Newspaper Page Text
WEDJTESDAY MORNING.:..... ... MAT 21 Special Nonces, tttltoseay's JUI.BIHo JWtettont, When we find oor ideas Ioa clear than csnnl, eye sight dimmed find head diss . we may 1r snre that we are In immediate nerd of tome cooling and purifying medicine. No time shonld bs lost in procuring a box o ITolIoway's Pills , which will rotors order to the deranged fan- tions of the liver and stoujaeh. 17-t " tfhmt mi HVm do it Wmr. Much every way. But die can't keep peace in tbe fam ily without a bottle of Dead Shot tn kill ff the blood-thirsty hordes of hungry Tied-Bugs 'list. an in Tito 1, introduce themselves to her lodgers, to their treat annoyance and disgust. Now is tl.a time to nee it. Kill 'em now I No family shou d be withrwt it. The Dead Shot makes a clean sweep ; reuders peace certain by the anuihi'ation of tl-eenrmy. FOLD BT ALL THE DXLGGIoTS. Agents in Evansville, KKLLEK WH1TJC. r13 13d I m Th tro4 emit tixptrtence of sm(M.-Published fur the benefit and as a warning and a cannon to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Prematura Decay, Ac; supplying at the lata time the rotaiu of Self-Gore By wue who hicirei liiui-elf after beiug put to great expense through medical imposition and "nackery. Dy euelo Jog a pj t paid addrosaed en Trior, KJiNOf'K riu my be had of tho author, NATHANIEL HAYFAIU, Its.,, Bedford, Kings, Co., N. T, Dihl5-dAw4y TA jlppsltts. It is a rery adfiieult matter with the majority of persons to restrain their appe tites; beace, we s an abundance of Dynpeotila, Liver Complaints, and Disorders of the Stoma b and Digestive Organs. Huofl md'a German Bitters will entirely cure there complaint , and reKtore the sinmm to its o initial tigor and ot erigtli. They are for s:ile by druggists and dt a'.rrs in medicines everywhere, at 75 out pr I ottle. feb!8 tiair Sty I Hmlr Atys I Hair liys ." W.V. A. BATCHKLOB'8 nAlB DTE.-TU - only harmlrsi an I reliable Dye kuown I All others are mere imitation, and should be avoi led if yea wib to escape ridicule. GH ST, BKD OR KTJ3TY HAIR dyed itniantlj to a beautiful and natural Brown or bUck, with out tho le-t Injury te Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN A1KDAL8 AND DIPL0MA3 h .ve bevn awarded to Wiu. A. Bitchelor since l?:t9, ami over 00 a 'plications have been m-t:l to the bair of the patrons of his famous Dyo. Wi, A. BATCH tLOR'd HAIB STB produces a color not te be riistingu hod from natnre and it iiansatni not to injure in the lea-t, however long it may borontinn.-d.a.Tl th- ill efforts of bad Dyes remedied. The h lir is iuvigorated far Hie by Ibis splendid iys which is properly applied at No. le Bond Street, New York. Sold in all the cities and livm of the Toiled Mates, by I'ruggiats ant Fancy Goods Ue ilera. ' The Genuine bos the nauia " Wil!ia A. Batch, eler, and address upon astcol plate engraving, the four sides of ench box. Wholesale FAcror.T, 81 St., ir.MI Late 433 ftrradw.-iy, New York. HEW ADYERTlbEfaETS. rUBIfTIAN RRATZ v, HB(I, p , KRATS & HEILMAN. CITY FOUNDRY I M ANTJ FACTCn KKS A ND BUILDERS OFSTE AS KNUINK8 AND UOILKR8, Paw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobacco Screw flnmmlni; Machines, Chinese Sugar Can M ills, Thraiing Machines, A-c. ETANSVtLLK, INV. ravm PRnrBiETORS of the city rovn M. dry bg leve to Inform their friend and ths Dnblic in general, that they are prepared to do a. flA:HINK AND FINISHING WORK, a?d evervthinir nuDertniniui: to the Kuuinlr-bov- nw- They aro manufacturing Stram Esoinm axi Boir.KBS of any siv.e and power required. Saw Mill Blarhinery and Mill Gearing of any size ; Pistil, lery and Mining Machinery, Tobacco Screws, Gam ming Machines, Thrashing Machines, Malt Mil s, Horsepowers ajorn -shelters, Machluory of all kl da made and repaired. Irou and Brass Canting . I every description. Iron Bousefronts, Cellar ; atis tto. Cooking and Hentiug ttoves of tho IhUmi ira nroveil patterns; Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, t. BBKWXB3, D1STILLEK8, KECTIK I E US, Ac, Supplied with every description of Copper sli Shoet Iron Work, Brewing Kettles, Refrigerators Attempurators, Sparges, citillbeads and W ornis oi an improved principle, Column for Alcohol Stills Yeast Jngs, Cans, Syphons, Ac; t'-opptr, Lc:wl anc Iron r ipo; Coppur, Brass and Iron Pumps of evorj variety, for Voer, spirits, oil, Brass Cock, an) Valves, Steam Whistles, Jbc. Workmen sent to all parts to fit op work and dv repairs on ?team Boilers, Copper and Shiet Irro Work, da. OLD METALS BOUGHT. They are dealing in ami jelling Allen's lav, ro. r?team Gauge, Wrought Irou wuhled Pipta uttd T bins, Hiram tlopkins Improved Smut Marhi Stephen litighes1 Flour St'imrator, G-i mn ito log Cloth, Gum Elastic Belting, Packing, lloae, A ( cf the bost kiud; Tiupla'e, Sheet Iron, Block Tit, Pig Iron, Eabil Metal, .Spelt-r, Fire Brick. They have every facility of the best 11 u l.iuor) and workmen, and will give all work entrusted tc them, their individual attention, n'ling order r promptly, warranting their work, and are sa'iifhd with reasonable prices. -Oflloe and Sale Booms, No. 60 Main street Found y, Boiler Yard mo i Machine Shop on Pint street, between First ' Vcond streets, Kvai.a Tllle, Indiana. MTUi TjLUHJSyS' VJ a . K.grdlos of 1v hard limes Y'onng America mnxt ri le, and as usual 11. A. CUOK. is in receipt of a full assort meDt, the first received in the city this season. 