Newspaper Page Text
She ijaUg outnaL INSURANCE. Insurance Agency. : ALLEN CJrULLOCk Kwaitsville. CSDERWRITKR AND GENERAL INSCRANCI AG KMT, " Abjvs-b. or Atibaoks, asto Notabt PmrLtn. He centtnnee to Imiw Policies from t1 -Jfirs Glass and most reliable , INSURANCE COMPANIES Xa the Cbwury, on Mud and Fire .Suits.- He wt 1 also receive ppuwuwup LIVE INSURANCE. - i He wilt attend to the Adjustment of Lone erf every description under policies from othei surenck-a, end attend to the settlement of U matte.- connected with INSCBANCK, for parties in teresUd. His long experience as an Iswuisn'i Aeura, has made him familiar with all subject connected with Insurance. mr Office on First Street, opp. Post Office.- ECUiNUMi AND SEC UltiTY. The Lorillard FIRE INSURANCE CO. Olf THE CITS Or NEW YORK, T ' ' No. 31 WALL St. Cash Capital $500,000 PROFITS ANNUALLY DIVIDED I 75 PER CENT. TO THE DEALERS. ' This Cowman v divMes three-quarters otllie net profits to the policy holders, in scrip, bearing Interest without any liability to the insured. y This Company funds its surplus, instead of dividing it to the Stockholders, thereby giving its policy holders greater security, and at the same time cheaper insurance than any otbor system. ' . " , CABLISLK NORWOOD, President. . , GEOBGK D. CRARF, Sec'y. WASHINGTON SMITH, Vice-Prut. . . A. C. Hallocls. 4b Son, Agents, . dscI2 - EVANSYILLB, INCORPO RANTED 1847. HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $250,000. O. 0. WAITI, Sec y. C. B. BOWER8, Pres't S. H. PBICK, General Agent, Residing at Chicago, Ills. CASH CAPITAL & SURPLUS $327,540. This Company insures against loss and damage by Fire on Dwellings and tiieir Oontonts, Stores, Warehouses, Stocks ef Merchandise, and all insur able property at as reasonable rates ef PFomium as any other solvent and reliable Company, A djwtmg Loot fairly and paying Ihf promptly. Applications made to and Policies issued l,y A. O. HALLOOH A 8JH., First Street, opp. Post Office. au221-lvd EvansvillT, lad mi HUB II1MII CO., HARTFORD, CONN. INCORPO RAT ED 1810 C II A ItTEH. PEB.PKT UAt With a Successfal Business Experience of ,37" ft v 3T o a, x mm " Casta Capital .8500,000.00 Capital and Snxplns, ..S89O,086.t$l Insurance against Lessor Damage by Fire, on Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer chandise, M:lls, Manufactories, and other kinds oi property, can be effected in this Company upon as favorable terms as the nature of the risks and secu rity to Policy holders will admit. PARTICULAR ATTENTION given to Insuring ' Farm property, consisting of Dwellings, Barns, and outbuilding! connected, and Furniture, Live Stock, Bay, Giain, Farming Uteusils, .re, Ac, contained therin, tor a term of years at LOW rates of pre mium. OFFICERS: T. C. Allyn, Secretary. H. Hnntington, Pres't. C. C. Lyman, Asst Sec'y. W. N. Bowers, Actuary. D. Alexander, General Agent for tb Western and South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. J. Crahaui, Ass't General Agent for tbe Western -and South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. Applications for insurance may be made te tbe , undersigned, the dnly authorized Agents of tbe Company. A. C. HALLOCK A SON, Ag'ta. - SuTOffloeon First feireut, opp. Prst Office. aug23-lyd Office 112 and 114 Broadway. With a Casn Capital aH paid ia of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ASSETS JULY 1st, 136P. . ......! I1.RD0.000' The Homa ltanracee Ccmpany Insores againsl Lose or Damage by Fire en Dwellisgs aud theii " con' ents, for a term of from 1 to 6 years on th most favorable terms. Stores, Warehouses, Stocks , of Merchandise, Produce, Blanufaetorios, Machine and all insurable property, at fair and equitable rates aud on INLAND NAVIGATION And Transportation, shipments .upon' the Rivers, Lakes, Canals and Railroads, as low as tbe natnre of tbe risks will bear, with lairness to tne aaaureo and tbe Company. - . Adjusting all losses fairly, and promptly paying C them. CIIA8. J. MARTIN. Pres't. A. F. WILMABTH, Vice Pres't. J. Miiton Smitb, Secretary. , . Jobk McG is, Ass't Soc'y. Applications made to and policies issued by A. O. HALLOCK A SOS. Agfa, First Street, opp. Pott Offloe. fnuMjliJBUTa6 bbls, new crop, J tint received Mr by 8. E. GILBKUT A CO. pjMLCH Ijit'ii R 8 i"UVf.i bbls excelsior JLJ Syrup, tbe bet in the city, at Jan 8 - 13. A COOK'S. ' ISO lJt H 8 MS a 100 half and whole barrels! A HJl Plaatation and Sugar Uoase, forale by . jaa 16 8. E. G1LBEB r A Co. - Lamps! Lamps! V J WOVJt AM OIL, K3 LAMPi, aa yon aan get them aliered for a mall price, when they will be just as good as any Coal Oil lamps that you can buy. I have on hand a good supply of genuine COAL OIL. EXTBA BUBKEB8, " , - . LAMP CIIIMXEY8. .i K " i - COAL OIL WICKS, Also a good assortment of Coal Oil Lamps. The above are (or sale at low prices, at Jan6 H. t. SL'H L A Kl't'EK'S Drugstore. jmmMM88ii8 AT Sit MMiM QitM GALLON. .6 bbls sugar bouso Molasses, inst received and for sale at 50 cents per gallon, at Jau8 H . A. COOK'S. COJ 7 COJL, OMMjIM bbls ex- tra Coal Oil, just received at jmn - H A. 