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THE PALLADIUM. " p'uBLiwren TT WH)XIDAT Br j B'. W. DAVIS. f j ' TEIM. his monH j raw months 40 . i.l led I rum I . ukuo - m. 4KI Ni 'WlrkylneuJZ at 73 a. in. f i lillro-a. p. . 4J,J?1 lm U olumbu k J rn and Vntral Htates, eloaes mi (: 2ji2f?..- V l I-yton and Xeui. Hall-. ' '(vail, eloaes Has a. '. uiKVil WWT-1. Inelu.lin fn.Ilanaioli - f. j!. same . aliove, closes 7.. p. MM - ' ; To WrU-U-r, Williamsburg ami B''"'" iiort, on Tues-lay, Thursday and Halur- To Vom'm Mills, White Water Bethel and A r T baTon Monday, Wednesday and i riday . at law m. To Ablngton, f Hfton "fS" MU- uay and Friday, at aw a.m. n.m ischvmli, Goodwin's CSoraer. , SStfTilSS-Tuesday and Friday, at U-JU u. MAILH ARE OPN ' " ) At 8 ." Indianapolis and LlBCiii-Al'ir-rCln.lawU. way and At 4?V! in.' f Ka-t ''ST&T. i IVc. 1 171. .. , ,. H ,W. imaih. r. M. MA1LMOAP THt-TABHi. piMebara. PAS-HANDLE ROUTE. . , CUSUFJKKIl TIME AD.-COMJ AM I!T l.lANAroMM WV1SION SOV.dO. 171. auxu whit. ; No. 10 IMtfiburK.. Columbus Mi;ird... I rljHiia.... fliua w Brad J n ii.. Oreenv'le. Klclim 'd.. Caiabrl'ite KbIkIiIxu lnlla'ilis. if:l plu 12HIU II 't 1:11 am.' lrl am 8:12 am: 3: Hi am; 4:Joam I l:.jnam liiruoaiii 7i"miii 3:4pin 4:4."pm 6r2iipm :lWpin H:llil 7:12pm H:lHpni H:."pm t:lJim 6:1(1 pin ri7 pm 7:211 pm :.' pm ll:l." pm Mm. li:imtiu I'J:llpui ! l:2Vpiu 2J0pm I 3:ipm 4:lxpm fWMililih o:2ti am am 6:.H am 8:2- am ii:i am li:i2 am 124KI pm l::n pin I :.tupm' U:lipm tSu. 1 No. S. No. 5. I No. 7. IndU'pU.1 4:'i0ain KniKl:'J'n 5:Waiii 7HI M:!U tt-.2l pm pm 9:.Vam UMiaiii l:.V,pin :Uipin :l2pm pm ll:4."am Klclini ii'l 7:lim iro IWm'li!.: Nr'Haml N. pm 12:2pm 7:l'pm ::ll wiiii H:2piil ilradjuu- H:.'4am 7i Fliiaa ....-! :17 am 7:27 Urbuiia 10:loam H:W Mllford.... 111:50am :40 .luinni ll.' am am am am 2:llpui 8:4'ipiu 2:2pni' :l:pn 11:52pm 10:11pm 4:4pm 10:.Vtpm tl.iiopm 1. Ml. r T - l I am tlttHlurK.. 7:l!pm- T.. I L un.l 7 rtiti TIilII All other truiim ' liilly.expt'Handay. Blrhmad ami C'hlrao Nov. K HMNO MOKTH, No. it No. I No. 10. t'lnelnuat. Kklaiuoiul 7:'tiiam : Ilk. HI a. 7l pin lii:lo pm 10ui2 pn 11:21 via 1 1 Kin-mt li. ...... il:Wiii illAlamj Nn'ailln ....... Aiiilnin.i.. KuiioiM...2n biKaiiMptJ... vwn t. CalaK I...... I71UBW 12:1 n am J 4l pllll l:.v am 8:10 am :?o am Xrooaiu feoo pm GOltKt SOUTH. ' -'" , No. I. j No. 3. ) Cldcaxo. I 7i0pni S:J0am Crown Pt.. :4o pm UHH mil ..! .. LovauHp't. 12:45 aiu Mt pmL ( Kukomo...: 2Mim 2:20 pill j... .. AudnionJ 3:42 am 4:11 pm NwChcIm( 4::Mam fX pm . HiuK'nil'n.l &)tuu ft:J piuj..... ............ Kii-hiiKiiid ":.) in H:lo pni!............ ...... tluoiunat.) aw am Ifcio pm!-.. ..i . . No. 10 teaveai Hlrhmond daily. No 1 leave Chicago aally. All other traiua run dally, zuept Huntlay. , Little Xiaaal llvlaln. . ,- Nov. 30, 1X74. OolNO WEST. ' No. t. No. 4. No. 6. I No. 10. PitMhurK litva June Col u m b 'a temlou. -Ciiiciuatl Xrnla ..... lvton.. KiHimM.. Iad'potia.1 2ilm .... l:."ii)ami M i 7-A'lMim 7:.riOam 1:2 pm 3: hi pm 4:4pra 6:i5 pm :X7 pm M.-00 pm 6:4o pm :46pia 12Mn't. sMiiuii lOKinami l.iiam ikooani u.twaini 2:2oaiu 1:1mm 12:13 pmi &4amj Hr.ttami 1:2-1 pmi Waul lih'WtiiK 2:.Vlpni . . 7r.1amil2iJipnii 8:l0aiuj; I lO.iWamj 3:20 pm. I .. 4 1:30 pro i tbaopni'. OOINO EAST . N-3. ft. No. i No. &. j No. 7. nd'poltA. ! I t::iSm Ki'h ill ml 12:4H pttt,. Duvloa. M:l.aiu z: um . it ...... . hi . ( iiiit tHllliflIlli l l"U iv.n T.1.4..b Aenta.... :4tauii 3:15 pm ..... Morrow..! M:2saml 1 2:tspm :40 pm Xenia Kt'isni 12:.0am: 3:"n)pm 9:45pm London... 10:4.tami 213 awl heist pm 10:SS pm Coluiiiti 'a I i:4-iiii 3t"an titipm IhSipm PivoJune l:.Vpiii A:2amj M pin 2:02 am Pltmburn 7:lApiu :2:JUpmi 2:20 am 7)23 am Num. 1, 2, t ami 7 run Dully to amj fruiii (inrlnntiti. All other Trains Initlv.exoepl Sunday. W. O'HK'lEN. tlonl rasaengerand Ticket Agent. V VU Wim Rallraad. WOINO NORTH. I (MUNIS KltH. 4) K ml A exJ:00 am J Portland ao thi am Portland no..4n) piu 1 U H in 'I A ex.&25 pm N TEW HACK LIXE. DAVID SAIXT5IEYER Han establish a HACK CONVEYANCE Nil this city to Williamsburg, threedaj in each week, i, Xaadny, Taandajr a4 Satarday. Leaving Richmond at 3 o'ekvk, p. m.each nay. All wlen left at the IVwtoinre hy 2 o flock, p. m. a 111 Ih called for. Host's I Jv cry Hiulvle, Hie IHotottlce or Neal'a DininK Hall, at the le pot. a re the places fitriwwn ft to leave order. denlrtUK to eo to Wtb aier, Koiuomyor WllliaiiKionn. . V . . ......... , . 1 ' . 4.. . A large Sixleen-rtiuetl l.iterarv and Fam ily Monthly, A lai BHIUTIFIULY ILLUSTRATED IV vole, I loThritliiiK Storiea. XunHonsof Adventure. Ideological Woudera, Farni and Houxehoid A (fairs Natural Hin- ; : lory, tluldreu's and ti rami parents' -: ilincellaiiy. KjicIi m-pannient is beautified with Knitrav inga from llw beat Artists of lue country. Prof. J. tMg Caasell. Prof. R. T. Brown, fciriueriy Stale ae.lotst of Indiana. Helen. Itentn R.Kwiok. Unuon R. Lane. M. !