2 tioKfin Willnsr t Kj, m' niYnri ? t no do do with cover: 2 do do do on springs with covers; . a do assorted wood body cabs; 1 do Yonng America Exceliior on springs. At mh2t H. A. COOICS. W U MTlC't.JiS.Coil Oil or Para- V V lint Caudles aud 6 dosen Oval Coil Oil Chimneys no4 nenr so apt to break as the rouud ones. Justn-ceivrd at dec19 VI 'KEBT BPOS.. 82 Mninst. 309 boxes German and fa'm, for sals low by S. Ji GILBERT A CO. mblO Walnut Street House Re-o ened. W Mtst TO JJX-JtOUM TMJB ML public that I have refittjd and re o, cued the it ove named popular llouie, aud that I am now -read to accommodate permanent and transient Bcardurs. No iais will be spared to make my guests cm -lb tul.le. M. P. JONKS. rrih J J t 11 J" Coal Oil Chimniee, a-rorted " sizes, comprising some new kinds not vet rTered the publ'C in th- piece, just received per teamer Lsncasttr, and for sale at VICKERY BBO., fxrhl t No. 6-i Main Street. Jt ttitjtst M UtiJ It S. New Orleans and Cuba Sugars just received anvl fr sale Mt a Hnall advance on oo, t, at ; YIOKEBY BR"'8. janll No. 82 Main street. rBIEJIB. Imperia', Young Hyson, Gonpoa--JL der end Oolong Teas, at from 45c. to 81 trO per b., at V1CKEKY BliO., No. Si Main St. "C jk tii'.VTs jsjvh uh j, nan w t Be Beef Tongues, at dec28 TICKK.Y BTtOS., 82 Main st. " iS vAitaojs- otcw bbls tS received per steamers t'rairio Kose and Lcb iuon, the clearest and nicest jet received, for salt ow by bbl or gnllon, at jaui8 VICKERY BEOS. J gross eacn, for sale by ' . ocl2 8 E. GILBERT A CO e ep6 No. 8 Main Street. 25 tons rich conntrv H. A. COOKS. Main street. . 5L Bran, at :tn8 CORONER'S INQUEST. W9K AT RUMMSMBJiHItlt TiiJT OJV wLm the 22J dy of April, 1862, the undersigned. .Justice of the Peaco, in and for Union Towuship, andurbnrgh County, Indiand, held an ieqnest, rilh the aasintance ol twelve qualified electors of ly township, over the dead body ot an infant fe lale child, tuunddeal in the we' I at the residence f John W. Catlett, in the Township, i eunty, and tate aforesaid, then and there returned to me the allowing verdict: ' We do find that tho dcetascd cams to its drath y having its head mashed by the hands of one inn McCaleb, wbo is tbe mother of said child.'' J. S. CATLETT. Justice and Coroner for the time being of Van derburgh County. 2 3ww NEW ADVERTISER! NTS. I I JSTJLiZ VV oots & Shoes Ilca(l& JLttv fence, Vt ?. 20 , ARE NOW OFFERING THE LARGEST STOCK : OF GOOD Moots ami &Uoes To be found in tho State. I1IVLG BOUGHT FOR CASH, Wt CAN and WILL SELL FOR CAS Cheaper than any other House. WE DEFY all COMPETITION. READ & LA WHENCE. March 24th, 1862. Hals : i Hats If you want a good assortment of SOFT FUR, WOOL, PANAMA, LEGHORN, and PALM LEAF HAT , At dead low figures, you will find them at READ & LAWRENCE'S, 3XTO. QO IVEctlxa. Street. March 24tu, 18C2. "JElliotl's." IfHtiSH BUTT Hit 850 POV M- nice Fresh Tablo Butter, in store this P ing, at KUiotts Family Grocery. 20 boxvs Gai man Soap, 21 ' Palm " 60 ' StarCiindles, ft i " Starch, just received at EHIo'.t's Fami ly Groct ry. 5 cases Paraffiua candle t. 6 gross German G yoerine toap, for toilet use, 6 ross transpsren tsoap, 2 boxes corn suioti, tornlinry purposes, 10 do.on assorte ' -iz s BUhoprfck's bakin; jiow der, just received at Elliott's. 25,000 poundi A No. 1 hams, It) 000 ponuds prime shoulders, f 0,U() i pounds Bides, in store, and for rale at El liott's Family Grocery. LAUD. 2,0u0 pounds prime leaf lard. KYK. 500 poundi picrlied rje. BARLEY. 2l pounds parched barley, just re ceived at Elliott's. BROOMS. 75 dozaa tice brooms, from 15c to 40c, just rcei-ea at tu mtt s. FLOUR. Id sks double extra white wheat flour ; 25 bbi XXX ftmily ft mr, warranted to be equal to any in the city, t Elliott's. n-sy 7 jTWK UJTi M ' tJV4fUJSST.Bt it re- ILs membered. that on this 14th day of April, 1862, tho n::dersiened, a Justice of tbe Peace, within aud lor the Township of Tigcou, county of Van. dertmrgh and State of Indiana, held an inquest, with the assistance ef twelve qualified electors of my township, over the dead body of John Welnli; who was found dead at hia late residence in the city of vansvtlie, County aud State afore-aid, and where said jury returned to me the fol lowing verdict : We do find the deceased came to hisdth from two shots from a donble barreled shot pun in the hands of Miles Ogle, bv him dis charged." BEN. STINSON, Justice and Coroner for the time being of Van derbntgh county. apl8 1 CHOICE POTATOES. rj fk lVHH ti l.f VMOMCB JOT.t- TOKS received on consignment and for '9 b ., EUAItPK A CO. ap'iJ-dlw Agencyfor Soldiers Claims. W- -nc IS Ulli i .YV ,f. T. W HITTLKSY procure Invalid Pensions, Bounty Money, Arrears of Pay, and Land War rants, under the several act of Congress , 5J?J?rmtif aBd no P" of their charges col lected till the claim is secured. Office on the north side of Third street, between Main and LocnAt. Kvansviller Indiana fobli MoBHIDJC A WHITTLESKr. g f s i. 33 p - ' B o Z B a. & S o -! 