Newspaper Page Text
;'(!(' i.fc net TH1TTA1X&MUM' H1 -ir 'ii I 04 fmiawa evbbt uxamua wt 4i 3. Una aqaara Uum InaarUona. 2 00 0 00 poo. So CO C2 00 70 00 Onaaqmara ttemotliaXr..U.....: Ona aqaara aiz powUiay,,,,.- 4)na aqnara om, yaarL,,54. LLOWAT X4AVXB. (BE JTJST AND FEAB NOTt INST ALL THE ENDS THOU AIlffST. AT, "BE THY GOD'S, THY COUNTETS AND TRUTOSl - !! !;)!: Ii. qo7-.; .tin dun wwww a column otre year Ona-half of a eolnmn mm yaar. HirM-fMntha MMu ona yar. One year. In advanoa... 1.7ft U i Xtea tntapNjOM; yaa esancaabla VOL. XLIIEI RICHMOND; KTAYNE COUNTY, - JNDIANA, FEB. 21. 1874. 'Vi. 'MS if. 50 WOO Three mentha ' ut'Vii' l-.viit-j-i BCCltaSie Hue. ,x v., .,2r...f . . UM aqnara om In llim ,,, fror aaali aabaifBiut lnaertton- per BAIIJWAB TUMAKUt. I'TItT kara-, Ciaen 5o rr nulls1 way. .1 7 ! , f A!V-H AHDL E ROUTE.. f. piam AtHiia m vim on no v. a, uw. . , GOING , No. . Jfo. 8, 1 No., o. 10 nttaaurg..) lAi pm1 Columbus l:'JORin Ui:orJ-...l 40am Zttoam Mtun 8 3Jpru ' 7NHpm KdSpm :48 pm 4-3Sptn:IO-..1'aiu 9Mim Urin4.J Ssm im pm ??PfU Pluua....... 4.Haiuj 8:23 ptuj lA.prn rut Jnn. fewi iul ftfiDDiul 2!CSom IIMWa! UfclSpm 11.00 pm Uloli m H 14 am' vrM nm :vpin izaam Cimbrl'n 7:35 am I0i 44pmll2-.43aB 6:21 piu 1:29 am Kultfl.bni ftatein'lltti ami indla'plln. 10 am! 12.40 pm! osiopuM ra.-em " " ..... . . .muKiXAr. S- , No. L No. 1 Ko.6. No.f. Indla'plln. KatehU'n 4:52 am 9:10 pm ..' fc04 pm :40 am! feMtpmi 7:12 am te&O pm KfcOUaai 7)pm 831 pat 305 pm' lfcKem 12.1 4 Dml Cemari'gci R10Mlllu Ureeavle. Brad Jun- I12d2pmj 11:00 pm. :.W am CAS am 236pm PlaaaJ JtfSomU24em 4U8poil lam 10.M '.: am 1: Commons li:44 am llOami CclSpmi smpmi ftKam 7.30 pra . 2,15am lldOam Noa. 1.2, and 7 ran Pally. All other train t, . t . ; Dally, except Benday. ' r :J .aUeaenaari w Cfcta Mvlalam. ( . NoVKMUMt 8, 1873. aOlMO MOBTK. 5 No72. No. 8. Ko. W. Clnlnnat 78 80 pm Rlebfaond KWJ0 1190 ptn 11:45 pin 12:17 am Haenit'n. NewCaaUe 10:47 pm ll.-29pm 12:40 pml Anderwu. 1:14 am' 240 am 8:45 am 70 am 8:45 am Kokoma Ud&pmj wpm 8:25 pm (bSOpm SMOpm InmnKp'tJ izsw am crown ii. Chieao... 4: am :J0 am eomo aouni. No. , 1. No. a. ChfoagoJ 7-JODml 8S crown ft.. liosanap't. MawCaatlei . 1108 am1 12:40 am) lttpmi USSam 220piaj M2tm 4:48 ami 5M pm :iz pm Haaerat'n. Haonmond 6:15 ami 58 pm 4 ami fr28 on IKK ami 90 Bin No. 8 arrive at Htata Um at fc55 p. m. and No m ttt tka a. m. Nd 1 lMveaClilcaso Dal ly, except Saturday. N. 10 leave Ktchmond , dally.execpt Hundi ecpt Hunday, and Loftanoport for daily. No. S leaTea dally, except raBdCMndaF. AJettertcainaran unjeao rav except Hunday. UttM lanal MtW ' ' NOTXMBBB Z, 18T8. OOIMO No. a. No. 4. No... N,Jtt., Ptttobnrg. 346 pm M5am :40 am 7pm :26 pm T:S0tm Urea. JuncJ192piiii MM ami ColurnbunJ 1:15 am &00 lean am liOndua Xenla... Morrow Mam 7.-2Uam lbMamt A ami lpmj 8:44 pm' 4JA am dOam i:spmi SUODml vnopm Cincinnati UMOam 11(5 pm Xenla 3:4Uami 7:25 am 12:40 pml wmupm Dayton Rleltmoad &A. am ttooaia lSpmlUkSOpm K4apm Ind'polla.J 12:41) pml oauami OOIHO KA8T. No. 1. o7X7 No. 6. No. 7. Ind'apolln. lftOOam SdOpm 70vm Kienmona Dayton l3Wpm 1(06 pm 40 pm 140pm SaWpm Mpnt fcl4paa 8:15 pm 8:40 pat KsWamj aSprnj lUpm :20aml Mamj fclSamj 7:10 pml 12sam Marrow . Xenla ... 4.-00 Dm1 9:45 Ma lU15pm 4h25ami London ... 10:88 ami 8:48 pml fc51am 2ASam fclltm 1140 am Colamaoa.U:4eamj IKSOpnM Dree. Jane. Plttebarg 7:20 pim 2:16 am Wim. l. a. a and T run Dau Cincinnati. Noa. 1 and Belly between Xenla and Dayton. , All other Trains Dally, Axeeatuaday.. r.B.aift, - . QctiT Paaaenger and Ttoxet Agent, . Fa. sue nesra. 4 OUW flOUTH. O K m'l acx-lOrtlOaia I Portland acfcW am Portland ac... .400 pm 1 0 ml A ex. pm Arrival mm lwertaie af Ike alalia. Botrras. lepKwa. ( cuw Cincinnati, throuirh 1 fcOOaml 5:30 am Ondnnatl and way...I10-JO ami 6.-00 pm nhleuro. thrnnsh 1 7900 ami 7M PIU Chicago and way.......l 740 pm 120 pnt rnlnmlini anil WH I 4:911 nmilii:90 Pm navton and wit..' I fcSO am r-JOant ibmimb few am (went r.iu.a.u.iu .uii w.v 1 unaml fcMtn irt. Varne and war ' 70 pml W am Mondav. 4'dar.rrldar lli0 am lSsMm ' BliWlWIMOflrlaW. - I Tneaday.Thnradaylat'd'yiUM ml 240 pm - - colucu coanaa. Tueeday and Kriday. jliMO m 12:30 pm Un..f .nd vridmr...'. 1 sNaml 7a80 am Ltkn shore via Wlnene'r, JUaml 0:39 am Office open from 740 a. ra. to 740 p: m. On HuaUay, from kuo to iua a. m. R W. OAVI8.P. M . . M. Pames'ciii.K. a 474, - 40 Park How, New York, Areacentafofthe Blehmond Palladlam In that city, and are antuoriaed to contract for Inserting advertlaementa for oa at lowest eaah ratee. Advertlfiers In that city are re quested to leave tarora witn tnem. Aa Aaaadeaed Brewer jr. , John A. Boppe, lieayy , brewer of lager ia Newark, N. , has aban doned the badness. His lager has been famous and it baa brought him half a million of money. The aban donment of the business by Mr. Boppe has caused much pee illation amoBf his Herman acqnaintances, and Tarious reasons were tten for the resolution to which Mr. B. has come. Among other reasons alleg ed was that of the influenoe of a re viral of religion, just now going on in Newark. But Mr. Boppe says his action is not the result of religions excitement, but' of eoarietion ot duty, Three years since he stopped drinking beer or any other liquor. and reflection has convinced that if lager was hurtful for him it was hurtful for others, and he ought not to make it, and so be has stop ped and he will make no more nor .am. mm m. allow tue Duucung to De used for a brewery. ; ' The tyrannical Legislature of Maryland is again seeking to inter fere with the sacred rights of its citizens. A bill has just been in troduced to "prevent the carrying of