Newspaper Page Text
Page Two. THE TIMES. Friday, June 21. 101?. nisi STIRS LARGE HE Famous Polish Orator Grills the Beast of Berlin Before Big Crowd in Hammond's Liberty Hall Lats Eve ning. ""No matter what sacrifice we make In this war it will h nothing compared to 'ha this ilerman mrrsier would fxart as hi!" price if he in victorious. Would you hav hnd us wan until he had 'rumpled Franco and swept Croat Hriinsi oft' the. seas? Th-.r fight is our ''fh' and th fas of everv allied nation is our flag by proxy. And he who casts f sii:r op the fias; of a nation that is fshiins to protoot our itresids an(j our wrmen and children t casting; a slur on ..ur flag." Vnthony Czarneekl, one of the edt fors of the Chicago Daily News and a returned correspondent from Ruropa. "'-.'red a crowd at "Liberty Hall in Tiamrnond last mirht with a powerful ft in which he revealed the cupid- ity of the German nation and told how Poland his suffered. He spoke under j the auspices of the American Al.ianoe. "The Germans are not readers of hu- I r r nature." he. iaid. "and they failed fo Judge Americans right. They think I e s.:o a nation of money-makers with- j -ut any backbone and are not fighters, j They di dnot reckon wtih the strength and resources of this nat.on. They s re i i ist beginning to realize what the;, are up against. "Anyone In this country wish heart I f'rmes to the Central Towers had plenty of time to go back between the s'artins of the war and tliK time we j rr toped it during the period of our ru- j trtltty. And those) who didn't g back i nd still haA-e sympathy for Germany i re yellow spined ctstiarJa hout r,r rve enoueh'lo go back.'" ?i months before. America entered the war Cztrne.kl was In Germany. A.jstrta and Poland as special cor respondent for his paper, one of the f-r newspaper men to visit devastated Poland. He to!d of the German cruel lies in Peiani where the bavonet is he!, st the throats of tho people. Even before the war Poland. divided into 'ree pans, was oppressed, the speaker said. "Poland." h stated, "was country, weakened within by onous German propaganda. a rich th-i pots erd not "y - ( r? &&t lvrU--aw S When you bring US your broken watch or anything else that needs fixing we fix it "right.." Or if it cannot be fixed right we will tell you so plainly. Altho we repair things right, we charge a moderate PRICE. When we sell you a watch or clock it will keep COR RECT TIME. We make any violin repair you may need. We make high grade violins. We carry the strings and violin sup plies. CARROLL & NEWTON JEWELERS & OPTICIANS 186 State St. Phone 303. Hammond, Ind. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MARKET PHONE 77. 81 STATE STREET. PRICES OF MEATS ARE LOWER THIS WEEK. Kcllner's Siiar Cured Hickory Smoked Ham? 30c Empire Brisket Baon 3So Pork Loins, small and loan 28c Pork Shoulder for Boast 23C Choice Cuts Beef Pot Roast Boiling Beef Tib Boast, boneless rolled Hamburger Steak, fresh made Pork Sausage, fresh made ; 19 Bog of Lamb 26c Front Lamb 20c Piamond A Butterine, 2 lbs. for 55c FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS. Above prices are lower than they have been for some months past, i aKe auvaniago of our sppciai saies. i ney .till ct c r. for von Tm.lp nt Krllnpr's thp rlnr;t t 111 .''