-, pheUa Korwanl, Riseiu Rice, and a host tjfwher renowned authors a rtUJ regularly XLTOXE DOLLAR A TEAB . (Free of Postage,) OrOuerioHar and Twentv-five Cents with t lie elegant Ch romo, THE THREE GRAC ES Slajrle Cm,r Tear Ceala. Aenui wanted everywhere. Caata Com a? , T V nbs- Aaen t com plet Out- EO. E. BLAKELEE, PHtritaer, . - . i - ladinapolis Indiana. $5 ta LQt Pr la at homeTfn,7re". J.l9,l(l,j Portland, MMne VOK XLIV.l Froia the Christian Colon. MlLLIVASi'N ClOMPEL. Sv BY AMIII UEBHERT. . : I've a rare bit of new s for you, Mary Sl- lone,", " - ' Aim trut i, 'tis the stran;ekt that ever was known; You reuieiuber I told you twelvemonth How a soul ounie from heaven to Poverty Kowf If an angel bad troubled the waters that bore Much little, white eraft to our turbulent shore, No mortal could tell; but that innocent child, . Like a dove without wingx, nestling downy and tender, With eyes vailing pictures of Paradise splendor, Came into the tenement crazy and wild. And the hard life so pitiless, rough and de nied, i ' -w,- Over to Mulligan's. It is strauge. to our eyes, but perhaps yon have seen A vine clasp its tendrils of delicate green Round a desolate reck, or a Illy grow white With Us roots in the tarn and its face in the light;-' Or when night and storm wrap the sky in shruad, A star shaken out from the fold of a cloud. Ho this little one came tout it never seemed r Ik lit There were children enough, Heaven knows ! iu that Ilalwl, Cadets for the Tombs fr-m the bold whis- ; key rabble. Choked out from the love Is heaven's . . own light, Rank sons of the soil, cropping out for a light , : , . Over to Mulligan's. There was many u. banquet in Mulligan Hall, . . When the revelers feasted on nothing at . . And a king at the board giving knighthood of pains, Ami orders of crosses, and clanking of chains; Tim held as a law the most lierfect in life The strong tie that bonud him to Nora, bis wife; But, blinded by drink, when his passion ran high, He beat her of course with a fury inhu man, . And she such n poor, patient bit oi a wo man t ' Well for her a soft voice answered low to her cries. And her sun never set in the baby's blue "' eyea Over to Mullignn's. It was twelve months or more from the time ah was born. As I sat at my window one sunshiny morn, "J 1st come over,"the voice of Tim Mulligan said. "I belave In me sowl that me baby isdead!", He had held a wild revel late into the night, And the wee, frightened dove plumed her pinions for flight; This the man aaw at last, with a sudden dismay; "Uod forgive me!" he cried, "sure she'd nl ver be stay in " MWld thecursin an' drink when me lips shud be pray iuT' And the priest came and went, little dreaming that day How the priesthood of angels was winning its way Over to Mulligan's.. Then the sweetest, the saddest, the tenth-r est sight Lay the child like a fair sculptured vision of light, - Hands closed over daisies, fringed lids over That never would fall through life's sor rowful years; "Ah, mavourneeu!" moaned Tim, "It's for- iver I'll think That Mm saints took yea home from the dlvll of drink; An mayhap" here he shivered decanter and bowl i " "She wilt see me up there wld the Mother of Jesus, An'slnd down the grace that from sin : 1 ver frees us!" Ho the leaven that spread from one beauti ful soul Through that turmoil of misery leavened the whole, Over to Mulligan's. Now a thing the most wonderful, Mary Malone, And truth, 'Us the strangest that ever was known, - , , Mr. Mulligan met me to-day on the street. And he looks like a man from his head to his feet; Though his clothes are but coarse, they are eotuely and trim,' And no man dares to say, "Here's a health to you, Tim!" He will soon rent a cottage and live like the best, And the gossip do say with wise lifting of fingers. It la mil tor sweet charity's sake that he . linger - . In the How where God's peace settled down In his breast. When a soft, weary wing fluttered home front the nest Over to Mulligan's. A Legal Mas. Jadson T. Mills, of South Carolina, was Judge ot a LMstric-t court id Northern Texas, food of a joke, but was very decided in the discharge of us duty 1 nomas Jtaunin Simth was i praeticin? ltwrer at the bar. and having shamefully unstated the law in his address to thi iurv. turned to tho Court.'and asked the Judge to charge the Jury accordingly. I he J udge was indignant, and replied: - Uoes the counsel take the Court to be a fool?" Smith was not abashed by this re proof, but instantly responded: "I trust your Honor will not insist on an answer to that, question, as I might, in answering it'truly, be con sidered guilty of contempt of Court " "Fine the counsel 10, Mr. Clerk,", said the Judge. , Smith immediately paid Jhe money, and remarked. "It was 10 more tha'n the Court could show." "Fine the counsel $50," said the The fine was entered by the clerk, and Smith, not being able to respond in that sum, sat down. The next morning, on the openine of Court, Smith rose, and, with much deference of manner, began: - "May it please your Honor, the clerk took that little joke of yours rterday about the $M as serious, as perceive from the reading of the minutes. Will your Honor be pleased to jnfof ui him of his error, and have it erased?" s " ' , . The cooluess f the request, and the implied apology, pleased the Judge, and be remitted the fice. . ' ' j: : ' ' - . "BE JUST AND'FEAR NOT! RICHMOND. JULIUS C. BURROWS. : His (ireal Ma m turn Civil Bihts Bill sat she Haas af kesmca. tatlves Use Ial. sT.rc Arralcaursl the : race esieel Claaae. The Keeret r lae Wkele 1'alnra mt Ike itlaeka - I'atalerlylsia: -that rlaselple. Osaviflea r the Asialyaesl. Seaaeeraia The Hon. -Julius C. Burrows, of Michigan, made a grand speech before the House of Representatives on the 12th, on the civil rights bill. He said, after a brief introduction ; I had hoped, and the conn try had reason to believe, that the great Deui w ratio party had abandoned - their unholy crusade against this much abused race when in 1872, in national convention they solemnly declared it to lie one of their cardinal principles : "We recognize the equality of all men before the law, and hold that it is the duty of the government in its dealings with the people to mete out equal and exact justice to all, of every nativity, race, color, or persuasion, religious or jiolitical." Yet, sir, scarcely two years have passed since the promulgation of that sublime declaration ere we find the representatives of that taiuo party standing in this hall and, as one man, protesting against any legislation which will secure equal