Newspaper Page Text
I f , . PAGE nVEL" THE MORNING PALLADIUM TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1906. PAGE THREE. J ' . i i 4 -r x SHE HAD HER SAY. A Glrl' Ilevolt Anrafnist nn Award of Valedictory Honor. "I think the greatest shock I ever ex perienced and the biggest revolt against my discipline occurred when I was teaching In a country high school," said the schoolteacher. "It was In a school 5S"ira1et!ictory honor was award ed tj r 'riyot of the school, a most - onjuzt Lie .I-od J by the way, but one to jR&&lWJX&Ji)rcrt to succumb. The girl who received the most votes was by no means the best rcholnr, and the pupil who rr. nlted highest in scholar ship was plainly indignant. "Every boy and girl in the class was obliged to write find read u graduation essay, and it was i".y t.'sk to look these essays over -m l r.M iii tl?e rewriting of them. I.'ho pup!l who r linked the high est in tho ci.tsj; lurr-ei! I:i her essay to ine with ko!o t!eii:nico, an! In it I found 8)?nr reference to the valedictory honor being rightly ! er. I cut it out and told her plainly that nolhlng of that f'ort should go into her paper. She agreed to leave it out. "The graduation exercises were pass ing off e;plenuldly when It came her turn to read her essay. She had a facile way of writing, and I was proud of her, but when she reached what I knew was the conclusion she stepped forward a little and proceeded to deliver two pages of regulation valedictory. She bade farewell to the class, the school and the teachers, and of course we could not stop her. It took all the sails out of the chosen valedictorian, who fol lowed, and after the exercises there was much wailing and hot words. We couldn't do n thing, as the sinner was now n graduate of the school, and we had no right to punish her, but It took t mo all summer to got over the effect of euch a stunning performance." New York Press. O 51 O 3T5. 2T JSu Beara the Kind Yon Have Always Boaglrt Signature J? , ZZS-- . The Southern California New Train. Best Route. The L03 Angeles Limited, electric lighted, new from the Pullman shops, with all latest innovations for travel comfort, leaves Chicago 10:00 p. m. daily, arrives Los Angeles 4:25 p. m. y'v.third day. Solid through trains via Chicago, Union Pacific & North wes tern. , Ljufiani The Salt Lake Route. 'Uor rates, sleeping car reservations end. full particulars apply to your nearest ngbut for address. A. IlT Waggoner, Trav. Agt., 215 Jackson 131 vd, Chicago, 111. vnw 1 1 El For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature of ....Low Fares to California, Colorado, Mexico, And Points South and West. via Pennsylvania Lines. Quick train service takes passengers from cold to w,arm climates in a few hours. Fur ther information cordially furnished upon request addressed to nearest Pennsylvania Lines ticket agek . MAY PROVE FATAL When Will Richmond People Learn the Importance of It? Backache is only a simple thing at first ; But when you- know 'tis from the kidneys; That serious kiduey trouble fol lows; That diabetes, Bright 's disease may be the fatal end, You will gladly profit by the fol lowing experience. 'Tis the statement of a Richmond citizen. Mrs. L Aldrich, No. 407 North Thirteenth street, says: "For sever al years my kidneys were out of or der, and two or three times each year I was laid up and had to take a course of medicine. I had at such times constant aching pains through my loins and in,- the kidneys. I could not rest comfortably, and in the mornings was lame and sore all over, and I was often scarcely able to get up. Learning about Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured them at A. U.JUikca4s "drug store and began tzVrj t! 21. I soon felt better, )t ccz'ued to improve steadily 'tslil.-crireq' For sale ny. all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostcr-Milbiirti Co., Buffalo, New. York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. "cm?mbcr t!e name Dean's and take no other. ' C . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 'Tablets.: All o A Case 01 Nerve Original. After he tragedy people tried to pick up the thread of what It was all about, but Nevada was a' wild country in tho:v days, with sudden shiftings, and It wa i hard to follow any story froin bcIunifirr to cud without t;on:o break and obscure place's. We Le:ir of th. gootl old colony times. ever had anything to say about the goo.l old Nevada days. There was a lot of shoot ing and precious little inquiry Into which of the shooters tmd the right. For n real startler the ii-jlit between Peldif-r ::;ri Ho'!;re? bents a.'.nyihin.4 ie iih:;:!1,:1! c in lho;--e e::clt!r tl.nys. As i Wits !r-!vli:s. cnly a b wo out Hue oC thv story prc-ro.-iiu;; it letr.-i.ed, an-t th.:-.. st:c-li is . it R I w'.il & -e. .Tu.n;:.i lii'li-l;:'.-. ;i l.-u utducUy m:in in (iic east, (inr'.ii:. H ban: to ujahe a livii:;r for his wife and little children, heard of what wus g '..ig on in the Silver tate the Comstock lode had then recently been struck and re solved to go ut there and hunt for ore. He fell in with Philip IIo.Vjcs, and the two prospected together. Hodges was a strong personality and was used to taking every one by storm, but points in this story go to indicate that he had had one thing left out in hi3 makeup, a conscience. He and Belcher made a strike and Belcher decided to send for his family, but before they arrived Hodges contrived to swindle Belcher cut of hi:; share in the mine. IIo'.v he did it i3 one of the obscure points of the story. Then followed a hard time for the Belcheivt. Bel--her never had any luel; or win to: inlid"ng. At any rate ho had 11 j,hli:g on which to support his family, and !hey were terribly rrn down. The two children, c:ie after the other, sickened and died, and tho niDtli er not in foil )ving them. Bel cher (Itiring all his troubles saw bis for mer partner growing pro-porous out of the mine they had owned together. lie never raid amything about what was on his mind. I' people who know how he hud been swhidle, rou;:ere l why he bore wiili Hodges so paticutly. But Belcher knew that if he got into a scrap with Hodges it meant war to the death and dreaded leaviag his family or what was left of it to shift for them selves. So he stood at his post and let revenge alone. The day after Mrs. Belcher was bur led we were in the Bmpire saloon the saloon and the cabins were all the places to bet in in those days and Hodges was tjhere too. He was a popu lar 10:111 in spite of the general under standing of the way he had -treated Belcher. As I have said, he was natu rally calculated to be prominent, and his mine was doing better every day. There's nothing like success to make a man, outwardly at least, respected. At any rate Hodges was surrounded by a group of admirers, "settin' 'em up," when the door opened and Belcher came in. Evidently Hodges had been looking for something and must have seen what he was looking for in Bel cher's eyes. Besides, Belcher had nev er been in the saloon before. Before au3' of us knew what was up Hodges had drawn and shot a hole through his former partner. Belcher fell, and it was plain to all of us that he was dead. We carried him into a back room and laid him out on a table. There he was to remain (ill action should be taken as to his burial. It turned out tlmt Beh-her's revolver wouldn't wurk. Whether it was in the hammer or the trigger or the revolving apparatus wasn't known just then, though everybody knew all about it afterward. At any rate, he never got iu a shot. He had snapped it once be fonf Hodges tired, and if it hadn't been for this cussed luck that had stuck to him the other man would doubtless have But' : been the one to bite the dust, .i 1 was saying, there's nothing like success to make a man courted even if it is a matter of luck, and Hodges' drop m.u'.e him all the more popular. Outward.'y. at least, he was as unruffled as if he had shot a bird. He asked us all up to drink by way of celebrating his victory. I didn't like him and declined. He gave me a look out of the corner of his eye which told me that he considered my refusal as sympathy with his enemy, and he was right. I noticed tliat his hand shook as he poured out his liquor. Terhaps he had a presentment of what was in store for him. They were still driuking when sud denly the door of the back room where the corpse was laid out opened slowly, and there stood the corpse- itself. Hodges looked at it and staggered back. The corpe, or