Newspaper Page Text
Pa ere Two THE TIMES November 27. 1920 FEELING TENSE ENGLAND ni, C. REEVES tSWr.COMtSPONOtNT !. N. SERVICE! LjXLON, Nov. IT. Poth housos of pari lament Trere ordered closed tu all isitora today. .Trtia Extraordinary lnpafarc, taken efily b rare prrviou.1 occasions in Bri tain'? history. la attributed in -veli-inforroed quarters to a "tip" bclieveJ to hav been received by the govern-J mef.t that tha much rumored Sinn Fein attack i due to be attempted today. JIST A "PnECAlTIOX."' Th official explanation, given short 1y after the public announcement f the . closirifc-. was that the order wis ;Lvn a a "precautionary measure for the protection of the government ot fces In case of possible trouble." The historic jray butldinj at No. U Vowing street, headquarters of lha jovmmtnt and official residence or Premier Lloyd George, is thorouehly birrlcadtd. A specisl X-rre of guards, heavily armed, stands in front and both ends of 'White Hall are being pa trolled by equally heavy guards. BHITISH LF.AIl LESSOV. The government, it wis pointed out, Isarned a valuable lesson on the occa t'.on of the recent 'Whitehall riot by the army f the unemployed that came r.esr culminatirgr in the storrnins; ot tk prime minister's offielat home. Ti Globe flatly declares that the birnesdins at No. 10 Pownint strest ts a precaution against a "iiiun Feinu piet." "When will they strike, and here'."j is a question on all lips. TuMic feei ir.f has been strained to a high pitca of nervousness and anxiety by the con startly recurring official, utterances during the week to the effect that the government haa In Its possession con vincing evidence that Sinn Fein planned and rrobt'y tM r,an t0 carry Its fight to the heart or Britain's governmental authority. I't.OT AGM.N8T GEORGE. Stories of s plot to kill I.loyd George, first exclusive'- cabled by th Interna tional K' j ?prvlc' rsrlv th;i weeK. and a'ne officially confirmed in the fce of or'sinsl scouting isi .om qusrtT'. ar" sgain making the rounds today ei-d far for the premier's life is the dominant note in tht public ten elcn. N"'.vtpfipers are fnatdil JP eegerly rd scanned for every scrap o! ne-rs ennecrnirp the movements of the first official of the empire. ITtEUXD IS STinnEtl. The arrest yesterday of Arthur Grif t:th. acting president of the "iepub!;c of Ireland." and idol of the Sin Fcin ers whose organization he founiied, has ;irrcd rebellious aentfment In Erin to f-ver heat, all Irish news dispatches how.-and nothing in th.- way of des rerare acta on th part of hi ssympa' thiser would surprise London. Sinn I'ein is known to have a remarkably efficient and thoroiigh-coing secret efvice in London, with lamifcutionj extending even into government of fices. Not since the war lias the pyblic of this capital teen in the grip t-f eucli anxiety. wrest It from tho ther. The alleged insult of a nurse by the physician is given by Burkhardt as th cause for tile life and death grapple which lasted half an hour, ending only when both dropped from sheer exhaus tion, bathed in blood. The doctor de nies knowing the nurse. The doctor and Burkhardt admit thty had nerer seen each other before. lr. McElroy says he was telephon ing when Burkhardt entered unan nounced, told him, "I come to get you." whipping out the rasor. Burkhardt says the physician got the raeor out of a trunk. While the battle went on the telephone girl downstairs heard moans and curses mingling with the clinking of steel and cranhlng of furniture. She sent the hotel manager up. Dr. MoElroy, who spent four ycar. in France, was gassed at Tpra and wounded twice, said the war was noth ing; as compared with his battle with Burkhardt. "It was his life or mine," he addel. Burkhardt may die. DOCTOR AND HOTEL MAN IN-DUEL NFff YORK. Nov. 2T.--rr. John W. !cFl.