(t V ilM'iii i-- " " ...... v , most up-to-date market in Hammond. f-gSSS ELL-AN Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c ready to vsii foreign invasion. It n mad a crime to tf h the native toi'Kue and the German lanua ;e was forced down the throiits of the people At the outbreak of the war the Polish factories were stripped of machinery and the men without work mulij r.ot earn a livelihood. ftarvn'ion followed. Then, ih" skilled woikmn of Poland were tr'.d that they could have work in the factory enters rf Germany and thus support their families. As soon as a workman left his home to work in Germany a German so'dier entered his homo. Thousands of women wer driv en to suicide and thousands lost their reason." The speaker "old of the ruins in the wake of ih.; German armies in the ens' and of the po..r people living i: the ruins and of the wholesale oxeout uii for petty offenses or no offenses. Tie nari ed a professor executed for Haying The Russian government did a good thins to take liquor awav from its peo ple and a prominent 'ifiui-sn shot for begging the women of his parish to be pure. This reifcn of terror still holds in Poland, he stated. Thousands of women and children are suffering from dreaded diseases sn the wake of the armies. Cities that surrendered with out a shot were homhard-?d and Lil ians massacred In Warsaw Czarnecki saw children begging for food and former successful hankers, lawyers and merchants waiting in the long bread lines, with fat well-fed greedy German soldiers leering at the suffering people. ("zarnecki stated that in Tr-rim. th Vnited States neutral, he was told by a high official. "You're an American and America will pay us " sw how Poland paid when Kultur bearers subjected her to unspeakable itips. Any sacrifice we make will be, nothing' compared to that pr SPECIAL BOAT EXCURSION Steamer Pere Marquette. The Michigan City. ChKago A West ern Transportation Co. will open the season of regular freight sr.d passenger service out of this harbor by n. special first day excursion to Michigan City on next Sunday. Jane S3, 1913. Steamer leaves East Chicago. Forsyth avt. bridges ovr canal at 10 o'clock a. m, return at 7:30 o'clock p. in. Michi gan City, the "Cony Island of ths Wist", Boating. Bathing. Pancing. Beautiful Park. P.rng your lunch. Ticket for this special excursion 5 renrs for the round trip. Music on the boat. i-19-4 ,v,n - - - : Vour old WatcK r sell you Wew Ona 23c 18 25c IPC s luialLilaf 4 L BANKERS VS. LAWYERS Ativ attempt by the bankers to over whelm tit lawyers in their hall game HI the' Hammond baseball park tomor row with goli certificates and securi ties will be guarded asninat, Teddy Klotz. captain of the lawyers' team stated today. On the othe- hand Lew Kder. capta-n of the bankes. states his club is pre pared to withstand any and all argu ments, written or oral, and oratory wilt he bailed. Mayor llrnin and Ch-ef Austgen are to act as b.-i.eball fhtriffs and preserve order. .lohn '. Atrnew and Al Morris I will pe-form the duties of bailiffs for the baseball court The game will start at three o'clock tomorrow aft"; noon. HAMMOND'S SICK NEWS The condition of Frank Oeming who sustained sn apopletic stroke lt Wednesday, is a little improved today, news which Hammond will h- glad to learn. He is by no means out of all danger however. The condition of Feter Cri: m packer, who has been very low this week. 1s about the same mid the popular lawyer is showing a vi'ili'y ilia' is astonishing READY TO GO TO WORK Harry To'le. of Tfl State street. Hammond, was arrested by Officer Hes terman at State and Hohman street on the new jr loafer ord nance His tase was continued for a week as he said that he had a lob that he was going to take