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M MIOHMONB AIILT P ALL ABFUMo : WEEKLY STAMnFD 1831 DA.IL.Y ESTAULi UKU - RICHMOND, INDIANA, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2, 1906. SINGLE CO.PI23 2bii'S. i r-, i J I T Tfj i: : 15 I I I , ' V IT IS JUDGE CONVERSE After the adjournment of police court yesterday, Judge Freeman turned the office over to Judge Wil liam C. Converse. Mr. Converse was officially declared judge at 12 o'clock noon. : Following the taking of the oath SMALL A ease of small pox was repented to the city health officer yesterday n the family of Charles . Heinbaugh, fiOO Sheridan street. The ' wife of Mr. Heinbaugh is the one afflicted. 'Mrs. Heinbaugh has no idea how the disease was contracted and the oirfy supposition that the health officer has is that Mr. Heinbaugh who is a NINETY-FIVE YEARS OLD YESTERDAY Waller G. Carpenter, Hale and Hear ty, Celebrates Event. Richmond's venerable resident, Mr. Walter G. Carpenter, was ninety-five years old yesterday. He was born January 3, 1811.. Many con gratulations were showered upon the old gentleman. His aged compan ion, Mrs. Carpenter, was ninety-four vears old on December 27. This is surely the most remarkable; couple in the state. ES No remonstrances having" been filed or objections made to the ap plication of John II. Kelt.v, Adam Kemper, Harmon II. Englebert and John Vosmeier, all of Richmond, the County Commissioners today "rant ed them license to sell intoxicating liquors in less quantities than a quart at a time. CORONER MftRKLEY Makes Report for the Year Closed. Dr. C. S. Markley, coroner of Wayne County, has had a very busy year: lie held -IS inquests. There POX ON SHERIDAN ST. MRS. HEIMBAUQH AFFLICTED P ' v were three homicdes. George Keeverjof State, whose resignation Avas re Joseph Lucy and Leonard Geisler. 'j quested by Governor Hanly last Then there were thirteen suicide's Wednesday. Tomorrow was the day -cnine males and four females. Acci-j set for Storms ?s final answer, but it ! dents numbered eight six males and is understood that he will refuse to 1 'two females. Deaths from natural resign, and the contest will be on. causes were ill. Males 15, females j Prosecutor Benedict was in con- J). Killed by steam railroad three; killed by street railway 1. There were no unclaimed bodies. Last year there were ten suicides and no homicides. Last vear the 4catn roads were responsible for cigiiTdeaths and the street railway for tlirTev-' NEW YEARS DAY ' " ' . New 'Year's Dav was opened bv tlie weather man in an ideal manner. The day was " bright and fair" and it was ' necessary to ' think of the watch partj'of thcnight before to realize that it was New Years and not Mav Dav that we were ee1A,(- ' - - intr. All of the olis kej- during the lay ant n;( in the evening. NORN IN YESTERDAY Mr. Converse qualified by filing a bond for -f.j'OO secured by George 11. Eggeineyer ami Samuel W. Gaar, of tin; Second National bank, and ap proved by Mayor Zhr.menn n. Later he. ju)ssed :ars aniou; those in po lice headquarters. conductor in the Pennsylvania yards, may have become exposed teMt. Al though he has shown no symptoms as yet, he is being closely watched by the city physician. There have been very few expo sures to the ease and there is but lit tlo fear in the midst of the health ollicers that the disease will spread. ANGING One of the prettiest of Mrs. Kolp's dancing parties was given last night to the members of her Sat urday afternoon class. It was in the form of a German and about twenty of the children took part. The favors given were of the .pret tiest. At nine o'clock programs were giv en out to the older people and the usual crowd of nine o'clock dancers were present. ' . There is some improvement noticed in the condition of Mr. Adam II. Bartel. His many friends hope that this condition will continue. Harry U. Wood is able to walk about the house and is very much improved. Dr. W. W. Zimmerman is out again after his late illness. Against Daniel E. Storms YTill Like ly Begin. Indianapolis. Tnd., January 1. i It