weapons while attending places of divine worship!" "There is a point," "ays the perennial Toombs, "at which patriotic freemen will turn upon their oppressors." When the innocent shot gun and the cheerful revolver are forbidden in the churehes of , Maryland, we should say that point bad been reached. General Ewing has changed Iiis mind. He wanted to abandon the uemocraue organization last year and lorm a new party. Now he says that "it would be folly for the Democratic party to surrender the field when it is flushed with victory XI M 1.1 1 . a -,. . lii turee ui wo greatest DUtteS) in the Union." A. P. Lynch, of ShelbyviHe, has been appointed national bankezami ner. THE IATI0NAtc6BANGE.A A Beelaratla af tke Farpeeea af a I,, fatraaa mf Ilaakaadry. . , I The National Grange, at its recent session at St. Louis, ,unanimoasly adopted the following platform a 4 the principles and aims of-, the organiia- .. ' -' 1 . "'I ...Ii Profoundly impressed with the truth that the National Grange of the Uni ted States should definitely proclaim to the worki iU, general objects, we hereby unanimously make this declar ation of the purposes of the Patrons of Husbandry.'-1 "''-'f . ; First United by the strong and faithful tie of agrioulture, we mutual ly resolve to labor for the good of our order, and country, and mankind.'- - Second- We heartily ' endorse the motto, "In essentials, unity; iq non essentials, liberty; in all things, char j ,ty. .. .. Third We shall endeavor to' ad vance our cause by laboring to accom plish the following objects; To devel op a better and higher manhood and womanhood among ourselves; to en hance the comforts and attractions of our hemes, and strengthen our attach ments to our pursuits; to toster mutu al understanding and co-operation; to stimulate each other to labor to has- rdssa wla a evjuwl fiaia Amins' sa vrxA na wau mmw a wv vi ann-v vviuiu. ww svuw.vv our expenses both individual and co operative; to buy less and produce .. : n . to more in oraer to mane our larms sen sustaining; to diversify our crops, and crop no more than we can cultivate; to condense the weight of our exports, selling less in the bushel and more on hoof and neeee; to systematize our work and . calculate intelligently , on probabilities; to discountance . the credit system, the mortgage system. the fashion system, and every other system tending to prodigality and bankruptcy. We propose meeting to gether, talking together, working to gether, buying' together, selling to gether, and, in general, acting togeth er for our mutual protection and the advancement the association may re quire. We shall avoid litigation as much as possible by arbitration ia the Grange.- We shall constantly strive to secure entire harmony,' good will, and vital brotherhood among our selves, and to make our order perpet ual. ' We shall earnestly endeavor to suppress personal, local, sectional, and nauouai prejuurees, an unneauny ri valry, all selfish ambition. Faithful adherence to these principles will in sure our mental, moral, social, and material advsncement. . ' Fourth Our , business interests. Wo desire to bring producers and con sumers, and manfacturers, into the most direct and friendly relations pos sible. Henee we must dispense with a surpmlus of middle men not that we are unfriendly to them, but we do not need them, lheir surplus and their exactions diminish our profits. Wewaveawaerressive warfare against any ether interests whatever. On the contrary, all our acts and all 'our ef- rorts. so iar as Business is ovnuerneu. are not only fer the benefit of produ cers aad consumers, out also tor all other interests that tend to bring these two narties into speedy and economi eal contact. ' Hence we hold that transportation ' companies of every kind are necessary to our success; that their interests are intimately connec ted with our interests, and harmoni ous action is mutually advantageous Keeping in view the first sentence in our declaration of principles of ac tioo, that individual happiness de pends upon general nrosnerity. we shall therefore 1 advocate for everv State, the increase in every practica ble, way of all laci lities for transport ing cheaply to the seaboard, or be tween home producers and comsu- mers. all productions of our country We adopt it as onr fixed purpose to open out the channels in nature's mmw . w great arteries, that the life blood of commerce may flow freely. We are not enemies of railroads, navigable and irrigating canals, nor of any cor porations that will advance our inter ests, cor of any laboring classes. In oar noble order there is no commun ism and no agrarianism; We are op posed to such spirit and management of any corporation or ' enterprise as tends to oppress the dcodIc and rob them of their just profits. We are not enemies to capital, but we oppose the tyranny of monopolies. We long to see the antagonism between capital and labor removed by 'common con sent and by an enlightened statesman ship worthy of the nineteenth century. We are opposed to excessive salaries, high rates of interests, and exorbitant percentage of profits in trade, as they greatly increase our burdens and do not bear a proper proportion to the profits of the producers. We desire only self-protection and the protection of every true interest offered by legiti mate trade, and legitimate transac tions, and legitimate profits. We shall advance the cause of education among ourselves and our children by all just TTT - means wnuin our power, ty e especi ally advocate for our agricultural and industrial colleges, that Dractical seri culture, domestic seience and all the arts wnicn