Newspaper Page Text
1 r7f rV THE PALLADIUM, i or ADTKBTIsYKtt . Ouo aqoaro one Insertion. 100 for each subsequent insertion per PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BY " ' B. W. DAVIS. OLLOWAt IfAlTIS. Proprietors square One square thres i nnertton. . 2 oe to 9 00 One square three monthly. tmesqoaxesix monthe.. tme square one y" ... . .... 15 00 One-fourth of a column one year. 86 00 OttS'half of a column one year 62 00 rhree-fourthsof a column one y ear 70 00 One column, one year, changeable quarterly ... . - -- 100 00 IoeaI Hotleea ! cents her line. - TDUOk, One year, In advance 11 50 , "! , 1 40 VOL. XLV. RICHMOND. WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA, OCT. 20, 1875. Whale Naaaner, .NO. 32 x muntiM - rbree months . 1S5J " "BE JUST AND FEAR NOTI LET ALIiTHE ENDS THOU AOTST AT, BE THY GOD'S, THY COUNTRY'S AND TRUTH'S! " . ; Mali Tinae X ' pupa lroiu imn-i"" - Wayne R R-, doses at 100 a. m. (MHVU HOUTH 1. Including Cincinnati and aH points beyond, cU ml o:( a in. 2 Including all places supplied from th : Cincinnati KaUroad,:0U p.m. OOINa EAST Including all pwces snp pUed ron the Columbtw ft. K, an.! all Eastern and Central States, and via Dayton and Xenia Railroad, closes at 12.-00 m. OOISO WEST 1. Ineludini? Indianapolis and all points beyond, clones 10:00 a. m.; 3. same as above, closes 70 p. m.; 3. iii- eluding all potnts supplied by thelndi: ' nnuinlia Railroad. 30 p. m. aWChieago and all polnta west and north west, closes 7:00 p. m. To Webster, Williamsburg and Bloomings-. port, on Tnesday, Thursday and Satur- ". day,al2Qp.m. To Cox's Mills, White Water.Bethel and Ar lx, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12:00 m. . To Abington, Clifton and Liberty, on Mon- day and Friday, at 70 a. m. To Boston, Beechymire, Goodwin's Corner, and College Corner, on Tuesday and Friday, at 12:30 m. . ;J : : MAILS ARE OPKW'Y"- At 80 a. in. from Indianapolis and Cincin nati and beyond. At 110 a.m. from Cincinnati, way anil through malls, and from Dayton and . Xenia Railroad. , At 40 p. m. from East via Columbus Rail road, and Dayton and Xenia Railroad. At 70 p.m. from North, via Chicago Rail rood and Fort Wayne Railroad. At 80 p. m. from Indianapolis and beyond. Office open from 70 a. m. to 750 p: in. On Sunday, from 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. Dec. 1 1874. , B. W. UAVIS. P. M. HAILBOAP TIMETABIiE. ritttthora-, Cincinnati and 8. 1-ouis Hallway. - . PAN-HANDLE BOTTE. DO DSNS' BI TIMK CARD.-OOIX'MBCS ANBIS- division ov. 30. 1S74. GOING WEST. " ' - No. 2. No. 8. QSo.6. No. 10 PlttsbnrgJ 20 pm .". 23am 7:30am Columbus 12:00 n't 5:25 pm;10:05am 2:o0pm Mi'.'ord 1:14 am 6:38 pm';lt:15am 3:32pm Urbana 2:02 aai 7:25 pinl2:05pni 4:35pm Piqua 3:12 am! 8:5S pm 1:17pm 5:36pm BradJun- 3:40 am 9:30 pm l:45pm 60pm Ureenv'ie. 4:19 am 41 2:2Spm 6:35pm Ricbm'di 5:23 am 10:25 am 3:Jpni 7:40pm Cambri'ge 62 am 118 am 4:07pm 8:38pm Knighton 6:48 ami 11:55 am 4:53pm 8:27pm India'plls. 8:20 am) 1:20 pm 6:3opmilltpm OOI5S IA8T. ........ . . - - (No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 77 . India'plis. 4:40am 70 pm 9:25ami 4:40pm Kniehta'm 5:50 am 8:25 pm 10:50am, 5:o0pm ; Cam brl'ge 6:30am 9:10 pm 11:44am,1 6:25pnt Richm'nd 75 am 100 pm 12:25pm 70pm Oreenv'le. 8:15am No.. 1:31pm; 8:05pm BradJun- 8:40am 6:00 am 20pm! 8:30pm , Plana .1 :IOam 6:27 am l:Kpiu 8:56pm ', Urbana .. 10:10am 7:38 am 3:52pm; 9:53pm Milford 10:48am 8:30 am 4:40pm hfc34pm Columbus i 11:45 am 9:50 am 5:55pm!ll:30pm Pittsburgh 70 pm 2:03am i 6:45ara . Kos.L6,7andl0runDaily. All other trains , Daily .except Sunday. Rlehinond and Cnleago Division. Nov. 30, 1874. . GOLNG KORTH. No. 2. j No. 8. - j No. 10. Clnciiinat.!. i 7:30 am ! 70 pm Richmond 1 10:30 am 10:10 pm Hagerst'n. .. L..'ll:18am !15S pnt Newcastle 11.50 aru 11:21 pm Anderson 1:10pm 12:18 am Kokomo... 30 pm ; 1:55 am Logansp't J 40 pm 35 am Crown Ft 75 pm 6:'A am Chicago . 90 pm! .80 am GOING SOUTH. ' No. 1. No. 3. j j " Chicago. 7:50 pm 820 am' Crown PL. 9:40 pm 104 am ! Logansp't. 12:40 am 10 pm Kokomo 1:45 am 2:20 pm j Anderson. 3:37 am 4:11 pm Newcastle 4:37 am 68 pm - HagerRt'n. 58 am 5-38 pm .; ...... Kii-h inoml 5:50 am 6r20 pm; .. Cincinnati 90 am 925 pm! 1 . No. 10 leaves Richmond daily. No 1 leaves Chicago daily. All other trains run daily, except Sunday. - , Ca UtUe Miami Division. Nov. 30, 1871. , GOING WKST. I No. 2. No. 4. I No. 6. No. 10. : Pittsburg 20 pm . . 2:03 am 7:30 am UresJnnci 9:12 pm 7:28 am r12:35 pm Columb's 120n't. 50am;105am 2:50pm London 15 am 6rJ0 am 1 1 1 :15 am 3:42lpm Xenia-. . 2:20 am 7:30 am 12:20 pm 4:37 pm Morrow 3:40 am 1:25 pm 5:30 pm. Cincinati 5:15am ..... 20pm 6:50pm' Xenia 12:20pm 4:37pm Dayton.. 8:35am 1:20pm 6:15pm RichmM . 3:15pm . Ind'polls I 8:30pm GOING BAST. - ' -' pNo. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7 Ind'polls I ; 9:25 am L :J.Z Rlchinnd 12:40 pm). Dayton.i 6:50am 2:45 pm Xenia , 7:45ara 3:50pm : , t'inciuntit 7:45am l:20pmi 75 pm Morrow) 9:03 am . 2:48 pm) 8:30 pin Xenia ! 9:55 am 7:50 am 3:55 pml 9:30 pm London (10A1 am 9:(K)am 5n5pm 10:35pm Columb 's: 11:45 ami 105 am 6idpm lldO pn DresJunci l:57pmj.. I SOpm liSS am Pittsburgi 70 pml 2:03 am 6:45 am Nos. 1, 67. and 10 run Daily to and from Cincinnati. All other Trains Dntly.exeept Tkn-uA.. (.wmmI Tl.w . . C. R. - Ft. Wayne Railroad. CJOING NORTH. GOING 80ITH. Q R ml A exJOiO am Tortland ac. 90 am Portland ac 40 pm I O R m'l ft ex. 6:25 pm 'pNY'O.HACY,erNanl Cnarmf nfr'. I IIow either sex mav fnMirin uml they ehuose Instnntl-. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, tor 25c., together with a marriage. guUle, Kgyptian Oracle. Dreams, Hints to Ladies' Wedding-Night Shirts, etc. A queer book. . Add ressT. WILLIAM & CO., Pubs, Phila delohia. 