Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY MOBNINQ . HAT 21 The Star Spangled Banner In Trlomph yet waves O'er tbe land of the Vm and the home of the Bare." M. THAYER N. SILVEBTHOBN.. ......Editor .Associatb fcCBtifc&IPTION PBICE FOB DAILY : DeliTered in the Oitv. per week .......?0 10 By mail or in the Oity. per year (io advance) 6 00 FOB WEEKLY : By nail per year, Blngle subscriber ......... BO " " " clob of fire (to one address) 6 00 ADVEHTISINQ. For Terns see first page, tabnlar form. AGENTS ? The following gentlemen are onr anthorized Afrents in the places named : S. M. Pettengill A Co., No. 37 Park Bow, New York, and No. 6 State 8 1 rest. Boston, are on r Agents for the Journal in those cities, and are an thorized to take Advertisement and Subscriptions for us at our lowcst bates. Dr. ialaton, Boouville, Warrick Co. John M. Lockweod, Mt. Vernon, Posey Oo. John B. Dangherty, Bock port, flpencer Co. James L. Thornton, Princeton, Gibson Co. John B. Handy, Newbnrg, Warrick Co. Dr. Morphy, New Harmony, Posey Co. A. B. Wilkinson, Cynthlana. Preston Talbott, Poseyville, Posey Co. II. H. Custon, Petersburg, Piko Co. John Grant, Canal P. O., Warrick Oo. Bobt. A Tnroop, Francisco, Gibson Oo. Dr. H. Wilson, Owensville. TAKE NOTICE, EVERYBODY ! If yon want anything. If yon have anything to sell, . . If yon want to buy anything, If you want to rent a House, If you want Boarders, If you have lost anything, If you have found anything, TELL TEN THOUSAND FE0PLB BY ADVEB TISING IN THK EVANS VI LLE JOURNAL. "All wants supplied by advertieiue ia the Jodbji ai ' gey- The letter written oa board the Galena, which appears this morning in our telegraph dispatches, indicates that for once onr nary has met with a repulse. The " sour grapes," which crop out here and there through the letter, while they have 'no effect in softeniog the news of tbe re pulse, indicate that the commander of the Galena was guilty of a fool-hardy experi ment, and had the satisfaction of knowing that his fine vessel is knocked to pieces while be had no prospect whatever of accomplish ing aiy permanent good. With batteries s'tii' ated on a high bluff, so they could bring a plunging fire upon any vessel having the temerity to venturo within range, and with the river blocked np with sunken vessels, we cannot see why the commander of a ves eel should anchor within point blank range of so formidable a battery, and deliberately remain there until his vessel was all cut up and her crew slaughtered. It certainly i3 quite consoling to know that it ia definite ly settled that the' Galena will not resist solid shot, especially where it comes plung ing and lights on her decks. We presume tbe fact was also established that when the shot from a 1 0-inch 'columbiad struck a Bailor, it was most apt to result in his death. The explosion of the large Parrott gun on tbe Naugatuck, indicates that these guns unlike the Euglish guns of the Arm strong make will not stand a heavy ' charge of powder, and are safe and effective only when of a small calibre. Prom an Occasional Correspondent- Washington, May 14, 1862. Editors Journal. The Capital of the nation is in its glory now. Tbe flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and nature is everywhere npspringing in wondrous beauty. Yet one who has been here in other years, when we were a united and happy people, is saddened as he walks these Btreets and contemplates the changes made in two ' short years. Go into the Senate or the House of Representatives, and you look down upon those vacant seats and wonder whether they will ever again be occupied by men from the States now arrayed in re bellion against the best government upon the face of the earth. It is unpleas ant to observe the unkind feeling ex isting between Senators from the border States and those who advocate ultra North ern views. Charles