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The daily palladium. [volume] (Richmond, Ind.) 1904-1905, November 22, 1904, Image 5

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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Thumbnail for PAGE FIVE

On the "Former's Floor Higgins
Put Up the Real Game at
Maijioi .
El wood .
. ,
' .000
P. W.
..4 II
. . . (
. . 5
(Special to the Palladium.)
Muncie, November 21.. The Quak
ers mot with a landslide of polo halls
tonight nearly as jrreat as that of
Koosevelt in the last election. When
the smoke of the battle had cleared
away it was shown that .Manager
Petty 's proteges had chalked, one
. doaen raw ones against a little.raeas-:
ly one, the Quakers succeeded in
"retlniLV i ne uuakers were eieany
off form and did not play anything
' like tlul game ' tliey ' idayed in the
olden days," in1' the days of long ago.
.Everybody, including Bone and Jes
vSup,' were away off color and acted
at times as' if pplo was an unknown
quantity1 Jfb Mlrem: : At times they
- would take. ,u brace and play the
Muncie boys off , their feet, but they
would soon relapse into a sort of 'a
.... comatose state-,,,. .Despite the playing
of the Quakers, luck played a great
part in the viory for Muncie. The
' work .of JJiggins was of the' stellar
sort as lic-was in fine form. .'The
l ', ''. ' .-. , -'. ' 1 1 il.
large crown present cueereu f wie
home teanr to the echo. Muncie is
trying a new system and according
to tonight's game it worked line. No
.one, is held responsible for the new
7lays, but thev are all winners. The
fact that JessinY; had 45 stops or 15
. more . thnijYd'id .Cashman shows that
4hn vnclioo Jiieilt ifm-lml iwcr Ifinh.
mond 's defense, - which did t not ! de-
ienu verv tpu uns evening;,.,., lue
aiy goal mauo uy inciimouuf was
made by Bone in the fast time of
1 oiio minute arid seven seconds. A s
could be exepected. Itolderness and
called on them and Dbhcrty ehalked
up two. Iiigginfi and Hart started
the game with a rush and captured
three goals in the first period. In
the third period Iliggins seored three
times and Hart once. Holderness
was substituted " for Farrell at cen
ter and Little DeWitt took Ilolder
ness place. Cunningham, sr., re
lieved Cunningham, jr., but those
changes did not seem to change the
run.of tlin panifi.
The lineup:
Muncie , Richmond
Higgins ...... rush . . Bone
Jiart ....... rush . .Cunninghams
Farrell . , . . . center .... Mansfield
llolderncsss . half back ... Doherty
Cashman goal Jessup
1f.iisliiii TTio-onns 0. IT art 1 , RnnA
.5, Cunningham, jr., 1.
f puis liomerncss, arreii, i do
herty 2. ,
Stops Cashman 30, Jessup 45
Keferee "Waller. .
Attendance 1,800.
First Period.
lliirgins 2:01.
lligdns 7:42.
Hart 1:47.
Second Period.
Higgins 11 :00.
ITiggins 1:00.
Higgins 1 :00.
Hat 1:00.
nart 8:02.
Third Period.
Higsins 2:05.
Higgins 1:28.
Headache, biliousness, heartburn'. Indi
gestion, and all liver ills axe cured by
Hood's"; Pi!!5
22 Richmond at Indianapolis.
Klwood at Marion.
23 Indianapolis at Richmond.
24 Indianapolis at Muncie.
Muncie at Indianaolis.
Anderson at El wood.
Richmond at Marion. .
25 Muncie at Marion. .
Elwood at Anderson.
2G Anderson at Richmond. ,
Marion at Indianapolis.
MnncJp fit Elwood.
Hart 3:52.
Higgins 1 :27.
! Marion Won.
(Special to the Palladium.)
Anderson, November 21. Ander
son lost to Marion again tonight on
their own floor, S to 4. Marion clear
ly outplayed the home hoys from the
start. The Marion boys were light
ing fast tonight and a number of
the goals were made jn record time
Anderson was unlucky enough to
lose a, goal by fouls as Miller had
three called on him and Mo ran one.