113 i . f f r 5 f a 3 y S 1 fr 9 O Z & 3 g.g.1 s ? c & S eS o & s b z " ' 2 sr EL i t i CO CO a MEWS BY TELEGRAPH. It TBI . V. LIMB. Exclusively fo the Journal. CONGRESSIONAL. XXXVII CONGRESS SECOND SESSION Washington, Maj 20. House. Mr. Colfax said not a siDgle person of anj color from any State had petitioned for Ibis repeal, no Post Master Geoeral bad recommended it, no public opinion demanded i'. It would cot only allow negroes to be mail contractors and, therefore, officers of the Government, bat Indians and Chinese also. It would impair tbe security of tbs mails, for, in some States, blacks, Indians and Chinese are not allowed to hold office?. It would also allow slave-holding con tractors to use their siares as mail carriers accordingly instead of free Whites. Tbe hour fixed for tbe consideration of tbe confiscation bill having arrived, the vote goes over until to-morrow. Mr. Elliott, chairman of the Select Com mittee, reported tbe confiscation bills. He said the war originated in tbe rebel States, and is carried on by rebel citizens against the Government. This is precisely the character of the war. Appropriate legislation may be soon de manded concerning tbe rebel States. These bills concern the people, and Con gress may make the property of tbe rebels aid in paying the expenses arising from the rebellion. Tbe lands owned by rebels are : -jscd for carrying on tbe war, and their slaves made lo toil tbat oar government may be overthrown. Their lands and slaves are made tbe in truments for carrying on the war. Deprive lent of these, and the war must come to a end, and our immense debt be bp.ulked of oerease. Every dollar of tbat debt has been con- seated by their government and repudi- -ed by rebel debtors, whose honor tbe co.'t- Ituents of tbe gentleman trusted. He repeated that tbe lands and slaves are ing used by tbe traitors a warlike instra i ents. They should be confiscated, as the -riding bills proposed. Tbeie were ss uch enemy's property, as if they owed legiance to a foreiga power. Mr. Elliott supported his remarks by le 1 arguments. IORNING REPORT. he President and Hunter's Proclamation Washing ton Gossip The gunboat Galena at Watche Bluff Sick from the Peninsula Citizens of Maryland and President L i n c o 1 n One Railroad not destroyed by the Rebels. times' dispatch. Washington, May 19. The universal ij)ic id of cuurso the President's proclama- on, acnouncing ana repudiating tne ac- i on of Major Geueral Hunter. It was un- TSiood yesterday that the President jo!d wait till advised cf the authenticity the alleged proclnmntion of Gen. Hunter, it to-day it was too obvious that tbe rais i. lief would be irreparable if immediate ac- on was not taken. The effect in- Wash ? ' gton has been most happy and reassur- g. The gtand patriarchal spirit mani--dted, yearning for the good of tbe nation, " talts the President in tbe confidence and ve of tbe people, and increases tbe sway ; has over tbe extremes of all the political irties here represented. heralds dispatch. It is statf d tbat Gov. Stanly is grieved at e course of General Hunter, and until the ompt and emphatic proclamation of tbe . resident to day, was unwilling to take the Bee assigned to him in North Carolina. It is cleat tbat what rebels there are this i:de of tbe Blue Ridge are between General f Dowell's corps and Fredericksburg and . chmond. Mr. Spanlding, nn active business man of asbington, returned to-day from a brief .sit to Norfolk. The citizens there are not on bad terms ?th our soldiers, but thry are confident at General McClellan cannot reach Rich : 'ind. Tbe Senate Committee on Commerce ive Mr. Lathrop, the new Collector lor w Orleans, a hearing to day. His siate ?ut, however, in his own behalf, did not i ter the unfavorable decision previously rived at by tbe Committee. Mr. Lathrop requested an opportunity to 1 ive his name withdrawn, which was I, ranted. The President will probably send in the :-..-.rne of Cathbert Bullitt to-moftrow for the f wie position. Mr. Bullitt has been a Merchant and res- jnt ot New Orleans for over 20 years : d left there last year, by reason of his j'altv. Nkw Yobk, May 20. Tte following was -itten on board tbe Galena. Yesterday orning we ran up to iratche's Bluff, iiere we f.uad the river full of sunken i tamers. The Jamestown, Yorktown and i number of others. The bank was lined th rifle pits, and oa top of the bluff the "my bad a very heavy battery mounting -i guus. Some of Ibetn ten inches anil ' ree or four very - heavy rifles. We ran - .tbia half a mile of the battery, anchored . -.d swuug broadside to them. They open i fire, tbe first shot striking our port bow i ad going through our armor. In about i --e minutes, we got another shot about : e Epot where we weft struck tbe first i :aie. As i. came through it killed one in instantly and wounded four more. We ugbt tbem four hours until we got out of uDJunitioQ, when we had to retire. We got 26 shots in our side and 17 on :ck. We had 12 men killed and two dan ;. rrously wounded, wbo have since died and ! 