'OoK'S. 79 Main stvet. o ooxa. orange, A oxe Itnon. rarelvil nnr Kashvillea JtJVBMiltUtMi8. 2 btilch.,ic Cranberries, luat received. BOS. Mi 8 full weight Star Candles, ustr 15 boxes extra t allow do. . m.b'lTMj MMi4Jr8.) bushels prime ttb is b ans just received. W Jt ttiMtS' MVM8. A. epieudid luooriaiea jLd just received. Prices to suit the times. Oa aoea and wake your selections. VAU TIE It MABCONS IER, Main between First and Second streets. 25oov. SJTMVJVIXMI It "H .TM.Y-lMSJ 11 JeTURE. Avery choice article of borghum malaises, just received and for sale by . . - wiOfcEKT BROS. ncr21 No. 82, Main Street. Tf.v I hllCO 1 tierce ol fresh Cod fish, Jtut JS? received at mh7 ELLIOTT'S Family Crocery. -1; mitt HOITMftlMt 11X1 bAc-a nriwe for sale bv eV 9. E. GILBERT A CO. '.lJWMZjCjUMMi8.b0,(iv0, assorted, for sale Zt ht 8. E. GILBERT A CO.. JaaTl Ko. i r-yeaoioTe street. IHMIECfl STEAMBOATS. REGULAR PACKETS. Peoples' Independent Packet REGULAR JOd VH LE PACKET, " EUGENE." .kB SAYERS, Msster. McDOUCAL, cierk. - TJnsurpissed for comfort and s ei d, will leave F?mT l) for louisvilie every Tuesday and Sat urday at 11 o'clock A. M. For freighter passage pply to JNO. B. HALL, Agent, np24 No. 6 Water street. Fast Mail Passenger Line TO I a due all A Cairo. ..-.. ' 1 1 ii I mil SH.fll- WE EH I. I Boats from Evansville For all points on the Ohio River, Suad-ys and Thursdays excepted.) THK MAIL PACKET Charley Uotcen! Cart. H. T. OBXTBB, leaves Mondays, and Thnnsdas at 2 o'clock, for Cairo and all Way Points. leaves Cairo Tuesdays and Fridays, at 6 P. M. THE MAIL PACKET co uiz i e it : Capt. A. X.EMCKK. Leaves Evai.svilJe, Tuesdays and Saturdays im mediately upon arrival of Eugene. Cairo and all Way Points. Leaves Cairo on Wednesdays and Bnndays at 9 f.U. COJYJS ECTIOJV8 Jit A It E At CAIBO WITH ST. LOUIS AND ILL. CENT. It. R. ALSO, AT E VAJV8 VMI. 1 B 51 TI E. C.R.R.$ LOUIS VLE PA CKETS. sWFor Freight or passage, apply on board, or to P. D. VIETS Agout. ap!8 Office over the Canal Batik. EEGTJLAB Louisville, Evansville & Henderson PASSE N G E R PA CKET. The new and splendid U. 5. Mail Packet "STAR GREY EAGLE," 3. HlTslSI'ILLKU, Capt., W. O. VOK1S, Clerk, Leaves Evansville for Louiaville Every (londay at 12 o'clock, and Every Thursday at 6 o'clock p. M. Returning, leaves Louisville every Wednesday and Baturdav at 5 o'clock p. M. Sep7 COX A HCMPHlttT, Agents. aud HENDKRS'W, U. 8. MAIL PACKET. The Splendid Passenger Packet, BIG GREY EAGLE, uZy? XfJpi. . MM. M U K, Mi in r ' n I ' J. J. C fo. Leaves Evansville for Lon sville every TDESDiT and SATyriDAY at 4 o'c ock f. M. Ketnfiiing, leaves Louisville every MONDAY and KKiDAY, at 5 o'clock P. M. up23 (OX & UUSirusili, Agen's Forwarding and toiumissioa. J. T. ("nx V M. Hrxpsm. COX & HUMPHREY, Forwarding & Commission Mercht's STEAMBOAT AGENTS, AMD VHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS, EVANSVILLK, 1SD. We have taken tbe Grey E iglo Wharf-Boat, and ask of oorfricuds acontinuauce of their patronage. One of us will be found aboard both day and night to attend to the wants of shipper. sepl Geo. Foster, A. II. FosTEa, Wm. A. Gwyn. GEO. FOSTER & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Provision Merchants, COBHES OP LOCUHT STRICT ASI TBI CANAL, ang EVANSVILLE IN D. ; Watts, Given a Co., I I Oii.ta t Bbown, Paducab, Ey., J Evansville, la., Habpino, GtVEif A Co., St. Louis, Mo. WATTS, CRANE & CO., " COMMISSION MERCH'NTS, Ks 43 Broad street, NEW YORK CITY. We have opened a tiuae in the oity of New York for the sale of Tobacco and Western Produce. Under the name of WATTS, CRA & CO. Mr. D. Watts, of the hrru of Watia, Given A Co., of Paducab, long familiar with Tobacco, will take charge of that department of onr business, and Sir. I. A. Craue, of Crane and Brown, Evansville, will take charge ef the Prodnr business. may31 WATTS, BANK CO. - NEW PRODUCE AND COMMISSION llOUStl. Cheese and Butter Agency. H. S. 0?nijLE"H X 2?L O X XT CT 2D COMMISSIOi?? "merchant. Agent for the sale of Western Reserve Butter and Cheese. Ke. Sycamore Street, dec29 EVANSVILLE, IND. ff OP.1R T.VMi it 8 II IP We have ibis day associated with ns, in the Forwarding and Commission business, Mr. R. K. Dunkerson, form erly of the firm of Slaughter A Onnkerson, un der he firm name of Crane, Brown A Co. nov20 CRANE A BROWN. I. A. CRANK. WM. BB"WT. it. k. ntrN-xxBsos . CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Commission , Merolxazxts, SPECIAL RAILROAD AGENTS. Give through receipts aud make liberal cash ad vances on snipments of produce and tobacco to New York. CKANE, BROWN s CO. Evansville, Nov. 20th, 1861. ,.M.B&0WS CRANE & BROWN . Forwarding & Commission Meroliaxits, And Steamboat Agents, EVAiSSV 1LL.1S, Law. Arnnrafhr Kanawha Salt Company.' Liberal Cash advanoes made on Shipments ol raoJMMB jiXM ution ioJnpjjvir. qfM NEW AKKANOEMKNT. The AnAHS Expbbss Cohpamt respectfully an nounce to their friends and patrons, the public of Evansvillo and vicinity, that, with increased facili. ties for the transportation of