v 1 Jtil" W JDJiDjliL I 4 'A "OL. I. EVANSVILLE, IA., MAY 15, 1847. NO. 12 h 1 W ! TERMS OF ADVERTISING: . Dollar per square of ten lined for first three inser- ;n, twenty-live cents per square for each con u manee. 'it-fourth of a column three month, - $3,00 " " " six months, (renewable) 12,00 " " " one year, " 20,00 -half column throe months " 12,00 " " " six months, " 1,00 " " " one year, " 30,00 ' ongcr advertisements in proportion. i yAl advertisements must be paid for in advance as otlierwise agreed upon by the parties. STOVES! STOVES!! FTF.R returning thanks to my friends, and the J - public generally, for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended me. I beg leave to inform them 'ii.-i I have jiiHt received from Cincinnati a large and icd assortment of Stoves, the best ever otiered in ' ix market, and which I can afford to sell at unusual ' 'w rates. "ly stock consists as follows: I atext Hot Air Cooki.vo Stoves, various sizes; do do Ecu PSE, do do; r ULTON. Premium, do do; do do; do do: do do Dutch, i'arlor Stoves Fancy Air Ti"ht, nil sizes and de . .Dtions Bed Room Air Tisilit Office do do 10 ... tedo do 1 plate do do the Egg Coal Stove, and lot of excellent Stoves for warmina churches, school i 'm.i. etc., etc. in a word every description of stoves in -, in the West, many ot them newly patented and lily extolled by those who have used them, and A.'.icn. as I have above stated. lean arlbred at low ces. I detire those who wish any article of the kind, to call either at my brick store on Sycamore street, near A. Laughlin's, or at the one on Water utreet, opposite the whart. All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware constantly n hand and made to order, at the shortest notice and n tho most reasonable terms. THOMAS SCANTLIN. Water and Sycamore streets, oet 29 4G tf. Evansville, Ind. A SOVEREIGN remedy for Ague and Fever. . This great Remedy: to which tho public atten tion is purlieu larly called, has been extensively used in the western & south western states, as a spee dy, fnfj snd certain cure for Ague and lev or, Dumb Acne. Chill, or intermittent Fever. 1'he unexampled and complete success attending its use; and so well proven have become its wide spread victories over every form of Ague in tho west that the 'Febrifuge' is now superseding every other offered remedial agent, and looked upon nslnn only one that can bo relied upon in all stages of the di.ense. The many thousnnds of instances When in it has wrought cures, while no instance ;j known, nor can be shown of failure, warrants it in bein' offered as possessing tho three cardinal merits, without which no medicine can be safely used in Auge cases. These merits arc, that its cures are sale, certain and perma nent, C. S. Mackenzie Si. CoCleveland Ohio, proprie tors. fc5"For sale by Hoadlcy, Phelps & Co, wholesale a ?cnts New York, and by BrinkrrhofT it Penton, Chi :ngo, 111; Ewards & Francis, St. IjOii'h, Mo. and by Druggists generally throughout the United States. For saleby WM. M. WOOLSEV, agent for Ev tnsville, Ind. may 1 9m. JUST RECEIVED. SIX addition to my former stock, a general assortment of Botanic Medicines Roots, Bnrks, Herbs, Kxtrnnts, Powders, ic. prepared ami put tip by the Slmkers. Dr. tolger'S" Olosaonian, or nil llenling Balsam, Dr. Peter's Vegetable Pills, Worm and Cough Loz nges. Dr. Le Roy's Universal Vegetable Pills, composed f Sarnnpnrillaand Wild Cherry. Dr. Porter's Poor man's Curative Sugar Coated t ills, at lOeenlsper box. Dr, Porter's Poor Man's Strcngthning Plaster, at iO cents a piece. Barncj l'ooth-Ache Drops, warranted to cure in all rises. Overstrert's genuine Linament, and Doctor Beach's family Pill. Superior Pale French Brandy, F. II. Goddard &, !o's Brand, warranted pure, for medical purposes on- f. Hallock's Worm Candy, a safe and pleasant medt ine to destroy worms in cmldren and improve their reneral health. Sweet Spts, Nitre, fff. and Aqua Ammonia fffl" trencth. Sulphuric, Nitre, Acetic nnd Muriatic Acids also of run strength, and many articles too numerous to men tion, altogether making a complete assortment at wnoiesaie and retail on rcnsonnble terms, By ALLEN C.IIALLOK, Drugaist, feb 1 1 tf. Main St. near Watr Evansville, la. Evansville Cabinet Warehouse. i i ii , . 