Newspaper Page Text
- VOLUME V THE RANDOLPH COUNTY JOURNAL. I U31 BER 51 ) 4 ' "W -a:. V - ' ho ever i nt prepared to acri lire party or;nn izutioiis and plat form mi Ihr nltar of hi conntry doe not decern; the support ami t ount'Miaiirr of hone! people. II ' are we t over? :nc partis m antipathies in the mir. ! of men of all p trtie as l preer.t i united front i:i sjp'Xirtof our C'jcatrf? We tiiuM c rae tIiC!lin party i'Mie, inaki? n allusions to old party test, Lave no crimina tions and recrimination, ndtil:rein no taunt one azaint the other, n to who his bren the cause of the.e trouh'e. AVhca ro s!ill hive rejel de Oov ernmrft nn I c mtry from its perils, and tern its ;1 i fl - itinz in triumph over eve ry ini!i of Atnericm soil, it will then he time eno j-h to inju re as to who an 1 what has brought thec trouMea upon us. When we hall have a country an I a (T ov ernment for our chiMren to live in peace an-1 kappines', it shall be time for each of m t return to our pnrty banners . ac cordiu to our o va convictions of riirht tn ldity. Let him he marked as no true patriot who will not abandon nil Mich i-ues in times like this. nxtrnrt frmn te I it rp'eeh of Sen-it'T I)')uj!ns. Tun Pkhsiuknt's Message. The inessia scircely call for criticism. It is not such a state pipor a former Presidents were in the Inhit of sending forth to the worlJ. The occasion demand cd a t;rcat effort such an effort as Jackson nude when he put forth his proclamation, in 183 J, under somewhat similar cirrurn stance South Carolina bein then, as she is now, a leader in rebellion against the Union. The President lias not made as good use of the material at his com mand as he might have done, in showing to the erring and mis- guided States the outrage wh'u h they hive committed in attempt ing to operate tliernselves from the Union, and the difficulties which beset them in their efforts to preserve their assumed inde pendence, lie could have done this with great force and pungen cy, at the'sime time that he pre served his good temper toward those States, and showed an earn est desire for their return to the fold of the Union. ,S7. Louis Republican. Fremont at Crimen Fre mont attended IJcccher's church last SiMntli. At the conclusion of the S 'rv'ues the conreritioa rose, and a general rush was made for the pew in which Fremont and lady sat. Hundreds of hinds were outstretched to greet him. and after submitting to a severe manipulation for about In It an hour, he and company made their exit from the church followed bv the congition. As soon as tlie Major-(it neral and his party were seated in tlieir carriage, t lie crowd gv't up a cheer, and con tinued to surround the carriage, shaking hands with himself and lady until the patience of the lat ter was nearly worn out, and di rections were given to the driver to go ahead, which he did, ar.d the crowd followed the carriage nearly ai far as the Fulton Ferrv where the party got aboard and returned to New Vork. X V. Herald. The Strength of the Confederates nt Coluitibti, A correspondent of the Indian apolis JturnrJ, writing from Padncah, ditvd Dec. 1, sivs: 4It is rumored tint Major-(ie.i H.illeck is soon to remove his headiuirtrs' to P.ulucah, brin. in the inajority o( his army with