5 slightly wounded. - We made a gallant fight but had we . ken the battery we could not have held it. . td the obstructions in th9 river prevented i from going up any higher. One thing, we have demonstrated, that ' ;ie Galena cannot stand heavy shot at short inge. Tte fired 238 rounds, all that we had. Had we had plenty of shells we could tve silenced the battery in two hours. Suffolk, May 19. a flag ot truce was r nt out yesterday in tbe directioa of Suf . Ik, to roturn the prisoner of State, - re .ased from Fort Warren. The Seaboard and Roanoke railroad has ' "n found in good condition to Suffolk, tly a single bridge having been destroyed. he same will be repaired immediately, -and l ie rolling stock put in condition as soon as j ..ssible. A large quantity of copper bolting was I und stored in the rati road storehouse ; jsterday, of which possession was taken. Balttmorb, May 19. Tbe steamer Van derbilt reached here with about 500 sick soldiers from Yorktown.' " They are mostly Typhoid and Billions fever cases, with but few wounded. All were distributed among the various hospi tals here. Washington, May 19. The Circuit Court to-day appointed three commissioners for the adjudication of cases arising under , the fugitive slave law. , Bat seven arrests were made to-day. There seems to be concurrent jurisdiction claimed by military authorities regarding tbe fugitives under their protection, there fore it cannot be said the law has free coarse. This afternoon about fifty citizens of tbe adjoining counties in Marjland, proceeded to the White Bouse, accompanied by Messrs. Crissfield, Culvert, Webster, and Lowery, Representatives to Congress from tbat State, woo had a conversation with tbe President tegarding tbe interests of their constituents, as involved in the fugitive slave law. They say the President promised a response on some other occasion. The United Slates military telegraph has an office open and working in a saw mill, at the fourteen mile post fiom Richmond. The lines between the various camps, and headquarters and Fortress Monroe, are in good order and working admirably under the personal supervision of Mr. Ilecard. AFTERNOON REPORT. The Naugatuck taking on board new guns Advance of McClellan's army Hon. Edward Stanley goes to North Carolina The fight on James River. Baltimorr, May 20. Tbe boat from Old Point has arrived, but brings no news. It wa3 reported that tbe Naugatuck was taking on boajd a new gun yesterday. White House, Va., May 19. The army commenced moving at an early hour this morning, in the direction of Rico mood, and will encamp some miles in ad vance of this place. The advance, under Gen. Stoneman, reached the railroad bridge over tbe Chickabominy yesterday. It is a long trestle bridge, two spans only of which were burned. It can be re-buiit in a very short time. The pickets of the enemy are guarding tbe whole line of the river in front of Rich mond, making it extremely difficult to ob tain any reliao!e information from that city. Oen McClellan went on a reconnoissance to-day to tbe Chickahominy. The pro gramme of operations will soon be decided upon. TFashikgton, May 20. non. Edward Stanly is on the eve of departure for North uarouna, wttn power to estatiiisii all nec essary offices and tribunals and to euspecd the writ of habeas corpus at tbe pleasure of tbe President or until tbe loyal mbabitnnts snail form n government in accordance with the constitution of the United Slates His power is exactly eimilar to those with which Governor Johnson of Tennessee is invested. An army officer just arrived here from Port Royal denies the published statement tbat at last eccounts we were within four miles of Savannah. TFashikgton, May 20. A private letter from an officer of the flotilla speaking of tbe recent engagement, says the Galena, iron ciaa, was aomirabie maneuvered : so beautifully and saucily thnt she passed five or six times as close as she could get, and silenced one of the batteries. Sbe passed and repassed the second battery six times, but finding they were using so much am munition for wbicb we exppct to have bet ter use, Commander Rogers commanded the wooden vessel to run up while we ran op abreast and disconected tbe rebel gun ners. It was reported that the buoys being displaced last evening, tbe pilots ran the Galena ashore and sbe is still aground. None of of our vessels are seriously in jured. LAST NIGHT'S REPORT Latest from the Mountain Department Breaking up Guerrilla bands Sick Sol diers from the Peninsula. Nkw York, May 20. Tbe Post's special datd Franklinn, Va., 19tb, says the head quarter of the Mountain Department are now at this place. The guerrliU parties in this region Bre tolerably active, but our cavalry are continually on their tracks and the bush whackers lead an uneasy life. A few days ago a train with four officers and some canvalescent soldiers were attacked by guerrillas between Moorefield and Pe tersburg. The whole party was killed or captured, except one Surgeon, who got away and brought in the report of the af fair. Lieut. Col. Downey, wbo was sent after the bushwhackers with a guard ot men, reports to-day tbat be cot on tbe trnck of tbe party, overtook them, killed their captain aud three . men, wounded a number and took 12 prisoners. Lieut. Col. Downey and bis party did not receive a scratch. Thus one more band of guerrillas is broken op. Baltimobb, May 20. The steamer State of Maine, with 4G1 soldiers, mostly 'convales cent and able to travel homeward arrived this morning. The men are mostly from New York and Massachusettts regiments. MONEY MARKET. Nsw Yoek, May 20. Goveesmest Stocks firmer : TJ. S. 6's 1 03il 041 : 7 3-10 Treasury Notes 1 04 1 05. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cincinnati, May 20. Flour very dull, and tbe sales small ; su per 4 10 ; extra 4 zo. Wheat dull at previous rates. Oats dull at 55c. Corn 3738c. Ryk5758c. Whisky declined to 18Jc. Good demand for mess pork at 11 00 11 25, and for bulk sides at 5c; smoked do, 6ic NoihiBg done in Lard. Bacss 100 bhds bacon shoulders eold at 3 Jc packed. Groceries firm, and the demand good at full rates. J1J about the 9th dny r f May, 1862, one note for 6369 00, dted April Zi, 1302, in fovt-r of Elizabeth E. Spitz and against Uuioa Bethel. I forewarn all pera-ins from tradiDg for said note. apLd3tltr aLIZABXTH E. SPITZ. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "GILBERT & CO.'S." "3 flflt B 0X12 3 CtOJBS, JOBItr P JvFtJ J uu quality to choice Havana, for salo very low. Purchasers aill find it to their In terest to ex mice our slock before bovine. S. E. GILB ET CO., No. 4 Sycamore St. MACKEREL. 75 packager, Nos. 1, 2, tnl 3, in whole and half bbls and kitts, verv fine quality, jast received, and for sa'e LOW, by S. E. Gilbert A (Jo., No. 4 Sycamore street. PICKLED HERBING. 10 half bbls, jnt re ceived by 8.E.GILBEKTA 0 ""T 1 No. 4 Sycamore St cheap at 25 cents each, at V1CKKRY BROS.. GCtZ4 No. 82 Main Street. WBVCMSBIJV 4JUJrTJ,KT8-W dozen ' lost received at SCHAPKEB & BUSSING'S, dec30 No. 49 Main street. Hats arid Cans! SPBINS AND SUMMER STTLKS. SILK AND CASSOIERE HATS. The most approved style always on hand or made to order. FANCY DRESS HATS, For Summer, tbe ligh'ent and most comfortable hate to weir, all bha.iei and quality. GENTLEMENS' CAPS, Kamerona and tasty styles. BOYS' S3FT AND WOOL HATS, la endleas variety, all colors, shape and prices. T-m-F-m- "T7! "1 f A n -f A large and veil assorted stork on hand. MISSES' FANCY HATS. Trimmed and Untriminod. Boys' Plain and Fancy Caps. A Very good 8or tinent. Vt any cecrsptiou made to oider on short notice. txja,-c7- Goods, Of cvt-ry 'ecription, Leghorn, lf;inro, Straiv, and I'bIoi Lef Hats for Men mid Di,y, all tho new kt les. Kvoryihirg rold at the lowest rios IHo figures, FOR CASH EXCLUSIVELY. YAUT1ER & MARCONNIER,' ap!8 JftJl IJV BTatiKT. J? OK Til H HJK6T thociy. goto tebl8 Jntrs tj a tt ijy II. A COORH , F. SHARPE & CO., Produce and Commission MERCHANTS, NO. 3 SoVTII WiVKB f-TRIET, ' KVANSYrLT, INn NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. mmnTiVH mh h auhh- u i w that I wil. arply to the Board of Conn y Oinmlirr.or of Viod rb'iBp'i conu'y, nt their in xc :ern , comm. ucinn on tue first Moidiy n June, 186-', for license t sol) intoxicating li inert in quantity than a quart, for th - term ol one jcar. Aly pUre of hn inrsi i on Water street, Lot r-o. '.2, Old Plan of the U ty of Kva:iville ii a 14-;3 TIICH. HCOIIE3. DR. J. FLEAGER. SURGEON DENTIST, KOOMS: So. Ot) Sfiin Street, nej-t Joor to DUtrolJPi Jewelry Store. B. LK.tUMi U TJtKMtB Till H method it, inform bs f. i-n !s and the tmblic that lie haa tit'ed up a new suit of rooms for the pract co of dentistry. Having availed hirunelf of all the lHteet improvements in the p ofussiou, he ferls confident that he&tn please a'l who may fcvor him with their patronage. All ersouj wishing the service of a dentist won'd d j well to irive hiui a call b- fore eng-igiug eUewbere, as he is doiu work 2o per cmt. lower th-in anvdejtit in the city. Artificial teeth inserted on gold, pi i tinnm, rubber and eilver, and warranted satisfactory. Chloroform od ehctricitv u-ed in extracting teeth. feb27-tim 11. J. Schlaepfer's''5 Jl for removing Pimp'ee, Snoburn, Tet'ers, Ringworm, Ac. Jiift received and f r sale at II. J. 8.hlaepfer's New DmgStoro. HETjMPOLDS'3 extrat Bucha, just roceived at Pchlaepfer's New Drug StiTfl DUI G3. Just received a large and varied stock ei pure Drug and Medicines, consisting of all the new prerarations, jnst arriving in the market, a 1 of which are sold very low, at nijl3 SCHuAKrFKK'S. New Drng Stere. JiV- V1LLE, and CA1KO Titck- et. The Steamer, Mrgnificeut I'aenger lf0 O&jFOIII. IX OSB MR WAJV. Cm pi min. J. J. MtMiI.B8,.CIrU. Leaves Xvansville for Cairo evnr r It IDA Y at 12 M. leaves Kvansville for Louiivil e every HON DA Y at 8 A. 31. Tbe VVoi dfoid has entered the above trade as a r-gu.r packet und wi 1 eave puntual'y as adver tised, ctrrjing passengers aad freight at the regu lar i act et raiei. J SO. B. HALL, Ag't, m.ilu No. G Water street. "H. A. COOK'S." 3 Mi HP TOJSaVKS1k ft ft SB K JV JLB choice beef tongnea, fir sale at 11. A. CookV. SHOULDERS. 3,000 lbs iboico ehoulderr, for sale cheap at Jtt. A. tJook s. BROOMS. 35doz n brooms, assorted qualities at 11. A. Cook s. CODFISH. 1 box choice codfish, for sale cheap, at 11. A. I ok s. SUORT5.- 1,000 lb i rich country thcrts, at B, A. rock's. NEW ORLEANS TAKEN And te rosnlt in, yoa can get II pound f sng.-ir for one dollar at H. A. Uoi'k s. COriTEE. 