next Monday and also that he was in the draft of next mon'h. MUNSTER Misses Winnie Schoon and Tina I.em mers spent Wednesday evening lth Mrs. P. C. Tarns. Mr. and Mrs Jacob Kooy and daugh ter Careel, a. visited sr the home of Mr. and Mrs. J Kuh'man. Mr and Mrs. J. Harkema are the par rnts of a baby girl, born .lune 11. Mrs Pert Jongsma visited her s-ster. Mrs. Ben Jongsma at Lansing. Wed nesday. Mrs. Jacob Wagner spent Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Will Kuhl man. Thirty-five t". P. army trucks passed through here on Calumet avenue, Tues day. LOWELL Carl N. Gragg went to Indianapolis on business yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pink-rton of Hammond visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Alger here yesterday. The hb'-ary board has rented th. rooms over Mrs. L. Pavts" millinery store and will within the next two weeks open up a library. The beard j were intending to build this year, but I owing to the high cost of material re d j labor they wiil rent rooms until aft'rj I the war. The Carnegie corporation 'us made a donation of J12.500 to erect i building. The Chicago Automobile Club passed through Lowell yesterday mornmc on their way to George Ade s farm, where they enjoyed the day and returned to Chicago in the evening. The old soldiers around Lowell feel that Fncle Sam is using thun pr- tiv well by increasing their pensions from JS to $10 per momh. Norman Chapman of Momence is vis iting Jerome Dinwiddie. INDIANA HAH8QR JOY IS 0. K. Wire From Jefferson Bar racks Sets Rumors at Rest Today. Mr and Mrs Robert Smith. IS1" Grapevine street. Indiana Harbor, have ben in great suspense lately because of the story which has appeared in the papers that r'aniel Smith of Indiana Harbor, while on sentry duty, at Jef fijr.n Hariacks disappeared and that it was feared that h had met with foul play. Mr. Smith wired the com mandment and a wire reached him Ijs nigt t that his son who enlisted about six weeks ago was in good health and doing splend'dlv in his work. A letter fr Mewed tortav from Pan to his mother. The Smiths are much mystified over the soiy and d-i not think it probnhn thu there nno'her Pan Smith in Indiana Harbor. ARE BOUND OVER WHITING. Tnd. June. 2! Pat Calla han and Frank Stift. the Whiting; pick pockets, were bo, ind vr to the super ior court i;ndr JSn bonds ea'th by Judge Yl R. Green of the city court. The defense was taken ra:e of by Deputv Prosecutor Chas. Pere'. Attor neys Gav .1 and Ha'.i appeared for Cal lahan and Si-ft. The men opetated on a Whiting; street car and were caught after con- ... 1 . r V- (. . u-V.n t ' ji ii-vr.i4 rff I the car at Whinn. Callahan was re- ! leased on bonds furnished by Gavit. but In default of same Stift was tatken to Crown Point. The Best Is None Too Good For Your Eye3 There fore Visit - 1 Ifcll 1 II I lOllU Optical Co. Ul State St. Hammond I PREPARE FOI BIG TIME, 4TH Various features of the Fourth of July I parnde m Fast Chicago were discussed at the committee, meeting held at the city ha'! !at night John Boohno wskt. chairman of fhr p,ade rommiltee, pre sided. It was derided to organize each ward in order h.t !! of h sorb-tics in cluding churches and fraternal orders, might be fully informed and be largely i'f pr, ssmed in the. parade The, follow ing committees were appointed; n Factory Organization Judge Co hen. E. H Petersen, F. 1.. Evans, John Hocknowski Women appuspifd in each ward: Mrs. F. I,. Evans. First ward. Mrs. Barr. S'.'if'n I ward; Mrs. Jesse Thompson, Third wird: M'.ss Carrie Gosch, Fourth wa rd. 