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MlOE TT70. THE MORNING PALLADIUM. TUESDAY, JANUAE.Y 2, 1906. 1 1 1 '"'i ,f it. y Nasal CATARRH In all its stages. Elf's Cream Balm eleaoBCg, soothes and heals tho diseased membrane. It Cures catarrh and drives sway a cold in the head eolckly. Cr-aui Halm is placed into the nostrils, spreads ver the membrano aii'l is alisorlwd. Itclicf Is im mediate and a euro follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BKOTllEKO, 6C Warren Street, "Scvr York HOW TO WIN A HUSBAND. Woman's sphere in this 20th century Is not limited any more than fa man's. She can occupy almost any business position or profession, and yet the popular vie,w of womanhood is that she best fits the posi tion of wife and mother and head of the household. Kvery girl should know her keait and also know that her womanly system is equal to the strain of marriage. If iri is nervous and irritable ten chances to one it is due to some trouble peculiar to womanhood. Cupid has no place in a girl's heart if he is nervous and irritable, feels dragged down, worn out for no reason that she can think of. The weak back, dizzy spells and black circles about the eyes are only symp toms. Go to the source of the trouble and correct the irregularity. Stop the drains on the womanly system and the other Srmptotnft will disappear. This can be one easily and intelligently. So 6ure of it is the World's Diapensacy Medical Asso ciation, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, that they offer $500 reward for women who cannot be cured of leucorrhea, female weakness, prolapsus, or falling of the womb: All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "Your 'Favorite Prescription cured me of Ulceration and inflammation, from which I suf fered for manv years, writes Mrs. Delnhia Whcaton, President Santa Barbara Lawn Ten nis Club, Arlington Hotel, Santa Barbara, Calif. Henlth was completely broken down when I began its use ond I was iu dreadful pain most f the time, but ten bottl -s cured me." "Favorite Prescription " makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wondeis for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most , desirable laxative for d :licate women. ft THEATRE O V 311 IW, Co tm and manager. Matinee daily 3 p. m. Evenings 8:15 p. m. Special ladiea' and children's mat inee daily, 5 con Is, except op Mon day, when tnch lady will be given a box of bon-bons, and on "Wednesday handsome souvenir. Candy to children on Saturday matinee. WEEK OF JANUARY 1. The Season's Latest Novelty -All Laws of Nature Reversed. THE MYSTERIOUS CRUCIBLE. Setting lire to a cake of ice. A kettle of water boiling on a cake of ice. Iron and steel ore turn ed to molten metal. Two steel bars welded together in 30 sec onds. A. horseshoe moulded in 30 seconds. THE EVERTS, Comedy Sketch. MLE AUNE, World's Greatest Hoop Roller. ADDISON & LIVINGSTON, In a comedy Sketch Entitled, "A Debut in Vaudeville." ILLUSTRATED SONGS, , Cal Lankert. JTHE PHILOSCOPE, "Escaped from Sing Sing." "The Impracticable Voyage." THE FOX HA Is the leading typewriter in the country today. For lightness of touch and speed it has no equal. For durability none will compare with it. In price it is no more than oth ers. If you are interested call at Palladium office. Phone 21. SADIES: I make from $18 to $30 per week and want all to have the came opportunity. The work is very pleasant and will pay you handsome ly, for even your spare time. I speak from experience, as I have frequent ly xnade $5.00 in a single day. This Ih n deception. I want no money and , will eUdly send full partieulV H mlL. Address, ? Ifns. W. W. Mitchell, Box : land, lXaiaa. ; ry PHILLIP Q n n rMliH.ill.ltt.llin.cM, ! The Under Copyright, 1C05, by McClure. Phillips & Co. I hud been invited to spend a week with Colonel Hampton at Hampton Hall, but on arrival founl that be had been called aw-.:? for a couple of days by urgent lousiness.. A note to this ef fect was untried me, and I was told to make myself very much at home. The bedroom given me was a larse room, with a bed against the west wall and a reading tabltvin the center. When 1 went up to the room I sat facing tho hod.. It was a heavy ma hogany frame, with a valance hanging down, and just icepii:g out from un der this curtain was the toe of a coarse Ehoe a coarse and heavy shoe, with the sole nailed on. I rccagnized it iu an instant as a prison shoe. All convicts wore that make of sliou . wliilfe serving their time and left thorn behind when set at liberty. That there was an escaped convict under the bed I hadn't the slightest doubt. As I looked at that toe I remem bered that Colonel Hampton had been governor at