. L. 133 Ii. J 1T D O L P II JOUHN AL, deeply into t lie lic-irts of hi j thought of dextrin tion hnou henre'ra. There vms nn interne ted hi i (1 iv nf.d niu'ht. Me Ii i- husdi, n- il in truth the Spirit had moved him to peih, am every ientence w aa nmed with a hi red authority. Amiath M't-li enor looked at him, ever the low partition which divided hr nnd her lstr.n fr rn the men's side, absorbed in hi r.np! earnest r.rsi and Unlh. She loot that other hearers wen present: he jpake to her alone. A strain -pell mermetl to seize upon her faculties and Inin them nt hi fret: had he beckoned to nr, rdie would hue arisen and walked to his side. Friend CaraVr warmed snd deepened a he went on. I frei moved to day," he gaid, "moved, I know not vhv, hut I hope for some viv purpose, to relate to you an instance of Di vine am! nunan Urines wh'uh has come directly to my own knowledge. A vonn inan of delicate) cori-titntion, whose lun were, thought I' he per iously affected, w.n fcnl to the house of a Friend in thft country. in order to trv tho e,flfect of air and exer i An.nth al not rented to breathe, in the ii,tonity with which ne. .171 aid IVened Clanpin he- hinds tightly in her lap to prevent them trom trem bling, and fleadvin herself again-t the b icfc of tho seat, she lieird the etory of her love for Richard Hilton told by the lip? of a tränier! not merely of his dismissal fron the hou-e, livit of that mrrtir? in the treet, at which only file nnd her father was present! Nnv, more, he heard her own words repeated, pile hard Richard's paMonnte outburst of remorse derrihed in lanua? that hrouhl his living face heforo her! She frisp"n for brcath, his fire iris bMore her! The features ha-pened hy de.pairi n r ericf. w !i h her mom cry recalled, hid nhrost ant i i pated the harder linen wh'uh fif teen venr hid made, and whi h row, with a tTril le m 1; nndjed to tell you this sto y," Friend choakincj le. p of t!'e h'-art, she 'C irter concluded, "fro o a iVf I recoyi'zed. Hr fs"n?e4 faded, in j that it may be reeded, hen-, and sh would hve fallen '"roro '-t t Ii t time, to inlluence some her peat but for tb unpport of.'heMt trenddin in the haluu-e. t!ie partition against whici1) the leaner. FohmMelv, the women rear her were to uvi h o coriied wi'h tlie nn-ntive :o poiio hr -ndi-tion. M mv o tie n wept. s'lnt ly. w;th thei- Innkr. hiefj press ed over her month. Tip fir-t s!n k I fair.tne. passed nvn-, an I she elnn; t the ipftnkrr's voie. a if U oud rinn cod! f'wo hr treri,Mh to sit st'dl and lister furt r-.T. I)'srted by h'R frienl, U-a- bletoy U'a feet oi th1 evil patli."hrt eontinued. "the vo ri; man left hiv hone an I went la r. citv in nn ohr S'a'e. Hithreit w!s easier to find a.ss'eiae in evil than tender hearts lhat mi ht I el;i him h I. to yd. He. win tired of life, ar.d the hope of .a pcdier death hardened hioi in hi cour?ej. Hut. my frie.vls Heath never comes to thoe who wi kedlv seek him The L'ard withhold destrmtion 1'on lb- hands that arc nui'ity out ref . hd to prip it, and frM hi pitv and foriv nfis on the, unwilling soul. Find ins that vm the principal o' life whi'h rrw trorer within him. tie yminx Tn nt hit tredi U(i tn awful rrimc. TXielcan't place thee. I eed iround the wlii'vc-, if. into ih d-ep waters, au I WH retr lined fro it tile d'ed n !y hv the mi' imrv of thvVi.