aaorn tne nome be taught in tneir course of study. Fifth We emDhaticallv and sin cerely assert the oft-repeated truth in our organic law that the Grange National, State, or subordinate, is not at rAl.r.ns1 ap rnirr Atmiii,a-ntiAn T sn vii-.ivs.i v ynnj vi scsiii .aviVIU. AW f Grange, if true to its obligations, can aiscuss poiiucai conventions, nor nominate candidates, nor even discuss their merits in its meetings; yet the principles we teach underlie all true politics, all true statesmanship, aad if roperly carried out will tend to puri y the whole political atmosphere of our country, lor we seek the greatest good to tne greatest number. Hut we must always bear it in mind that no one by becoming a grange member gives up that inalien able right and duty which belongs to every American citisen to take a pro per interest in the politics of his coun try. ; On the contrary, it is right for every member to do all in his power legitimately to influence for good the action of any political party to which he belongs: it is his duty to do all he can in his own party to put down bri bery, corruption, and tricken ; to see that none but competent, faithful, and honest men, who will unflinchingly stand by our industrial interests, are nominated for all positions of trust; and to have carried out the principles which should always characterize every grange member, that the office should seek the man, and not the man the office.' We acknowledge the broad principle that difference of opinion ia' not crime, and hold that progress to-' ward truth is made by differences of opinion, ' while the fault lies in the ' bitterness of controversy. We desire.' a proper equality, equity, and fairness; propcction ot the weak restraint up on the strong; in short, justly distribu-. ted burdens - and juBtly distributed power. These are American; ideas,; the essence of American independence,: and to advocate the contrary is un worthy of the sons and daughters of, an American republic. We cherish the belief that sectionalism is, and ot, right should be, dead and hurried with the past. Our work is for the present' and the future. In our ajrrieuitural brotherhood and its purposes we shall recognise no North, , bo South, no East no West. If is reserved by,' every patron, as his right as a free-" man, to affiliate with any party that ' Will best carry out his principles. ''-'" Sixth Ours being peculiarly farmer's institution, we can not admit all to our ranks. Many are excluded t by the nature of our organisation, not. because they are professional men, or artisans or laborers, but because they have not a sufficiently direct interest in tilling or pasturing the soil, or may, have some interest in conflict with our purposes; but we appeal to all good citizens for their cordial co-operation to assist us in our ettorts toward re form, that we may eventually remove from our midst the last vestage of ty ranny and corruption. We nail the general desire for fraternal harmony,': equitable compromise, and earnest co- operation as aa omen ot our luture success. ' ' " - ' Seventh It shall be an abiding nrincinle with us to relieve any of our oppressed and suffering .brotherhood; by any means at our command. .Last, but not least, we proclaim it among our purposes to inculcate a proper appreciation ot the abilities aad sphere of woman, as is indicated by admitting her to membership and position in or order. Imploring the coptinued assistance of : our Divine Master to guide us ia our work, we here pledge ourselves to faithful and harmonious labor for all future time to return, bv our united efforts, to the wisdom, justice, fraternity,' and politi cal purity of our forefathers. A memorial to the Patrons ot Hus bandry in the cotton States was also ? resented and unanimously adopted, t is an argument in favor of mixed husbandry in the South, instead of expending the energies of the people in raising a single crop. FROM MILTON. Mr. Reive: The Hooeier Drill Company is slowly but steadily in creasing its working force every week. Jesse P. Fulghum is erecting a nice residence on the corner of Seminary and West River streets. - C. P. Reeves has sold the house he built last fall, with the lot oq which it stands, to W. H. Moore, who intends making it his residence. Reeves has gone into the paper mill. . Harmon Armstrong has sold his in terest in the grocery store of Frazeo fc Armstrong, to J. H. Frarzec. Har mon has resumed his old position in the Hoosier Drill Company. , Frank. Jones and Hen. Grcsh have sold their stock of groceries to Nudd &, Booth, who will continue the busi ness at the same corner. The invoice amounted to over four thousand dol lars...:. - r - .. . . Frank, talks of becoming a farmer, on the prairies of Iowa, and Hen. has the same business in view here and when we hear these ex-grocery keep ers telling old gray-headed farmers that a good crop of corn can be raised by only plowing it once, and that an average crop ot wheat can be pro duced from the stubbles of the prece ding one, and that the best bacon is made from , hogs , fatted on beech nuts, it looks as though they meant business, and that our fanners are wasting a large amount of hard labor every year, lioys, it your theory should fail the'first year, why do not be discouraged, but try again. The young men here have organi zed a literary scciety, the members of which are known as Knights of the Golden Age. The exercises consist of debates, lectures, essays, criticisms,' etc. The society meets weekly in Da vis Hall. The students in Prof. Gus tin's school have formed a similar one, tbe members of which are called J unior Knights. Such