22-4 w Manhood : How Iiost, Sow Restored ! Just published, a new edition of ' t-amnreiii celebrated aSC Eaany on the ritdical cute (wlth- 1 - out medicine) of Kpermatohuhoka or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Semi nal Losses, I.hpotency, Mental and Phys-' ical Incnpacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Consumition. Epiivepsv and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. - Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarm in? consequence of self-abuse may be rad ically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife; poir ting out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means ol which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself cheap ly, privately, and radlcallv. This Lecture should' be In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cent or two post stamps. . Address the publishers, C'HAS. J. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowerv, New York ; P. O. Box, 4586. ui:sti;s b. yocxg, . ATTORNEY AND NOTARY. Office In room over Oeorge W. Barnes Grocery. Richmond Indiana. " o i9ft IleJi,ay at home- Terms free 14 Jtf Sr. an. 19, 186.5. fly Portland, Maine An irate editor thns parodies a passage from Ijongfellow's ."Hia watha." It portrajs the woes of every country editor: Should you ask us why this dunning, ' Why these sad complaints and murmurs, Murmurs loud about delinquents Who have read this paper weekly, Read what they have not paid for, Read with pleasure and with profit, Read o! church amiiis and prospects, Read of news both home and foreign. Read the essays and the poems, ': Full of wisdom and instruction Should you ask us why thisdunuiiig, : We should answer, vie should tell you, From the printer, from the mailer. From the kind old paper maker, From the landlord, from the carrier, From the man who taxes letters - With a stamp from Uncle Samuel Cncle Sam the rowdies call him; From them all there comes a message, . Message kind but firmly spoken, ; "Please to pay us what you owe us." Would you lift a burden from us? ' Would you drive a spectre from us? Would you taste a pleasant slumber? Would you have a quiet conscience? . Would you read a paper paid for? Send ns money send us money; Send ns money Bend us money; Send the money that you owe us. THE STATE LIBRARY. Cariosities ol literature and Relies of War A Place Little Known but well Wortb Getting Aecqnainted with A Mtory Iran Ancient His toryA Few or the Cariosities. From the Indianapolis Sentinel. The state library is a terra incogni ta, a place sometimes heard of, but never visited by a great majority of the citizens of the state and even of this city. Why this is so is "one of those things no fellow can find out." In former years one small room was sufficient to contain all its works, but it gradually increased in size until, when the state officers removed to the building they now occupy, it seized upon the entire west side of the lower floor of the state house and now fills it with all such things as a library is exiected to contain, and a great many things which ' surprise the ; visitor. One entire room and parts of two others are filled with curiosities of a general nature, and mementoes of the Mexican and civil wars. On entering the curiosity room one of the first ob jects to attract attention is a laded dressing gown, hanging in a glass case. Not that there is anything peculiar in its appearance, but it is an unexpect ed sight in such a place. The inscrip tion . on the card attached shows that the garment was once the property of the infamous Wirtz, the commander of the horrible prison pen at Andcr sonville. It is made of brown cloth, having through it stripes of mingled brown, red, black and white, and an ordinary enough looking garment to. have - been worn by a less notorious parsonage than its former owner. It was captured and presented to the library by Lieutenant Sherman, oi company C, 32d Indiana volunteers. As showing the extremities to which the soldiers were often put for writing material, there is hanging in the same case a letter from the well known and erratic E. M. B. Hooker, of the 20th Indiana, addressed to Governor Mor ton, v The letter is written on , A PIECE OF THIN BARK tripped from a tree under which the writer was encamped and is dated "July 24th, 1862, Army ol the Poto mac, Turkey Bend of James River." It is written in Hooker's characteris tic style, and expresses the intention of the soldiers -to go "on to Rich mond." One of the most prominent objects of interest is an ancient armor of brass and steel which was brought back from the "balls of the Montezu ma's" by some enthusiastic volunteer in the Mexican .war. A look at it brings to mind the pictures sometimes seen by wealthy people on the backs of national currency, in which DeSoto and his mailed explorers first shove op their vizors to gaze upon the tur? gid waters of the Mississippi. The armor may have been worn by Cortez, when be marched through the land of the ' Bun but probably it wasn't. Side by side with this armor is a breastplate, found in Zollicoffer's evacuated camp, on the morning . of January 20, lbt2, by Lieut. Col. Kisc, of the Tenth Indiana. ., It is hardly gotten up in the handsome style of its companion, but has dents in it that show what would have been the fate of its wearer had he been unprotected. As showing what the ladies at home were doing for their husbands, lovers and lrienus who were wearing the blue on Southern battle-fields there are displayed a number of flags and badges, relics of the "Sanitary Fair"' of 1864. Among the mementoes of '"the days of 76" is a case of fac si mi lies of continental money, from 1764 to that issued in accordance with an act of the first congress. The first of the value of twenty shillings was printed by Benjamin Franklin, a gen tleman who attained some notoriety. during the war ana me troullous times following it and also published some of the sayings of one '"Poor Richard." The last ii of tho value of $2, "Spantshed Milled.", Ifrom among a mass of old documents, relics of the mound builders and implements of the Aztecs, there stares up a copy of the inaugural address of Gov. Jen nings, delivered in 1816. As the vici tor turns to leave the room he is con fronted by a lot of tea box hieroglyph ics which he, on closer investigation, discovers to be the , signatures of a party of Japanese acrobats who stop ped at the old Palmer house several years ago. Col. Jeff. Scott contribu ted the curiosity, which is of great