Moran and Miller both were not in
the best of form and the Marion
players repeatedly broke through
their defense. In the second period
Marion chalked up five goals and
would probably have taken more if
the rushers had not worn themselves
out. .
The lineup:
Mercer ....... rush . . .
Wodtke rush . . . ,
Miller center . .
Moran .... half back
. . v Lewis
. . Jean
Score Anderson 4, Marion Si
Rushes Lewi, 8, Mercer. C.
Fouls Miller 3,- Moran 1.
Stops Burgess 21, Mallory 34
Referee Arundel.
Attendance 1,700. ;
First Period.
. Wodtke 11:13. '
Lewis 2:10. .
Dawson- :24. ; ; . '
Second Period. v .
Jean- :27.
Dawson :44. - . r,: ;
, Cameron -r-3:1 3, ,, . .1
Mercer 2:04. ;
Dawson 3:51. " 1
Lewis :06.
Wodtke 2:27.
Third Period.
Wodtke 2:17.
Lewis :43. 4 V
Wodtke 0:0S.
. . :
. P. W. L. Pet.
Danville ... 13 10 3 .709
TeiTe Haute 12 7 , 5 .583
Ft. Wayne .12 7 5 .583
Kokomo ... 13 5 i, S .3S4
Lafayette . . .12 4 .333
Logansport .12 4 8 .333
; . .
Kokomo Defeated.
(Special to the Palladium.)
Danville, November 21. Kokomo
regained some of its old time fonn
tonight and solved a number of the
Suckers' plays and were only de
feated 3 to 4. Kokomo mit' ui the
best, game that has been played on
the local floor this year.. At the end
of the first period things looked
rather dark for Danville as Kokomo
had three goals to Danville 's one.
Murtaugh , played a great game.
The, lineup: -
Danville " "
. Kokomo
. . . Smith
. O'Mally
. . . . Hays
. . . Cusick
Daly .....
Campbell .
Mnrtaugh .
ITardy . . . ,
msh .
. . rush .
. center .
half back
... goal
Score Danvile 4, Kokomo 3.
Rushes Daly 7, Smith 3.
Fouls Hardy 2, Smith, CMally.
Stons TTeffermann 19, Cusick 33.
Referee Lowery; , t .
Attendance 700. ' - f
First Period-
Fitzgerald 1 :23. k
" Fitzgerald 2 Tl4. "
Camnbell 2:18.
' Smith :27.
Second Period. "
Daly 11:10.
CnmnVll3:46. 1'
Third Period.
. Manager Cohen, who has been
i scanning the horizon for som. one
any one to strengthen the Indiana-
polis team, has sighted a placer and
is doing a tall job of signaling, y.
The man in question 'is Phil Ja-
sou, last season with the Ft. Wayne
champions of the Central League.
Jason has parted company with
the. Ft. Wayne management because
of a difficulty over the kind of roll
ers he wears on: his skates and has
jiunped the team. Ft. Wavne does
not care to take him back after the
trouble, and is willing -to -dispose" of
Jason led the Central League rush
ers in goal getting last season and is
considered one. of the best cover
points in the game. Ue is figured a
great partner for Dickie Pierce. Ne
gotiations are now on and it is possi
ble tliat he may land in Cohen's drag
net in a. day or so. Indianapolis
Star, r
The talk ttf Coggeshall being re
leased has set a mimber of Central
League managers on the popular
player's trail, and there is little
doubt of his landing a good berth
should he. leave the local team. ' "
The Lafayette team, which has a
stiongidefense but a weak defense,
is. hot after him and willing to pay
him a higher salary than he is now
receiving. Indianapol is Star.
w -K-
Jaek Xewman has been appdnted
manager of the Indianapolis polo
team and will take charge at once.
Newman -has. ordered the team to
report, fur practice every morning
and in addition to the work on the
floor will start a school, at which
the plays of the various teams will
be studied out and othern plays fig
ured out to break up the offense of
opposing teams..
