OCR Interpretation

The Richmond palladium. [volume] (Richmond, Ind.) 1855-1875, May 01, 1856, Image 1

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86058250/1856-05-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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'Be Just and fear not: Let all the ends tnon aiaas't at be thy Country's tuy God's and Truth's."
D. P. HOLLO WAY A CO., Publishers.
NO. 2
9D4imr of SJO rn'i.otit in., SO h iuim in.
0B( lauiin. t' Two noiiiiij,
TarfVOT lt.i 3,w) Sim manllia.
Oyl'UKDrlHt,n yr., wjw Qr.olutan.eh. qr.,
Do.iiu. ctiin;e ni'ii-llily, l i.iHJ ll;f d...
Da du " w el. li".0O On do.
Far Urm
B'iineA t()suf ft' tii or lr, wr ftnnura. S3.IX1.
(jfl.-saded and di-tptayed advertisements wiU be
chared price aad-a-hif, aal iargs cu'.l two pried
f Utabre rat of alrer'.ixiog. Othirease, Dot pro
ridel fur, ehar juble ia coaf iriuity with tho Wve tsto .
-Um. ! Hinim is riht. Let them hare free access j mankind, the scientific Torld, and others cap
Prepared for the close of the term of sc. ; to ail the light that tie have had, and any - able, should investigate principles fuli)
ending 3d month 29th, 1856, by JonJ oiher that they may find, then when they are j and fairly; and what is gkdt andean be made
Hawks, at Green Mount College, prior to l Emitted to the fr.the scrutinizing voice of j to subserve useful purpses, receive, and tho
,; it ca. !,...:...,, .n that teaches as never maa!rr caif away: and avod continual aviation
rect inL
they will be more likely to have a cer-j of what can render ruankid no service; but
i sorrow that the occasion calls forth
!of us have been associated togetl
; only a few, but many months ; an J although it
has not been my good fortune to steer entir
ly clear of censure in every particular ; yet I
jam pleased to say that there his been much
good feeling, at least, the larger part of the
;' time, sines we have been together: and on
Mkthodut Gssbral CoxriRaircit. The this last, and to me, truly solemn occasion, 1
Metholist General Conference, which com- n.P the true spirit of forbearance and
exerted to heal
1 appear before rou for the last time in mv than any oe in deciding tne question igu . u.. comr . v- - mC
official capacity, perhaps during mylife.an'j ed-e 0 anar system that I have any knowl-; credulous class who are -eady to embrace
; ooin ri.r, ,.r -Lore in accordance with the every ridiculous project h at is new and
. ws .ssiausv iv ui v mv
fyHaj rejntly b;cn fitted op with the latcitstylw
f tri e, iJ woarcn tw prepared to do ail kind. of Job
Work, uch ad Ujok. fArophlct. Circulars, UilU, Carl
Poiter, Aj. Printing d ma io fancy -culorwl Ink, with ,
sratneM an 1 ItMpatrft. Order, thankfully received an I
dromptly attended to. AJlre, IIoi.loWa r A Co.
1 1 .' . 1 " 1 -ii i
.1.! r ti , j, . .,.( r'-.n i unnsiisn Kinuness win De
Lriiar: uciryuuu3 iiuto an jim" ......
I t w i t- .. c - i ni i i UP ali atvision and dissensions that may have
. - i Deen enitsr.ained. remembtrini that ther ara
inlianapoii on tni
a'- inaianapoiis on tni aay, nntM 0t Uii K(1 utn, u Kn ti.-
" w WJ I T tliQ
Tli Indianapolis Sentinel fur- ' ger of arror ; and that when a proper spirit i.i
manwesteu, that
will asyrnblo
(1st of May.)
nishes tlie following items relating to the na
ture and object of this powerful ecclesiasti
cal body :
The whole Churcli North, which includes
the Baltimore Conference of Delaware, and
a part of Virginia, an i all Northern, Eastern
and Norihtaitern SU'ei, are within iu jaris
diotion. It convenes only eery fourth year.
The number of regular di!'ites will bo
about 23J, besi ! irregular, or visiting dl)
g ate s from England, Ctnad.i, Ac, which will
probably sw.'ll the n urn bur to 250.
&irn Bishops are ejpc.ed to be in atten
dance, and probably a large number of lay
The Journal of the same city aids the fol
lowing :
The interesting question of slavery, in re
lation to church membership, has already been i ,.,, -i 'u.
settled by the M.;l,odist Church. That ques- i j t' ...,. th'
tioB will have no especial bearing upon the
proceedings of the approaching Conference,
aay further than their slight connection with
the Mcthodiat Episcopal Churoh, South, is
The division in the Church reiUftfed in a
nit for the divieiou of the Church property
ntheBook Concerns at New York and Cin-
CiBnati. The South gaining the suit in its
major points, Comnaissioneis were appointed
by tbe two branches respectively, to arrange
the matter of division. These commission
ers, on the part of the Northern Church, are
to meet here at some time during the session
of the quadrennial Conference to make final
adjustment of their acts in the disposal of the
Church property.
There revision of the Discipline will b
discussed in reference to several proposed al
terauons and amendments. It will in all like"
lihood be somewhat changed in several re'
peci ironi its
untiia reiAMi oui
thseharaetar. indi
wits UQ a"M.a,
return oi chnstun feelin'r
should be extended.