1 , V nas constant-. V. u V? .n- i Try varir,y of hj'l;.;,v;..j fashionable Cabinet Ware- iv. r r,iu,ub has constant- r? equal to Cincinnati and'7- Louisville markets. Chairs of every dnscrintion. and Collins of every variety of material. As he employs only experienced workmen can warrant his work to be of the best quality and durability, of good seasoned lumber, and ot his own manufacture. He returns thanks to the public for favors bestowed, and hopes i contiuunce of their lilwrality and patronage. His shoo is situntnd on !lin street. bive the Mar Vet House, at the old stand formerly occupied by ieier or, .ucvatterrnole. mario tl rURXITUKE! FliniTVRE!! ? MARTIN R1ES has on hand anil of-1 hrjm fers at the lowest market prices oil kinds "0" of Cabinet I'urniture. Also, a comple assortment of Chairs, articles of initUre lnc'.U(Un8 Coffins, made to order and at the shortest notice, at his ware-room, one door south of the Clerk's Office, Main st., Evansville. janllGm. 1 Yt-'c isSt" ryiV'i v V"V?s nsjj SOMETIIIXti more precious than Gold. The most superior Anti-Billious Pill now in the market, and which are creating so much excitement, and are so greedily swallowed by the Billious, are Dr. Charles A. Van Zandt's Am-Bimous Health Restorative Pills. They cure safely and certainly, without preventing the pa tient from attending to the business, and are the only sure remedy for Billiouness and All its Attendant Plagues, ever placed before the people. They open the pores, cleanse the stomach restore the biliary ducts to health full operation and perform miracles in the way ofpr'sercing health, and preventing spread of dangerous maladies. 1 his in valuable medicine will also correct a depraved appe tite, strengthen the nerves or any other debilitated part of tlie system, remove those dull headaches which are premonitory of Liver Complaints, and generally accomplish what it takes Dozens of other Medicines to do. , . , , i All this is nerformed throuah a concise knowledge of the plain fuel, viz: that there is but one cause tor troubles of this kind, and that a medicine so made as to strike at the root of this cause, must ol a necessity Annihilate and Dissipate all its. subsequent re sults, which medical incompetency has so badly treat ed. ..... Yes Bilhousnes involves an lnlmity ol disorders, all w hich render life a curse and death a reliet. Billiousnees is simply a manitestauonyt disease ot the Liver, and if not taken In Time, will eventually send the sufferer to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." Iet a billious affection have sway, and it will end in induration or abscess of tho liver, producing, as it commits its secret and in sidious ravages, Dyiepsia, Gout, Epilepsy, Heart disease, internal disorders of all kinds, foul stomach, Headaches, Hysterica, Shortnes of Breath, Mucous, Expectorations, Puins in the Breast, Dry Coughs, Sore Throat, Dropsy, Apoplexy, all species of wast ing fevers, copricious appetite, or loss of it; Scurvy, Chlorosis, Jaundice, Neuralgia, Palpitations, severe costivenes, and an hundred other fearful complaints which are too numerous te fnention. We can prove to anybody's satisfaction, thnt these pills will com pletely renovate the human frame, and Cure Perma nently, all tliese ills by driving away every improper condition of the bile and liver. liilliousncss being produced by a hot climate, by a changable atmosphere, by damps and fogs, this med icine, unequalled as it is, is just the thing for the West, where men are exposed to all the cause and effects of the Bile: to the South, where Liver Com plaints seem to be epidemical: to the Sea, when an excellent Cathartic is invariably the Preserver of life and Hapiness. Let no one suffer, but buy Dr. Van Zandt's Anti Billious, Health Restorative Pills, and be strong and mentally as well as physically vigorous. The seden tary want it, and can procure nothing better. In short, all these virtues of the pharmacccpia are comprised in these little pellets of life. CrNo family should be without themCt If philanthropists., would purchase boxes of these invaluable pills and distribute them among the poor, they would prevent the expense ot Doctor's fees, and ameliorate much genuine suffering. Sold wholesale and retail by Wyatt &. Ketcham, 121 Fulton St., New York. In Evansville, Indiana, by A. C. II ALLOCK, and druggists generally throughout the U. States. Price 25 cents per box. ap 20 3m. Mackenzie Compound Elver Pills. These truly Celebrated Pills, NOW properly esteemed in all neighborhoods where they have been used.were first made some Twelve years Ago by the proprietor, from a Veget able Extract, and then r"coj"rr"ndf(l jiv him ns n su pviior miHMis rll He then resided in nn eastern City. On his removal