him. It this docs not betoken warisU deeJs nothing does. Many nm.ors are atloit ir. camp; Oiie to the clFect tint tlie army is soon to advance upon Colum bus, th.U MiIaUH'of the South em possession From oar spies it is ascertained that the enemy have fifty-fo ir regiments in that place, and that forty-five heavy pieces of artillery, are ready and eager to jive us a slight taste of ood things yet to come.' So mote it be." THE STRANGER'S GUIDE. . Im r. & c . kail i:oad TT&UE TABLE. Train on .' roi'l f aa Winetester ae foll'ncs: OlX'i WKST. Mall at VC I I. M. iM ha;.r ..!- A. M. rt ornmodation. j -T A. M Lpres k're.Jtt 3 -JT A. M. COINO E-T. Mtrii!nrKirrr and Mail !l 5? A. M. I ic'it Kvpre. 1 l.n.t I'. l .. n tu--I .s t ; i .' i. M it-5 K ff Il.rt3 l'. I J. V. WILLIAMSON, Acr.NT. ClinMII AND LODCi: DI ItrCTOKY. Pf?ESOYTERIAN CHURCH. K'.ti:it'l nn t!i'"-t T M t-ri-l .:ui I r"-l, in t!if(iiith pnrt f t-wn. P'i-ac :iii u every I t.-riKil-.- a't':tth at h t'.f '.'it 1 ! t n. n uri't a 4 lick ,j. in .. r in if liri t. ? on !, on ! SaM-ath in April. l-".n. i.'.-v. J. A.l'A.Ml' r'.KI.I.. J'a-t .r. T7 Sabbath Schumi evt-rj ?aMilli at - 'i'cl c k p. in. M. E. CHURCH. S'.tant.-'l rn tii rali'li'f Mri-Üan tr.'Ct, ul Ii :i rt f t n . I'rarlii it c v.T) Sallutii at half put l' "clk a. in.. aii'l at niirl.t.l'y th-I'u.t.-r. Rev. Iii J. MKl'K. Sat.t.r.tii i ! ..! jt lialf j'.'it l n. in. Prajer ineeUii every 'lin" ! nij'.t. RANDOLPH DIVISION NO S'nii.uf Tom ! ranee of Wi uc ln-t'r. c ver U"S lay v it i i s if of .acli wc.-k at Tern n-r:un-t ul I vti th eorii-r of Main Mini U'a!iinl jii I. O-CF G. T. Of W"irirh!''r. ti t oi S.;t:ir!:iy .renins of .n Ii w.-.-L ai tl.oi r Mall .i t!c- i-ornor t Main anl U ik!iii.loii 9tr-fti. I. O. O. F. Mp-f Try Tli'i r.lay evening nt C',' o'clotk, al ll.iriifw Hall on tli I'ubl.c S.iiuro. VINCHESTER LODGE, No. fr Frrr a-i. .rcplel Ma-"'!!, iiioct in MH sfni Hall Sat'ir-lav evt'"in? ln-f n th Full Moon of earh mouth. JiUIN li. Ilot'TH, J. W. s, S. c'y. W. M. RANDOLPH CHAPTER, No. nr. Koyal Ar li Msin, iiic't in M;iiiiie H ill T uo. lav cvenit'S alU-r the Full M' or t.uli montli." JACOU KI.TZKOIH. John l.'o., Sco'y. 11. 1. SIIKRIFF'S SALE. I1Y virtue of a ilrri anj iecnt ion to me lir.'ctc-l from th; Hiinlolh Common l'lf.n Court, I w ill poi- l s .4 1 a t Cii co ij t hon' .loor in W incln,ttT. KainKilph CountN , Imli ana. on SA't'CH V. ttio 2I.t day of December, 1SG1, r."tsri'fii tin' hour of III o'cloik a. in. ai.'l 4 oVI.irk p. in of ai'l Iriv.tli. follow intf r":il "tat-, situat'.'d ia KaiiJ"lpli i-oiintj , l:i'lii.t, t wit; The uri'livMcd intori't of Clnrlrs Lew is in and tu tlie wist !ialf of the north east quarter of section one, in tonn-,lrp sixteen, of ran, ire one west, and the north cast quarter of tlie tiontli-ea.-t quarter of section one, in township sixteen, of range one west. Kircut.'