Sumner is a splendid man. I am glad bis health is restored so that he is again permitted to deliberate in the councils of tbe nation, but he and his colleague, Senator Wilson, are pushing their abolition sentiments quite too far. Tbe immediate emancipation of four mil lions of slaves would be fraught with un untold evils, and it is fortunate that the ma jority of the Republican Senators are of this opinion. I hate slavery. I believe with John TFealey, that if we " take the vilest word in the vocabulary and put it into tbe mouth of the serpent of the pit, and let him sleep for an age in his venomous slime, it would then be too holy to pronounce all the abominations of slavery. But we must remove this gigantic evil gradually and cautiously. The conduct of tbe border State Senators is likewise reprehensible. I was sorry to hear Senator Powell, the other day, apply such opprobrious language to the President and his Cabinet because they adopt such stringent measures in crushing this mighty rebellion. Hale, of New Hampshire, has grown gray in the service of his country. He is a conservative man, whose counsels may be eafely followed. Sauls,bury, of Delaware, ia one of the finest looking men in the Senate; and a very effective speaker, but be is as strong in his pro-slavery as Sumner and Wilson are in their anti-slavery views. Strangers who visit . here at this season will be gratified with a trip to Alexandria. One year ago the rebel flag was waving over that ancient city; now, the star-spangled banner is unfurled in nearly every Street. Those ia sympathy with the South find their elegant mansions turned into hos pitals for our sick and wounded soldiers. iJnion soldiers are quartered in what was s once a slave-pen. We read tbe sign, Price, Birch & Co., Dealers in Slaves. The firm would find themselves dealing with freemen if they were in that vicinity uow. The Marshall House, where fell the first martyr in this unnatural war, is now occu pied by a Union man, and large numbers of our officers were dining there during our visit, without fear of interruption by a re bellious landlord. -. - Every Wednesday and Saturday an op portunity is offered to visit Mount "Vernon, and in this charming month of May, the steamer is crowded with those who desire to look upon the home andjtomb of Wash- inton. It ia a plain, unpretending man sion, on the banks of the Potamac, having been changed but slightly since tbe Father of our Country died. Visitors are shown the room in which be expired, and the bed on vfhicn he lay. As we walked through his garden under trees which had sheltered him from the scorching rayB of the summer eun, and stood at his tomb, we were thankful that tbe soil of his native State was so soon to be free from the dominion of rash and re bellious men. We left this sacred spot our American Mecca grateful that we bad been permitted to visit tbe home and the grave of the greatest of men; who was first in war, first in peace, and who is still first in tbe hearts of his countrymen. The traveler is everywhere struck with tbe great change which in one short year has come over this land of Washington, Eigh teen months ago we could travel from East to West and find our countrymen all en gaged in peaceful avocations; now alas bow changed I Soldiers meet us in every village town or city. We are henceforth to be a great military people. The heroes of Donelson, Pittsburg, Williamsburg, and Norfolk, are to occupy official position among us. Tou of the great and gallant West will hereafter have a military history of which you may be justly proud. Your sons " have fought like brave men long and well and piled your fields with rebels (slain." You have won tbe gratitude of the whole na tion. Every loyal man can adopt the lan guage of the Governor of Massachusetts when be says " not even the country's voice can loudly