'ammi'tces in each ward: Fi-st wai-d. Father 7-auer. chairman. If E. Jones. I. Silagi !;!, Maumgarden: Se uiid ward. Father Budnik, chairman; Peter Beroten. Peter Sakas, Father Brunskl, Rev. G B. Jones; Third ward. Father tioiiaerrer. l.o Bona venttira. H. C. Pet -esjien. Father Zabaltt; f ourth ward Father Judmse. Father Kuhnski. J. Kni man Reppa. John Rev -h h. Committee on bands: Chairmen of dierent societies to look after bands Joe Pertochini. Peter Brotonis. Peter Sakas. Mrs F. 1. Evans. Mike Muha. Joe Jolianos, George Sand. Paul Tur man. Ptan Iong, S. Sievuwski. Waiter Topa. Mrs. Barr, Miss Katj I).-.! sen, Mrs. I. aura Bennett. G T-. Kixon. Mrs. . A. Ross, Mrs. F. Crass; cha'rmen of Swedish lodge and Maccabees. It was decied that the parade should be a foot parade, no automobiles allow ed, hut thrfl ny organization sould pro iue a ratrioiic float and place wou.i be given it in the tarade. Cs n ...e, . ir. ; floats pre to "oe barred entirely. Mtniner;- I ",r . or or the O. A P.. i,r,i j physically ah. to walk in the parade. i en i m 'i i o use ujj.i's op !n.bilf. in M'c'. p;are?I in tn r,,.,.0. sion e.s njv be designated by'-hnis f the :"n. A mec'it.g or f publicitv or adver tising committee is railed for Monlsy evening st the city hsli to make plans w,'h refers ice to bann-:,. biMs. c-t v Every past r and nrb:.t m the i i made me:vr.-. o' ',: several w d committers and wii! he. evpeered to as sist in the organization of their vaiio;; societi-s i-nd in gi:g the celM,rv.,vi all the publicity possible. SKAFISH SALOON IS RAIDED The sa'eon of Pete Skafish on Vernon ' avenue. East Chicago, was raided by nr.- I lice officer last night and twelve cases i of beer with many emrtv bottles werei found in the basement with beer behind the bar. j Skafish wi, be arraigned before Judge Cohen of the city court today. PROCLAMATION. In .pursuance of the proc'ama :ion Woodrow' Wilson. President of the t riited Star-s. and the co-operating proclamation of James P. Goodrich. Governor of the Stat- of Indiana. vvhnebv Friday. June 28 J 9 1 g. has been i j designated as National War Savings ; Day for the purpose of selling War Sav- j ings Stamps and of securing pledge? ti j ! buy War Savings Stamps during the re- ! ; mainder of the year 1!1S; j Now. I. Leo Mfforms'-k. Mayor of j the ity of Last Chicago, Indiana, do hereby recommmd and u-ge ail the! people of our city to make purchases and subscribe to ple.dgcs fop the pur- I chase of War Savings Stamps to the extent of their means, and infurther- j anee of vnid work to assemble, either in person or by rroxv of a previous! v 1 TO LATE TOO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One of the best bargains that we have offered this war. Large t-room cottnge In fine condition, within 1 b!o-K of the post office, now vacant, and im mediate possession can be given. Price $2200; part cash, balance mortgage. fr you will look at this property you wii! buy if. Go.1jn, Mevn Co. Hammond. 6-21-1 FOR RENT Nicely furrishei front room. 26 Russell st. Hammond. 6-21-1 WANTIH) Voun.c: lady for office vroi k. .J. J .Dibos & Soil 6-21-1 Stylish Pumps and Oxfords The Season's Cboice. Some of the most charming styles m dainty summer footwear can be found at ' Ortt's' and at popular prices. Women. Nifty pUmp Patent Or soft kid, high or low heel $3.50, $5.00 down to S3. 50 White Fabric Pumps Smartest and latest patterns $rj and S3. 