.l as th property of Cliarle Lewis, nt the uit of Marlin Hup(. .. II. J F Ms INS, Nv. cä. hu. vf' .h'iru. c. SHEIUFF'S SALE. nV virtue of thrM e teeiitlons to m- Ii rerteil from the l.'amlolph Comm. n lM -nsCoiirt.! will x poi to al at the Court Hoimo loor, tn U iiicl.e.ter. Uainlol pli (Vunt,l u linna .on the 23th day of December, ISOl, Between the hours of 10 o h( k a.m.nnd 4 o'clock p. in. if sui'l ly, the follow i n a real elatf,i tuati-U I n l:.t i..lolili lo. In. I., lowil: In lots So. two, in block No two, in lots No. three, in Mock No. three. Thf Ivist half of i: lot No. two in block No. eiht, and the Vetpart of in lot No six, all of said lots in the town of PeerlielJ. Also the south half of south cat quar ter of section hix, township 1, range fourteen ea-t. Lxecuted n.s tlie property of Uriah Pierce, at the suit of The Fremont and Indiana Railroad Conmanv. A. H. jr.XKINS, De. :,l?CLfccs:i:i) bli'il K.C. STATU Ol' INDIANA, KANDOLTIl COL'NTY SS. Isaac Sipe, vs. y In Attatlimcnt. James Judd. ) Htfore William Drew, an acting .Tustice of the Peace in and for Ward Township in Randolph County, Indiana. He it remembered, that on the 201 dav of November, 1-61, the above named plaintill filed in my (dlice a complaint aain-t said deft n luit, .Judd,-in the above entitle 1 caue, together with tlie necessary fttliilavit that said defendant Judd has left the Slate with infnt to de fraud said plaint ill'. Said defendant Judd and all others interested are herebr noti fied of the filing and pendency of said .... . ... . . I 1 .1 ...41.11 Iwm .....I .k.I.,.. I . . .... V.. iL'L llttl .11.11 . 111. 4 II. ill. ill. ' . . , ,'. i' )-ar ana n.-wer uiereio ai uie calling ot siid cause, on the 2It d ty of Dcc ml. r, 101, at 1 o'clock p. in., "at mv oflieo in said Township, saij complaint will he he tr i and determined in said Judd's ab sence. Given nr. ler my Inn 1 and seal, this, '-i'.'lh day of, 11. Willi m Dhkw, .T. P. Dec. 5, lfil. sel. STATE Ol' INDIANA, , KANDOLTH COCNTV. In the Randolph Circuit Court, Spring Term, ls(;j. John W. Frazicr, ) vs. Complaint Thos. J. d ann", S in- l r uel CViiklin and Je- I Debt raima Mason. j The said pl.iinti;T,rT Erown andColcrove, !i:s attorney, comes an I files his nth davit, bv which it is that said the Jtmima Mas i j.ot a resident of the State of Indiana. Notice i. therefore, heieby given said Jemima Maon of t!:c riling and pendency of said suit and that unless he personlly be and appear before the Judge oI'm'i 1 court on the second day of next term thrrof, to be held in "the court hou-e in Winchester, on the third Motu! iv ol M..rch, 10 , nn i t'.u n and th re antr to said com; d kint, the same will be heard and deter. uined in his ab sence. John IJ. Goodrich, Dec. 1, 1-CL Clerk. Jamts llninvs k Sin CoLnnovr. Att's. TOTICE IS IIEIiEIJY (HVEN That I will sell, nt ruhlic auction, on Fri dr, tlie .'M day e f J inuary next, at the residence of J ep!i Corl, "late of Ward Township, Randolph County, deceased, vM Iiis p,To:ial r ro; rty, (riAt taken by the tdow), of Hordes. Cattle, II rain in the fu l l, II u-. hohl i Kitchm Furniture, and other articles too tedious to name. A credit of ix riionths will be given on 11 ums over Three Dollars, the purcha ser giving hi note with approved surety, waiving valuation and appraiernent laws. rIJ. PllSAlL, Dec. P, 1661. Adm'r. INDIANA, to-wit: RANDOLPH COUNTY. Is Tin Ks-trn ('utit Cocrt, Srn.b JoMph F Mills, Wüii.iin Klii;e, vs. Richard A Morton, Kucutor, Mitlv FowW-r, Margaret Ko It r, Lav ina !t r, William IV !tr, .amue' Fuwltr, Complaint lor M irv Fowltr, Specific perlurni auce. Martha Tow Itr, .lane Fowler, i 11 iract Fo !i