enough proclaim tbe debt which our country owes to these noble men who have met tbe angriest waves of this rebellion and rolled them back upon their depths. Tbe heart of every son of Massachusetts looks to salute them and do them homage. Viator. EQf We apprehend that all current at tempts to regalvanize the late Democratic party into existence as a distinct organiza tion, will signally fail. There can be but one object held in view by the several in dividuals who have taken the job in charge, and that object is to embarrass the Admin istration. JPbether it be the "eimon pure" Breckinridger, under the lead of Mr. Bu chanan, or tho mischief-making sort, under tbe auspices of Vallandingbam & Co- the object aimed at is one, and tbe end ot each will just as certainly bo one defeat. Neither conservatism, as such, nor radical ism .us such, is destined to extricate tho country from its perilous situation. But the party which embodies the strong com mon sense of the country is bound to con trol the destinies of the Republic hence forth. No soured and vindictive heretofore partizan can construct a successful party organization in these times. Such men bare private grudges to wreak, and will not be permitted to wreak tbem at tbe ex pen'se of the country. Their legitimate field of operation is in bar-rooms and cor ner groceries, whose frequenters are com monly actuated by like motives in the per formance ot public duty. We do not here refer to honest differences of opinion, which are always sacred and to be respected ; but to the grovelling spirit of faction which moves certain members of all organized parties in some degree. Earnest and true men will not stop jnst now to split hairs, or settle mooted questions of political economy. The men who propose o deal "with such wise distinctions, and who cannot conceal the evidence of a soured and embittered spirit, are just fitted to the work of disorganization. In no other way can they so signally testify their hatred of order and progress. They have a constant regard for the constitutional rights of men who have repudiated tbe Constitution ; but who has ever heard them devote one hun dred words consecutively to the condem nation of the high-handed treason which has filled the land with tears and blood. Philadelphia Press. A LIST Of the sick on board the Louisiana, May 17, 1872, from Pittsburg Landing. Of these, a pari were left at Mt. Vernon, and the balance at this city. 10th ILLINOIS. Joseph "Brockerson co G, R S Mullhouse co G, A Shausham co I, M P TTells co K. 57th ILLINOIS. Clayton Moody co A, Geo A Dodge co A, John Rodgers eo A, Jas Russell co A, Pat Dermott co A, J S Orne co C, John Kelly CO E. 40TH ILLINOIS. James Kinney co A, S Beach co E, TFm Torrine co H. 30TH ILLINOIS. John Moffatt co C, Squire Thayer co C, Elias Reny co F.Jacob Fraken co F, Thos Willard co G, Fred Mulvany co G, Ed Ri3 ley co H, J B Handshaw co H, Oliver Reed co H, Joseph Pierson co I. 31ST ILLINOIS. IP" McCormick co F, R Horsley co F, D Terrell co F. 8th ILLINOIS. W H Reynolds co C, Wax Long worth co F, J Davis co H, R A Tucker co 11. 6 1ST ILLINOIS. James Abney co G, Joseph Abney co G, Geo Simmons co G. 42SD ILLINOIS. T Baldwin co B, J Young co D, N Swan co D, P Dabloi co D, David McCoy co G. 34th ILLINOIS. John F Reynolds co B, J S Clark co D, ti Dow co G, A J Earn co I. v 45TH ILLINOIS. S D White co D, Lt E L Lawrence co F. F Lagrange co G. - 51ST ILLINOIS. J W Russer co D, W Kingston co D, IF H Monroe co K. 12TH ILLINOIS. A Strawbridge co G, Jesse Miron co G, Cas Grake co I. . 