j 1 have lived long enough to know, that tho
i spirit of tyranny is too prevalent wll over the
j world. It is to be seen in every race and
; grade of human being, from the most stupid
Hottentot up through the varied rank 3 of so-
: ciety, to the most highly cultivated European
or American. We see it exemplified ari l
' practiced in the councils of our country, and
I carried out through every vein of all this
Republic ; the poor In Ji:tn who roams the
I trackless wilderness, is made to feel its power;
I the defenceless settlers who inhabit the fion-
1 tier of our beloved country, are occasionally
! . :u ' i :.. ..li . f
iuiv l'j niiuic u;iuer us ao.'iorent grasp, a:
most crushed beneath the superior force of
their neighboring oppressors ; the sable ser
vant in the sunny South, feels its severity
jail nature is full of it, and the lan"ua-Te"is
thou art weak
di schools are
th Manr adopted by our ftem of the republican code 1 strange. But we should be ereful to denounce
ier for not ! Another objection td on . thii hemisphere, j no new theory illusory, mnil sufficient proof
t. J . . r,an orcr!nii-.tioris ' i had- ventvin? that lact !r tear Of castinL'
j een ramp,OStenden hat kexens orer ! away as worthless, what night prove to be
t Le .nvestigatmg powers of mind when . benficiaL For eianx,!er he discovery and
u ventures forth upon the field of service. , operation of the Magietic Telegraph, which
I w.iose area is as unlimited as the windless . was looked upon bv mcy'iateiligent peno1S
regions of ether. Although the shell at en- J for a long time, with stpiewn; and the more
caes it. may be quietly seated in thenely i ignorant, as worse thatwithcraft. and bv the
studio, the mind may be investigating some ! stupidly ignorant class, Uhi day, as the work
great tinnciple or law by which the unive I cf an evi, spirit; but it proved beyond aDy
is governed, and if it is circumscribed by the controversy to be a truthand the subtle a-ent
; narrow limits of seetanamsm, it ventures forth ; by which it is opera ed, , remains to beon?
j Wlth t,m,du3r' lesC ,n ,u researches it may run of the wonders of the w'ad. Nothing short
. astride, or come m contact with some favor- ; of continued investigation d prudent watch
, re theory of the creed, that 'twould be im. : fulnes3( and sound judgmTt will avrt impo
pious to lay a sacrilegious hand upon, and fAus , sition. Not loao- since met with a person
all investigation m that particular department who has been enlightening., people by way
is at an end. Suppose a Newton, when in-1 of lectures upon the subjt of I'hvsioffnomy,
vestigaiing the laws of matter, known by tht j as bing a most perfect an unvarying seienee,
name of gravitatiorl, in the midst of his medi-, that whatever appears irTe face, the turn up
tations, had been feud denly arrested in his in- or turn down of the nose thickness or thin
qtnry by some sectarian jAt, his world wide ness of tbe lips, deepness r shallowness of
emblazoned system raht on this day have jaw, prominent or backwrd position of the
been sleeping in midaigbt darkness. Or sup- ; chin, and many other une-ing marks portray
posea Fulton oraFi,ch, when trying thepowerj the true character of th man. and that his
of steam, had been thus suddenly arrested, f mind is governed bv tKe marks, and Con
or hai heeded the scoffs of a worse than old j tinues with him duriiig'.B, and that no effort
Ilunkensm. when the rude bark was loosed j on his part (that of hisiiind) can chmge
from her mooring, and first swam upon the ! them; if he bears the mars of a murderer.3
smooth watersof the Hudson, amid the doubts ! murderer he will be, and fat God has so de
and fears of his most sanguine friends ; what ; creed it from the begiining; and on the
would have been the probable result ? That I ot.hr Kan. I T .i.a jfKLa tv mri.
ing, but with a higher aim, that of trying to' por tt Palladium.
render some usefulness to my fellow beings, j Reply to Ilnmaaita.
I let nothing deter me from the prosecution of , I refer Humanitas to his first and second
the plans that I had deliberately formed; some articles, for my apology for what he terms
obstacles and discouragements have marked personal abuse particularly to the last para
my career, but withal, I have had quite as graph in the second, a .d also in the third. I
much satisfaction as I could have reasonably : know not that wholesale abuse is more in ac
expected, and now I again yield to what I j cordance with christian courtesy, than person
believe to be an imperious sense of duty to ' al abuse, and prli3ps less so, for ia it the in
; withdraw from the charge on account of family ; nocent and the guilty suffer alike. "Answer
disability, as well as a desire that I feel my-1 fool, not according to his follv. lest those
. self to return again to the quietude of private ; also be like unto him," is Scripture advice
life; and in thus surrendering up the charge, i Prov. So;h chap. 4th verse.
! I feel the confident assurance that my success- j Ia the vere following, we find the contrary,
! ors will more than fill the vacuum, and that "Answer a fool ccorditiir to his follv. W s
you may extend your sphere of usefulness far be wise in his own conceit." I could fake
and wide, and long continue to assist in moul-; either horn in this d.kmina. and feel quite
ding the minds of the rising generation, and safe, (if I consu led not a law iu my nature)
light the path-way of the youthful traveler ' knowing that I was upon Bible ground. I
through the dark valley ot ignorance, along t qUOte this luore to show their discrepancies
than their appropiateness to our friend. I
the meandering wilds, where briars
are found !
! certainly among the last nooks of all the earth
j in which this demon dare obtrude his liendish
J 1 1 . T I '
nea.j, yei i nave seen mm sometimes a iioni'
tho schools I have myself felt its wiluu
influence as much at school as any
: place. Une set of students are not unfre-
quently found tyrannizing over others, with
out any other cause than the one first men
tioned "Thou art weak and I am stronsr"
and there is more
anions; the
grievance felt and known, from
valuable aid to human usefulness, enterprise, t of purity an i innocence.that no temptation
and glory might have been silently resting i by which he is surroundei can ever allure him
under the fearf ul pall that banishes all mental j yr dildge him from llat position. What
reseach, and none of those -floating palaces" j tlitnk you my young frieids, (as well as those
that now "walk in the water like a thing of ; who are old-r) of this loctrina? Does this
life;" or that rapidly moving engine, whose ' newly discovered scienc. as he claims it,
shrill whistle spreads terror through the for-j elevate the human cbancter? Does it set
est and the field, as it treads majestically o'er your minds at liberty to tlink, investi mto. and
the land, encircling a hemisphere with the j by due course of re'isontig. comparison and
rapidity of feathered pinions, and contiibut-i analogy, allow you to iraw your own con
ing to commerce its valuable stores, would j elusion's? Does it allow to man as great an
have existed only in imagination, or ia the 1 mount f free agency as his Creatordesined
more uncertain fights of dreamy fancy. These i him to enjoy? Does it place him upon luch
oui7 .l,,, oi o inuiuu" ; a piatiorm ot equality and equal ngtits as he
a system mat lias wie tied an influence i Kc. n . v. . , . t :. i u .