r, i 'I hoinas !er, Kra:.i i Whale n, and James "Whalcn. He it known thit on this day, the pia::;ti;i"s in the aoove caue filed in the t'lei Iv'.s t'ice of tho court aforesaid their complaint, together with au alü.lavit showing that each of said defendants arc lion -resMctit.' of the State of Indiana. Said defendants are, therefore, hereby nof'ifiil of the tiling and pendency of said suit, and that it will st in I for on the 21 dav of the Soring Trm of the Kan ilolph Circuit Court, t le he! 1 at in-che-ter :n said county on the .'?' Monday in ."March, A D and that unless ihe appear and dt iVnd, jmlgiueut w ill he reu d( rc.J in tlieir Witney, this, December 21,- A D I ,!. Jopx 15. (looDRini, Cl'k Brmrnr C'tmej, Atty's. li.C. C Dos C, Irfil. T (iTK r, IS IILKLRV (.IVLN l that I will sell at puh'.io auction, on Sat urday, the 'j;h day of December A. D. Itl, at the residt-'ice.of David Ileaston,' near Winehesti r in Kaii'lolj h County all tlie personal property of Diiel lleaston, eonsili:i of Cattle, tn yoke of oxen, one Horse, Kirniing l'tensüs, (luns, Watidies and other things too tedious to mention. A credit of nine months will he given on all sums over three dollars, the pur chaser giving note, with aj proved secuii ty, waiving valuation and appraisement 'uws. Davin Hfaston, Dee. ", ISHl. Guardian. jToTici; or distiuih tiox. , Stute of Indiana, IlindMjih County NOTK'l-j is hereby driven tliat at the Octoln r Tenn of the Court of Common I'lease, of said County, after final ettle tuent of the e of Joshua lhu king li ini, deceased, uhout the sum of Two Hundred - and Twenty-two and ItO-Jla) dollars were found remaining lor liistri l)iitio:i among the heirs. Said heirs are therefore notified to appear on the first d i v of the next term of said Court, and prove their heirship und receive their distribution share. JjIin I. (loonntcii, Clerk. Dec. .r, l-i;i. C. C. I' , liatuhdph Co. f i?.n::isTRATcms sali:. NOTICH is hereby given that I will sell at pu'die sale, on Saturday, the -Mh day of December, 131, at tin; late resi dence of James Jordan, deceased, in Net- tleerrvk Tow ns!iip, all of the personal estate of ?aid deceased, to-wit: Corn, Wheat, Ilojrs, one Janet, Farniinu' L'ten sil.s, cc. A credit of twelve months will be given on sums of three dollars and up- warJs, arid all sums under three dollars cash ir. hand, purchaser giving note, with ecurity, waiung valuation andapprais ment laws. Natha.x IJnr;vrR. Dec. r, lfil. Ad mV. SHERIFFS SALE. It V virtu of a ileeree :i!i'i eeriiti.n to me direi'te.l iMrn the l;ni loi li C Court, I w ill epie to sale at the eurt hon-.i t'oor in WiiK-lo'ter, Kain.olpu Count), Intliiiiia on ,s. I I h'li.W, llif 21st day of December, 186, F.otwecii the hour oMO o'clock A. M. and 4 'elofk . in . of sai.J luv. the following rea et;ite, situated in 1 a r I 1 ph C.., I in'.. to- it The south hall'of in-lot number tight in the'owu o Spartanburgh. Kxecnte'.l a tl.e .r.j.erty . Willian. Ki ff lish, al the suit of Ldw arl l'avis. A. 11. J FAKING 'ov. er, irf.i. f I sirrr u o. NEW REMEDIES FOR . ;v M . j.V : ,m : W :.tMi.l.Mii'jWn'liB IIa tc a rtt J.v .s ocitifion, fiiu.ahki.i'HIa. 1 O . ., . . ... . . a . A Henevoient lntitiition, etft''!islu'l b e.low meni. t,,r the reii. i tili.