Newspaper Page Text
m flats "WANTS, EOR BINT, &c. j STRAYED OH STOLEN. r Perry, uia iin I tn.t 'voU-.t M .V (lJ'. l" vlVs oH. Ke hHt 1 on whia im left, one a'uoe oj. fore foo4 ha4ivi dle mark right shoulder blade, an -we. about fifteen 'hatdahic.h. ... LfbeTal Toward will be paid for any information s to-h weieatinr:s. . . i aeplWlr j , OWEN P. CABLING. WANTED. i x rr nrnhsi ont s 'wnteV ron which tthilitt trmrkt, p-.-ice will be. aaid In Oaau at JOS. v n.1.10 n o, No. "22 ilahi Mwt. UIO mm sale. TWO IT TOWS LOTS MILL BE SOLD rtiesrp for ca.h. No city taxes, for particu lars address Lock Box 5. C. augiitf SVTURDAY SOBSIHG. .SEPTEMBER 10 .ST- M. THAYER, Editor. m. . exajrsiHTiiORN,.,.. Associate. Enlargement. Oh Monday morning, unless something unforeseen happens to prevent, the Journal will make its ap pearance in an enlarged form. We will eihen be able to acccommodate all of our advertisers who have heretofore favored us in this particular, and will also have room for a considerable number in addition. We desire to make the Journal a credit to the city, and de pend upon our business men to aid us in our undertaking. The News This morning, if not of a highly exciting - character, is exceedingly interesting. The great point of interest has uow shift ed from Charleston back to the Army of the Cumberland, below Chattanooga. Our dispatches inform us that both the rebel and. our armies are concentrated and within striking distance of each other. The Confederate authorities have been making every exertion to stay the on ward march of Gen. Rcsecrans. They have concentrated every available man west of the mountains and east of the Mississippi, besides drawing targe rc- enforcements from Gen. Lee. The re port that they now outnumber the Army of the Cumberland is not improbable; but in all the elements of success in disci pline, equipment, and enthusiasm grow ing out of a consciousness of a righteous cause, as well as the inspiration from repeated victories our army is alto gether the superior of that of the rebels. In additiou to their numbers, however, the rebels have a strong position, and are operating close to their base of supplies, while Uenerai (voaeerana is mi ouui ltia. To offset' this advantage, it is eomrorting to know that General J'uioside, with his veteran army, is within aupporting dis tance, and will be prepared to render such assistance as may be necessary to insure the rout of the last rebel army in the West From Arkansas we have the gratify ing intelligence.- Vhe "Capital of the State, -vithout striking a blow in its de fense. This is an acknowledgment that the Confederacy is effectually "played out "west of the Mississippi. The pos session of Little Rock will open up com munication with those parts of Arkan sas and Western Texas in which there has always been a large Union element, and which, properly protected, will soon show a strength that will be surprising to those who have placed confidence iu Mr. Vallandigham's statements as to the unanimity of the Southern people in support of the Confederate authorities Geu. Scbofield in Missouri has issued an order that shows the necessity of his re moval at once. He seems to be labor ing under the hallucination that he is above tho Government, and that while Copperheads and disloyalists may abuse and criticise it to their heart's conteut, loyal paperg aBfj (Jniou citizens must not say a word derogatory, either of his honesty and patriotism or the faithfulness with which he ditch rges his duties. His order is most remarkable, and taken in connection with his utter indifference at CJuantrell's escape, shows that he has no heart iu the work to which he has been assigned, and, as we stated yesterday, neither intends to protect loyal citizens nor allow them to protect themselves. Gen. Scholield's successor is already spoken of, because the instincts of the people tell them he can no longer, with safety, be retained in his command. Gen. Butler would speedily restore 3rder to that distracted