rights to the black man or protect him in the en joyment of equal privileges on public conveyances, in the public inu, in the common school, in places of public amusement, or even in the cemetery of the undistinguished dead. And such now is the detestation of their own creed that they rise up here in the presence of the nation and protest against its even being read. Mr. Speaker, may I be (termitted to say to my friends on the other side of the chamber that, in my humble judg ment, you have made a fatal mistake and thrown away the golden opportu nity of regaining the scepter of power. In the face of that declaration; in the face of your nomination of Mr. Gree ley for the Presidency in 1872, the unquestioned friend of the black man, you could have committed no more serious blunder than, in the firt flush of victory, to have so suddenly changed front and removed the masks before j'ou were firmly seated in pow er. Now look to it well But, sir, to the bill. The measure under consideration prohibits, among other things, the proprietor of any public conveyance, the keeper of any public inn, and the manager of places of amusement, from excluding any citizen therefrom by reason of his race, eolor, or previous condition of servitude. It aoes net preveut the proprietors of these institutions from excluding a black man lor the same reason that a white man could be ex cluded. : You may exclude him if he is obnoxious. You may exclude him for any reason equally applicable to every other citizen; but it does say that if a black man, in other particu lars unobjectionable, purchases a first class ticket and seeks admission to a railway car, the conductor shall not say to him, "Stand back, sir; you can not be admitted; you lielong to anoth er race. it says to the inn-keeper, when a black man stands at his door and asks for shelter, food, and the comforts of his inn, you shall not shut the door in his face and say, "You cannot be admitted." "Why, sir? I have wealth; L will be orderly; 1 am famishing; I am thirsty; I am perish ing; give me food and shelter." "No, sir, stand back ; you were once a slave.'' It prohibits the proprietors of places of amusement from saying to the black man, "You cannot participate in the enjoyments of this place, be cause you are black.'' Now, sir, while the 'Republican party stands pledged by every consideration of honor to give these provisions of the bill their unwavering support, ami while these rights are conferred both by the common law and the plainest provisions of our Constitution, yet, sir. here stands the Democratic party, with the declaration of the equality of all men fresh upon their lips, pro testing against securing to five millions of black citizens the simplest rights pertaining to American citizenship. This great party says to the black man, ' You shall not ride in any pub lic conveyance, because you arc black." 'It says to the black man who asks shelter aud food at the puplie inn, "Sleep under the canopy of heaven and eat from the public sewer, but you cannot have shelter or food at an open ho'el.' It says to the man who has control of places of amusement. "You need not admit black men and women to these entertainments, but let I hem seek their own amusement among their own race." It says to the black man that "The cemetery, for the support and beautifying of which you have freely contributed, shall not be ojvened to receive the ashes of your dead kindred, but you shall bury them by the road-side or in the dismal swamp, but you shall not let their unholv remains rest within the iiiclosure where white men tl.v i Mr. Speaker, if there is any one provision ot this bill more important than another, it is that which relates to the school system of the country. Shall the common schools of the country be accessible and open to all, of whatever race or condition, or shall they be for the few and the favored ? This is the practical and only ques tion. It needs but a glance at the wants of the people, and particularly; of the black race, in this direction, to demonstrate that there should be bo obstacle thrown in the way of the freest and best schools. While the census ot 1870 discloses the fact that there were 6,144.740 white pupils in the schools of this country, or about one-fifth of the entire white popula tion, only 1SU.372 blacks, or one in twenty-seven, have any school facili ties whatever. From the same source of informs lion we draw the startline fact t ha while there are but 2,851,911 white above the age of tea years, less than one-twellth of the white population who cannot wri!i the English lan guage,-there are 27S9,6S9 blacks, o. more than one halt of the entire pop v ulatioa ofjhe black race, who canno ; write a single word of any tongue oi earth. ,nd yet, sir. in the presenc LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY GOD S, THY WAYNE COUNTY, of this appalling ignorance, we stand here to-day debating the question whether we shall guarantee free schools to a free people. Sir, if you would have good citizens, if you would make the foundations of the Republic secure, give to the present and to the generations that are to come after us the opportunity of ac quiring that intelligence without which no people, ean long hope to be either great or free. But it has been said that the black people do not desire the enactment of this provision relating to common schools. Sir, among the numerous petitions that have peen presented to this body praying for the establish ment of free schools, I hold in my lnnd a copy ot one signed by ten thousand citizens of this Republic. Permit me to read it, and be this my answer: "We ask it at your hands beeatrse we are citizens of this free Republic, a part of the body-politic, and are de prived of