Newspaper Page Text
Ill III I I lilCHMOiND PALLADIUM. thinstlaT yiornii St ; .Mar I, IS.-WJ. Elitcrial Correspondence. WAsmSoTo.v, April 2t.t, F9 .". The Supreme Court of the United Slates, this Earning ik-cidei tte important and long .-ordssted ease, in regard to tLe Wheeling Bridge case. TLe inferior court decided that he bridge wns a nuisance, because it impeded .avi-jV.ion. Congress subsequently pasted . law waking tie bridge a pest road, and the teoi.t decision is to sustain the constitution 'dity of this Liw. So the- bridge crrpary has triumphed. The 1 1, him yesterday rejected the appro .,r:;ifjn of 8300,000 for the aqueduct at tl.if !,3.,ce to supply the eity with water. Tie v .,'.? w at bCto f3. The Senate may insist their amendment, and a committee of fret i . r.f. r nce rray yet incorporate it in the bill. The. Kcpublican m( mbers of Congre-s havo ;. . jointed an Executive Committee consisting: f Mes-rs. Collamer end Wihon of the Senate; :::d Messrs. Mace, Molt, Co v ode, I'odd, and N'oiirn of tlo House. The fiienda of I'e-pt;bli-an!t;ra throughout the country are re .inesvd to correspond v. ith said committee. Mr. Clay, o( Alabama, delivered a very ultra southern sj.wch in the Sjiiu'e. to d.-y. It will he replied to to morrow. II- '-J' We have given up a large portion f ,,ur paper this week to the u.-.e of ur corrcs ; end nt, and the publication of John IIaini ' Addrefcf, on taliir.g a filial have of Green-' mount School, of which school he has been he efficient Principal ever since its nt. Conncil Proceeding". We have been somewhat r. rr.i-s ,. . . , ' T r ' . t , room on our books for a few mor- ot the tame u.e . tor ut.hi pas sort. We trust our frtmd tl r .ughr-ut the now malte amends as briefly as Thanks to the kindness of several of our friends f -r procuring the large lists of campaign tubsctlbers setit us. There is yet our city subscribers posted in the i:i keep':.: doings o! eomruiree ah::.rt.on We k-am fr..m the New A! bam Tiil-u;;--1. that :: - Printing OEc- f the T.-ve ".--, t.-.blUhei brJIr. Howard Co, in S.'-m Indiana, was cc-rrpfetcly dc:ic-y : . i. ii;.kers, county will heip us to extend the circulation giving results instead f deta.Uo: the iaiors of the Palladium, and hold up our hands, ot t!.e "city lathers. Ike street o.imm;.'. r ti,r..u .h ir f-f.lumns the reported in favor of orenin sove.eign remedy for cuiing our pro slavery Street to CilrT at the expens-? of the petition- j opponents of the Had: vc-nit. which they are ers, and that said Street be grade! and put in , fcodeavvriijg to throw up on the soil dedicated , a condition for graveling, to be paid out of the j to freedom. Let each tub-scriber procure us ' revenue of '57 deferring the improvement Laid on tV one more, and we will feel strengthened in of Vice Street for the preset; our inner man, sufficiently lt p: --ve to those table. : u nhalc 1 ,inte rialz who infe-t tie free North.! An Ordinance regulating the width of m alley between Front and a.-n!rgfot streets ; '..r.e creating chimney, flae end stove-pipe" Inspectors, and defining their duties to pre vent encroachments on the Streets and ad-.-ys. 'of the citv. and to protect the same to re- i 'cognize the Public Schools of the ci'y an! ! to provide fr their support and one declar !in the wil.h of Mariuii Street, North of Ft i day night last. The caue of this .-utr.j-, i;rew out of the fret bfiag announce! in :ie 'r la-" that a heli kept by a ft How bv the name f Warra-r, would la visiu-d by the ladi s vf that town and his whisky demolished, ai;J 'he editor statd that they wouli hd mss taireJ bv the ci.i-ns. The Iidies did vis:t JIilt.ix, April lC5o. :;i Pa-.'.adiv -i Your . .-n- :o:i.te::t 1 -.aii.-c a k-w cveni.-iss a.r . to hte:; are on edacatk;a deiie:-i i i th.- M. c ; of t! ;s pUw, by IV. lij- v, uf i.l; and as ti.e view a-t i s. '-ii.-n: 2- j i.: e i r..eor :;.e: a ,;e . ous laoorer, sre sottear.v i w.tii held by myself, to a w tij i:.;al- in tu re thaa a jjass o-.e of the bt. if n,..t the b-t. had th to a '- : hi. C.:.;; iliehm.; ex tis enterr.rie in whteH he seen,- t.- '-, e m .? - e conformity ! p-tmi: me g uotice of Ti.j k" -.vs 4'' :'!-$ which c -j gen v eaera! ial v.-. fttdrs. in h:s of- r: ' rr'nj' rshit: u waaJ. je . og of .be h pal at Iadianvp. ,. 1 we c-nn:ae .t t to fe c our nei g'-b -r. A tew leader t'roni the pen of l ave might .,!:! ;L.e irc-c;i i a-i;;oa ot tr.e ro-s..nt 1 at a ts idera- '-th- r.-. i :r .e-'.vc to wuat im: the other is "o". nr-fre t uentl v ry a virus's ;. e propri 'rv.r,. l t'.r i h h.s tv! im- a a 3 c-ntra-t with lis abolition" c:it of the Jcf is now s t;,eio;a pr m ul. ate J t e v ut that j ! c arsd detioyed six barrel? of Ihp te corcmc th it th-. Union can be ssv d by extending the area of freed , m over ;v.-ry f-.t-t of on r free U-ni'oiies, instead of further extending tne black curse of shtveiy and nationalizing it. Con e R Lead witli your lists, friend! L. D. Campbell. This gentleman l.a recently been hoi -e en a i-i", and made bcttle, cc , aadd.o wht.d. viotin.s re.a!iatt-iry uestr-. OrS.-e, and ma-:'g ia ti.e era! of th, dwel ngs t f .o.e hearJ on the education of our nm. lie is rot an orator m th acceptttion, but i e is a teieher aad.runds 4. a; piotess-tvu, and i as t! e f.cul. v ol it-!ii: jviiiiHi ni cogent manner "--- k!i.)rs. m ueaou;.