to the west, in lHMi he was soon forced to observe the very general complaint, then and now prevalent, of a Diseased state of The Liver, Jaundice &.c. His long experience of the primary causes.nnd disastrous results of an af tection of this all important workingagent of the hu man frame, and posessed as he was of a practical knowledge of the specific action produced in that or gan (the'Liyer,) by the Extract so successfully resort ed to by him in eastern practice induced the Proprietor to give his Pills a trial in those diseases where Chron ic or Torpid State of the Liver was Complained of. The result in every instance, so far as he has been informed, has shown their Complete Triumph over that disorder. Thus convinced of their comp.ete efli cacy, he has ever since invariably recommended them; and thousands who in the health-restoring use of them have been benefited, now bear witness to their power ful effects in ridding the system of all those diseases connected with or deeiident upouan unhealthy state of the Liver, such as Bilious and other Fevers, Jaundice Dyspepsia, fcick Headache, flatulency, Heartburn, Habitual costivness, &c. In view ot all these tacts, the propnetor in recommen ding Ins Compound IJLiver fiLia. does so with the greatest confidence in their properties ot prevent iug and curing Bilious Diseases. He assures those who may have occasion to use them, That they are strictly what they purport 10 oe, oeing prepared express ly lor the alore mentioned diseases. I hey act spe' cihcaly on tne uver anu v iscera; remove au con srestive action and morbid secretions; purifying the i.i i. : c i i i.i . i- f J P -, mow; cnujiiig a iree anil nea'-.uy oiscnarge ot one; sirenginemng me system, and assisting digestion. Kj. b. Mackenzie &. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, Propri etors, tor sale by W. M. WOOLSEY. atrent. mnyl-'Jm. Evansville, la. B. A. Fahnestock fe Co'i Family Medicines. BA. FAUN E8TOCK1S Anti-liilwus Jt'Uis A safe and valuable remedy in intermittent reniit- iciii aim uuious levers, and all complaints olan in llammatory ctmrncter. It is an excellent purgative, Deing mild yet eiiectuai in its operation. B. A. Fahncstock't Liuid Opodildoc. A prenara' tion far superior to the common Opodildoc for sprains. Druises and an cases in winch. Upodildoc is com monlyused. B. A. Fahnrrtock Co.' Cough Bal.mm. There are perhaps but lew cough preparations, that will pro' auce sucn aeciued eiiects in so snort a time. 11 is pleasant and etlectual. B. A. Fahnestock & Co ' Coueh Lozeniret. Fos sessall the virtues of the best cough syrus in a concen trated fonu are convenient to take and pleasant to the taste. B. A. Fnhntslock Co.' Carminative Lozenge, Have cured hundreds of the Bowel Complaint, while not on instance has yet come to our knowledge in which they have failed. They will certainly and spcdilyallny the morbid irritability of the bowels, re store the checked prespiration, and in a short time cure the most inveterate case or Diarrhoea, Chronic Dys entery, or habitual looseness. Price 25 cents a box. B. A. FahnejtfockX- Co.,i Eu Water, for curing In- Jtamation of the Eys. Ifas proved itself a valuable re medy lor iJisease ol the t,yes, arising trom sand, dust, and other foreign substances, acrid vapors, exposure to intense light -blows sudden change of temperature colds absorption of scrofulous, small pox and other virulent matters; also the effects ot scorlot and other levers. Price 25 Cents. 3. A. Fahnettoek J- Co.' Rubifacicnt. A power nil and permanent stimulant for the cure of Rhuma tisni. Sprains, Sore Throat, Spavin, &c. i orsale by ' W. & C. BE EL, Main street, 'P20- Evansville, Indiana REMOVED JOHN ECHOLS desires toTT Jornl m public generally, and particularly his friends residing in the country, that he has removed to the city and may be found on Main street, near the canal bridge, where he expects to continue his busi ness. Fanners wishing to dispose of fat stock of all discriptions suitable for the market, will always find me with a little of the "readv," and punctual s usual. ap27 JOHN ECHOLS. H. A. Fahucstoek's Vermifuge, A Sure Itcmtdy for Worms. Jia&mct icitk a succes hilherto unparalleled. RcralGrove, Butler co., Pa. Julv2'Jth, 1846. ABOUT ten days ago, a boy belonging to one of my neiglilwrs, anil who had been ill tor a week or more, was seized with spasms, and had four severe fits within twenty-four hours His parents adminis tered two doses of B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge, when