-t lov Z voice he h d hard. I) ih iloo.ny evening, when eveatV memory hid Ii led. and he v tired the apma hin;dark. u?rs to in ke hh d'irK ecu re. ! a hand was lihl on hit ar.n. A iian in the simple ub of tlie Friends stood I h fore him, and a ftce which reileefed the kinhies ofth Divine Father looked up on him. My child aid he, I ;m; drawn to thee hy the urrit trou ble of thy mir.d Shill I t. Ii th wh it it i thee meditates? The yonn man boo irs he ul. 41 will be dient, then, '-ut I will save lljee. I know the human heart, and its triilsand weakness e and it may he put into my mouth to ive thee strength, lb took the youn n ans h in 1, a if he had len a little (hi Id, anil led him to his home. He he:ird tho al t-tory Iro n, heiuuin to eftd: md the youn: mm wept upon his hreaM, to har no word of reproach, but only t!ie largest and 1 -filiere.-1 pitv b v tow hestow. ed upon Viim. They knelt down mle hv by irt t midnight; and the Fiiend's riiit hand was up o i ids head While 'they prayed. 4tThe youo n an wa rrit iie l from hi evil wav. to ?j ):r.o-.vl-edi;e still further the hound lers men v of Providence. The di. ipation wherein he hid reekl..i-s-ly eouht death wu, tor him, ;i marveou-i restoration to life. His lung had heenme. sound and free, from th'tendeney to dise.ase. The measure of tiU forivenis wan al nojit itmre n ho could 'enr. lie hore hi- eross t!eme forwan) wiih a pvlul n'sinatioji, and was merci'uliv ilrnvn nearer nd nearer to th Truth, until, in the fulness of hi. convit tion , In entered into tha brotlierhooil ol the Friendn 41 have been powerfully mov ho in there anion; you, my fr:end, that may not. snatch a ' r"d fro n the hurnin? Oh, Relieve tint pity and charity are lie n ovt rife, t lal weapons n into the handh of us imMM ."ec 0 otlU and leave th awful nttri- 1 ute of wrath in the hands o.' the He sat down, and dead nilenee ep;n"d. Te.ar ol immolion stood in th ei-s of (he he irer., me p. a well ri women, "r,l tears ef iirat'uude and thanks ;iviu h ed war-'dv from t!ioe of An- ath. An iiv In' le riae and joy deewnded upon hr bf.art. Vhn the iiip( tin hroke up, Frir-nd M t hmr nhohid M"t re ro -rzd Kit t;t"d 11 lton, but had bard the htory with feelings Nvdiiih he end-e.vored in vain to eontiol, approached the preach er. uTh 'poke to me this dav. through thy lipV' slid he; "will ther. come to one aide, and hear nae n minute?' "Hli Mitchno-!" exclaimed Friend Caiter, Kli ! 1 knew not thee win here! Doean t thee know mo?" The old man ctared in aton ihment. it Feems like a fnce I oueht to know," he tiid, 'but 1 They withdrew to the .-Indeoi' one oi ih f!)!us. Friend (J ir. ter turn . 1 :w im, much mov ed, and, K r 1 - J ' 1 1 4 the old man's h lud in h own, -x liiir.ed. "Frie.i l M t-hnor, I wne ill d upon to-d v to sie-iknf mv- sell. 1 a:u ir. in'her, I ifiti till. 1) I ..It .i y. II I,.. f ...... t m , , t it. I I 1 rru nl .Mit h.ior s rr IliHii from t!te viol'-t ky. ,, ii , . i . I ' i I . eil with minded e notiias o! At i-t b'.ch tid sto;);)i. i 'ii- ' i i ti i i ' i .i tiiM.enni jov. and his tiapoa; t,Asn ith,' sud h?, "d e-i lh'e ii.. . I I I , l , i L I .. . ., i the pre i(!:rr .s hands tihteecd. i ren.e.nh-r that s) ot-on ihe ereek, ,!., ,i ii I,, n a mi- o '!uf thee -alN thy-t-Ii Car- wliere the rudb-ckan 'iew? I ii ' i .i . . terr he hiinll v r-ud. I r.'in ir.txr it, .sr.e answer - t,o 1-, t i , I- l i i i .i '.Si''ii alter I was saved,' w is ed, a mi h.-h Ldu h rir.ur' to her , I, . , i , , ,, .1 . the re 1- "an aunt o:j the moth- bi'V. ler's sith- ( 1 i d, anu le't lu-r prop-i j ertv t" to. , on condition tint 1 should take her mme. I w.tsj tired ot my own IIi mi, :md to, wr It up M'emed onl 'ike Io-ir, mv former seL; hut I ,huld like' tohnoitbo-k.aninrM.w' ' "Wonderful a i e the ways oti the Lord, nnd pat lindiii out!M! said the old man. k,C'o:iie home ! with me, Ki'hird, l on.e for invi .ake, for tle-re is a coir eni on' my mind un'il all b b-r le j tweeu us. Or. say, will tlire; walk ho'ue witli As'-mth, while; I 0 with Moses?" ! "Asenath? i 44 Yes. There die c:0'"1, thro! me faie. I nee can e.i.