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TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1906. fAQE EIGHT. AMUSEMENTS TLe Jap Veteran's Story V J illQPP fiW Yf " THE MORNING PALLADIUM Ml 1 1 i 1$ , Record Broken at the New Phillips. All records for attendance at the New lhillips vaudeville theatre were broken yesterday both at the mati nee and night performances, and the day's attendance taken together was the best in the history of the house. Jt was a splendid-start for the year li)0(J and Manager Murray was all smiles last night. Last night the crowd was so large that many were not able to get in and the standing room was so closely taken that it be came almost uncomfortable. The bill being put on this Aveek is one that is highly, pleasing, taken as a whole. The demonstrations with liquid air, under the title of "The Mysterious Crucible," are' of a mar velous nature and are given just as they are advertised. This feature is one that will appeal not only to those 'who ordinarily attend the vaudeville, but to hundreds of others who watc.Ii the development ofsubjects of a sci entific nature. Accompanying the demonstrations there is a talk on liquid air that is of a highly interest ing nature. A cake of ice Avas set on tire, a kettle of water was boiled on a cake of ice, iron and steel were turned to molten metal, steel bars were Avelded together in a few sec onds and a horseshoe Avas moulded in a few seconds, just as advertised. There is no illusion about the liquid air demonstrations. All is done- in the full view of the audience and it js of a most remarkable and enter taining nature. Other features of the bill are also worthy of 'mention. The Exerts put -on a comedy sketch, Charles Miller, monologist, made a decided hit in black face, Mile. Aline demonstrated her ability as a hoop roller and jug gler. Addison and Livingston are far above Ihe average in their com edy skit Avhile the illustrated songs arid motion pictires are of the best. "Escaped from Sing Sing" is one of the motion pictures, probably is as good as any ever seen at tlip New Phillips. There is little doubt that t lie business will bo big ail week. ' Uichard Carle's big and successful musical play of last, season, "The Maid and the Mummy," has started auspiciously on its second prosper ous year. This is the musical piece that has the enviable record of a three-months run in New. York, a three months 'run in Philadelphia, and a three months' run in Chicago. The company is largely the- same as itwas last winter, and the mechanical and electrical effects are greater than ever. Not satisfied with the dozen or more song hits in the piece, Mr. Carle last summer added one more, with chorus accompaniment. It is the chorus work in this musical melange that has come in for the most ex- .-.V. y & -.V- 6 ? ' 'jZ "V"., ? - , , fc ' 'v - i' ...--....:. v..'.':.., "THE MAID AND THE MUMMY." :.. ,fl V.,V U, - ;W..-r 4 Wl u i i A: desirous of an evening of clean fun and genius entertainment, but the company presenting it Avhich is the same seen last season Avit-li the excep tion of Hans Holjcrts. the clever ac tor who plays the title role, is ade quate in all the demands upon it by t lie exciting play. The play has been tersely described ;s 4a tale of love and luck" and "n slice, of life." It has received unstinted praise from the metropolitan critics, both for the matter it contains and the manner in which the matter is presented. Amoiivr the company, w1:ich besides Mr. Roberts, nearly numbers 150 people, are Miss Kathcrine Mnlkins, Alice Martin, Lydia Dickson. Mvra Mae Reynolds, Dave Graham, Jr., Charles Villard, Wallace Worsley and W. IT. Clarke. The play is a dramatization of Henry M. Blossom, Jr.'s book 4 'Checkers'" A liberal part of the book is deA'oted to the old old story, told in language new, and another liberal part tells of the ex citement of the race track and the keen, intense customs of the betting ring. This entails the contest be tAveen Master Cupid and Dame For- Aunt Ilepsy Avas in ecstasies over the yomiA ia iy lr-v iiepl cAv, Ikc, ay.s going to marry. ' I nevrr m ficr till last week," she s iM, "lmt I fell in love with her at fir jt sight r.iy.xif. She's good, SAveot, amiable mil p'.'elfy ns a pic ture." "Whr't's her name?"' asked the listen er. "Mnria." "M.iria" Aunt II--;.-:. v.-finklcl her lorehead, IMir.':e-.i v. her lip ;, lookeil at the ceil in;; v.V. ? : " v: it " tlev: po, I e:v..'t tlsink '." her other ufin-e." Hie u,'.".ry.l l.;:;h tbat fo'iowe'l this conie.