- ii-u tol ilistree.l. a til i et e. I with virulei t an-1 -M"b'"iu'.liseaes,ainl epetially for taeture of P;raf ot ilif sexual orcran .M.'.liciil a.lvirci Kive.i rati. ValtiaLli Ki'.orU on S ju'rnr.itorrho.a. nrnl ottir 'lirae oftto .vial orsr:iii, af.. on tho n'w reiueili einplo i.l in tin bipeti oary, sei. t to th- afilu tc! ir.seah'.l lctn-r -u-veloj., Irvc of rhar.'. l' o rthrce Mainps for postage will In; aecptuMe. A.l-lr-, for ir p..rt or trf.ttne:it. I'r. J. SKII.I.K.N IKil'CliTti.V, Acting Surjeon Howard AOv-atii.n, To. VJ Soui'a Ntrth t., Philadelph'a, 1'a. t.-.'7-ly W IXC If ES TER I Ki f t V .Iii ! "Who has not lest a friend?" The rndfrsijuej hare now a largoran.l bet ti assorlu. triil of American and Italian Marble Than has heretofore heen offered in thi vicin itj. Those w ho i ntend erc;inj Tombs, Houumctifs or Or a vc Stones, In memory eftheir lveJ dej arted, oul J 4 well t Gl VF. rs A CA I.L. Terms reasonable. Call and examine. s l a ti: noo r i ci W are ft'o errnred tn r kirr and f irnlsh mir Shite K....r. at rea..r.atde jr.ces. U eu peri.. r t .f Mate ,.,,-r t'.eii.'r mrttr!al f. K.tiiiVrj T. too ."1I e.'aldi.hc.l to require ar arjrumei.t in it favor, and tl hl jnU'j.d t' ul.lir r will t!iid a Mate K...,f ,, tH. the Best and cheapest Roof now in use Ktiinat?n.adeorar,y Information relative to th- b.Mices. cheerfallj -five,, hj aJdreir. or callingon D.E. HOFFMAN' i CO., nor CO It. 'inchcftcr, Ind. NEW ARR ANGEMENT JOHN ItlCII.VRD ON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nowoffomto all pers.-T. i-l.ii!? to p urcha Spring ami Suninicr Goods. FoR : i : t l i :.v : : a '.v tail ti.rriur inurements not Ifore cfercd in thi markt ti Mi stock i I. A Kf,K. Ni:w,an-l i.Et Trn. In part it coi.sisl of FUKNCII CLOTHS and CASS. IM ER ES: A3Ii:i:. CLOTH!8, und plain and fancy CASSIMLRLS, of great variety ! ( ii.,. i .1 I5' A Large supply cf Tweeds. X E S T I X G S Of nil the laet nr.ttems an-! tylc. cially wouM he invite teiition to hs ... .TtTk; SPi:iN(i srVLL. ok LVIjM.S. Heha.tnkm .air.s in lertir.s Ms po- an i.l beiievc i:iem ie i o..i i.t.nj a i SUITED TO THIS MAKKT.T. SHI UTS, COLLARS. C II A VATS, Ltc, Are n.Tere.I at i.nw fturt'H. He ha alo addod a rri.t. stock of lit Ti-V Af nr J HTITl VP 1 C l'j A LJ 1 -.M.-lUfi L lllyyj Ma.le epeciai;y to or.lor, which he ca nJ will sell as (Im:ai as thi: cin:A!i:sT!j c.ivi; ni:.i a cat, i. and he will par.' no pain to srUe nti!Vtion. Vt r" 'tor" Hiid S-i in th. tn o-itory huil'iing nnili of l.iii!. ll Stainl. west of public ijnare, Winchester, linliana. a.r4 1r JOII.V KICHAItliSO.V. FURNjTURE. Lir.Ki:itsi)oii'i:!t & wi:sr, Misi i it ki ns or - mm" m FURNITURE & CHAIRS. l'errton wiihinj to purrliase GOOD AND SiniSTANTIAL FUI.'MTUKF., will please jrive us a call, as we arc s-re that you w ill b. ali'tleJ, that you can not better your.elves AxnviiERi: els fa Vc kcencoiitai,tly on ha.ol a go.l aort. tnent of IiTIif'AUS, CUPr.OAPvDS, s a r i: s , T A II L LIS, I5KDSTK ADS, LOU N c; E S , CHAIRS, STANDS, SOFA.