in terest to Celestial visitors to the li brary, that is, it will be when they come.' Here also are kept the flags of the regiments that went from this state during the war, and some of those captured from the other side. SOME RAKE BOOKS. Here and there on the shelves are rare old works, which would delight the soul of a book worm, especially one who rejoices in the dead languages. Among the works in Latin is a com mentary on the entire Scriptures. Were it not in five large volumes it could scarcely sustain the title, which is: "Mathaei Poli, Londiniensis, Sy nopsis, Criticorum, Aliorumquc Scrip turse Sacra;. Intcrpretum et Comment atorum sumnio ab eodem studio and fide adornata. Edito recentior, revisa et amendis plurimus repnrgara. Cum priviligie Sacrac Caesara: Majestatis. Francafurti at Meaeiium. typis et im pensis, Johannia Phillipi Andrte, An no MDCCXI1." It would seem that with such a title as that the work could not live 163 years, as it has. To persons interested in the development of the world, "Churchill's Voyages" are very interesting. - These were col lected by the Churchills from the works of various authors, and in De cember, 1700, ...William 'III., granted the publishers coryright papers. The volumes in the library were printed by the ass-ignees of the Churchills in 1744. A large volume bearing the date of "15S8 contains the works of Thucydides in the Greek, with Latin notes and explanations.- There arc shelves and shelves full of magazines of all sorts and dates, among them the North American Review from 1815 to 1841, the Edinburg Review from 1803 to 1851. and the files of Harper since its first appearance, minus a few volumes stolen by some one. Of course, the works of all the standard authors of this century, and many of the last, find a place in the library, and it will surprise many to know that the much abused Patent Office Reports are called for more fre quently than almost any works in the library. LIVING ON AIR. In glancing over the works the wri ter came across the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the year 1777, In that volume is detailed the history of a fasting woman who puts to shame all modern imitators. Let thtm hide their heads in shame, if they can live on nothing for but a few months or a year. This case is reported by Dr. James McKenzie and certified to by half a dozen responsible and well known persons in that day and neigh borhood, and occurred in Scotland, where to be sure almost eveerythin is remarkable. The account sets forth that Janet MacLeod, of the parish of Kincardine and the shire of Ross, had an epileptic fit in the 15th year of her age and this attack was followed by a fever, in consequence of which she lost the power of using the muscles of her eyelids and was compelled when she wanted to see anything to prop, them open with her finger, though she seemed otherwise to be in good health. At Whitsuntide, in the year 1763, she refused food and drink, and her jaws became locked together. A horn spoon was used to force them open and a little thin gruel put into her mouth, but she did not swallow it and it all ran out of the corners of her mouth. During four years the family never knew her to swallow a bit of food or drink, except a pint of water, which she drank at one time, but evidently did not like it, for she never rereated the experiment. Dr. McKenzie examined her and found that she had as healthy an appear- ance, her ssin was as son ana her limbs ns round and plump as though she was taking her three meals a day of oatmeal and other substantial?. One peculiarly happy thought of brs . was not to say anything or worry the family, as sick people usually do. A queer circumstance of her malady was the tact that she could not lie on her back, and if put in that position would immediately roll over onto her side, but not by her own volition, for she was unable to move. At tne end ot this little resting and cheap boarding spell of four years she became well enough to move about the house and eat about as much as is ordinarily re quired for the support of a child two years old.' Ah! In all there is much in the library to interest one who has the time to visit, and it is of late becoming better known than in former years, when it was under the charge ot less agreeable persons than Mr. L. Dalton, the pres ent librarian, and Miss Maggie Fitz gibon, his assistant, who endeavor to entertain all visitors and make the place a pleasant one. Col. Bethea, a member of the Ala bama Constitutional Convention, is cited as a lawyer, whoso career was brief but brilliant. He had only one case in his life, and that involved a large amount'of property, his fee of $60,000 depending upon his success. He won, received his fee, and with raurefs fresh upon him, retired from the bar. . . Mrs. Senator Sprague is in Wash ington. She visited the Capitol dur ing the week,-in company with Mr. Jones, the sculptor, who cut the por trait bust of her father. And, after a careful examination, Mrs. Sprague ex pressed herself entirely satisfied with the work-in every respect. This bust of the distinguished Chief Justice, will be placed in the Supreme Court room. " - - . Mr. Warner Tries It. Mr. Warner, a respectable and law abiding citizen of Baker street, rode home in an express wagon the other day, having a hand fire extinguisher and the driver lor company. "What's that thins?' asked his wife in contemptuous tones; as she opened the hall door. "What's that? Why that's a fire extinguisher best thing you ever saw meant to have got one a year ago." "Jacob you are always making a fool of yourself," she continued as she shut the door. "Every pafent right man gets around you as a cat lays for a mouse." "Does, eh? If you know anything at all you'd know that every store and office, in Detroit has one o' these. They've saved lots of buildings, and may save ours." "You throw it at the fire, don't you?" she asked in sarcastic tones. He carried it up stairs into a closet without replying, and she followed on and asked: 'Don't it shoot a fire out?" "If you don't know anything, I'll learn you something! It is full of chemicals; you