Dartmoor for many years, though out of it for the last five, and wondered what the connection could be. I knew little of the hall and was ig norant of the servants' quarters, wbile it was a full mile to the nearest house and over three to the police station. However, I had no thought of running away. I grew cooler as the minutes passed, and presently I did the best thing I could have done under the cir cumstances. Doing my best to steady my voice and speaking as if to one be side me. I said : "You might as well come out from under the bed, my man." The man rolled Into view and sprang to his feet with a muttered curse. He was a convict in uniform. He was short and thick set and a man of great strength. As for his face, every line of it was evil. In his hand he clutched and flourished a naked knife nearly a foot long. (3 1 ven a choice, I would rather have been in that room-with a Bengal tiger just escaped from his cage. "We!!, what do you want here?" I ,askcd in a voice I tried to make care loss as I put away my book. "I want your life, curse you!" he re plied as he cann? a stop nearer. "I am here. What is it? Have you just walked o;.t of Dartmoor?"' "Yes, I escape:! from prisonfrom hell this morning, and no doubt they'll have me back before noon tomorrow, but wlien they co:i;e for me they'll find your dead That's why I wanted to give 'em the slip f;r a few hours, to kill you. As for getting clear oft with out money or friends, I can't hope to do it. You remember me, governor. I am Bill Watson, No. 4810, in for twenty years." "You call ire governor," I said in re ply as he li nished. '"You are mistaken In your man. Colonel Hampton used to be governor, but you ought to remem ber that he resigned five years ago. He Is away from home just now." "Yes, I Irnow he rt.igvod, but I swore revenge on him long ago and am here to get It. No, you are not the governor; curse you. I see the difference now. I've waited ten years for this, and now I'm told that he will escape me. Man, don't lie to me or I'll kill you like a dog! I came here to kill the devil who ordered me to be lashed until I cringed and whined like a cur, and no one shall balk me." I showed him the note that the colo nel had left me and then'asked him to sit down. There was a bottle of wine Iu the closet, and I brought It out to him. I offered to tiptoe down to the sideboard and bring up some biscuit for him. For five minutes he watched me with tigerish glare, seeming to bo undecided what to do, but then he took a long drink from the bottle and said: "I'd willingly hang after killing that man, but I can't hold you responsible. His wife and children are here, how ever." "You must have heard that the colo nel is an old bachelor?" "Curse me, but I remember now! Then I'm to get no revenge? I'm to be taken back to that hell on earth and lashed and locked up in darkness and get nothing out of it? Say. I'll do murder and hang for it! I'll I'll" "Let's talk a moment," I broke In on him. "What was your crime?" "I had a fight with a man, and he died two weeks later." "And how long have you served?" "Sixteen years sixteen years so long that I can hardly look back to the day I entered prison. If I. had killed throe men the punishment Is enough." "And if you could escape get clear off get out of the country?" "It couldn't be done. , I haven't a penny. I'd have to rob some one for even a change of shoes. No. I'll go out and meet the police and" "Listen. I'm a bit sorry if they used you roughly in prison. Sixteen years Is a long, long time. I have a hundred pounds here. Half of it Is yours. There is clothing in that closet to fit you. When you go out of here you can walk past the police without fear. Why not try America? Why not make a aew stnrf In life?" - "Do you mean it? God, but do you mean it?" he hoarsely whispered. Why did I help the man away? Well, first, oa Colonel Hampton's account. It would have leaked out that the con vict had come for revenge on a man who had the reputation of running the prison with a strong hand. Next, It seemed to me that his punishment had lasted long enough. Lastly, my friends have always charged me with being soft hearted and taking the part of the under dog In the fight. I know that the man got away and is working In a factory In America today, and I don't ; believe the law has any call to feel out- Dog 4 rvr.r.,'j.'r.") LINCOLN THE ATHLETE. IIow tb Youth's IJodJly Viaror Stood II tin In Good Stotsd. Young Lincoln's Lodiiy vigor 'stood him in good stead iu irauy ways. la frontier lue strength and athletic skill served as wc'I for popular amcsenioni as for prosaic toil, and at times, indeed, they were needed for person-si defense. Every community