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VOIJI.MK I JNU3IBEK 51 Tilt: 1JAl'IH)LI,I COL'iXTy JOURNAL. CONGRESSIONAL. o in'imrin,' f.o, the r,..r.,-.r.' ,.f .... j: .-:"- uith to the t i - i-i:. totionej at duo at P.,,- liy ta - ta Wer to S cretary Uine- in. . uvun. uaeas ot prize Viiu: .,."- U..M. t'..- Vii '; tion and mowm-nts of the c:;- ti me thi s order v. as made I will ron, who ordered (it".. U on I to ; ami captme ttlurever louad, and . in 11 coLsutuihaci t.;..,ru t. 8..sU.a uur -, .... r ; , imv. ami th- l.wvrat.liv of the t de that the soldiers and oilicer hive ::er deli vercd m whit It was : the President of the Unit, d States : a.ven;i.u .a and P.o .a .il . , r. ( j. .country around thm. I am ti: ere b -.!..-(! up-oa the ord-v a'done. Ihe general polic of li ill cause tue same to be seized, ir,!ulio:i wam,, ,,v lhc ii,. j,j l: ... 1 , r" ,"u 1 - tf, ,t our mot reliable most tvhe and saint uv. Th al- the Auminist uion sanctions the tonhsvated and condemned. and a.,.r-rd lm..,t ,..,r.i. I uis t-a n1(j.,: , )V the Kind er from , conduct of General II. lick, and Sr.c. 1. And be it further en-i r;r. V. ?. rV'jJu . 4 ... i i r t i 1 1 i . k 1 t 1 1 ' . . .I'll...- t ; p Uli IVf.ulii DJ Int 1 uat Ui Jlill .V;; . ..,.', l Vi or i' r ' h,? l'"t iriM, on all ' IVunsv.v mia as t) the loyalty ; renders r.w.sirv some nttioii on - act- d. J hat such prizes ;md C3p-5i. . w i' nlrn-I u: t r t.. j i-.lti t.v'ii ni u i 1 1 ,.' ; 1 ' rr i, k ,',;!'. r:it jt t' t!' a-I v ! t i 1 hi tU' r ! y ill. n : l t il T it, .',; I i .!.-.. '. :u t ; I Jr' I.t öl t 1 , - ll 'i , : 11 IÄi.:.4. ti f --.!; t..trt 1 r. Ii.-. V'.'i-r , f !i it lit IV ! tit 1' T-p "t t ill r .',.. 1 r - ..! t 1 1 I ,;; k t I . ill - i r i i', -r f.i'i - s t ( i ii I ii im I t 1 1 ; : ' t'.cc ia u'.'.r I'l-irtru i.' i o! tin- r il v . Mr. Sevens (Wep.) of IVnn- .Maj-jr (ienerJ Halh-ck lud or- m lv ania, sanl: I tliinl, sir, we : di'd fugitive il ne to be letur.i - oti-ht to pr..e..d at ou.e with(cd to their misters. th- ttj;i,i,;,Tatio:i of t!Jt. resolu-l Mr. St-wm: Sue h is the tion. If it is- tthueariy - o 1 . purpt:rt ol th rc!.?r3 relern-d to- HIett U sooner it is coaida cd t.v IvitT, and tli it it will hue . . ... 1 a jpod i'lF'i t I think I will .-diow. j We all know before tlie isuin 1 ' d" thi order th it the successor ol ! .- 1 vse of hunting down (idi. l're- nont. thmfor any other cause, rdeuvl all the slave received by (ifn. Fremorit within our lint's ; to be cv Iudd thertd:oai andre ;alsr) misappi-'di'-niled it, and I forty or fifty thousand of the "n turned to thir m isters, and that i admit it is hal le to be misunder-i emv. n future no more fugitives should ! sto'al oath; oint in tpe-stion. be received within our lines. i General Hallivk told me that he 'l'iiis -onfer was "ivt-n under o-eJlnd ao idea, o! dom ' :nu thinr (e.i-e of preventing the fu-itives from t onvcying intelligence as j 5p:es fro a our camps to the en j uny; but .any man who reads 4 I. ...... I 'II . .1.! 111 ii omer win sec at hiko in ii i " 'i "i"' I 111 ,'i. .it. uiRi Villi .1 II . this is . i very bad pretence m-; l'.ed, and could not deceive a child. ThU slaves Avail run awiy frmn their misters no one ! o ..Ii,.. I.:,,,., n,,r,f ;tll v ,1 ,. ol tlieir retmn'.n ' :is soios and giving intelligeilce to the! rue. ny .euis i:icredih!e. All in-1 forimtiiei on this su!ct show s tint lag tive slues never desire ton turn to th:ir masters, and, in addition, th it f hey are true, loy. al and I uthful to those who sh-.d ter tlieur As I tarierst uid it. tlie order excluding slues from labor 0:1 our lines and returning them to their masters was initio- . .hem to the. r masters was man-, fugitives are hunted all through I . i I. . i t f,t I . j I , , ., ! irated by Major General McCkl-jthe lines, and actually taken Ian while he commanded in j away (Vom individual, who hid ; Western Virginia. Soo.i after', thon". under thir nrotectioa, and ; ,i , , , , 1 ,fi tlf.s came tlie magnanimous pro-. d-divered, under General Hal ) urated by Major General MeClel-j th .. I . . : i ' t x i i ci.imauoii oi vie;i nix, wno j when he sent down an army to ' the K istern shore of Virginia, air. lost none hut secessionists ' ordered hi generals to arrest any i fugitive slaves that might fleo to id crejt into the budies and e, - ... I il I l I ' ipeil tlie c.iemv. and saved their iv i- .1 i ves, and alter aiding them ami ! -Iii tendin ; tuen till they were re- cat) lives, att stored to their friends, thee fugi-j tive were o dered by (ieu. Kelly to be redoiedto their misters. f.Mr. Stevins was here repeat-j ingaiae;e rumor to which cur- reney was given by the Xew Vork Tribune. J Mr. ho.ejoy, (Uep.) of 111. 1 f he tate.ient was that the mas- rs were s 'ceionists at that. Mr. Stevens: So it was, but! ters I don't cut whether they were or not; there i no precedent fur Ulis p;e; e I, I cold-blo.nlea atioc-j itv in hi i'ary. In my judgment all the.f a U ue udhgr.ue to ,- , , . . the prolessjua of ar. tiers tor this bne jmted from tl (jener lis tli -y de tlie, tie n, shoulders h' they lIlMlll 1 , l r I'ull' 'I Mr I I-, .1 ll rr, llioi.i Irmi imIi.h.11 -l ! nl 1 1 . i hi I tliAm ! hi or 1, i 1 1 . 1 1 f 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 In i.n;,i t Iii "- ' ., J , .. ., ... ' .. .., .,,111 t (, ., y fh;lt I 'r. .' .'.viii , ,-..11 11 LIU.! I 1 HU II 111' 111 lll'ill 1,11' 'llf Uli' t II I I "' VI UU. HI j I I VI II. Hl Hill i Will, .-. I r. I. 41.'- F . - . - . 1 I I P f" l'l i ' I V ' t 1 0 ll t) ffieir mife"rs. With reference to .n, aboat (heir la.sin ss- oa inv slaves of ihe eneaiv. but he d,d ! Hewrly his rtoivnl all of the V k uUr I) mUl ! UiYr, hsA Hi i-toii, J.,,, ai iin sis i.i tan p tothear.nv of th- Potouue the ; amdication: and I know, too. I net intend that tliis'cliss of ner-! " '""-''J' , (h..u., ai,l .1, h sti,!; . ;manner. Wnttsav yot,li;:.d 1 , . ' . , . .1 , .1 1 1 lie e )ia natu- a; ;ii.l t. a tu m u , t i. 1- , ,e :.. , same rule prevails, l.poa one that whatever mtv have been 1 sons or tittiers uaiutnorized. 1 , .. , , 01 i-du anon. vv e no u o 1 1 1 . . 1 r 1 1 1 1 t ! ATP.T rJlTW' 1 e 1 tin-i.t-li Pr. rt-j-ana tint ... ,. , . .. , occasion to slaves came within ihne and ,r pretence or color ol ! should come into Ins camp. It '" 1 1 j Uill all siv n e, nr..: immclaiteU , . , , . , l . I . . . , , l , . r. , . . , ..... , , . I.I II l'l ! i l. I t! I Ir- ,11 -i till I C (., i i I lil- . ' our lines, who hid hund two or ( tint was not the mien- is not to be consul -retl that the A n;;..t ,..At-t, ra ,r.,m ,r,,a, r,l ,. Jf ;s r)1,(: towo.k in the matter, threeof our wounded soldie, who! tiou of the General that this word "lines" means any nut ! k,l,l!l-4,1 Je !,,s, ,,d ..! , ,:;,,,;.., ... muw n..aa - - igher auth ntv I hue only touloeit. his simide object wis say, -God forgive them, for they torxclude from his lines, or rath- know not whit they do." er Iiis can ps and not his lines, Mr. hoveiov; I would lnve refrained from addrosiug the lloue on this subject, as any-! tiling 1 might siy might be at-jcnemy. At Cairo it was the ; it would be a highdnnded u.eis- j The following is the Cordis at tributed to tan iticism or o:eddeA- i Jnhit lor slaves and others to 'are on the put of this House, tjo;i j j j i,arotj,, jnto ... j jl;.v( ism, but for the list remark ofjeome from h'entuckv and thej will: th WNplan .tion aowbelore, . ., . , ., 4, .. . . !. . ... -. . I . i . t . )l J i. f 'p;e.e.;t ill, c l,V Al.. il.iJ ' the gentlem in lrom lVnusyhaui.'i. j lower p tit ot Missouri and to en- it. to direct the rescinding; ot den- 1 3 Sour it is mv honest coavit tion , ter th ramos to sell v e-'etahb-s. : eral H illeek's order. him,of Oaio: that these orders are civen or are couatenanivd by the (iene-!they fell into the hands of the en- rah themselves and thev have'euiy, they would ee iafornn- na authority for issuing them lrom the Adaamvf ntin-c W hv .im inmpiiii.n! ni'llu' .innv. rmd b i s i l v ision of t he ar:nv. 1 think one ni K'o:ese:.t itives ot tue a- t.i;.n.a v.u. v ! .r vnr . nh: V.'V , - : ......... ... .. j .j i - . I ... i-i i h ; ci ii, iaiiuhunti must i,e ont 1', Pr. A. I. I is'ir, ata one-Wf rog outU of the I'rejiidtnt does not casliier . he desired to put a stop to this, that the policy ot the Adminis-j tmted Stiles ot America, in ,..,.,;, . j 4,.,; .v. iie:,.t.-n, ;ii" hoii,an tamr 0f Mction. the in ai. I would (huditer) I ' and thence the cause of the t ration itself is in favor of deliv- Congress assembled, That if any j Th a thr c.,:,-r3 l,o l..tve rili-c.l to i Tria-un'r, cir;?t:i lh;i.t-,n, ' 'h" uh on si, ,-eti. a, line ontv. ilon:Juiow: U:t I dout believe publication of the order. He ering up to their masters such person or persons, within anv 0 ' r . . - . . i . ,.i . .1 , . m' i- I I -a.nyi"C.i.,f.iuh, ' u:.l h.r.e ullt-red I f iv tte I-wm, (.noil'.u A 1 oa I'.-t. r, sr"'!' . tince t.oi th r .ra.a 1 ith that he lives them aav authority said, moreover, that he would ' slives as come into the camps. State or I rritorv ot tue erntet uu t..,.. ;k.r tf, ,a t!l ; ..... ; u-. ,-,.. ami.ima riia.t. tonv fi--ti..n a,- ttI,!r...i t,,ii to direUlv or iudirettlyto proceed not only exclude lu-itive slaves I state this from the fact that Stiles, a her the taking ellect of n-y t . r n-a rve our ca.t;tu;;.ai (lev- Crtlc, 6. o. Thni;- -m, N.ttle Crttk', ' if-j-r.i-e , -it n the hi-e of!n m tSiU'inliUmaa. ,li.cful m- fro:., l.u camp, but' cverylKvly, will,... H.e hst frW-l.y. a 8hv, this aa. .Ii.ll en. in a"r.ed c ijor. It is ti;e cvneurreat testu white and Llick. He mads no girl toarid hr way into the camp relielhon agunst the Government .hcut.ia Mu;.th:, ia their ar ha-us . wrath. J,cL n. Hu.-hov, U'-tyne, hitcnted the i.r...f-rtr .-f Md.lon J. inouy of every G'f-neral in the field thit 1 have conversed with, - tint iae lugitive slaves never rv- I . .,1 f,. ,s n i r 1 r. i I .,i Dowell, l etore the latU battle jj Bull Bun. wn in the hibit 'livrs lie :i -I'dTid roi ni runa- ay l tw'S i..d it is u.O't vluuie- !ul, M.etu and onteinntihl' lor .Major (iener lis or di:-r o!li:ers to snrrend.-r tl.c:o i,.n. or t ih'iK- th-in !ro;a our camp., ort. att-rnpt to .slander a rue alreadv !i-'ruH. Mr. JIl lir: d'reit iniutice has been dorn- Major (ienral i I sttt,- tits r.s tlev exist," and ; is at th h-.d o!' t!ie Adrninistra. ? ilil!e,k in tins matter. Tr.e:the wind.' army will stiml hytion. ; n.leman (St"ven-) stafes t!t it ' lint no luore runt ways should he received within the line-? and , .. . . . .1 thoe who h .id already sonjlit ; shelter there should he epcdloJ. i - - 1 Mr. H!vr: From his c amnr m th it was the order. i Mr Hlair; i hid a co;;versa- ;tioii with Major CJeneral II il- leek about this very order, lor 1 contr try to the law and 'policy I of the governme;.t on th; sn! jet t. Mr. Steven; Did leorvctly l.' t!e sid jet t of tie o.dd? I !! t- 1. Air. jjriir; 1 "s, ant u )t as .til. Iii 11, 's, u . aMIUUHi ' AUU'li 11 IIUHI lili: iliiLl"" ..-I----- - - - e t MM .1 1 .'.I .1 1 ( I ... . I firt written. 1 he g ..ntlemnn h is ' ol the army; that is, so tar as !.irft ratified to know that the poo- stated wh it is not in the order. ! not, 1 pr's-ani", lioai uvjt mo- j tives to ( ice,- il Uilleck, hut the ..