Newspaper Page Text
k, J . 1 It THE MOtOTNG PALLADIUM. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1906. PAGE SEVEN. 1 1 U em BJI tours Ill' iTL,v!V f I hm MJu I D f&J Tl. a. ,4i iiat is polden State Limited this season. J h done for ' r I wiii uiav; patrons 01 mis train. Artxtra effort to fl Fourthpason of service more popular each year. Hp class in every way. iff Runs Southern Route through New Mexico, dr line of lowest altitudes. I A second dajfast mail train, providing standard and tourist sleeper and chair car price, is operated over same route. 1 j ; J I j 1 Let us send yaur illustrated books of trains. I --i;rs- r I. F. POWE Ditt. Pan. Agent, 9 ClayplBuilding, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. L . M $ S 4 Ji 7 Viaj: Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Lij . f Thrjh electric lighted train less tan three days Chicago the Pacific Coast everMky in the year. Dircchnections with stcamfiyrJics to HS? Australia, andj Orient. " New tc to Southern Cpfcriia via Salake City and the newltned Salt Late ySSJite. Exe;rt service, Portland, o RaftpSAtd dra room and private compartment M carlr frothe shops and provided with all travel kes. 1 H &m-smoking library and obrtioifBooklover's Library). THE BESF EVERYTHING ALL AOCNTS SCLL T VlA CHICAGO, UNION PACITIO ' A. H. WagsV. A ? -1 ,.OTX . : Where youil'ited J-f cf Hoftw, Horn Cas s, Ril4 ; uHnn'! mm .J Records 1 r s ; . ; u K ; .1 1 RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE. you can have the best beer brewed if you will only insist that it started from the Minck brewery. All kinds of beer bid for public favor. Honest-, ly, did you ever taste a better brew than the R. E? Don't know it 7 Well, you're, excused. But taste it once and you'll be proud that you're posted. Th2 Psl 3 n 3 k B r e w i n G o Via SUtuthern Rout warm ivintrr way icker to California il a r . me scneauie 01 ine YOU and for the many please. in ft I'liiii'' i 1 Jin ill nil TtiliiT K--.h- Jm-""'1 "-j pi 3" Egi$?hg: rooms 215 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Ct-IBI J -flir ..,..1 li I :vv A EDKON PHONOG ' APHS .7 m 2 stock 5,000 Gold Moulded Cor.'Gthland S. A Sts. R f syts Hn Ocean Hccniaintancc By Claude Pamarcs Cepyight. 13.5, Ly Homer Fprarjne The reat sUvimcr plowed its way on ward, each throb of tlic fiic'.ue3 bring ing her neaicr to the destined havea. Far up in tl.e bow stood a man and a woman waUxiiu throuli the davkns ?. Plymouth would be reach ea e:?riy next moruin?. In silence the two fto xl gaz ing at the distant lights now beginning to flaoh out. TLL meant the close of the voyage, the end of a week of rare companionship. At lirst the man had paid but scant heed to the slender, dark eyed woman who faced him at the long table. He was off for a rest and did not care to meet people. Dut something in the quiet, restrained glance attracted him. and later, when he saw her on deck struggling with steamer rugs, it seemed only civil to oJIer his assistance. Henceforth they fell into the way of being together. They read and criti cised each other's books and zines, they spent much time pacing the deck, and now had come the last night of it all. She was leaving the sh'p at Plymouth; he was going on to Cher bourg. The man was the first to speak. "And am I never to see you again?" he asked. She shook her head. "It Is very unlikely." "You mean" ho demanded. "I mean that it Is best not." was the quiet answer, but he bent rebelliously closer. "Listen," he said determinedly. "I know that It is far too soon to speak, that you have known me barely a week, yet when you talk in this way aay that we shall not meet again" "You know nothing of me either," broke in the woman hurriedly "who I am or whence I come." "I know you are the loveliest and sweetest Avonian in the world," he said, with a stubborn frown, "and that I" "Xo, no," cried iie sharpiy. Then he lifted her head. "I have not told you the whole truth." she said, a quiet dignity in her bearing. "I am indeed Mrs. Kaymond, and my husband is dead, but I am also Russell Pan oroft's sister." 