15 bes choice Bio coffee, just re ceived, and 4'4-ponads for SI, at H. A. Cook's, No. 73 Main street. KKF1NED SUGARS. 5 bb cri.hd sngar, 7V Ibjfor St. 5 bids poi d do 7V lb3 for SI. 5 bb's retiued A white STigar, 8 lbs for SI. 5 bbls refined C do 9 lbs tor 81. 6 hbU rt-fiued F srgr, lbs for H. Tbew priors are to be had at No. 73 Main St. niy?0 H. A. COOK. GEO At BITTltOLFF, WW.IVIJt JUST BHTVBJVBJf MM. from tho Eatt, with a well selected stock of WatcLtH, Clocks, Jowolry, and Silverwiire, offers his stock as low as tbe articles can bo bought in large cities. Gold Watchas, from $iy down to 820. Silver Watches trotn J90 down lo 810. Clockn, from 550 down t $1.75. tetts of Jewelry, from SSO down to 60c. Bracelets, from 830 down to 91 51. Finger Pings, Brcaatpios, JCnr-riog?, lrora lis down to 25c. Silver Table and Tea-poons, eoup Ladhs. Cruara Spoons, Butter and Fruit Knive. Sugar Tongs Salt and Mostard Spoons, all gold lower than usual. Si ver. Steel and German liilvtT spectacles, Ij-v- d'ei' Cue Wire and Hu ll f ertemonaiee, feiiver and Tortoise c hell Card tases, Gentlemen s Parses and Portemonaies. y. B. Hobinsia 3 XLdexical cilver Soap, for cleansing Silter or Plated Ware, the best tbtnt ever csod. Gold Guard and est Chains, Gld Pens, FLitsd Ware, Castors, Ac Lathe and silk Guard steel Chain. Giggles, Reevr'i and others. Thermom eters, Sea , all of which he offars at row figures. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere, and satisfy yourselves of the fact. apr5 SS tojijy. it as cjEjyrrs pjbb Mid Bushel, at VICKERY BROo., oct4 FAIR WARNING ! (Jjl'I' PBRSO.VS f W'Vi.Vt OB 2 occupying lots in the city of Evansville, are notified to ktcp their alleys and gutters cltaa from and after this date, or they will be proceeded against, fa accordance with an ordinance in eaoh case, made and provided, without further notice. ED. P. MARTIN, ma3-lwd City Marshal. fir " "' Z- I NEW 4DVERT1SEJUENTS. lniiBJlM'P'9 BJM.B JVO.68. By virtue of an order of sale, hwied out of the office of the Clerk of the Court of Coromoa Pleas, of Vanderburgh county, Indians, in favor of ss. uimora Aerr, ana against liinstug rr. iieoeru, 1 will, on - THliKSDAV, JUNE 5, 1862, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock r. M. of said day, at the door ot the Court Boose in the city of Evansville, Vanderburgh county, Indiana, offer for sale at pnblic anction the rents, issues and profits for a terra not exceeding seven years of the following described real estate, to wit: Lot No. three (3). in block No. forty-seven (47), in tbe Eastern Enlargement of the City of Evans- ville, Indiai.a. And should said rents and profits not sell for a sum sufficient to satisfy said writ and coota, I will at the same time and place, offer for sale the fee simple of said premises. GEOBGK WOLFLIH, S. V. a. -Thrs. E. Ga vin, Plaiutiffa Attorney. mayl5-3w-w 85 25 BJiBSPP Bmtt liMS JTO.07. By virtue of an order of ea"e Issued out of the offlce of the Clerk ot the Court of Common Pleas of Vandci burgh connty, Indiana, in favor of E. Clifford Neffand others, and against Thos. Snow don, 1 will, on THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1862. between the hours or 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'cloo p. M., cf said day, at the door of tho Court Bouse in the City of Evansville, Indiaua, offer for sale at public aaction the rents, is u? , and profits for the term of seven years of tho following d scrib'd reil estate, lo-wit : Lot No. tweuty-six (2G) in block No nine (9), in the Easte-n Enlorg-mcnt of the City cf Evaus v ile Indiana. And shonld said rents and profits not sell for a snm sufficient to pay said writ and costs, I will, at the Siinio time and place.tffer lor sule tbe foosimple of said premises. GEORfiK WOLf LIN, S. V. a Thos Garvin, Pl'ff Att'y. may 14 3ww 83 53 HAeBIJFP8 S&LJK JYO. 65. By virtue cf two executions iawd out of the office of the Clerk of tho t'onrt of Common Pleas, of Vanderbnrgh county, Indi na, one in favor of C. A I. Miller and one in favor of Patrick McQuirk, and both apiinst Bonaith Most A K"mu'us A. Jlcss, replevin bail, I will on SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1863, between tbe hours of 10 o'clock A. M. at.d 4 o'clock P. A', of paid day, nt the door t f the Court House in the Citv ot Kv.-tu4Vi-Ie, Indian", offer for sale at pnblic anction the rents, imue and profits for the term of ven years of the following described real estate, t-wit , flock fceveutexn (17) In the tcwa tf Lnmaco City, Vanderburgh c.-ituty, Indiana. And should artid rents aud profits not ell for a snui suincient to s.-itify s-iid writs and coits. 1 illatthe same time and place offer for sale the fee simple ef said premises. CK0RGE WOLF LIN, Sheriff V. C. G. W. Hardin, PlffV Alfy. nt 10-83,60 HKBtPl'tt BJA.JB, JVO. Oft. Bv virtue of an order i f s,ul issue! ont of the office cf fho Clerk of tl-e Court of Common Pleas of Vanderburgh ciitoty, Indiana, iufivornf steiiiien llarrison atii aainti Alfred 11. Harri son, I will on SATUBDAY, MAY KlfT, 1SC2, l-etweeo the hours f 10 o'clock A. Al. and 4 o'clock P. M. i-f said dv, at the door of the Comt House in tlie City of Kvansville, Indiana, expose to sale at public auction tbe rei.t, fosooi aud profits lor the t-rui f seven years of the fol lowing described real estate, to it: Tin ea t hi f of ilie uoit..