societies are not only productive of present enjoy ments and benefits, but their good ef fects will be felt and seen in all after life. ' . Milton can boast a population of one thousand inhabitants, with an ex cellent school building that will ac ; commodate 500 students, one machine shop, with a capacity for working over 100 hands; one foundery, one woolen mill, one paper milL, one flour mill, one cooper shop, one tin and stove store, one hotel, one furniture store; one harness shop, one broom factory, two railroads, two livery -stables, two saw mills, two carriage and wagon ma king shops, two meat shops, two cloth ing Btores, two drug stores, three blacksmith shops, three hat stores, three dry goods stores, four churches, 4 shoe shops, 4 grocery stores, six boot and shoe stores, with a supply of good mechanics for all the trades and occu pations of life, with lawyers and doc tors enough to administer law and preserve health, but no place, where, either for love or money, any one can get intoxicating liquors by the drinks. A leading citizen, near this place, who is taking a part in the farmers' movement, reports that he was inter viewed a few days ago by one of our prominent town citizens as to whether the granges could not be induced to establish coffee bouse.? in connection with their other, stores,' and reduce' the price of whisky from , fen to five, cents a glass... j Our , fellow townmen. being a practical temperance man, the question at . once arose among his friends, what are his motives for thus seeming to favor the Bale and . use of intoxicating liquors- Further inquiry has disclosed the fact that he believes the present fanners' movements ruin ous humbug, and yet the infatuation is so strong, that without the use of some strategy,' the ; farmers will all rush headlong to destruction. At the same time he is a devout believer in the efficacy of singing and prayer, and thinks that if -the granges . will only engage in the traffic of ardent spirits, they will Boon lock horns i with the "women's movement," t and . then farewell to griagems' 'ri.i&tZ'i Another fight is reported this week from Lannisburg, (a name given the south-eastern suburbs of town) the parties to or the particulars of which, are not yet fully kndwn. Family fueds have created two hostile factions in that district, ("5th ward,) each of which has its leader who often meet in fierce conflict. A note worthy fea ture in the matter, is that these lead ers belong to opposite sexes, with headquarters near each other. Some days ago while the big male chief, be ing the same who commanded the enemy in its attack upon the Hydrau lic flouring mills, in the late goose war, was going his rounds,' giving or ders to his subordinates, was sudden ly surprised by his antagonists emcr ging from behind some outer works, and bending over, pointed at him a 64-pounder, heavily loaded-. He bare ly had time to retreat into his own citadel, before his' ears were saluted with a fearful dischargo of terrible epithets, slugs, old iron, brick bats, etc. He says the report wss deafening. accompained with a : disagreeable, sulphurous smell; otherwise he escap ed uninjured. - We call upon our town authorities to adopt vigorous measures at once to preserve order and conquor a peace in that locality. On to Lannisburg! Liquor Dealer in Treaale. the liquor venders may well say that misfortunes never come singly. The Dcrtinacity of the women s tern perance crusade, with prayer book and hymns for their arms, is not the only trouble that menaces the saloon keetoers. r rom an article in the 11 ii nois Staats Zeitung, it . appears that the brewers have resolved to raise the price of beer $2 per barrel, which means ruin to many of the smaller establishments. The indignation which this news has excited among the laser beer providers is lndesoriba ble, and eager are the consultations held to consider how best to meet the impending blow. They denounce the raise as an extortion on the part of the brewers, and talk ot importing tneir ueer iruiu auruau. ouuuiu me worst come to the worst, "mine hosts propose to reduce the size of the glasses, in accordance with the times. and saueeze eight lagers out ot quart in stead of six that are dis penscd now. In view of such a con tingency. it is proposed to have sufficient stock of new glasses ordered from a Pittsburg manufactory .-Inter- Ocean. - : - ; . The Meaty-Order The money-order system is one great feature of the post office serv ice. Last year it issued $60,000, 000 worth of orders During the panic it made itself more popular than ever by its ability to transfer money, and during the holidays the foreign element of the country availed itself of its benefits by transmitting in tho aggregate a very largo sum of money as pres ents to friends in the Old World. Disbursing officers of the Govern ment departments, in paying bount ies, pensions, ac, to colored sol diers, have experienced difficulty in getting money to those who reside in out-of the way localities, and on this account they have adopted the money order system as a medium of transmittincr the money, the Postmaster acting as paymaster, and having the necessary circulars sent him, to which he secures the signatures of the party to whom the money is paid, and thus renders his identity certain. In Paul's time he told the Christ i iana to greet each other withaiioly kiss. We are glad the custom has been dropped, for there are many good people who would not want to kiss us, as we would not want to kiss them. Very attractive persons would find the supply greater than the demand. But let us have substitute suited to our