineinnafi end took the count in the th.rd round from his opponent. Pilly Jones. .lone out weigh ng him by nineteen pounds. d re w. Chrtr W carried, the matter (1f consideration of i,ji3. . lie-wot ftiwa U-Oiot tUt) . smmA , lki . BUabK nk'J wmm f. r,!j''ir''?K''.'wi i s m yr . L i V ' - ?r- . Ifi Ik JL in -3 MP fi rig Pff t' n fie Most Bcautijid Car inyimeriax H I Out There S3 F 1 1 Tf 1 II After months of hibernating, it is a great privilege to hike for the "open" when the first days of summer arrive. That is the season when every normal family wants to forget sweltering cities, party manners and all the other features of unnatural living. A tiny cottage with a ten foot garden begins to look mighty interesting for the grass is actually green, the air is pure, and there are wonderful possibilities for a hammock and a good book. Why not break away from the "cliff dwelling" this summer. It is really quite simple. Pick out a spot not too far from the office buy your' self a sturdy, dependable five-passenger car like the Paige "Linwood" and just see what happiness it will bring to you and every member of the family. Remember, there are no mile posts when ycu own a Paige. PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN JERRY O'NEIL Distributor for Northern Part of Lake County and West Hammond. Phone 82. 297-299 E. State St. Hammond, Ind. Tel r . t m -' sr.. f::- t I) BS't F e ) ' J The Firs! Infanf r,y P Guns ounds 'Weighed 75 FOOT soldiers began to carry firearms about 1350, huge, clumsy guns weighing from 25 to 75 pounds. Mere hap.J cannon, iron or copper tubes, they v. ere leveled by a forked support, and fired a a touch.hole. With the invention of the wheel-lock crruebus, in 1517, the first self-firing gun, the musket, was a quick step. Like the first guns, automobile tires, w ien Goodrich began to develop them, were crude, clum y affairs, and it's a long, long road of improvement to the r mmetrical ill . w ?v'-' JF' 3-c5 it Si,- ; - ... i . - . 11 , 1 mmm&yimmB j ? :: ' . . .... .- "fj-s X,--i For 8!e ct t!I Goodrich Branches &nd Depot :i r rirrrTr., , .,,rxnrn The history of the last twenry-tw" years of The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company is pretty much the history' of pneumatic automobile tire. But whether Goodrich was bringing forth America's first clincher tire, or America's first cord tire Goodrich built tires to but one end service value to the user the worth of the tire to the motorist on his car and on the road in comfort, economy, dependability and durability, and mileage. That is why the tire user today gets the utmost SER VICE value in Goodrich SILVERTOWN CORDS, and BLACK SAFETY TREADS. Demand SERVICE VALUE TIRES. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY, Clucago Branch: 1925 Michigan Ave, Chicago. EL . : -. " '" " nil mii la - iiinnr XPr&'Wz THE CITY OF GOODRICH AKRON, OHIO 1 ? -l" : .V5 I . CT- - : v: J - IS.i 1 4 f J.wc- s n. tr I. ..,14 -'-r B-w.r 1 fall racing: dates In Kentucky was post pc ned. The rommtfslon then adjourned to meet subject to the call of the chairman. - n. Hli LAST TEAR FOR BARNEY S RACER fSPEriAt Tr The Times. 1 CHICAt'JO. JIA... June, 15. Birds of a feather may flock tog-ether, tuit "birrls" of the air don't always fly in a bunch. This is shown by the entry of DeLloyd Thompson, one of the most daring- of exhibition aviator. in the 1H0 mile niotor Derby at Chicago'. speedway at Broadview en June. 22. Thompson "ee'nine new thrill enter. th- lists seams', such famous pilots as Kalph Pel'alma. l.oui C hevrolet. Bar ney Oiriflelrl ;ind .Arthur Duray. He trill drive one of the Pelaee car ownd by Jinrry Usrlines of New York. Thompson . career as a ejvr ineluies j the exploit of ha inR looped the loop j f'.f y-four time. in uccosion, which is cis. mod a. a world's r'cotrl. At tlie s.ini" lime the nnou n'-ement i made thi Thompson hns entered 1 ithere come nnotner trat one familiar j raef will be misin!: from speedway jTac.n? next year. Pnrnev f! dried savs I ! ni M 1,1 le I! : lit.- i 1 t - i'-( (in H 1 rqrmc 1 HIES IN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE The following- same were played in the Inter-clty Industrial baseball leajrue : Gibson. 