'P;mToft.s sister." lie repented the word Incredulously. "Iiancrof .sister." 1 1 is voice betrayed only an amazed bewilderment, but the wom an, sensitively alive to every intona tion, heard or fancied a certain hidden beneath the surprise. Her breath fluttered; then she pulled her self together. "Sq.jC am sure you will agree Hh me ttoSft ' any further friendship be tween us is impossible," she said chvtr ly. ".Good uight and goodby." Before he could divine her Intention she had stepped toward the compan ionway. The next moment She was gone. The man turned back to the rail. "Bancroft's sister," he said again, his eyes resting vaguely, unseemingly upon the tumbling waters. "Bancroft's aister." Below in the narrow little cabin Mrs. ltaymond threw harself upon the bunk. The heavy tears hung upon her lashes. He hated her then. She wondered at it in a dull sort of way. Yet who really could wonder that the very name of Bancroft should be distasteful in his ears? She knew the whole wretched story. The two men had been chums at school, roommates at college. She recoilected the tall lad whom Kusseil had brought home for an occasional visit. Then had come Cortwright's en gagement. The cards were out, the wedding dress finished. Bancroft was to be best man. And then two dayr? Iiofm-n lm il'ii t !?! nriv?i t!i in"i. V ed, the beloved friend, had tied with his chum's bride, leaving a wild, incoher ent note in which they pleaded theii unconquerable affectum. Child as she had been, Mrs. Ray mond well remembered the tremendous excitement it had stirred, her passion ate sympathy for the half stunned Cortwright. But the affair slid into history, liko everything ch;e. After that Kusseil and his wife lived abroad. She herself had grown up, married and be come a widow. Her marriage had not proved exac tly a success, yet she had mourned her husband deeply and sin cerely, never considering the possibil ity of her marrying again. -Then hail come this steamer acquaintance with a man singularly congenial in tastes and ideas. Her learning of his identity had been a shock. She feltthat in honesty she must reveal herself. Yet every day she lot pass nmde the task more dim cult. And now what she had most feared had come to pass he shrank from the sister of his faithless friend. The woman on the bunk started up in sudden fierceness. It was not fair. What part had she in that old deed: She must see him again explain. She did not know exactly what t3 say, but the impulse carried her out int j the cor ridor. It was not late. Perhaps he would join her again on deck. v But as she turned into the passage way which led to his door and lifted her hand to knock a swift realization of what she was about to do swept over her with an intolerable rush of shame. What! Appeal to the pity of any man? For had he truly loved her he would not have let her go. Dominated by this reasoning, she turned and fairly ran back to her cabin. There, with bowed head, mo tionless save for soft, catching breaths, she waited until the steward came to call her. It looked very cheerless In the big room. A few persons were clustered about one end of a long table. She cast a aul :k glance about hardlT know ing t it what she hoped, but he was not there. The steward brought eggs and coffee, and she managed a cup. Then she went oa deck. The rain was dripping dismally. Ilert and there a light glimmered faiutij through the thick mist. So that was Plymouth. The gang plank leading tc the tender was steep an. I slippery. People moved through the dusk like disembodied spirits. It was all very gloomy and very forlorn, and