strike on this knob on top and she's all ready to open this faucet and play on the fire. She grinned as she walked around it, and finally asked: "Do you get a horse to draw it around?" "No, I don't get a horse to draw it around. Yon see these straps? Well, I back up, put my arms through them, and here it is on my back." . "I see it is," she sneered. "And can't I run to any part of the house with it?" he demanded. "See eee- And he cantered alone th liall into the bed-rooms aud out, and was turning the hend of the stairs when his foot caught in the carpet. He threw up his arms and she crabbed at him, and both rolled down stairs. He yelled and she yelled. Sometimes he was ahead, and then she took the lead, and neither of them had passed under the "string" when the extinguisher, bumping and jamming, began to shoot off its charge of chemicals. ' "You old 1" she started to say, when a stream from the hose struck her between the eyes, and she didn't finish. .... - "What in o u-c-h!" roared Mr. Warner, as he got a dose in the ear. They brought up in a heap at tho bottom of the stairs, the stream play ing into the parlor, against the hall door, and up stairs by. turns, and she gasped: . i "I'll have you sent to a fool asy lum." : "Who's a fool?" he roared, dancitg around with his eyes full of chemicahv " "I'm fainting!" she squeaked. "And I've broken my back!" he shouted. It was a sad house when those two highly respectable old people got so that they could use their eyes and discuss matters calmly. And she doubled up her fist and hoarsely said: "Take that investigator, or distin guisher, or whatever you call it, back down town, and tell every body that you are a lunatic." And he said: "Dummit, I know more than all your family put together." Detroit Free Press. ' OUR COMMON SCHOOLS. Itevlews, Examinations, and Pro -- notions. BY GAIL HAMILTON. It is never to be forgotten that a city school of six or eight or ten hun dred children cannot be so easily and simply conducted as a country school of forty or fifty pupils.- On the other hand, it is equally important to re member that the multiplication of machinery is not in itself a mark of excellence; that the. greatest attain able fimplicity is just as desirable in a large school as in a small; Machin ery is only means to an end. Every thing which tends to exalt the ma chinery above the. work which it pro duces is wrong, and all such machin ery is not only useless to the pupils, but is a needless expanse to the com munity which sustains the schools. It seems to me that our whole sys tem of reviews and examinations in schcol is burdensomely cumbrous and extravagantly expensive. I may as sume that the memory of our own school days is fresh in all our minds. We can very well recall the interest we took in some studies, the lack of ioterestwe felt in others. I doubt not our experience is almost univers ally the same. ; The first breaking of ground was delightful. We took ech lesson eacn uny wun iresn interest. But when tbe book was finished and the two or three weeks of review came it was all a drag: Neither teacher nor pupil had the stimulus of novel ty. I would abolish the whole sys tem of reviews. The very fact that they are without interest is a strong indication that they are without ben efit. Hut without a review how can the pupil pass his examinations and be promoted? .1 would abolish tbe examination, too. No one whose at tention has not. been called to it can guess the burden which the close and careful investigation of the huudreds of thousands of annual, semi annual, and tri-annual examination papers in the grammar schools and high schools imposes upon teachers. It is a wholly dry, uninteresting, and exasperating work, and it is equivalent to the em ployment of a regiment of extra teacher-force. It is no part of the natural duty ot a teacher and I cannot see that it is productive of the least good. The pupil's standing for the next term or the next year is determ ined by it. But the teacher knows beforehand perfectly ' well what the pupil's standing ought to be; and if he wants to formulate that standing, lo prevent tbe possibility ol its being decided or suspected of being decided by the pique or partially ot the teach er, to nave something to show the parent as a reason for his son's pro motion or degradation, there is the daily record of his daily recitation and behavior a standard just as sta tistical and fixed and far more trust worthy. . -, ; , Multiplication is the very best re view of addition. Division is the very best review of subtraction. " Algebra is the proper review of arithmetic, and rhetoric and logic are the best reviews of grammar. Tbe cram of a three weeks' review preparatory to an examination has no more tendency to fasten facts in the mind than the building up of a new science on the foundations of the old. Every day's lesson should be thoroughly learned and exactly recorded. Tbat .record at the end of the term should decide tbe pupil's rank for the next term. It be has studied faithfully and mastered fairly, be has derived all the good necessary from the pursuit. A two or three weeks' cursory ramble over the old ways, which have lost their novelty, will but fatigue and bore him, to little purpose. If he have been idle and unfaithful, he will not be likely to recover much ground in two weeks. Let him feel that it is minute daily fidelity that must do his work, and not a lazy, careless loung ing for ten weeks, to be made up by a spasmodic spring at the end. . This is neither scholarly nor business-like. If his daily record gives him the requisite percentage for promotion, he is promoted. If not, he remains where ho is. But the faithful and studious, though necessarily some what flagging, not to say jaded pupils, are not stimulated by the factitious interest of a test examination to tread over again a path from which their feet have already beaten out the greenness and their hands have plucked the flowers. - I even venture to go further, and question whether a pupil's advance from class to class shall depend so entirely upon his standing in the low er class. Ambition