-.- -i wej. arol emrhaticallv. t! e conwr.o n i-rr.. nioe n iio ere en-. ri!jt d re d ' l. e . " ' " ami -' i ni the he:;. . ia th- e; COUTlSe. wronj. :nv er- - ol ed, That the of In.l'aua fa'lr :r with the opinion an.! doc r'n -. tt.a ana of .-c-. i in destrmg tt:e hqu.-r . . . . s uperinuacca ana tei pctuat i.iar and cer.t icania whiv-U h.i-s , tr.e Dtm vratio'r ot InJiira J a ! ; U st l j.), as nrr.'svi br the.r par'v lel-r-. e b. I on-. si . bv (pjibbhm and p-:tit-g- hich en'.;a.t-uta w-rw declare J aai pab.isu to i i i ;lus re-tt'L The one wnte out CJ Hs t.-lios: ..-.--., 1 1 ;.. .iv t.1 rf a U them at trr-l- p;-e i-.sutna of iverv o ig";t -t to be if i e w .-ivs th.em out at i,:ri'd.u-ed into any Terruvuy st d o, s ao" ne.- Ti e darrage o ' c:.i:e is c- :-n.-lo.!: :at-i nt neativ i i lie pra :s one ot w. e e utile r : t i. p--: a- ;ce ot em t-pc'chcs to iiis coi.-'ii uents at Hamilton, (Main, are anon tneir ttiird r.-ad;ti.g:, ana wui , Dayton and Katon, in wi.i-di he vindicated in probably be passed at next meeting, the raot ?atifactory manner, his political i The Fire Co Committee was instructed u rtfoM liNAS. Cmsideiable JlScul'ks have aain oew-3 in Kansa. owing to an it'ftr.ri. nude c s'eriiF Jom-s t i arr-st S '.Vco l E- i. on W c'd warrant !stxei in . u. . : v ..c. l:.f :. i. ,ca:t i ;u:- course dtninif his at r:,e.' at Wu.-hi-gton. ; j.rocure a Hook and Lidder Carriaj wr.iei e n g-t ,' el :n t:.e rescue o ,i m Wi.i' ILt denied that he had mr for one in. meat j, estimated to cot about Sc5 or 8T5. abandoned the position he ha; heretofore so ; The keeping up and maintaining u Night earnestly maintained against slavery exten- Watch was dispensed with, sion, or that he had ever declared that hoi J hn S. Hunt was employed to light a:v would .-uppc;t Fillmore and Donaldson. We extinguish gas 1 imps a'- $7.1 per yea.-, regret that Mr. C. manifested such bad temper . Mescrs. L-.'evre and CaJwallader wet. in his sreccht-?, ntid ; ariieuhi: ly the iil-iiatur- i crr.nted permission to use the eart'u in th. td reniaiks on the pt.-s, which ho sneers at gutters on Ppiing S'reet to till up their Ivts as papers. This is in particular bad j Thy are to pay the Ei Mr. I3ran-on. scume ensu Jones tri-d tod'W a pistol irom h'.s belt, but Wood h ros-doa of it. lie did n--t suc" 1 ,n .r...-: Mr. Y.. ! . :n arrest r, and soon swearini- i;at he wid.ed I shot th..- . T L.V.V r :nce to 1 . - n, who !!-'e, v. hen it is conidtt.d that he, himself, ; i;ig the i-amo, and complete, the ir survev- ia h for I .1- (i (1. tU,' .1.S.S Wei! !i-ORi eon: n tort, ma ja statement to immediately 'egrnphed to Pre-i tent Pi. r.-e that the ieo! l"f L i.wr beoiotl, let. in til. o o'tioers m op law : n re- ' peCU,i;ir Ci" ., enterprise. u ,::s hi, .j :., anu coni'JS.-a ainl o - .. . teacher r,ot 'r "" mm! "- 1 s -r,iJV1' S"! H'" oa ; .lie irreat o.ittie ol lite, sacu forrri- as trough it y -re n, . . AS'orL the mtnds an 1 nc-iHoc- t.te o:r ohtluren, we turn them into sma'.. .c'hool-houe. sea: them on high, j uncomfortable benches, vi; spines tormir.g le iouk.i pa; il.pir i-h'-its oou'-i acted, tt'e..' iu: ed. th-v are all .vvcd or cv'tr.j.ei.e- to breathe f. ..i.l air ( t a iuW room, without, m. o! ,o. i i;i for the sp.-.c- o! troui e ;g. ten . horn-- per day, toi.-ing upon out ch.ldreti prema'ureiy the seeds of u..-e.t.-e and jhy.-o-a' prostra.ion. in order that we may gt l thv.n a e.'tii :ip I'duc -i: loll. Mr. ilurty dwe.t wr.ii pec u. ;-.u K.' l.e c. r c.oi-'.ei ta-.'.r ira 1 mean! - bv verb.d expUra'ioa o i J;i i.;-fi""er has no "toadi -s," or 'it i by them: the b id one d.ans to or more of t;oe delicious crsturev vihe and vivvs he neraliv on- t c3,i;i;. he i: t ol a Circle, s cotT;rf-i- h: :i o--.v e Mil", an 1 a .sH- wiv ke 1 , or in d.cihi. T e v . 1 Ju 1 e i bli'i 1 - i '-c. ; t now ex.- . - -h s ti e da y of Cong-eiS t preve.-.t the of hivi-ry w i.hiu the;r l.:nit.' (iHw'hiwii of Suit C.-lv,l ii.H, ISt?. "Congress can. i.i my j, eonS.t, .lonahv KU't.t the luiroa.icio.i ot ' .very t whom i e detms it latton of contra; to iiiti VfC. hr ti.ese IS 13. cl i i.cilcs. -I have n hcMtiriori in ayiag that I on to every const Jera ress ds p'..-e.-s ;'.,e jvi-r, under the Cei- vr and ;': facts of trv case: . :i.ation. ot prooihumg avery in i,.e- ;ert i- h i.i one 1 .' to t t etteot. tn;t icatiy, or r ,.rse ol JNevv JJi-xu'o ana v ar.ti'mn. or in , , rtv'.-e i! ii ; - hi ;:e.;ii action in t t arT onwtr leri v-.... t - 1. ;--- If rro:isi v." Tr.e one in a moral, tern- j p, rtv of the confederacy -era m:m, an.i e: a -gooa esampte sa ... .;ar, a'f.- mt. ail in determittin .r caf.. regarvls with strict -Oar tuwly hi hth-rem-e s'l ?..nid-T.iiion rela'ive to the f;Vv. fr ..-i th- b:.g::a-ig curse o. , ,,f hcaor ken' hv either 1 1; i admitted oft alt hand r-.-.v Ti '' oti. or i t o often ns ii -od n ; states, thev shoald be ket't s-o. If leg f liour as of law. atid undrtau-as where 1 ul.nion by Congress i uecessary 1 !... tothi! it .;uit- a wed. lam f:i:,!iod t!,il U is to 1.1'e t!