despite herself she shivered. The gang pianl; was pulle l hi. The band, huddled into a damp group oe the steamer's deck, brake forth with a lively air. A man standing near by laughed. "If one has to be awake at such an hour it is a comfort to know that nc one else can sleep either," he observed grimly. "It would be hard to sleep throagh that racket," assented his companion. At the voice she started violently. Was it could it be Cortwright? For a mo ment she scarcely breathed, thrilled be tween ecstasy and fear. Then a dark figure detached itself from the fog and came to her. "It is you," said the voice, and this time unmistakably it was Cortwright's. "I wasn't sure at first." "But you!" gasped the woman. "Your ship Cherbourg?" "Hang Cherbourg," said he cheerful ly. Then his voice dropped. "Do you think that you were very kind to me awhile back?" he asked gravely. "Wasn't It rather mean to spring a surprise of that sort on a man and then run before he could re cover?" "Oh!" expostulated she weakly. Thin was a new view of the matter. "I thought It was because you didn't care," he went on. "You know, you wouldn't wait, wouldn't give me a chance to speak. I thought perhaps anyway, I felt mighty blue when I went below. Then I found this." She could just glimpse the tiny square of lawn that he showed her. "It lay on the carpet near my door, and it told me it told me Ah, sweetheart," he cried, a sudden subdued exultation ringing through his tone, "that gave me the courage to come. It told me that perhaps you felt sorry for me; that perhaps you, too, cared just a little bit that you might listen to me. Was 1 wrong, dear? Will you marry me?" The mist was drifting out to sea. The clouds had broken, and in the east appeared a g'.ow of crimson find gold. The sun was rising in all its splen dor nnd majesty. The rain w:is over. For a moment the woman gazed with wide, g'.ad eyes at the newborn day; then s.e turned to meet the man's eaer cntre-ily. "I will marry you whenever you like," she s;iid. Not a Traeretl y. They ha walked halfway through the park, and suddenly she sat down on a bench. He sat beside her. They were entirely alone save for an old man at one end of their seat im mersed in a book. Their 'agitated con versation continued : "Oh, it is too dreadful!" she shudder ed as she covered her face with her hands as if to shut out some unbear able sight. "Fearful," he agreed, deeply moved and mopping the perspiration from his brow. "Horrible," she added. "I cannot bear to think of It. The loss of hope, happiness, perhaps" even life itself." "Hush!" he interrupted gently! "Let us no longer think of it or it may grow to prey on ourrminds." "Pardon me," said the old man on the end of the seat, his watery eyes distended in lively apprehension, "has there been some awful disaster? Have you been forced to look upon some aw ful tragedy?" The young people regarded each oth er in some confusion. Hesitatingly the youth answered: "No-sir. You see, we have just be come engaged, and we were talking of what a calamity it would have been had we never met." Derivation of Fntl. The derivation of the word "fad" is possibly traceable in the Welsh lan guage. By the law of mutation of ini tial consouants peculiar to that to'ngue the root words ffedd and medd are convertible terms. Their essential meaning is possession; transitive or in transitive, possession of something or the act of being possessed or engrossed by some occupation or vice. Welsh medd and Irish, Sanskrit and English mad have similar meanings and are probably kindred words. The word mad is not common in Teutonic idioms, so that the Anglo-Saxons probably bor rowed it from the Welsh. Fad is therefore equally derivable from ffedd. Proximately, of course, it comes from the midland dialects and ultimately from some root word common to many