is a great spur; but, first and last, there are many dull, stupid, plodding children, who are consientious and industrious, but who never seem actually to master anything. They hang on a study and clutch a few rags of fact here and there; but they are constitutionally disabled from comprehending it There are others not stupid, but one-' sided. They may be unconquerably dull at figures, but instinctively clever in history. I knew a girl who went through her botany with but one an swer to every question, to the great amusement of her classmates. It was sheer stupidity that could give only the one plaintive, pathetic, hesitating response of "cellular tissue." But it was a clear case of genius when a lit. tie Cambridge boy the other day closed his list of the exports of Mas sachusetts with "many learned men from Havard College." If such chil dren must stay in the fourth class un til they have an intelligent and con sistent acquaintance with fourth-class studies, they may mull on in the fourth class forever, or be disheart ened and disgusted and leave school. But they will imbibe, pick up, and otherwise possess themselves of a great deal of stray information regard- inir those studies, and thev won Id dailba Jiioria ot baptism and so, to be tbe same regarding tbe studies of the third class and the second class and the first class, if they could be per mitted to enter those classes. Now, as their parents must pay their lull share of the taxes which Bupport the higher classes and the high schools, is it quite fair that these children Bhould be deprived of all the advan tages of the schools because they can not utilize some of them? If a boy cannot do the very .best, should he not be encouraged to do the next best? If he cannot get as much out of arithmetic as his neighbor, is that a reason why he should not be allowed to get anything out of algebra or chemistry? would certainly insti tute a compromise here. Let the sy s tem of marking be the same as it now is. Let any proper per centage be re-, quired for rank admission to a class. But let there be such a thing as ad mission without rank. If, upon con sultation parents prefer that their children Bhould not remain in the lower class, but should go into tbe advanced class without rank, let them ga to seize an J assimilate what knowledge they can, to get all the floating benefits that come from class association, and to find perhaps by and by the very stimulus they needed to start them in some new and bright er career, or at the very least, to gather from novelty and variety all the information that can be available to them. Ambition will not be dis pensed with for these alone arc hon orary members who have won their spurs; but neither will slowness and dullness be doomed perpetually to the outer darkness of the monotonous lowest class. The bright pupils will not be kept back, for the tasks will be set to their measure, and not to that ot the weaker brethren. They will have all the credit of proficiency, all the aids to ability, and all tbe stini ulous of competition; while the more slow, perhaps more htupid, but per haps also more Tgif ted, more peculiar, and more original minds will be able to eet out of the school - training ev erything in it which is adapted to their nature and capacities. . rf Wax Vlanres. Don Piatt, describing Madame Tus saud's wax-work show in London, tells of a funny little episode of recent occurrence there. To the great mass of visitors after night these wax figures are so life-like and real that it is dangerous to get out ot line, for it is not uncommon to have some weary man or woman, who has seated himself or herself, to be mistaken for a wax creation, and commented upon aud .criticised by tbe crowd. ' This is what happened to Raymond," the actor, who has made Col. Sellers immortal. '.- John was tired, and so hinged into an old chair. He had not observed the number placarded over his head that indicated he was occupying the seat of a wax figure removed for rc- Efiirs. Thcrowd soon gathered about inv, and at first Raymond thought he was subjected to a common process of being stared at as Col. Sellers. Then it flashed acioss his tun-loving brain that he was being mistaken for a wax figure, for one of the ladies exclaim ed : "How very life-like and natural, to be sure ! Who is it?" Catalogues were hastily searched, and Raymond humored the joke by putting a glass glare in his eyes. This was not so pleasant as it at first ap peared, for directly a man among the crowd said : ' , "Well, I rather think he is the' ugliest little fellow I ever saw." "It is positively the most horrid looking creature in the place. Who is it?" asked a lady. : The number was found and the ac count read out: "Tom Thug, the cruellest murderer ever hung; cut the throats of a whole family of lourteen persons for the tri fling Bum of ten pounds eight shillings and sixpence." ' "Well, I'll be hanged," cried Ray v hinnd. jumping to his feet, "if it is possible to make a charge in England without tacking on that miserable sum of sixpence. I believe the late Mr. Thug was swindled." The crowd laughed and screamed. One more cool bystander said, "O, bother! that is an old game here. This little fellow is hired to do this Madame Tussaud pays him one pound six shillings " "If you say sixpence," cried Ray mond, "I'll make the number of the murdered an even filteen." As a fashionable young lady, fresh from the boarding-school, came to her father's breakfast-table, instead of speaking English and saying "Good morning," she spoke French, and said "Bon jour." "Of course the bone's yours, if you say so," responded the practical old gentleman, as he handed her the ossified portion of a beefsteak. What a splendid accent she must have had! - Yesterday morning, when a man entered his house after an all night's absence, his clothes covered with mud and his hair full of grass, his wife sternly demanded: "Now, then, where have you been?" "Whirivi' bin?" 