. J ItH-l a IU3L I Ul L I f I W I ( I 1 1 , . I," 11 I lil f 11-
passive class even m ichools. all over the civilized world, that confinM and i L .f.i ... - n .1. .- ....
than is irenerally believed to exist. Ire- rtr that n.,h nniiir tK.t in m,n -.'.,...
. . . . - - - - - - - - . , - " - . . . .... 1 1 , jtiii , n.iicaciiifr iniiiitTii iriiT.im ri w
rule is not ! the only characteristic that elevates him ahovo ! m,i ;,..; i . i. . .t.
j- i . , ' , , . ; j"'iju;inr, auu gooune-s, uiai we uaa me
me oruie creation, vne proper cultivation oi tullest confidence he do sessed? Or would
which, qualities hini for usefulness and hap
piness here, and prepares him for a more
glorious and happy eternity. The mind must
be left free; if it isshacklid, it cannot act
with any certainty or precision, the truth of
which is sen evident, and needs no demon-' and rlace our MA-.r .'),
stration as all thinkers will rertAinli' i,rn . i. . ,'
preuesunetl to
quently you will find that the
confined to physical strength ; but some di
minutive tartar, peculiarly fond of tyranniain "-,
will exert a potent sway over the more passive
class possessing double her strength, rather
than have any disturbance known. Thus it
distracts and sets ajar, and destroys the peace
and harmony of families, schools, societies
and governments, and spreads more desolation
he po sessed?
you not conclude that si 't dotstrine received
; as sound, would turn alt th? energies of our
j nature downward. Woi Id turn out of doors,
i and consign to the silent O nb, all free inquiry.
; an J arrest investigation, ,t;ike away our rights.
. .... . ... - i t ..... n .,.-....,. i ... ..... i ii . i i ,
m ciiLMiic.iniu onoi j u.ui u. (iiciiu uu su.co, ; tnouw u6 iu uo ii morspicasure in quoting
but with your lights miy lead him safely j iLem were they rendered, Answer a man
through the thick untrodden desert, up the j according to his'spirit, &e.
green mountain, whose sides are covered with j Ia the 5Ji chapter we read: "A soft answer
beautiful flowering plants, and rich ever- j turneth away wrath, but grcivous words stir
greens, and where pure crystal waters spring) up anger." " This is letter advice: Why? be
from the clefts, and leap over their rocky beds j cause it reflects a law of our nature, and as
to refresh him as he gains that eminence that j such. I should have taken it. But as the lan
overlooks the deep thicket which had so long ; s;uage of scripture in one of the paragraphs
entangled his footsteps, and where his vision ' aao:ed. justifies railing for railing H ,.,,,;.
: L- opened to beauties that his youthful eyes had cannot b consistent and condemn it. I sup-
I Ions: ached to behold. t r,, T must plead dullness r.f nmntVl..ni.-,t.
w l i r "
May your lives glide smoothly onward, ' when I say the contradictory statements so ap
and your feet never be betrayed into the slight- j parent, is not revealed to me; yet it is just so.
est error. For as you know, the public is ex- ; our friend says; ail right say I, I see it, but 1
ceedingly censorious, and very unforgiving, don't perceive it. This is a revelation to me,
and the smallest deviation from reditu Je, I that my reason does not make manifest. I
j a'tho' the most ample reparation may be nr.a !e. j concede this much for the present, to our
j will never re-instate you to wonted confidence, friend's better judgment. I deny that my
1 but distrust and dark suspicion forever point ; language in the one cae indicates that the
ner empoisoned DDger at you, tho your char- j meeting was gotten up to erect a platform
ac'er may be as unsullied as the Angels of broad enough for every man to stand upon;
Light in the portals of Heaven. I now, in and again, a mere private affair fortheaccom
this public manner, and on thisocca-ion, trati-- ; modation of those concerned,
fer to you the important trust that I have' It cannot, with truth be said, there are two
held, and resign into your hands the charge arenas, where all the subjects can be fairly
of this Institution, and I hope, and it is my j met. "The platform at the meeting, and the
prayer to Almighty God at this time, that newspapers where the proceedings are pub
your courage may be increased, your hands j lished." None of the resolutions were put
be made strong, and your hearts stayed by i to vote, and of course were not given to the
His power, to administer with honor the ' public a the sentiments of the meeting, but
great work entrusted to your care. And now , merely as subjects discussed. The open ad
in this collective capacity to you. my dear , vocates of the resolutions are the ones to meet,
students, respected instructors, and the house-1 and the platform at the meeting, was the best,
hold in general, I bid a long and lasting and only proper place, unless one or more of
farewell! and may that Christian love so fill the advocates, the champions, challenge to the
your hearts, that if one solitary pang embit'ers ! combat elsewhere.
your soul, may it be buried forever in that i "In the question of praise and blame,
trrave that knows no waking.
. r ti . I to
V' TL?WuYtfd"jroveftIVlfefltr'tli t h'Atiim 1ft Awn - water, or even the sworvl
'di vidually. or the membership. onlj hen k bj ' more m secret, and
ance. do we see its m " ' ona.en .45'
- - unit t' 1 1 r
roiTi nni..n : . v '
Nno:Bts of doctrine
i . . : i ii.:. v..,.ln in R.ton
uui session ui tun uumj rge ucomes lmjr-- ;,,J
by a reso to brute forceopen war wun a
Dr. Rica and tuk Spoons. WTe sUted a concomitani. evils. School is the piac
J.. n, tw.i tinrr b-v an exchange caper. ! stin its growth to
,11 its
c to
This position
forms ot religion that carries etertiiice, and not upc
erents sincerity of purpose ." fru;ts 0f another's labor,
of Christ. -r
- I respect
.u tin ''
ail rights ;
. . T 1 1 1 1 a III Itll'. t
butthose wh- . ... . his
" . ,
that some spon had been stolen from Or. ! geny as youth
f lose u'j" t . Jai'ttran"ir - r .. j i umin.
. , .: (!:( . ' li... should not De emruMruu. .j.
a 1, o caan .liiitc ui lie. , a t .mir v j
LIIC nv. v UI , d I . J v , .... .
The Oratory of TTillard.