-ny. a six fuot athlfte, war vet eran and member of a prominent At lanta family, was released on Ji.oO haU today after spending the night in jail, nursing a score of rsssor wounrts and bruises, and Ralph Burkhardt, a New Tork apartment house manager. l!s in a precarious condition at Kt. Vincent hospital with deep razor s:a.shes on the side of his neck and one across the Adems apple. The two men f'-ught a terrific dul lt nlejht In Dr. TcKlroy's hotel room. Both are charg ed (With felonious assault. o?h deny owning the ra'r which was the main weapon in the fight, (hanring hands whenever one could am Alils Chalmers 3 American Can IS American Car and Foundry 113'i American Locomotive 84 American Smelting 4S'4 American Steel Foundry 30 American Tel. and Tel 98f, Anaconda 40' Baldwin Locomotive 95 Bethlehem Steel B so t, Butte and Superior 11 Chesapeake and Ohio 6S?t Chicago and North Western 77S Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 84 uoioraao r uei , Coneolldated Gas Corn Products Crucible Steel 83 Erie 15?, Genera! Klectric 128 General :.fotora 13 Lackawanna Steei 31V, Lehigh Valley ,, Midvale Steel S3 X. T. Air Brake 88 New Tork Central Ti Northern Pacific 86 Pure Oil 4!i Pressed Steel Car 11 Railway Steel Springs SS Reading ST1 Republic Iron and Steel S3 Texas Co 4T, I". S. Steel 81 V. S. Stee! Pfd 108, We-sttnghouse 4:,-b Willys Overland 8 Sinclair Oil" 24Ts FUR BEARING AH PROTECTED !ftPECIL TO THE TIMES ! INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. U6. Game wardens of the state department of conservation report finding far less skunks and other small fur-bearers penned up this year than usual prior to the open season, avldenre that there is a better understanding of the lav.' against keeping fur-bearing animals in captivity in this state. In the pant It was frequently the custom for per sons to catch thee animals in the faJ and closed season and hold them until early winter when the fur is prime. Indiana game lawa prohibit the tak ing of fur-bearers in closed or pro tected seasons. It is lawful to catcni skunks and other fur-be-trers in tho open season, but If it is planned "3 hold them for propagating purposes, it Is necessary at the state of the closed season to procure a certifies) e from the state department to show that the fur-bearers are being helt' captivity for fur farming. Such fuv farms so designated by the certifies; es are at frequent intervals inspected by officials from the division of f)?h and game. charge be remained out of the service for eight months aid then re-enlisted last May. H expect to take the two year'a erulse around the world at the ead of his present term. ORPHEUM SHOW Twenty trained cockatooes, whicii go under the name of Nellie's Pets are the featuro attraction on the Orpheum theater bill for today and Sunday. This is without doubt the greatest bird act on the road. At the same time Lee lling Chlng, the Chinese wonder worker, will show off. The other acta on the bill are Irene and Docglas Car berry, singing and dancing specialists; Hamilton Walton, character Imperson ator; Copeland anJ Baryton. corned inns; Hayden. Goodwin and Itowe. a musical number. Manager Mlcbelstet tr calls special attention lo "Title Pages," the mtnature musical comedy with ten people in the caei which carries for Monday and Tuesday of next week. 0i;i T2H Dance every 8aturdsy night at Unity Hall. Music by "Husk" O'Hare. Gent's ta centa, ladles 20 cents. 11-18- CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. HOOS Receipts, 6.000 market, most ly 10 higher; bulk, 9.Si 10.15; top, Jin.iS: heavyweight, $3. SO frl 0.25 ; med ium weight. J9.95S 10.25; light we!?rT. $9.S0ffilP.16; light lights. J9. 7010.01); heavy packing sows, sn.ooth. J9.35(tf 9.75; packing sows, rough. $9.101? 9.J3: pigs. JJu-S 10.00. CHICAGO CASH GltAIX. WHEAT No. I red. $180; 1 hard winter, $1.656 1S: - h-rd winter, $1.8! 1 northern spring, J1.$ST l.Cl 2 northern spring. il.aT. CORN No. 1 mixed. 73 He - white. lc; 1 yellow. 754tJ76Hc; 3 mixed, 71e; 3 yellow. 7SUc. OATS No. 2 white, 4S'iSP49e; i white. 4S'j47Uc CHICAGO VEAL 50 to 60 lbs , 18e; 70 to 80 lbs., 14ni8c; 80 to 100 lbs., 17 llc: fancy. 19c; overweight kidneys. 140 U 175 lbs.. lOgiSc. BETTER Receipts. 6.7S9 tuba; re.-imery. extra. Sir; extra firsts. 61He; firsts. 425lc: packing stock, 2430c. - EGOS Receipts, 9."S cases; current receipts. SOW 67c: ordinary firsts, 64c: firsts. 7f'7!c: checks. 35g43c; dirties. 40Q47c CHEESE Twins, new, 3'c; daisies, ce'J'-tc; young Americas, 27Vic; longhorns, 27'ic; brick, 24c. UVE rOVLTRT Turkeys. Sec; chickens. 1722V4e: springs. 23Hc; roosters, 17c; geese. 26c; ducks, 25c. POTATOES Receipts, 98 cars; Ohio. $1.80 1.90. LACEYS ENJOY VISIT FROM SON Mr. and Mrs. William Lacey. 