had its champion wrestler, a man of considerable local imiortance, in whoe success the neighbors tofz a becoming interest. There was not far from New Kalcui i: settlement called Clary's J rove, when lived a set of resiles?, rollicking young backwoodsmen with a .ttcng iikiug for frontier athletics and rough practical jokes. Jack Armstrong was the leader of these and until Lincoln's arrival had been tiie champion wrestler of both Clary's Grove and New Salem. lie am: his friend had not the slightest per sonal grudge againsrt Lincoln, but, hearing the neighborhood talk about the newcomer and especially Offut's extravagant praise of his clerk, who, according to Offut's statement, knew more than any one else in the United Btates and could beat the whjie coun try at running, jumping or "wras tling," they decided that the time had come to assert themselves and strove to bring about a trial of strength be tween Armstrong and Lincoln. Lin coln, who disapproved!' &fU:tWf fU ing and pulling " J " v had no desire his neighbors,? long as possit, , , good temper was, pv. .f v avert it, and the wrestling match took place. Jack Armstroug soon found that he had tackled a man us strong and skill ful as himself, and his friends, seeing him likely to get the worst of It, swarmed to his assistance, almost suc ceeding, by tripping and kicking, In getting Lincoln down. At the unfair ness of this Lincoln became suddenly and furiously angry, put forth his en tire strength, lifted the pride of Clary's Grove in his arms like a child and, holding him high in the air, almost choked the life out of him. It seemed for a moment a though a general fight must follow; but even while Lincoln fierce rage compelled their respect his quickly returning self control won their admiration, and the crisis was safely passed. Instead of becoming enemies and leaders in a neighborhood feud, as might have been expected, tho two grew to be warm friends, the affection thus strangely begun las! ing through life. They proved u-eful to each other in various ways, and years afterward Lincoln made ample amends for his rough treatment of the other's throat by saving the nor k of Jack Armstrong'; son from the halter in a u; ;norab!o trial for murder. The C!aryr. Grove "boys" voted Lincoln "the cleverest fel low that ever broke into the settle ment," and thereafter took as much pride in his peaccableness and book learning as they did in the rougher and more questionable accomplishments of their discomfited leader. Helen Nieolay In St. Nicholas. The Grcnt Chain. The "great chain," the links of which were two and one-half inches square and one foot long, each link weighing 140 pounds, was stretched across the Hudson river at West Point, just be low Fort Clinton, May 1, 1778, to pre vent the British warships from ascend ing the river. The total weight of the chain was ISO tons, and its length was 450 yards. Trrts of it are still pre served at West Point. Real Detectives at Work. "That was a terrible crime commit ted yesterday." "It was so. Have the police made any progress towTard apprehending the guilty parties?" "Oh, yes. They've persuaded the newspapers to take the matter up." Louisville Courier-Journal. Sarenstle. Waiter How did you order your beef, sir? Gruxeigh Personally, con found you! I suppose I ought to have ordered it by mail two weeks in ad vance. Cleveland Plain Dealer. As the sword of the best tempered metal is most flexible, so the truly gen erous are most pliant and courteous in their behavior to their inferiors. Ful ler. Almoin Mother Has Mr. Br.shfu proposed yet? Daughter Not ex-ct!y but hist evening, when I was holdmj' little Dick in my lap, Mr. F-nshfr;! wen' to thA piano and sang "Would I Werr a Boy Again." OA. T O XL I 5w . Bears the Signature of m Kind You Hava Always Bo2li5' No Secret About It. Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, etc., nothing is so effect ive as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had ,and it is all O. K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25c at A. G. Luken & Co.'s drug store. If fortune disregards thy claim, Don't hang thy bead in fear and shame, But marry the girl you love best; Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do the rest. Fr sal Vy A, G. Luken & Co. " Reward "will . be p'.'.id to any person who can fr.u! one atom of opium, chlorr.l, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform in any form in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is o!7crcd because certain t:nscn:n;!ous persons make false .'statements about these rcmcck-3. It is ;:::-! ?r stood that this reward applies only to goods purchased in the open market, which have not been tampered with in any way. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their soothing, nourishing, strengthening and invigorat ing effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralyzing and weakening the nerves as would be the case if these drugs were used. For this reason Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are universally considered the best pain remedy "I have suffered for 25 years with severe pains In ray head, heart and back, and have tried everything: I could get and could not find any relief until -JT 'rk 1ox of Dr. Miles' Antl - - " -' '-"red a3 lng as It Tith such severe ' I1 would lose my 'iv. Pills gave me .0 minutes. I do rphine any more. i, . , . , v . blish this so that other , suMfcfra mny find relief." I. A. WALKER. R. P. D. No. 6. Salem, Ind. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It talis he will return your money. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind m a M IS r M Mr tf-'fm fas ivjrectioiis : One 1 ejspoonful for I wo cups. AuM absolutely Boiling Water. Steep live minutes. Do not Boil these teas. ARE SOLD LOOSE OR IN SEAL ED PACKETS BY GREAT ATLAN TIC & PACIFIC T3A CO., 727 MAIN. PUCSUCJtt-r! BY AUTHORITY OPjTHE INDIA 'AND CEYLON COMMISSIONER Lahrm Men's Slippers 49c Men's Slippers 75c Ladies' Nullifiers 98c Ladies' Nullifiers $1.25 Ladies' Knit Slippers 59c Ladies' Blum's Knit Shoes $1.25, $1.50, $2 00 a pair Ladies' Gun Metal Shoes $2 50, $3 00, $3.50 a pair Men's Patent Colt Shoes, hand sewed, $3.00 We have got what you want in useful Christmas presents at 718 MAIN ST. Dying of Famine is, in its torments, like dyin of eon sumptidn, from the beginning to the very end, is a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had cpnsumpticn in its first stage," writes Wm. Mvers, of (Yirfos Md.. "after trying different medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly cured roe." Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, bron chitis, etc. Positively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at A. G. Luken drug store, price 503 and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle free. 1-v ? 1 uyspepsia is America s fcurse Burdock Blood Bitters eonqueri dys pepsia every time. It drivel out impurities, tones the stomach, re stores perfect digestion, weight and good ke&Kh. lormal . AM I Lahrmans 3C f t mum theatre - - "jggp TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2 The Most Delightful Creation of Ills Careor OTIS .SKINNER In Clyde Fitch's Sparkling Rotnaatlc 'Ci HIS GRACE DE GRAMMONT'Vf An Ideal Oast, including T.nuni Hor Crews, Jennto F.ustnce. Marlon Ab ltt, Mnml Durbin, Itotwrt Payion Carter, Charles Welles, Walton l'yre, William Hosell, and others. , PRiei s-si-'i1, $i oo, "to, roc, 2 e. Heats ready at West cot t Pharmacy, !R. E. E. P1ERC THE COLONIAL" PHONE 1637 THE WAYNE SUPPLY COMPANY 422 Main St. HIGH GRADE WINES, LIQUORS AND TABLE WATERS. Prices tlie Lowest and Goods the Best Delivered to any part of the city. Home Phone 1087. THE WAYNE SUPPLY CO. 422 MAIN ST. pU5HtLjl & V C' I kic . l to tne solution and myteri i James Moreton. Jpon TTBiie- By MELVIN L. SEVERY Author of "The Darro'v) Enigma" One of the moSt bafSing, brilliant mystery stories that has appeared in many a day Clofh, 12mo, $10 Sent postpaid on receipt of price, or at your bookseller DODD, MEAD & COMPANY PUBLISHERS 372 FIFTH AVENUE NOV YORK fSVL II A O vJ kj i J. b ii The abode of Soft Winds, Per 'stent Sunshine and Gentle rains; the land of Beauty, Ha' .nts Vlowers,, Contentment and Health. The Territory ser by tlx L'tihvtllc '& Nashville Rail road, stretching iroai the Urcio ier to the Gulf. Throughout thiswide area fertile from a Northern standpoint From some of this land an average, of &lf(j.95, ne made last year on Strawberries. y From Cantaloupes $250.00. Peaches, Apples, Grapes, return but little winter feed. Write me for Facts and F:rures. G. A. Park, General Immij?:Y' . . - ... iX I ill 4 mm I I . Saturday morning, Dec. th. ST 1 AT N . . . PHONE 1637 li Full Weight Got whether you by by 1 he carload, ton, bushel or hundred : weight, is your riht and wliat you will get iC your orders arc lodged with u9tQ&il3!. say more, except that eYCrj of coal S'oi;i through ou; i best ..and cleanest fjialittJII tret the lowest ma rice t rates thereon and very prompt delivery. Soot de stroyer sold by J. H. MENKE. Ask about it. 102, 1G4 Ft. Wayne Ave. Phones, 702 and 435. k Iran VT h t A fA or me uncanny disappearance of it hinges the plot of Ad I - a a m mi L. JJ time IWst South h y land ia yet to be h VF.R Y LOW PRICES 7 handsomely; Cattk need ' id Industrial Agent hville R 1 4 n f li I f I " ... ( hi I) si 1 Ft i 'a 'A v' S V ! 4