18TH ILLINOIS. F IT Handy, co D, G IFhitaker co D. 40TH ILLINOIS. S McAdams co A, Chas Bisky co H. 20th ILLINOIS. J H Tnrlliger co I, J F McCandless co I. llTH I L LI KOI 3. John Beck co D. , 56TH ILLINOIS, J II Miller co I. 41sT ILLINOIS. Daniel Linsman co A. 17th ILLINOIS. John Jaston co G. 1 7th OHIO. Lieut P Crasson co E. Richard Balton, co G, Wm Schward co G, John M Perrin co G, F Maxwell co G, Bill McElroy co II, A G Christy co H, Sol Wagner co I, A B Mor tal co K. 49th OHIO Henry Landing co A, D J Gross co C, D Kramer co D, Wm Bush co D, John McGar ger co K. 5TH OHIO CAVALBY. J W Adams co A, W E Parker co A, R Penny co A, J R R McChesney co A, W M Dye co A, Oscar Davis co A, J H Parmer- lee co E, J A McPberson co E, G B Wat- kins co II, J J Jones co II, G B Morton co I, J C Matbnr co . 3D OHIO CAVALBY. H Yeasting co B, M Mikley co D, J D Jowlman co E, A C Broten co E, Ansel Elms co G, Wm A McKabe co E, D R Wil kinson G, W Whitehead co H, H H Bunker co H, F Myers co M, G W Monsy , H L Branian , S R Robins . 6th OHIO battery. John O'Donnel, Thos Jumblesouse, Geo Wright, J Wardrop. 37th ohio. John Scunover co H, San Spradley co H. 20th OHIO. J C Mayfield co D, J E Jones co F. 31st OHIO. E Doan co I, Peter Lobmen co K. 54th OHIO. R R Rose co E. 53d ohio. E V Sampson co F. 7(T1I OHIO. Warren Goseett co II. 19th OHIO. W Baker co F. 25th OHIO. Core Robinson co A. 15th oino. Surgeon Henry Spillman. 84th OHIO. Mile3 Casle co K. 28th ohio. Charles Varnes co G. 65th ohio. Z F Wagner co K. 3b D IOWA. F S Bradley co A, J M Snook co A, H Gardner co A, Jus Crowley co A, J H La kin co F, F M Garrison co F, W D Hard stuff co F, W R Clapp co G, W Cbadlick co II. 8th iow a. E B Badger co C, Thos Shoop co I. 13th iowa. W A Norni co A, Mike Faulkner co A, Lieut G Martindale co B, M M Jackson. 7th iowa. D C Andrews co B, J Wesley co E, W Cole. 11th iowa. J M Taylor co A, Jas Fitzgerald co B. 2nd iowa. W S Nab'.e co G. 16th iowa. J B Kain co H. 18TH 0. S. INFANTRY. William Cipher, Charles Shriek, James Heinee. 19th u. s. infantry. Sargt Am morse. 2ND U. S, ABTTILLERV. Henry Simon co F. llTH KENTUCKY. C McClelland co A, J M Turner co B, J C JcS3up co B, D Watson co O, VV Keith co C, Andrew Key co E, A Vaughn co F, Sara J Hope co r, W A William j co K. 6TH KENTUCKY. H B Taylor co B, Sargt G Winter co D Corp D B Tucker co F. 13TH KENTUCKY W H Cashoman co B, C Warren co H, E H Harlow co I. 3D KENTUCKY CAVALRY. J E Howard co B, John Libby co B, K Jl Simon co D, W tt Webb co G. 7TH KENTUCKY. J W Buck co F. 20TH KENTUCKY. John Miller co B, John Craw co H. 2ND KENTUCKY. Godfrey Sigel co K. 26TH KENTUCKY. F Riggs co C. 15TH MICHIGAN. Henry Bradley co E, John Hope co G, A J Hamlin co K, Mike G ran lick co K. 2ND MICHIGAN CAVALRY. J McCullough co F, C M Gregory co G, John S Hovey co H, W Henry co H, W R Phillips co II. 12TH MICHIGAN. Ja3 Forsythe co B, S J Logier co G. 5TH MICHIGAN. Wilson Carney co K. - - llTH MISSOURI. Wm Houston co F, Gid Blackledge co F, J M Jennings co G, 18TH MICHIGAN. W B Jack6on co C, Sam Banner co E. 2 1ST MISSOURI. J Clark co K. 3D MISSOURI. E F Robiason co F. 25th MISSOURI. Philip Major co B. ' 8TH WISCONSIN. - Z Odell co B, J F Hogan co B, Jas Looth aker co B. 10TH WISCONSIN. Allen Cook co D, Jas Smith co G, E Lampher co II, C II M Howard I. 1 6TH WISCONSIN. Sargt J S Bean co D, R S Towsley co D. 18TH WISCONSIN. C W Briggs co K, Melvin Brown co K. 17TH WISCONSIN. Thes Flanigan co E. 3 1ST INDIANA. Jim O'Connell co C, J A Buchaloo co F, W Strain co G. 53D INDIANA. J Ballon co E, Mike Colgate co F, Hard co H, J H Liodley co K, 40TH INDIANA. C Mills co C, H W Moiree co O. '2ND MINNESOTA. ' Serg J Bradley, Thos E Dalton. 