-e j a- ii '..pairej territories are now eg't si Avo ir! tie fiee I, f r one. o ones ,,n i; l i t'.tis indicating some of the leading char rilit t. exercise a p wer it lt is .tl.vady o of ctets of --o4 and l-ttd Judges, I do not as - ; ;,.t, and so unitormly exercised." h. J- am. the c liiorial fia- Wam n Co. Pkkmh-m Li-t. The folh.whv: J t wire accidentally omitted by the S'c r.;:.y in making out the li-t for ptihlicati. m ; ( Committer on Horse for General I'mps- j , .; Iin iiARD S. Cl-.v-ninoh am, Preble to.; O. ! .1 o.x Oilla.v, Fayette ex Itid.; Milton Wont.. ljciivy co. Ind. i tT Mr. Tit'iMAS IJc lla ii forma us that 1 find, ah, cat half of the oni & has h i. u ev-j r.ciimentin'j on that will not sprout, an. ! he ndvi.-' s his brother fanners to put plenty in , o.vdi hi'.!, as the season i somewhat backw-trd. 1 commenced political life as an editor, owes iieailv all the di-tinc.i' n he has since: acquired to the partiality of tt-ri.ity for tie ir o't ?i'!;.ro :.;? oi. jet lu o to r alize d.e I'-iet tl u' in an ap'riug poh i. i.m, ri:ec even ruizs pap.ers. I An affray occur; ;d 15th of Aj-ri', between passengers and tl ving sai I guttets, as as tney go. The C .uncil leae3, pt-rpetually, diotd Trustees, the ground on v. ! l::e . lie may j Warner building stands, at : per f.."'t ti o:0, is Mii'd.hi! ! for U;ti jears subj-tet to rc ar prai-rmetit'at ti.e otitenipt for 'expiration of that lim-, and every !-n jei i thereafter; and, also, rented the a: I the rate of 0-J per at.num. .t Panama on the Tlt! Street commit'eo reported against the city's incurring the expense of opening M ir Let street, frusn Franklin to Fifth.; bat re--'ua- irlCP and askh'foran orb r for the U. 6. ; an,i f,..rc. upon these gross, glaiiug eriois, an froor's to PV it own. Shannon declares that i . xhorted hi- bearer to look at this ; Wood, Ta.Pa. -Monroe an-1 others shall b ; t same ,!r ..0, tf'.i ; . ,,,-v..r,tv.u Thin the Ur-.n lh TV'1 U ! r .-.c , u .... . i L -' -. -"o . actiotis. coium n sense iieir orJm. t ,,!i;v b.i-ito s- w , , ; c tr 1:1- ume it to b true at we have or have not (AawVrfiit, J're. li ;. f 1- 1 .1-. . O it, j v .. Il' - . ? O. it .. C...,.,rA.e 1 T r Ot Cllir u u.;u jUfueil l -- l e "e 1 1" . , . , . v. . ..v .... .'thing d-. and shad not undertake to de- sVouhl roost assuredly give my vote and intti-1,-. ' N..f d. 1 as-uni that of the cr,k'd or r, in favor ot every propoMtion firexclu- 1 or will not ,i; , jM,,rv fiom anv ternt,.rv ncouired a' n aid." bs 1 0 ; i0'i a;i v e 1 Ht, Will or t,i !..i- fttid thi'aws s!ic..l be en e .r,..-Ar war.. A !. M'tSs.'Uli. and -O ulti r-ut. .-! ihe TtVkorv to rally their f rce 1 a i ."-- ki.led he Aiceri.-an transi nni'.c, in wi.icti t:.e for tnd ! J wounded. id that said i-et he '1 - d pr I th." peii'!.ors and othtrs w ill pay t ! I I r..r.f,r-r ri pnrwiirn'. l i h'lt t r rooou .1,1 ut . ' 'ilu'nt tht i.ted ;isf.. Asi.EMitsT Ao.AtN. Fly adv New York, up to the 1 ith nh xp, suh - u: was a; f ping ;i y emergency tl t t :.t it forced. Me, le.-i drert a. a:i e.i s to ) tduca'i n is to e In the meant if lue wor.en are making cartridge: i'tie C.enmiJ" ners were at Lecouipt, opvpg 't t e iaiti; c-.s.-leoi L 'ts in:o toe v a '. v..:i v haca'i n is to eic hie them u) c.,p s'lcco fulir with their tnat they may n o . ,,vi -r,-i.-!:ed. and ih i;. the v ..a e t - reach other.. prepar.i- . , whro do thev get th-s-t impn-s-ion? at may arisj .-rom tho-e intl.ieuces with which they ar. j betur to be ; daily and bourlv arr-.unded, at h eme an,- 1: lh-v hear l: .con:- so nil . . U.irgaiti. ie d'-wn dlLawrcnc Jreotle c ns to mee ing on ti.e I incipie t I-I - ,t.,T,.n ,;,. f!-:i:i to be cauoht nap- aoroaa , anou ;i mo:ie , minds ,.f el.,. t ol : 1,,. -ntid in mi m. p .it - t ' . -1 t 1:1 n ( :t!'V -penki: d or bad Judge. 1 hereafter to be ac juiied by tht I . St. Isti-'Uel certain g--d an.l bad deem anT itiop-ctve action of Congress on n lnJr,. c.-:i rallv. and lave the an- t,e MJbject both legal ant . onsmuoonai. the m itt.-r to others. La e, 1C li-ii. e .' .. 1. . .1 il.uii.ti,,! -. . 1 ir-....! o: .f .. in mv nt.lnKiII. roSSC?eS l.irt the description of the good Ju.lg. 1 neeJ -tf r power to legi-late on the subject ot siavery in n- ar .l..'v; an-1 t.v ihoo t if any such there ihe territories, throughout the term of their themselves included' in the char- tenit.-riaS e.ite;.ee, us, for example, to enact. ,.f the b i 1 Jad.'a, as given, 1 OK'1, , am a 'v to oit. r. i verv naturally are lea .o eonciu..i. - t he on.- c-reat . t'.u oi man I, n mone V is they may be stir. that ufUctent will in.t. bix hundred Costa Kicans are said to germinate, lie says "it is better to pud uj coi n than to re-plant." A word in season. Walker cat. tuied the citv of K.vas on the 7th have been killed. reconsidered, a. id the suh; -ct was I I . j A"e notice that friend .Jones, of the Frcmi'ti's Journal, pullisbed nt Maiion Imh, makes a thiu.-t nt us, for the bent-lit V. Julian. He styles ns "minions' and what we have sei n proper to sny in ie Mid o (Jeoifre's co..r-t, ii n "war rtgaim di: i" hv Hollowny. W'c respc flll'.V ii, h tm .Mr. Jones, that when nc refrain fro; !-.. c i. g out against the suicidal oolite pur d hybis iViend Julimi at Xevp it ar eb-ew hero, in nie-aiHnjr tho-o he styh Knt.v NrtiiiiiM, who art lab. i; f.-r !. m----ev . . ...... ..n Kir irCriUiUI I" Kilt. ' b,,,u ol MU l l -wtt:t:i,i h.i that ti.e !ii ;: ualti . . . "I, ;;-." would .-' it U c.l l-".t- to Messrs. Burk, Wiggins and tiaar. ; That part of Franklin street, oppt.