FREIGHT, PACKAGES, MONEY AND VALUABLES, ' Mm i : . - ntinn.n r'a nfnrmftr fAVOra. iney souv-i. .wl. - . ... ., , , fecial care taken in the collection of Bills, Drafbs, Mote, ana toe transport .uu u, mi parfeaee. All persons wishing to avail themselves of the m. eilities of the Express, can obtain any desired in for. matron in reference to the routes and details of th business, at their Office on First street, between Hain and Locust, opposite, tbe Post Cilice. de 18 G. 11. FISU. Agent. S r t BV8HMSM.8 MmMMH WHITMi BEANS, at H. A. COOK'S. ja8 73 Main street. fB LMiX.J.YI,HMi8 HI II CLOVES, i -si. We bave just received another beautiful as sortment of the above celebrateo kid gloves, and for sale eneap at 8CHAPKEK t BLSSiNG'S, r eb!2 49 Main St. Wg4M.T.nOMMi St'HUP 6 bbi. Biti. JLw more Syrup, none better ia the city except tbe Excelsior, at, 11. A. COOK'S Jau8 73 Main street. MISCELLAHEOUS. mt i r. V ii 1 1 i no cu-par it"' ... ...... existing between John Ivinion and Edward Ivia- son, in tna sounary boh macuiuo uusiuctb mh the 8rm of J. A K. 1VINSOS, was dissolved by mutual consent, on tbe 1st day of October, 1861. Tbe said John Ivinson assumes to pay and ad just all the outstanding debts of said firm, and ia authorized to settlo all the business of said part nership. JOHN IVINSON, EDWARD IVINSON. January 22j 1868. John Ivinson, kf ANUFACTTJRBR OF IVINSON'S PORTABLE The best and cheapest now in use, IVINSON'S IMPROVED STATUARY Surpasses all others in simplicity of construction. IVINSON'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILL. References through the country where it has sawed out 1,000 feet of Inch Lumber in forty minutes. IVINSON'S LATEST IMPROVED STEAM BOILERS. Consumes only rae-f'ourth the iuel of ordinary Boilers. I also manufacture all kinds of Ma chinery such as appertains to Railroads, Steamboats, Mining, Distilleries Flour, Corn, Sugar and Malt Mills, Tobacco, Wine, and Lard Presses, Sash, and Muley Saw Mills. Also Sheet Iron and Cop per Work, House Fronts, Win- . dow Caps and Sills, Ven tillators, Grates, Iron Raiiing3, and every des cription of Iron and Brass Castings. Dealers in Steam and Water Guaees, Gum Belting and Pack ing, Gaa and Steam Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, sc., at Manutacturer s prices. Old Metal Bought. Jobbing and repairing of all kinds done at short notice, and workmen sent to all parts to set up and do repairing on Machin ery and Boilers. Send for a Circular and see Price Lista. ' April 3d, 1861. 8. HISTORY CO. KesDoctfullv announce to their friends aud citi sens of Kxanaville generally, that tbey are still ia the Feed business, and are thankful for past fa vors, akd hope by strict attention to bosiuees, to merit a continuance ot patronage on onr new plan which we now adopt from this date, which ia strict Iv for cash. All orders accompanied with tbe cash ! will be promptly attended to; none othebs keid APPLY. We bave now on hand and for sale 200 tuns prim flay, 600 bush old white Cora, selectod expressly tor' Bread, 600 bush new Corn in Ear, busk Oats, 6 tons Oil Meal, aud a full supply of Bran. ShipstorT, ire, and everything usually found in a r eed More, all ol wnon win oe sola cneap tor casa and casb only. iiwepecuuliy, dec7 B. S. BUSTON CO. A3 Almonds. Brazil Nuts. Filberts, Pecans. Enir lish walnnts, Qgs, raisins, currants, rock candy. oysters, sinliues, alum, epsora salts, mil orirusiunc sulpbur, e ipperas, madder, extract oi logwoou, in' digo, cram tartar, soda, bed cords of all kiuds, to banco of ail kiuds. blickinir. battine, nutmegs, ci gars tf all kinds, ginger, race and ground glass jars, laitsrus and llnki, mnstard, pep per same, matches, piokles, stone pipes, powder, safety fuse, soa) of all kinds, starch, toaa, vine ?ar. camnhor. letter, note. cat. and fancy paper wrannim: naner. envelopes, salt petre, mm drops. woodau bowls, jujube paste, cinnamon, dried beef. Driiisn lumre, oonnei ooaras, iuk, uu nails, sash, glass, spirits turpentine, allspice, soda. pain Killer, liqnorioe, Co., Jtc, ec. - A supply of the above kept constantly on hand and for sale iow, by a. K. uibuniti w. dwjlvi Ko. 4 Sycamore St. CHARLES BAEC0CK, " I lmijurtor aiid Dealer in Coach and Saddler) Hardware .. . , . MAIN STREET, 'eVAWSVILLG INDIANA . ' prwJiViwVtJ iojir csiTtsu . w MjX raciceuients with Enropeau and Aiuerira, mauufacturors for a direct supply of all jruodain m. hue. I am enabled to olior mnu'ementd, tnat can not fail to be to the interest of all engaged in the burmess to givo me s; trial. - - I came in nart: axles. BOriuscs made of the ts steel; bands, enameled and of all kinds of leather cloths, linines for carriasCT, varnishes, castings ol all kinds, saddle trees, English bridle Ieathera, bits, sdrniLB. sours, hsieee. tine silver bames of all kinds,' Jenny Lind Gitf Trees, self-adjusting fad, Taylor's patent bames, fly nets, shoe thread, hor- bUukets, London Girth . Webs, American Girtb aac tein Webs, both cotton and worsted; Londoa Welt Skins, a superior article; itory, gutta perchs and brass liued martengal rings; superior korseyi for borso covers, the best qaaucy of carriage bolts, pitc-nt gig trees, Ac. Ac. I keep in fact everything appertaining to eitbei branch of tbe business, and understaudiug both branches thoroughly, we would respectfully invitt y ?ur attention befttre purcliMiiig eLwbere. I also agent for Ward's Patent Spring Saddle. sL30-dt "ELLIOTT'S." MCKBMS8 BY Til MS THOUSJUVO. 