he passed one hundred and three large worms, and obtainvd complete relief. JostrH Bu.mmixs, Merchant. Baujwin Townmbip, Alleehnnv co.. Pa. J April 30th, ltKti. Mr. Fahnestock: Sir This will certify that I gave my child aged two years, three teaspoons full of your Vermifuge, upon which it discharged eighty-five large worms. I hadjpreviously called in a Physician, who, however, did no good; but the Vermifuge nave inline diute relief. . M. Bbawpy Certificate of the Mayor of Lancaster, Pa. IiAXCasteh, July 3, lb' 16. Messrs. Fahnestock & co Gentlemen: Several of the younger branches of my family laboring under symptoms indicating worms, induced the application ot various remedies, and lam happy to sny that your Vermifuge had tho desired effect ot, in one instance, removing the almost incredible number of one hundred and fifty-one of the largest worms, from one patient, which, in addition to its other beneficial qualities in my family, established the efficacy of your Vermifuge as a sure cure. .tvi. LAr.ruiitK, Mayor of the city of Lancaster From the Louisville Journal of April, 1846' B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. VYe invite attention to the advertisement of this very valuable medicine. We have repeatedly heard it warmly recommended by some of the most distinguish ed physicians of our city, as the very best remedy of me Kind now in use From the Rev. T. J. Fisher, a Baptist minister in Kentucky: IIorjaEixviMT., Ky., April Hill, 1?1G. This is to certify that 1 have administered B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge with unparalleled success. T-. J. Fisuek. fcjT Read the following from a highly respectiblc house in Knoxville, Tcnn., March 4th, 1846. It (the Vermifuge) has proved the best article of the kind which has ever been used in this part of the coun try; we have other prepnrations for sale but always recommend yours when our opinion is asked. S. MAXbriELD Co. Unparalleled Imvr.sii'wn and Effrontery! An individual named S. Fahnestock has repeatedly inserted that the arti'-le which he calls "Dr. S. Fah nestock's Vermifuge," and which he acknwledges is made after another man's receipe, u the same or the equal to the Vermifuge made by me. The Public are assured that this is abase falsehood and are hereby cautioned against confounding the spurious articlo with mine, ft is entirely different in its composition and does not possess the virtues and powers of my preparation. B. A. FaunSTOck. Pittsburgh, March, If 17. The true and geuinc B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge may at all times bo had at 'he drua warehouse of the subscribers, corner First and wood streets, Pittsburg, renn. ii. A. r aiinestock & co. ap21 tf. Forsaleby W.&, C. BELL, Evansville AV.-& C. liELL, Wholesale and Retail JUrugsfists," HAVE removed iu tiicir new build- uiu itiw uuurs ntju.tr otu stand, Main street, Evansville, Indiana, and are now receiving trom Philadelphia, New York, and Pittsburg, the largest supply of Medicimks. Prints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Grass and (JlasswaKE, St'KGicAL Ixstkumexts, &.C. ever offered in the E'lVans villemarket. Our goods arc entirely fresh, and have been bought in person from importers and manufac turers only. We are therefore enabled to supply merchants, doctors, and and all others wanting these articles, either wholesale or retail, as low as they can be purchased in any city West of the mountains. Those wishing to purchase will do well to give us a call before going to any other market, as we are de termined to sell at a small advance on prime cost. All medicine leaving our house shall be properly packed, and all articles sent to order may be returned if not genuine, or in any way defective, at our ex pense. N. B. We will take Flaxseed, Ginseng, Beeswax, and Feathers, for all goods sold, or in payment of all dejits due us. . " jan lltf. RAISONS. 20 boxes M. R. sale very low by fe4 a fresh article and for W.&.C.BEEL. MACKEREL. 8 bbls. sale low by lei no. 1, just ree'd and for W.