50 Women's Classy Oxfords B'.ack, gray. white, brown $4.00 to S7.00 K EDS The ideal summer footwear for men. women and children 75c to S2.50 HAMMOFiDS LARSEST BOOT SHOP signed pledga caM. jn such places and at such hour as shall b designated by the War Savings Committee of our County; Furthermore. I place all P'Ublic build ings of this city at the disposal of agents of such War Savings Committee i'ir vn i'uiiiuir ii'im in trie uov- ernor's proclamation. I 1 request, enjoin and direct all pub lic officials of our c;t to aid by evetv means In their power In carrying out the rerom mendat ion.-i of the President and the. Governor. Tione under my hand and seal, this 21st day of June. 11S. I.EO MCCUKMACK. Mayor. TAKES HIS L. L. M. J G Vivian of the Hammond water deportment look his I. !.. M degree, at the Chicago School :n.t night. Mr. Vivian took the. 1. I.. H at the I.i m oi n - J eff r t sen I.nw School in Ham mond, '"lass of lull. ROBERTSDALE l,ast Tuesdav Mrs. Alee Mears of 1 'gden avenue. Chicago and Mrs. Arthur Tt ork i.f Kalamazoo, Mi -h.. spent the d.'iy with their aunt. Mrs. M. E. Kun- r of Ilobertsdale. The, Good Tunes f'rochet club was en ierta:nd Thursd.i y afternoon by Mrs. Pags and Mrs. Wiinam Roe Bt the K..e nome in Lnk" avenue. Th gucs's (Spent a pleaitant uTM-inoon in edlA work until 4 o '. lock, when refresh ments were sei d Mrs John Pl.i'.i end daughter Elanore! were gtirst of Hammond friends. Tues day. Mrs, Corni.n of Ch.cngo, was i V RuoHt r; Af r .. Frank Buehr .f Iu iliona bou'.';;rd yeaterda . Miss l.ii'ie 7.'-r- r if Myrl-- ; venu. has taken a posit - n a' th- ' . ndard t ill Coropan ,'. The member" of the Ladies Rsh' Class will give Th" Old Maids' Conven-' ion e: the a id toriurn this, '"'nii'g for ihe i-n,-rlt i I tlr- Whiting i Trendi c'uY ; Mr. and Mrs Slater i-,? v nuiw-d fron . Atcliisin avernie. to tiiir new hoii'o in 1 the Vs' Pa rk subd' v ision. ; M:s. Charles Benson sn-n Tuesdavi in Hamtnoud, the gus! of Mrs. "harltsl Ila'i.nin, j Mr. sr.d Mrs. A'h-rr Me vers nn1 daugh'ers of Forrest Park viM'ed Mrs Rlcliard Schaaf of Indiana boulevard, Wr dnrs J.i y The members c' the Marotie- to ciun were vi ry pleasantly n!ir'in. 1 Wed- j n. sday .l'lrrtif.-n a Mi" bon. ..f Mis. j Charles Bt:nvn -:' Roberts avenue. Several games f pf.i:o wu-e plaved and prizes were won by Mevdarnes Wheeler, Eggers and Matlvas Mr and Mrs Greison and Mrs. Les ter Pearee of Amy , venue, motored to May wood. I!!.. -dnesday. where they v isited Mr. ari l Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. John Blaul and daughter Na omi of Roberts avenu '. visiter in Chi cago today. Mr. and Mrs A. M Ms -fx of Myrtle .venue, was the guest of friends 1n Hammond. Wednesday. W. E. Crews is ouit" ill wih sn at tack of rheumatism. Mrs. Albrr Schr' fer entertained Mrs. Rovd and Mrs. Pibbii.s of Side. a her ho. tie i u.-n'l r.ftiw, yes - ;"div- TODAY AND SATURDAY An All 5?ar Cast in "God's Country and The Woman" Eight Act?, a Two hour show. Manaper'y ripclpion: A groat picture. -FREE- "Boy Scouts to the Rescue" Every Saturday Roy SeoiTs and rhildren who are in the thtater before l":3f) are only rpquirtd to pay c war tax. I . of ! 