age and land. Let it be good, hearty, en thusiastic Christian hand ahaking. -Christian at Work. Sweeping distrust of religions i professions, a benignant heart re pels as one of the most acrid of moral poisons. No other men are I judged by the world with such malevolent severity as that which is meted out to . professed Pious men. No other nicknames express such malign satire as those with i which the world has branded re ligious sects. Even men who as pire to better things often lend their sympathy by silence to a mor dant antipathy to men of devout ways. ; The Republican partv. dnrincr the last few months, has criven most unmistakable evidence of a willing ness to oorreot its own errors, of a determination to purify ito own ranks, and a fixed purpose to reform existing abuses. ; FROM FORT WAYNE. , - '.r.'wo Mb;' 14th. 1874. ;rj Editob Palladium: Tho three meetings held at Huntington, were very large.' - 'The 1 people there are' eeply interested in Temperance, but there appears to be a lack of earnest, nergetie men, to take the lead and direct the proper and thorough agita tion of the cause. Without organiza tion, and incessant agitation, the work- cannot be successful. In this county. as in others, I found that the temper ance law had, lessened the number of. grogshops .and intemperance very. much. . The improvement was great up to th time that the Supreme Court ' pron4etjhe 9th clause tJN-consti-. tstftnl. CiSethen, intemperance . has largely increased here, and in a ettcr just received from a correspond- cnt at Wabash, he . says: "Matters were going on successfully here, until the 9th section was pronounced un constitutional; but since then, the sa- oon keepers seem to have taken new courage, lhey have become , bold, and now we can see men reeling druuk in the streets." Such is the effect of that decision.' I have just been read-, inr over again the written decision of , the majority and minority judges. . I have endeavored to do so without bias; yet,' after, all, candor compels me to say, that according to the best of my judgment, the minority report: has tbe better both of the argument and the authorities; but of course, as three out of the five hold the clause to be unconstitutional, the presumption is, as Judge Buskirk said at Blooia- ington, that the majority are right. We cannot, however, conceal the sad fact, that this decision is proving most disastrous to the interest and morals of the people. All over the State we see the destructive effects of that decision. Sincerely do we hope then, that the next legislature will pass a bill that will reinstate that clause; and here I will snggest, that whoever should draw such a bill, let him be sure to consult the best jurists of the State, so as to be certain to have it so framed, that it will stand the test of the Supreme Court. Huntington is a thriving town of about 4000 inhabitants. , Here is the headquarters of Colonel Bryant's Stave Works the largest in the State. On the 9th we held a meeting at Roanoke; and on the 10th at Antioch,' ' both in Huntington county. The meetings were large and very enthusi astic ; 'committees, composed of the best men in the community were ap pointed at each place, to carry for ward the work of organization and agitation. The country towns are far ahead of the county seats on this ques tion of. temperance. If our State should be redeemed from the cursed influence of whisky, it will have to be brought about very largely, by the moral sentiment of the rural districts and small towns. On the 11th, 12th, and 13th, I lec tured at Fort Wayne to immense, and very appreciative audiences. Here I was pleasantly disappointed. ' Before eame, I had learned that Fort Wayne was given over -body and soul to whisky and lager, and that there was scarcely a person in town in favor of temperance; I was therefore pre pared to meet slim and indifferent au diences. Judge my surprise when I entered the largest public Hall in1 town,' to find it thoroughly packed with people who listened with, the deepest interest. During my sojourn, here, I found that there are some very earnest temperance people, but the liquor traffic has such an immense ascendancy, as apparently to override the temperance sentiment of the city. The few noble workers here deserve a great deal of sympathy and support for they are battling against great odds. I sincerely hope that they will feel encouraged to work on, although the task sometimes may . seem hopeless truth and right ; must ultimately prevail.'-; Among the noble band of true temperance men. I met George Frye, John Hough; Jesse T. Williams, Friend MeNiee, Ministers Meek, Waffal, and several others,' and also Alexander, the noble and talented editor of the "Fort Wayne Gazette;" his whole heart is in the temperance cause aad the wonan's suffrage move ment. The Gazette is one of the very best daily papers published in the State, and is doing a grand work for the cause of humanity and civiliza tion. It - deserves the active support of every person who is in favor of pro gress and morality. . Fort Wayne contains a population of 25,000; except Indianapolis, it is the greatest railroad centre .in the State.;.' Here are large railroad ma chine shops, and other manufactories, which give employment to a large number of mechanics. But the great drawback to the wellbeing of this city is the immense trafic in whisky and labor. Half a million dollars annual ly are spent here in that way. To say nothing about the demoralizing influ ence to society resulting fromChis traffic in whisky, the blight it is to the industrial progress of the city, is very great. According- to the best writers on political economy, labor is the base of real wealth to all commu nities. Then, to make this half mil lion of drink there has to be paid fifty thousand dollars for labor; whereas, were the people to spend their half I million dollars in clothing, furniture, books, etc., there would . have ' to be paid three hundred thousand dollar) for labor ; six times - as much as for labor to make the whisky. : What a difference would this be to the Indus trial resources of the city !!; I proceed 1 ntxt to Whitley county. , f W. B. BEATRICE DE' CENCLi , nY ISABEL BLAI&. :,J ! II. 