6 bbU loose t ickles, in wine vinegar, for sale at Elliott's. 10 doz 2 lb cans fresh coveoystess. 8 . oi 1 lb cans " ' 5 d z qt bottles tomato catcup. 6 d :x pt " " " Z duz pi bottles walnut cutsup. 2 do- pt bottles, um huom r-.itsu. for sale cheap, at Elliott s Family Grocery. IS dcz gallons pliin pickles, in bottles. 8 du " mixed " " la uoc gtllons, plain and mixed, in bottles. 10 d a quirts .... Just received at Elliott's. 5 d i 2 lb cans fresh salmon. " 4 do 1 lb " " 4 d"B 2 lb can fresh lobsters. - 4 doa 1 lb " For sale cheap," at Elliott's CABS 5 dozen willow cabs, at a1! prices, which we propose to -eil cheap. Tboss in need of any oabs, will do well to call and examloe befura pur chasing, ltemc-mber tbe stand, aor7 ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. TOM LIST .J B TICLK S Just received at H. J. SCHLAEPFEB'd New Drug store, consisting of Hir Oils, Pomatums, Cosmetics, Tonics, Keotoraiives and Hair Preservers. Also, a large supply of Perfumery, Colognes, Koe, Lav ender, Orange and Florida Waters. Also, a large stock of Ltair, Kail, Tooth, Cloth, Flesh, Crumb and Comb Brushes. Bedding Toilet, Pocket and Fine Combs, a large variety made of H rn. Ivory aud Kubbe-. mhlS NEW ALBANY WOOLEN MILLS JOHN T. CREED & CO., Kanafacturera of Jeans, Flannels, Fancy Coverlet3, " and Stocking Yarns. We are now prepa id to furnish Army Contrac tors r Merchants with a superior aetic e of Wool ou SOCKS, suitable, for army purposes. We can furci h 20O to 30O pair per dav. orders solicited. JOUN T. U It EED A CO. apr6-5wd ""UlIiLES ADELMANN tTJTJ 8 M ttAX A OMAtJ MU HM8 BOOT AXiL and thoe Manufactory, . on Wa-er Street, beiaeen Sjcamoreand Vine," aiga'cf the' Golden Boot, where he is prepared to attend' to his old costomers and new ones. Ue asks a continuance of tbe patronage hereto fore received by h'ni. mimi at in a 111 BUSINESS CARDS. DRUGGIST AND GROCER, No. 116 Main Street. MSlrAJYBlTAMjMjMil 1MM. Medicines and Groceries at the lowest cash prices of the city. auS" SAMUBI. B. OILBEST... ..WILLIAM B. BAKEB. . JB. Gilbert & Co. VVholesale lirocers, Sycamore street, betweer Water and First, Evans- vine, Indiana. Amu Bwraonnmi ways on hand, and for sale at the lowest pris. J. II. MAGHEE & CO., Are n w ready witb a itood -tocfeof BB.Y CSr C O I3 s x Boots and Shoes, for tne r an mm " to sell entirely At verv low prices. Ve nave Blue and Gray Satinetts, White and Grny Blankets, Prints of all kinds, Canton Flannels, Bed and White Flannels, L Loners, Brown Sheetings, Bleached Sheeting,- Shawls, . . - . Undershirts, ' " , ; And a great variety or Negro uooas. We Invite all to call ana examine, i we hold out great inducements to cash buyers. KOVE1SBEB IS, IWl. cm ru'c r.m I cuv - - - H I .311111 ii O Urt.tti OPENED UI)EK THK "TVLB OF ADAMS' GALLEiCY, Coukeu Main ASBCONneTs.vOVEa kbuust'BB. EvaNHVILLB, September 1H, 18ol. wr,ai?, THfi PJVOKBStOJYBU, W W citizens of Henderson, are acquainted with J. F. Adams, aud can cheerfully recom mend him as an artist who takes great pride in his work, and is worthy the patronage of the citizens of Evansville aud surrounding coan- try. P. H. Hillyer. L. W. Powell, John H. B:pret, J E. iiankin, Geo. H. Priest, ThuinaB Soaper, I. B. Burbauk, James II. Clay, David Hart, Bobt. T. Glass, Arch'a Dxion, Wm. McClain. P. S. Pictures cheap and nneqwalled. ilIrrWss MJ8T H KCKi VMilt t cjr 20 cases Hats, 160 cases Boots and Shoes, BO cases Negro ftboes, for sale cheap by J. H. MAGHEE A CO. novll WORTH IffiCii FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of UAHTFOttU, CONN. Casli Capital, $300,000. CASH ASSETS ..937,O0Q W. C. HAST1US, aec'y. A. F. HASTINGS, Pres't. o Insures against loss and damage by Fire on Dwell ings and their contents. Manufactories, Mills, Storehouses, Stocts of Merchandiie, at fair and reasonable rates of premium Policies promptly issued and losses adjusted for Company by A. C. HALLOCK A SON, Agents, iny2 First St.. opp. Post Office- Ej3&2CC"7"ED fkSTMM OJV HJSM'MM JtJVMt MtBTBB- AJ MISaiD TO STJOCEEDI GEOBGE THOBNHILL takes pleasure In il. orminr his old customers that in the quality and style of his work, he flatters himself he cannot be excelled, tie nas removea to uray s new uuuumn. Second street, bet. Main and Locust streets, where the choicest Harness and Saddles of every descrip tion can be obtained on tho best of terms. m Repairing done with neatness aud dispatch Second-hand Harness ilwa.v on hand lei m&BVr rAtJB'8 MMPTB What could l W le nicer or more useful for a New Year's Gift than a nice Coal Oil bums. Another fresh lot just received at ViUKEKY BROS., d cJ8 No. 82 Main street. OW TO VMA jnit.Vfi -.' If you have a lard oil or bnrninz Quid Lamp, you can have it altered to bnrn coa oil t a moderate expense, as we have a fow dozen extra coal- oil burners for that purpose; fetch your lamps along, to V1CKEKY DUOS., decG N". 