is understood that County. Prose cutor Benedict has been asked by Governor to begin civil pros ecutions, in the Marion count v courts against Daniel E. Storms, Secretary sulfation' with Governor Ilanlv this j morning, at the Governor's ofliee at the State House, but nothing was of ficially given out as to the result of the consultation. It is known, howev- er, that this request was made of 'the prosecutor, and it is expected 'to. . PARTY THE SDK PROSECUTONS fflPERLY CELEBRATED rooms were appropriately decorated for the occasion and served an ele gant lunch to members. Owing to the elegant .weather nu merous rigs were in evidence and the livery men report that nearly all of their were rented. 1$ Numerous New Year parties wore iven throughout the city and the thoroughly HONORED V7. S. Ratliff's Annual Report to tlie Department of Agriculture. Mr. Rati iff has just completed Ms annual report to the Tinted States Department of Agriculture at Wash ington, T). C. lie h;:s h:.'ii c-nti r.:cd a- a n e-iber of ti e I::!and Divi.-ion of the Biological Survey; spevial agent, in Phenologlcal work in the Bureau of Plant Industry; special agent in the Division of Pomology ami his duties enlarged in the Bu reau of Entomology. "OLD Gave Annual Dinner at Westcott Last Night. '; . - The "Old Sleuths," an organiza tion of several young men of the city gave their annual, dinner at the Westcott last night. The clnb has been organized for three years and it is the custom to give dinners at the Hotel on New- Years night. Those present were: Ed Wilson, Ray Meudenhall, Howard Kamp, Dean Jaques, Will Keller, Dudley Cates, Merle Genu, O. Decker, Chas. Kauf man, John Smithmeyer, Fred From me, Clarence Wonell, Ray Newman, Clifton Williams, Clamor Bartel, Carl Pierson, Gath Freeman, Roy Comton. Indianapolis City Government Has Changed Hands. - Indianapolis, January 1. XTnder the provisions of the new cities and towns law, the city government pass ed from John W. Holtzman to Charles A. Bookwalter at noon to day. This change of mayo re Avas made in accordance with the election held on November 7, 1005, and May or Bookwalter is once more at the head of the administration after an absence of two years, to remain there for a term of four years, the period having been extended by the last General Assembly. Today's proceedings were just the reverse of what they were a little more than two years ago, when May or Bookwalter' surrendered the reins of 'government to John W. Holtzman. There was verv little formality in the ceremony. Mayor Bookwalter took the oath of office several Aveeks ago in the Police Court, on his birthday, and for that reason he had only to accept the responsibilities in an offi cial way from the man who laid them down. Mr. Philip Birck Buys Weyant Har ness Store. It has just been made known that Mr. Philip Birck of South Fifth street, has purchased the business of ih? Weyant Harness Co., ' formerly the Wiggins Co., on West Main street. Mr. Birck will take posses sion at once. He has had experience and will hustle the business. Mr. Birck and family hav? only been res idents of tliis. city for a short time, but have made many warm friends during their brief residence. ANNUAL AFFAIR The Gonznea Club held its legular New Yar celebration yesterday at the club rooms. Ten candidates for membership were .initiated- A light luncheon was served after the initiation. W MAYOR BOOKWALTER BUSINESS CHANGE REPUBLICANS WILL ON FR In Their Respective Townships and YTards. To the Republican Y-tirs of Wayne County, IiuL : Pursuant to the call of the Repub lican. Stale Committee, the Republi cans of Wayne County, Indiana, will meet in their respective Townships and. Wards on Friday, January 12th, 1006, as follows: All outside, of the City of Rich mond will hold their meetings at 230 uuaHd ithe.City of Richmond in the several ti all standard itdf transacting HJUm tvwvirbf - one Precinct Committeeman for each voting pre cinct throughout the county, and al so for the election of members of the Wayne County Republican Central Committee, as follows; 9 Abington township, one member; Boston township, one member; Cen ter township, one member; Clay township, one member; Dalton town ship, one member; Franklin lown- ,n,, u,,, ,Cx,i,,, iwuii..,., one member; Harrison township, one 1-1 1 J. ! 