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PAGE SIX. THE MORNING PALLADIUM TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 19C6. ttfM''--t,.'"-.t''.''e'!L-.'...'.i.lJS j An Excess of Talent? Orlsinu!. Tatsy Dolan, professional burglar, appreciating the opportunity offered at Colonel Bridges fV.ucy dross ball and realizing that ho could not personate an' one so well as himself, resolved to attend as himself or rather ass the pub lic conceived him, with a '-'oil of rope thrown over out? shoulder, a darh: lan tern Ln cue hand, a revolver In the other (not loaded, of course) and a jim my out of hi-? pocket. On the n's'.it of the brill, bavins made himself b)ik an little like the real Da lan and a j i.::ivh like a sLa burglar as possible, !. imu ( n a ma.-!? to enp the costume aa v.-cll tin to conceal hi. unre fined feature.; ad proceeded l" Coioucl Bridges' residence. Seeing the oloucl at the front door taking the name- of the arriving guests, l'aisy withdrew to the rear, climbed a trellis and elVeeteJ ah entrance inlo a closet on the second floor, from whence he emerged among a crowd of guests pouring In and out Vf the dressing rooms. Concluding that for the time being there must be more people upstairs than downstairs, he de scended and entered the main drawing "room, where stood the family waiting to receive the guests. "What an original Ideal" exclaimed M!hs Bridges as Patsy Railed into the room. "As sure as you live that's Ben llarker. I'd know hlra In any costume. 1 knew he'd come in something unique. Why doesn't he come to speak to tan? Oh. I forgot; a burglar wouldn't know enough for that." Ah Roan as Miss Bridges could leave the position of hostess she sought out the burglar. Fhe thought it would be fun to pretend to mistake bhn for the real thing. "What are you do'ng here, sir;" sh nn!d. "I'm ging to call a policeman and hand you over to him." If Tatsy's fare could have been peon Ihrovg'i Ids mask be would hae be trayed himself, but It couldn't, and this gave him time t. recover h'n assurance, which admonished him to bluff. "Ve're . eompUmontiu me costume' he tvU at a venture. "It's splendid. What's that sticking out of your pocket?" "Shure, it's me jimmy!" "You're the best character in the room. How did you come to think of It?" . Patsy drew a sigh of relief. "Boh Marker," continued the girl, "you needn't think you can fool me. I knew' you the moment I saw you. Come, let's go Into the ballroom." Sho led the relieved Patsy away and forced him to stand with her in a square dance. He had no sooner dis played his awkwardness than his part ner burstt into a laugh, and every one In flu cnt xt-na rrti n -itl inii-tH the blunders of the burglar. Indeed, it was not long before nearly every one In the room was watching him. This was too much success, and he tried hard to dance like the rest, but the harder he tried the worse he failed. When the dance was finished he told his partner that he was tired and must go upstairs for a rest, but she would not permit the best character at the ball to retire for a moment. "Oh, there's a policeman!" she ex claimed. "How nice it would be for you two to know each other!" And she dragged the unwilling burglar to the cop. "Here's a burglar for you, Mr. To liccman. You'd better take him to jail. You two are the best made up of any In the house. You're both splendid." "Are you an old offender or new to crime?" asked the policeman to keep up the byplay. "Oi'm a yung bir-r-d," replied Patsy. "Ever cracked a crib?" "Nlver a oncet. Oi'm as Innocent as the day Ol first wint to Suuda' school." Miss Bridges clapped her hands. "He beats you." she said to the police man. "Isn't he a perfect character?" "As near the real thing as any I ever saw," replied the cop In a dry tone that made Patsy wish he hadn't such re markable talents for Impersonation. "He wants to go upstairs and rest," ald Mtss Bridge to the policeman. "Do you think the jewelry would b eafe;" "Doubt It." replied the cop. "I think I'll take him into the suppei room. I d like an lee." 'Watch the spoons if you do." . ZflsuZ? pleasantries were '.'lar'nlpf BOTH FOOD AND MEDfCINE. We like best to call Scott's Emulsion a food-medicine. It is a, term that aptly describes the character and action of our Emulsion. More than a medicine more than a food, yet combining the vital prin ciples of both. It is for this reason that Scott s Emulsion has a distinct and special value in all wasting diseases. There is nothing better to remedy the troubles of im perfect growth and delicate health in children. The action of Scott's Emulsion is just as effective in treating weak ness and wasting in adults. K . SCOTT & DOWN E, 409 Pwrl Street, New York. .Want ads in Pala&ium pay. I When you place ' "33 fS3a the other "two, but came rattier too Hear home for Patsy. Oi'm tulnkln'." he said, "Oi'm ob trudin' ineself . betuue two frien's, and the requirements of polite society re quires rue lavin' ye. Good evehin'." "I don't think It safe to let you travel about the house alone." said the police- mnn VnnM l.otfon etnv l.v pia till lha time conies to unmask." Then, turning to the young lady, he added, "Don't you think so?" "Unmask'" said Patsy, an ill eon foaled alarm In his voice. "What's that?" "I think," the officer, went on, "that your presence at the unmasking would not help these festivities to pass pleas antly, and you'd better unmask else where. Come with me. You're want ed." The last five word a were not only fa miliar to Patsy, but were spoken In a familiar tone. Patsy followed the po liceman out of the room, Miss Bridges looking on admiringly. 