- -i n ncit A '. : name "Its char.;; I Aunt Itenrsy. ':'. :.':a : -vu:c a bull t her last !:l e::posive!y. U'.:rrv.:vy. ::': going to -V;;'::h';; C'vi.v.iion. Oltl Ti::a- As! rmiojiiers. Kepler, t:e ;'.:'.lro:ionKT of the seven teenth century, explained rather quaint ly why so man.,- mediaeval astronomers were obliged to ilabble in the occult sciences. "Ye overAvise philosophers," he wrote to his "Tertins Interveuiens," "ye censure tl:Is daughter of astronomy beyond her deserts. Know ye not that she must srinmrt her mother hv her tune, and as Senator Oormon once j charms? The Pcanty reward of an as said all important legislative ends tronomer wor.hl not provide him with are generally achieved by compro- bread, If meir did npt entertain hopes mise, so it is in this instance. Love reading the future In the heavens." wins, but so does luck, and as every- I , . . , . Mr. SimrEeon so si Smnkir, hodv is happv oArer tlie outcome,1 . .. . , The Uca'. . llhams in Ins 'rer- there is apparently no cause to com- Bonnl i-oniiuiseenees of C. 11.' Spur- P'ain. geon" tells an anecdote concerning the' great preacher as a smoker. Some gen- tleman wrote t:j Mr. Ppurgeen, saying he had heard he sin-jked and could not believe it true. Would Mr. bourgeon Avrite and tcM him if it really Avas so? Help o 11 Ilolli Sile. Uncle Archibald It must tire you, TWil. i to i ilk ir vrnr old deaf uncle. rertha-Oh, a trine, dear Uncle Ihe reply sent was as follows: "Dear Arch'e Uncle v-'MH-Wcll-don't 1 onltivnto my (loAvers and burn snv h'd o mi'fh. 'it sav It louder.- my weeds. Yours truly, ('. II. Spur- Bro-.Iciyn Life. ceon.' CATHERINE I.1ULKINS AS PERT "CHECKERS." travagant praise wherever Th'j Maid and the Mummy" has Wen J presentel. There are thirty girl in this chorus, each one chosen for her j beautv, for her ability and for her! dancing propensities. The girls are the sprightiiest, liveliest and hardest working1 aggregation of entertainers on the American stage. "The Maid and the Mummy" comes to the (len nett Theatre fofr two performances on Saturday, January fith, matinee and night. "Checkers." "Checkers," one of t!:e reigning successes in New York the last two seasons, and Avhich but recent lv fin ished ;i fourteenth, engagement in t that city will be the attraction at the j fictmett theatre nest Friday evening. This play is regarded as one of tlie j rt-ost popular theatrical productions! seen in the large cities of the conn- j try during the past decade. Not only j is the play itself -lit Vvery? way de- j serving1 the patronage of the people iks s:c v3l f 4 t N v N. a S .Jfvi A?a V t. "A -A. A , A Pv A 1 V i3A 9 fee XN v , - A A V-JS: Xv !a 4 -y OTIS SKINNER in "HIS GRACE DE GRAMM0N7." (Original.! .Lieutenant Ko Kurata occupied a pe culiar position Avith our forces in Man churia. He was the most effeminate man for a soldier I ever knew. The army is place for gent.c:::eu. at least without braAcry, and many of.u.-i felt contempt for Kurata. Nevertheless there was something about him that at tracted us. We. had not seen him iu ac tion and did not know how he avouUI behave: therefore I for o..e avss dis posed to suspend judgment. But ck-ciu:: stances preveuted my re maining in U Is dispassionate mood to- Those Sweet California Hams per ward Kura-ut. He avus t:ticcu ill and j Sugar Cured Haiti s, per lb. ..... removed to the ho.-fpital. Soon after IjWe still have our Ncav Paris con also avu oiingcHi to g-j tmue. tne cue , potalpeSt l)0tJl Michigan and Home Crown. 1 of the "nrgy.Kis and v.-as takea to thelf 1 T , ,, " , u", ' . . . 'Hoods Leader ( ohee, per lb .. same ti ? it : 1 and put in the same; f ,,,,1 Sw i -riu w,w s,v,r;1! vohn- t,arly June ( an Peas, A cans for , DOUBLE STAMPS! DOUU.E ST AMI And so Ave not only wish our customers!' Happy Ncav Year, b;tt V will give them on next Wednesday. On Tuesday evening ar 0 o'clock, Ave AvilljgiA-e DOUBLE STAMPS to those who desire to live their order for Weines- day, but can not come on that day. It pays tirade at our store, as Sheso specials Aviil demonstrate : : : Cold Medal, king of all Flours, 25 lb. sack Hand Picked NaAy Deans, 7 lbs. for.... lb. .i .70 .25 V.07 12 V 4 teer uursei in attendance, ladies of good in Hakodate, who lilt ted here and there among us like an gels. Among them was one Avho to me AAas especially charming. Iler name translated into your language would be Cherry. There Is little of the cherry in our Japanese complexions, but there was a slight tinge of red in. Cherry's cheeks, and her eyes were very bright. She was especially kind to me, and I learned to look eagerly for her coming to my bedside. Indeed Avhen she was absent I was miserable. That, I loved Cherry was revealed to me in this Avise: Kurata occupied a cot opposite mine, and one morning I saAV Cherry go to him and ask Iioav Lie Avas getting on. I saw tears in his eyes as he replied. Tears in the eyes of a sol dier! I gave way to the contempt I had thus far repressed. . Then I save Cherry take his hand, press it Avarmly and look tenderly in eyes that respond ed Aviih equal tenderness. Instinctively I felt for my sword, Avhich, of course. was not at my side. That is Iioav I learned that I loved Cherry. We Avere setting ready for a fight, and I insisted on being discharged from the hospital that I might take my place at the front. P.efore setting forth I could not refrain from saying some ill natured Avords to Cherry about the sympathy that Aas passing be tween lur and Kurata. I Avas so dis agreeable abo'.t it that Cherry told me to mind my own business. That busi ness being to fight, I Avent forth to kill as many Russians as possible. This was just before the battle of Liaoyang. Kurata rejoined us before the fight or..