rights and respect which are justly due us. We cannot travel upon the railroads, steamboats', and tttages without being subjected to inconveni ence, proscription, and insult, and when we apply for accommodations at a public inn are refused. But we meet the greatest barrier when we present our children at the PUBLIC schools and are rejected. All this and more we are compelled to endure because we are colored. We pray you to remove these hinderances. so that we may enjoy the common rigli's to which we are entitled as citizens, tax payers, and members ot the human family. It is no special legislation in our behalf that we ask for, but we ask you to remove whatever legislation there is against us. ' Now, while there is a conflict of opinion upon the floor of this House and in the country touching this question of schools; while some are in favor of no provision whatever for the education of the colored race, and others are advocating separate schools, and yet others are favoring mixed or free schools, for my single self I have no hesitancy in declaring in tavor ot that provision, and that provision only, winch gives absolutely tree schools for every child of the Repub lic of whatever race or nationality. For one, I protect here and now against entering upon that course of legislation which draws a line of de marcation between American citizens who by your laws and your Constitu tion stand in absolute equality on a common flag. You cannot submit to it without doing violence to the spirit of your institutions, trampling upon your Constitution, and inaugurating a course of legislation whose legitimate 1 end is the subjugation of the weak of every class and race. Mr. Sneaker. I now desire to call the attention of the House to the pro vision ol the. bill which allows the establishment of scperate schools where the local authorities shall so determine. In no event can 1 give this provision my support. To per mit such a system and say it shall be a compliance with the provisions of this act n to establish by reileral Jaw separate schools in the majority of the States of this Union. Besides being open to the criticisms which I have already urged against class legislation which no man can justify, it is subject, it seems to me, to other objections of the gravest character. In the first place, it must be admitted that there can be no permanent peace in the country so long as there exists a de termined prejudice and hostility be tween two great classes of American citizens, io allay this irritation and brine each to the acknowledgment aud respect of the rights of the other is the hrst and highest duty of this hour. Yet what do you propose by this bill? While there was no pre judice existing between the white and black children when the blacks were slaves; while they fed at the same breast and played together on the same lawn, you now propose by this bill to commence at the very founda tion of society with the rising gener ation in your common schools and implant in the breast of both races a mutual abhorrence and detestation. And what must lie the inevitable fruits of such legislation? At the end of a generation you will have produced hostility between these races ten fold more bitter than it is to-djy, ending in a war of races and a sea of blood. But again, I object to this provision oi the bill, because it will work a manifest injustice to both races. Wherever you establish separate schools in any district it will neces sarily do one of two things: It will either double the expense of main taining the schools, or it will diminish the school facilities by lessening the term. Suppose, to illustrate, you have a school district where $200 ot public money are expended for school purposes and you have fifty children n the district ot school age, twenty- five black and twenty-five white: and suppose you can employ a teacher at S-T ir month. Now. bv maintaining but one school you could have, with a public fund of $200, a school term for eight months in the year. But divide this fund, employ two teachers, build two school houses for the two races, place the whites in one and the blacks . i . i j ?i j in t lie otner, ana you win reuueeyoar school term to four months in the year. Such a policy is an injury alike to the black and white race. And this wrong is to be inflicted, not with the conseut or at the request of those whom it most concerns, but at the be hest of men whose better judgment can but condemn it, and upon whom rests the responsibility of shaping the destiny of the Republic, but whose prejudice is stronger than principle. Again, sir, this provision for the establishment of separate schools is open to another, and. if possible, more serious objection. It it should be come a law, its pernicious influence would I? felt in every State and Ter ritory and reopen a contest, in many parts ot the country, which has been happily settled. By enacting this pro vision you would take a step directly backward, and undo in many of the States the work of half a century. If we have not the courage to go forward, in the name of heaven let us be reso lute enough to stand still and main tain what has already been achieved until braver and truer men shall take our places. ; Why, air, this is not a new question, nor has the agitation of it been con fined to any iarticular portion of the country. There is not a State in the INDIANA FEB. 24. J Union where the black man has not been forced to fight his wav into the common school against the prejudice and passion ot the white race. Look at the State of Connecticut. Her "blaek code" has been expunged, and be law of 1872 provides that "no child shall be excluded from the pub lie schools on accouut of race or color." Pass this measure and the work in