'Yes, Bir." "Well," he replied, look ing at himself, "you can call it blode up on a steamboat, or run over by a tornado -I ain't a bit partickler which." Vicksburg Herald. mi nsn-snTnh ' ' " Salyini raked in $25,000 in his last London season. He is said to be now worth about $175,000, mostly made by playing Othello. THE CIRCUIT RIDER. A Story of Home Twenty Tears As;o. Every Methodist who has failed to read Edward Eggleston's "Tbe Cir cuit Rider." has missed a volume of fun as well as much information. The author was himself a Methodist preacher in the earlier, days when conferences were held in log cabins that sent preachers among the alliga tors of Mississippi as well as into the bear forests of Michigan. Just now we remember one of the stories that afiorded us much amuse ment when wc read the book.-. In those days preachers went to the Almighty for directions upon any subject that perplexed them: They believed they got direct orders just as a subordinate in the Treasury De partment at Washington now gets directions from Hon. John C. New. One good brother was in doubt about 1 , sure that he was right.'went to head auartcrs for a solution of the vexed j question, a question that very foolish Jy is a vexed one to tbis day. As was the custom, he went to the woods it was generally believed then that Deity inhabited tbe groves more than he did the fields cr villages. This broth er determined to pray until he got an answer and he did it, but it took a long while seven days. At the end of that tussle, tho brother was seen coming from the woods, his hair streaming behind him, bis face look ing gaunt his stomach feeling gaunter, but with joy beaming from his eyes. He was running at full speed and at every jump shouting "hallelujah ! im mersion ! hallelujah ! immersion !" (We don't ciiarge our "Campbellite" friends anything for this advertise ment of their mode). This story reminds us of another nearer home and one that did not eud so satisfactorily. About twenty years ago, William Lindley. who then lived on what is known as the Covalt farm, seven miles east, had joined the Unit ed Brethren church and thought he had a call to preach but was not cer tain it might be indigestion or Bome other ailment. One day while he was plowing the subject had a distressing bearing on his mind and he determined to have the question settled. He stop ped the plow and betook himself to the woods. . Before starting, he decided that the right place to pray was at a certain large stump by an old sugar camp, and to make the matter more certain ho agreed with himself that he would shut his eyes and so if he got over the fence and to the partic ular stump with his eyes shut the fact would be quite as much of an answer to his serious inquiry, as the return order report from his . praying. ; He started, got over the fence, ana Boon was inextricably entangled in; the bush ol the top of a fallen tree. ; He had to open his eyes to get out. " Still not discouraged ho closed his eyes and after taking the bearing started again. lie- proceeded , cautiously but finally fell over a rotten log. " Rolling the log in his fall, a large nest of yel low jackets were stirred. The littje venomous animals made him open his eyes wide and they stuDg him almost to death. Ele fought them off, slap ping his face, ."mashing" the jackets under his pants, on his legs and other parts of his body. When he got rid of them he discovered that he had taken a course directly away from the selected stump." He decided that he. had no call and went back to his plow.' Some years afterwards he left the "Brethren" church and united with the Dunkarda. This sect don't wait for "calls" but elect their preachers. Brother Lindley was elected and is still preaching. . ' ELOPEMENT AND PURSUIT. The Statesman and the Heiress-. Incident in the Life of William I M arcy. " From the Buffalo Courier. , ; Win. L. Marcy was called to' thei bar in October, 1811- Acting under' the advice of friends, he opened an office in Troy, N. Y., and commenced the practice of his profession. He was surrounded by experienced aud gifted lawyers, who controlled the houors and emoluments of their pro fession. Young Marcy, deficient in those brilliant and ready taleDts so attractive to the public, though pos sessing erudition and strong intellec tual powers, did not at first meet with professional success, but, taking au appeal to the future, ; be patiently awaited the developments of - time. With great labor and perseverance be perfected himsell in thoe old acquire ments which subsequently rendered him conspicuous before the world as a lawyer, judge, diplomatist and states man. ' ii ' Amoug the characteristics that dis tinguished the early days of Mr. Mar cy's professional lile was carelessness in regard to dress. .Though Jie was not, like Martin Grover, accustomed to appear in dilapidated attire, still he held fashion and her votaries in contempt His boots were often left for weeks without polish, and his hair, to say the least, never appeared in Hyperion curls, and withal, by casual acquaintances, he was regarded as a very dull and inactive young map. But his personal appearance was in his favor. He was slightly above the ordinary height, "stout and mascu line, but not gross; his forehead bold and full, bis eyebrows heavy, his eye deep set and , expressive, -his mouth and chin firmly moulded. His man ners were affable and courteous, free from pretense, yet dignified." ' He was easy, pleasing, and graceful in conversation. In really defined and cultivated circles young Marcy, not withstanding his indifferent attire, was a favorite, though coxcombs at tempted to make him the subject of raillery. r : . THE YOUNG LAWYER AND THE SEMI . NARY GIRL. His office was in a small? one-story building, surrounded by a railing or veranda. Directly opposite the office there was a fashionable Female Semi nary. In pleasant weather he would seat himself on the veranda, with his feet elevated on the top of it, and iu this position watch the gambols of the young ladies on the play-ground of the school, or engage in pursuing his favorite studies. His unpolished boots, thus conspicuously exhibited, were of ten the subject of merriment among the fair students. Though young Marcy was 'wanting in those external qualities constituting