State and give rest to ... ..: ollfl iMPrRRBP(j inhabitants Jt is-to be hoped the President will send him Wort immediately. Union Mass Meetings. The following appointments of Mass Meetings of the Union men of this State hae beeu made by the Union State Central Committee : Terre Haute, Thursday, September 24th Hon. James Hughes, Colonel fJonraa Baker, Hon. Alvah Johnson.Uou. W. S. Jstflith and J. H. Lozier. Viuceones, Friday, Septemb-r 25th Eon. Jai9Hughfcs, Colonel Conrad Baker, H .nt Alvah Johnsou, Hon. W. S. Smith and J. H. Lozier. Priuceton, Saturday, September 26th Hon. Robert Dale Owen, Hon. Alvah Johnson, CoL Conrad B.iker, Hon. W. S. Smith and J. H. Lozier. Bioomingtou, Friday, October 9th Hon. Alvah Johnson, Hon. W. S. Smith and D. R. Willi Fro Uen. Steele's wrmj:.. TJfcvatL's Bluff. Ark, Spt. '" ' j WAV. .. r...n,itl A i 1 lu-.Vft .in ' uittttv to 8ia von-. ' , T w .k,. . 5 .. on me ill, BrownsrilKf, Oh f5 a ect road between he're and LHtte cfc Company F. waa detaci.e?1 9 the regiment, and tvewt oace. at &u esccrt with a supply train, WHkb oo'xmnts for my being here. left the whole army, (with tlie ex ception of two regiments an infantry TejnntPnt and the 1st Ind., reniaiaifip- at Btowk.-vill;;), iu motion. Gru. Da vidson, witli his Cavalry, goin by one route, and the Infantry by f.nother, and are no doubt now in the Capital of the 8late, where I expect to rejoin the regi- ment. The road between here nnd Browns ville runs through a prairie, and is a splendid road for an Army. No dust, water being the chief difficulty. How ever, none of as have suffered as yet. Having been constantly on duty with the Company, 1 have not been able to hear much tnat would be of importance. The condition cf our regiment is better, so fnr as sickness is concerned, than any regrnretit in thj expedition. There is on? thousand sick at this place trom the different commands. Col. 1'ace returned to the resriment a few days since, looking well and hearty miraor nau it wnile he was absent, that he had taken unto himself a wile, but for the info-mation of the ladies I will state that he is yet single, and as devoted ar, admirer of the fair sex as he is a gallant defender of his country. Hopii g the next time I write to be able to send more interesting news, I remain, Yours Respectfully, Spencer County. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. BY THE E. W. LINE. Exclusively for the Journal. MORNING 115 PA CHES." From Kew York. Late Pnrla Oossljj Napoleon backing Dnwu-GorlicUakoff T i urn t Florida at Brest. New Yua September 18. The Paris correspondent of the New York Times under date of September 4th says, a most important change has taken place in European affairs. The Emperor Na poleon has turned a aummi-rsnult, and now lies in the dnst at the feet of Prince Gortzchnkoff. His position of European dictator is at an end, and hereafter he will have enough to do'to take care of himself His majesty tried to earry Englan 1 and Austria with him into a war with Russia and Prussia on the Polish question, and hoped bv this war to oon qiior the Rbinish Provinces, but his allies took alarm, and while England declared boldly she would not go to war for Po land, Austria went to work to organize the German Confederation against him. About thej same time there came to Paris positive assurances that Mr. . Cassius M. Clay, was maturing an alli ance between the United Slates and Russia, which engaged the United States to attack France in Mexico in case of a European war. There arose before Na poleon that hngbear of his familv a coalition which should embrace as active enemies Russia, the German Confedera tion, the United S'ates, and as a passive, hut not less dangerous enemy, Great Itntain. Such England bein? thus nlacfd morally ; the attitude of hostility to Trance "and ruissia, win he forced into friendship with th United States. Another reanit of the affair is, that the Mexican elephant will be left 0n Na poleon's hands, for the Grand Duke Maximilian now