The Indiana State Sentinel has discovered
the wonderful fact that Willard, theimmac u
late Wiixakd, in all that pertains to ora'orv,
U)wt a full head and shoulders abo
every sensual ex- i Journal remarks a follows- '""'-non the
trie well earned i 'Tl, n--.,: j-, , .
,r i - " """ni.rc canaiuate for (.iove-nor
,.,r into the brest Ot Ii-'IS itiDJCent victim -;,), i ...-t -
. - - , ., .. "ilii liii ia i. lnio K stia
thinl trt will certainly aree.J before our mindsvas a v'W
attacks Jt.TfrrTv "Uk at3-7 power of"!-
iy rffpaTTiy for the smart, whilst another ' "l l) n CV(
h1nUs fart: vile ... " ., , - ' Jeuy. ana
1,.. , , . -
friend revals to me another case of committal
that I cannot fe. It is nevertheless a reve'a
tion. As I have stated, I do not advoca'e this
resolution. I w 11 not build up nor knock
down a man of straw in regard to it. I will
say, however, that L. A. Htne was an indi
vidual at that meeting, but not the meeting.
I point him to one of the conclusions he has
jumped to, and this may suffice for many
! ttfeafaWnc m'&-raph in my second reply,
is to revelation m""rfa; JrVm Understanding of
and yet bt s one of the
- . i t ..fni.itimr rn vessels UI A mvivi.. itaii Ltlll'K
Rice, at St. Louis, that a portion of them had ; a!so the proper time to -71 ng.i ,"Y"'lV. b5.Th and holy calling that , you ot . sjM.ni ur ... .sucn ureaami 1 When Williard is elected and the
bsen returned througn ttie innuence 01 wir equity, ana mow 1...... 8'-'" , -nm'ed the attention ot man. Mureip- - jvictoryand the robe of office
titenJin to
chosen creeds where it
De satisfactory.
rWeMmiial. and that the Roman Catholic ; -ourht to be euaranteefich we Uve, that if
puper of that piaee had claimed an advantage j magna charter undtne name of free govern
of the Roman over tho Pr-jshybriaa faith ; there is a beau'5t be a much greater amount
therefor. The Doctor, in the " Presbyterian," ment, tlu? ja the reality; and the term tyrant
replies at some length, and we quote one par-; of l lvrinny should become expunged, in
graph of his reply, as follows : ! ff fj.'om our vocabulary, and only to be
"We begin by expressing our thanks ,Von ' Unow'u as that which had been, but now is
Rev. Priest, who politely returns 1 witll. , DSOt(,.
of t!i sr.. articles. Nor WO.V ii sources of the numerous
kolJ from "sacrament of -".., . ' .rMk tii ' ,nat. infest schools societies, and mankind
,,o.v. - ui.' . , ,.J.,im 1 r
renor .lly. grow out 01 - -
i,-,l ntfects noon the scnoois so .u.-...-
all of the most hidden :
01 p"
j .1 1 ..
lU'iiy UUP IR mis U" . 1 ,1 ,:.k nmr.
confess. thV. wh.-- hV9- V? ,in thev
fear not !. h'" T M h lnTto1
honv persons to whom they feel bound to
sit their iniqui'i And we are as free to
My. that if a Prbyterian should steal our
wife's spoons, we should not be very sangume
in the expectation of recovering them unless
licr. I' I ln" 'aresv, iiuiij
rvt T the n.im? o: 1 rcs-
i n on? does so. h
i lei of a Christian
wh 'M he belongs
th in wickedness.' '
cannot impress the
tor the
1 . 1. .
e .. . - mm 1. ill
;esi) wo in j ...... . .
. ..... ,,1 . it Illliiu rt-l n.niJ.
too '"""S'; r :
d under im: soeuio.i-.
1'Hise ot pwv.
throu 'h the p
t'm w rld for oiu b
bv-eria i t. stenl; and w
in.j nVir c.incewe.1 the
t hi of c ursr i
t the w rl 1 w'ii - .1
jmous sec.
To i in,.I
ncou iterm.
Cr V Yankee Cipfam boun-1 fr Liverpool,
wlvise wife die.l on th passage, embalm 1
K.W i tU oi! of Cinuamon. found auung
t, . !?.- rs n.hr astonished on
! tl.-it the oil he haa usa
arrival at prt to fi 1
He c vi! l not
pxy the
, ul'.i-
Of Ull
i; worth l.o
K ! I -l-.v.an info OrHO'l, bu
mff'.r reload 1 fv.-.'.tgt the uia.tenc of
Biritl Brothers I w.U hav- idea here
after o! thevaluaof the e?ntial oil.
h.r.' .Vil -v U: le bvy, ' 1 m tire t
n; U's growing pugger and
y day.'
The fellow w'i broks iato an J.mf
h vise 1:, 1 stole a c-juple of casfls of ship fever
h.-i b-jen arrested.
Bnedict. th proprietor of a paper
ruidueir Iteig'i. N 0 . has diwri a
pro.:?ss of mtk'mg ptp.-r from the ordiuary
broom straw.
rt-yThe four babies who to-k the leling
pnics m the B-iton bsby show hae
died 'iille 1. do.ib.les. by precocity-
ly i;imuU ed by foad preuts.
Pl,;u l,ln!ii nivs forty pr cent, f
.. iutr.i luce
re i-iMi ui". . 1 . . 1
and lew r.ave u ien
? 1 .... . Lk out. tor tear 01
lorwai i ..i y , - .0 ., I
tl,e opposition from that quar er. W ''l
a,i willing W allow all pers-ris the uitimv
bU right Sf attaching themselves to anv .e :-
t that trv.-y mo v .-;
am of the opinion that wienev er
.. .:.tJ . rrer(:iaeni':ce in "t'l."-".
that one form a!'e
i-, tending to bias
1 .immen,,es !
;i I'wt -ir. lui'vi o
sects, uii'" -j
eat t'.e d-'otrtn, thttt al ottiers are wrong
hU and they alone ar nght. 1 na, u..- .
senlhaeat that almost every seci. l,..,
arvel i- undeniable Sme avow it more
presumptuously than others, an I
f . 1 1 ..rsiOHMil!H that 111 slot
the ninuci'.'i- - .
