Newspaper Page Text
wo,. THE MORNING PALLADIUM TUESDAY, JANUARY 2. 1906. .51 -S I (I t , 1 f ;; h 9.- WEATEER. Partly cloudy, snow flurries. LOCAL BREVITIES Harvard Dentists, 9th and Main tf Dr. Grosvenor has moved his office to 24 North Eleventh street. 26-tf The Aftermath Society will hold a meeting this afternoon at the home ,pf Mrs. Frank Clark, 221 North "Eleventh Street. Harry Parsons of Dunkirk, Ind., was in the city yesterday. Good coffee, a bit of sausage and a plate of Mrs. Austin's Buckwheat cakes make a perfect breakfast. Jean Montgomery of Cincinnati, O., was a Richmond visitor -yesterday- ' ' ' i t.'f j.'-.::; Repairing of all kinds, such ns electrical instruments, gas engines, etc. Richmond Auto Station, 1024 Main street. Phone 1798. Old phone 412 W. 8-tf Edward Lewis of Dayton, 0., was in the city yesterday visiting friends. Donald Holten of Cambridge City, Ind"., was in the city yesterday on business. Sidney Collins of Irvington, Ind., was in the city yesterday visiting relatives. ' BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON SERVED DAILY AT THE WEST CGTT CAPE, 11:30 TO 2:00 O'CLOCK, 35c. Arthur Collins of Indianajilis, Ind., was a Richmond visitor yester day. Mrs. Austin's Buckwheat flour is best of all. Don't forget to ask your grocer for it. Frank Weston of Logansport, Ind., was in the city yesterday. George Peale of Piqua, )., was in the. city yesterday on business. Miss Mildred Gaar entertained a party of friends at a watch party New Year's Eve at her home on North Twelfth Street. Walter S. Ptatliff, as a delegate, will meet Avith the State Board of Agriculture tomorrow, 2nd, at Indi anapolis. While there he meets Avith Jie executive committee of the Indi ana Horticultural Society. Milton Craighead entertained a party at dinner at the Westeott Sun day evening. A dinner party Avas given at The Westeott Sunday night by the fol lowing young people: Misses Flor ence Smith, Juliet Swayne, Lena Collin, Josephine Cates, June Elmer, Elizabeth Newman, Inez ' Williams, Frances Campbell, Messrs: Rudolph Leeds, Oliver Thomas, Wilber Hib berd, Erville Loekwood, Tom Kauf man, Dudley Elmer and Wick Cor Avin. Mr. Thomas McDonald, of Ten nessee, spent NeAV Years Avith local relatives and friends. Miss Bertha Boppart of Chicago is in the city the guest of relatives and friends. Miss Ethel Bennett Avho has been the guest of Miss Ruby Reid for several days returned to her home in Fountain City yesterday. . The Misses Carrie and Stella Ei .. kenberry and Jean Lindsey, avIio ha-ve been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan II. Mills, of North Six ' teeuth street, have returned to their homes in Eaton. From the appearance of the plat for Otis Skinner they Avill have a very good house. Rheumatism Is one of the constitticna! CLzlzz. It manifests itself ill local aches and pains, Inflamed joints and s'rift muscles, but it cannot i?e cured by Jocal applications. It requires ccnatitutioEa! treatment acting througk the blood, and the best is c coursoof the great medicine Mood'sSarsaparHla which has permanently cored thousands of cases. ' For testimonials of remarkable cures Ctna for Book on Rheumatism, No, 7. C L Hoo4 Co.. Lowell, Mass. Miss Harriet. Lyon of JUuneie ; will return home today jjfter a pleasant visit with Miss Ruby Reid of South Seventh street. Misses Charlotte and Medora Hop kins who have been the guests of the Misses Ada and Ruby Kelly, of North Sixth Street, during the holi days will return to their home in Muncio today. Miss Helen Thompson of Dayton will be the guest of Miss Ruby Reid for a few weeks. Miss Elizabeth Mclvone of Indi anaiois was the gu?st of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Maher of South Thir teenth street, over New Years. Miss Margaret McKone of Oxford, O., was the guest of local relatives and friends over New Years. Miss Ralsie Tout of Cambridge City returned home yesterday after a brief visit Avith local friends. k Fred Ward of Chicago returned last , night after spending the holi days with his mother, Mrs. Harry Downing. Mr. Ward is assistant en gineer of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul with offices in Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Royan returned yesterday from Cincinnati where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Royan 's brother, Mr. James Russell, who was accidentally killed last Thursday night. Mr. and spent New friends. Mrs. Ray Longnecker Years with Anderson F. H. Allerdick of New York was in the city yesterday on business. Ft. T. Parker of Union City was in the city yesterday. C. E. Dunham of Indianapolis Avas i i the city yesterday. A. D. ping at Haas of Kokomo Avas stop the West cot t vesterdaA'. -The rink had a very large attend ance yesterday afternoon and. night. In the grand march yesterday after noon there were 75 couples. This is Aery nearly the largest number that has ever boon in the march. Tho rink will he open all day today with music inthe afternoon by piano and trap drums but the music at night Avill be furnished by the band. H. I. MILLER Very Successful in Coal Mining Deal. A dispatch from Terre Haute says that Mr. IT. I. Miller, formerly of this - city, is reported to haA'e made ,'200,006 recently in coal mining deals. DOUBLY AFFLICTED. Mr. Frank Seheibler was stricken Avith a slight stroke of paralysis yes terday. His Avife fell and broke her hip only a few days ago. HOME OF THE FRIENDLESS. The annual meeting of the Home of the Friendless will be held at the home next Friday at 2 o'clock. Re ports of the year's AvorkAvill be made and three trustees Avill be se lected. ' DEATHS AND FUNERALS PARK -Edwin C. Park, aged 85 years, died yesterday morning at his home in Williamsburg. The funeral will occur Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock from his home in Williams burg. Mr. Park's -Hrst Avife Avas a sister of this citv. John and Isaac Paxon of . 11 TNT Elizabeth J. Hunt died yes terday afternoon at the home of her laughter, Mi's. Emily Brokamp, 62 Sherman street; aire 70 years. She is .survived by one daughter, three brothers, and tive si.teii. Tho fu neral arrangements Avili be announc ed later. YOUNG The funeral of Alfred P. Young took place yesterday morn ing at 9:30 o'clock from St. Mary's ehurch, and was largely attended. Burial Avns in St. Andrew's ceme tery, v The pallbearers Avere P-rrn.. Uphaus, Edward Sehwegman. Al Meyer, Benj. Pardieek, Charles Pender and Albert Pender. The floral offerings -vere many and beautiful. Many out of town peorde attended the funeral. THE R K Sunday, December thirty-first be ing the seventieth anniversary of the birth of Mr. Conrad Zwissler, Sr., his children decided to celebrate the event in a manner to be long femem- lioroil a nne nf the most nteasailt of the Ynletide season of 1905. The ' celebration took place Sunday even ing at the home of Mr. Zwissler's daughter, Mrs. Frank M. Meyer, on South Ninth street. Progressive eu chre was played during the early hours of the 'evening, first prizes be ing awarded to Mr. John Zwissler, Jr., while the consolations Avere claimed by Mr. George Zwissler and Mrs. Scliaefer. xt the close of the card games a sumptuous dinner in several courses Avas elegantly served and as the merry makers were seat ed about the festive board many on- oinal humorous and Avitty stories were related to the delight of all bv the genial narrator of '"the evening, Mr;-John' Zwissler -in-his "usual en- tertaininf and rleasinr manner Just preA'ious to the ushering in of the New Year a beautiful rocker was presented Mr. Conrad Zwissler, Sr.. warn xseAvman, I'aui nenaieuu, nai by the various guests as a token of ter Knollenberg and Edward Schute. esteem, Avhich he gratefully accepted, responding feelingly to the kindness Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ellis delight that nromnted such a generous re- ! full.v entertained a small company at membrance. A coincidence of the celebration Avas the fact that Avhen the midnight bell had been tolled bringing to a close the celebration of the birth of Mr. Zwissler, it ush ered' in the celebration of the anni versary of the birthday of Miss May Zwissler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Zwissler. Among those present at the celebration Avere: Messrs. and Mesdames John Zwissler, Conrad Zwissler, Jr., Frank Zwissler, An thony 'Zwissler, lrank Meyer, Peter (Jeier, John Huber, Henry Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Vogelsong, Mr. Michael Zwissler of Cincinnati, Mr. Adam Zwissler of Indianapolis, Miss May Zwissler; Masters Howard Geier, George Zwissler and Raymond Zwiss ler. One of the most pleasant social events of the new year Avas the mas querade party given by Miss Alice Lannino- at her home, on North Sev enti,Street, last evening in honor of Miss Alma Garwin, of Cambridge City. Various characters Avere rep resented by the merry group of young lady guests. Music, dancing, and games Avere pleasing features of the evening's entertainment and at an appointed hour an elegant luncheon in tAro courses Avas served. A large bouquet of American Beau ty Roses formed a centerpiece for the dining table. In the parlors and reception hall pink and Avhite carna tions Avere properly distributed. Those comprising the company Avere: Misses Alma Garwin, of Cambridge City, Ind., Florence Bond, Sarah Nixon, Lucile Polglaise, Ruth Peltz, Deborah Shute, Mary Likins, Cath erine Thompson, Mary Graves, Ruth Kinsey and Rtith Molt. -X .Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Weber happily entertained a company of friends Sunday evening at their home, on South Fifth Street in honor Mrs. Thomas Case of An derson, Ind. Progressive point euchre, played at four tables Avas a pleasant feature, prizes being won by Mrs. John Doulin and Mr. Phi'ip Birek. At an appointed hour an de cant four course luncheon Avas serv ed. Music and 'games Avere enjoyed during the hour of the Availing year and the entrance of the New., Year. Among those present Avere: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. CoiiAvav. of K.aitsas City, Mo., M'rs. Thomas Cas?. of Ander son, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Birck, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rady, Mr. and Ti-s. John Donlin. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Avard Karap, "Mr. and M'i-s. James Honts. Mrs. J. II. Shofer, Mr. rd Mrs. P. M. Williams and Mrs ITrsVett. Miss Ruby Reid v hostess for ' 'er lvv e S.-uth SundaA' eAening in the charming nar'v giv. at SAentb Street, honor t,f ' her se guests. Games and music were features of pastime a"d at an c ' lunch- arrointrd hour a tAvo e"'"6" eon was daintily served. 'ru rosing the co-.-r?uy "werv:. Helen Thompson of T J Charlotte and Me.ra If ITarriet T yon. of Mjii0. T ' me Kramer, of New Hope, O., Ella Dickey," Lucile Mahrett, I mo Eiken belry, Ada and Ruby Kelly; Messrs. Larl 1'ierson, . Orba Decker, Clyde Beck, Kenneth Highley, Harry Fran- ' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickinson kel, Percy Ford, Hubert Snaveley, of East Main street entertained' a George Hodge and Ralph Keelor. - number of friends and relatives at their dinner today. Those avIio corn Members of the Jolly Twenty Club posed the party were the following: keltl a watch party Sunday evening Mr. and. Mrs. J. J. Dickinson, Cur at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ney Binford, Orville Wilkinson of Weigle, on North Seventeenth Street. Cincinnati, Edgar Stranahan, and Pedro Avas a pleasing feature of the Howard Dickinson. hrst prizes bemr Avon bv Mrs. Frank Moore and Mr. Charles Heishe. The consolations Avent to M, s- Frank ami Mr. John Hugo. At the close of the card games an elegant luncheon was seiz ed. Mr. and Mrs. John Hefner and Mr. and Mrs. John Hugo were guests of the club which will meet January Eleventh at the hom? of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, on North E. street. .' 4f 45. 4. Miss Alvina Steen delightfully en- tertained the folloAving guests at a Avatch party given at her home on South Ninth Street, Sunday eA'ening: Misses Marie Runge, Elizabeth Hase- "J" riiea oenaieiai, iiarina Miller, Hilda Miller, Julia Thomp- son Alice Hawekotte, Viola Steen, Naomi Huber and Alvina Steen; Messrs, unver bteinkamp, UUver Fetta, Martin Fetta, Frank Kinker, Frank Dolloff, Gus Hoelscher, Ed- a Slx 0 clock linner given at tneir 1 home on Richmond Avenue, last evening. The occasion Avas the ele A'cnth anniversary of their marriage. Following the dinner the remainder of the evening was spent in pleasant social intercourse. Covers Avere laid for the folloAving: Mr. and : Mrs. Freeman Haisley, Mr. and M'rs. W. A. Ellis, Mrs. Harland of Bethel, Ind., Messrs. John Ellis, Harry Ar thur and Aruef Haisley; Misses Yol ores Ellis and Edna Smith. .at. 4?. j. 1 xnniay evening at tneir i:ome on Ti e Woman's Foreign Missionary ( Xort!i Tenth Street. Those Avho corn Society of the Fifth Street M. E. j posed the ' party Ave re as follows, church will hold its regular monthly j Grace Smith, Ethel Marlatt, Edna business meeting in the church par lors tomorrow afternoon. All mem bers are requested to be present. i 4f The Epworth League of Fifth Street M. E. church Avill hold its reg ular monthly business meeting this evening at the church parlors. A pleasant eA'ening is anticipated. The "Blizzard" the society's paper will be read. All members are requested to attend this meeting. -55- Mrs. Sarah Fisher and Mrs. Jen nie Williams entertained Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovin at dinner yes terday at noon at their home on Richmond Avenue. X Messrs. Michael Mungavin, Bert Overman and Clifford Peele have issued invitations for a dancing par tAr to be given Thursday evening, (i Ja:!i:?.rv ionrth a'. 