refuses the throne of Mexico and there is no other Prince eligible or acceptable who will take it There is now evidence that the in trigues of the French consuls in the South for the defection of Texas were true, and thev have not ceased In regard to the Florida at Brest., the same correspondent states that the en gines of the Florida are of English manu facture, and much damaged. Matfitt was obliged to stop somewhere, hut found after arriving at Brest, French workman could not repair his English engines, and ne wmiiri have to wait until he could get ' MKiisu workmen trom England. All this has caused a delay which has put Maffitt in a towering rage. For now his vessel will probably suffer the fat of tK Sumter ft Gibraltar, but there is no help for it Maffitt says that but for the mis take of Lieut. Reed, who cut out the Ca leb dishing at Portland, it was in his programme at one time to enter the port of New York or Boston and burn the place. When the Florida first pnmo Brest. Mr. Dayton protested formally against her admission," but not probably with the expectation of having her ex pelled. So far, the Fre nch have faith fully executed their . , 'fllfjrl tioti, in all other respects, and it waa expected they would also in this, but the protest guarantees the incidental points which might arise, and prevented an ex tension of favors not found in the neU- tawtitv r-roalam-iti'on. if cnnli oV.,,1,1 l attempted. The Moniteur this morning publishes an official note on the subject which de clares she will cHrty be allowed to repair such damages as regards her navigat ion, but no supplies or material will be fur nished her. FROM NEW CRK Burnaide Withdraws hta Rrsigna. tlou Concerning the Draft- New York. Seut. 17 Itis nnrlprBtrvi iriat Bui n.side acquiesces in the cordially expressed wih of tbe President to wiih draw hig resignation. Ihe draft in Cincinnati has been post poned, owing to an error of 5 000 in the apportionment. The draft will pro eced as soon as the error is rerli fieri Is u HtW j r. - ! ID uic!. win ui: iici fiiiuri-oii in .inn. . .i - nesota. In tbe event of the change of com manders ia the Department of Missouri, Gen. Bu Ser will probably be assigned to that posi'ion. n . . , v u : , I X u t win 'ii n;i , , won 1(1 Mr a I : I i ririn o o vinw..rt I f ........ .. ! protested he never h7o"w7; I XZZ' Anderson's-in all thirty ! for Poland. wa,hed his Lands o? the Po- 66 0 ) ?vtl EftS. '""J thn lish question and be ed to be friend ' o"b 6 aamhtTt aod T- a-rain1 ro riends i compelled Rosecrans toconcentrate TROM ST. LOUIS. Sc.?io-lil 1-sun an Order He n looklag after. St. Louis, Sept 18. Gen. Scbofield has issued a .General.0rd-r,8tating that, hereafter martial law will be rigidly en forced throughout this Department against all persons who shall in any manner encourage mutiny, insub ordination, or to create disaffection among the troops, and against all per sons who shall publish or utter publicly words calculated to excite insurrection and lawless acts among the people, or who shall publish falsehoods and misrep resentations of facts calculated to em barrass and weaken the military authori- ties, or in any way interfere with them in the discharge of their duties. Any person guilty of either of the offences above mentioned shall be punished by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of a military commission, and any news paper which shall contain any publica tion in violation of this order will be suspended Another Capital in our Hand. Lit tle Rock Occupied on the lGth-The Rebel Retreating South. Washington, Sept. 10. The follow ing has been received: T.lTTt.P. Rnrir Sent 10 Wo hnvo inst entered Little Kock. Gen. Davidson is pursuing the enemy, who is fleeing South. (Signed) F. R. STEELE, Major General. The Army of tlie Potomac Moving Forward Sklr mlkUlng between Cavalry. Philadelphia, Sept 18. The Press has the following : Our army will not have to rest this side of the Rapidan. For jwo days our soldiers were without