The olo wheel is spinning. With
one week of history the fourth sea
son of the sport in the west is well
under, way, and the gods of -the re
sined arena have scattered 'a! few fa
vors over the Western league, caus
ing dejections and satisfaction alike.
A surprise or two marked the first
week 's progress of the sport. The
standing column presents by no
means: its appearance cf last spring.
Elwood looks good at the top, for the
gray ? uniformed players promise to
take a very active part in polo af
fairs. ; , T Marion, it was -: expected,
would be in the first division, also
lhatr.Indianapolis would be in the
lower class, .Richmond and Muncie
were expected to start off with flying-colors.
The Quakers did so,
while the Farrellites contented them
selves with furnishing twro pretty ex
hibitions of the sport and taking the
short end of the scores until' they
met the Quakers. ' Anderson has
come tip to expectations and falls in
that cit v ate -delighted. : r ;:
Undoubtedly the most . ' startling
surprise and the' least- expected dem
onstration of the week's happenings
in polbdom was the Muncie victory
over the champions on their own j
floor, after Muncie was well drubbed
by Marion and Anderson. Wheu it
is considered, however, that the
Quaker' organization was the easiest
in the league, for- the Farrelliets to
contend with during last season and
the lineup of both organizations is
the same, with Muncie 's weak-' point
strengthened, together with the fact
tnat after three defeats the wearers
of the purple were getting together
on-weak points, the 7 to 3 score
seems-but natural.- Muncie was de
terniinedto .wiii and - did so, showing
a strength i6f organ b-.at ion which had
not yef been demonstrated during
the week. Muncie Star." " : .'
"I wouldn't trade Higgins for a
team of Jason's," was what' Petty
said about the report of a trade for
the Ft. Wayne riisher. -'Muncie fans
are with Petty there.
. Manager-. Cohen of the Indianapo
lis polo team, has come to terms with
Nick McGilvary, who succeeded
Uarry Way as captain of the team
last year. McGilvary' will reach In
dianapolis today from his homo in
Boston and will , play , with, the In
dians .... J again-ft .Richmond ...tonight.
He will be put at center. His re
turn to the game will strengthen the
Indian team considerably. . McGil
vary is counted one of the cleverest
floor workers in the West and Indi
anapolis fans wait with anticipation
the opportunity of again cheering
his fast work. With McGilvary in
the lineuo the unbroken line of de
feats "will likely be interrupted. It
is "prabable that Cogjrshall will be
let out, or traded. Kid Hausrhton
was in the city yesterday and he
reports that Cdhen has ieeured a new
half back and center, this will send
McGilvary to rush with the Kid. ...
Funeral of Mrs. Ford.
The Mrs. Ellen Ford, notice of
whose death was published Sunday
morninsr, is the mother of Mr. S. S.
Fcrd, Mr. Albert " Ford, Mr. Elmer
Ford, Mr. Charles Ford, Mr. Clar
ence Ford, Mrs. Charles Marson, of
j CamWidge City, -Mrs. Oliver -Woods
'and Mrs. John Starr. The funeral
will o-cur af 2:30 this afternoon'at
the tirst Baptist church. : -'
(Continued from first page.)
j ! HHiou of the same hose house
J wfls allowed. The claim amounted
to fl.W.
W. W. Alexander called attention
to the had condition of the cross
ing at the corner of Xorth D and
Fifth streets. Referred to street
H. W. Deuker called attention, to
the fact that the arc light at Ft.
Wayne avenue and North A street
throws no lighten Xorth A' street on
the hill. Referred to light commit
tee. The board of public improvements
reported 1o council that they have
referred the petition of the Chande
lier Art Ihass Works and others ask
ing for an extension of sewer in the
alley between South ! .Sixth street
and South Seventh street, to the city
engineer for plans and estimates.
The board also recommended that
the Richmond ", Athletic" Association
be allowed to build a sewer in the
alley in the rear of the Coliseum.