1 . . 1 AIM llMI f VI .Ml ..Al'tl..ll .. T,.K i 11 .., members; Jefferson township, one member; New Garden township, one member; Perry township, one mem ber; Washington township, one mem- her; "Webster township, one member; Wayne township, one member from each of the seven wards of the City of Richmond and one additional member for the Township outside the City of Richmond. 2. The election of delegates and alternate delegates to tlie District Convention to be held at Shelbyville, on Tuesday, January KHh., IDOO, for the election of a member of the Re publican State Central Committee from; the Sixth Congressional Dis trict as follows : J-lf'Hp, toll ,V1 liOlUJJ MJIU uvivui tiViil one. alternate ;; Bostpn.township r i , . ' ,. . U. - uue uyiegaiv ami one aatnime; v ,eu- ter township two delegates and two alternates; Clay 'township one dele .Sate and one alternate; Dalton town ship one delegate and one alternate; Franklin township one delegate and one alternate; Green township, one delegate and one alternate; Harrison township one delegate and one alter nate; Jackson township three dele gates and three alternates; Jefferson township two delegates and two al- T-LARGE TO QUALIFY Henry H. Englebert, Matt Yon Pein and Harvey J. Brown have been notified bv City Attorney Gardner to qualify as councilmen-at-large, within the next ten days. Mr. Engel bert will resign as a representative of the-, Third ward and his successor Two men were injured by the rbreaking of a cable of an elevator at the Wayne Works yesterday after noon. The men were removing bales of excelsior from the basement to the upper floor and juSj-v the eleva tor reached the first floor the acci dent happened. The elevator dropped carrying with it the entire gearing at the top T WRECK Eighteen' Crg Derailed and Thrown Over Embankment. A small f;"-'iuht wreck occured lasf, niiih.t about eight oYloek two miles this side of Summitviile, on th NARROWLY ESCAPED DEATH ON WAYNE WORKS ELEVATOR r FREICH MEET I0AY, JANUARY 12 LCl'iil,. v Garden township one one alternate; Perry delegate and one altei Gi'on township one del- ue legale and tt-wihij) one nate; Was'i. egate and o:-e alternate; W-!).ter townsliip one delegate and one alter nate ; Wayne township, outside of the City of Richmond, two delegates and two alternates. The several wards in the city of Richmond as follows: First ward, two delegates and two alternates; second ward, two delegates and two alternates; third ward, two delegates and two alter nates; fourth ward, three delegates and three alternates; fifth ward, four delegates and four alternates; sixth ward, two delegates and two alternates; seventh Avard, two dele gates and two alternates. The meeting for Wayne township, outside of the City of Richmond, for the transaction of the above mention ed business, .shall be held at . the court hous in the City of Richmond, and in nil the other townships at such places as may be designated by the Township Chairman in their res pective townships. The. several meeting places in the different wards f)f the citv of Richmond will be indi- . , , ; f. . . - . . - I pers, as meeting places have not yet been secured in all the wards. At each of , said township and ward meetings no other business shall be transacted "other than that set forth above. The members of the Republican County Central Committee, elected as above specified, shall meet on Satur day, January 13th, 1000, at 10:30 a. m. at the courthouse in the City of Richmond for the -purpose' organi zation by the election of a chairman vice-chairman, secretary and treasur er. ..,..