-i l v over, tike her. F'O coining, Mose.-!" and h hurried awiy to his hxis carria, which was rp t roach in. Aven-.ih felt that it would be impossible lor her to meet Kicb nrd Hilton then. She knew n ;t why hii nmie h id h-en ( h ui;' d;' he had not betr;.Vr-d his identity with til' youu man ol ins tory; he evidently did n't widi it to le I I. 1 f ' t t l M M O ) V ..fit I MlDof ivil ' V I ii li HI M l' M I I i Uli I I imj with her u.iKt snrprio him into an iuvolnnt f.V r;v-(datio'i rl the fa t It wars en on h forheri that a saviour hr.d ari?.er. r. ':":.;: lot Adam w.w te lee ned a hober liht than th" a :t nn sun now resh'd, arjd would forever ri st. on tne one hndsi ip- of lir youth. 1 1 or eyes shoi e witii the pure brightness (; fr;,dhoo.i, a soft warmth colored h -r che-'L and si:eodied au'ay th co.-uin t line- of hir I row, and her sei was bht and ( I istic ab in tho old time. Ki.Ter to esr-p fro:n ihi; crowd, slip cros"d the h'hwiy, iliisty wit ii its vtriir' o' r.-turni'i ea riaj;e, and e.ittocd t!e ? In ded ''.me. Tli' hre' v. ind di,d iwav, the a'r v is full o,' 'H!)ds, -lid ih" w tr.n h ;!iL of the rinkin sun iv II upon til voorf-: nr.t n.f wlnw. N itn.-o vee-ned p-Mict r teil with a KV,n pitr.v w th hrrowii inne.r p-'ai'e. liit'l the n ou n oi' ti e benign in t dav w is vt t i o n A ijuick f-otstep 1. üowt'd h o-, .ami cte. 1 'Mi j: a -oi c, n-ar at hand, call ed 1 er by i. l ee. Mi" stopped, tu. -cd, iu 1 for a mo i eat tin y tood silent, hue to! hu e. d knew then, Kh hard:" d h.t she Mid, in a tmnddi. oite; mnytiie Lord ldees tin ci" learj were in thü eyes cfj both. "lie h?i 'blotted me," Uichird answered in a referent tone; t4and this is his Ia-t a..d sweetest mercv. hear, that thee forgives me. l have foiven thee lon ao, Richird forgiven, but not foicotten.' Th hush of sunset was on the forest, they wal .ed en ward, fide hy side, exihirg their mutual hutotics. Not a leaf htirivj in the cirwr.-c oi' the till 'trees, ami the tSik. creenin .ih;, between their Jte:n, brought with it a lieber wood lau 1 olor. Their voices were low in I suhd'ied, in ii ar. auel - ' i (.fd'od wh;v h v-rit in th" b ulows .and I.sN'nin, or 'lod J I;... ..Ii i -J ... i ; "If I were to say to thee now ; . . - - CROCERIES, PROVISION CTC. ev -a SDJp" SSP-SEP I M f fH f j U B U 1 t;3 l 'Ü -r' -' ' ;' ' " " V ,r -. ' AND BAKERY, TA-TT T? Oii 1 XViWfOkJ, W I NCIIESTER, INDIANA. At tUa Grocery an! Baktry may j Groceries, F R OVISI K S , C)8ifccö;flonB ete etc .SUCH AS- .7,7 rrx.s '.'. Pepper & :a veil, t. P II O V I S 1 It Mil IP ;JK;JT, ttursr, BOIjOJJ& BAKERY STUFF: (() ill Lindt. baked freth erery day,) r-SVCll AS- ZSRr,.1P PIES, HUSKS r.lKzs. Wo woc'i' crvll ttif iinrticul.ir ntttr.tion of tli- jiüblif to the fart th&t oun CRACKERS ARE OF and th.t r GREATLY It EDUCED PRICES! WOODEN WARE, E T.C . : sum TUBS, DUCKETS, WASHDCARDS, BASKETS, BROOMS, ETC., ETC, WE SELL STRICTLY FOR PAY," Ab Provisions and Groceries can not bo bought on tkzz. whit I said to thee thre, what 1 would thv .an-wpr' ' H"r words ca'ue lir''iNenlv. I would nav to thee, Iii '.hard, 1 earj trut thee I dj low thee!" Look at me A-euath." Her cve.s beamirj with (dearer li 'tit t'nn cvn then I . , , j when Mie lirt eonlepj, wrt i , , . ,- ... i i v 'lilted to his. M:e pla-ed teT . , 1 . , , h inds sent y upon hi s shou hiers, . . " t . 1 . , And bent tier lien! upon fit 4 ,f , , L , .. breist. jr tenderlv lilted it , . . . r . . avin, and, lor th? hrst time ner . , vitlmii ip.i knew the ki:s oi " 1 "O iiv-j UJ s be fcurd TUtl VLWY UKSTcf Baked Stuff, 5 & u a r T c n s Sp ic c, V O 4l 41 . Sa It , S I O N S rut, 'l iZSm OUR OWN MANUFACTURE art - tlin - th.rn at