-ite iGravevard. which has been in an nnfiuished New Garden Ind April 12 1C56 .'condition fur some time, is now being tinisl.ei V. iitors of the Palladium j by Mr. Jno. Peterson, who has the contract. Sirs in your paper j Mr. James M. Smith is about digging a of march I find that you have made very ! we e;ht feet in diameter at the crossing of free wi.h the use of my name in r,gard to Marlct s;roe:s, at his own expense "free whiskey tfcc you say I have bold i-ev-; ..... , . , p., barn-Is of bald face Pclkins since Christ- the city furnishing cap and ring for same. .i . i - - i .1-. ; -n ,,.i..i:, c.,. .1,, ..,.:., f o.i.i:. ;...! ma oW r;:r mat is a ivts ami t,i;ai. my i ou il-suiuliuu iui ti.e ei e.tcu v. nMi.'.'ui neighbor PI: incas Thomas has sold quite a ' Lan quantity ot pure hrencii wanuy lor uny ciscjtT wai j per gallon i another ly i j . I wwl. t. L-ti,.iv wh.i vour informant ia I ! P11 want to .See him or her who but a black heart- j remove dirt from South side of Maiket, be under ' b linr t"stimo:iy I.avv re nee iea,al:i f. bo Sent ' de nee. TV r a wv-t o tj or to coin .he records, an 1 cohec'tng i,.re, ihen, i- a tot.u were cxp- cted to return to which shouhl he rm ...ii l - - I ,.-' re OuT WOU.-I u.ei.e-j or two. Witnesses would itiati itl.oh -a. 1 1 arty sp ii::,'y and l-i it' ,e he .rt, and -r t! I'll uooti the eoucaaou jive in e i(l Viv;.p Cupn, the wo fa 1 ,a hic-iii'c- tho head and ne loke of a Toai.g man in U;.io, vv i.. our c..a.3c; . , va :i i.i..i.iisin. member ; ca-ecpi, -ij-the heart. :ul. : r.i ..S O: IK hro f the . . . ... ..1 ..,! " I iJ' Uur neighbor pronounces our i ... ..-,e , ; i ,v v,-as a t tl. e ha v.-.. ! ,.;n th T.-. islature. to sei..l .! wlu refused to associate with him on liouor sellers t ftd-e psniienUary. a falsehood, , acc'mnt. not of a delicious education of the l .' 1 . . , ' , 1 !.... f.....r. r in,.Mll'H!'l-, l'.feil t. that tie t. ut) ne ao. oai oi u, .-;u1.ltni. t, the ttromnamrs e. a ina.ieious ,';or' no in re r ird to our Mexican acquisitions, a pio X. hihi i 'ty proviso, similar t. the ordinance of , , 17S7. ' HiJ-ert Dale (ton, iVMOi i. ('RiciKxr lhu, K an-a-. 4 m . 10, '.r0. I was called a Calhoun Southern man Urns. P vLLAi it v. Ii .iving jus; performed jvoe.t.t.,i the doctrine of the Cass-Ni.-liol..u a j.-uriiey of one hundred and .-iv y miles. j,u.rj ,v;,h the exception of his views a; to t ,u ;lv in Kansas an 1 j artly in Missouri, t-m- p (.r!Si!u;i(,naJ power of Congress to h gis- b racing Westport an i K.inas City; pe.-aps jVe ovcr tne territories. That power 1 have the re-ait. i my oh, ivat. ms may be ol t .me m,rer juUbted .nress ptwsebseti. interest t j our readers. The inq res;..n ll'm". 7. tin v ii.Dec. 104th wins to l iev.iil every where, that we are to ,i, Wilmot Proviso and we will have no more a: -.ed iuvaions bora Missouri. ..- . ' -ij 7.,,.U." Win. J. tiroum, lec. Thi slavery ma. i a 'anda llans, after venting their wrath in unmeasured j tu.T -hoiit and are L-oinv' to tiv how those so-. asious bom Missouri. BiicV jt to olJ U"m. J. Ur a luclulmg the Kul- j,) and in the samy paragraph say: v,..i cih ih f.;.,.i 1 l .1, ..tmlt nd belipvothat Coneres; lias terms against hmigrant Aid txicieltes, nave . ri,,t to legislate upon tlift subject of slave- i- r-n torrhories of the United States, cieties will work South of Mason and Dixon's , j)istriot nf Columbia inclusive. I am in line. In short, the policy now seems to bo to t , f t Wilmot Proviso in all the territo- of the bill against i"s s!uib(.a jt,.l(i j,f tl,e street, his sis-, send pro-slavery men as set tiers to Kansas in , orranirfttions. 1 am opposed to the ad- 1 ! UC.W1- a i'-x cv iudefinitc post);1.-ment.l Sometime ago, '' ter's nusband. He mentioned this more par- man bad a right D posts (6) in different parU of the told his friendsUhat he voted for that bill to; ucula.Iy to show that .very man Idnghi 1 v ' 1 , . i , . , w t. i! ai his neienbor s cli.ld.-cu were prop defeated. ' please his temperance constituents now he j ' j ivilege was granted Mr. Verige? to says he only voj.l that way so as to get an ;-' I)r Whster, executed at Bos A:mndlt and make itie'ss-na- . t(. fiir , Jeeme-s . opportunity to . .. r- o : ,1 ... .t h.-loie. I ; Mr. .1 c.ii.'.'i, v ( i ot i'.kml-h cl- tl'C J' U! .. .... i-i their lua-U - :o ,,,, ... - , . Caosooff..'edom,they v;.mhl i;o! , to io-ulf those wh" po d' l the , , c:n.c iVcm w hat party they , ; h (led. VI' me c . . 1 in, to or et tt mt oi . ht. we will say, regiooho ! 1U id I hir imi the f hi i vc of Julian's y , t t he "I s v. h; t Wf ! .- . i v . . ; i t tne it:. i Mi.d rhH'i.g th. P.ver f :.ce Mr- H. c,l i f the ohl I'';" over him. Mr. .' . it w;.rm." d t.-c an I malign him from that day to tms. i.- i-bnwcv-nnd his miuhm 'their war J- f m ecd 1 .. i . i ... i r.n, on. t., nnor '..- - r ':'" " ! , ' ' .t f , t he Toarmes. U paiiern Iienv cniisoau ll.UL hu...vs e-ei. A . - i imm t - . T . adies busine.-s but ther own cotihU't. j Aldtn w. ... - , ri..,,r ,?-i7 , rt . w V 77 i r ., t., t ,v 1 . ..i 1 ntiA 1 i),.l Pc. o n nutCOWri HI I,i.5,.i. n-lil. a;i-r:ii:r... iJ.J;.s,i-32il .U!.' J',l,n s 11 ILiiv.TRi il n your c n,..- : - r J ." :. . 1 ."'. , : .4..,-...!l!... v."-- .1 .,f vour in- 1 Personal at S,3.Joo. a - hm.