-;" " It js urgently requested that the Republicans of the county attend these township and ward meetings and assist in the organization of the lifirtv. Tt u nlsn imnnrl.nif ilmf l!ip , -. i i - ' "JU names and Host office ar dresses ; -1 ' 0iDntoA -rt;Af teemen? member8 of fhe County Cen- tral Committee, and delegates and al ternates to the district convention be forwarded to fhe county chairman as soon as elected. If on Rural Route please give number.. Dated this 2d dav of January, 1900. - : A. M. GARDNER,- Chairman. WM. C. CONVERSE, Secretary. TEN DAYS will be named at the next meeting of council, January 15. Council will be composed of 17 members until May 1, when the ma--jority of the present body will re tire. Thereafter there Avill be but ten members, one from each .of 'the seven wards, and three at large. ' of f.l;e building. The men had enough ! presence of mind to jump or they I would have had 5 no chance for their lives whatever. Both t!ie men, however, received serious injuries. They have only b?en in the employ of the Wayne Works a 'short time and are strangers in the city their names could not be learned. . Pennsylvania. Eighteen cars were derailed and throAvn over a twenty foot emliankmen't into a ditch. Tho contents of most of the cars was so badly damaged that it will be a total los-s. : The accident was due to the breakinir of an esle while the train was running about twenty miles an hour. No on? was injured. All trains to and from Cincinnati are running via Bayton until the wn age can be cleared away. ' , . ' UITS : !! LIFE Reported He nas Resigned Presi dency of Eig Insurance Company. New York, January 1. It was made known last niiihi on excellent authority, that John A. McCalL re signed on Saturday the presidency of the New York Lifo Insurance Co., says the Times today, and that his resignation was reluctantly accepted by the trustees of the company. Offi cial announcement of the resignation has been planned by the trustees, to be made tomorrow, when the annual statement of the company also be comes public property. BIRTH AND DEATH RECORD Birth and death figures for (he year 1003 indicate that Richmond has made a substantial gain in xpu lation. ', Following are the figures for the year: ' ' Deaths January .....27 February ....... ... .31 Births. 42 23 44 42 0 32 47 4." 35 32 20 20 March . . . April . , May . June July. ..'.., August . . September October ... November December . .. .2S . .20 ...13 ...10 ...21 . ... .l.V ...15 L mm, mi .4 Marriage Licenses. "William E. Jones, Centerville, and Mattie E. Blue, Centerville. Louis W. Trouse, Richmond, and Stella N. Gibbs, Richmond. - Circuit Court Probate. Thomas Maher, administrator of the estate of Ann Maher, reported sale of real estate; approved. Rufus Williams, guurdian of Jen nie Williams, and Lester Williams, minor heirs of Thomas Oler, rejort in final settlement ns lo Jennie Wil liams and partial settlement as to Lester Williams; balance $420.25. Patrick II. Dillon unpointed ad ministrator in the estate of Mary Schneider; bond $500. Approved. John Austerman ap.pointed guar dian of the heirs of John V. Schnei der. NOW PRESIDENT. Col. C. E. Wiley is now president of the Board of County Commission! ers, by rule of succession. Mr. Dynes has been president two years. Elwood Clark is a member of the board. He is also a candidate for re-election. THE GFJNETT No Vaudeville at This .House Tl Week. Owing to the fact - that Maria Swisher has boohed other attractio that would interfere,; the Gennet will be dark as far as 'vaudeville i? Evl 'GALL EW COURT HOUSE eville i&fJiA' Skiuinr concerned, this week. Otis will appear tonight, the second num ber of the lecture course on Wednes day, "Checkers" on Friday iiighj. and' "Th? Maid and the Mummy," Saturday matinee and night. All of these are metrojv)lifan successes and should draw crowded houses. MARRIED. : Lewis W. Trouse and Stella Nor l is Gibbs' Avere married last, nihf a i'lji ttfiioe r,f .Tmlrvn U..O 1,.V, the parties are well known Richmond-' i if ' people and the - announcement of. J ineir reming aviii come as rather a -surprise to their friends. Only a' few, "Hi'es and intimate friends weres r tt at the ceremony. . T I h'r 1 i' X 1 i 1 A i V f ,-c7 t ..... T t 4 r 1 z f 1 , mmn. mm ''jj1 I'F! """,r;f "star V"' 1 1 " : ) -