Connecticut will be undone. Look at Illinois. Prior to 1870 the general school law proscribed negroes, although some municipalities provided for their education; but the law of 1874, passed but a year ago, prohibits all sch M1 officers from excluding, either directly or indirectly, any child from the public schools on account of color. Would you undo the work in Illinois? Look at Iowa. The Su preme Court of the State decided in 1808, that under the State Constitu tion '"Boards of school directors have no discretionary ower to require colored child ren to attend a separate school. They may exercUe a uniform discre tion, operative upon all, as to the resi dence, qualifications, freedom from contagious disease, or the like, of children, to entitle them to admission to each particular school: but thev cannot deny a youth admission to any particular school because of his color, nationality, religion, clothing or the like." In harmony with this decision the law ot 1872 declares that "All the youths of the State from 5 to 21 years of age. irrespective ot re ligion, race, or nationality, are enti tled to equal school facilities. I3 the victory of Iown to be over turned? So it is in Massachusetts. While in 1849 the Supreme Court of Massachusetts decided "the general school committee of Boston have power under the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth to make provision for the instruction of color ed children in separate schools estab lished exclusively for them, and to prohibit their attendance in the other schools," yet in 1854 the Legislature abolished caste schools and by subse quent legislation enacted .that "no person shall be excluded from a pub lic school on account of race, color, or religious opinions." Will you now permit this caste system to be revived in Massachusetts under the sanctiou of Federal law? Minnesota, too, by the law of 1873, imposed a fine of $50 upon any school board which shall exclude any child from the public school "on accouut of color, social position, or nationality." So has the State which 1 have the honor iu part to represent declared, through its eu preme judicial tribunal, after a pro tracted contest, that black children have a right to admission into the public schools on equal terms with all others;" and its Legislature by sol emn enactment has provided that "No separate school or iepart.m ent shall be kept for any erson on account of race or color." Shall she be robbed of the glory of her achievements? Sir, I should be recreant to her best interests and false to duty did I pot protest against any measure which would detract one iota from the merit of her school system, in which her people take such a just and honorable pride. But, sir, not only would this pro vision allowing separate schools undo the work already accomplished in those States where mixed schools arc established by law, but in all those States where the contest is yet being carried on for free schools the work would be at once abandoned. When Federal law shall permit separate schools it would be idle for States or individuals to continue the struggle for equal advantage for every race. Pardon me a word in relation to the real cause of opposition to this bill, particularly in that portion of the country more thickly populated by the black race. I fear our Southern brethren object not half so much to mixed schools as they do to any schools whatever for their former slaves. Whatever may be said about this opposition springing from pre judice, arising from color, race, or previous condition, I am forced to the conviction that the real secret of hos tility lies in the fact that these black people have become citizens and pro pose to take part in the administration of public affairs. It is be.tause they have become an element in politics and may possibly contest with the white race of the South the right to rule. nc ooutn to-aay is struggling uy ft a . 1 1 . every means in its jvower, aiueu ty the Democratic party in the North, its ally in war and peace, to regain its lost authority in the State and Nation, and to rebuild its shattered Klitieal fortunes. Unwisely she seems to have determined that the only means by which this purpose can be accom plished is by trampling upon the rights aud liberties of the black race and denying to them the equal protec tion of the laws. Instead of extend ing to them the right hand of fellow ship and recognizing them as a neces sary and important element in the future of the South which might be used for her highest advancement, there seems to be a fixed belief that the surest and quickest road to power is over the rights of this race. Hence I am not surprised at this opposition to free schools in the South. As ignorance was the chief rivet, the main link in the chains of their thral dom, so the continuation ol that ignorance is the shameless, reward ly weapon with whk-h they hope to make their way back to power, while at the same time it shall serve to fasten upon their lormer slaves, by a system ot vasrrant laws, a condition of serfdom scarcely loss terrible than that from which they have so lately escaped. Full well is it known that if you should give to the black man an equal chance in the race of life, yon could no more re-enslave him or trample upon his liberties than you could hare held hist in bondage except by making it a penal offense for him to read the word of God. This, Mr, is the secret of this oppo sition this the policy of the Demo cratic paHy. Say not, then, this op position arises from race, for they are of no other race to-day than when as slaves you received them into almost every relation of life. Nor is it his color. Indeed this nation is estopped, in view of recent events, from ever expressing any prejudice against a man on account of the eolor, of his skin. . A black king visits our shores. The goMen gates of the West swing wi-lj open to give him royal entrance. "OUXTRrS AND TRUTH'S ! " 875. The loud-mouthed cannon proclaims his coming. Municipal authorities hastened to greet him on his journey across a continent and tendered to him the hospitalities of their cities Mate authorities rise up to do him homage. The executive head f the Nation admits him to the Presidential Mansion, where the beauty and fa.