-toi ago... e ...,rSv.-.-. ... ,txt paper or g. - - ; "u 'A,.count 0f the Real and Personal propci.y kh.irp.J very severe, and . Tidbit Mi f;:;Tvourrlit 1 I;,..-,MVX linlitdecity was 61.1.3 thus show- .f, le jt,.. When tl, patties WILLIAM II I nhcM A .. t-al hv iacrea-.o of 651o,..i? dur.-.g 0:T a ii:tie . they will s-e tliat il.e modern ' tiS" There, we have compiieu un I that retiod. d-eti:ne.,,. c -iV-a hy tne .1 u de and j.rac- " !- Fieetoati's rcq'tet. an d as he quotes "erit ture - rt.0lution was passed declaring Mar on tj Uj,on in 'r his instance, by both these on- u- ns-I- r','iv to our informant, he w i'l of course j North of Main, seventy feet wide, front l!i;mt u, ,hal "nan sh.ou'.J 1 left nuinmiiid- ,... . w.. ei, t)y iea; re;..ia;u., is no. il.e l,e-iti..!.g !u the world fori developing the "mmhool of the murder of Dr. Paikman, is in point. He was mtehigent, aoco:npnltea out id heart had evidently been criminally neg-'.-..t. 1 -It whs .-ai l that dating Ids -,.j....rR ... betray - - ' i - ,v, r mis g.iegto wit though tn every ohttf Tr-.r ", -phi - s, HtM lo oe a : i.ieoe.. ... ,, v. 's ii o'.s. ii ii e-.i -e-'.i ii ' of the seat of ! suLitoieiu liumoers iu uui .o.u n. , TO:Sfcj1,n lf rnore slave states irom ny leui.u- men and cany the territory for shivery. rv",lot pre.perlv included in th Texas coin pro Tiiis is all right enough, and should have, j is, .. juSfph E. Mr Donald, (candidate for been the- policy m the hrst j.iaoe; no one couia i Altornev (ell(.rftl,) July 'XI, 1 hi:'. .1, have objected to this, it would hav e placed all . j waV8 ,eS that the Congress of parties on an equal footing. It would have j i'nj,,.J States has the sole and exclusive been .-arrvin g out the principles of boasted j . i,.ilate for the Territories. Con- boiiatter sovreignty. Ail wo ever asked was j poiuhit or create slavery in the ter- ti . settl'-rs. and vvc lev l ex.. 't .. i ut-d, notwithstanding the Xs'ieholson letter, i,.a- . . o . to'-'C rosviii. .'i.tiJT . . , ... have nothing to tear . that 1,'it h vs ta.s p nver. ..- ..vH"f:;i:-.w.Vl 'irom the South;! J"hn iftUt tn Ctm'L """ntton, Ky as a di- ved Mr. HoHoway. tec ivt i tho iiomimiti- r n;v for tho State Namti h-.. nursed bis wrath t Let ar d lots soneht evity opportunity to Main s teet N -rt!i to its jauc.ioo Wavne Av eiiue. . .hat Walnut street be'vveen l All SOI Ll.H',. ..." 1 1 ....... .,f.rr..,l (Sixth and higth D, .-.e- i to the rstreet v.nniio- e. M,.rs (laar. Butkand llutton. were ap-; ..uid induce him j iio.uted a Cv,mm;tlre to asist Engineer to de- ill try it. Mien : , .- r; race on c.bie stre- e to tustain bis i r.e ho.' ,f hq e dee not object to a simoar Vim that rutteth ti i- . . ...I ,. ' : mm c; uiii t n no-. I i coti- qu. nee of the siaici y . ..!'.-!. in New Garden Town-hip, . a ;, 10- i.eiehhors. i it worthy I a nonce, i ....... ... --o . Messrs. if thev generally i. cum ';"lUt'- ,,,,-.u;c.J a ccmmitice to a to q.iit. and we hope tl ey v. try tt. w iun . ran U) f,x G.iat'srace on a li quor-selhr ve s serq.'urc ... . -i-- - ! nnd report to next meeting. , . .-..-.. ; , it .. iki, nf inoir; 1 . i i-. t;,- r i-i,t r-nv- we l.ave n.a .ei-.. ' : I'etitiox. .vsKie.g o i m ..... him hi heart is not yet seareu, j N.irl5l yL rh street. In regard to gutter. this rcf omation. He says, ; t v ..,.,-t R.-Utive to width ot Ma- d that he has only sola i.irer TlO-ll-.C sn.i-ion on and there is hop' we un lers'a: i uon Street. Asking the graumg ot ..pit:. Han trJohn C. Walker, tlie nominee of the r-.o-.lavcryitcs for Lievit. Governor, by r. -que .t of Ih.e S'.a'.o Executive Committee, and because he wasn't born at an earlier day, re, r.hmcd the coveted honors of that office, ami tV committee appointed A. A. Hammond, c Vi o county, in his steal. Mr IL was the defeated Whig candidate for the Legislature m IT" 2, in Marion county, ntid te-ided nt that barrel', and tl at was the simon-pure, copper-j or Urcadway. betwn-n Fr; .'-. "Quite a large meeting ol the Republi can, was 1,,'ld it Conner', hie, o-i ire It'.h H n. Samuel V. Pari, r d Wm. Gr ..e a ! dressed the peq.le, a:.d s ::ud up th-ir n..:: ds bv way ot rmembraiice, in regard to tl.--reat and on' question now aitatin r ti ,. American pel lo throughout the Cm-o; North and Suth the f;;.-1 or ex a n-1. ,-.i ,.,f slavery. ThcPc . .pie are up and d -iagf in .,1,1 Fave'.te. id the caae of Free Kns- tg or '.v r. ar- r i . 5 1 l bottomed, rccahed arti-lel I his may aa oe , fo: but i: does not clear him ot the charge c. . ( In conformity witn '.no ed t- being a liquor-seller. t . i were a;i rcr..l anJ Te.err i anu e e .. . :, with the f-xeptrm o to the width of M c ion will be triumi .fitly vindicated there bah A box, min i t -. ;?ak--. or sellers in this city, me may not if so, w remittee '-n Sire. ! ;he one in re gar. 1st we , . , -, ,u ,-1.1- ,,.oe ;n.u was i.i.a o.i i.o. r a-1 ' r vac '.too ol 1 . l ' t .,1 if.,r - . r. .. r.'v su.-'est .r caiiv.o k . t!- cenm itee on street reror.e i in uw Imve heena.Mea to me geuan.r. of fjal,:. Walnut street.J hctweeti Mx;..:ma ould it not be equal to the very best ; E:p.h stwi also, in favor of giading High -bald-faco Perkins" now ro gem rnoy u"'$u;t from Ft. Wavne Avenue to its junction. For tho crc ht of his township, we hope he , the ravelin-. The first repot t was disrepuiaoie CSA c ... i:, T .