1211 Moraine avenue. Hammond, were able to enjoy a brief visit with their son. Raymond, who is attached to the V. S. battleship New Mexico, Sunday. They received a telegram informing them that he would pass through Chi cago on hi way to Providence. R .1.. and that he would have a few minutes betweei trains. Raymond was the fortunate man to be selected from 1.400 jackies to take the 12-months training course at the naval torpedo school st Providence. He has hi choice of anything In the me chanical line, civil engineering, etc. He served two and s half years in the navy during the war and during that time visited France. England. Ireland. Panarrla and the west coast of tne fnited States. After receiving his dls- VICTIMS OF CAVE IN ARE RECOVERING Tony Kommill. 1SS1 Massachusetts I street and J. I. Nichols, 42SS Massa j chuaetta treet. Gary, the two victims j cf the cave-in yesterday morning are I reported much improved today and vt ui ime to dc at iu?.i ui h week. They were injured yeaterday morn ing in a cave-in at 16th avenue and Grant street. They were engaged in digging a sewer and were caught bo reath a small avalanche of earth when the supporta gave way burying the two men beneath the earth and debris. They weie rescued by other workmen. Dance every Ssturday night at Unity Hall. Music by "Husk" O'Hare. Gent 5 cents, ladies SO cents. 11-26- JOSEPH MORRIS SELLS BOTTLING WORKS One of the late real estate and bualneas transaction to be. conaum mated ti recorded yesterday when Joseph Morris, owner of the Morris Bottling Works of Gary, disposed of his business for a consideration of 1S. 000. The new owner is Joseph Leevak. The Morris Bottling Works is lo- Hammond Iron and Metal Company MARCUS BROS- Prop. Wholesale Dealers in IRON, METALS, RUBBER AND SECOND HAND MACHINERY Offices: 340 Indiana Avs. Yards Sohl Street and Indiana Ava, HAMMOND : INDIANA. Of flea Phone 127. Res. Phona t04tffc Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear akin auid body full of youth and health may be your if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL cated at 1S1 Adams street and waj organised by Mr. Morris about ten yeara ago. Mr. Morris, who la one of Oarye pioneer residents loat his wife several weeks ago, and If he does not change h!s present pians will probably leave the city. RED CROSS DRIVE FIGURES FOR GARY Additional members brought Gary's total in the Red Cross roll call up to S.700 .yesterday according to Chair man Kobert Philips at the county headquarters at the Gary Commercial club. Although the drive has lag-Red a considerable extent. Chairman Phillips s?emed confident that the county still has a good chance to go over last year's total, inasmuch as the work is still going forward througho-Jt the cunty. MOVE N. TWP. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Aesssor John F. McFadden of North township and force of employes completed he big tusk of moving the aeseor" records and office fixtures to he third floor of the superior couri building in Gary the nw home of the asseor's office, this movniriK. Attorney Albert O. lluber, who oc cupied space in tho assessor's' in the P.eynolds building is now lo cated with Attorney B. A. Lucas in the Savage bulldintr. They will oc cupy the rooms vacated by Judge Cothery. It la possible that Prosecuting Attorney-elect Dwight M. Kinder and Attorney Dan Redding will occupy Os rooms vacated by Mr. McFadden in the Reynolds building. - DR. J. GOLDMAN OENTIMT Ftrmt National Ilaak R1B. Cor. Chicago at Forsyth Atu Consultation In EnarUsit. Qrsu PolUta. Rlavtan and Russia. EAST CHICAGO. 13. Tel. Eaat Chicago IS AT THE DE LUXE Can you fancy beautiful Giori Swanson dressed in rags and tatter3? Remember the many gorgeous gowns which have become so much a part of Mies Swanson as a result of her suc cess In "Pon't Change. Tour Husband." "Male and Female" and "Why Charge Tour Wife" And yet rags and tatters are M'sa Swansons portion through a large por tion of the story of Cecil n. De Milled Paramount picture "Something To Think About" which will be shown at the DeLuxe Theatre for n days com mencing Sunday. "Something To Think About" repre sents a new departure in the. type of! role portrayed by Mies Swanaon. As Ruth Anderson, the talented young ac- tress had abundant opportunity to dis play her abilities. The role carries Miss Swanson through the entire ewo- j tlonal gamut and it if confidentially; expected that this production will earn I for her an aditional host of admirers, j Pance every Saturday night at Unity J Hall. Muslc-by "Husk O'Hare. Gents I 69 TELEPHONE EAST CHICAGO For Your ELECTRICAL NEEDS INDIANA ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 624 Cfaicario Aye., E. Chi. 1449 Washington St., Gary 'I I IT ! 