fires, tearing the rebels, who would have shelled us. Gen. Kilipatriclt made two faints of crossing the Rappidan, but found he could not live a moment on the other side. Yesterday a body of Rebels crossed the Rapidan near Raccoon Ford, and drove 15(1 of our men away, but were after wards driven back in confusion. We lost about 30 killed and wounded. Rumor says that a strong force of reb els cross- d at Raccoon Ford this morn ing, and captured 100 of our Cavalry. The rebels have a strong position on the Rapidan, but no great force. Headquarter s in the Field, 1 Via Chattanooga, Sept. 17. J All quiet No attack has been made. The enotuy remains in possessien of the Gam of Pigeon Mountain and about .ufajexte. The lines are very close. Occasional skirmishing. Capt. Denny, Chief of Artillery of Van Cleave s staff, was shot in the bowels bv a sharpshooter. The wound is dangerous. It is reported that Lon?street has ar rived at Resaca with 20,000 men. Our army is in splendid health and spirits. In evacuating Chattanooga the enemy retired to Lafayette and massed their forces at that place, taking possession of the Gaps of Pigeon Mountain, directly in front of Thomas' column. The rebel force has been made formidable by new additions from Johnston, Buckner, Hindman and Maury. Deserters report the enemy now in superior numbers to the army they had at the battle of Mur freesboro. Among the divisions are Cheatham's, bis forces, necessarily Til II eh Ctu f f nvi-iJ i m crossing Look Out Mountains. The two lines of opposing armies may now be represented by a crescent The two forces are within a few miles of each other, but effectoally separated by a range of mountains. The rebel position can only be approached by three Gaps Catlett s, Wing and Blue Bird, which are Strongly guarded. The rebel position covers an excelVnt line of retreat on Rome nH r,.li.,... where they will probably make a new line should they be defeated here. There are rumors that they have been retiring for a day or two, but this is con sidered unreliable. Gen. Rosecrans left Chattanooga on Sunday and is now en gaged in making dispositions to suit the new situation. He has been ill, but is in fine spirits. In the fight with Negley the rebels lost wver ininy Kinea. Uur loss seven killed and thirty-five wounded. Glllmore baa not Resigned. Washington, Sept. 17. The Presi dent himself is not awsre that Gillmcre has tendered his resignation. ....... L : 1 "II a - Maine Election. Banoor, Me . Sept. 19. Returns from 379 towns give Corey 18,478 majority tor Governor. The same towns las't gave Coburn 5,921 majority. River and Weather. Pittsbckg. Sept. 17. River 20 inches bv the metal mark, and at a stand. Weather wet Cincinnati, Sept IS. River has risen i inches, with 3 feet in the channel. weatoer cloudy. Barometer 29 Thermometer 78. NEvV ADVERTISEMENTS. samakeryT Bread for the Himrry! NEW STEAM BAKERY, WATER STREET, ETANSVILT.E, INDIANA. WE DESIRE TO INFORM THE CITIZENS r t of Evsnsville, aud tbe community in gen ra! that our 6 W TEAM BAKERY. 11 WATER STREET, in sii c.-sliil ojieratiou, aud we shall keep tilv on hand and make to order, ou short ail articles mad- at !iko manufactories 1 t-ousran, ail articles made at !iko manulactories ; -- , . "--, iscaers, ac. 4c. B iuz -npnlied will, ai the nio.n, 1X i.:.-:.itp it. in ni.r I.m.;.... . ' r imsinefs, we Ilatter iiiinul. . we -.-ill CIVS th-m,it fim..l. : - f ' en .MMd Oil! 1Q nj oi ui:r got -as ana in pr:ccs We wil, a s- keep on baud a large and choice rock ol ( oof, clions, Krnitu, Nuts, c;fears, Ae , to wh rh we call att ntion. rders fui public o private Parties, Festivals, Balls, Ac , Ac , promptly filled on reasonable terms. toilSif A. WELD CO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GROC FRIES. & S Wholesale Grocers, TO and 72 Vine Street, Bet. Second and Pearl Sta. CINCINNATI, O. HAVE ALWAYS ON IIAND AND FOR Bale at th lowest market prices, a large and well seloct-d a took of Groceries Tobacco, Cordage, Wood U Warr, 4c , to which