82 Main st. TfTJVtOJVJVOTMi PJiPKB. 50 reams aa sorted, fany cjlors ao d new stvles, just re ceiven for sale by , S. K. GILBERT CO. janll No. 4 -ycaoiore t. VBW JIIOBK Of TH08H JYICB hams left, only 6 cts. per ponnd, at mh7- EL LIHTf'8 Family Grocery. S E GILBERT & C0S" jnBJMHL, 8 TJ H CIt X h re tons b. st p-rl AC starch juit received. fr bi1teut uw in lots to tbe trade, or in qutntities to suit pur. chafers. MANILLA COBO. 50 cils aKsortcd slz-, for sale by S. E. Gilbert tfc Co, No. 4 Sycamore street. NEW 3 EBBING. 50 boxes best quality, juat rec-ived and lor sale by aplCi S. E. GILBERT A CO. A iMrira ASHOirmen: of Saddles. Bridles, and Harness, i every , description, on hand at my Manufaclury, on Waiu Street, over m Orrery Store. Ubll , , J. P. ELLIOTT. H KMiJV iJU H I.Jt H TMiJ Gr-u VJT Tea at fro-n U to $1,20 per lb ; Black 60 to 6lc, and warran led to please, at - ' Jan28 . VICKEKV BBO'S. IMJY! BIt.lJ'!! V couttnue to re ceive that rich country Bran, that weighs 30 lbs. to the bushel. Buy the kind that will ketp yonr cows fat, at VIvKERY BROS., ler7 . N .. Jii Main t. rWlUBS t.It BUCHBT8. JL 5 dez n litrge 3 hooped tubs ; 5 " largu 2 " 5 . " sruiiil 2 " " 5 " ket-lurs; 10 " b-ckots. Just received at H. A. Coot?. WELL BUCKETS. 2 dozen assorted well buck ets at 11. A.Cook's. . BROOM.S! BROOMS 1 ID dozen German long straw shaker brooms ; 10 " short " la . ' Imitation shaker brooms ; 10 " h tenia boat brooms. At Cook's. MAPLE SUGAR. 1,000 lbs choice maple sugar just received at H. A. Cook's. W. R. AND HAMBURGH CHEESE. SO boxes rich Western tiescrve and Hamourgn Cheese, lor sale at H. A. Cook's. DRIED BEEF, 1,200 lbs choice plain Dried Beet; 1,-00 loa choice canvassed Dried Beef, at H. A. Cork's. . CINCINNATI SOAP. 100 boxes extra soap, 4 bars for 25 cent-), at Cook's. .: OBANSESI OBASGES! 50 bxs choice sweet Oriiuges, jnstreceived per E. AC. R. K., at 11. A. Cook's. COBN MEAL. 100 bushels fresh Corn Meal at H. A. Cook's. PAKAFISR OB COAL OIL CANPLES. 10 casts first quality Ceal Oil Candies, jUat received at H . A. Cook's - STAR CANDLESr 50 bxs Star Candles assort ed aizes, 3's, (' an ; 7's, at H. A. Cook-"s. FLOUR. 75 bags choice Family Flour, for sale at H. A. cook'.. ETE FLOUR. 20 barrels extra Bye Flour, at H. A. Cook's. - . it ,.. t- . CRUSHED SUGAR. 5 barrels choice A 1 crnsned Sugar, 7 lbs for $1,00, at H. A. Cook's. POWDEaED 6UGR. 6 bbls choioe A 1 pow dered Sugar, 7 lbs lor CU00, at H. A. Cook's. EXTRA WHITE REFINED SUGAR. 5 bbls rotucd white Suinr, a lla for Stfiu, at p 11. A. OOOK'o. MISCELLANEOUS DR. HAAS, having leased the rooms formerly oc cupied by Dr. Kivett, in Dr. Bray's hnilding, oppo site tbe Post Office, for a series of years, would re spectfully solicit the citizens of Evansville and the surrounding towns and country, bo visit bis rooms and see the specimens on exhibition, whether they need the services of a Dentist or not. Since the issuing of his last circular and adver tisement, over a year since, several improvements and new inventions have been made, ef wbicb he has availed himself, and allows nothing that will nbserve the interests of his patients, to pass un secured. His facilities are better and establish ment larger, without doubt, that any other la our State, and equal teany in Eastern cities. All those who need Dental operations performed, and are pleased with bis work, Bball be attended to with great pleasure. The following are t!ie styles of work manufactur ed by him: Continuous Gum; Block or Carved Work; Vulcanite Base; Coralite; Amber; Cheoplaa ti; Gold and Silver work. Nething can excel the beauty and cleanliness of the continuous gum work. It is without a scam or crevice. Cheks that are sunken can be restoie 1 to nearly their original contour by this style of work, and also by the use of the Vulcanite, Coral ite, and Amber Base. The latter styles, for light ness and adaptation to difficult mouths, excel any eels anything we have ever sees. He has several anaesthetics for alleviating pain when extracting teeth. They are perfectly harm less. The mont delicate can bave them applied. He does not advertise anything he cannot do, nor exhibit anything not made by himself. Parents should consult tbe health and beauty i4 their children by having the Dentist direct thei' second dentition, thereby producing symmetry and health to those invaluable organs. Irregularity of children's teeth correo. .1 sue. cosefully. Those having decayed teeth, should either nave them extracted or 111 led at once (tbe latter if pos sible). Thv health of the partitvs and the remain ing teetb demand tuis. 3SV I take pleasure. In introducing Dr. Haas, my suocessor to the old rooms in Bray's bKilding, hoping he will find them both pleasant and profit able From my intercourse with the Doctor, I am pleased to find him one of tbe progressing ; pessessing taste and high professional ability and standing. With this view, cau, with safety, rocom mend him to tbe community aa a skillful and com potent dentist. (may28i J. KIVETT. Bleached Muslins. wafX HJVMi J VST BUVMilVKn Jl WW large lot of B etcb-d Muslius, of the best and justly "celebrated" brands that are mde in thisconutry. S0HAPKEK HI SSING'S, feb8 No. 49 M.iin street. ' SI i.AJ.Vi' HIU tJ L, VMJ8 WM. An assortment of the above celebrated Gloves just received at hCHAPKEB A BO-SING'3. dec30 No. 49 Main street. MfiOTTOJY B.M TTMJVG. 