-m-ift vis ,,.,,, t!..-.-, :, j- ; anii no 11 (1enfr.1l 1 ,.ck. so 1 fir as it to show that it rerpiired the return of fugitive; Ul ives. :hi.i' of the km 1 was i i in the orde., and more thin 'tint Mr. Luvriov; Wh itevrr the . intention was w have leiraed froui a gentiem 111 froai th it State j now in the army, tint under the j pretense or color of this order, j fugitives are hunted all throuirh . the lines, and actually t ikci i . i . . , leru s order, to tliose wii) claim- eil them. Mr. Blair, I tell tiu House and tue counfv th it I know tint (iener il Ilille k give an oiler to discharge some fugitive rUves 'c,irge ngiiiist him should have! ' t t 11 ; been made, and he n vir " ue an 1 . . ' , . . order su h an intention. , ! . I I will state wli ;t pissed brtween the G'eneral and myself on that point. j Mr. hoveav; I siv that slaves have been delivered up by tin j olii ers of the army ander that I order; ami if the General is so ! unfortunate as to l e unable to ! write ti e Knglish Img'nge cor - re. tl y. it is hit fault. B.,t the thing, at all events, i done. Mr. Ashley (rep.) of Ohio; Tint is a commo.i misfortune , wit h the olii. -ers of the army. Air. HI ur; I told t o-u. II il-1 lugitive slaves vv In) Ind con. e in leek th it I itlieved the order ' with General, and who v.-ould be imvimJ-rstood; th it were confined in the jail at St. ., . .ii-. 1 1 I ii Which etead over a wide dis- jtrict of country, persons wlio might carry information t-i the Und then to -i back. when, if! tion of the condition and strength distinction; but as he said, the measure was demanded' as a mere military precaution neces - f-,.. !.., .,...1 a;...d.,l: . I-,-- - cf his camps. Mr. Foakc (opp.) of Hi. II nil: ' . p.! whit th- araiv. awl and tid'd'.tv ft'the s!ae i wliol-. . uatru.'. I la'.f-r It" w is u.ih il hv ' lal represent it!fns I'V a siavej !o: th- Tili ot 1 . ' eontrarv from the sentiments of ; I and tny P,-iu"nt wen L'd into ; n:vnl M-si; Whatever ' an atniaw a de hv ot;e ot t!;-eMr. Cut.erou or auv r.ther of-! - - ... . . t.l .t . ru.uv.n.v sltve,. Kkc-vv won) Mid ahout t!i'se Ihiks is untrue as to their lid ditv an d lovalty. neral Ilalltn-k to the iat upon jthit order. I repeat what has- 1 L'ien said by the qenlletnap. : (Mr. Hlair), that the blacks did : 1 tome to Cairo and into the camp j ,to sell prodiue, and on their re- turn communicated the situ ation : .. .. 1 ol onr army. '1 hey did this at ! I'atJucah, aUo, and at other eaiup. These f u ts 1 know and every inan in tne army mere can sun- .1 .1 1 st ihtiafe what I say. 1 snt onU. of these spies myself to Generali, n- ... .1 .lM.i u.,j.r tu0 Ci'tire ! MeClernmd, who, I knov, h id ! 1 ' ' : .' rev ealed the position of the camp ! control ot the undersigned. U e v lie 11 we were surrounded by ! Mr. Loveyoy I do not c!cubt;heid ol tfie lit ol aunmer one '.the facts .-ited by my colleague, j w,Jt.viv new?oaners. The em-1 i hut I k now this.'th it the conenr ! " " . . rent testimony of Generals Line, j i'rentiss and Pope, and other 'n- erals, is in contravention of the;. ., . n ,ir ., ,iMJto the contrary notwith,t lading statement that these blacks , Iie lvll' l th,s ljut ) S,:. And be it further en- should he excluded from the lines "eneral principles tro. I would! like to ak my colleague wh at he did with the nou'o who betray- cd Im...' A l,.r n--. A,?.,,, mk itpi I oath to him. (Laughter.) Mr. Uonke; He was sent to and ouestioned hv lion. MeCler- ! 1 J ' nmu, lujui uov wa.u iur- I I . I "A I . . I f. ther was done with him, and 7 I 1 a a t I . I I u in oo iiiii. i7 iwwiv .mi 4 noli. ii i,i i -f . t t i r r a i in r n i rth n o, fl f.fll.. I fiwi 1)1.1 I.t.'. 