77TH PENNSYLVANIA. W H Kennedy co G. Wm gg" The lesidence of Andrew Kake, Esq., about ten miles west of this city, was burned on Monday night about 1 o'clock. The family were arou3ed from their sleep by the falliog timbers and cracking flames, and only escaped from the bouse in their night elothes ; not one article of clothing or furniture was saved. After the family had all made their escape from the housei Mrs. Kake, either under the impression that some of her children were yet in the burn ing house, or in quest of money and valua ble papers belonging to Mr. Kake, who was absent from home at the time, rushed in, and was, after considerable search, found and carried out, burned so that lif, was extinct. One of the daughters, a young lady grown became frantic on missing her mother, and rushed into the flnmss, but was, by the al most superhuman efforts of Mr. George, carried out, 'not, however, until she was burned most frightfully. Her recovery is very doubtful. Fatal Railroad Accident. On Friday afternoon as the mail and accommodation train west, on the Terre Haute and Rich mond railroad was approaching toe station at Highland, the engineer discovered a child stick its head and shoulders above the cow pit and the mother running to rescue it. tie immediately reversed his engine, and blew "down brakes." but unfortunately it was too late, as tbe discovery was made when within a few yards of where the child was The mother was instantly killed, and tbe child, we learn, survived only a few hours, No blame is attached to tbe engineer or attaches of the rosd, as it is plain tbe engi neer did al! that mortal man could do to prevent so sad a catastrophe. Wabash Ex, A Gknuinb Irish Soldier We had the pleasure of a call, ou Monday night, by Capt. Joyce, of the bloody Tenth Ohio, whom we tound to be a trump, and no mistake. He is a live - Irishman, possessed of all their vivacity and shiewdness, and like most ot them, a good talker. He wa just from Gen. Mitchell's headquarters at Huntsville, Alabama, whence he came by way of Nashville. Tbe Captain loves excitement and risks, and bo has well nigh bad enough of both since he has been in sece?8:a. One adventure he related to us is too good to be lost. While on his way from Shelbyville to Nashville, he was compelled to leave bis horse, in consequence of a ball he had re ceived from a guerilla, and was walkin leisurely along, amusing himself by practic ing with his revolver, when, just after be had emptied tbe last chamber of his revolver. a man rushed towards him calling out " who are you ?" " I am a Federal officer,' replied Joyce, "who are you?" " You are my prisoner," exclaimed se- cesb. "Not by a d d sight," said tb Captain, springing to a tree and levelin his revolver at the rebel before the latter bad time to draw his. " Now, throw down your arms, you bloody traitor," says the Captain, ' or I' blow your cussed brains out." Secesb hesitated a moment, then sid denly dropped his revolver and surrendeied to an Irishman with an empty revolver an a vast deal of impudence. Captain Joyce brought his prisoner to Nashville, and with his horse, pistol, coat and gold-laced cap as trouhies, was on bis way, when be saw him, to Cincinnati, to drink a poteea o Irish whisky to his future success. Capt. Joyce informs us further, that Job Bell and Jerry Clemens are on their wsy to Washington, on passes from General Mitchell, to negotiate for peace from the Government. Local Ngavs, Handsome Music. IKe have received from tbe publisher, D. P.Faulds, Louisville Ky., a handsome piece of sheet music, en titled, " I'm looking for him home," writ ten and composed by TPill L. Hays.- The music has a neat title page, and is one of those simple ballads that never fail to reach the heart. Statistical Pocket Manuel. Mr. II ea ley has hande i us the second volume of this truly valuable little work. This volume sustains the credit of the first and contains a complete epitome of those facta which one desires most to know in these times of war and bloodshed. Mr. Healy has a' sup ply of tbe work on hand. Boqcet D'Odeurs. If our readers do not understand tbe above, we would refer them tt Mr. H. J. Schlaepfer, Druggist, Parfu muer and Chiniste, corner of Main and Second streets, who will take pleasure not only in interpreting this, but will also show them the most recherche assortment of t e liciou3 perfumes and triple extracts evtr brought to this city. All the poet's fancy ever dreamed of in the way of sweet scd fragrant odors, is more than realized at H. J. Schlaepfer's. As an evidence of his good taste, he advertise? liberally in the Journal. Frank Leslies Moathly. We are in debted to Mr. Dobell, bookseller and news Lagent of Main street, for a copy of this beautiful 'and interesting work; the No for June. This is tbe richest and cheapest monthly published. - Mr. Dobell is prepared to fill orders for this or any of tbe popular monthlies. 