&C. BELL. fUST Received, and for sale by the subscribers: P 500 oz. Suluh Quinine, French and American; 150 Engli-Ai and American Calomel; 3 bbls. Camphor; 3 cases Liquoiice Ex; 2 do Aloes; 1 do Assafatida; 1 do Bermudas Arrow Root; 1 do Copal Varnish; 1 do Shellac; 8 carboy's Nitric, Muriatic and Pulph Acid; 4 boxes Tart. Acid; 3 do SaLKochell; 3 casks sup. c. Soda- 250 lbs. Pulv. Jalap; 200 do do Rhei; 150 do cab. Magnesia Eug; 16 oz. Sulph Morphia; 3 bbls. cream 1 artar; 5 do Senna India and Alehd; 1 bale Sareaparilla, (Honduras;) 1 do Stionge; 1 do Cloves; 3 do CoiHs, (bottle and vial.) feb.4 '47. W. & C. BELL, Main st. MEDICAE Agency. We are wholesale and re tail Agents for the following list of Patent Medicines Wister's Balsom of Wild Cherry; Taylor's Balsom of Liverwort; Smith's Tonic Syrup; Fahnestock's Family Medicines; Cave & Shaffer's Tonic; do do Ex. Sarsaparilla; do do Svrup of do; do do Worm Syrup; Covert's bnlsom of Life; Starkweather's Hepatic Elixr; Osgood's Indian Cholagogue; M'Lane's Vennafugeor .Worm Specific; Bull's Honey-coated Tonic Pills; SandV Fluid Ex. Sarsaparilla; Bristol's do do do. feb 4 '47. W. & C. BELL, M.-in st. .E LIQUORS : -gssl 2 half pipes Cog. Brandy, , f-rim 2 bbls. ( ld Fort; 1 do Pure Juice,especiallyforsickncsa The public can rely upon their purity, for sale by feb 18 '47. W. &. C. BELL. STATIONARY: 100 reams ruled Fool's Cap Paper; 100 do letter do; 10 do commercial post do; 50 gross blue and black Ink; Black Sand, Quills; IttcrStamps, Inkstands, Sec. In store and for sale by f 18 W. & C. BELL. f BOTANIC Medicines. Dr. Hutchinson 4 JlaU-hitt have just received a general assort- ment of Botanic Medicines, fresh and pnre,which they will sell as cheap as they can be purchased in the webt their stock comprises all the articles used by Batanic Physicians and families. Also various preparations of their own, viz: Vege table Linament, Cough Lozenges and Syrup, Ague and Fever Pills, Anti-Bilious Pills, Wine Bitters, Spice Bitters, etc. Office corner of Main and Second Cross street. 5pr Prescriptions attended to at all hours, day or night. mar 18 tf. IzA HOUSE and Lot for Sale. Lot numeer 68 occupied by Crawford Bell, 0-,7 will be offered at private sale, as the B1 roperty of the Evansville branch Bank oftheiState Sank of Indiana, until the first Saturday in Jund, and if not sold by that time, will on that day jSe offered at public auction at the court house, between the hours of one and four o'clock , P. M . Bv order of the Board. For terms apply to JOHN MITCHELL, mar 25. 'resident. HOUSE and Lot for Sale. Wishing to leave Evansville, I offer my Hout and Lot forsale. It i situated in Lamasco City, next to the Steam Hour Mill. The House is a double two story frame bouse, with back kitchen, smoke house, and there is also a good shop used as a wagon makers shop. The lot is 25 feet front and rune back 80 feet. I desire to sell it for cash and will give a eood bargain to any person wish ing to purchase. The title is indisputable' If not sold by 1st of June at private sale. 1 will then offer.it at auction. Inquire of the subscrilier on the premises, may 1-Iaw4w. JACOB BLAUTH. FOR. Sale House and Lot for Sale.lAt !!: number one Block thirty-seven, eastern enlarge "ment occunied by A. P. Hutchinson, will be sold at public sale, as the property of the Branch of the State Bank of Indiana, at the court house, on the first Saturday in June, 1847, between the hours of 1 and 4 P. M. By order of the Board. Term of Sale. One-fourth cash, ballance in note payable at the Bank, which is to be renewed every four months on payment of 10 per cent, calls on the whole amount of purchase. ap 20 twuls. W1LLARD CARPENTER. CITY BAKERY. THE subscriber begs leave to i inform the citizens ot Evensville thnt he continues to manufacture Bruad, Rusk, Cake and Crackers uf all kinds, fresh every day, of the best materials and in the best manner. lie will also keep constantly on hand for sale by the barrel or re tail, the best article of Flour. He is determined to plea;-e the tastes of his patrons and hopes to receive a lilieral share of patroniige. His stand is on Main st., next door to Jesse T. Lamb's store. aP2Jtf. NICHOLAS FIX. -j TAI LURING. John Cooter begs leave to rt express his grateful thanks to his old friends for if f the generous support they have extended to him, J- and to assure them and the public that he is pre pared to execute all work in his line in the neatest and latest style. Determined to attend strictly to bis bu siness and ue his best exertions to please, he hopes slill further to increase bis business. thop on the cor, of First and Sycamore st. ap'20 Booxvu.LE.j4ra 19M, 1847. rpo Bridsje Builders. The iSuperintcndants of JL Spencer and W arrick counties will on the 22nd day of May,1847, attend at Scanland's Mill, on Little Pigeon, tar the purpose of Irtrina nut to the least and best bidder the building of a bridge across said Pigeon creek. The contractor will be