-. a.son, c iued to ir Jol, for the no ireme vo.. r;i announces Ja ! ge N t Fhchate Court, as a can ni".K.:i of Ih't. .rter of the the ,4 '.i u. ht waa tio;:s, ri his Jea.u ku.-h Mat. Ward, who mg letters, writt. ti white on ! is O,;, . rroiy ..f u r... mb.-r. and e-;--ciahv vv;:.i,-'i on the ".-h..:e of the s, a of '( a- the p.. hi l w !...;; U. the Savior st hi gre a err.4-1 1 ...f sa'v.i i.ei a :i j . . . . f ,- : in in 'a Mi!,;:.!!-... m ,iv., edu:a;i,ig tlie htart. 11 ace imphshed. so far as re. l.-o.Lis are r.-i wi.h ti.e bi.K-d He sahr.nd in the oirth. ur.p. t r an 1 a vagabond tl-.c brand , f';l e :,.c er is bii-tering upon his brow, a bur:.;:i nior.y of a misdiiect-'d 1,-art. i:.ere is a .Soareh'v of I tea.:!. ,-r-why? B ca iso men "and w..taen can ,J , t'-r at oil, or .iq loy moats whic h do re . r. , s much i.ieii-al labor. T'he teach, r's Miou.d he such as would i::ducA n-.-r, a-. ; to engage in the business .f tear' "- a hvcli;.. od, an 1 c.-titinue thereh,, v. ; h s.ime prosj e. ts that other em; J.-vnu 'i " a ItiOlar.a waa'sa Sta.e NornialSel 1. vouug ii. ea :ou.i:-oc;i;i g-: qt: ili.'y th-m-elvcs thoj-ouhlv tea the child r, a . sc.ioj.-, ir-,:;! :,'jic.Q m. a-an wimc many of these, will re'tiin. and o -m. U e have f.1;, l -hat many .a";aor"''" 'he South, with stron zealous a.'-'3 ''U, are now Jirmrr coming from the South will vote for free- to set a F a hi- trie iigh It lak c ". i me, i-m r:gV.s -f lib er Trci the riii;u.lel,l;i hedR-r 53. Tm utile Ann Ihe I iiei.a-. who have , Iii!i-o' Vr.AtiLV Mki: i im.. The orth,, prejadices , t1x 1, ranch of the Society if 1'iiemls are tl'.e most hoi h. u- their M-.l "M....f",,.r r,t ih..r a ei'.e a ht- iment to e n it lay any (ul. a to ti, . f,.'. J h.-ir ea 1- ray IV,.). . r ... . , Southern V. " "ec-J ir.un the hrw -a ti.e s-ihj.-ctV rs' iluj T" t.-' gr-at amount .. a v -.r man th-n .! veiy much agaln-t hi in forests," if 'ft' I'-a-Kn: ... m :r. : ,. a .. .. .... a i.t .. . .- c; ... ....i '.. . ou r - i t- are ;i , . - . i" .- ,. j ---', ji i ii ;i- an j ea: e v .. ,.e lor c-,n-.j.u.(.r.,, an J !.,! ! th.-ir r r-s c:;t scoem- of ,.! ...". ,"., ftj, . fai it must t: ty may agi.-, re-,.rt to (u . J ,: wf. h ,-ev,- ti;at a-cch-r c s',.i b -tweeri th.-m ard t:.o fi-e tat men. will involve the whole l .'ii co and rju!: in the overthrow of Slavery. This iuut be so if (hpre i stiilb-h,nt patriot-r-m m the .,i :h, and w rong and outrage can ro:.-e it to ar-:;.,,,. I would n,.t be understood ' i ' 'i...t.-a4tiu'.v ot the rn'n-i'Mn ..r y All they need , M4.fting-h.UM-. F..iulli v. ml Aith m reels. This meitiig, to which lea a- hut Friend" me ndiiiittcd, we umieist;.! d is likely to he a stormy one, in orscqi i ia e i i a dtUcir-ia of opinion on the teiei. i cy of the v h v, s i f .Jo-ph (iuii.ey a thtitii i ce vvhuh has er- casioned a it liisia In two of the Yearly Meet- ' : -s of the Society, viz : that of Xevv ling laiio . i , ,i - -oil tiuo. , "ii of th Hi CIV C Vi .Hv oectirrcil so:n at a ciefy in Noil- Jin c. in tot ,c,. 'ill tiic irroimd (. characte,- 1 -r. tim j ia In lianapoli. Politics make strange bed-fe'dows, and "fusion t,eeuis io uv ' lor of tho day with the slavery extension's, as well ns the Republicans. .i.fiv i.e. T-eis'- -s and be a trtaaun m taci ab w c. District ncurre 1 in mid the last laid on A resolution was passes n t 1 1 ... V l-'-.T proper: v o-ciow i ..nm.,.. the tat... g"3 Judge TavDEN, of Cincinnati, recent ly assaulted the reporter of tie Gazette. (Mr. i". v i.w (vnrt. bv strikitii bint in the fu-e with his band, because he (Babt) had, ty 0f a law of the Fui to'd the truth about some of bis "greasing operations, and exposed the rascally doings ol - r ers e: p move ohstruclions in tt.e ewer thorou.-hlv cleansed out, so as to give ider direction ot Street street to re- and h.ave it the wa- l busine in name. .,l h, T,e.ivi.t. of the F- t-tse -"o- r , . . , ... . . 1 -t.l 1 :. .hin! -a from cus.o Court, nccraieu . ' , t:r...;,,r, ,,f :re0t C m -c i..kj r-.xrmi on toe ti-uuj ter .reevcii., uu (i V I'V a W I U Ol 1 coe..J- l ------- . - ,l'..;n rcfusinr: to ebcy the order of Judge missioner. n J tturoovne. he was "acting und .1 -S ae. tne vommoice e... - kets to ascertain the prebable cost, necessary .There can be no union bet we, a the sin- ; to make the Marketdlouse tci.auta. , ... tao honest friends of freedom au-t - , Uui-chers. to tqe "', F Ju dire the P. :e.ic; "The : . v nr.svlvi: amusiag story is n ::ig a a'e u 'Veinmeiit. :-v ta.i to post la Trawl II.ll li ra how to t la.i h ti-ia our . i.-raaioa .eac i ". i.t ni tor teach in pecied are :ie ' I r..r- a.: 1 bu-in -s c .mm ,:i taken to ' I '-' : he l.X an v ivJ.-i d -.: I ha: if lb r- t. ea'i , 'v e r . in :i pa'n he. -a So no, urJ .,r 1, :eh Til ih-f that the future. Jt is well . i ... '. . , i , e r 1 1 i . . - r i ' . . - r . .1. t nee of the Se. ,.t ... 'i:.,, T. i. V. , , ',: infill ... ...... , ,1, otlieis, ,rj slanderous defamation of f. . ' '1 '! , , .... ...ui.i-y. me expelie-l 1 iicm. ...... l.lis'.el a early Meeting, aud addressed tp"Mes i t i the vnriour, bodies of their in th;s counfiy j.nd Fi:glaLd. A n-ijahrr .f the Socletit . look no notice U' the i uIom t. mel th. i-(-f.,rc irtiiM-d to i. cognize the Lew S ,,. i ety ; I, i.t the Soeiety h, showed a liii-fno Mtioli to ;.!! in queslioii the utt of t!;e IS'.