4'How well those two play theii parts!" she said to herself as she turned away without suspecting that a rea': policeman had arrested a real burglar. Patsy unmasked on the sidewalk and spent the night behind b:rs. "Me tah-ic fY.r p'n":n' parts was tx much for m ," he to himself. ''O should p: or tN s1:t 'e." TIIOIL.AS UAMIiEIl .TUDSON. Bears the TIib Kind You Have Always Bjnght Signature of ProRrrelve Mntritnony. "You can always tell a j'oung hus band from an old one by the way he acts when he goes after a bucket of water," says Uncle Hiram. "Three months married, he swings the pump handle, whistles and casts covert glances at the house as though some one wrere looking at him from the win dow. One year married, he swings the pump handle more slowly, smiles oc casionally and seems to be annoyed be cause the meal is late. Two years mar ried, he looks sour and glum, kicks the cat over the coal house and looks at the house as if he would like to choke somebody. Three years married, he sits on the doorstep and smokes while his wife works the pump hantlle." Kausas City Journal. Itching-, bleeding-, protruding or blind piles yield to Doan's Ointment. Cluonic cases soon relieved, finally cured. Druggists all sell it. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doincr business in 1 tii r.... 1 oufn the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- ! LAKS for each ami every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in mv presence, this Gth day of December, A. P., 18S0. A. Wr. GLEASON. (Seal.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 73c. Take Hall's Family Fills for con stipation. To Colorado, California, Mexico and Florida ; and points "West and South now sold at special low fares via. Pennsylvania Lines. Information about routes." stop-overs and travel conveniences freely given upon request addressed to nearest Pennsylvania Lines ticket agent. your O. K. on anything you are willing to stand by your mark. When the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY" puts this trade mark in red and white on each end of a package f Biscuit, Crackers or Wafers it has affixed its final O. K. which absolutely guarantees the contents of the package to be the very superlative of excellence. To learn what this trade mark really means try a package of GRAHAM CRACKERS or SOCIAL TEA BISCUIT. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY WOMAN'S TRIALS. Her Bitter Disappointment The bitter trail in a woman's life is to be childless. Who can tell how hard the struggle may have been ere she learnt to resign herself to her lonely lot? The ab- SeilCU Ol U113 UnK WJ U1I1U BLUIX! llll lllO LU- gether, the absence of this one pledge to mutual affection is a common disap pointment. Many unfortunate couples become estranged thereby. Even if they do not drift apart, one may read the whole extent of their disappointment in the eyes of such a childless couple when they rest on the children of otliers. To them the largest family does not seem too numerous. It will rather appear to them that those on whom this blessing has been most richly bestowed hardly valuo it sufii ciently. In many cases of barrenness or child lessness the obstacle to child-bearing is easily removed by the cure of weakness on the part of the woman: Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription has been the means of restoring health and fruitful ness to many a barren woman, to the great joy of the household. In other, but rare cases, the obstruction to the bearing of children has been found to bo of a surgical character, but easily removable by painless operative treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- fical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., over which )r. Pierce of the "Favorite Prescription" fame presides. In all cases where chil dren are desired and are absent, an effort should be made to find out the real cause, since it is generally so easily removed by proper treatment. In all the various weaknesses, displace ments, prolapsus, antf-versions, retro versions, inflammation of ovaries, leucor rhoea, giving rise to disagreeable and weakening drains, and in all cases of nervousness, nervous prostration and debility. Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescrip tion is the most efficient remedy that can Eossibly be used. It has to its credit undreds of thousands of cures more in fact, than any other remedy put up for sale, through druggists, especially for woman's use. You do not have to take Dr. Pierce's word alone for this, because the ingredients of which the "Favorite Prescription" are composed have received the most positive endorsement from the leading medical wri ters on Materia Medlca of all the several schools of practice. All the ingredients are printed in plain English on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so that if you are an invalid woman and make use of this famous medicine you know exactly what you are taking. Dr. Pierce takes his patients into his full con fidence, which he can afford to do as the formula after which the "Favorite Pre scription" is made will bear the most careful examination. You do not have to experiment when taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, as with the many fake, Cheap John Med icines that are sent out on trail, composed of cheap and often harmful ingredients. Dr. Pierce resorted to Nature's Labo ratory to get the ingredients for his "Fa vorite Prescription," believing that the Indigenous, or native, medicinal roots of 1 our country are endowed by Providence with the most marvelous curative powers. The only rational way to attempt to cure disease is by assisting the natural functions of the body, and to do that there is nothing like Nature's remedies which act In Nature's way, toning and Invigorating the digestive organs, the liver, the stomach and bowels and the nervous system, which always suffers to a great extent in all the various derange ments of the organs distinctly feminine. The medicine of known composition is the one to rely upon the one that has a record of nearly forty years of cures the one devised and manufactured by a regu larly graduated and experienced practi tioner of medicine. Ily addressing Dr. R. V. Pierce, at lJuttalo, IN. Y, secure, free, a little pnamphlet giving numerous extracts from many medical ? Maud Isn't 5 and 30 too old tc hope for a"y improvement? I should say net. One 1 .? Iv.m-i ;d live. Take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. You will be blooming fair at GO. 3o cents, Tea or Tab lets. For sale bv A. G. Luken & Co. Palladium For Job Work Furniture Repair : and CabinetShop : . J All kinds cf Cabinet arid Repair Work done. Saws " ser and filed. Please give me a call. Sam Lott Pliouc 219. Iormerly S elm eider's SIiop writers of prominence, extolling the vari ous ingredients which enter into Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is worth looking oyer if you are a sufferer. Dr. Pierce does not claim for his "Fa vorite Prescription " that it is a "cure-all." It is recommended as a most perfect spe cific for woman's peculiar ailments. So uniform are the results which follow the use of this remarkable rernedv, that it can be truly affirmed of "Favorite Pre scription "that it always Iiclps and almost always cures. Ninety-eight per cent, of the women who give this medicine a fair and faithful trial are cured and remain cured. It is a powerful invigorating tonic, im parting health and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. The local, womanly health is so intimately related to the general health that when diseases of the delicate womanly organs are cured the whole body gains in health and strength. For weak and sickly women who are "worn-out," "run-down" or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, ofiice Or schoolroom, who sit at the typewriter or sewing ma chine, or bf-ar heavy household burdens, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has froven a priceless benefit liecause of its lea 1 tii - restoring and strength - giving powers. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine. "Favorite Prescription" is un pqnaled and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritabil ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, or St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional' and organic disease of the womanly organs. It induces refresh ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Cures obstinate cases. "Favorite Pre scription" is a positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucor rhea, excessive flowing, painful menstru ation, unnatural suppressions and irregu larities, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic organs, weak back, "female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, inflam mation and ulceration, inflammation, more or less pain and tenderness over the lower abdomen accompanied with "in ternal heat." Dr. Pierce's medicines are made from harmless but efficient medicinal roots found growing in our American forests. The Indians knew of the marvelous cura tive value of some of these roots and im parted that knowledge to some of the friendlier whites, and gradually some of the more progressive physicians came to test and use them, and ever since they have grown in favor by reason of their superior curative virtues and their safe and harmless qualities. Your druggists sell the "Favorite Pre scription" and also that famous altera tive, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the "Golden Medical, Discovert." Write to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an experienced physician and will treat your c?,se as confidential and without charge for correspondence. Address bim at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., of which he is chief, con sulting physician. It is as easy to be well as ill and much more comfortable. Constipation is the cause of many forms of illness. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. They are tiny, sugar-coated gran ules. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxa tive, two a mild cathartic. All dealers in medicines sell them. Dr. Pierce's 1000-page Illustrated book "The Common Sense Medical Adviser," is sent free in paper covers on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing o?i?j. For 31 stamps the cloth-bound volume will be sent. Address Dr. K, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. TYPEWfllTIHG The Palladium is prepared to do small " or large jobs in typewriting and on very short notie-e. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Factories and bus iness houses needing work of this kind will do well to give us their or der. We can do it cheaper and quicker than anj-one els in tha city. No. 9 South 6th St. THE MARKETS 0. G. MURRAY. Removed to 14 Norti Ninth Street. Wheat. December Mav . . 83V2 S3 78 SS Corn. December 44":'t 41! May 441V 44 I Oats. j December .. 32s 3! May . . 32i, "t ;v.:i j Pork. j January $13.5.1 13.30 May 135 13.77 Lard January 7.3.") 7.30 May 7.52 7.50 Ribs. January 7.20 7.20 May 7.42 7.40 Receipts Hogs 13,000. Left higher. over, 3,077. Prospects 5 Light, $4.955.20.; Mixed $5.00 5.27y2. Heavy, $4.955.30. Rough $4.955.05. Cattle 300; unchanged. Sheep 2,000; unchanged. LOCAL MARKETS WAGON MARKET. (Furnished by II. J. Ridge & Son.) Grain Prices Wheat, GO lbs., 70e to $1.15. New Corn, 35 to 37c. No. 2, 5G lbs. 50c (shelled) 50c per bushel. . Timothy, new baled, $9 to $9.50. New Hay $8.00 to $9.00 Mixed hay, baled, $3.00. Clover, baled, $7.00. Clover loose, $0,00. Ciover seed, $6 to $3 per bu. .ft ye, 5G to oOc per bushel. New-Oats, 23 to 2Se per bushel. Straw, baled, $4.50 to $5 per ton. M.eaf oats, to It'c. Millet. $G to $8. Business ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, INSURANCE. H. W. COLVIN, Fire Insurance, City and Farm. Telephone 553. 920 Main street. IREDELL & FERGUSON. Fire Insurance. 4 North Ninth St. Tel. G2G. Notary Public. ' - MONUMENTS. PERRY T. WILLIAMS, Marbl and Granite Monuments. 33 North Eighth sti-eet. Phone 1457. PEAT gENTRAL TO FLORIDA 1 t Duiing the Winter Tourist Sea son we tun through cars from all points on our line to-Jacksonville and St. Augustine. .... This is the direct line to Asheville, Thomasville Savannah, the Caro'inas Tampa, Miami F Cuba and Nassau. H n Round Trip Tickets Good Ail Winter Low Rates Write to or ealFupon any Agent Great Central for full Information. Hotel Kates, Tourist Books, or information about climate, write to D. C. EDWARDS, m ... -. ' Passenger Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, O. I Want To make four good first mortgage loans with. From $300 to $800. MORGAN THE PALLADIUM leati at SeUiL Maher Hadley Meat Market. Roast pork, 15c. Veal, 10 to 20s 'b, Beefstake, 12V2 w 15c. Fresh pork, 10 to 15c per lb, Chuck roast, 10c per b. Beef to boil, 6 to 16c per lb Pork chops, ipTr-Tvcr Fbh, i5c ib.5 . ';; tltjjBiyiiiM-iiiii" - - - Lftfai (Pud hy tit- :e Hie Grocery. Eggs 23c dozen. Putter, creamery, 23 to 27c country 15 to 20c lb. Chkkeus, dresed 12c. .' lb; Retail Pricea (Furnished by Hep Hiv Orocrrj r'ancako Hour 10c per package. Buckwheat flour 10c per package. Maple Syrup, $1.25 per gallon. Ex tra fine $1.40 per gallon. : Honey, 22c lb. . Dates, 10c per lb. t Lemons, 35c doz. ' Apple-i 75c to $1.S0 per bu, -Cabbage, 3c per lb. ; : Potatoes, 60 to 75c per bu. 1 Cal.- Oranges, 25c to 60c dozen. Cranberries, 15t to 20c per qt. Lettuce, 20c lb . Figs, 20 per lb.. I Bananas 15 to 20c per dozen. Maple sugar, 15c a lb. Jersey sweet potatoes, 40c peck. Clam chowder, 25c per can. Clam boulJion, 25c a bottle. Popcorn on cob, 5c lb. Shelled ' popcorn 10c per lb. Malaga grapes, 20c lb. Crape Fruit 2 for 25c. Richmond Livestock. (Paid Richmond Abbatoir Co.) Hogs, top heavy $4.00. to $4.75. hundred, Ilogi, 400 lbs., common and rough, $4.35 to $4.50 per hundred. Hogs, 200 to 250 lbs, average, $4.S0 to $5. per hundred. Choice butcher steers, $3.75 to $4.25 per hundred. Lambs, $5.50 to $0 per hundred. Calves, $5.50 tc $G per hundred. JLXJXJV UJL y BllljJjWjtiJLiI HOTEL, 14 and 16 North Sixth Street. ; Meals, 25 Cents. ! Meal Ticket, 21 Meals, $3.50. All You Want to Eat. TEAS AND COFFEES. GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. Extra S. & II. trading stampu with our teas, coffees, baking powders, extracts and spices. 727 Main street. Dire; i connections for Mobile, New Orleans Hot Springs, Eiloxi end all points jn Texas and Louisiana Mexico and California For i the Cash 8th and NortJi r- FOR JOB PRINTING 1 1