'In the picture gallery of the Bar beriui Palaces at Rome, hangs a por trait of a young Roman girl, painted by Guido. . It is a beautiful .but mel ancholy face, whose "south look of sweet, sorrowful eyes" and "touch of prison paleness," reproduced in chrome-, arev smv. frequently seen, ia .parlor, and shop wiadowr Tor of aU theism bus paint!ag M Rome. Bene is better known or more copied than this. It derives peculiar interest from the his tory of her whose features it is said to renrese.nk.. . '. ;.' i- Francesco Cenci, the head of one of the oldest and wealthiest families ot Rome, was a man of violent temper, and, in his household, ; intolerably cruel. Two of his sons were assassin ated at his instigation. At length, unable longer to endure his cruelties and tyranny, his family appealed to the Pope, Clement VII I, for protec tion. I he petitions miscarried, and ; remained, ot course, unanswered. - I On the night of the 15th of-Septem-i ber, 1598, Francesco was murdered. He was found with an enormous nail i driven into each of his eyes, a mode of assassination which indicated that at least two persons were engaged in the work. One of them was finally .captured, - and upon examination, charged the wife, a son. and the daush- 1 ter, Beatrice, with having . prompted i to the deed. They . had, he testified, put tbe victim to Bleep by administer mg a narcotic draught, and then had introduced himself- and his ; accoui plioe into Francesco's chamber. They : were arrested and imprisoned in the Castle of St. Angela, where they were. from tine to time, as was the practice during the middle ages, subjected to the tortures of the rack to force them to confess to the crime. As was fre ouently the case with the accused. whether guilty or not. preferring death to this lingering agony, the mother and brother made confession. But for nearly a year Beatriee continued firm in her declarations of innocence. At last a new method of torture was devised, to inflict which would make it necessary to cut off her hair, which is described ss being "the most silken, the longest, the most marvelous in color ever seen." At this she turned pale. ' "Touch not my head," she cried. "Let me die without mutila tion !" And to save her tresses, she .too yielded. .. .: , UeiHbcauty. the belief in her inno cence, the courage and firmness she had shown, had won the sympathy and compassion ot tbe wholo ltoman populace, and the Pope .was besieged with netitions to grant her pardon. This he was nearly persuaded to do when at the trial her cause was most eloauentlv pleaded by the counsel ap pointed for the defense, and it was shown how probably a man so gener ally disliked and dreaded as ranees co, should have had enemies outside bis own household to plot against his life. Other murders ot similar char acter occurring about this time, how ever, induced him to refuse pardon, and it is thought his decision was ia flueneed by the considerations that in the event of their condemnation the property of the prisoners would come into the possession . of the church. They were therefore publicly execu ted on the piazza of the bridge of St. Angelo. September . 9th, 1599. All the windows, roofs and balconies in the vicinity were filled with people as sembled to witness the scene, so great was the interest felt for the beautiful voung heroine, h r . f-c i The portrait by Guido is said to have been painted iust before her ex ecution, and during her confinement in the prison, iter story has lurnisbi ed food for many a romance, and has often been represented upon the stage. She Is still generally supposed to have . been innocent of connection with the 1 crime, and for every one recalling this passage ot history, the picture nas a strango fascination. . Icary Ward Beeeher on Bead lag-. To the question: - What shall we ! read? it is impossible to return a very detinue answer. It depends : upon what things are within your reach on your health, your ; education, your occupation. To keep up with the world's current events every one should read one or more good news papers. A good family ; journal, if within reach, should be carefully read. History, biography, and travels should of course be s part of every one s reading. J3ut in this articl n this article, we do not so much wish elasnee of werke to be some suggestions as to method. JSiverv man should. strive to own a good, full dictionary, a good general ..l.n am ..avaIaiuuIi. : ..nil fmAil gazetteer, r These should be owned, if possible, at once; otherwise, let one save money by every means, and pro cure them as fast as possible. If one has fair wages, and has the courage to live within his means, and to save every month, then let him run in debt for them. - - - ., .