--.' Ki glati.l Fiiei os, in t-xpeliii j; Wihiitr ?;i, I .associates, hut this was. re-bred hy many of the 1 11. becme tX'ir.-f. a-, 1 tie p-oph, rv resulted f T Mc'',::-- '-"'l- '' h- .t-'-'-rm-l hv the slue j over no j m -,r !" at knowiedg,-,! the W,i- A numh.r of '.-mi -rants are !.-,. te .."' W,t" li"''.v '1- a V. uriy- Jft t th If . Medio. t. r ."i e mu hori- , .-V rasohation was a.o J "-'p-"'. " lubiie Buildings and -dar- t .i .t .,- ml n.-iTiesi irieiu. e. - . ; . the lawyer in pocketing twenty noiiar, v-c... ;"(jf u! r;J rro slavery, federal : Counoll. by a thief whom they bad a-sited in oavnig . ;ltilj.Ufli;on - , TU ordinance, now on its third reading, punished The money was identified by toe ..Le,;sl3-lf,n bas become :icc-sary not to . ,f ScWs, ir..- owner, (an orphan girl.) W Judge Pkc ; prvcntbut to aid in -;-;t a twnty cents on the P.H) va'ua pcrmlUcdthe lawyers to pay weir own fees Ty. , Ircr?tTOl character; tL.n SOtsca each -,;1. which v.::! . , -. .u themsekes. As . mg of the iso.i n an ;-v , . - u .i .v f,-J m some VeiMice burg, on a blf '"-'f day, with some fri.-t.-Js, the iron hors 1 stopped to water, when suddenly hew his whi.e from hi - pocktal began v '.gorou.-ly w.-i-. iv. it ia the a.r. I sain li ne bobbing hi head ot;' o f adr.dow in a very energetic manner. What arJ about, Jao th, wl.h-ut.g from his nv, u--c. see, riH.uf ladv avirisit'.e hat.dker r-.-'.ur: iug iie. Who is lalge?" iuterjoga id M.. t. a he lounget-titf ewtirf ti e isr, v;ki. his nelht re "4---s curled up hke a - J ar.tic capital Z. Well,t1i. I d ,.'! exastly ki. .,-.v;Fm i.e nvar-sitana i can i r-.c -n'is J..-r, -r o i Ju h arc airea iv arn- they ar- e-.mlng from r nam hers; and if re- Wc- are to h ive a An oc.-asi,: ,a. 1 va'-.o'i parts t. h - 1 n.c Obi-t:T;...ri sion which trains its roe .- i.,,n,t chre.i',1 ainrm nc noariv 4.UUi- auu Joremr Bentbam ?ays: "If there w F"'sh R-.tea the indignation tf every patriot, to a vrp d fro the county and it will make nearly ' ;mbers to cio ev n, . .,r.c bv all the means ptacea ui.m yu. ,wrt. ... - .nfi.j ;n be sufheem tution. jf....n,..., - - . tC keep Up t,hO ae-oo. .s profession. 1 vneondi-: . . , , :,.T.-o rior. ,f . We uademtaod that the Trusts de- v'lbe Jr-KSiuen , . ar.d wa arpacaD.e to - --. . tsv cf about 40 c. but she ;? drm gray i!fc. tan J v., ir my fr.eal Jo! to avoid the punishment of. i', it tie kg. reach by the Consuti , April ! 2. ICo-h ,e etc 1 . - under a m., t i's house. Mr. Q lv' ver to the Ju ?g? .iJe. A sticrt f iiai ri Court. of Jatic-( j. ve-t. I .r year-, has r-. what wi:h the a In law. ami com re ten!. a I beli. v, , wlait cj-i -titutes a g- r. asj led Mr. an i I propo;c. thr-.-ugh v.u.- r , my view-, Lih dv, on the " l." :- ' C- I T , , i l.'' n-v. a a dge '.ev , a ,,-t a-h day d irir- id c. ur-refto do the s ;h- 'ah. isadjournm-::"-, and i- a-u i -av.iio- parties and w ir;-,-. . -.-r 'j:; ,lc-. ::::! -f .l h rt s I c--njl JjJge a'oTts r-.'.-s f ,r i h:m-e,; ar.d c ,ti-, i ., .f his Court ig to ,1, . in- of 1 . re - rnd i tra-.s, I-" ,- ',a Uu I-.-. a reasOti; ; t.-rm tim -meets r.r .... U e vtng ;.' on t!,e ,u h, b; t '.' -h " h ir. rnu -,'; ! rts t, I - r-h."; , .arge ea, gT. . i th;, -.rt. ' .-n as a r- i -on f r not c ' . ,- .. t . . .. . ' !-.;..- 1 - i;.r. .r,ii,,a s. ir-t. Now t'.-.t M.e fpj-;S ., p, hly r- 1 ,1. h:: thee, ;i. ,v rh-m- lvos, - ' . ..-.j, u .) o.c o ;)-. ii ;i.v cire anything ah ut ;1 - ma'.'er, thev ran m-v. er d . a be; v.- - :vi ..- than t ai ! in'esUhii-h- Itig trte I.,,.-! ,y r- Ja. .it, : w...-i ;. i !. ;i . r i:v I d . h - i v.. . . r. " ... ? i sa- ti I , i a m re j-- ; ia .1 ic.e .ai-lv ! V ..s;l t.-RIIV 01 1 l.i .'. 1J s J). ararioii or take j hice in the nett ing here, the property at Fourth ami Audi w..uld d'.nhfi. - , to the anth Wilburs. a tl- v. ill of Will, iui Pel. ii gH,., t tu, ;,.:,.. ty the ground tiudcr a d-ed whi-h eonv.-v it to thru, f. r the i;,e of and ht-n.-flt the .or.ety oj J- rit-n us in unity with tho I, ,nd lcailv .Vie-t,l t. the V. il t hav i:,g le i u arkno'v lodged eolo. land or Ireland. I oe -i - .h,n. so f ir, hr.s been fj'iif spiri:.-d. in - !.-, (; .. of proj.hh.i.s having been n.aiie in f.-.vor of a vision in the rSyeVtv. and th"'-itlor -t" a new Yearlv Mw'; it Ilth-t c- hive b. i ii recf.tvo.1 i', " K,. Ii .u v- not ia III,!.'- 1 ; '-c-uiar '. i 7 -;, . B 1 " e u . g b .u . gUI- it-1 to .i the nv..-:.;;tr aaiojtLlv, and the buf in . : at L rv icd M-ec: - -. - - i tially. Capt. Charles Kcruan. seniencea n. , Newton to three years imprisonment, for being engaged in the African Slave Trade. We suppcU ws i;enei by Mr- rierce to evince bis sincere love for slavery. Gen. Tavlor, why should it not apply w ie 81 00, to psy o3 ... ...v. ...;t l-Tnitritun ' Jout-le tr.e torce io..c i.e.-.,. .. - -- -- --- wu:.T tv., re luiif -? of Franklin Fierc -.-l t r.i'itarv. tf the t-t iit I Cl .1 ...... -j. . : -i ,t t.iaT'er.d the curse of s ave mens is i:iccv .v- i r, -v- t! ,i .' rorrer. r.1 Covera- lJ h-J ' the Public juare: : Jcb'.edr.ess in-' ?er.. School House, ar, only ilia i.i'fa .or tea? w ho. e long a 1, a dies, had ba m i : . ate I ; sa- v, the u,.i . s r . . t" :; a:n thii i tie v s j;;-r f tr us -rk, Xonii ' !careh t tLe had been eachanjia n i V, -i ' ind a. I .:;?r , C Jt' -n-'.T V; of him-elf o: on ;n ...s t - .