'lllnn AI III, ' I I 1 1 1 I I I 14 . .S - IM iw II" 4- ; ,i i i tion to these negroes, and devwt - ed it more to the present condi- of the country, he would do a great deal better, and mie'it help ? l ii ,Ä 1- to bring tlu war to a speedier conclusion, f Liugliter, and cries of "gooil, good, v from members. J P n, ,i i .j. , , Mr. Hlur; I hive already stat- rt,!,.,! I.iilti.r nd ...;! l,.,ln!k"ftS ' i i . i i it ii i. . t i ; ed wmu iieaerai nine a; ioia line was the ohiect of tin; order, lie fuilher told me tint he in ii . i . . t i .1. i. : . . tended to use the slaves it he could do so with advanti to the cn.iutry: tint he intended, when- of the country under the protec-! j".f. ' ''sl"K,''i' )ur lus l,".r,-v i.- c I. Uilleü aiul 'Mitule.l. A ire, il, strovmr tion ol our arms. It is very cer- , ,, ,. , . ..!. i ir ii i i ahait :j. ,IHia,)'0 , v,ath ul nro-Mitv, i re - tain tint General Hilled, meant! .... x ,- . l i .ij'iiii'.'i, lilliep-ii.eMollii.ii.cii. 1 to say the lines cf his camp, a'nd , . Il.,im'cill ililv , XIrU.j , iisourb to confine the order to his campt. .,, ., il('lv .,".,., t lokUv alone. It is lor the House to say whether that is a proper or improper ord'U' to exclude fu gitive slaves or any other miau ' thoried person from the camp i I am authorizeil by General I lal- Tei k that this was whit he meant ' by the order, (ienral I lalle, k j inwer ordered any slaves l 'driven out of the lines who had lied to iIpmii from t;a-ir masters. ! Ou the contrary, he ordered thej it. Ihsorderhad r'ere:ne o:dv to tho-e amps on the outpos. Where the army stol iu Vro,.t cd' the unemv it was nece-sirv to ! lorli d the egress and ingros to! the-e camps, i think, therefore,! Mr. Julian frep.l of Ind. I deirv to make a single statement, i This resolution relates to .he pob icy adopted by Gen. Halle. k iu of Col. Brown, of the JOth In diaai regiment. She accompa - ; aiea tae regiment 10 r oriress ff,..,. l.;..l. l..r .-..-.r Ij-,p,. - i j ii 4- jng, demanded her restoration. This Cel. Brown refused to com- plv .vita. At.; Tu-Miou iva! ; . . i . .....i.iii. i . . tli pait cd C.n-.vs lonknu io a ; ch ani;? of th ;t j licV- Air. lilur 1 in. er qusit- 1,0:1.1.., juusuituon oi iae ( h r :nav iX- doa, I laue wtiat tue i'rcv.tJct t s to 1.. m l-im : ;ai ldo-atioa of tin- poliey. and he T1IK JOUJtAL- - H. r. !M(a;sf : : : : r.DIToK. ; ,', . WINUikst liU: Thurstliv. - - - Der. im isi. 1 4 S 0 2 . Horn and alter the hist d iy ol muary. 180J, the Joccnai. will t shall tr.ahe nil necessary improve- ... ... 1 meats to place the Journal at the j barrassiaeats arising from the war j 'excitement has operated veryioftlie Lnited bt ites,or any btafe, all other local p ipers. hut we , 0 , . . . : P'e a,e ü U),1,J ,,,UiL 11,1,11 ! (convinced of not only the duty, j Lut the i.nprt.i.icc of sn-tViiiiiy ! 1 ,a paper at home, from which tlry ! mrV rct the hone as 'well as the - . . , n "'"-'K" " 1 ' ' MHnhfll iiiiiv; ll' III. I Mill con- I'lidon e tint every hudahle object, t ! .... ..a .. ft. jW1n ijC .s-jcccssiui 11 10IIJVVCU - i i i i i .i i . i i . , . i 1 . , , ... I honest y and with energy, and ( - oJ with this belief we have under- L . m flI1ii;f,lf:n!1 nr,10 TM!MJ. 1 , r"" " i-'.a... i - m-- ,P , , vit believin" th it we can do Ucl tn ,kl'-,1V1, i'"-'1! V, e think that the 1 ea hers and nal, aeiicviu in u vvc can uo il(.!(fc. t) I.(.IM..lll i:uii;,i, ,..,uU, in . both patrons and otirself good. tin- P.-m.u ivt-e cWt-mioa oa tie-, frie.ui - o. hdueatio i in We - lriv - rp .. . , r, tlw J ,M,U? mxu . , , ;er, and in adjoining Townships- I I he political department Ol tlie The c..iii...!ttte was ai-.o nti-J an iv- ' . J n , , ' 1 1 I. . 14 uko mi ht (i eiive a -neat deal of ..... - II t 1 n .. '..-,! ;papei vviu i.