1 1. of of Columbus Hall. An much pleasure is anticipated. M Ramsey Poundstone irave a watch party at his home Sunday evening to a party 'of friends. The out of town guests Avere Mr Fred Ward, of Chicago. Miss Helen Maxim, of NeAV Castle, and Miss Brown of Fort Wayne. .. A watch party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lebo Sunday niirht to a number df friends who have met 1 for the purpose of watching the old year out for the past eight yeai-s. -3fr The twenty-second annual meeting of the NeAv Year Club Avas held yes- terday afternoon at the home of Mr. ana 3irs. n,ne iteynoias on Jtiast Main street. All of the members were present with their families and ;a . feAv invited guests. The house Avas beautifully decorated Avith holly, The dining room Was in blue. The first meeting of tho ctubTwas held in at the home of Mr.; and Mrs. John Saylor and sixteen members were present. Since that time , the club has lost but one of its mem bers and that Avas through the death of Mr. 0. V Lemon. The next meeting of the club Avill be Avith M'rs. Lemon on South Six teenth street. The club formerly met on New Years ee, but yesterday afternoon's meeting was the first of the meetings on New Years dav. Eighteen guests t were seated at dinner and the after noon was spent playing duplicati whist. Mrs. Mathew Balfour entertined a number of friends at a Avatch party Bayer, Mr. and Mrs. Gay, James Hopkins, Omar Wheeler, Gay Bal four and Mr. and Mrs. Balfour. The Misses Ruby and Ada Kel ley delightfully entertained several girl friends at their home on North Sixth street yesterday morning at a euchre party. Those avIio were present are as folloAvs: Misses Medora and Charlotte Hopkins, Harriett Lyons, Ruby Reid, Lucile Mahrett,.- Helen Thompson, Ruth Weirhake, . Ella Dickey, Ruby and Ada Kelly. ' ENGAGE THE Tetrauq Concert Quartet J FOR ANY Special Holiday Music Where Artistic Service is Wanted L. W. Deuker, Mgr. Phones 34 and I S9a the path of thf famous interstate WHEN YOU GO '' - TAKE : THE PATH DF THE INTERSTATE " DAYTON a. WESTERN'S ' PARLOR GAR ELEGTFJG EEF.V10E ' . IP' ". M. Lv. . 'Vbmond ! .3:3 ! ao3 Connects Avith Lima Lirri'-1 '. " -! ". . ; ' r - Lv. Richmond .. .... j 0 :3' J 2 . : ' Ar. Indianapolis .". . .. . . 1 1 ' r. -1" ' ,r-' Equipment of Thrse Sure rh Trrit', - r . b .Hrrr Ch?irs, Fcr-T Rc . . : rr-r ?,'; Papers, e ": . h . ' ' n-- kt - -t Pullman I v r ry ?r '-in THE 1'ATSI O T? I : Tl -V- IH . .. THE WAV Of T;li WaMI ' .':.'r -'"'" :. ..'.'-. :- : ' ' ..; . :: ?' -z'V' : " ''' . .' ' . - , . - . uH GLASSES CURE 9 y-y1 f Office hours from 9 a. Examinations free. in. to 5 p. m. Nos. 4 and 5 Aldiue Building, Main street, near Tenth. Headache Cured. Mrs. Ryan, Avife of Lee Ryan, hv- eryman on South Tenth street, says: "For years I had suffered with C- vere headaches almost constantly. I was told by several specialists that my eyes were the cause of it, so that I finally consented to the Avearing of glasses which would help me for only a short period, when the head- aches would return again. I wa. told that nothing more could be done for me unless I submitted to navmg arops pui in my eyes 10 sus- pesd the accommodation. I wa fearful of the effect, as I kneAV ofc others whose eyes had been perma- nently Aveakened from the effects oi a mydriatic. I consulted Mr. and Mrs. Lingerfield and Miss Sweiczer, as I noticed in their advertisement that they corrected all latent trou bles without the use of a mydriatic. I am A'ery much pleased Avith the re sults, as it is now nearly one year since', they fitted me with glasses and my head has not ached since I have Avorn them. I am grateful, too, to have found some one avIio Avas able to correct my trouble without the use ,of drops." , Mydriatics. We do not use Belladonna, Atro-r pine or other mydriatics, injurious drugs all of them, and belonging to a past vstage in the science .of optics as applied to eyesight testing. To tal dilation Avith a powerful mydri atic Avill set your eyes at rest. It Avill set them at rest so well that in a great many cases it will take the eyes a year or more to get back to their normal conditions, aul veiy often rest them so web' that tie eves are' never com fort aVe again. By means of modern methods Ave obtain more accurate and sa Ms factory re sults Avithout the usi o drops, also avoiding much of the discomfort and often serious danger to the patient. Mrs. Commons, 'vifj of E. L. Com mons, proprietor of the Willow Grove Dairy, says: "M eyes Avere more thoroughly teste a by Mr. and M'rs Lingerfiehl an I 'Miss Sweitzer than by any o'ei optician- I had previously consulted. The glasses they furnished m are giving entire satisfaction, md I av ear tusni with perfect comfort, which I hid not been able to do heretofore." Palladium For Job Work. wmtted. . 1 - V' . v- t. r: 4 i 1