w inrite the atten tion of M-rchants. sepia BOOTS AND SHOES. CITY BOOT AKD SHOE STORE. COMBS & GATCH, SECOND STREET. WE DEVOTE OUii KNTlItE ATTENTION iO Tlie Boot and Shoe Trade. OT R F ALL AND WINT' It GOODS ARK Superior to any off red in market. We are reeelvine gr-mts v. ry diy. (illr facilities ar- such we ran and will sail goods cheaper than any other h ns in ihu city Hoots, Shoos and Gaiters mended for rothing. MARBLE WORKS T u-isx n eceivc ci. Direct from the Quarries, to The Finest Stock of Marble Eer brought t this market, and for sale at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory, WAKE AMD SALES ROOM No. 184 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal Our facilities for furnishing those wishing MOMJIESTS, GRAVESTONES, " A I T L E S, U,evyel,,T,R "",D Ur IiD're n"rp..ed in Our Stock of Marble is complete, having l elected wh great care at tU. uarr,ea my dTw MEDIC IAL A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY DRUGGISTS IN ALL sections of tlie city and country keip on hand buy. sell nml re-cuinmi-nd as a tonic, stimulant nnd appetizer, KaMcl'l Mi.inach Bit ters. APOTHECARIES IN all sec ions of the city and connlrv kip In st ick, sell and di-ponw as a tonic Robac', Sfoma-h Bitter. PHVSKIANS in all sciiou of tlie city and i on nt ry spprore slid re commend as a Ionic Ko back's Stomach Hitters. t; HOLERS in an Mom of the city and country keep enns'tan ly supplied with and deal in Robark's Siouiach Bitte-w. HOTELS in a'l sec tions of ihe city aud country sre supplied with and "ctnnot keep a Hi,!nl h ' rli. k..i.,.o. . . """"ui " u . "u""l s ctomacn liitiers. HOSPITALS throughout thearrav of the North have found an indispensable tonic, and are using, lor the -oldiers Robark's Stomach Bilters. SITLERS in every regiment ought to have and many have introduced, and highly recom mend Rolack's Stomach Bitters. LA OIKS, old and young, for Billiousness, Liver J omplaints Languor Weakness an 1 general De biliTy. air reconimnrlMi tn i;,.i i 1. Bitfrs. 'I EVERV BODV who desires a eood ton.v e... giving tone to the sniriis. a b-.!tt.v j strength to the system generally, slionld not fail , i ... ,,t !., s -t.ini-cti lIMtirs DR. C. W. ROBACK, nrn. j .. rroprieiiw, i llicmnatl. Ofuce and M.nuf.i.w.. to w . rropru-lor, l u Elm Third Street. ' ' '"aIia 03 WjFor sale by all Drnggists everywhere. LIQUORS. 3NT 23 W FIRM. N. F. CARR &l CO.. HI''S:5AI'E DEALERS IN IMPORTED "nd Domestic Wines and Liquors, have opened at No 2S First Street, (adjo ning Mers irij"?7?r'h Bro'' Ou.en.ware Stcre.) a large tock of Liquors, to which we bg lo call the at toaOoa o. the trade. We are prepared to offer ex ira inliuary imlu rments to buyers, and re spectfully nvite Merchants. Bar Keepers, dealers and all Pthert who are intore-ted in buying good Liquors, to call upon us before purchasing Our stock is large, aud consists of a very groat variety of imported Wines aud Liquors of almost ereiy grade. Also, a large assortment of old Bourbon, Mono, gahela and Rye H hisky, which we wa rant to be genuine fPt-om N. F. CARR A CO. ONE DOLLAR REWARD. WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWAKD TO a. any tiersou giving information .m . convict the irson or persons who painted mv Zvi. "a" " o er 'h blac paint, and the w nitii upon my house about two wee's ac . and 1 1 V us.-. no naa since that time r,p.atedly broken lights f irlass by throwing nieces of lim. i . comelrom Or.S. W. Thompson's h. use, i-orcb or ' dt H oatrsge can be done from no other j victionof any person who ma hereafter neri- n-L sil'" Harmcuy, on irate such diabolical action.. PrP- I J";, itKU, ind ThursJay, Octob-r 6,h, . :. , -louvws; or tor the con SADDLERY. CJliarles Babcook, I rfJ&RTI K AND PRAlitBM .' Sb Cnzth and Saddlery Hardware, J4iii bXKLLZ,. EVAN8 VILl.S, ISIIA XA. HAVING COMPLITJD MY ARKANGK meuts with Korojaa and Amuricau maim--factnrfrs for a dlrert supply of till goods in my liaa I am enabled to bidnceineats that can no; fail to hs to th interest of all engaged in the boainoas to give mr a tn. Ul Ifi VA tavir 1 uairs in part . '.Ties, Spring made oft ne beat St"l Bands. pname!r-da' all kinds of Leathe. Cloth, Linings for Carriages , Varii!sl"-s, Cn.tings of all kinds ; Saddle Trcjs. English Bridk- leathers , Bits. ?ti: v:;, Sfnrs, Hemes, fine SiWer i' ::.! ct a . r ; .Ivdmy Liud G i Trees ; ; Self-adjusting Pads ; T.. lor's"atetif Hame;FIy Net ; She. TU;'.u.. , ilvrsu Bjrttikets ; Lociion Girth H.l-i., .n .