-easi quarter, and the sou h e-l quarter of the north east quarter of se tion No. eignt (6) tn township JNo. efgnt (HJ - sntn ol r..nge o. eleven ll) west, containing ono hundred aud twenty acres more or less, tituato in the county f Vaudorb Jgii aud State of In- uiaua. And should said routs and profits not sell for a mn sufficient to sacirfy riid writ and cos's, I will tihes.m tint') and pla e ofter fjr s tie the lee nu 1 rf s .id pieini-es. GEORGE WOLFLIN, Sheriff V. O. Joseph P. Edson, Plaintiffs Attorneys, mj ! 85,2-i Scrofula, or King's Evil. - a con jtltuional disoi'JKi, a corruptio of the blood y which t'tis Stil l becomes vitiated, weak aud r. Being in the circulation, it pervadvs tbe hot-- body, an I may burst out in disease io th it r irt of it. Nof.rgiu U free from its attack, nor there one which it may not destroy , The scr-'tu ns taint is caused by mercurial disease, low living inordered or unhealthy lood, impure air, tilth aud Irhy habits, tbe depressing vicoa, and, above all. v tho venereal Infuclioo. Whatever be its origin, . is hereditary in tbe Constitution, descending from pareBts to children, nuto the third and lurth generation;" indeed, it si-oms to be the rod . i Him who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the uhers upon their children. " Its enecta commence by deposition from the dood of corrnpt or n'ceroun matter, which, in the iiuh, liver, and internal organs, is termed tnber les; in the glands, swellings; and, on the urface, eruptions or sores. This foul corrnp ion, which genders in the blood, dopreeees the en ergies of lie, so that scrnfnion constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they have far leas power to withstand the attacks of other dieas8 ; consequently vast numbers parish by diserdors which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fata! by this taint In the system. Most ef the consumption which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many des tructive diseases of the liver, kidoeis, brain, and, indeed, of all the nrgns, arise from or are aggrava ted by the same cause. One quarter of all onr people are scrofulous; their persona are iuvaded by this lurking infection, and their health is nndermined by it. To cleanse It from the system we mnst renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and iuvigorate it by healthy fond and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of onr times can devise for this everywhere pre vailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remediala thnt have been discovered for the expnrga'ion of this font disorder from tlie blood, aud the rescue of the system from its des tructive consequences. Benco itshould beemploy ed for tbe euro of not nelv Scrofula, bnt also those tbr directions which arise from it. such as Eanp. rive and Skin Diseases. St. Akthokv's Fike, Bosk, or Ebtsipblas, Piri.r.,, Blotch es, IIlains, and Boium, Tdhoks, Trttbb and Salt tHEt'M, Scald Head, Uinowobh, Rrbvmatish, vruiLiTic mid Ntui'tiaiAi. Diseases, Daorsv, Dr. iilitt and, indeed, all Cohplaimts abisino raois Vitiated ob Impube Blood. The popular belief i "imparity of Ota blood " is founded in truth, for -rofuUi is a defeneration of the blood. The par ini'ar purpose and virtue of this SarssparitLi is to urify and regenerate this vital fait, without 'hich sound health is impossible in cuntamiuated .institutions. - .A, T" TT! 9 JEg CUM FOR TBI SPEEDY CURE OF rntermittenl Fever, or Fever and Ague, Re iittent Fever, Chill Fevtr, Dumb Ague, Fe- iodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and lilious Fevers, indeed, or the whole class of iseases originating tn biliary derangement. tused by the Malaria of -Miasmatic Coun- .ries. . We are enabled here to offer the communitv miedy which, while it cures the above complaints ith certainty, is still perfectly harmless in aDy tantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts . here these afflicting disorders prevail. This Curb " expels tbe miasmatic poison of Feves sb Ague from the system, and prevents the de olopmenta of the disease, if taken ou the first ap roarh of its premonitory symptoms. It is noton ' the beat remedy ever yet discovered for this clas . complaints, but also the cheapest. The large nantity we supply for a dollar brings it within he reach of everybody ; and in bilious districts, here Fbveb aud Ague prevails, everybody shonld ave it aud use it freely, both for cure and protoc ' ion. A g-eat superiority of this remedy over any ther ever discovered for the speedy and certain are of Intermittents is that it contains oo Quinine r Slineral, consequently i produce no quiui-m or ujnrioua effects whatever upon the constitution. hose cured by it are left as healthy as if they h ad never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of lie miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor dreas arise from its irritation among which are Keuralgia, hheumalitm. Html, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, CtAie, Paralysis and Derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become peri odical. This " Cube " expeui the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It ia an invalnable protection to immigrants, or persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. . If taken occasional ly or daily while xposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate insufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few will ever suffer from Intermittents if they avail themselves of .the nrotection this remedv affords. Prepared by Dr. J C.AYER &C0., Lowell, Mass. Sole Wholesale and Retail Agents in Evansville: SELLER A WHITE; BIERBOWER A PIERCE ; LEICU A CARL8TADT; nd for sale by all dealers and wholesale agents. Jane 9, 16oI-ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i - f Or?