1: - to t .1 risti-.u. . :u
nrht. .oWi'.v?rf 1
that tlie Gnat Fouti
recommended 111- i-'i
,i,k the opinion
m -nts liave
than a
Ins inhabited
. . .. 1 , of a.
KUOWieoV1- . . L-nnwn
ot u to man. u.oi."..
th n r e!t to tio : nu ui.tj
. . 1 j ..
in ease an t uro
suits? I U
This and all other subjects, you have a perfect
ri rht. and it is your duty to examine with all
the intelligence ifc lights that you can acquire.
at your own con-
the opinions of
1 11 .
Such has been tho ; your superiors ... .olc .-, uu H;l..pt no
and I would , c inclusions witnouw ii,e Lre received your
tulWst convictions.
I have obs -rved ihat seme school proprie'cr
of this couutry have ustd great exertions to
increase the patronage ard popularity of their
schools, even to the dispragenient cf others,
without having any eerlin knowledge .bout
llum, and resorting to "irks and chicanery
for the purpose of induang the public to be
labors ? No ! Iwve that tnetr is supri r w an me rest, en- .
eiimed mnn i courairing tnose -v aniueauu supernuuies tliat
throwin jr helii-f
points of Doliiiia!
h not ms adequacy to , discussion U, W no disnn"" ' "
a protracted and tedious ar.rnm.-nr in
ccc; 1:0.
as L was careful
ttiniT myself unnn
has ever
i.v iniinirT into a
T :".ricate subjects should be open to
;anJ ,a'r C .lm;,(f,l tr, ri nd scrutiny;
ll6l T'u'.rZrtU and nr.nciples ' and by these means arr.ve
freq-ientlT ug;u . c!asioni; treat with respect
nrovement of the race.
century ;
more useful develop-
taken place during that, period.
I the remainder of the time that man
the earth, mat we i.ac nj
leavt. And have all me
v !
r another is ni'ro
the voung min
o wage war np
iuoed into
1 in its favor.
he o.ner
1 11c ut -
H ive we ti
,w foi l up our amis
.!;imh'r. and rest upon
s certain as tna. V -' ,,' tw 1 .rtlr tend to divide ai distract the at ten
.. 1., will aftr0iiPr'C i j . . ,.
,ra.k tn 1 w.Tl fall into half civil-j tion of pupils from theistud.es; a miserable
ITdKK ...i .c. ... one nri-IiXnr m..-.,i
K- into savage hie. , suaier.u -v t - .o.i lo.
fenrs of this r-suit, sol Any scnooi in t-vc-" "l "pon
. 1 rf Ho.OIi'l iil.-l ..... 1...
to investiirate tut silent "o-- r- .lumuuzgery
fr t.- act. cannot ten suii.t, "'-. -.-i.s i nanus
, -7 u.gmiy, i,e ,s to go to the seabo
.iL. wmoii ntmesii as a specimen of
uuc-'soi v line tiiver JJottoin
1 r r 1
peopie ot Honiara indeed wonder at the
uo,,, nave here. Glory will
aiouna inenam; ot Indiana, and h
cneou will thine as tiiou-rh
brick-bat. 0
An arena, in imitation of the ancient Olympic
Will hi ?' r. . r... l .4 ll.;it i .... .J ' .
the rays ot the mornin
glorious and full-faced
expand his luug. and s nd
r i
the pro '
Then will the I
tII '
ory will ira!her
str tsfut-
rubbed with a
give it an my
to avoid directly
any subject under
protracted and tedious ar.-ument in r,. t
to, or to de end any of the resolutions intro
duced into the meeting, styled the Friends of
Human I n.gross. He has a clear statement
of Liberta,:.!., understanding tlit-re of Mr
Denton's meantng. m contradiction to 1 is OWp
but nothing m e. But I say now wiihoui
any 0t successful contradiction, that
1.', ere cs no-.ning revealed to an
that his reason does not anr.ro
t 1 -
iiiumineu ov
sun'" and looking a
as a tunlsjictr. k1'I
"vivia streaks of
r , . 1 .
. , - - ' . i . I llu
a lar.t in ti V . . .. . ., , . J .
. . "v "";'' 'leverinetess, but to him
o is ik revelation. 1 his
uen., as tii. whole of anvthin
a part, or that t wo and one
'.1 retroj
. 1. aud ul.ima-eiV
lt.it I have no
nine orer ih ivt,.! -
- ... unrni jt:n;i. oi na'tiru
7 nfra'- aad abolitionism in particular
Jore himself, will shrink in behind his thunder
t-iouu, ana hide his diminished head
ueiore tne face of him who u'ters
. ." mt rnt
r"""1-". ,'1; . Lt: s!Ari on ;Jr national
oaiiner win pa:e Colore him,
OUT fil.r dwriAh
'burn in-'
to me is as self evi-
g is grea'er than
make lhrt.o
t'lfll An. . Il I 1 -'.-
....v.. .,,r-e ana utree are on. ) It is a's0
If-endent. that if there is any thing in the
u.uieorany ether DOok that Seems t
we e Ri
, .1 . lf.
h-s. aiU me . - .-L- u ... i- untoVe.-n the plic mind conrin,,-!!.-
tate 01 the age in wnra itMrr,- -r, . .
: we ; ueceivea.
and the strines
winciie mto the br-Jfh nf t',-. .1,.,.
curvearounaa stick of sun-ar
constuution vindirat
10 IV
hostile to eq
7 . 1. . ..iini'l imnriivement
w-3 live, uem.t"-" v.. .. - - .
n.. con'enttD pass over the grounds trod
't'.n'bv our worthy forefathers without exam-
'v every ste'n, whether anyth.ng new
" t whether anv improvement can
u . . .- . . 1 i.-.u. u.,t
I have Dili iuue uoaou
productive ot as
and who can
which ultima? must be detected
and exposed. It is air conclusion that
when we find such mearesorted to outside,
that some kindred prre may be found
side those schools. . Dest recommenda-
Viool can -e for efH.
candy. TI19
ticated. the wrmi,. .... 1 .1..