Tt was also recommended that John
F.'Cronin be paid the amount of the
reserve due him on the construction
of cement sidewalks in Xorth Twenty-First
street from Main to Xorth
E street.
A petition signed by five property
owners was presented asking for an
arc light at the intersection of Xorth
Fourtenth and North J streets.
The Border Bolt and Nut Lock
compauyjHitition for a fire plug and
alarm box near the corner of State
;md West Fifth street.
W.. P. O'Neal called attention to
the bad condition of the alley be
tween South Thirteenth and Four
teenth streets and between B and C
streets: needs cleanin
to st ret and alley committee.
To Parties Who Contemplate Trip to
- the Fair.
(By Elizabeth .L. Homey.)
To the Editor of the Palladium:
; After the last World's Fair letter j
some weeks since, I found myself too
busily engaged otherwise to -continue 1
my., notes for a time, then I hesitated
to take them up again as interest in
the Fair seemed - to' lag a bit on ac-'
count of the cold weather, and great
political excitement. Xow that the
weather is so favorable and politics
so. quiet and the Fair is so full cf
special attractions I will write a
little more.
Xo doubt crowds. go daily now and
will' continue to do so till the Fair
closes, provided the weather man
does his duty. -Should this weather
continue till Wednesday night I
hope a large delegation of teachers
and pupils will that night be en
route to the Mound City, a car full
at least, for the trip would be one
of the greatest benefits and pleas
ures. '
It may not be generally known
that after November 5, children un
der 'fourteen are admitted free pro
viding not more than five accompany
one 'person, paying full admission.
The day time could be taken with
visits , to buildings otherwise than
the-. State ones, for these together
with the Pike are the only buildings
open, to visitors after 6 o'clock. In
deed, . I had best say do not go to
many of the buildings after 5 o'clock
in the evening. This" is especially
true of the Palace of Education,
where; those on duty are excused" at
5 o'clock. On Thursday, hy leaving
the grounds-at the last . named hour
one could eat the big meal of the
day. Thanksgiving dinner in leisure
;and still be .in time for some theater.
Louisiana and Ben Hurr were the ri
val attractions when I last heard and
Louisiana was said to be superior
to America and" Alababa, the greit
"1-iys which drew thousands at the
ime of the Columbian Exposition.
Ben llurr needs no words of praise.
Friday niht could be spent at the
State buildings and Saturday night
one might take in the best on the
(Continued tomorrow.)
Of The Columbian Club Ozcurs TomorrowNlght
'Music By Runge's Full Orchestra.
For that tight feeling in youn, chest
There is a remedy over 60 years old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once
in the familv. it stavs: the one household remedv fnr rntmhc
m r 1 w . -
and hard colds on the chest.
Tickets at Allord's Drug Store
joung SKen's
Suits & Overcoats
Ages 14 to 20 years
Sizes 30 to 36 chest
Young mcnVill bt interested in our
shapely and stylish SUITS and OVERCOATS
They are made on the same line,
the same cut and finish as men's,
with . the bioad shoulder effect,
but to the youthful proportion
The fabrics are browns and greys
in" stripes, plaids, fancy mixtures
$7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15 MID $16.50
i Are
18 lbs Granulated Sugar, $1.00
8 bars Lenox Soap, 25c
8 bars Swift's Pride Soap, 25c
Grape Nuts, two for 25c
Malta Vita, two for 25c
Crackers, squares, 5c lb
- Faultless Creams and
Fancy French Prunes,
Saur Kraut, 5c quart
PICKLES MI, Sweet, Sour Finest in city t
t Phone 180
Till I I I I I I l.r.lMi..i..H - 1 - l
Mm mm all
' J m v m -v v w a a w eb
Ask your doctor about it. f-r??:-1
NOV. 23
Butters, 8c, two for 1 5c J
10c lb
914 Main St.
- - . V" ,
- I - I .1 H..M..MHlMMl..M.i'
at Odd Fe flows Hall
Admission 50 cents

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