-h ion of the city crowd lor the honor of his hand. Grave Senators leave their seats and with the mem bers of this House stand in solemn reverence, while you, sir, descend from your hiirh place to extend in be half of a free people a nation's wel come to his black Majesty. Will it be said he was a king? Be thi my answer : That there is not a black man, however humble, though a lazza roni, as the ecntleman from New York has been pleased to call him, if clothed with citizenship, that does not wear a erown of royalty that makes him the peer of any sovereign on earth. Sir, a word in conclusion and I have done. I had hoped that this perse cution againt the black race was at an end. Is it not enouub. let me ay to you on the other side of the cham ber is it not enough that you have , held him in slavery from generation to generation ? Is it not enough that you tracked him with bloodhounds in his flight lor freedom and dragged : him back to his thralldom? Is it not euouiih that vou dabbled in blood the ' garments of our virgin territory in the w ' ..a 1, inhuman enort to drag her to the anar of slavery, where the unholy prosti tution might be consummated? Is it not enough that you deluged the Re public with blood and ridged it with graves in the monstrous purpose to , tear down the fair fabric ot a free '. government and erect upon its rt'ins , another, whose corner-stone should be American slavery? Is it not enough that you never gave a voice . for the emancipation of this race? I ; is not enough that you resisted the amendment to the Constitution which abolished slavery throughout the He public and made serfdom impossible? Is it not enough that you sought to deny him the right of citizenhip aud the power of the ballot f Is it not enough that in the sublime battle of the last fifteen years you never struck a blow or raised a voice in the cham pionship of human liberty? I im , plore you to pause in your mad career, and at least gather and help to pre serve the fruits ot the victory A TOUCHING STORY. ' I gly Haas aail shjr he ReffarmeU A Premise tea liy lug Manner. I He had been missing from the "Po tomac' for several days, and Cleve land Tom. Port Huron Bill, Tall Chicago, and the rest of the boys, who -were wont to get drunk with him, couldn t make out what had happened They hadn't heard that there was a warrant out for him, had never koowu of his being sick for a day, and his absence from the old haunts puzzled them. They were in the Holc-in-the-.Wall saloon the other morning, nearly a doztnof them, drinking, smoking, . and playing cards, when in walked ' Ugly Sam. There was a deep silence for a few moments as they loooked at him. Sam had a new hat, had been shaved clean, had on a clean collar and a white shirt, and they didn't know him at first. When they saw it was Ugly Sam they uttered a shout and leaiied up. "Give in that hat!" cried one. v "Yank that collar oil !' shouted an other. . . "Let's roll him on the floor!" scream ed a third. ; There was something in his look and bearing which made them hesi tate. The whisky red almost faded from his face, and he looked sober 'and dignified. His features expressed 'disgust and contempt as he looked around the room, aud then revealed fpity as his eyes fell upon the red eyes ; and bloated faces of the crowd before ' him. j "Why, what ails ye, Sam?" inquired I Tall Chicago, as they all stood there, i "I've come down to bid you good i by,. boys!" he replied, removing bis hat and drawing a cleau handkerchief from his pocket. "What! Hev ye turned preacher?" they shouted in a chorus. I "Boys, ye know 1 can lick any two I of ye, but I hain't on, the fight any j more, audT've put down the last drop of whisky which is ever to go into my m0th' 1 ve switched off. 1 ve ta ken an oath. I'm going to lie decent!" "Sam, be yer crazy?" asked- Port ' Huron Bill, coming nearer to him. , "I've come down hereto tell ye all about it," anwered Sam. "Move the l cha'rs back a little and give me room. Ye all know I've been rough, and more too. 1 ve been a drinker, a fighter, a gambler, and a loafer. I can't look back and remember when I've earned an honest dollar. The police hez chased me around like a wolf, and I've been in jail and the workhouse, and- the papers has said that Ugly Sam was the terror of the Potomac. Ye all know this, boys, but ye didn't know I had an old mother." The faees of the crowd expressed amazement. " "I never mentioned itto any of ye, for I was neglecting her." he went on. "She was a poor old woman, living up here in an alley, and if the neighbors hadn't helped her to fuel and food, she'd have been found dead long ago. I never helped her to a cent didn't see her for weeks and weeks, and I used to feel mean about it. When a fellow goes back on his old mo; her he's a-gitten' purty low, and I knew it. Well, she's dead buried yesterday! I was up there afore she died. She sent for me by Pete, and when I got there I seen it was all day with her." "Did she say anything?" asked one of the boys, as Sam hesitated. "That's what ails me now," he went on. "When I went in she reached out her hand to me, aud, says she: "Samuel, I'm going to jlic, and I know'd you'd want to see me afore I passed away!' I sat down, feeling queer-like. She