-. s . - A good debt is often like an anchor, and holds sn honest man steady. It will help an honest man to save, if he has right before his eyes the end to be gained, and much money will be thus invested which might otherwise run down one's throat, or be fooled away ia trivial sums. But these books are foundation books, and ought to be within reach. -, To borrow them . is much like borrowing a candle, a tea cup, or a bed. They are things which every man should have as near to him as a mechanic has his tools. Now, with this stock in trade, come some suggestions about reading. Nev er read anything without going over it afterward in vour mind, to see if vou can stats to yourself the substance of what you have read it would be well, when it can be done, to repeat to some one the information which you obtain. It will tend to fix attention1 while reading, will prevent that smooth, dreamy way of eliding ever subjects with a vague, general impression only. Never suffer a word to pass, the meaning of which is not clear to you. No? Attar how often yowt have! to . ce I tight to the diotjoaarv, aad i find out the history of the worldY Del not ask your neighbor, i- By looking it . up yourself, your attention will ;ber specially directed to it, so that yow will not be likely to forget it. i- In this way one a vocabulary will be laereased r with wonderful rapidity; i A '. word onos conauered becomes ever - after; your faithful servant, cr a , .h ls h ,-i.d Do not pass by a name ot a place; without finding out about it in your gazetteer or biographical dictionary-; which, by ahd by. should, be added to ; the list of fundamental books, i Go toi the atlas for every geogrsohical faeta Read with you , map open when you are upon Bwiorieai suDjecuij , abhoci-w ate vour knowledge with the taoorrm -, phy of the eountry to which it beuiigsu ; :-Uo not spare trouble. ) JJe notbej too lazy to take - down your : feat, and 1 stretch out tour arm . for the book of rcttestee. l After a short experience or sack tovoca- reaiLng ona s seUV retrpeet Still be acr msci and he will. experience so-, much pleasure in .this course that; he will need no exhorts tiOSfet 'l-i.Hi; irte'.4 I t .f Often plain men, who read to them selves, ate very faulty in their pro nunciation. ' Therefore, as much tas you can, read aloud, and go to your dictionary and gazetteer whenever a new, doubtful, or difficult word comes before you. . .,..; "... ' m m ANECDOTAL FRAGMENTS ; ' -s tf 'ss-.! i. OF, Hleiarjr Bsr. rKAUQUBATION DAT.; 4 The selection of ? the fourth of March as the day for the beginnia of the Presidential term, seems to1 have been .the' result of accident. The old ..Continental Congress, wueu we rauucauun .oi. uie new , Constitution by the necessary nunr 1 ' 11. ' 1 - ' 1 A , V ber of Stales had been ascertained. passed a resolution, September 18, 1788, appointing the first Wednes- ' .1 Ik. 1 T-....' 1U. uajr uiti uvu -tiuuuai jf iui , Mia choice of the Presidential Electors, the first . Wednesday of . February fori the election of . President and Vice - President, - and : the first Wednesday of March as the time for the organization of the new, Government. ' .'The first Wednesday' of . March happened to be,, ia the, ! year 1789, the fourth of March, and ? j aa the Administration which began on that day - was limited to four ; years by the Constitution, the next and all succeeding Administrations ' have begun on this . day of thf month.,1J;,..lf,:;-;f,;,; j.- ;;;!' THE BATTLE HTKB OF THE BEPCBLIC. - 1 "The Battle Hy mn of theRepub ! lie" was .. composed at the besrinincr . of the war ) by, Mrs Julia Ward : Howe, of Boston. . '. While she was . writing, without realizing it, her eon! took up the measure of the "John Brown" chorus, and to that tone the nation has been singing it ' It had seldom been' sung to that,; tune before that eventful morning of the 6th of July, 1863, when the news of Gettysburg lifted the de-' spondent hearts of the prisoners in ' Libby from utter despair to a do- Li'- - ...i- -..! boon afterward it was sunor in. the hall of the House of Represent atives, Mr: Lincoln joining in the i chorousand calling for its repm-'1 tion, remarking-''that it was the : finest hymn he ever heard. ; Emi nent musical composers havo tried ' to rescue, it from its .connection i with the "John Brown" chorus by i setting it to finer music, but they : have never succeeded. They can-1 not bury it ' One cannot help wish- ing that a pen so powerful as ' Mrs. 1 Howe's might I be more prolific. She seldom .writes for the public. eye, but when she does ner words are graven in tho memory of - the I nauon -as wun an iron pen. and with lead in the rock, forever.' J v! ' METHODISM IN TBE WEST. - They tell an incident of Dr. Eddy. ' At- TJ "if A Af it i m.T a a " wie. Xituior oi .tue nortnwestern Christin Advocate, a religious news paper of the Methodist persuasion, which shows the rapid growth of the west and of the church he rep resents. . Going but from Chica&ro on one of ' the principal railroads, ; in company witn' another divine, aa . uni warn appruavuvu uie nrsa pirn ; tion ne was asked by his companion the name of the place they , were approaching.' The Doctor gave it, and remarked casually, that he had "once dedicated a church there.' a- fjy np to the nextstation,' avriuou ttumy aisu, K&u SUCieu inat he had "once . dedicated a church there." ' At length when the train had stopped at the sixth station. tbe aecom panying divine straight. ened in bus seat and asked : ; "Well, Doctor did yon ever dedi eate a church here?" . . . . ; J . , "Here." the Doctor replied, with a twinkle in bis ' rninisterial eye, "Here? O yes, I dedicated ' two churches here?" " " ' 'v ' " His amazed companion concluded to keep silent at the next station; so it was passed without question. But coming to the next point he could not restrain his curiosity, bat said: ;; -f-" -; "Well Doctor, how about dedi cating ehnrch . here?" i.tT . W a a. -a was invitea to aedioate a. a t l w enures nere, . repnea tne AJOCtor, "but could not oome, because that day I had an engagement to - dedi cate a church at the station we just One day Henry CUv. who had arrived in Frederick, Maryland, by stage eoacn. rrom Wheeling, Tttet lteverdy. jonnson, ;who' xnarrii Mary Bowie, a cousin of ( Jamea Bowie, inventev of the Bowie kxute,i .1 I 'T -.