-. CENTER A N D DINING TA,, i:tcM i:rr. COME ONE! COME ALL! And examine our Stork before purchasing elsewhere. t; a 1 1 n v o ti c s, n q s s 3 i i i i j i W'c also make COFFINS, on short notice, ami of the best and latest stlos. h h h h h h W inchester, Ind., May 9 is'tJl. vlr.lO-ly. I N D I A N A MUSIC STO R E tL?f r . ; V2- - v", -- r iC vwr-r: -VV - - TsiCil NO. 4 BATES HOUSE, I.MMANAl'OLIS, INDIANA. WILLARD c STOWELL. Keep t1) Ian;..! nml bo.t assortment of I'l-; AM) VOKThS in the SUte, .liiclii..'i-ur all! styles, from the Plain S.jtiare. to the drii.I Piano. Alo, .Melodious. Guitars, Violins,) Klutet, Flutinos, liriini. Fifes, etc.; Sheet Mu-; sic, Vuic llouiis, and all kludj of Musical .Mcr- ) , h I TCP' rice are as low as any bouto ea.t or. wciUcQ ' j Every Iii.trumrnt Warranted. 1 N. II. rn piirchasT, can buy CtlFAPKH at the Indiana M nic Store than any oilier pUce , in tin west ! Ph ae call and see. j TTPInstrumei.ts tuned and repaired. j rr.av l'" U. A: S. l flAJIJlTAoJlS. I CAK IMAGES'. 15 U G G I E S A N D BUGGIES! ! The un.leripned take t hi i method of in for. nnr.s th public that he is now pre. -red to furnish t order, on short notice, CARRIAGES, UUGCIES, an n Spring U9as?oiis, TWO-IIOKSE WACO.NS! .loallothTartic!esnprerta:!iii.itoniiinei orbusiness. Allnn the- ni.i : ppreu pmns. which he w ill 11 chenp freah r n icn nr w i ti u cur y ."' - FARMKRS, LOOK II EKE! In connection ith mv former bu'r.e., 1 am al! kin.l.sof I'o'tntry t'u'tom W ork. t on ill do f II to r: ve me a call hen ou att iior-e r-hod or l b repaired. AU repair work promptlvaitep.le.-l to. All work warran ted one M-ar.'MlUl'-Oii Main Street. South f pa.-ri r depot, Winchester, lud tau. auslti'l? T. J. HULL. FRANKLIN HOUSE, ALEX. WHITE PROPRIETOR. WLNCHESTEKt IMIAA. noar-lerii kept by the Hay or week. Ampi aceomraoJatioDsfortravclör. Ctrj?j low J . Q V I C A-, rtAtrn is CLOCKS, XV a tfho, ! v vi v Irv, aid i .tft,, , - . vi, Stor 'uth (.!( of r.i.- pi'if K.-'i:ire. Win. t'it'l' . r, Iuto fi.ij iej fuii.l a 5. rk- st-jck ef fi;:e English, American & swiss 7 ATCHEo, A T L O W PIUCES! - - - 1 . 4 - 1 C:mr. V.;;ie. Gam. t. G.M Stone Kar j J j.-,,, . .r :,.is:. I Vy. n v, l, .1,1 Vet , Chain. lor! f:J nt l:::tv.. Ladies ' (m . k t li.iii 'i. Kle. hit-., ; j GUNS AND PISTOLS, iJ-N" CATS, I'LASKS, SllliT lIT'T.'fV WTC ! r-'-'- 33 X TD C - A.G - ES - ' y'-i ! -t4jf.l j W LATLST STVLLSJ SILVER SPOONS, Ratclirr Kr:e, j Larr. 11 ot j Luther's j Sc,or. ! '1 IimhI,!.'. Knh o : rd Frrk, i'oi k.t K nire, Sh-ar, N !!c, etc.. etc. fit.l.l Mill Sil VP. v je, k , ftfles Spy i iie, etc. P0R7P.10f.lES, ' ': pfJJ flHtlKS ( HA " K lit IS' WALLLT.5. i;15i;!1:Ti:,,r'- t j jj y VVIUTH Cl ihDCNT,, WTC. EIGHT DAY, vtxJ THIRTY HOUR , ! IPkZM AND Al.AK.M CLOCKS MUSIC! MU3IC1! VrA VxaYw, Ii.injoes, f l'tc-S I' lOS Ac'COriJe - ?, Slril'5, Bridges Tail Pieces, etc. ip -a. TP e n PENS, I M X , rVJD-'ENV ELOPS! I ll M 1 1 k f'J I fir V. :!r,n;-;-i' 1 r i f fi: 1 1 .. i f ...... t t . r . . . " ;.!'"; nur. I I J y i:rv volj: Boots & Shoes! AT J. D. SMITH'S. BIT YOUR MIA y iS 65 bkfb AT J. I). SMITH'S. AM) THr.KF.IiV s VK MtiMiV.furhe has a larj- ainl c-decl :..t k of Hoots and Slices. HAT! Vl T: TV - IIATSÜ HAT. ! ! HATS! ti AM ' LEATHER, i Which ho proj.osc to sc'.l :,, ;ip.T than nnv : i j other u-tio in V.'1f!llii.t..'r. His stock c.uui t of ;,!1 it.. " ' LATEST AND REST" STYLES " ' " ' Have been Lotiht jit . PAHIC PRICES! -nd helnjenjail in th h!iineexcl'isire1v TJ r V TUTV PUPt