what is called a ladies' man," his society was by no means distasteful to the fair sex, especially to those who. had the penetration to understand the real j beauties of his character and to appre ciate his abilities. Among tbe more ' i advanced pupils of the Seminary was i a Miss Dubois, a young lady from I SnrirtfrfiAlii Alaaft an hir0uanvArv beautiful. Marcy had frequently met her at the residence of a lady friend in Troy. For some time a respectful friendship existed, between her and, the young lawyer. She was pleased with the graces of his mind, the' vari- ety and extent of his knowledge, the superiority of his intellect. ' There was a charm in his 'conversation" which unconsciously "revealed the mental resources of tne future states-. man, stimulating intelligence in oth-; ers. Miss Dubois possessed tbat charming versatility tbat belongs of right to woman tho faculty of suit ing her fine intellect to all whom it encountered of " so temperine her subtle wit with feminine grace u to exempt her Irom enmity or malice, and that pride which is the necessary result of superiority she wore' easily and gracefully. There were those . elements in the friendship between young Marcy and Miss Dubois which naturally ripen into deep attachment and ardent love, yet, singular as it may appear, there was no affair of the heart blended with it. But those., who were aware of their intimrcy, not understanding its nature, naturally put another construction upon it, and a report reached the ears of the fac-. ulty of the seminary that Marcy was5 n accepted suitor of -Miss Dubois. -The rules vf the institution strictly, forbade the young ladies from receiv- -ing any attention from gentlemen and the parents of the lady had strongly enjoined upon the faculty the enforce- nient ot this rule m regard to their daughter; Therefore, the report of her relations with the voune lawver caused an unpleasant sensation in the seminary, and Miss Dubois was sirict ly forbidden to have any further asso ciation with Marcy. The report even reached her father, who hastened to 1 roy, determined to remove his daughter from tbe seminary. But, her explanation " of the matter was ' sufficient, and he returned home sat isfied that all reports connecting the name or bis daughter with Mr. Marcy were groundless. THE ELOPEMENT. ; : A few weeks after her father's visit. Miss Dubois obtained permission to vist Albany with some friends, i Some' time after her departure it occurred to one of the pupils of tbe seminary. who had interested herself in the af fairs ol Miss Dubois and Mr. Marcy to quite an extent, that, although the day was delightful, the young lawyer had not been seen in his accustomed place on the : veranda of his office. On making projier inquiry, she learned tbat ne bad not been tbere at all tbat day. This aroused her curiosity, and. excited her suspicions,- leading her ro1 make lurtber inquiry, and she was in formed that he had accompanied Miss Dubois to Albany. Without furtlier consideration, she believed that an elopement bad taken place, and im mediately informed the faculty tbat young Marcy and Miss Dubois had ' fled to Albany for the purpose of be ing clandestinely 5 married. This' aroused them to the highest, pitch of excitement. 1 he rumor ran like : wildfire, through the institution, reaching the city in a short space of time. - Ihere was a strange hurrying' to and fro" in the seminary conster nation was everywhere mingled with the silent mirth which the affair had created among many of the young la dies, who really enjoyed the scene. Cupid j had slyly found a lodgment within those walls, dedicated to sci ence and study, though all thought ' the little-winged god was sternly for bidden tbere to many known only in -' the beautiful dreams of girlhood. Yet he had actually been a sojourner in that temple of science; one ot I its fairest inmates had yielded ' to his witchery had fled to his enchanted bowers. Fearing tbat the wrath and influence of the young Jady's father and her other friends would be turned.1 against the institution, and dreading the odium which an elopement would bring upon it, an immediate pursuit was decided upon. The Sheriff of the county, with a posse comitatus was sent in pursuit and proceeded with; hot haste to Albany. Learning that the lady was at one of the principal hotels in the city, he rushed thither eager to forbid the bans before it was ' too latei:i Sans ceremony he forced 1 his way into the ladies' parlor. Miss Dubois was , there enjoying herself with her friends, but, to the astonish-,, meet of the Sheriff, young Marcy was , not present. The officer had entered the rooms sternly determined 'on breaking the chains akat love had' forged with the strong arm of the law. He had anticipated tears, cries and shrieks from the lady, mingled with deep curses from tbe lover. But no . ardent lover waa there no priest ; about to pronounce the solemn but, happy union could be seen. - NOT AN ELOPEMENT, AFTER ALL. - The lady and her friends, taken by . surprise at the sudden entrance of the Sheriff and his assistants, started to their feet in alarm. One of the ladies S resent summoned courage enough to : emand of the officer what he meant by this intrusion. Confused and em barrassed by the awkward position he found himself in, he said : "We we have that is we want to find I sawyer Marcy and. Miss Du bois. We are told ; ? - j "I am Miss Dubois, air. As" for Mr. Marcy, I have not seen him, to-, day. What do you mean, sir I" - t "Why, the-people at the seminary said that you and he bad gone off to gether to to get married, and" ; ' "And so they sent you in pursuit of us, I suppose. You will not arrest me on mere suspicion, will you?" "We had to obey orders, madam: I have a warrant against Mr. Marcy for abduction that is, for carrying , you off for they made tbat out be fore the Justice," said the officer. The deep, clear, silver laugh of Mis Dubois in which her . comoions ? joined rang through tbe room at this , announcement, while the Sheriff and bis assistants, finding themselves "sold," as the saying is, : retired, greatly , chagrined at their