100 bales lor sale Ls at 19 CENTS per po ind, in q -lantities. mhlO - S. E. GILBERT CO. f I, T P KT H ti ! 8AI.TPHTU t.l 1(X)U lbs of saltpetre, best qu ility, for sn'e by 1. 4 I). llMI&flS, dec28-lm No. 6i Mniu street. T 4 It O X. JSOW,-6C0do-gi just re t lis ceived nt ELLIOTT'S mb7 Family Grocary. rWWRPMiJTAJVB8PIBIT8.-W gal Am. Ions, in eans aad duzeus, for sale by teblO S. E. GILBIlRT A CO., No. 4 Syramore streec. g 'IloTvH.VB OULBJIJS 8 SVtiAtt. 9. 6 hbds choice N. O. Sugar, at jang H. A. COOK'S. TIIICH 50 boxes, best quality, fur sale by S. K. GILBEKT A CO., ,icl2 No. 4 Syrumorei treet. "gBJHI.YU !' UritKU. ILm 12 doz Uitnoprkk's Bakiug Powdors, in p. ninds, half pound", and quarter pounds, just re ceived nt fob!7J ELLIOTT'S. Sl'B-nrK PitMKi'TOMi8-bm bunh M els ot tbu- geuuiue Piuk-ye Potttoes. Also, 500 busbeU c mmn, such as grocers generally ke-p, for sale at reduced prices st nih7 J . P. ELLIOTT'S Family Gropry. WWQHITB BBJtJ"8.loO bushels prime r9r wbiie Beaus, at JT. A. C00K8. mh20 f"4 8tOJV8 3.HHI eugar c ired and canvassed barns. 3,0 Oo ouo plain li ms. 2,br Bboulders. 2,0 0 ribbed sides. l.'-OOslear s-.djs. 500 barrels mess pork. 100 barrels rump nork. X,0 kegs choice fimily lard. The above are all of oar own curing, and fatly warranted. CEO. FOSTER & CO. CGar23 - i BVBMB8. Just received, 25 doz. Horso Brushes, assorted. 25 doz. Shoo Brushes, assorted. 2? doz. Scrub Brushes, asvjrtd. 15 d-. Cloili Briwbo, assorted. 5 duz. Counter Brushes, assorted. 15 doz. White vVash Urusbs, assorted. To Grocers and Merchauti we olloi the abuvj at Cincinnati wholesuls pricea. JACOB STRACB A SON, feb22 Wholesale Leilor,j7i Stain st. BB I 'sW'BlBT P O tSto K 7 3 o buebels pure seed s-vuet PoU'oes In siorn n 1 to arrive, at mbiOJ U. A. COOK'ti. UCB IIKa T M I j Ut. ! . V5 sis Buckwheat Fb nr, at H. A. Cook's. ZANTECr BRANTS. 3 casks Zinte Cunauts, just received at Cook's. F0BTY bnsbels more of Ihote chtice Sweet Po tatuea, at C'ok's. SALMON 1 tierce extra Salmon, just rtceivid at Cook's. W. R. and Hamburg Cheesa 50 boxes cheese, reoivfd ihis day at Cock's. ; ORANGES 40 boxs Oranges, in fine order, at H. A. Cook1. LK.MONS 10 boxs Lemons, in line order, jnst received at Cook's. 000 frt eh Cocoaiiu's, just receive! at Cook's. 100 b ocrs Ba tins, extra tresh Layer. , 2 1 half boxes Co do do . Juet ri-ceived at B. A. Crook's. OYSTERS 30 dozen cans Cove Oysters. 20duzeHbalfc u d . . Warrantel extra, aud for sa o cheap at niar2T - H. A. COOKS. GEO. FOSTER & CO., PROVISION AND PRODUCE VIexoliarLt, Corner Lecust street aud Canal, fVANsVTLLE, ISD. CJUIM. To enable ns to devt-tetmr atieutiou exclusively to the Provision and Prd';ce tmsines, e have determined to close out our eutire stock of GBU CEitlK?. We desire to call the attention of the trade to the fcet that wo will sell at lower rates than goodof similar qnatity can bo Inid d-jwn in this uinrker, and we invita city and country bnynrw to ex .mine our atix k before purchasing olsewherc. Tbe st-tck is well seiectid for tbe wauls of this section rtud contains reart every thing kept by a wholesale establishment. Bargain cau be had by calling ou uto. rusiliK r uu., Corner Littust st. and Canal. jf BJVT. 1,0:0 lbs new Codfish Just ree-ived MLA at rob20 if. A. COOK'S. FOE. SALE. rWH'B WMUUM" ft T -IT fJOl. COJV- BL DA is for sale and ihe terms nr- rasy. a, ,13 d-2w R UhO RJ0N "Vickerj Brothers." JgJASTAiB 18 VOjaAJVt.- 200 doz. fresh -i eggs just received and for esle at Vickery Brts. POTATOES. 100 busbels jnst received from Illinois, at Vickery Bros. COAL OIL. 10 bbls just received from Pitts burgh, "inspected " and warranto!, safe at Vick ery 'd, No. ii Main SHeet. CINCINNATI SOAP. Notwithstanding the advance we are still sxlJng f-mr bars for.25 cents, at VICKERY tB05. ap!7-dtf ' EvA8VII.l.E, Ap ii l-t 18(i2. Jf HJVB THIS 13 J V T.1 HMi.y W. ' JL W. Allisas a partner in the man-.tacture of Tobacco, Cigata, Ac, under the name aud style of J. Q. SAl'Eu. A Oi). N. is. Allis A Howes will act ai our agents front this date, to bay, sell, or traueact ny business in our line. J. G. BALER A CO ap!7-d3m '- " " . JiBMjMS 8JJLT. la large and email I'ags, for sale by S. r GIL-KRT t Co. ' mblO ' M.OUH t t ,.,... 