TT t , , , ' ' . . , U1U
union upnoiu, and the nationali
established, this great man of iht
. o , r. . . 1 - . j 1
omri up ieei ana aepar!
shades, leaving'it to posterity
I iw of nature; known and experi-nced
lriuividual, his unders:an.-t,n., ..( .1...
thing w,!l cause him to believe it is an error
that the (-rr.,r existed in the minds of those
who wro- the book. The error may be.
however, in the mi-understaading. Every
tiling in nature and out might be just as they
are. but wouij tht-y be revealed in ai! their
cide, who are in the habit of listening to t1
wisdom dropping from the pulpit every week,
and who had liberality enough to attend our
convention tnroughout all iu sessions not
merely one or two. and leave in a depera'.o
hurry, for fear they would hear something .
reasonable that they could not reject i'.' It
was not a sneer at Christianity. The Gospel
of Jesus Christ, as preached in his sermon Vn
the mount, is true Christianity. Something
practical, something to be done; that coming
from the pulpit (not meaning to say there arc
no exceptions) much of it doctrine so mys -.1-fied
that it takes more than, man f common,
sense (say nothing of a wayfaring man, th '
a foo! j to understand, or not err therein.
In reply to the question in the last p jra
graph of his third article. I answer I kiso v
no body, as a whole, styling thcms h,.
Friends of Human Progress,' who "pivf.--;
to think the present system of marriage a sv .
tem of unmitigated slavery, and should "--abolished."
Nor am I personally acq mi nu I
with an individual, a friend to Progress
who believes so. Why do you not com? uu.
friend HumaniUs,' like a man. and til! t 1
world openly what yu think? Ba hone- ,
and ask without any disguise, if the fti oi Is
of Progress do not aim to establish a syt. ni
of 'Free love in the place of the present sys
tern of marriage? Ah, here is the rub. a-. '.
here is just where I charge you ari l yon:
friends with bearing false witness again--your
neighbors. Your last sentence inyour
third article, is a base insinuation. It is vo k
condemnation. You siy "judge not l-'i -be
judged;" you had bettor my frien 1 ' -o .
taken your own advice I should not Lr
known ;a only from your fruit. If 101
know of any advocating the system cf "lV
ove" either among u.e mends of i'ro 'res,
elsewhere, there is a field of reform for v....
I have no doubt you are imbued with pr ;
ideas of Marriage, or at least you ought !.."'. '
Marriage rightly understood,
Brings to the virtuous and the (rond.
A paradise below."
And when formed is indissoluble. Ti.
union of hearts. There is a custom i i
world which consists merely in joining h u !
and standing before a priest and assert; i n -a
few questions pertaining to it, and t h. .
in the shrht of all narfiaa tr.,t .
10 X vivuiiiti.'.. Ji .
honorable. It is termed a nominal marri
,and can be brok n at will, or by reso: ' :. '
i a legal course. Think j ou a true mu i u
, can be made any stronger by a cen ni :r
jor ia the absence of one, weaker? Tn - i "
ol nature here, is more arbitrary, hi 1 !
and steadfast, than any enacted human ;
There is no circumstance that can cnu
wish to escape a true marriage; then, there
no such a thing as a virtuous "free love.
Tell ns not in fitful numbers,
Wedlock's bnt a passing dream :
Ia the songs of sighing miastrelA
Hearts are never what they seem
Nature is our truest teacher,
i ake,&!KUiaSr3 of the heart,
Kver acta a constant part.
It alone ia troth ful, earnest,
Tia not kindled in the soul.
Then when soul , are thus nnited.
liy the kinilred bonds of love
Joy. nor grief, nor even death '
un cnange tbis union from abov
But for fear Humanitus will jumpa'
Oni lllln JJJ'.
... u my "non-comi(ii"il
amusing " I will add for 'his benefit f.
I really fear if anv one!sa ,1 ' '
,1 - , ., J v iaui mese r , -: I'll
they are heartily tire(J aruJ y ,. -someone
else) that I would not ar, -
! . , t "-'iicnier in tne marra
ni.iiuui a proper npN nmni, ti..
j hands is a beautiful emblem of the
j me niarrian
1 mure sacred: then t ho 1 J 1
pure that "free love" will be among th,. ;
! Discovert of a Rare FoseruLi
, inn wormen were
. an .1: )
1 r-fv 1
11:.: 01 ;
tr relation l,.....,..n .
y of slavery
Sentina! eta
to the land of;
to erect to h;s
ence anl beauty if t!r,
natural or arn'iial ii
De revealed t-j n man's mind
see. i ii
were no
n how cin that
that lie c t;ui (
tion that a scnooi .or emcioncy in
scholastic arrangements the fruits that are
U-r oi
o wers
li -en abl to see
oi...i.-'i.iMi'v ver
I to attach themselves to any particular party
1 : ...l..r to heconv? the succe
j 111 UU..' -
ha; olovioas doctrine which it
i tha
! to disseminata ;
1 that fears Cr
,..-e-i ed wi
i 1
I ql-i:fica"lon to
was honek
but on
!ul recitMents
was his niis-i.vi
1 1 - 1
other hand uta
. . 1 1,.
that tvery nawn, tongue ana fK.--.v.. .
d ani works ngnteounes is
! him. The oniv ne-e-sary
h,-c .me a memh-r oi his to. :.
nrao ical g od:i
1... And L nave
hat the ut-xt century will be
ricn resulis as the past;
. o i.,,t .-Vit some of
V." . ,i,ic v,rv Institution, an
this very moment, may be found fa.
fi,. world, or eniig:i-.einii
wi'h deeds of
-11 1. ...1 . lfclo. iinrtn
that wm Mica -r "- i - e .iiAivi. 4mii j
lo around his ci.araeter : tne prog.e. r- Fiu
There is as fair : as 1 have ever oeru .i unnormity ot
".e, iorj a monumentot a blacksmith's bellows
' 1,1 uu.i-nue. on th tivi'n
rhihited in the npenessus students, which
n u' ii -o
r :. .-.nArt tnar will Datrrent v
the students 01 ureen . 1- a '-1 - 2
1 here at and ol wnicu -WU41iieUl ine on,y
urin T in one mat win -' nwu- tcruitny
the his-land the continued wof years. Every
usefulness and ! thing of a tnltmg, inn cneracter should
his! be viewed wi'.n suspicas a ninjrance to
. . - I. . L. L '1 I - - ,
u. -uii Mian oe inscribed "hark
a 1
nau ki
see. i here i no system of theolo-y c .
ststont 8i th, Swedenborgian. U savs the
iioie language has three m-a-iins ...i
an opportunity
What i necessary
and this
iuculea-ed by examp.e ana pretrpi to ...
t pertee.lon. nisi g"-'a
ail since
foolish -
a!l th
e taxes
raised i the Sia'e for the support
. .ihini- de.'ree ot 1"
was to be returned for evil, and that wnen he
was smitten on the one check would turn to
the stroke the otner aiso.