Belcher, raised his pistol deliberately and drew a bead ou Hodges. There was a momentary unsteadiness in Belcher's arm which he conquered by an almost superhuman effort of the will. Hodges was para lyzed as if confronted by an avenging spirit. Belcher fired, and the man who had ruined him fell on his face. Then Belcher gave way ad at once and dropped dead, this time for certain. There wjis no human being to tell of how Belcher revived sufficiently to get his revenge after all. There was no doctor near to explain the possibilities of the ease, and the secret would have remained a secret had it not been for Belcher's revolver. We too'.; it to an expert hi arms;, who told us that the cyliivder had h'-va taken out. fixed and putj back. Think of a dying tr.121 re viving. ( hitching his weapon, pi: t ting ft its order, going into another reom and Jiiitng his eemy. If that isn't nerve rHir aud simple!, don't know what MARK ANDERSON. TERRIBLE ECZEMA ON LITTLE BOY Mouth and Eyes Covered With Crusts Face Itched Most Fear fully Hands Pinned Down to Prevent Scratching MIRACULOUS CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES " When my little boy was six months old, he had eczema. The sores extended t.o quickly over the whole body that v,c at once eaJied in , the doctor. We then went to another doctor, but he could not help him, and in our despair we went to a third one. Matters became so bad that he had regular holes in his cheeks, large enough to put a finger into. The food had to be given with a epoon, for his mouth was covered with crusts as thick as a finger, and whenever he opened the mouth they began to bleed and suppurate, as did also his eyes. Hands, arms, chest, nd back, in short the whole body, was covered over and over. We had no rest by day or night. Whenever he was laid In his bed, we had to pin his hands down: otherwise he would Alfonso Hohrath. scratch his face, and make an open sore. I think his face must have itched most fearfully. " We finally thought vt athing could help, and I had made up my mind to send my wife with the child to Europe, hoping that the sea air might cure him, otherwise ne was to be put under good medical care there. But, Lord be blessed, matters came differently, and we soon saw a miracle. A friend of ours spoke about Cuticura. We made a trial with Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent, and within ten days or two weeks we noticed a decided improvement. Just .is quickly as the sickness had appeared it also began to dis appear, and within ten weeks the child was absolutely well, and his skin was smooth and white as never before." F. Ilohrath, President of the C. L. Ilohrath Company, Manufact urers of Silk Ribbons, 4 to 20 Rink Alley, June D, 1903. South Bethlehem, Fa. Cutirura Soap, Ointment, and l'iil arc sold throughout the world. Potter Oru2 & C'lifcin. Co' p., .olel'rops., .Boston. Bo-Mailtd Free, " Ilow to Ciiru tot the Skiu." STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. A meeting of the shareholders in the Second National Bank of Rich mond, Ind., will be held at 1 o'clock p. m. at the banking house on Tues day, January 9th, 190G, for the pur pose of electing nine directors to serve the ensuing year, and the tran saction of any other business that may come before t lie meeting. JOHN B. DOUGAN, . President. 13-30t. Quick changes from hot to cold and back again try strong constitu tions and cause, among other evils, nasal catarrh, a troublesome and of fensive disease. Sneezing and snuf fling, coughing and difficult breath ing, and the drip, drip, of the foul discharge into the throat all are ended by Ely's Cream Balm. This honest and positive remedy contains no cocaine, mercury, or other harm ful ingredient. The worst cases are cured in a short time. All drug gists, 50c, or mailed by Ely Bros., 50 Warren Street, New York. A Ead Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a sure cure for all bowel and stomach dis eases, such as headache, billiousness; costiveness, etc. Guaranteed at A. G. Luken & Co.'s drug store, only 25c. Try them. Why suffer with your stomach, kidneys and liver when Ilollister's Kocky Mountain Tea will make you well. If taken this month, keeps jou well all the year. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by A. G. Lu ken & Co. Doan's Uegiilets cure constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weakening effect. Ask your drug gist for them. 25 cents per box. The Southern California New Train. Best Route. The Los Angeles Limited, electric lighted, new from the Pullman shops, with all latest innovations for travel comfort-, leaves Chicago 10:05 p. m. daily, arrives Los Angeles 4:45 p. m. third day. Solid through train via Chicago, Union Pacific & North western Line and The Salt Lake Route. Pullman drawing room and tourist sleeping cars, composite ob servation car, dining cars, a la carte service.Tor rates sleeping car reser vations, and full particulars apply to 3'our nearest agent or address A. II. Wacrgener, Trav. Agt., 215 Jaekons Blvd., Chicago, 111., 12-31 ne Reason WE represent the Oldest and Strongest 1 nsurance companies. WE adjust oar own 1 asses and pay them without disco ant. WE insure you and your bank against bubgury as well as against Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Boiler Explo sion, Liability and Accident. WE are not a trust and not connected with any of the big eastern corpora tions at present under investigation WE insure your life and property at rea sonable rates, and in companies of which each director ii indii!udly liable f jr their proper managemi u t . WE do i't a;k you to pay a year or more in advance, unless voa yours-if in sist uwu it. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. You should Insure wiili the RICHMOND INSUR ANCE AGENCY, H. X, KOLL, Mgr. 11 South ' 7th St., Richmond, Ind. Telephone 41. Correspondence Sollicited. DR. E.E.TOWNSEND OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, under the founder, A. T. Still, Kirkyville, Mo. Licensed by examination. Five years' practice. Office and residence: 109 N. 9th St., RICHMOND, IND Home Phone 1396. Lady attendant. No charge for TonsultatJon. PINE BUILDING LOT. 9- y f t hvc fcr ssle the 8 inest Jet fcr a ccd I:cuse in Richmond. ; I W. H. Bradbury & Son I Westcott Block SCHNEIDER Carriage Factory No. 47 North 8th St. Builds all kinds of new vehicles to order, Repairing Promptly Done. Rubber Tires Patched And only the best of new ones put on at lowest prices. Dayton & Western TractionCo In e fleet Nov. 27, 1903. Subject to change without notice. MAIN LI NE T JAM P M P M Lv Richmond.... 8 00 And 8 00 11 (0 Ar Eaton 6 42 every 8 42 11 56 W. Alexaud'a i 58 hour 8 5J 12 12 Dayton 8 00 until 10 JO .. .. XEW PARIS KHAXCII Thro' Service Leave Richmond for Cedar Springs and New Paris 6.20, 7.20, 8.20, 10.20, 11.20 a. m.: 1 20, 2.20, 3.20,4 20,5.20, (V20, 7.20, 8.20, 10.C0, 11.00 p. rn. INTERSTATE LIMITED Parlor Car Service stopping only at Ceiitervllle, Cambridge City, Dublin, buurelth. Knijjlitstowu and Greenfield. A M 10 53 U HO 12 44 12 23 PM 480 4 44 525 P M 8 51 980 9 44 10 25 Lreave Richmond Arrive Katon West Alexandria. Dayton IAMI I 12 10 PM 2 30 5 10 P M 1010 Loave Richmond . Arrive indtanapolis .. Special tickets must be purchased before boarding train. No baggage carried. Trunks, etc., may be sent on trains preceding or-fol-lowing. Dirsct connection at Dayton with "Lima Limited" trains for Troy, Piqua'and Lima, and with "Colum bus' Limited' for Springfield and Co lumbus. Through rates, through tickets to all points. For further information call Home Fliorv 203. C. O. BAKER, Asrent. ' Richmond, Ind. j E. H. MORRILL, JR., G. P. A., Day ton, Obiu. RAILWAY Pennsylvania Lines Time Table (In Effect Nov. 2Gtb, 1905.) CINCINNATI AND C HICAGO DIVISION. Arrive Westward Depart ....Rich and Logan Ac. Ex... ... 6 45 am 11 10 am..... .CbicagD Speeialj.. 11 15am 12 30 pm Cin Mack Express 4 35 pm Cia and Logan Ex .... 4 53 pm 7 10 pm Cin and Rich Ac Ex 11 00 Cin and Chi Mail and Ex....ll 15 pm Eastward 4 C5 am Southed ExJJ .. Ricb and Cin Art Bx 9 43 urn Logan and Cin. Ex ., 3 50 pm Cii and Ciu Spvili! Rich and Cin Ace 5 15 pm Logan and Rich Acc CGLTJMSUS AND INDIA.U'OI.IS DIVISION. W t Vt id. ......St. Louis Iimitedj 5 03 am 5 00 am upitU Ex 5 10 am ..... .hit. Louis Express ..... .10 15 am 10 00 am Cols and lad Ac Exi......10 20 am 1 15 pm.. St Loui3 Esj 1 20 pm 9 00 am ..Col., Rich & Indpl Ac Exi ... U10 pm St. Louis Special ............12 10 am Eastward. 