members of the Aryan family of speech. It would be strange if the two words, mad and fad, having a similar meaning, should be traceable to the same root. Notes and Queries. Tbe Shrike, or Batcher Bird. There is a strange little bird, about as b'jj a3 a robin, which nearly every winter brings us. He is general! v alone, like a tiny black and gray hawk In many of his ways, but related truly to the gentle vireos and waswings. He is the northern shrike, or butcher bird, and he gets a cruel living by catching mice and little birds, which he hangs on locust thorns, sharp twigs or the points of a wire fence, as his little feet, unlike the hawk's, aie not strong enough to hold his prey. But he is a handsome fellow, and rarely one may hear a very sweet little song as he sits on tbe top of some lenfless bush, par ticularly late in the winter. But gen erally he Is silent, like the true birds of prey, or at best gives only a rasping tqueal. -St Nicholas. I FARMS THAT PAY 25o TO 50o ' a . . . . . n . . . . M.. , MM , . . II..auJ t Wm .k in somneastern Jtwansas, iu mnes somn 01 nanus limMtooe I Prices lower than for fertile Improved firms anywhere In the efrn brlt. where every tame (ma Ktows rank. The irreai l'reuiiuni Corn grow. heir. SKNI KOK VKICtS IJST. trades, i 4,8l), 100. lt and lamer. TUOS. U. Hl'ilU.lBU, Kluball, Kan. IrfcUrLfc 5 UULUHfln WANTED 50 men and 10 ladies to call at the stage entrance of the Gennett Theatre at C:4." Friday evening January 5tli to take part in the production of "Checkers" which is to be presented at Hie theatre that evening. WANTED Sweeping and dusting to do by an experienced house man. Home phone 095. 12-30-5t WANTED A good gh'l for general housework. Small family, 52 S. 13th street. WANTED A janitor at St. Mary's church. WANTED A good boy to work in the Railroad restaurant. WANTED By young colored man, any kind of indoor work. Reliable and sober. Phone 295. WANTED Washings South Fifth street. at No. 4 12-20-5t WANTED Representative in own community. $500.00 capital re quired. Good salary to right party. Bona-fide real estate proposition. Address New Martinsville Im provement company, Steelton, W. Va. Diet. S. 29-tf WANTED There will be an opening soon at the Business College for boy to work for his tuition. Call at once, phone 633 or 240. Itfi-tf FOR RENT Blacksmith shop with tools complete; also a paint shop. 0 S. 0th street. 24-5t FOR RENT Desk bench or -shop room, with power at 1021 Main street, Richmond Auto Station, tf FOR RENT Nice furnished r.! 'for gentleman, 120 South Ssventn. FOR SALE. Richmond property a specialty Porterfield, Kellv Block. Phone 32y tf FOR SALE A new guitar cheap at 215 S. 11th street. 31 -2t FOU SALE Favorite baseburner at 47 S. 12th St. 29-2t FOR SALE A first-class pawn brokers business. The only one in a town of 20,000 people. Good reasons for selling. Address box number 7, Palladium. 2-eod-2w LOST At the Gennett Theatre a' blue silk scarf. Return to 201 N. 12th street and receive reward. LOST Lady's umbrella with pearl and gold handle with letter "S" engraved. Finder please leave same at 47 N. Sth or 215 S. 11th. 31-5t. LOST Yarn mitten. Address 402 N. 14th street. LOST Blue silk crepe in the Gen nett theatre Saturday afternoon. Finder p.ense return same to 201 N. 12th. Reward. 31-5t LOST A pair of steel rim glasses, return to this office or Miller's harness store. 30-3t. LOST A blue saddle cloth on the ' New Paris pike. Return to Try- lor's livery barn. LOST A siring of coral beads. Ad dress 1224 Main street. Reward. 24-5t LOST Volume I of Fiske's Discov ery of America. Kindly return to Morrisson-Reeves Libra rv. LOST Silk umbrella about Thanks giving, with name on handle, sup posed to have been left in some store on Main street. . Tinder please return same to Palladium office or call new phone 1408 and receive liberal reward. 