-fcnn Girth and Rein rb.. i . il, iun and worsted: Lon don Welt Nkina, aimploraTtlrle ; Ivory ; Giitta Percha and Brass lired Murtengal Kings; superier Kerasys fer Uurte Cover . the Vest quality ef Carriage Bolts; Patoi.t 6lg Trim, c, c. kc, Ac. 1 kesp iu fact everything appertaining to eithe.i branch of the b-ir . and nnderataudlng bth hranf hea thoronghly. we wonld npectfnlly invite yonr atteutiun before pur basing elsewhere. 1 am also Agent tor Ward's Patent Spring Sa w. r. roawni. J. B. KACBEE. IsteE NEW FIRM. THE ST'BfBIBF.RS, WHOLESALE ' manufacturers of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Harness, Ac, dei-iie to inform Ihe public that we nave largely increased ocr stock on hand, ii:d by close application oursehes and the emp!"ment of good workman in our shops, we are aide to fur Jilh on short notice any and all kind" and quanti ties of work to solt the trade. Those who will faTor us with a call, tan atirfy themi-elToa. tkat thoy ran procure, at lower prices, good snbstsu IW, fancy and dur.ble work of us than they ran anywhere else, (and far better than he Es'steru shop. wo k.) The member of the firm l.eing practical work men themselves, attending iiersoiiaUy to all oniers w ith promptness, cure and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in stvle of finish or quality of work, give better satisfaction to those patronizing us; feel confident it will I to the intern.! ol all to ciono ami sec fur ll.eiui-elvf, bt lore pnrrhasiiig elsewhere. More on l.otnti Street, above the Sherwood HoTWei bwtWWU r'irst ai.d Seioud Mr. -. l. 20. N B. Guarantee all we sell. ep W r. COItWIN A CO. itill Ou Hand and Determined to Succeed. GJ.EORGE THORNHILL takes pleasure in infor- ming his old customers that iu the quality nd style of his work, he flatters himself he cannot be excelled. He has removed to Bray's New Build ing. Pecoud street, bet. Main and Locnst street, streets, where the choicest Harnees and Saddles of every description can be obtained on the best of terms. . !:. pairing don- with neatness and dispatrh. Secnud-haud Harness always ou hand. jel REMO VA TZ THE UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE RE moved their Saddlery eKtahlishmmit to the Corner of Main nnd Second Street, in the room oc cupied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF & J. KR0EPSCH, MAvnrACTrREafl or and deaicbs is Saddles, Harness, (Store formerly ocenppied by Fred Krone.) e-fS attended to with dispatch. Work novl5-ly DRUGGISTS FJffiLY WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, SO. 10, FIRiiT STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE, Has lust received another large and splendid as sortment of vure Drnes, Medicines, Unemieals, Fancv Article.. Perfumeries, Pomades, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles, p-aps, Flavoring Extn-ats, &c &c Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes. All the Atfrovti Patent Medicines kept . tautlyon hand and for sale at North Ameri on arices CSIi as-Particular attention pakl to the compounding r prescriptions at all honrs. . WM- K HALLOCK, N lOSouth First Street, near Post Office "f,T27 Evan.rillo. fnd. DRUGS, &c. T2 HOUGHTON A WC0D BEC. LEAVE ,T",,h ,ntlon of ihepi'rblic to their n establishment just opened opposite the Oas TO ew urt ..f ''"SPW'hased. at lowest cash prfcea, a fresh stock of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Chemicles and Perfu mery, iersoi,aIly selected from Eastern Mark.