-l- nmuuuai, u.s im i,,,!',, i... P. I."" 1)ik(:s- U.n i ' - ' All w n .'is!: i vonr ceaerous J v Ummort. h. (i. DVXLS. j Y(Mi wil, ,;,, tll0 i,u.M,.t;l.,t twä r coh-m-h in the hcui.jn which U liln il in thi pI' r b:i-!sUia, if OCCo.inU ni e to '. . , .... tic t rnl t ra IM'-, t oi iiuaior Im v n-e o t!.e iirrta of yi ton iiml Sli-U il, und t.,,k ol 1114I4 a ' i In- j'. vtil it. WehiVe:iH y, t In) V-Uon Hut m'iiM'. sJ,,. in tv tlili kt ,...Un.n r, hut she oll i.e ;'""v i 'w.i!a l,!il,J u,uv ' Iu l Confi3CntIon Cill. We publish to-day the Contis- -cation bill tntro lu en into (.on - ,f.(iv, ,y Mr H;n dum of Ohio 7, ,. , V " ,; ' .1 . ' I roui all the indications tin, we ., , tl1 ts :,s t,J pr-perty sh 11 dispo.- ed oi. Mr. Bingham's Conflsca- tion Dill. ! A v;lu I r-r-'t? öl : in i i r.-.ih' 'ili'i ii. i 1...U I' ia r iiiiJ.Cut nri!vi rsutlh u i.i.ii.-t tin t'niti i,s. Be it euictnl by t!je Senate and of the Unhed States, r r shall aid 'or aUt stall rebellion, U the propeny, moneys, mocks, creaus, ; ri a!' r t,. J, iur.,.:. nr nr. i i I I , n rrf ',i,o sons are h?reby declueel forfeited to the Government of the United States tli? sum- arc l.ercliv : iure sru.i coaaeumed in the . IJi-t-Kt Court of the United : amount, or in admiralty in any! Or.Ure.l, Tim tl r.-orgs of tl.l, district in w hie h the same m 'v r-tsvi- u;.a Lo ; uhü.!..-1 ia tl.o h-.Mw.x ! .0 sei.vd, or i ato v.hicli the s une Stu-Smi-n ! an 1 , :u !, of the r..:, r, it, 1. I. .. II. .11.1. .,.. I . . ... . .. t . . 1 f . If... 1- inty l" tiUenand prou-ed:n-s ; iaiim-M. , M:c .. .nd he it iurther cn acted, That the Altoracy-Ucner-l 1 or any district Attorney of the! j United States in which slid prop. !e,t' (.)r (,,Jt,cts nay at t:.e time he, I may institute the proceedings of i ondemnation, and in sue h ease t'uy shall he wholly for the heu- , eiit of the United JStates ; or a iy 1"-rsÖ4' ,na 1110 311 lnlormation with such Attorney, in which ease the proceedings slnll he for the use of such informer and the Sta(cs jn Sj:c. I. And le it further eu- att-,, u ('vory Jrson who shall en-:;e in or abet siuh re- belhon 1 as aforesaid, sh ill forfeit all cUim wlncfi such person may nave 10 ins service or lalior ol any ghvti or 1 .... .1 1 . 1 or slaves 01 sucti person sliall be aiul are ,irM'c!j' declared lieemen, land forever relieved from such servitude, any thing ia the law acted, Th it no person shall he ar . .... rnct., I or coro. iwl.irfwl i ft, (ritivf. r( tl (l or UIIt 'Udertd as a lugitive slave upon the order of any per- son III the inillt'.ry or nival SCiV ice of the United States. .,, v ,11(crali,. ik.iu.)i,wi i,.m.iii (Jaiiil.U.a, i;.iinty nmocraoc .Met tin-,' . lu,-,.i,t t, aetll f.r.i mm chivmi- ... I4 . ... ,,, 1 , , . ,. , Wi:.!-!:.-.-;.!-' on ö.iturd.iv. th." 7di .Liv oi 11 'f-c linier, l i i. . .. -i .. in ,au!,, Milf.H Hint i cno-i i: I I'n-;.!..t J..!i.i P..!ii S. vnt.rv. (I;, ,..!,.,:, f Dr. .lf,o.tult, th,. .'!.! rv- iiutkm aü'puv!.- .,.l. Tint a conuaane of on, I ' r.-ui , ich f n-1, in U , , t , . I t. m - t IT '1. Oa in itionuf the II 'in. Jtrcmi di ':.ia'.i, the I'nll .r. iii' ri-'nlnö1"! w.i ii lnjited ...... .'".' '. s.'!ii ii. That .1 toi-raUte ol t .e 1 t r'.t'C'Miitr.i t ilr i!t r .'.;. mum : rie i ! oi the n r.u-s of the cm.v. nti.ii. 'I he ennu iiUte a;ip iiiti .I eu.i.-t' 1 of, . ., . . ... t,;e 1 .!-vii.' '-i:t ::, a: J i ' S-aiah, H,,,,.It, ;v,a. p. pj, a'j.Hj h C. K 1 ! nn ).H. - limit. i , . f C'.i.tuc't ins Juhn b. u.ij.j., A. 1. i ... i .... t ! i.i : 1 '," l"ul)' ' L' Iltii,J,K'k- and Ilk h i rd Joht .. I On n.'Uion of Ju lc ?mith, the ri p'irt 1 h$ u ii k .' I i ; .1 ' 1 11 ! y eoiifiartil in, imd ihr j ul.itve ;i ml iura u ere iijiiointol iltlcr.UrH Ui l r-inlia-. i-iit 1 I,'.tt e t, rej'l t sent , . ' ! l.ili(hlj h c ejtitv in ihr M lie (...iiveiitieii i uei , ;u inaiaa.ii ua ou ll.c - la oi !'l.irv I . 