Where do we find am n
to to lowers, anu
th.u scienti
loric pa
try rltneS'
. irJ form a b-ii)
n-,..-. ;- ., -
. r 'in'JW I'Ui. CitJ-l' V-"- ) . 1 . - 1
uia-. - vAw ! rc nntie?r ine view pit-;v resiaed in
for vour success, as auj u.- , , , k r 1 7
for the accomplishment apparei. - - "'ere
, : ,,..r 1.11) anil i I : .1. ' . i 13 ' ...... - - -
v '' ell llambolfs scientific eWation are pretty sure tonegte'-fix ups" upon
Nw.oneBd fl,jm".' i the inner, and most ml Prt to be rix'd
" say.remem-' up ' school; in the lae of a distinguish-
. . . ;-, ,1... . ,.of advancement to vour ed auttor:
beniiat nsv i 3 - ,
. v-..m,,' rights are respected ; and year
tr,oe pmfessin
claim his nam-
of the Common wealth. I In a wieraoiy
large share to bear but the local txat;oa is
infinitely more jjenerous. I: amounts this
yer to a much as six sevenths of the who.e
revenue of the Commonwealth.
where do we
.i.: . ...fJri.n Ut
tills uei s - - -..-.,;.
any of the churches, denomina.ea :.ri...
that will mingle with the others, as brethern
of one household, and assU each other m
performing those practical deeds of righteous -onioimlv.
to the honor of the Great
r?" A coarse and slovenly teacher, a vul- Heai of the "Church alone ? The question
gar and boorish presence, muochiag appies or lhen psents this plain issue . t.t ?
ehestnuts at recitauons like a squirrel, pocket under sec'arian guidance, adhering to
ia hi hand like a mummy, projecting his j c,rtam rituals, and under the profession ol
heel nearer the firmament than his skull. ; Christianity, whose pracuce is at variance
1 ke a circus clowa. and dispensing American j with fan of its founder, and who profess one
saliva like a member of Congress, inflicts allVmg ,nI practice another? or w.tl you
wrong on the school room for whieh no scien- j e(iacate tha mind, and give it such knowledge
Ufic attainments are offset. Dr. Huntington. ; M win enlarge and expand it. and teach the
u ' .mivorsal doctrine of the unity of the race.
Chicago is a fast place a, everybody XSndate brethren; give them free ac-
knows. but rapidly as the population , Xh li 'hts which science and histcry.
the vote, at the ballot box beat it. At the re- sto1 Ucd in their hands :
cent municipal election. five hundred votes ,- nou snu -" ' fo,Jed. let lhem form
ii ,n..irnU ,--( xsr r , 1 Tin
. .... ar rim 1 1 1 rrne i ten v.'
til U. r rcBi.sJ' j v
ti uie't.) elevate your condition; and the time ,
w'll co ne when all that may be r-asonably as
ed for. will be granted. Education, with a UiU
5 mental adorning, is as much your privilege
. -.u nA .-ciety at lmrze. is te-:
as tr. e owue. 1 4 ,
Now this isfattorae lit me men
Tao ia Churchaoiar aeL-ct.
And rttitie enarwcesJ A h-aren'j mind
May b? inJii5rfot to of ctT,
And -iijrt th hcl h ter car.
But bow a tody " fa-:
And qoaiat in its deind attirn
Caa lod a heavan'y maadj adrobt."
If this be true as p the churchman
as a ngni, aavocie jt may claim samo M.uy to memoers
.1 . , r . ' i 1 .-
V .v .n,i;.-,ration. are conunuanv ficn- nf scr,oois. wris.o . wuere tne arrec-
in te;r influence, and submitting their claims reside, there is oand if our minds
! t Vthe public consideration, and a result will are t upon the daz. upon our lily
be brou -ht about for their improvement. hands, or the gew-gaid upon our pr-
Amrt'T many of the improvemea-s which sons, there is but hnce of adorning
i Amo-j, " WA -in find some lanati- that nobler part, thi adorned shines
charcteriMi..cs " " T T. .4 Ka ;tv .- lustre tharrolished
sTTillin2 10 . . ir.i.u- 1
be found no dross the mines, or ncnmui .ie 100m.
And we hear This session wm c my terra of ser
' Cotton Scperseded bt Silk. The Paris
correspondent of the London Atlas says:
"We hail with delight the announcement
that a savant has just made so valuable a dis
covery in the art of preparing silk, that this
article will become cheaper and more comm on
than cotton. This savant, it appears, one dv
having nothing else to do, be ran to think"
which is wonderful for a savant," says Alphonse
Karr that there was but one creature capa
ble of producing silk that there was but one
description of vegetable matter, that of th
mulberry tree, fitted for that creature's food.
, therefore the silky subs anee mast not lie in
the animal, but in the vegetable matter; so at
once tbe savant set about analyzing the' com
position of the mulberry leaf, and by boiling
it to a thick paste has produced every descrip
tion of sik in immense quantities. I have
seen several yards of manufacture, and al
though wanting a little of the -!o K0'..r,;,.
ree meanings, na'ural.
tnat it is written corres-
y, and to understand it w m,,...
the hidden mvsterien of if a ,
rvi.-.:- .1 ' '.. ..-li
ie.e:a; mere we can
spiritual and celestial
pomlen-iaiiy, and
i!S Wi
2et the key to unlorlr ii-
clear up a'l annarent "li-.,..;...'