singular adventure. It happened, shortly af-, ter, Misa Dubois and her friends left Troy, Mr. Marcy, having business in Albany, proceeded to that city alone i by stage. Having transacted his busi ness he returned home alone, as he came, to the surprise of the citizens and his. friends, who verily believed he had eloped with the pretty heiress. His owu astonishment was unbound ed when informed of the commotion and excitement he had unconsciously caused at. the seminary, especially, when he learned that during the day it was believed throughout the city that he. had absconded with a clan destine marriage in view; that for the time being he had abandoned the law for Gretna Green. Nothing could exceed the mortification of the semi nary at tbe useless and ludicrous ex citement they had produced. For a long time this elopement made much merriment in all circles, both in Troy and Albany. None, however, enjoyed the joke with - a keener relish than Mercy and his fair friend. . u . , j THE SEQUEL. , , ' At length she graduated .and re turned to her friends, leaving the young lawyer to plod- on' towards the fame that awaited hinu In the course of time Mies Dubois married ' highly respectable citizen of Boston, with whom she lived in great, happiness and prosperity. With the lapse of time-honors accumulated upon Wm. L. Marcy. He was elevated to the bench of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.' He ooeupied tho Gubernatorial chair, and afterwards became a member of tbe united states Senate, and then Secretary ot State in the Cabinet of the President of the United States, gaining honort, as Min ister of State which lew of his prede cessors had attained. While -a Sen ator in Congress ho attended ' one of tho-e splendid receptions given by a distinguished official to the - heads of departments Senators, members of Congress and other eminent persons entitled to an invitation. In tho course of the evening, a ladywbose beauty, accomplishments, fascinating manners, and reputed wealth attract ed -much attention in the fashionable circles f ' Washington,: approached Mr. Marcy. She was leaning on the arm of a dignified and courtly gentle man. "Senator," she said, with a graceful salutation, "I can not resist my desire to renew an acquaintance with you once the sourse of great pleasure anJ profit to me. mTo you nbt recognize in me an old friend ?" -''Certainly I do-iYou are, or rather wnra Miaa Dubois. T 1m - deliellted to meet you again; nothing could give me greater pleasure"," saidJMr. Marcy, after, a moment's hesitation. "Permit me to introduce to you my husband, Mr. D of Boston," said the lady. "Mr. D- -," she contin-ued.-"this is the, Hon. William L. Marcv. whom you know so well by reputation. He is an old friend of mine. I once eloped with him; but I trust you will forgive him, as you have me, for it was only an indiscretion of our youth.!' r - .ax v. i"uch elopements aro easily forgot ten. Senator," said Mrs1. ;D- " es pecially since the one Mrs. - D alludes to has afforded us a fund of amusement for pur - first acquaint ance." " - - "It was bo well managed that nei ther of us knew anything about it un til it waa all over," 'said Marcy. " . The story :: of the elopement soon found its way into Washington soci- ety, where it was the subject of much merriment. " -" " . " ' ' "Marcy," said President' Jackson, at one of his receptions." at which ' Mrs. D and her husband were E resent, "Marcy, by the Eternal, if I ad been in your place I should have given full occasion for the report of an elopement with that splendid wo man. , Why did you not ?' "Because, Mr. President, I had my eyes on a -still lovelier woman tho future Mrs. Marcy," was the reply. . . "Ah, that was all right; an excellent explanation," said the President. The Des Moines (Iowa) Register of tbe 5th inst. says : "Mr. Wullwcber, of Dubuqe, lelt his home yesterday for South America to assume the du ties of his position as Minister to Equador.: Saturday ; evening he was publicly presented by his friendswith a $200 gold watch.", f-, ... iAn old letter of Andrew Jacjtson's has come - to . light in -Memphis, in which be speaks of his. veto of the United States Bank hill in this way : "I enclose my veto to- tbe bank; bill. I have killed this hydra of eorruption, or at least shorn Jt of , its power to destroy the liberty of our country.". . . . 5 mm ' : ' Washington City is" in raptures' over the performance of Henry V. by Rig nold. His attention to the details of art. is said to be wonderful. . Eves his kisa to hia betrothed princess is so far superior to ordinary stage kiss ing as to elicit enthusiastic ' praise from the ladies. The scenery for the play was painted is London' and is said to be the finest ever brought to this country. In thebattle scene of Agincourt three 1 white horses are brought upon the stage.;,' y r-.l Hon. Alexander II. Rice, the Re publican nominee for- Governor of Massachusetts,, is - a native of 1 tbat State, and 57 years of age. He was Mayor of Boston in 1856-57, and was a Representative from Massachusetts in the Thirty-sixth,-Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth Congresses.- ? 1 "The' Prince Imperial of France is not about to start on a journey of the world, as was reported. The-Pays , newspaper of Paris, denying the ru mor says : "At this moment a prince of the imperial family must respect fully hold himself, at the disposal of France, which may at any moment summon him." Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Sest ; of the Boston Ancient 4 and onorable Artillery Company on its recent visit to Concord, and respond ing to their toast said that he was quite unable to address them, adding: "A year or two ago I think three years ago I should have ventured to give my views and endeavored to speak " to an audience like this so rare as this with some courage that I might properly express myself; but I.have ceased to speak in public. I was always unequal to the task ' of a sudden address. - ,5 Gen. O.O. Howard has been sup plying the pulpit of the Congregation-" al Church at Portland, Oregon, du ring the vacation of the pastor. "