11 .1.1!. ! .1 .. Ju lriaith, r.m the CMM-ra.. , :l t.,.,M)a tt,lU.h ,w j :,.h..n,l i.y the e..t,ve,,f.o., ,i,iioW,: i 7 ;u. p, , M ,v ll( :l!ti. ... 1. (.t,1tlv t j,. , m,..., ,, a,,, ( ;l vs. ,., tVa 0 ol j ih. ir i. -wn m,.i n l n 1 m th-,.. tine - of " 1 " 1:11 ! l" l',wul -"' try, I Ä,i"1''1 t!" Vi Uy' u"','i:'u' . A''"ir'"'' u T1;Jl wt', l,U ,lt!",, 1 ' , u .UH l,.i.e i.- ii, n,ti. i4 t-. .ai .d .-a., a i,, .1 .e .1. -j. ?,, p, 5iJ , ,h.. 'H'W.W , a v ''111 T'l.t! -ou; I in in -e t j I t ,i i I. ,; m ,1, ; l,.t t- j- i. , . a tn, t a. ;.i th : a. "i:, a f, ,., ;t..,j ... , i(.- : i.i. . t.ii; ! i,s i.,;., :i ,iv:t a in a :.; i.s : i n irn.h n . .-t -n-; ;... I I.t li J ;i , 1. . ,i-4.- 1".; ii I'! f ;, i, . to hi i ! or ,f,., i ' ..-.sCt.a; a Li.b- tvi ... ir 1 I i.i i . r i i' i it, 'i ' i i-i t . i- i' . v cm .i .ti e t- t .'- r.--4ti-.. . ; t.' t. rr:t-.r' ,f onr t'i i-.a; i..i r m.'m h h'.vr the I,., vi. -nth a, ci a r AU-sia; j i an 1 i: n.tUt '-.vti- i ic.tloa -n l toil i -a'n-jics in the M.mce of our X vu"ic our t!.ir-, e ,i, , :r ., cw, n i oju u- rfrtar. ed to th' i h ;rar.-. f.imhit . and fi if I -.-.t we Urt v ?:.Jorse the tourc i!fctr, will a-mc l'icr . ut'o. (lf iv. m a.a Lmoin in rofusin-to J .im Nur r.-a't. a.i; n.. e-.:;.:; a r.r nr:J coninby ita1 Tko'j. I.. tt. c't. ?:titute . j.'t-f rr-t.R - ..: r.- . nie cnvmti...n the apintoja cn- tr.d V-:whu-v t,r the ouuty. ua ui i.on . u n J-l,i c,M4:,l u 'l1""' l,) 1 ' -v - . Mtt.r. nr.r, iyimhm. Jt!i . Pit an. 5 1 1 r,N . HUNTSVILLE LOCALS. Ttmrdnv. : : : : nT-n:fr im urv'At this writing, ve are. as at this seison of the yar in ! tiie midst of an iaterminalahle sea i of mud : the "bottom is out," and . . j 1 we may expect muuuy roans ami 1 mud everywhere henceforth till ' Summer. Ol-r Schools Aoain. Our j S(fio.)ls, as far as heard from, are . 1 prospering. There are com- j plaint ; of being crowded in some ; localities. As far us our know! - . ede extends the schools are fuller i . A this whiter than common. There seems ta Le a prolnbiiity th it . Atlki,ilif wi," hnv ,Mip:C0UETRY PRODUCE lands lor school purpoM's, heace , . fhe crowded state Ol OUt Si llOGIS. , e are rather proud ol tbe 1 1 V . t v,..,, t. ;, . schools in W'stnver 1 ownstap, , and le?l conftdent lint, lor cret anJ !i-i,.lii., if net lor aJvau. - ' ' 1 1 i"" jment, will compete succesffully ...Jil, tlif sr ho'ds of aiiv o'h'l' 'I'd u Uli nie sc no. )is ot anv o.a. i i p. i.i the County. And we attri! i;te i 1 ri 11 1 . . . .1 i miuh ol 'their well ding to tl , ,. ii ir- i pruT"1' ol oar 1 ni i'f. .Mr. ii. iv . r : l ! . O,. . ,,,, llt .1 l 1 I I 1 . If l .4v T'lli" iiil Ii1!!!!!,,' ,. ,. Will lc IdlunUone wilhin Ins cii- p ieity wiiich will tend hi enham e i i iIitclVst ... ... . I 1 b tit fit from a ''eihers Con.'er i i ' euce or Association. ht their! ine.fings be hld in different p'ul of the Towash'p. and th"ir o!jvt ' , . , . ,- , I e tlie advau enent of du. abo.i- I Utr, , f , , 1 - .1 1 1 - ih in iin , 1 ur 1 111UI..1,, i:vn i ins. i or sons wanting , ti, ,: 1,1 .!,m ( tlnrten- tu.t.fif! thit any thingin the I'm. el' dry good 'r",M' w',n Ht,,;:, 'v.1'"' J n .. . i.ivolinv I I :u of k ik Hurt. lue h t 1 1 , can I e aecomiiKHl ited at Wi lliaui , w dl hi- iiih!. a at Win, 1,. m. r. in ioi.i. r I . 1' 11 , .1 1 1 1 u ii I v , oil the Ii rl in Abioh, A hambs; lor, regardless ol the pr. , , .! r,iu tü , ,vnr tJtU cuniary deaith, he bison hitid a j'. iriioi.i iil Le ,ti..!oid in in vaneil as.-eitment ot a.