6 The rain which has fallen during the last thirty-six hours has produced a most pleasing change in the appearance oi nature. Every species of vegetation looks bright, vigorous and happy again. The benefit to the ripenine crain is inestima- e. River Stwi. The decline of the river will probably be checked by the heavy rain of the past 36 hours, and the waters may perhaps be wollen again. Tbe Pocahontas, from Nashville for Lou- isville, passed up Monday night. The gay and gallant little Courier ar rived at 11 o'clock on Monday night, hav ing made an excellent run. She left yes terday afternoon, crowded with passengers, while Tom Wheeler kept muttering of pic nics, shady walks, fairy nymphs, beautiful houris, gay bouquets, and such like. The Liberty, from Cairo to Wheeling' passed up yesterday morning. The Tom Scott came up from Cairo. Tbe Lady Pike for Pittsburg Landing, passed down. Tbe magnificent Eugene and the unsur passable Big Grey Eagle came down like swift winged mercuries yesterday and re- 1 turned again to Louisville. The Lady Franklin and the Ida May, both with full loads, passed down last evening. The W. W. Crawford from Pittsburg Landing, reached here yesterday at noon and after disposing of ber load, returned last night, or will leave early this morning for the Tennessee river. The Arago came down last night. The steamer W. TT. Crawford arrived f-om Pittsburg Landing yesterday, with over two hundred siK soldiers, under charge of Gen. Stone, who has devoted sev eral weeks exclusively to this truly philan thropic work. He has not only given bis time but his labor, as he takes bold with his hands, and sets an example of energy and industry to those by whom he is sur rounded. To our friend, Mr. Gee, formerly of the Yincefines Gazette we are indebted for a list of those on board, which we will pub. lisb to-morrow. The Crawford left again last night, we believe for Pittsburg Land ing. . IIOJIK 1HTKR.KSTS. For a durable and tasteful. Spring suit, go to Lyon's, who receives fresh sup plies daily by express, and ia this Spring selling the most " nobby" and recherche goods to be found in tbe New York mar ket at Broadway prices. Clothing at Auction. H. Nelson & Co. will sell out for cash, commencing this morning at 9 o'clock, at tbe Peoples' Cloth ing Store, No. 79 Main street, all of tbat Btock of ready-mado clothing and tailors' furnishing goods, without reserve. We think it will be a rare chance to get cloth ing cheap. Auction Sale of Stonb Wabs. On Saturday May 24th 1862 at 9 o'clock, I will Ecll at pnblic auction at my auction room, corner of Main and Third streets, 200 dozen assorted stone ware, consisting of Bowls, Pitchers, Butter Jars, and every ar ticle belonging in that line of ware. At 2 o'clock I will sell a good assortment of Clothing and Dry Goods, Sboeg, Hats, Caps &c, &c. J. J. Cohn, Auctioneer. It rarely buppens that in our edito rial capacity our readers find us premedi tatedly and with malice aforethought en gaged in pufung any patent medicine, but during our went trip to the melan choly scenes ot Pittsburg Landing there was one medicine which w round in the bands of nearly every so'dier, giving relief wherever applied, whether internally or externally. We refer to Perry Davis' Vet etable Pain Killer. All spoke loud in