1 10 am ..Pittsburg Special 5 10 am ..Eastern Mail jj ........5 15 am 9 45 am Ind and Col Ac Mail and Ex . . . .10 15 am 9 50 am New York ExJ 4 50 pm ,. Keystone Exjj ........ 7:15 pm .Atlantic Exj 7 30 pm 9 00 pm New York Limited 9 10 pm Ohio andVa Ex ... . ... 9 15 pm DAYTON AND XENIA DIVISION. Westward. ; 12 05 am St Louis pecialj 4 50 am ... .St. Louis Limitedjl 11 00 am ... . .Xenia and Rich AccjJ 10 55 pm.... Sprg fc Rich Mail and E'.. 10 10 am Pitts., Sprgfd adn Ricb Mail and Ex Eastward. Pittsburg Special .....1 15 am Rich, Xenia & Spfg, Acc J ......5 20 am Rich, Xeu occ ...... 3 52 ptii New York Exj 9 55 am ........ Keystone Exjj ........ 4 55 pm ..... New York Limited ' ' 9 06 pm GRAND RAPIDS AND INDIANA RY. Southward. 3 15 am Mack and Cinail and Ex... 9 42 am Ft. W and Rich Mail and Ex 3 40 pm Mack and Cin Mail and Ex .. 10 15 pm Sunday Ac ........ North vrard ..Rich and G R Mail aad Ex .. 5 40 am Michigan Ex . . ; 12 50 pm ....Cin. & Mac Mail & Exp. ....... ..11 10 pm Daily. 'Sunday only. Daily except Sunday. All trains, unless otherwise indicated, de part and arrive daily, except Sunday C. W. ELMER. Pass, and Tick. Agt a C. & L. (Effective EAST AND SOtJTH. No. 3 Daily. Leaves Richmond 9:05 a. m. Leave Cottage Grove 9:50 a. m. Arrive Cincinnati ..11:30 a. m. No. 1 Daily except Sunday. Leaves Richmond 4:00 p. m. Arrives Cottage Grove 4:40 p. m. Via 0. H. & D. Leave, Cottage Grove 4:59 p. m. Leave Oxford .5:14 p. m. Leave Hamilton ....5:35 p. m. Arr. Cincinnati ....6:20 p. m. No. 63 Sunday only Leave Richmond ....7:45 p. m. Arrive Cottage GroveS:35 p. m. Via. 0. H. & D. Leave Cottage GroveS:43 p. m. Leave Oxford 9:01 p. m. Leave Hamilton . . . .9 :30 p. m. Arrive Cincinnati ..10:30 p. m. No. 2 Daily. Via 0. H. & D. Leaves Cincinnati ....8:30 a. m. Leaves Hamilton 9:10 a. m. Leaves Oxford .......9:32 a. m. Arr. Cottage Grove ..9:48 a. m. Via. 0. 0. & L. Leav. Cottage Grove 10:10 a. m. Arrives Richmond . . 10 :50 a. m. No.. 4 Daily. Via. C. C. & L. Leaves Cincinnati ....F:20 p. m. Leave Cottage Grove 7:03 p. m. Arrive Richmond ..7:45 p. m- CRITICISM Of late the magazines and daily papers have had much to say by way of critizism of certain life insurance companies, and especially with regard to the legal organizations of such companies, and of the manner of their control. Tirese criti cisms do not apply to The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of California, but demonstrate the truth of the assertion that "for policyholders The Pacific Mutual has the best legal organization." It is not controlled by 1 or 2 mvm having no pecuniary in terest or responsibility save as policyholders or recipients of salary, but it is controlled by a Board of fifteen Directors, not mere dummies, but stockholders in their own right, holding a larg amount of the Compan's stock, and policyholders as welL The Directors of the Company are men of high financial and commercial standing, and are bylaw made responsible for the acts of the Officers of the Corporation. For Full Particulars, stc, 'Call on H. MILTON ELRODE. Room 3 Vaughan Building. TIME TABLES. .ii . .. . 4 15 am . . . . 7 u0 am ... 1 10 am ... 3 53 pm 5 20 pm 1 I Time Table Sept. 24th.) NORTH AND tfEST. No. 2 Daily to Peru Leaves Richmond . .10 :50 a. m. Leaves Muncie .... .12 :10 p. m. Leaves Marion 1 :25 p. m. Leaves Peru 2:25 p. m. Arr. North Judson . . 4:20 p. in. Daily except Sunday to North Judson No. 4 Daily Leave Richmond ...,7:45 p. m. Leave Muncie ......9:03 p. m. Leave Marion ..... .10 :03 p. m. Arrive Peru ..11:05 p. m. No. 1 Daily except Sunday. Leaves North Judson 10:20 a. in. Leaves Peru ....... .12 :25 p. m. Leaves Marion ...... 1 :25 p. m. Leaves Muncie ..... 2:32 p. m. . Arrives Richmond . . 4:00 p. m. No. 3 Daily. Leaves Peru .5 :40 a. m. Leaves Marion ...... .6 :40 a. m. Leaves Muncie ....... 7:40 a. m. Arrives Richmond . . .9:05 a. m , No. 63 Sunday Only. Leave Peru .4:30 p. m. Leave Marion ..... .5 :30 p. m. Leave Muncie ......6:30 p. m. Arrive 'Richmond ....7:45 p. m. Tor Rates or Information regarding connections in quire of 0. A. BLAIR, Passenger & Ticket Agent. Home Telephone 44. s i General AgcntI fori Eastern ; , RICHMOND, INDIANA. i. rv 1 -- t'f"' 'mi'' Jr . 1 - .'il V- x . si?'. ? . -4