9: General Chemical Co., I. Grayer Tank Works, 13; Hubbard Steel Foundry Co.. 2. General American Tnk Car Co.. 6: United Chemical & Organic Products Co.. 4. Simplex. 7: Northern Indiana Gas it Electric Co.. 4. The follow tnc games will be played this Saturday: Simplex vs. United Chemical 4 Or jrario Products Co. and Hubbard Steel Foundry Co., at Harrison Park. Umpire, Keller. Simplex plays two jrnm. General American Tank iar Co. is. Gibson at Indiana Hsibcr. Umpire. Sweeney. General Chemical Co. s Northern In diana Gss Elec. Co.. si Morris Park. Umpire, Mettler. The War Savings Pledge Card is a little note written to Uncle Sam tc assure him that you are with him in the war and that you intend to stay to the finish. Hammond Iron & Metal Company MARCUS BROS., Props. Wholesale Dealers in IRON, METALS, RUBBER AND SECOND HAND MACHINERY Offices: 340 Indiana Ave. Yards Sohl Street and Indiana Ava, HAMMOND : INDIANA. Office Phone '27. Re6. Phone 104S-R. DR. ROB'T J. CARROLL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 155 State St., Hammond, Ind. Phone 2288. GIVE MY OWN MEDICINES. JESS REFUSES TO REFEREE GO Jess TVillnrd will not officiate as ref eree in the Fred Fulton-Jack Dempsey ninteh scheduled for Panluiry. Conn., on .liilv 4. Instead be wiM box six or ten AM -he drivers who will bo s- rounds ith some suitable opponent for wheel in the Prrhv on June 22 are in j the soldiers at Camp Ftins'on on that CbicRKo tuning up their cars fe.r reeoid ; day. Jes today sent this information rpo.'d. ft m m am a en o P" I in answer to wires akir.K wheihr h I would referee and whether h could go rei x-v, ork and box for the War .Ilos ; pita! fund at Madison Square garden. I Willard savs life never lookel to sweet as it does now on his big farm Lawrence. Kas. in AilEHICAN LEAGUE. W. I.. p..s-n :2 :i New s York 2'.' 21 CHI".G! 25 2 1 Cleveland 2S 2". SV 1 .011 is li 2t Wnshineioti 25 2i Phi.i(. i pit 1 :i 1 .' 2 l.Vroit 1 2 Yesterday's Results. "ni' a?o, Vashir..-!ci, 4. l."tus. f : I-ioston. 4. ' . laud, i : 1'hihuleiph in. 2. .'c.v York. 11: H'er-ut. K Games Today. i-.siisnKton at 'hi . .-v. York nt Detroit Philadelphia at Cleveland. HO. ,11 rl. l.tMi.S. NATIONAL LEaQUS. Oil' A'.i Nov. Y ork 1 noli'' 1 1 ... Pittsb;:ri--h Philaof'i'ln ?t. l.ouis . Yeatsraay'a H,8iult. New York. T; Cincatro. 0. Iiototi. 7; Pit ishurf h, 6. I'hiiadelphia. 2: St. Louts, 1. Games Today, t'hioacti at 15r-.ok 1;. r.. Pittsbvirgh at Philadelphia. St. Louis at Boston. Cincinnati at New York. 1 r.-t. j .vi 4 ; 511 I 52! .."no .471 ! .316 .35 6 CHRISTIE BEATS BOB MOHA MTbtYAPKKU. WIS . June 1 S. Iyjs Christie, nuddleweiftht. bad a shade over Rob Moha at the end of a ten round, no decision hout lnt nurht . The boxers donated their hre of the purse to Kd die Moha. brother of P.ob. who wa in jured m a bout hor recently. Buy a Thrift Stamp today. Hammond Auto Sheet Mefai Works 690 Hohman Street. 1 your radiator leaking, bring it to n and wc will repair 'r for vou and not overcharge y on. work. We We eruarantce our also replace new cores. make and repair Fenders floods, Tanks and Lamps. T3TTOTTT1 H?? AAWXIXJ Vft W. L. Fct. 32 14 636 31 Iti .6S! 2:t 2. .4 73 21! 25 .470 20 .415 ia 19 25 .422 19 2S .422 :...) 2S .404 I HAND-REBLILT lj j Don't Throw Away Your Old Tires jt r RrxtrsE thk tkfi h woh out. We ompletely rehuile' eid worn tires, with r'v braker sir p. new ebr!o. and a heavy layer of Goodyear ru'r.her, mek'np a complete, rebu'lt heavy blacic cord tread tvpe t're. just as neat in appears nee artd a serviceable as new. at le& tnan 1-3 Its origins! c-e.-t. Cioou von 4000 Prices for Rehxitldinje Vorn Caatncs- -t 3 2 x 1 W Six! s 2 x 4 2 1 v t We hav-e .$ 7.51 . 11.25 . 11.25 . . 11.75 . . 12.25 in stock for 4 4 $ 1 2 5 1 3x4 IS ?r, .34x4' 13,v- 35Vs 1:5.75 3S4 H 1 4 50 sale at nreyerit a full I ne cf standard make tires completely rebuilt w-ith the new heavy black cord type tt'ead. at a saving: of at least 10 per cent. NOTICE Tlr.s w,,;k must in no manner be confused with the so-called "Ordinary retread " ce.ur method is the original factory lebulit way i Ca.l at our locnl salesroori .-,nd examine the or'.K :nal heavy hand rebuilt co-rl type t" res cn d r'ii" The or'.c'nal f!nihed pre.rlnct look.? lika new. iip'a eVri'.r.5s and part Sundays. Harrison Tire Co. 3l!2 HOHMAN SI, HAlMOD, ID.