its prai?e, and the kind hearted Surgeon of one of our Indiana regiments informed us that be believed it was the only thing tbat saved at least half of bia regiment from dying of dysentery during a recent long march, and we cannot help suggesting to onr friends among the army sutlers that it is one of the articles they should never be out of. It is packed in saw dost, two dozen in each box, and can be forwarded over the roughest road withont danger of breaking. Is soid in Gvansville by Keller & Wbiie, Preston Bro's, P. Veirling, Leich & Carl stedt, and S. E. Gilbert & Co. J. N. HARRIS & CO., apl8-d3ui Proprietors, Cinciunali. Medical Kotlce. Dr. T. C. Gale, a gradaate of tbe Ohio Medical College, respectfully lenders his prot'esional services to the citizens of Ev ansville and adjacent country. In introducing himself to a strange com munity, he begs leave to state tbat after en joying great advantages as a student, he graduated twenty years ago, and bas been ever since engaged in tlm active duties of his profession, principally in Vevay of this State. Evidences of his graduation and stand ing, es a physician, would be cheerfully placed before any gentleman desirous of ex amining tbe same. Office on First street, on second floor, in the Post Office Building. Room No. 6. Residence in the new brick on tbe corner of Third and Gum streets. He can be found at his office during the day and at bis residence at night. May 12-lmd. EVANSV1LLB WHOLKSALK ,UAH KKT REPORT. CORB.ECTID DAILY ET F. f HASPS A CO. EvAsvn,l,E, Tnd., May 5, 1862. FLOUR, Super.; ... 84.004.10 do. Extra. S4.'!5a4.2.'5 CORN 25(S2R e WQEAT, Bed . 75a77o WHEAT, White . 8082o O ATS . . -25(33iic RYE 4U(43o BAEI-EY j. 4V BEAKS . Jl.6&il.40 "LOVER SKK.D..... f TIMOTHY SEED ?7,"" KLAX SEED Sl l,?M, POTATOES f0 ONIONS ..50(so5c HIDES, Green iP-iT HIDES, Dry liif DRIED APPLES V-IVJviS UKEKN APrtES, tbl... .2,W(2.M) DRIED PEACHES- .81,15(91.25 HAY ! 0(3l EUG9, per bbl 87.CO&S8.0O WHISKY 2(kJ CHEESE ; 8ii8J4 EXCHANGE ON M. X., ouymg at par, selling 10 SOLDIERS' LETTERS. Foar Of:ce, Evansvillo, luA., May 21, 1802 . Tjirtern for the fHloirinir r-Jtmed nrr.oas have cme to the Evunsvillo Poit Office, simply directed 'Ti " There teine lour hospituls in ibis city, it is liaid to dutingnib to w hich one tueytelong. when writing, Do careiui io Biate ie numbir -r the hospital. Iu calling for those letter, givo aate or list. Brockway El Branen Wm Kelley Dnnois Ktdzie Dr R C K, rr Jas M J'Uls tranci M , Hen-h Andreai Wayn Lvmmi MoDonfJd V B 'i WcMnrran Wm Nllvtt Wm Peat man David Spencer C M 2 Simriou Wm 14 Taney or Yaocy T Westcott A M Weldon C'fin flill.-t Jus 'I White Noiri WIU Capt Jas A Wallace Ham Walth Jaints. Burns Hcury Bicva II K Bi own Jas W , CerpcnttM- Mr, Surgeon Dodd Wn D-ivia JelT -Ellison Slaughter urauoe Biitjr Al Gatia Syl Gflman Dr B F lleoker V V Hoaxland Henry Hopkins Phy Hampton Mike Judd H F Johiuson Cv Jenning Chas II JAMES H. McNESLT, P.M. iia1liioad hkck1pts. Mat 20. 11 bhds sugar. Cement A Viele; 11 bxs shoes. H: 1 box P SI, Crane, Brown C"; 7 casks jowls, 128 sks potato?, 1 bbl eggs, J H Mnghee A Co; "O doors. 4o bkls gain, w Heeler 4 Hig-; M barrels crackers, GO bbls cake?, W ftl Aikman t Co; 3 bxs shoes, Read A Lawrence; 291 bneh wheat, George Foetar A Go: 27 doors, 13S bills sash, Orr. Dalsell A Co; 1 Lx skirts, HA K; 7 bxs dry gjods, 1 bale rattan, a.een A 1' res ten; z crates rcckery, liol lineswcrlh Bros; 1 bx ramr. W H ChutdlT-r; i bxs, 1 bbl drugs, W E Hallock; 1 bx drugs, W Bierbower: S bx dry good lislj Iloser. Mt Ver non; 1 car load shfngles, James Swaoson; 8 boxes paper hangings ard flttings f Krnum, 4lxs dry goods, Mackey, Uenuinn & Co; 1 bbl of potatoes, LioiiM Sillier; 1 keg gas fittings, 7 bdls gas pipe, Start & Duncan, 14 bales sad-He trees, O Babcock; 31 bags meai, 1 bag sacks, R B Bart; 300 feet pine lumber. Uobeit