rrpi! - - w ' l l 1J l 1.4 l . I n3 coiiseijueritty (!in W I " Blv ;'" a'Jse ein-e.i ,,, nil kiml o( bu-in-. HK win. PAV run niniiEsT markkt m:ich. In Ca-h or Goni.f.. f.,r HIDES A U D PELTS. rALL Alt KX Ay-1 . it ii- a.i ih.j j,,. j.rij..'v. HE HAS ADOlTEH TI!?: J Al:d shall adhere t il ri-i-ilj . tho viiij. the purchaser iron. r:nk5 to T WEM V. FIVE per ci.t. TLr-'tor on Frai klin 1 door cat of Hinirt-r' lry Good Store. ri'.'t-ly ,3 m . m ,iHS Brums.' Snare Drums! Fin:!! FIX ESI! At No. 4 BATES HOUSE, Indiaunpoliv, Ind, WILLARD & STOWELL. June SI, If CI. td 1 1 Si:ji;-ANM AL Statinn nl, No. in CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $932, 302, 38. V ay lt, 1 si; 1 . Cah an1 eash iI.ts fTr.r.-HTr1 Loan well ecure.l .'iI.I.VI '.'ft Keal K-tattf i:..i.isMio .M.'G shares Hart er. 1 l'ai.k Mm 4 .""' ' " 2l:.-i .Ne Vork " i,.i:i..r.iii'U ÜMU i;.nu " iuu.:.vmii ;,iiT other . j-J'- ' rnif.l Mate :in.l State T-.'.o 1(1 ri.irtf.l V .. Haven K Kl.on! V: 44 3'."'Hli liarifor.! i itv Umii.! :i"..T.".n i"i conn. Kitvr Co. Ac k. k . Co. ftoi-w i.omhpo MMal Aet.- LluhlliliC.... $xir.ii-.:i- j au.'.M'Ji t For detail "f investrneiit. eo mim'.I Canh an-1 Circular. l.!ir:iin e nmy 1., eJT'ete.l in thi olj m..l iUt'-liiiiti.kl Coiiipany on wry favorable ti-rin. A'i l to 1 a. j. .i:rr, Arr.t. ! yr-7nellinc m..l Farm l'io'.eitv in-ereil jt.iral.Tin i)fM-aratv.'rvo jiru-.j rr.-.i-l " - imrsaiul Farm Froj.ertv in.-re.l T T 7" I ' C 2 1 1 ST l". 11 CI. V ?.Toiii:. OTIIIXC D. CAR HUM 6c CO., P.VID ttKM M. IOLS flllMER. AKKIVAL OT ITS . . FILL AND WMTR STOCK! GREAT REDECTioN Of PRICES! CLOTULXG, j IIDOTS AM) SHOES, j I II ATS AND CATS, ETC.. For meri's, boys' and youth' wear, of nil ' styles and qualities. A!so a LARGE SCITLY of 1 gents' fukkisiii:;g goods, st i n as Neck Ties, Collar, Su;uuufr, (l!'U'f, l.'i.d rSliii ts an-1 !:; i ANoKiiit ; Wo!cu W.uuiSes, (V-.i. ttc. Al-o, I'runUs and t.n; et S h U. 1 A large r.s-ottment ! NO l'lii.N'S Mich a l'o, kit l'.i.iU, Knie, : I'istol, Vioiin Strings, t-., j and lots f othr t hours ; to. i iiu:iU'p"is,to meiitnui, nil ot liith will le 11 at such Ij O U9 I9 I 2 C I that, notwithstanding the hard timec, rd! ' j w.ll be enabled to supplv th. m-eh , s wit ' Clothing, tc, thr c Mii.i'jiii H'ii;nr. inuca lite ie ol hard time? and .-.arc'tv of nionev. We ,ri, t , f are uro; "puhing, and we v. c respectful! v imite euir Iii n Is a; d ci;t .!nels and ti'e ! tu;! public ge;i rally to rail and examine our stock, and be eoniinced that we sneak the truth. D. HA UN I'M & CO., 11 "2m Ovit e the Cvurt liuutr. HOIME REMEDIES. roa 7me k eriD crnr ok COLDS', CKOl'1 ( Ol fills, AS'I'il.'IA CATA II I!If, INI'LI I N , ni:o in ; is. IIOVIW;is, son:: num . i INCIDENT COAST. I CMO.N. f ITVTV f I f 1 7M 'I J. I it lit ef o.i rc!. mat-are .ri-.tful ,.,,.!(. ot Pit v.wy and llm-.i iii.i. jkiiR.fioKs. i.eri'-n e )a- Ins p-oved tlat M-iiid- rem,-.),. ott.-n acl nn.) w:n t;.en in t!, earlv sl:ie of 'ii.a , rci i.rir. ln.iild at once I.e. ,.,..r ........ ....r, i.y ti.. pr.- caution a more senou aaack ho wardrd off DR LUNPS WORM CAKDY- "üim:,:.! ;,u.:,T'::;::rr7;:;';!iv 'nr All who u it arer. ; tl j l-.e !. Prei.vrel hv V.". S. 1. 1 " N 'I . !im t I'itv O "' n"Mers .'