- A 9 CP to p-l I o ot -i to o o o c ot o o o o a. 10 f l D3 s l3 o CJ9 tn a" L3 4S ft) 3 S g t- o a - g jd co a. 5 m m 5 Jf tr W a. o a o a 9? a a. 0 ' rr a 0 33 E. o r- LS 0 in v n SD , JJ NEW ALBANY JWooicn WHZs9 No. 15 Stale St., bet. Main and the River, 1SM9K, HJVijyn cojnri.jtTjiu V our m chinery to mt'iufaetnre Woollen G-O-s oT various des.riptions, b g leave to an nou ce tbat we will mnnn actu-e wool nto goods at short notice, and gnainatee s itisfactfon to all who will favor ns with tr eir ratronage ; shonld t a work not rm, when de ive red, us was ordered, we will mV e other fn place thereof, nutll the goods areas contract for. Below we h ive fixed prices for manufacturing the various kinds of goods made by us, subject, howsver, to rise and fall, as tbe articles usjfl In manufacturing them vary j in dig i and cotton being very bigu at present, the probabi iiy is that they will ore long 'all, and tuns reduce tbe rice ot such go 't when tbwy are used. Onr ma nines are new. and of the latest improve ments, so that yon nted not fear Lot tha all work done by ns will hi satisfactory. TERMS FOB MANUFACTURING. We inva-isbly find ths grcsse and do all the plciingof tbe wool, farmers only having to wash the wool and bring it as it comes trom tbe sheep. Cording and spinning any size yarn, any color 15c per lb Carding and spinnin er.y size stocking or coverlet yarn, two or three ply 18o per lb Jeans, weaving hsu the wo :len yarn is brought aready spun and colored, we finding black chain .....170 per d Jeaus, weaving when the woolen yarn is brovgut I r.-ady fpttn and colored, we finding bins chain 13c per yr Jea. s, any color except bine, when white wool is bn-ught, washed as it comes fiorn the shesp 32c per yd Jeans, blue or blue m.xe I (Indigo), with black chain; 38o per yd ; blue chain. ...4Tc per yd Jeans,, bine or blno mixed (logwood), with black chain 34c per yd Jeans, when wool is brought colored, we doing the spinning scouring, weaving and fii.d:ug black chaiD ..28c per yd jeans, wnen wool is nrotijrni colored, we doing the spinning, scouring, weaviDg and finding blue .30c per yd Kerseys, indigo b'ne, all wool 4oc per yd Kerseys, any other color than indige blue 40c per yd Fiannel, in grease, ore yard wds, all white 25c per yd Flannel, scoured, one jsm wide, all lit ! .'. 28c per yd Flannel, any color exce; t bine and red plain, one yard wide.... 33c per yd Flannel, barred with any color ...4Cc per yd Blankets, plain white, ten quarters lrg (other sizes, prices according!)-) S3. 75 per puir Fancy coverlets, any pattern, w hen raw white wool is bro-gbt M.83.75 a piece The nam a of person will be wove on the coverlet for ., 25c extra Satinett, when wool is colored when brought to tbe factory .ifrc per yJ Satieett, any clor except bine. ........... ...40o per yd Satinett, blueor mixed (mdig'))...... ....... 45c per jd We will also have on hand alt ths above goods, which we will sell low for cash, or exchange for wool at tbe highest market price. Always on band a giod supply of" Men's Socks and Ladies' Hose. Merha-ts will do well to rive ns a call before baying any of the above gotds elsewhere. (9 Persons wishing to tiavol as egsnts will find it to their interest to engage In the sale of these gooi.r, as ve wilt rural n move wismng to engage in tne Dusiuosa at suoo prices as wni j usury idem to wholesale or retail a fotc agents only will be supplied. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH, On celivery, or Wool, Bacon, and Produce taken In exchange. The Highest I'rice Paid in Cash or Goods for Wool. J. T. CREED A CO. 3J" In order to accommodate persons who llvo at a distance from the Factory, we have appointed tne following persons, at tceir var lous places oi booiness, to receive Wool of farmers and ethers, which they may wish manufactured into any of the above kinds ct Goods, threbv saving trouble in driving a long road to get to the a ill. The work when dooe wi.l be returned to the same agents, for delivery to tbe proper osvners : GEO. K. ATDBL3TTB, Aydelott's lnatng, ineaue county, Ky. .,. Adam ami - , T-, C. D. Ainu", New Amsterdam, Ind. Habmah st So, GeorgetownInd. T"xH PrairrEB, Mill.own, Ind Caidwei.i. Mo, Leavenworth, Ind. Geobob ZiMMmMAM, 2 miles north of George town. . - - may6-dl ptr?o fi n co w e,0SH Malt B& put; m o P n o O cris cn gz9 C f- r tl pi t Z 2? S ct- ba. awia-.-J H)M ! CC'H" . . a rmm& '1 P3 P K s-is- Lb s s Hw La3 SS 53 HI td i i