f urau, i i n.ur, i tx nutter, Kd Ingle; 1 bx mdse, E Shield-; 3 bxn drugs, 2 bbl cream tartars P Vierlirg; 3 bxs bed clothe, D C filr'ngal, Chief Bttd:caii rector, I'ntsourg Land ing, Tenn. A. E. SURADER, Agent. NEW. AUVr'RTlSbMENT:. CIRCULAR. rmnti vjvitHRSiojyrutt, iuhkc- JS. tors of ib.3 ' Kanawha Salt Ass ciation,' i co-operation ith the"Ohij Salt k-m, a y, have under their articles of consolidation, betriug date ot March IStb, 1802, re districted ail t'.o salt Ter ritory, by which we have diecontinned a!l Hub Aeencits. and established in stand eight Deposito ries for the sale of our salt at the following named D'aces: Mavsvil'e, Cn clnnatl. Mail Hon, 1,011 u vitle. Kransville, Padncah, N.vhville, and rt. Lou s. At ench of the named Depositories we have place ! Sold AirjntK. and deposited with tbim, under cover. a full supply of large and tmail barrels Kanawhu bait, to be sold tor Ca-n. We have empowered and appointed CBANI, BliOWN A CO., At KvnuiVillo, uh row Agents, wli aiein eadinea to fill ordetsatth lowest estab lished ratus. AVM DiCKINSOM, Jr., 1 L. BcrrMEK, J. II. oaks, Directors. F. W- LtSB, J. K. TBI) CD. J EvAXt-victE, May 18tb, 1862. may 21 2md LEAVES THURSDAY MORNING FOR PITTSBURG LANDING. G K 11 STB SI KE, fc-feSwWJ "33- T. !TJ.1VSL!Si," C. fit. KICHEY. ED. FOKD, Clerk. Leaves ponitiTely on Thnrid'-y mornh-g. May 221. For freight or p.issie apply to JNO. B. HALL. A?ent, may21-2t No. li Water 8t. TAX NOTICE. rig li. I'unsytjvs Hjvowrjva mJL themselves de.lnqnent on Tax Duplicates would do well to calL iminetf lately and eett'e the rnme 11 they wlMi to save costs, lor I shall prot eftd to collect the sinie according to Piw. LK l.OY CA LVKBT, T. V. O. May 21st, 18C2. 3wdw NEW MARBLE WOEKS ILEIORIIURin - ("orceieors to M. A. LAwatNd,) Have removed their Marble Works to their New Building on Main St., East of Court House, Where they are prepared to Fill all ORDERS with Promptness And at lower price? Ihan any ether ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WIST. THEIR STOCK OF MARBLE Is large, and is of the most excellent quality. THEY DEFY COMPETITION, And invite the citizens of Evan-vi'N and (be sar rounding ronnty to call a'.d ; . Examine their Stock & Work Before purchasing elsewhere. - ALL WORK WARRANTED To give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. May 20th, 1802. dGn Great Inducement to Invest TO JVOW OFF Mi It JffOH I-JS JL Parrel Factory, Building, Steam Engine and Machinery, a-ipablerf making orer numirea Apply to JAMES OAKLEY. Evansville, MaT 20. 1863. d2w WM. P. HARGRAVE, attorney at Iitv9 EVAN3VILLE, INDIANA. Office No. 4 J North 2 htrd Streets, with un i. a. r i w tr neeter jgienari. may20 8md ICE I ICE I ICE!! irsosi'MTJi s tjs o j t s MM and the people geaerailv will lake nntira that there is plenty of the eel ebrated Terre Haut j Ice coLStantly on hand at the ' D-not (iirimr." Orders accompanied by the cash promptly attended jusiovers aesirmg tee wilt please forward he cash with their orders for tickets. lmyi3J EfwARD TXGLH. JL to parohase 500 in citv ordara. for whirh she will pay tho current raUs. P-tt O. E. LEWIS. W. Vt ffiS' ADVERTlSEiflHT. nrr e aving adopt ed the exclusive Cash system and so increased my stock as to he equal to the rap idly increasing demand for well made, tasteful, and durable line Clothing, I am now prepared to furnish alt kinds S of Fine Clothing j and Furnishing j Goods, at Whole j sale and E&etail, fully as cheap as the same class of Croods can be bought, in New' York. I will, on the 15th of this month (May,) receive a large stock of good Linen and light Woolen Goods for the Whole sale Trade. Merchants visit ing Evansville to purchase Goods, will please call and examine my Stock, "whic't will be large, and comprise very desirable and saleable ttnnHs. T will receive frcsl tri-weeklv by Ex press for the Retail Trade.