1 1 MM III I ! mi iiiiiiiai i " IJOIJ TODAY Wm. Russell in "THE CHALLENGE OF THE LAW" Also a Good Comedy TOMORROW Buck Joces in "JUST PALS 55 cents, ladies 30 cents. 11-26- Tba werld'a aundara remedj for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the nemie of 111 and looks. In nit since 1696. All draggiata, three aizea. Vmmk w tk mm CM MWk1 mwmr, Wa mm mfaw I No742. Publbhed Statement -Trut Company. PETER W. MEW. President JOSEPH W. WEIS. Vice President DAVID T. EMERY. Secretary DAVID T. EMERY, Treasurer PASTIME TODAY Olire Thomas in "THE FLAPPER" TOMORROW and MONDAY "THE GAMESTERS" With Margarita FUher I U tlWII "3 Don't tnrow rout papei ai arithout readins the want irt rag it Where Everybody Goes Ota m k 0 n nil, i liiiiSli HAMMOND INDIANA TODAY AND SUNDAY EXTRA FEATURE ATTRACTION NELLIE PET'S 20 TRAINED C0CKCATO0S THE GREATEST ACT IN VAUDEVILLE LEEHING CHIN Chinese Wonder Worker .i DO'JGLAS CARBERRY Singing and Dancing HAMILTON WALTON Character Impersonator i UrfclAND AND BARYTON Comedians i. J. G0GDVM AND ROUVE 3 Boys acd a Piano. COMING MONDAY AND TUESDAY "TITLE PAGES." A Miniature Musical Comedy. 10 PEOPLE 10 a. b.o.i a a. a a a a.o.B b m m n b a b.b b Tli aire POT 'in 1 1 n-f- Condensed Statement of the Condition of the First Trust & Savings Bank At Hammond, in the State of Indiana, at the Close of Its Business on Noyemher 15, 1920. I " Save'" Cor" This f IPIEST OFJS i IfiikS There wiii b to iJ? tLJ&r ; v 1 Hiiti ? ith&fkJi ivC looms na.r. HI fey I! WPumAf XZ ihi u Warrf to J Kl&VUiiM "zZV j J,uy yourself ;:f I' r1Tni !' Pariofwhaf you ar t'J tk M f d rKrW omir caw mtQy -M ft iH-If f JpTfi ' M ' $h' honk io serv 'igm lfi I l'i Ji0&& -any youn M ii -'' "'1J: v 'It Hr FIRST NATIONAL BANK Chicago and Forayth Avenues East Chicago, Indiana I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. on September 8th, 1920. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Bonds and Stocks Premiums Paid on Bonds Company's Building Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Estate Advances to Estates and Trusts Due from Departments Due from Banks and Trust Companies. . . Cash on Hand Cash Items Cash Short Trust Securities Taxes and Interest Paid Other Assets $1 .648.466.64 1,522.78 656,503.43 None None 25.000.00 6,907.79 122.07 62.582.12 128,636.92 81.488.35 25.851.92 None None - 4.927.67 23.031.02 TODAY Marion Davis, in "The Cinema Murder" also Sammy Burns Comedy, "Oh, Buoy" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday presents Total Resources Mi 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. m LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Pa Surplus Undivided Profits Net Dividends Unpaid . . . Interest, Discount and Other Earnings Demand Deposits, Except Banks Savings Deposits, Except Banks Trust Deposits, Except Banks Special Deposits, Except Banks Certified Checks Due to Banks and Trust Companies . . Due Departments Premium Reserve on Bonds. . Cash Over None Bills Payable Other Liabilities Total Liabilities CECIL B. DeMILLES production "SomethmgtoThinkAbouf came riacpnerson v. $2,665,040.71 ..$ 125,000.00 10,000.00 22.360.33 None 9.740.07 . . 996,380.20 ... 1,198,176.91 47.120.43 . . . ' None 2,831.41 19,461.11 .. 221,483.84 None j None j None None 12.486.41 ..$2,665,040.71 si Ayr. State of Indiana.) County of Lake,j I, Peter W. Meyn, President of the First Trust & Savings Bank, of Hammond, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true. PETER W. MEYN. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of Nov., 1920. GRACE R. CONROY. Notary Public y commission expires Feb. 9, 1 922. (Seal.) 4 n ft .Jf .9' II m - One of the Greatest Pictures Ever Screened Managers Decision Wj&W mmmA v:'3- '"si f If. .... i iS?' ti- S&'ii' zv. """" r v : . I r 1 1 j , ., ... tCH (Paramount (picture lr v--