50 sucks A. A A. wmie wneat iiuui, mi hi feblo a u HO f I S. Lit J.HP 6 dozes extra Coil Oil 11 I,,.. fiti rh. nnrruiH nf 1- -r duibcib j m". - - r - " . . . . . I . .4 L' I . t . t I .. m c I.ainnl . n taring MM W " riummmf.. """- . be cuanged in five minntBS. Also 10 doa Coal Oil Chimneys; 2 dozen Brushes to clean chimneys ;'. W ickiu aud Shade, at VICKERY B OS. 3 G U R Kf Ei oz LfJ csj... i - JVo 6 luoctist We bave, in addition to our extensive Job Printing Office, a large and complete Book Bindery & Blank Book Manufactory, Connected with our estAblLshuient, which enables as to execute Blank Books, Magazines, Music Books, -Bills of Lading Steamboat Books, Bank Books, And, in fact, every description of BINDING AND PRINTING . On the shortest notice and on the most rea sonable terms lor cash. Thauktul for tbe patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon us, we tvpuld re spectfully a ask continuance of the same. j-DEl.C5J-itrJiiiO TUfil OF THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL. FOR 1 8 6 . DAILY, TRl-iVEEKLY & WEEKLY. A YEAR Or GBElT INTEREST. Ths Kvansvills Journal la now in tbe 27th year of its esisience. Lniing nil that period it has sought to be in every rei,ect a faitblul "cbroni- of the times, the people and f country." 1 be circulation ut tbe juubkal is a gratifying evidence that our labors are appieciate-l. Never belure wm a newspaper more necessary tbeu at present. No man can full tu undero'irid the im pittance ol keeping up with the 4'i'my times in which wo live. He who does not tead now, aud keep intomied on the current events of the day, will bave the failure to do so lor a liie time reicret. OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE. Nearly every re-idem of Indiana has relatives friends, or ne ghbors 111 tbe Gisnd Army of the Union. Indiana has tsnt h"r nrmed m Into tliu field fy thousands, and tbey aro now rtatioued on tbe capes of Not th Carolina, along the Potomac, among tbe mountains of Virginia, or marching southward Kentucky and Missouri. A few months may Dud some ot them on (he Gulf of Mexico, encamped before Fort Sumter and Charleston, or occupying New Orleans, in nearly every Division of the army, we hare regular corres ponuenis, whose letters will nppear in the columns of the Journal. MiLITARt AND GENERAL MATTERS. Besid-s Army News, our cor. espondents at homo and -abroad, ill irivt attention t other matters that may be of in teres' to the public . , In tbe local columns of the Daily Journal will be cbrenicled military appointments, resignations and promo tions tiiHtio for and among our Stato troops, end whatever eire may ilai'y traeapire of general im portance Tbe local columns of the Dally Iourxai. will also contain from day to day items gleaned at borne and lioin our In iiaua etchai.g is, or military nows in all parts of the State. . STATKjNKWS AND HOME INTERESTS. Not dosinfng or desiring to b exclusively mili tary in coibIls ting the Journal, attention will be paid to wha tever may be immeJitely important to our sobs)LiIijer8. State news and home interests wi 1 alwa4 (as they have in the p-wi), receivi, espe cial attention. The Dally aud We-kly JuTJBNAL will coutjii telegraphic summaries of the condi tion ef the Cincinnati, New York and foreign mar keU. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Journal,' per year $5 00 Daily J.-un.a;, per wi ek, 10 cents. Tri Weekiv Journal, per year 84 00 Weekly Journal,), single subscriptions, per ver M Weekly leuinal, fti club of ten, er year.... snbcriptious iotftriably in advance. 1 00 Tbe usual discount will bo made to News Agents. Adjiss, . EVANSVILLE JOURNAL CO., EVANSVILLE, 1ND. fe -cry jn. m 1- 'jgjv H.9 vist mk- M m MOVED his oflice from No. 4 First -treer, to his residence on Second tr. et, np oitn the new Pre b t-rian Ch'irch, wrtl kw;p, as heretofore, a good assortment of Who ler A Wilson's, and Singer s Sewing Machines and needles, aiik thread and oil, and every thing that is oouuected with the busiuess. mhl F. M. BELLMAN, Ag't. SA C HUGHES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Particular ttontion p-iid to tl e collseting van-rt ness in tho 1st District of Kentucky. lnJ 4DlTrflVIVIMlJS VIVA WI OS." ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT "CHABLEY" HABBE. Prop'r. rmE above e it MJH 8M, M has just been repijfi and refiMod. and is now oveaed to the pubif..' -Iu expsnse baa been spared to place lha St. OKarles in first rate trim, and it willbe kept as a BraijZiass house in aU res- POCt"" OA MB, "iN Tif"g gEArV'N. C3 "ST. 3 "37 33 JEL O , And everything edibleo be purciinsed in the mar kt will be served np'it the ST. CHARLES at aL hoars, in a style a-hicti will salt the most fasti! vu" .i.iw. ... , a( manv lon years. A Choice Brsndiei and Iptted Wines the brtWporluUity to inform t brands of Old Bourbon Monongahela ahd t,'nia ,,aoe ef bnsinesi No. 1 Liqnors of all UndaVul be found at thehnt , rZ. taUen care for tbe t of tlia St. Chaitaa. .. 4 . of the St. ChaUea. ImDoited Cisrars. All the favorite ilitv'uyv-iTjraud-ulaays on 1" sr. i he patronage sMiy unmerous Irtend j- tbe public generally respectfnilv solicited, v oc4-6ui ACOJVI .