-i -.15 "ltererdy," he said, "I have just had aft' etttaesdlaary o acquamtarico bacsrnetaat Cuaaberland. A man goihsif my, seat in the, stage coach lilUe. .xnotty. frecUed. check- boned fellpw and on the next srat were a man and bis wife, . on iLe third seat a couple of big men.'' ; TTe had no' sooner started ecd got dear of Cumberland than one' 'of. the big men on the forward scat lif i eiffar. : Be '.puffed and pciTt'l,. siii m a nrae wave, me stage ccaco was fuB ef 'strong' fumes, and h?J hromav ge leiy sick. r She nsked ber husband to nose the window,' and, atBl mVmMUbtaa the Fiiioke, ' told ihtma!x4 iawt lean , upon' bis over- ar.d Mv .maoSA4 . Please dp nptsniiadsv. v j. . 'The tag mai smoked tike a blat ' chimney, paytzj -se need wnatcrcr. Thewoinan ijrewlaiAter and couch ed. My blood ,-wat foiling, but I knew the big soon could double me up and throw me out of tho window, j "Suddenly the little being at iny side, leand forward, pulled a bouo knife .out of bis 'coat collar, and said to the smoking giant : : . am Jeemes Bwwie. Throw away that cigar, or III split you into half apples 1 " f ; ' ' : ' 4The man," eonehidcd Mr. Clay, "dropped the cigar like an antoBia--ton, and we bad-set a w&rd spoken for tliuty noles. ' ! -T, i DSL CAKB W BOXHOOD. . ; ! , ! .vVhen he was ten years old, four or five neighboring beys, all bigger than himself, who had climed upon' I the roof of a baiek" building in his ' father's yard, were amusing tbciu selves by shooting putty waits fror i blow , guns at the girls below. , lEIisha, attracted to the spot by the rdtcry of - the injured party, promptly undertook the defence, : and in too firnrtope of. a young gentleman offended, required tlic m to desist and leave the premises ; which, of cource, was instantly cn Sweredby a broadside leveled at himself.1 Fired at' the ntragc,1''b'e clutched the' Tain 'spout, climbed; ike aTonng tiger! to tbe roof, and; was among them before they could realize the practicability of tho feat-, j and: then he had them on terms even enough for a handsome Battle ment of tbe case. .' The roof .wss steep and danger- . pus to his cowed: 'antagonists, , but. safe to bis better . balanco and higher , courage, and they were at hisi'tnercyi for net one could help' another; and' he was more than a jnatch for the best oi them, in o position f where peril of a terrible ' tumble was among the risks of re- a -en aa C J a tustanee. i f oruiwitn, ne went at them seriatim, ifll severally and singly ; he had cuffed them to the full . measure of . their respective deservings. ; But not satisfied with : inflicting punishment, he exacted penitence also, and he proceeded, to drag each of them in turn to thq edge "of . the roof, and holding him there,1 demanded an explicit apology- y ' llore. ho .Jiad finiBbed pultiEtr the whole, -party through this . last form pf purgation, little Tom, who had n witnessed. .tho' .performance from pie' ' pavement below, greatly , terrified lat 'the imminent risk of a falll1 which1; .would have brokena peck or two, , niayhap,' called out UCohie down, Elisha! Oh, Elislia, fcbmedowilF''' Elisha "; ansfcrcd in the spirit oi the engagttnent. ' fNo, Tom, they ain't done apoli gizing yeL" Elders Biography of -Kane, - tbe Arctic Explorer. , . , OBEKH OOBM DANCE OF THE SESECAS. The annual trreen corn feast of ' the Seneca nation, of Indians has ', been kept up from time immemo- riaL The following description of : the Green Corn Dance will be found interesting: J ;uo o I , .- 7 The men and women form a cir- cle, in the middle of which , tho ' musicians are seated. . The musical ' instruments generally consist of at small keg in modern times oyster kegs have been made available, for the purpose minus one head with a: woodohack skin stretched ovei the open end, and a small turtle : shell witli a handle attached, and a; woodchuck skin extending from edge to edcre on the concave side. I The former being a sort of a drum, j tnamped wsw aia6io oHci, ana : dried peas are"' pat in it to give; the latter a ratling sound. -''', 1 The musie moves sloly at first,1, and the dancers only walk. Pres-; ently the measure, grows more live lyi and the Indians begin to dance, alternatively hopping twice upon one foot an&V swinging from side to Bide, while' the . women, all facing outward, manage by moving their toes outward and inward, to move around in the revolving circle with- out lifting their feet from tbe floor. V Faster and faster goes the music, .' and .more !- and f more - vigorously move j the dancera, the warriors , leading and whirling to and fro, ; flinging their arms about, and per- -, forming each, bodily contortions -and convulsive ierka as would seem ' impracticable to any one else, while the women ever looking demurely .' to the floor, with their arms hang ing mdtacmleeS by their sides, still r guuo oowira, as u oorne aiong oj some means independent of their ' . t f ' . . . ' j a ' a a . ova powers oi locomotion, ai last, when ? ihe dameissr has become as . lively as possible, and even Indian nerves and . muscles are jaded , by intense action, at a given signal all stop . suddenly, when the warriors loin in a series of whoops and yells hideous enough,, almost, to curdle , Iff Mood of ca alligator.