- i oi aria-, i- e-.-atino- cy Kansas but amoi, ':' - uri. An atie;i:p; was p. n a b .x .n a boat I f .a.- j.;..-v ailed that i' mt-'Ut ... . i t . ." - - : -', ar.u iui ca la.n S-Tae of as C'tv, its - Ihe 1 . tne ,-.?ie(i ;;t C!.:,e tart ay t',-..i J that ndiaua -I-. tin! .- it wa ... cm h 4 -n ... c i i.. .-. i.-.a-i- u , hit o .-.ii,; t o or il ititj .-vk.: v. ? ov rr:n l . .1- t.iC ,.-;- . r. , .1 t orres, AKJT4S Si , " lh,-l etli it to K- ews W e elto the Joiiowin? om the NapJeon Sentinel of the 2Kt ult. e w-r shown by Dr. Lebraier. a div or two -Ince. a most sigular and remarkab'o hal p.. uchee, a ctbbrved chitf f the hv ir;&er! :hh hv a the erocttu a ot another or. , .1 -if that is the fact, our Taxes this year will be about 9 mi.s to t..ej Ho Jons l". 1'KTriT. of Isdiasa. The ; ".Va-bington correspondent of the Savannah., 'deor-ia? Journal, thus concisely describes this gentleman: ..ii. ;a - member, a crentleman ot; thirty odd, slender, quiet and calm, but keenlv . ... a it.. at..V.Kr r.r,,e.i. ... . -" . 1 2 ..V.1 l.....i-a -.irn.l ry into Kansas; iw i,;, ..-.. - jOSiar jor cny, scr.ooiaau kuwi i.o..v Kp above s-sntimenis iu aiu'.u..- es twen:v cer.;s uti;.tri -u- i-herwred and imiru'arxe pr.a a-. T-s itd for a repiv - t or are ire with the " ciplesof the party: The buttewere sub equ-r! r up ia ihat a- : 1 at e h. en tJt 'eedmg- ly tume.-o; Judge didn't swear, bat he changed jVet tj saw-mtils, j-.e ..,- '. Laleuigli'ie ff which beicg the fre' a .... . :Le wora 'ca-rr. - i away ii.e - a.-gmr.ct.ts of m t- r a 4';e '-ions suLmi;t; in a gray silk a c urteous manri : the ftcltzg? and v i-- as r.e thinks r: -ht. . 1 1: a-.d ens;v t ; weighs well the que- l'.s r.-.- de. an J in :h lie re .-,- , rarti-s. -j-e.;-j.-it Tie other h.-sr with iro rstaii imprf-ctly !.! is : hastil;- a-. 1 inn'i f ; ra'elv ' l i .i . : :-. ..-;i r -, uerttiv ia an arraren! rush r,f r-a ;..- ! -1 Ue-...ia.; .i i t. :., w 1 a a I -h.-r- oper.e i i: with re err : trag., arj.j SOfn ,,f ti;,r , an act wit ever aih-mD- !0 J-John A. Washington, the present pr o- qutct.rep-et 'It UUIt v. s. - . . t. . A itn ra observant. His mind is cjear. - - - - i to -etberin State of irgrma r.aa reiusra logical, hi, voice light buv?W good compass' 5.XX)0dl Fc.w S;--- prke be lad set on it. and as they v and cieatly effeeti.e. H and one wa .f a . p o . u wou!J io ia .:hirf ar Terr natural, ana ms .uv.v..-'e tfra - tBirtT--auiu -"""- . - . c ation agreeable and well adapted to arrest the f j..g attention and pleasantly impress tha bearer. , -.-.1-1.. inn V. bad a crand ce . . .- r; thot th o-enera Cincinnati, on the 24tn. i pwniis v. - -. - Prir of tVc Mount Vernon HstU say, in E.chan. a.ri.ei their 'eb-a- ; fetter aJited to the National Inteiiigen-i New or,,- a oi 3, Th, gc ,h.ftt as the Government and the persons mctie whan, and wetcomed ; bI, to ah. 7 i.-tt i -a of Virginia bad refused to give the were tne v eveni. that Mount Vernon waa co. for sa-e. him bv ehe 'Tt-nce. and u; aid in a.-'ume t-..rn: s a-fre- tesu'-.i-i f-'-rn the Insr-rv , - , - .. . .. . P'.i-u in n;s gn-rt : 'f - . , , an t.-trir c 'ja-ti, 3i;n e Ce,-;-- .IT. ... - l vouju-j. wra.e cou.-teoas ai i a'a. is dignuied and firm; the bad .-.e h ' i netther Courteous or aabfe, dtgnifiei or trm. I ' t ,,n V. -V V'z l-ir.,-t ...' ' t to ad U.vse -with whom !-! on. tr btJ that Cretki. The ingu!ar:"y r f the h-a1 eoril! . lr- twoj-trf-ct mou'.Ls a front and rearrr.outb. wi.h a do . Id ? set of m.a--t:ca-.jrs to each. I; ia r-ruarkable fa.-t"that it made nodoference n hi -a h;g ,r fc-edirg t.p-rati-ir4 which moadi he u-d, as either -i-w-r-- the same Currif..'. hat whn-r L iO,hi(-.I frijrn !), '"i r(-tr mfitilli A rilr I :pnr, r, ua1 mni sv-.n. thsr. if had tal(f n it by the front. S ich a 1-.. . I '. . . r r, .... ,r . .r.e. . .. tu.t-, Ec bea-iiy drai.fc at Jvana , . ,., a days ag ., an d-cs.-ed in a xnot ; Pax-vrti, Caiiatrr. A inun - him. Geo. .- :. J ' '"r,ja"i - reea. a a . .vaerty i.axe. fireman in Messrs Mo -,e nue wj;si ve.!ln in a I.ideo'ts man-1 rt,i'. cm rv,.-;,. rti : :.-t . r- . . ' J --- i,, a,.i, ia no -. was aireslel ana p.a . .. ...... ... ...... .. m war.ij ?o i-((i!.4in . ... i . . ,-s oi rvansts t rt wi rr. J.g.iv.t, at t:.,s o d-elare I t! at If -u- '-d g.;a toa- there would be blood tLeJ. I " -'-! tio-t town lavhon t . . . ... 6 " oj p -orrpt.v f-zitll-.r.'1 1 k a. o j 'rage i-a t I-1 '; t..'.-;r m.J ,h,-r r.f everv at- Ff- wrr !ace. ir r.r;J then -ti'-a are the men who atsns-'d to d p it in the ca'.a- wa shkingly mangled on M -ndar last. It led en dollar. ! bein cartgbt between the crown wheel aal XT Exl phiiosophy a.kisg a'eadear hims-if man to !r.cey. -ori p Miosopny ;Coar.ts ia conuct; tie other, ty Li exhibido his refusit. 0f iH-ss;are a-d peeviihsess, aril aa" a;; f-r us. The --.?.. . . . ws iron rmBfie rfir. w? (s & , , ,, ... band chi a wheel. !!e cnlv about one has been cold and bsciwarj rhoor aftr tb it n;. - - j a a . iT" vw- nre, tut it ia no :.e warm ad vej'e ration is li.-.g rapidly devdrpe J. KU.ll Alii) Mi-MJEMIALL a-.d showery, arra -were crushed to pie. one of hi Inert bemrr eomrVT torn o'O! W- Cattle Courier, April 10.