...uii be allre-ed ür' II;. Jtl'OVC '""'III . Sold by H. p. Ki.-r. Wire:. eter; Hunt Harris. I.j rin: K. 5. Mart..... I. , l-... r.a i-ta: K. F. Hallidjy.:.!. ksviile. I. p..;u, i;lp4k:i: N. Kiiiin..n, I'nior, -it ; Wm. 'A i,-k-r,.ani. New 1 ,k J i. n-ly : BO WEN, S1EV7ART Zl Co., W!OI.KI.K M r.Iliil. BOOKSELLESS Ami S T A T S . I. II S A'o. 1 Washington St., Imlianif.lit. ki ni lim., i t ' SCHOOL HEf.iVIEHS AM) Teachers Class Dooks.i M.-st r'V um i-r 1 . . ' , , , S-perior iJlue, Black ana Car- min TnVe I mine inks. n- It 'IX IILSTLK Si:.IIAIlV. The Fall Terrxtf thi Inttitnlinn enm- ' " ,K 1 1 l ir.UI tnrnertl the firtt Monday rf SrfJnu- ,n Silver, IMntitiii, Cetld. C heeiplns btr, 11. tic, r Vulrnuitr IIa-. -...od r-.r.iir.rtn prW ,fa. ;!, ran be had JC "" at from $I.ji to (Mi per r. k. ' Hoon.s run .e I. ud i heap at-l rbf-lar. at a ALL WORK' WARRANTED' litar.c from tow n ran. brit-j; tlieir pr .i,.-i from home and thu aiu-i.d I.....1 with but laminations l t 1 d Ice girrn, rral. little epne. , Haeir r bren,' o.eratir r for fon.lderaVle At all lln.e. Ifpt hr,ol hours, I ran he en fth of Mil. e h. ne .f the belt lir r.tal found at mj Lonse. Fit rp!r.-k. and In ;h lr. J. lort tr arid v will r.ehuppr t-iVo ti.fri.ialio W li .r- Wrdle. hn f-: ronfldent be on i ideas llrif, Koom. Tfi-riv Ar. . the rmt fati iiwn iB all rsr r! H. DO.NEHKAKF. A. R.. A. R.. I l"r.n-piil. riEltCE'S Ys W Sv DRUG & BGOK STORE! 1 have lately aJJrJ to try hitherto Urj a Fl.'KSH apply of Cant Oil J,itnps ALL MZKS anJ j rices from : 1 i to $o.OO . . ... j Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. DRUGS AND MEDICINE 1 kerp n !are end eil plc tod ... k of j j 1 koT" . I '..It I.") ; AND MLDICINE , PAINTS, VARNISH KS. DVi: STLTF?, COAL OIL LINSEED OIL, WHITE LEAD, CASTER OIL COD LIVER OIL, iI.rnRICAIING OIL, tor machinery EIS 1 1 OIL, i SV.'ELT OH. : Etc., r.ic To which I hate :crtJy aldrf a Jnrrr' SELL LOW lOU CAM.! ' ?sre L'r.fcrneutcd Y.'ine 4 ; fn i'iuart lib Cars for ick ai, I acrautrtU purp. BOOKS And STATIONARY ! f eui öfter CI'F.AT IM 'U( KM KNTS to Ja 0r- rt"M to t'.tirr.totk ,wy Slatr), ; . hlf L K int. r r ' ' ' WY SCHOOL EOOÜ3 , I ' l i"''''-'"' I rir. UZ CHI C V. .lClü S. ! ... . j QPPI Hg PcpC, ' Wall Panel ALSO n i. si: rnx ro u i s o i Of all kinds, i'n W. II. PIERCE ii r. s nic;c: s. r.oRor w. ut! M. Imiun. pit,,. i ; .M'f.V . '- KC'J f- ?V 'iif 1 (f W , üaiuifietnrer and P.-alfrs in EU UN I T U R E L CHAIRS v t. . ....... ! i .. . rs. j, h e art i;rc ill i hk- all w ho : wi,ir.4,or u.sit!. cli We ill. th. j C K S T O K W O It K M K N in our ?npi.. . I n , ;i mr.k n-.thir r hut t. !-k i- ,. Our IL.t Wood, .Mnlinotn V, IIlHe I Wnl. ' ..... ti . .ajiir, tit- ' We a o k-e, lt.,.V M. , rd Look O.-a l..r.' rtm. i.t ot K..e si. t Mal, frün.,!!,...,,. i idhe ol. ,heai, ." 1 S "",,', V i ' - I.' ndi m. ki- .r.:i., a tj Mrs, k- pt e' T,rt. ! ... Land. yltiy ,2, Jj9. u K T I K T K V e? N T I 5 T Jl Y ( t w . w jljioi: i: nr-",'!i: nr.rtunee to the Udie. and rn- tl'iin of .r tl.e.ter ai d i u.ity, that be has i-rinar.ef.tiy i-.rate.i in ti.e.o,r-i.amed pu ' " 1 r""-'i- J lor all oirralion ,,n u.. i .-. w.. l . Clean. r.?, I illin-r nnd Kxtractinc; ALSO I Vvl'IlTIVf I l.Tlrict i I rr 9 OfrrU Ifoi Public eouare. s D. Eifcum & C.-i f tori. lull; I