12-21-5 1 FOUND A blaek yarn mitten. Call at this office. " 2S-3t. Hnse Task. It was a hnce "?- ui'dertaVe ine cure ot auer u ,au ease of kid ney die?e a? x dt of C. F. Collier, of Cheroiep, Tjvfa, bv.t EI'?trie Tit ters did it Fe writes "My kid neys were so far gone, I could not vdt on a chair -without a cushion : and suffered from dreadful baekache. headache, and depression. In Elec tric Bitters, however, I found a crre. and by them was restored to perfect health. I recommend- this greaf tonic raedicirp to all with weak kid neys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by A. G. Luken, druenrist: price 50c. tuj, vutj mj mea west vi ju9wun,ia ws uvu (tons wnere E. B. Grosvenor, M.D. SPECIALIST. AND USTCSIK! THROAT Glasses Fitted 24 North xxtli St. t SUNDAY EXCURSION RATES VIA Dayton & Western TV A. 3 A A yV LJa v kuu t&uu xvciuiu, - Baton and Return, - - : : $1.00 .50 Tickets at above piice will be Bold every Sunday until further notice. ' - NOTICE 4 EZ saved on every pound Ww-;o Chocolate you buy AT MILLER'S NEWS STAND Cor, Ninth and Main Sts. Ty pew riters arc the sellers now a days. If it's a Fox its all right. Get the habit and buf one. Planner, or public We, bf o' 5 I-.. ORIGINAL S C H O -Founded In !B0. Saoc" grail uatm vorywher. Apt" by bar and law college. K.goH College Law Course end Buin Law Ccurae. Liberal Teri Special Offer New. Catalogue F1-.J. SpraQue CevrtNtrndenoJ School of Lair 33 Kajostic Bid., Dstrof.altef EXPERIENCE Trade Marks nreiiAKiei Copyrights Ac Anvnne epriUiig . eVetoh enrl 4auorlntnn may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention i probably patentable. Communica tion or rictly confidential. HANDBOOK onl'atent st'iit free. Oldest fluency for HecurlitK patent . Patent falcen through Jtufin A Co. recelTO Bpecial notice, wit hout ehwrue. tu the Scientific Jfmcrican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.nrgeat cir culation of any Bcientillo journal. Terms, $3 yeiir: Bold by all newsdealer. MUNN &Go.36,Broad New York Braucl Oflice. C25 F 8U WasblDKtoo. D. c. EftfiYROYAL PILLS -r""""" flwfln-laaafeT akel da lee aT3 I iftiAU CHICIIKSTEICK KNOLIMtff I l Kbit an 4 Cold nwtallia bona m'al with b!o ribbon. Take e other Rrfrae Ietfftrua Mabatitutlena aad laalta- '.co. tot 1'artioulnre, Teetleaealal nl "R ?;i-r I.AHI-.n m Uxtm . ti re- tnra IHull. I O.tHtO Tntlmnalaia TAoM b 1 ... I .. . tf L.1.1 . J L - t f rtaUte. UM rwa-. Mmm re. fUlluA.. JraJ Every IVoman u uueresusa ana tnorua Know about the wonderfa MARVEL Whirling bftrat ae new Tirtaal Hyrteca. SjH turn and Suction, hert ral Ml-Moit Convenient It Cleeeaaa la.taaiJ j aak yeer dnnltl to It. It he cannot supply the ntKVKL, auvept no other, but send atainn for taoctrated book afait-4. ItfriTet fnil Darticulara and dirwtions ln- ;aableto ladien. MACliLi CO., Vtaaea Ultls.a Aew lorl. WENAHDWCWEfi. Ce Big O for unnatural din'-harei.a.iiiflaiiimationa. irritations or uWraiiona of mucoae nvembraae. Painless, and not aatrta gent or poionona. fioia hy DrntrsUtav or cent in pl n wrapper, by expreaa, prepaid, tor t! -00. or 3 bottles 12.75. Circular teat oa reqaeilr Dr. LaFranco's Compound Give Poshiwa tit lies Safe, Quick. Reliable Regulate tS'ipenof so m arr rameiuN eota ai ouii rna. Care guaranteed. Sueceaafully urj by over 90O.OO4I WMMn. riiea.tfj Ceafa ltl Br. LagraiiK. JTbLUuiolptaUaa lJaW If f VIMIeaa M '! f" M cbhs Srav Butm. Boaida, Ulcers, Btas worm, lata, r, Ed J ill , 8ald Head. Ittfe, rUuplaa. JStoaebaa, XfVamad fSrea, PUea. ad ail kJa Kraidlatic M-iea tie akin brxs-ilf Urr and aaaooata. A. 1x Am0- li frtss- COc ftaaut aar Mawc. fall anil Wibihi eV vav. rawanj ta. iiie iflr iTy i ... 1 n- r r -irrnr mnrtmra tmmmi in 60 YEARS t la lUt daralVfl Ljlltilf . Uuarantetd XI jRaaf not to ilxictnre. . Pr.Trat. 'eetacaB. tiTHEEVAHSCHEMlCJUCfl. C. 8. Jttf iL A E) lt