didn't go on and say as how I was a loafer, and had neg lected her, and all that, but says she: 'Samuel, you'll be alone when I'm gone. I've tried to be a good mother to you, and hare prayed tor you hun dreds o nights, and cried about you until my old heart was sore!' Some of the neighbors had dropped in, and the women were crying, and I'll tell you I felt weak!" , , . . He paused for a moment, and then continued: NO. 50 ! "And the old woman said she'd like to kiss me afore death e.ime. and trat broke me right down. She kept hold of my hand, and by-and-bye she whis pered: 'Samuel, you are throwing your life away. You've got it ia you to be a man, it you'll only make up your mind. 1 hate to die and feel that my only son and the last of our family may go to the gallows. If I had your Iromise that you'd turn over a new eaf, aud try and be good, it seems as if I d die easier. Won't you promise mo, my son?' And I promised her, boys, and that's what ails me! She died holding my baud, and I romised to quit the low business, and go to work. I came down to tell ye, and now, you won't see me on the Potomac again. I've bought an ax, and am go ing up in Canada to winter." There was a dead silence for a mo ment, and then he said: ' "Well, boys. I'll shake hands with ve all around afore I go. Good-by, Pete good-by. Jack Tom Jim. I hope ye won't fling any bricks at me, ana I shan't never fling at any of ye. It's a dying promise, ye see, and I'll keep it if it takes a right arm!" The men looked reflective at each other after he had passed out. and it was a long time before any one spoke. Then Tall Ch icago flung his clay pipe iuto a corner, and said: "I'll lick the man who says Ugly Sam's head isn't level !" "So'll I !' repeated the others. Detroit Free Press. A Leaf Irani tbe l.tta; Bsak mt Jaaaice ' 1st a le troll Faliee Caurl. "Young man, this is a pretty way to commence the year 1875, isn't it?' ex claimed His Honor, in the Central Station Court, as Michael Smith stoo l before him in pensive attitt "I'm sorry,' replied the tude. prisoner. Yes. so am I. It gives mo the heartburn to see a youth cf twenty- two flopped out here on a charge oi drunkenness, it thats the way you start off the new year, where do you cxect to land at its closer "I'll do better, sir I've sworn off.' The court picked up bis snuff box. gently tapped tbe bottom, removed the lid, inhaled a fragrant pinch, and con tinued: Mr. runtn, tnere s a scratch on your nose, dirt on your chin, aud you look demoralized out of your eyes, but I'll try you. I don't want to tall on a young man like a horse on a butterfly the first time he comes here, but let the first also be the last time with you. Consider, sir, that you have had a nar row escape. Go home and be wise." John Robinson made New Year's calls. He called on a salonukeener. he called for liquor, called the liquor good, and drank enough to trip him up. Then he called for the police, and when the police came he called them liars and such. " "1 was having a little fun," he ex plained winking at His Honor. ' "John Robinson, are you aware that this is a very solemn world?" said the. court, "a world which has ten heart-aches to one smile? Don't you know that the grim shadow of grief rests upon every door step, and that the tomb-stones in the cemeteries al most outnumber the trees in the forest? There's wailing in every household, John Robinson there's grief in every heart. And yet you claim that you were only having a little fun!" "That's all, your Honor it was a holiday." "It was sad fun, John Robiuson. While all the rest of us were swearing off and makiug double-back action resolves you were lying at the corner of an alley dead drunk. It is five dol lars or sixty days, sir, and if thn case was betore a Chicago police justice he'd make it five hundred dollars or a lite sentence. "' "It's tlie last time!" exclaimed An thony Hook, as he was brought out. "ou"ve decided to quit, sir?" "Yes, your Honor. Yesterday was my last drunk, and I've been counting up the cost, and I've made up my mind to live sober and save money after this?" "Anthony Hook, you talk like a insn! It does me good to hear a man speak up that way ia this day and age. it 8 like hnding a ten dollar bill while one is pawing ovef the clothes-basket to discover where the hired girl flung his Sunday boots. Stand right up to your resolution, sir I've been figur ing a little, and 1 find that if a man will stop drinking liquor, tea and cof fee, go barefooted, steal his wood, get trusted for his provisions, cheat the landlord out of his rent, stard up in c hnrch to save new-rent, and - live economically in other respects, he can j save at least eaUU per annum. Now, . then, 4vhK a year for 400 years, is $200, 0110. Just think of that! - Without f any effort to speak of you can in time I oe worm i w.tsaj: 1 ou may go nomc, i sir! ' law ( Play (be Plata. It was a young woman with as many white flounces round her as the planet ' Saturn has rings, that did it. She gave the music stool a whirl or two. and fluffed down on it like a twirl of.' soap snd in a hand basin. Then she pushed up her cuffs as if she was go ing to fight for the champion's belt Then she worked her wrists and hands to limber 'em, I suppose, and spread cut her fingers till they looked as they would pretty much cover tbe key board: from the growling end down to the little squeaky one. Then these two hands of hers made a jump at the keys as if they were a couple of tigers coming down upon a flock of black and white sheep, and the piano gave a great howl as il its tail had been trod on. Then another howl as if the piano had two tails and yon had trod on both of 'em at once, and then a grand clatter and scramble and string of Jumps, up and down, baek ana lor-.' ward, one hand over the other, like af stampede of rats and mice, more than? anything 1 call music. Oliver Wen dell Holmes. , . . George Alfred Town send saya of Theodore Tilton : " "Let him eompose a beautiful epitaph, repeat it to Mrs. Woodhull acd a few hundred other sympathetic old maids and grass widows, and then get under it." - It may not be uninteresting to the ladies of this and other cities to know that Mrs. Wa B. Aator. of New York, whose husband pays $250,000 in taxes every year, owns a million dollars' worth of diamonds. She wears rosettes of the precious stones on her slippers at jiarties. KATES 4r AVERTISlXi.x 1 lite square one ' fi"1" For each subsequent insertion iHr ,,,, ,, ', , j , , , 1 Pr ! One square three I naertiuua.. (Htewquare three mouths t Hie square six months--.