21 m-nam oicns HtoBliiva eauctio On Sample Shoes from high grade branches. All kinds of children 's shoes sold at Hoc from the dollar less. Come here and save We also do high grade shoe repairing. Calumet Shoe Shop 390 Fayette, Corner Calumet, Hammond. M. MOTKIN, Prop. L with 'Itsit Tinnrni -I Silt IK i i umniauinL i ! maw 1 M EI Atchison American Peet American Car Anaconda American Smelting . Brooklyn Tiapid Trans Baldwin locomotive, Baltimore and Ohio Canadian P;citic Ameriran Can Co. New Toik Centra! t'oiorado Fuel Central Leather Chesapeake and oj-i Crucible Steel Erie 1 American Steel Fdrs 6SJ 149i 91i 95J ln5i s: 3 h2i 4Cj 91i o r General Electric Great Northern Mexican Petroleum Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific Pennsyl vania Pittsburg Coal Peoples Gas I T?.-.,.V.t;rt tr. ? C..rt Kenaing V. S. P.uhber Eli Southern Pacific S4 Southern flailviiay 24J Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul Zi Texas Oil 150 I'. S. Steel 10.. Cnion Pacific 122i I 'tail Copper Rfi Western Cnion Sr) Wabash pj f Willys Overland 2 CHlCAf.O f.RI FITIRFA. i Corn August H4: July June I 14! . 1 Oats August G ?'. July. 72!t; June, ! TS'. ( Hit tUl 1.1 K STOCK. HOGS Receipts 17. "0. market is trad--. Bough IS. 25 9 16.50; p gs 16.50 -f?.1". ! 1 at K,riK' 10 - trhers. 3 6. 35-. 60. 4 0 f : market A 1 i L.E Keceipt jsloiv and steady: hee-.e. 12,0-1T.S5: cow. 7 ;(n-l 3 7.1; stork feeders, S 25- i 1 & : canner. 6.5'il7 5"; calves 16.'n 21, butchrs. 710-13 of. riiicrio prooi fF. j BUTTER- Creamei y ext. 3: cream- , .-y firsts. 42:j-4S; firsts. 4M42"t; sec- j nd. S7-39. I EGGS Ordinaries. J". ',-32: firsts S.1- 24. Live poultry Fowls. 25; d ticks. 25; geese. 15: springs 36-40: turkeys. 24. ; Veal 50 to i lbs., t?'-2c; 60 to SO i lbs.. 20iH2ic: ?0 to lift lbs.. 21 'if 22c; fancy. 22'-2c; overweight kidneys, ISc; ! coarse. 7 6c. j Potatoes Cers 4i; Minn.-Wic. Jl 25 frl.CO; news prints J2 50 5:2.73. j ARRESTED AT ERIE. i Nick Halomirv w as arrested at the 1 Erie depot last night by P. H Voit for itrain ridine E3 Theatre SUNDAY Mary Miles Winter in "A Bit of Jade" And Toto in "The Junk Man." MONDAY AND TUESDAY 10 act?. Alice Joyce and Harry Morey "Within The Law" Everybody should see this great picture. Regular prices. Ks! Sugar 6 Si S Fd-y eOi J 63! j it 35J H ;rij M us 9 ::::::::::::: hi 56J 651 Sale A Chance Meeting a friend may change the entire rours of your life. When you meet with some important opportunity you will be e!ad if you are appropriately dressed. Why not bring your old hat. in and have us transform it into a becoming shape by our work in hat cleaning and blockins. Panama? our ppecialty. PI (fill Shoc Shining and DUUU Hat Cleaning Parlor BOTH LADIES' AND GENTS' HATS GIVEN CAREFUL ATTENTION. 175 STATE ST. PHONE 2484. HAMMOND, IND- The Coolest Place in Towrt. Orpheum.'.Theaire Our Summer Policy: First five days pictures. Satur. day and Sunday Vaudeville. TODAY Alice Joyce in "Woman Between Friends" and Charlie Chaplin "A Dog's Life" Come Early. BIJOU THEATER HAMMOND TODAY A Fox Nine Ref' Production "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK" SATURDAY WALLACE REID "THE WORLD APART1 Also THE AMERICAN GIRL. -COMING- "Mothers of Liberty" -TODAY- Viola Dana in her latest fpaiur- "A Weaver of Dreams" SATURDAY "The Devil's Wheel" Featuring GLADYS EROCKWELL. Showing how tin soul of ?. woman rales the underworld of Pan.. .SPECIALS for SATURDAY ONLY eanut Our Home Made Can dies and Ice Cream Are the Best. kVtvWs Hammond Candy Co. TWO STORES 166 STATE AND FOUR CORNERS Only Circus This Year Hammond, Sat., June 22 At Calumet Avenue Grounds. 3 SWAT TRfilRS 07 CIRCUS MARVELS INCLUDING SCORES OF FOREIGN FEATURES mi kkk Ktn m mcs'es MfQ OrfM IT I M 1 t I fatii ttfm itBllr K rwtiET uwm to u to Tan Hairrto Reserved and adniis.-ion tk-K'.d on gale circus day at Summer's pharmacy, tA2 Hohman St., near State. Brittle 'i.'y4k I