-ts rlfl Z??" ' "PO" articles at a mo le rate profit Great attention will be paid to the important drpartmeut of prescriptions , and in all things (hey intend to keep up with the times and . rna, ineir enstomsrs A LL PATENT MEDICINES CAN BE TCR XX chaaedat the CRESCENT CITY DRUG STORE. MAYSVILLE COAL OIL IS SOLD AT THE CKESCENT CITY Tikt r. K-rnrfv A SPLENDID SODA FOUNTAIN IS OPEN at the CRESCENT liTV dbi o cieWi.-1' yERY CURIOUS PERFU.M EKIES ARE SOLD V at the CRESCENT CITY DRUG STiiRE CITY DRUG STORE TJHYSKIAXS ARE HFKPvrTvnTTv . t t formed that I) rPs.fririTii.ria BMat "yr pared at the CRESCENT CITY DRUG STORE. BROWN'S TROCHES FOR SALE AT THE N Drug Store, opposite the Cour House. CODA ASH IV ANY QUANTITY AT THE U New Drug Store, opposite the Court House Hifr If?. t'tTTLrf MEDICINE ALWAYS rrmdv at the Nw Tim ... Court Hons,. ' "',"le ln L" CLECT1C REMEDIES CAN BE Ft li Brouehton A -.!'. . . Ol ND AT - " " t vyywut; i lie Court POSEY COUNTY PAIR. I 'HE FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE hJ ?r i?atJ Agricultural So- iety will be aiiiiSrir ' -. t:- - m m epiett MEDICAL. DR. JOH! BULL'S COMPorXD CEDROJN Bi rrERS The Latest and Most Important Dis- covery of the lth Century. AJO MAN'S NAWK 18 MORE INTTMATKLT 1 connected with the history of th Materia Medicaof the United States, or more tarorahlv known as a pioneer in medical diacoTsrv, than i that or Dr. JOHN BI LL, of Louis ille, Ky. Hk , inimitable preparation of Sais parilla ha long stood at theh ad of the various compunndsof that ! valuable drug His f xteryo Prcr iaiot Wiu I has become a ho i hold wotil throughout . the V"e-t ar.d South ; and his Worm Lozenges, in I leas than a v.-sr after thsir introduction, attained 1 a reputairou as wide-spread as the coutinent of North America. But rh ero ning glory of his life remains to be attained in hi latest discovery,;, or rather combination : for he do-a not claim to have been the discoverer of ODKON' hich is the l-asia of the bitters now effrird to the public. That honor belongs to I he native inhabitants of : Ceut'al America, to whom its virtues have been known for more than two hnodrtd vears. Armed with it, the Indian bids dt fiance to the moat dead -: ly malaria, aud haudlr without fear the most vencmons 'erpents. It is a belief them that while there i bnath k-ft iu r e b- dy, "tha Oedrun ia -oii-iii to cure, no matter what the disease may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse this i extravagant pretension, lie is nevertheless satis fied from a thorough examinati n nf the evidence relative to its lirtue-, that as a remedy and pre ventative for all diseases arising from exposure, either to changes of weather aud climate, or to the miasmatic iaflnences, it stands w thont a riv.Vi and justly deserves the reputation It hos so lone en yed in Central America and the West . Indies, la J DYSPEPSIA, I And its attendant train of aymptoau, It acts ! more like a chsrm than a medicine. Tltere is ; nothing in the whole range of the Materia Medica, ' that Tor a moment bear a coniarison with it iu ; thisdiseaae. A lull account of this wonderful plant Maybe found In the llh edition of the V. 8. Dispensa- toiy, pages 13f.7 an J l;t8. A series of experiments in which Dr. Ball has been for rars en... ... has just been brought to a ; successful tcrmii.atlon aud he is now enabled u ofler to the pnhlrc a combination cf Cedron wim other approved tonics Ihe whole preserved in he , best quality ot copper distilled Bourbon whisky, I which he ia ooligdVnt h- no equal in tlie world. I He might furnish a volume of certificate, but " paliiir have long since l-arneU to estimate ""C. things at their true value. The safest plan I ior every one to test for himself the virtues ol aj medk-ine. Give Cedron Bitters, Our trial and yna w ill never use an v others. It U not necessary to publish a long list of dis eases r w!,i.