- i" t 1." &' fc. ue square one yr .,,,,, , r , , ttie-fiwurth of a column one year ..J Mte-hair of a column one year lltree-fourths of a columa one year Oite column, one year, changeable quarterly ,.,,.,;... .,,,, . , , ' 9t. a.aea.1 Matleea Im eestfa aer Ittee aaMaiaiaiaamasaiaaiaaaawaawasaawasaaaaawam Jaanary XeeraJaurteaU lu-gtarf. Tbe new year was ushered i. amid worldwide lamentations upc : the deaths of Tiwhendorff; tin great biblical orlentalist,of LeJpt-i. . German j ; Ledru Rollin, the Frcnt ! Republican, who figured prominent ly in two revolutions; and Gen i: Smith, the great American r hilar thropist, who has jnst ptvsseil a! with the expiring year. The Rev. Israel H. Dieltl, pot. ' as an oriental tourist and explore-. and wbo a few years ago lecturt i throughout this country on "Bib Lands," died near Gettysburg, 1. , Jan. 4. Fredrick William I., ex-Elect, r of Hesse Caesel, died Jan. T- Emile Periere, the noted Frcutb Itanker, wbo constructed " the F" German Railway, died Jan. 7, age it 75yearnv The Emperor of China died Jim 12. aged nearly 19 years. Ex Governor Bramlette. of Kc: tncky, died at Louisville, Ky., Jai. 12. Tbe Rev. P. F. Johnson, one " the most effective and useful mil tsters of the Ohio Conference Methodist Church, died at Jeffc: sonviile, Ohio, Jan, 18, aged neaily 52 years. He entered the Conft: ence, in 1S68. ? - Win. H. Aspinwall, an eminci)' New York merchant, founder 1 the Pacific Mail Steamnbip Coiu pany and the Panama Railroad, died Jan. 18, aged 67, years. Hf was a Christian man, ot gi eat lit erality did much for the poor, for missions, for theological seminarist , and for gospel work generally. The Bev. Samuel Rinke, Senior Bishop of the Moravian Churcl died Jan. 12, at Bethlehem, Pa, h. his 15l!i year, Lorin Andrews, another princ merchant of New York, died Jai 23, aged 65 years. He, too, war noted for liberality in public ant'' private charities. He built aiu! maintained a church in a then des titute part of the city, gave $100, 000 to found, professorships in tin New York University; and wbei the .Atlantic Telegraph Comran; weio almost despairing of tbe suc cess of their grand project, b cheerfully contributed 9100.000 to the enterprise, thus insuring tbi success cf an almost hopeless un der faking, and Which has since, even in his lifetime, so gloriously blessed tbe world. Mansell B. Field, of ' New York, who was Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury under Secretaries ('base, and Fessonden, and McCulloch, and who was known as a tourist and author, died Jan. 21. aged 54 years. Tbe Rev. Charles Kingsly, Canon of Westminster, England, died Jan. 24, in his 5Cth year. " He was the author of numerous works, re ligious and philantropic. He is recorded as one of the noble com pany of 'English clergymen who devoted their lives and energies to the elevation of the poor. He visited this country some two years ago. ... The Rev. George Traek, the. celebrated and indefatigable anti tobacco apostle, died at FiU bburg, Mass., Jan. 25, aged 78 years. The Rev. G. Fillmore, a veteran minister of the M. E. church, in Western New York, died Jan. 26, aged 85 years. It is said that he organized the first Methodist church in Buffalo. N. Y. Rev. John Gown, M. D., a mem ber of the New York Conferem-e of tbe Methodist . church, . died at Canarsie, Long Island, Jan. 27. Samuel Jarrold. of Norwich, , England, an honored and successful pioneer worker in the temperance cause, died Jan. 27, aged G'J jeais. For the last quarter ol a century he had been engaged in the publication of tracks on all phases of the mov ment, which were suplied on such liberal terms as to be very freely used in every city, town, and ham let in the nation. He was not only a leader in the temperance cause, but a very zealous promoter of primitive Methodism . Many church es were built for that denomination mainly through his liberality.; Ohio courts granted 1,159 di vorces last year. A- T. Stewart paid 800,000 in. duty last week. Mrs. LydU Bradly is a - bank . director at Peoria. - .1 When i a boat like snow? . When she is adrift. f Digestive organ grinders Stom- , ach and liver pills. , 'f ; " , Railway alternative Continuous breakers or continual smashes. 1 No library in the United States contains over 300,000 volumes. - New Hampshire fanners have to melt snow to water their cattle. - Of eighty-eight counties in Ohio, only eight are without a railroad. . . An Englishman in Cleveland is ' going to start an oveter bed ia Lake Erie. ., The obsequies of Senator Stun- ner cost the State of Massachusetts $19,227.66. v- - y". . y : - -rJ y A man in : Massachusetts, who , was stopped ou the road the other ' day by s highwayman, had tbe sat- -isfaction of diseuveriag a long lost brother in the footpad. - Artists hve adopted different emblems of charity. ' Ve wonder ' none of them ever tbonght of s " piece of India rubber, which gives . more than any other substance. ' "