-if .i 15 th ousand lb files ; ,V 12 thou and fca Shoulders ; 15 thousand UVt4iams; 20 thousand )S f.Mrd ; ' ll0 barreliles Perk, for sale by mh!9 d3w - JOHN GAVISK. Coiner ef Maiu and Fourth sit. IvllBUJb LLAiV E I fJt JVO. 1 VOBJV ST-lltvft. fui sale at VM. - H. J. SCHLAK PKER'S novg New Driiit Store W J.11PBI L.I.rtP8 .'The fourth invoice JB-J of lamps ia thirty days received per -teamer Lebanon, comprising agreat var.ety of styles, su perior to any jet received. Also, a supply f the Bonecrans or "Star finrner" thadt, cbimnys, wicks, Ao. For sale at VICKEBY BKO'S, janll , . No. 82 Main street. - ...... rstiOlVH TJ II Lit BVT1 HH, at y dec.18 U. A COOK'S. -. 150 boxes German and Palm, fjr sale K9 L Wbyfeb3J S. E. GlLBf.BT A CO. jSf A'TAJ WUITB WHEAT it LOU B 29 bblsiust received, and for ealo at fc-bll VICCERV BKOS., Main St. CIIILMBEJS8 COM B 8 ' y5 c.ozea children's Indian Rubber long Combs just received, and for sa'e at 10 c's nniece, at SCHAPKER de BU.SSIN'GS, febl2 49 Main Street. rmoBACCO JiYH CttJA H8.K l ire At stock kept always on hand, from common 10 the very beet S. E. GILBERT A Ow., feb3 No. 4 Sycamore s reet. V 9I.yjietJHCIJtfiH-2H lil,i. for saie by lt3j S. E. UlLBLlil'AW;. fkJMZjS. 3tO ktgi, ai kiz-s, lea , for sale W by Teb31 S. K. GILBERT A CO. A -w' V J.yti MISSES. to boxes aa L' sorted, for sale by lebi S. E GILBERT CO. CKK JHOUJ'l bMit'J3 8, All kind lor sale very lew, by feb3 E. GILBR.RT A CO. jfiilHAP CO EM EE. Ohio Bye, aud CdTte Ly neana, said te be goo I sub-titme. for Ooflee. Also, Uummel's E.seuceof 0 floe lu tin c '. Kor sale at VI -iK'EltY'A, No. 82 Main lrtl. T OJ8 OE BICH COLWTIit' Ja F BRAN just now receiving from the Bail, road and for sale at VlCKfcRY BRoS., jan7 No. 8i Mam strrt 6 r ft Ml Mi sTjTil Ut ti.-KH " G, n-faT M IIoccm- 1 a eat Coat nil Humors, port ble, only requiiiog 2 inch chiniti-vt. Sampi,-! may lie feen at Vlt'hERY IIHiis. &oli ptsojpT " ' ACS 35 boxes extra Palni Soap; IK do G-rnian do; ' - 10 do Fancy Bar do. Received Ihw day by II. A.COOK, janfi 73 Main stieet. Mf 1 BE '-f T JIT rt.f CTI OJV at 8 t'tfj VJf EK1U lil'Sil NO'S. We have just received our secoud purchase ot Winter Dry Goods, comprising soine ul tu be t brands that tlii world cau pr.nluce. A i:r-at varl. ety of Dress Goods. Bnwid Clotbt, Tweeds, Oassi meres, Ac. SCI1APKEU A BCShlNG. oav:lo 19 Maiu st BPLUB J K.I.V8 10 pes extra quality Clue M-Jf mixed Jeans jet received an I tor -a!e vLi-ny at bOIIAPKKIt Bl'SSI N''-", dec30 No. M-.1 street. flOjtf. OIL, ur.ri.ffh-ror sale at jinl4 V1CKKKT BltO'S. f 'H KJi I- MtMOOIS A good hiiK-ia f-r Wy 15 cents aud la-Mcr oner Shukere nt 2 cents each, at VICKEIiV Ull'J'S, janll No. hi il.iin streot. K 8. Ij.fl OJV 1 1 8. .i bbls soft shelled AS Almondi, nt II A. COOK'S. rnMI K EJ U IJ Mi COVOJtJYti KAU JSl LtttftraU-, Al:non.1, Cao in, Circas-lan, Bears, Rose aud Amique fiair Oils. For s lr at H. J. CHLAEl't KB'S. Biilrl Drug Store. "- obYiijT, t.jt VEJvYiMilF, K smT, 'L Orange aiid a gHd vaiij v ..f O lona Wa ters tor sale at U. J. S,. ii LAEPFKii S, janlG i'rng Store. ft&BHOi87i'B I" r "i."iubai rela amyfV b'Hiaa yrup, receive 1 this K , aud sold at OOceutspergal.ou at LI. A OoOK'S. 7J iiui,. si reet- rvftOICE PICHI.Es t.V hr'i.VMiUjM. Wl 10 Lbis extra Pickles, at jH II. A COOK'.'. LOOK HERE, EVERYBODY - " ; :. -. WE are How niau-ilariiirtug Wells' rawm r. og Spring Bed, the best and must oonvemcut w n use, al it can be Di"ved or iiimlii-d iiiiot:t a rouble, (.'all and rxa?i7:fi h(iT-i nt2'i IIITE J,AiJ &! kegs piira lore sb S. K. O LBKUT 'JO. NEW DRUG STORE. Tho undersigned having purchased from N. Thompson his entires tock in irade, will vontiu the businesa at the old .tand, coruer of Mahi a Second Streets, where be will kie.i constantly hand a freli and full supply of P-rngs, Medicin pailit8. Oils, I'agucrrrau Slock, and ait other ai cles con nected with t ie bnsiuoes. I am to oiler unusual indii?emHiit. to cah buyer. jnnc21 tiENaY J. SU LA ICPK fcli -w hand a snpplv of r. . 1 1. CQ w Q CQ H CQ o o p o v rvr-jiis.-. 0 mmm O . "1 -j t 1 , . 1 i 'fH in & 0 0 We ean also furnish TRACK BUALfcS or ar pacify These sies are 1ro.11 tuo luauniaiu B. T. FAIBMANKS A CO., St. Joheahnrg, moot. Every Scale is trted and sealed, and ranted corroot. For testitn,nial wa rfir ti tUousands of pernnguninK' them. HORNBhMKK A CO., Autt BOV24 Wttr stm,t. F.vanarl THE GREAT VVSTF.R RUNS THE BLOCK AD Theodore's Exchange, 111 1 1 1 11 11 UlLLlilUy w m m u b ii w w u m - i aS.'- REPRESHLIEIiT SAL00 Th proprietor of ths above rstablishmet with to all his friends his sinre C for the favora thev have bestowed npon hit an nmnv Imiir vers. At tbe same time he 1 tue puuiic mat ue use ess in new style, ana ir. f as taken care for tbe neocssary accommodal -t-t. viiu.ors. Ha usnai, the Beetaaraut will be furnKhe.! fie moot superior del iivtoies of ths season. A free lunch, cons. sting or evertnio8 ma seaaon can prodv.o, will be set at 1U o ciock, forenoon. , Tuere will be foand at the Ear tho finest, purest Wines aad Liquors. Also, the lost and Ale to be had. Together with thi?, yo find VherV the depot of MALT BY '3 W0AU NOWSED OYMfcBS. Orders will be filled promptly, and to the facrfen ot mankind. lacrrono. n THEODORE MISOS uvl-iu " " Proprl-