required to give bond with approved security for tho completion of Baid work. A plan of the bridge can at any time lie seen a::d examined ateitherof the Auditor's offices in said counties. ap 23 3t. JUST RECEIVED a new and splcn- l-'ZZl did assortment of CooKixa Stovls, ot nf beautilul hnish and the latest naterns. Among the lot we offer the celebrated Easti-r Air Tiuiit, an article highly recommended by all who have used them. Also, the Double Oven Cooking Stove, a splendid article thnt has been thorougly tried and recommended by Cyrus K. Drew. Charles Babcock, James Brassclton. S. M. Olmstead and Mr. Hassler. We have also a fine lot of Premium Stoves, any quan tity of Tin Ware, etc., all of which we off.-r lor sale very tow for cash. Give us a call. JAS. SCANTLIN &. SON, Main St.. ap20tw&,w2m. opposite the Chequered Store. J. & XV. K E I L Ij Y, nT WHOLESALE and remit dealers in Groceries, Produce, Salt. &c, Main street, Evansville, Indiana. They have removed to their new brick store, on Main street, next door to John II. Bofamiick &-, whre they are prepared to sell all articles in their line of as good quality and at as low prices as any oilier house in the city. They would take this opportunity of returning thanks to their numerous friends and the public for past tiivors. and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Almost all kinds of country pioduce purchased at their store for cash. june25 '46 tf. MW. FOSTER. Having associated himself in business with John Jonxsox, formerly ofPe tersbtirgh, the business in future will be conducted un der the name and style of Foster &. Johnson, They have removed their Store to the South West sorncrof Main and First streets, known as Bell's Corner Where they have just received an additional supply ot Spring Goods, consisting in part ofLawns, Gingham?, rnnts, rlorance, r-raid. Mraw and fell k Uonnets, Gentlemen's Summer wear. Seventy-five dozen Men's and boys Palm hats. Ladies, Misses and Gentlemen's Summer shoes, which, in addition to tormer otock. will make their assortment complete & desirable. Al so 100 sacks pnnio Kio coltoe, butrar, Cotten X arns. ifcc. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices tor Cash or in Lxchange lor V heat, Corn, Oats, ba con. Feathers, Beeswax, &.C., ice. Also in store 500 bbls of Kanawha Salt. np 8 tf. r Please call and examine rmr stock at Bell's cor ner. FOSTER & JOHNSON. I3EI'1NE1 Loaf Sugar. 75 loaves Stewart's JLV double refined, and three barrels Stewart's crush ed, for sale by fcblj W. Sc C. BELL. CONSUMPTION and Liver Complaint. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort has been used successfully for eight years in the ere of these diseases. Remember the original and genuine is made only at 375 Bowery N. Y., all others are spurious and unau thorized. To the Public We hereby certify that our son, six years old, was suddenly taken ill with a fever, and after a severe sickness; a violent cough ensued. He was bloated, his skin was filled, and his physi cian said there was no favorable symptom about him ;hat he had confirmed consumption. At that time we promred a bottle of that valuable medicine, Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. After taking one bottle, we be gan to have holies of his recovery. He continued un til he had used five bottles. It is now a year from that time, and his health is beeter than it has been since an infant. David &. Hannah Rogers. Granville, Washington co., N. Y. NOTICE ish ereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration on the estate af Frederick Wagner, late of Vanderburgh county and IState of Indiana, deceased. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make im mediate payment : and those having claims against the same are notified to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. 1 he estate is supposed o be insolvent. ELIZABETH WAGN ER, Adm'x. ap27 3tw S. R. Hamill, Atty. A JJewWoek. by Tersico. James G. Ben nett, in a recent letter from Paris, gives an ac count of a visit to the Studio of Persico, in which he found a new statue that the artist had just completed for a Russian Countess of wealth. He says: "It is difficult to describe the design, but here goes the attempt. It was in paradise, and I think on the sixth or seventh morning after the creation of heaven and earth. The sun was shining over the garden of Eden the trees were quivering in the morning breeze the flowers throwing off their fragrance in every direction. On a small block of marble, half