-dul arti-! Joai n. rn.r.t.Birit, u,, ti,,t t.,, ,-.,,ii.. vciiy .,,. , ,V;-:.,,-V;r;!;.r..t,:Tk ,:-c- ;ua,n,tli.v... (.'ill r;,rly,lliU; ,,NlI!AV Mll):. ' " ' you may get from lay nkvv stock ! I j . , 1 , 1 c :,:T.!i'N P !, hv .lohn Vv. Prrftmn, on .Jvou willfind Iii reatly to ae.on. il ' 1 . .' .... , I r d ite ami willing to do the bur thi 1;'. Coi.i.iN-t Ilorsi:. Now that ' , , . I . th" weather is incle.aeat, the wej. ry traveler, as night begins to uu- Jlh.ue. Ihe proprietor m iv ab jwlv. ,(,lua a,1( ,V;j:l ' to minister to the Viutt of the tr i.'.sient.' J; tat fail to give him a call wlrn you visit our j . , . . . . : tow U, a nd 1 1 VOU i! 1,1 t liad Jolm 4 t - ,,, , .... a. Agriculturi;! lectins;. 1". r i a t t. I ' . ! ! t. ri .,1 t ,r ),;, Mi'i. ; s ul ! 1. i.i-; ..n a'ri- ' eu'f'.rd m iitv im I ia W it, '-! r mil i c,lh-l ta.i-r hv t'.e Vn.nA, a . ! ; t,r,.Kee I It 1 to tlie hctios, of . Üh im l-r t,. .t..u',r,.' . .r. m it:, the l-dia. in t- : tv. c.,nr., Muüro. a. Dc.-s KriiiL. j "oS n.tit.g , .j t.r,! t, 'nut u, Vinctu!r oa th !,; sauriir in Df iaht r. w hfii thetienlv fltltJ of- i " " " .VfEU GOODS! ISKW GOODS! UAVINi: rtTvCIIASKD the UkV of (I !..Jn f.r.nriy oiicJ by K.J Tutmar, ii.J ;n!uti! t!;trt a VVU. A011T Ml'NT i i v rry tLin in .cur lice, e ar now o.Tirit'sr KAh t a!, t RARE INDUCEMENTS! ', 1. VI .f l!ie dl ;is n:. (,i!i(rslio uuv fivur with V.T. IIAVi: NOW, a-..! tiptiHuk ip L O N S i A N i I. V () IIA . 1 ! A YVU. AS.-OKTMUNT OY j j j j () ( ) ) S : hoots a .n l) slloiis, HATS AND CAPS. Q : 2" ' s - W A ll V. , ' c; roc i;u 1 ES ( 1 A LL K I N U S , KTC COAL OIL s if Ii. AI. 1 or FUi i:ura qI'amty, At GEEATLY "EDUCED Prices 1 ttti 111 rtf,:i: for ..hhN. ttlib ncxer o lui ,1. ' '. Tiiaikl'i! fur i'.t-t k i 1 . i 1 1 1 while j , 1 i.iiii in ll. IIi'U!', 11 iii ile jou tocjil ' iA .rt. lH in (iur Jlt A ,,,itv. j :- , .l.W ...r fc ( , n-. 1 , ....... ! " i'"i .. 11 iM 71111 li ' !; " I,I,,rr' S1,,,,,, . H.t( rnli., s :ir ,. ,)(1 ,)oill . mt m,.i..Vs j, u .'r s.eo-. ' J I.W.1.1 Ifi.if.l. P.i . l'. I 1. I T. A T-I T1"?T? fl c HAiYiPior;, p . - ft , , i.nANa:, no I 1 A4.. I. 1 kü, pmkai i a -tint pait,-n. ( i""''' -f ( 1 1 nM l (N l' 'l ' " I-ir'TING PAKLor ; f t iu.iukj rv, fc j1 , ;4 'v y J:"? . Iur, . to t.. . ;ai.'. 1U le toifi'-titi- L u i..- a CCITT iM SIOVl. Si"''". iDi'TOM.s stovi; hit dir.. s: Tif or India i . i lll'.M V OT It ANDOI.PJI. Ir. th I aat'olpli riii ail Court, S,m if; '1 ri.i, 1 (,:. .M r li hi i .! C'll;i''".lll:t -. ! t ! ei IV.i! eisen ) I'm. nr. Th- il. ft n.h 1 t in lir - Vv im a f; d thit t! . I.1 1 i.t i.t Ii 1.1 th'i d v ' I Iu r ; ' ci t ia tli, Imve c.v n ciM (fin', '.. th r etil th" .liha ' i ot 1 liC-. ti 1 . 1 a . 1! j r -ii, haw itiir t' ,t vi 'nl I Ii n.Jt n t .. , v, 1.. t.. . -;' "ho ..; ;w,i,.r. PCi, rtr.. ' " t, ""'l p:. . 1 1 . I ..... 1 .... I . 1 1 . 1 1 r I ULI H-.-i 111,11', 11,1! nil ll".ll W:l ti) ('.. U. y-i. i, ti,nid,t m. to the phi,, j'.li t. ; :n.,l .!J o a tlir Ii fiJ 111 "J i ..'' hih; ii'j.i ! nt 11 .lolliri 1. U ; ' I ,,. . . 1 I . 11 ... 1 . ' hr ' 1 - -1 i.iii(j,j. ... "i.iM.iii . , i,r. r, ir,j. ilink. s, n , a .Ul,i shounlir iti ' ,,.rr,;,t,rI,i ' - -:. -r ( . ."-r-.ii-n VlLfl-faau i Jh.), it J;. JU. ,1. Joiiv 15. Oo tir!(ii p"-. i"1. i;i. fok u. o! SI I KIM IT'S .SA hhT " T',V ir:-: ( mi ".-ruta.n f w t .t-I in ! i'.- i;.,t....!j , ( ,. hi,,u j.,, . i-t. i in .-vi-.- ,., a,. , lllf. (ltnri r:i VV I., -M-r. J,,,i,.:(,. j, c-ulll, I : ... i n. . s. i 1',;im 1 1 Ith day ot Januiry 18)!, . l 1 I M .r.OI 1 Ii I'. it 8 ,. ,.,A A '.' W j.. .,. f at! .ly, f..U. ior fal '-:-.-U.t--.l ,u IC..J..1 it,.!., t- it. l J" I l" ! the amli ' vf L, in t-jwiif! I north ol K -tn r la-irtrrri -st, cunirafn . H-kut. t ttt? ui r J, ; in:. P), PCI. rffVp. Lh'.f lu'c. - VV uou.d t-irticularlv caa l.iP attrn- lien ot our reJ.rj to a remrdf known Mchci.'s Sf-enc-rhc,en? c-riiat at pv-o i Paritj. r.