-:ed, and. though his health was 1'.- :r.:;' veil re-tored, his spirits were nuu-h depressed. Ho seemed to me io be v; rviisg himself to meet the trying .;. ', in store for all of us. Wkcii th.;t ordeal came I saw luui ex X-cello, the world's Breakfast Food, ;l for . Dried Peas, per lb .. 6 for Sweet and Sour Pickles, per dozen.......... , All Standard Brands of package Pancake and packages fofr IT. & E. Best Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs for .. A Sugar, 20 lbs for , C. Sugar, 21 lbs" for . . . uq wheat Flour, 3 Jt.ll BIT. 25 ,25 25 105 imoj l.OO ! a l.OO Model DepartmI" Stor Trading Stamps with All Purchases Free Delivef-Ncw Thone, 1079; Old 'Phone, 13R Store Open Tuesday, rridajnd Saturday Evenins 411-413 Main Street . "J i J $ I J ! I 4 b i kmm AT Tuesday, Thursday and Saturddmorning, after . noon and event And Saturday afqeon posi 'If rec'de.s dy (Paring the i 4 heat of the tight, but when our part iu it Avas over he collapsed. We who had watched his bravery Avith sin-prise and admiration Avere suddenly turned back to contempt at seeing him tumble over In a faint. Some said that he had left the hospital too soon. This satisfied others, but I avus not iu a position to do him justice. On the third day of the fight I felt a numbness in my leg and a sudden col lapse of nerve poAver. Looking down, I saAv a red stream running doAvu my trousers into my boot. I tramped on for a fw minutes, then sank doAvn and in tin.u Avas carried to the rear on a stretcher. A temporary hospital had been set up in a field, -which Ava3 croAvded Avith wounded. Some of the nurses I bad seen during my illness wove there, but it Avas no place for well persons rave surgeons, avIio were cutting and saAving in the manner usu al at a battle. One slglit'l saw maddened me. Ku rata had been severely Avounded,' and kneeling beside him, holding bis hand and encouraging him Avhile be waited for a surgeon to attend him, Avas Cher ry. Presently she Avent to one of the surgeons, and I saw that, she Avas pleading Avith him to go to her lover, for I could not doubt that such was the relation between her and Kurata. The surgeon AA-ent Avith her and, unbutton ing the wounded man's coat, ripped open his shirt. Cherry Avas betAveen me and the Avounded man, so that I could not see Avhat Avas going on, but there were some words between the surgeon and Cherry, who got a blanket and held it between Kurata and the rest of. us. I supposed that Kurata Avas liable to die .under the extraction of the bullet or whatever the surgeon should do la him, but iu a field hospital filled with men, some one of whom yvas dying every few minutes, I could see no ne cessity for f o much delicacy. But ay hat could be expected iu the case of a man Avho Avould faint after a fight? Well, doubtless the boy had got his quietus, and I should no longer be puzzled about him. When Kurata had been attended to Cherry bent over him and kissed him. Though I had long given her up to him, the sight galled me, and I was mean enough to Avish that Kurata might die of his wouuds. Cherry, turning, noticed me, and I saw anxiety in her eyes at once. Coming to me, she begged me to tell her how seriously I was hurt and with an earnest interest that - under other circumstances would have de lighted me. "Go," I said, "and attend to your cry fcaby soldier. 1 can get on alone." "The secret is out." she replied, "and you may know that Kurata ts a girl." So it Avas all explained.' Everything Kurata hn 1 done vnis womanly, even to standing up tn-;m.dy before "daiigar and", collapsing' when 'there was 111 dan ger. She lmd followed a lover and come very near losing her life for doing fo. I think she was afterward married to him. And, as for Cherry, now that peace has come, she is to be united to me. BESSIE CBULCB HAIGHT. Admission EVIen, 15c ; Skates for ladies and genl lies Free. :n, JUc. J J J J J J J ! a is t, .t. jj. POPULAR PRICED ! Order your winter suit or ovef before cold weather: also bring in your last winter's sup and overcoats to be repaired, etc. Our pricey are rigj i!. f I H. A. ROST, I S.9 th St. R. L. S. CHENOWH, nCNTieT 100 South Ninth St.I W LIll 0 : B U-II 100 South Ninth St. Ltest Methods in Crowld Bridge Work. i Phone 1741. o n 818 ! k. Unredeemed WaO,ts' Joclis, Suit Cases, Tru tf Traveling Tools and 51 n sic Instruments at AT B Open every eve and Friday eve AMERICA 526 31 A n i x. .. " . , s. m ma , Travel fKstruiin MUAINS flr r r -r f- Tf . w-m L. O I W LUAN UU, J STREET. " 1 0 Wepsi For . fiesoi ,.f : '': I" oh o 1 r t 1 '