way between the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, and under the shade of a beautiful aca cia, there was sitting, with one leg under the other thigh, a female in the full bloom of health, beauty and youth. It was Eve, just alter her creation by the Lord God, but before she had seen mat, or had been led by the invis ible hand of her Maker to the marriage couch of Adam in another corner of paradise. Inno cence, beauty, virtue, softness, almost girlish ness, swelled every vein, und moved in every limb. On her right stood a little dog, lifting up its right foot, and looking up to the lovely wo man, who had on her hand a fluttering dove. The arms of the lovely female are both thrown up high over her head. Her left hand is thrown back towards Heaven her right, with long ta pering fingers, bears the dove above her head. The little dog, from his attitude, seems to want to play with the dove the dove is slightly freightened at the movement of the dog, and cowers down on the beautiful hand of its pro tector. The head of Eve is half averted from the dog to the dove, while a soft smile, just caught in. the bud, is suffused over the face. The smile proceeds from the luxuriant short lips of a lovely small mouth, and radiates half way up the cheeks. The head, the bust, the arms, the thighs, the ligs, the feet, the w hole limbs and lineaments are all' most exquisit in grace, delicacy, and richness of outline, al most verging on voluptuousness. Yet from the position, the expression, the ease, the ap parent occupation of the woman, there is noih ing veloptuous or earthly in the design or supposed to exist in her mind. She seems to be perfectly rmconscious that she is young or a woman, or beautiful, or uncovered, vt that sire win command any admiration or desire from any created being. Her whole expression is an open and unsubdued girlish delight at the attitudes and sensations of the cowering dove, and the familiar little dog at her feet. The dog want to catch the dove from playfulness the dove is intimidated and the half-ripening smile and exquisitively beautiful attitude of the female, give the mind a most vivid im pression of the unconscious purity of Ere before she was led to the bovver of Adam. In this point of view I think the statue of Persico presents a design more pure, more ex quisite, more sublime, than that of Venus de Medicis. The Venus always seems to me, from the altitude ami position, to represent a beautiful woman, who had just discovered that she had lost her drapery, and would give any price, even six shillings a yard, for a chemise or a night gown. Some of the proportions in Per sico's Eve are different from those in the Ve nus. Neither the neck, nor the feet are so long, and I find that Mrs. B., who has been studying the Venis de Medicis in the gallery of Flojence, makes an objection to the length of her neck, not as a critic, but as a quick-eyed woman in female form and proportion )n the whole, I have but little doubt but Persico's statue will create a noise in Europe before lorg. He is an American citizen by naturali zation, but he believes that he is even more,' for his mind and his genius have grown up in that free land, and he w ill soon return to make it his permanent home. French Liberality. The Paris correspond ent of the Boston Atlas, speaking of the efforts making in France to rdieve the poor of tliat country, says The aid given to individuals is enormous, ev ery city, village and hamlet distributing tick ets to the poor, with which they can obtain bread at four cents a pound. The municipality of Paris have for weeks distributed 500,000 of these tickets every day, and as bread is now nearly six cents a pound, its daily charity is up wards of nine thousand dollars, besides large sums given in cash, wood, medicines and cloth ing. Charitable societies and individuals swell this noble work, all the capitalists of the day contributing largely. Ladies have sold their Jewelry; one old priest sold the watch he had carried since his boyhood, and several colleges have disposed of their libraries to relieve star vation. "Abouta month since," saysa letter to the National, "w hen it was so very cold, a per son went to demand charity of General Urouot, (who died last week.) 'I have not a sous,' said the General: but after a pause he added 'ah! yes, my full uniform vet remhins.' A dealer was sent for, and he sold his imperial uniform, with the epauletts he wore at Waterloo, to pur chase bread for the poor of Nancy."