This may be so. and perhaps is a revelation to
a S wedenborg!n-but to me it is all in the dark.
iiow it might be. were I to take the troub!
to invest. gate. I krinw not h.ir t
inning to demand it
to that spun by the worm. T can ---.. -5
r, . . . " r,vuu"" lk dene nH it. -;t. .r . -
fnpenor to tne ri nest foulard hitherto made v a X- fc peech;
Ihe price of the siik is five francs a round i. - , 10 con' that he or
when spun, being one hundred and twenty V, know' He MJ "be
francs cheaner than triar of . . uume a man and te rha -o
t.o.ia taiva.-on from sin consists in any thin
j 'I c"?- (Tr,TR U' anJ sitcrely repenting;
and belief, or non-belief, is of no consequence
in regard to our soul's salvation. I shall not
, spnd my time in conjecture upon how much
or how hule, Jn the Bible is the word of God'
but believe that all truth is God's, and all error
, is man's wherever it may be found.
Humanitas. in his third article, charges me
wah a disposition to back out in re4rd to
.-p.ntual.sn. Here U another conclusion
jumped to. I am not a Spiritualist. I could
not have committed myself to a doctrine that
I am 1 mere.y lavestigatiag, ara do not fe, t
--. ty ueiena. ue insinuates dis-
mi' as umi o - - ." "
- ""F"NL,ya to mince matters on
my part; taiks about bravery and inHi,r-,n.
as tho I
rid wliit
t we.
' raising' navm. ;,.
quarry belonging to Mr. J. "c'r.-v
they discovii-.il n.
T .Vol,- - , - remains
imreu led in the blue Ji-ls 1
considerable depth from the surfa-e.' "
,u oe 01 the most perfect 0f t
I a.aeozic species ever yet found. It K.,,r
upward of seven feet in length, and 1., r.
across the largest partof the body.
full length it, the stone; every bone en v
en and numbered; the sockets of th , ,"
and the nostrils can be distinguished a, ; s V .
of formtiable b efh in VCr ,
Hon. James Bcciias.!?- Oronow , -"Q!r
The following, An Ci -r,
from an oration delivered by the II n Jn .,,
Buchanan on the 4:h of Jul. mi r. . V
city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
"Above all we ought to drive fmrn 0..r
shore, foreign influence and cherish AmJri. a
feehn?. Forehm nn,in- v.. v. - ' rl -1 '
age the curse of republics-its j.undi -d IA
has everything in false coW Th.. At'!.
atmosphere of prejudice, by which it
surrounded excludes from iu sight
of reason."
were returned from one ward more man. me ua . , . , ,s ... whether Catholi
and ail.tl.eir own ci-ui'- --
cim or tjaaiemra. jiormuunu.
whole number of legal voters therein.
these were for the democratic candidates.
.;m nrevatlinir in
' if there should
rTi.Z To -ce in the school buy probably dur-
: wi;--ori,-- that unless we are watch- ing rav nte, aa irons me
7Ptt;nit to the belief many 'cares incident nan undertaking.
7 ZIJL be called a science in the absence I hope that 1 may insolation of be
f t M invest km but wl.i submitted living that I have Vumble. tho' p,
Uo ill riSf may prove a delusion. I haP. worthy l Having done
i . t ;..a. "in these matters, but some goo-d.
,s.ana no. . j - j , of operation; ' I commenced tUkmg about six
i !, . v - Ir tK JTriromL usefulness to I years ago; not with of money
inw wnen uj ... - t . -
This new method of r.mcnrin, .ft, .-n - " you think, that you reiect the sacred mlnm.
once be adopted in all countries, as the mul- a't0S.etber-" Another jumped at conclusion,
berry can be grow a in anv rntn. .j u a warrantable. I might trlory in mv
. pi.itiM.H.i unrerj, ma the right of
free speech, and Tet llHf iufnnanl 1
- J J & LQOW
ior m
Cacttos to Kansas Ex ro.A . a .
merous companies are about sUnW f.r Ka
SaS. Wi him on V. . i .
. . , .11 autuoruy of a ifentlenn
just returned from Kansas. . wordtf cai.v -n
to impart. It is no w weU eseerUined th -' .
Association has been formed on the Mi-, u i'
extending from Lexington to Kansas (, v"
including the intermediate tow...rn. - : '
Independence and We!port.ybr searching'
j 11 "c"jec is io sU9 arrr -
sad all munitions that may in any way
(strength to the Free State men in jZiX".
: the iacurons. of the Border Ruffians T Z
head quarters of this Association are at I
i ington. " '
j Emigrants must go prepared to re-i t!
orveratioTia of Vi. "-s.eS tt.e
,z::z:i : ... . -j?uoa of ik,r,K
According to the Secrets
ry of t'
gems of quires scare ly any culture. The cultivation f,urnjnc na Bravery, and the right of j
oi mis sew oraneh of mHnf. tti j -h au-j t uave luament tn know tn-. . '
entirely with that of cotton, so that S!ay "4 ' I would f rJZTjV' lf
r lormyreMon to teaeh Humanitas any 5 Tk .-H7 . ? a m in IS
g. when he denies the supremacy of Ha i.i! 'P1 of S10 Sour amounted
- I do not fear public opinion An. i?!.1 ? f 0M.177 bushels. '
f important rival of Buffalo in the Urn
the L cited States. little anticipated at the be
ginning of the century."
it be
wiliing to brave it when a nrininl.. ; : j
A California paper s.Jf that the P,ce ct 1: y'i'oTShi I 1 1
of camphene is 'eternal viirilnC' 0Pi0a thii I hold can
pr gallon. It might have been said alttV .Zt mn' Humanitas
a iis. mere was mora -oo.4
. I tThlTf " fn bUht tLe sense uttered at that m
R'ataa '. rk' l
7 , V :' w"re ue receipt Gf ';
kinds of irraiQ ia 1855 amounted to iofJ.u
Era r a1 ik.i .
mjw uo lore .n
pits in this town,"
t meeting than in the pul
I will leave for those to de
613 bushels. It
5 rSi!;i! 9.X).OUO bush
j, uu Ujas ib.OOO.000 ofbu-Vf's of
wheat.com, oats, bar I " , ' !
hand, in BufJkJo ksfyeti '"

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