- the I'edron Bitters are a siiecific. In sll disaes of tlie STOMACH, BOW. ELS, LIVER OR KID.KYS In nil ofiections of the of the BRAIN DE PENDING IPOS DERANGEMENT OP THE STOMACH OR BOWELKi In OttlT, RHEIMAT1SM and NEU RALGIA And in FEVER AND AGl'Et It is destined to suersede all other remedies. It not only cures these diseases, but it raxvEaTs them. A wine glass full of the Bitters taken an hour , before each meal, will obviate the ill effect of the ' most unhealthy climate, and screen tlie person taking it against disease under the most trving exposures. Sold by Drnggists nnd Grocers generallv. aji.Kr.JUHN BULL'S Principal Ufiice, Fifth, Louisv He. Ky. Sold by n. J. SCnLAKPFEB, W BIF.KBfiWEB-, je2C-3m PETEK VIEULING. GROCERIES. (1HOOOLATK 2S boxes assorted brands hest J Cnocobte, at U. A. C(KK'8. LJ C. .tODA AND tiALKRATl'9 O . 39 kegs Liverpool 8. C. 8oda , '.V boxes do do in papsrs; 20 boxes Sale rains ; 400 ttis pure Cream Tartar ; At H. A. COOK'S. ilOOPEK S ISINGLASS 2 fe xes 1 lb paperK ; S boxes - lb papar. ; At H. A. COOK'S. R A IS I HNS bxs Layer Raisens ; HO quarter bxs Lsyor Raisins; WO eighth bxs " " At H. A. COOK'S CUfNTN"ClfRO!f x,MH) lbs choii new Currents ; 3ou lbs Genoa Citron ; At U. A. COOK'S. 'ARDINES ) 10 cases quarter boxrs Sardiucs ; 6 rases half bxs Sardines; ' ' AH. A.CTKnrs. M Ai'KEKEL . 2.'i barrels assorted Mackerel : a hair barrels 30 quarter " At H. A. COOK'S. TI ERRING 10 lrrels exira No. 1 Herring at 11 HA. COCK'S. PICKLED SALMON 3 tierces No. l P rkbd 8uln""' II. A.COOK'8. I i POItTKR5 casks Lon.l-n Porter B. A. COOK S. yOUNGKR'S SCOTCH 'ALES casks Tonnc A ersas-ortrd XXX Scotch Ale; lst brand Imported ; jnt re eived at B A COOK'S ENGLISH PKKLEs 10 dozen flhow Ch- w ; 3 " White Onions; 8 " Gherkins; 3 " Mixed Pickle: All from Gross 4 Black well's ceVbrated London. At U. A. COOK'S. l,v NO LISH SAUCES u Vi dozen half pints Worcestershire Sauces ; 12 " pints .. 0 ' quarts u 3 " s-nre Schninns ; 8 " John Bull Sane ; 3 " Sir Kobt Peel .-.; 1 " Lojrr.I labia I " R--cding " 3 ' Sti liana 3 Be. t Steak " 3 Mogul 3 " Soho " 24 ' London C:uh Just r-celved at H. A.COOK'8. TEA. TEA o half chests assorted Ooloni- T 1' Ja,u " ' " " " Young Hyson Tea; 0 " Gunpowder " " " " Imperial Jat irccired at II. A. COOK'S. COFFEE. COFFEF 25 bags choice Bio Coffee; Java Cotfee ; 5 " " Marracai Coffee ; 2 ' Gunn Mocha Coffee ; Instore and to arrive, at H. A. COOK'S. FLAVOBIVG EXTRACTS 24 dot. 2 ox. Extract Lemon 10 4 24 6 4 4 4 2 4 2 2 2 Vanilla; ii Peach ; Cellery ; Roses ; Orange ; At H. A. 4 2 Warranted A No. 1. COOK'S. TV ACARONA AND VERM AO LL A i-V-a. 25 boxes Macaroua ; 25 " Vermacila; Just Received, at H. A. COOK'S. TTtATER PROOF G D and S B CAPS" T 2f)0,0(in assorted Gun Caps ; At H. A COOK'S. TVJUTS, DATES, AND PRCNES:: XI 10 barrels Java Almonds ; 5 Bordsox Almonds ; 10 " Filbert; " English WalnuU; 3 " Braxill Mats; 3'0 pounds Shell d Almonds; 3 tails Fresh Dates; 15,00 pounds Best Turkish Prunes; At H. A. COOK'S. "niGS, FIG- 100 drums Fresh Figs ; At II. A. COOK'S. RICE RICE 10 bags Prime Rice ; At H. A. CO0K'8. SODA ASH 3 oasks best qnality Soda Ash ; Jut Keceivid, at H. A. COOK'8. SAL SODA 2 casks Sal Soda) " At H. A. COOK'S. AMERICAN PRIDE BLtCKING 250 dox. assorted sizes Blackimr : 1 "' H. ... COOK PORN STABCH-30 dox. beat Corn Starch. foP . '""", m H. A. COOK'S VJ E E I N ED S UG A RS 11 20 ba arrels Cru-!ird la. 1 " Powdered Sugar; 5 boxes Loaf Sugar : 25 barrels Refined B. Sugar ; Juat Received, at H. A. COOK'S. WATCHES & JEWELRY. WATCHES, JEWELRY ASD orT A-r-r nr a t . blE V LK VV AitE: PL. OE1SSLER HAVING JUST RETURN . ED from New York City, when- he has pur cluwed the largest and fiia-t stack of Goods, wtiictt they 'lfcr at vry low prtcsaat WHOLES A LE RETAIL. They call the special attention of the Country Hrrrhants and vicinity at large. The stock com prises the finest selection of Pine Gold and Silver WATCHE8, o x. o o be: s, T 13 "W JES JLm jel sr , SILVER WARE, Iiolci Glasses, OPERA GLASSES, SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &c., &c. Also, a latve stock of the very heat brands ol PLATED WARE Mauufacturod In the United States. Fine full Tea Sets, FiDe Carters, Fine Cake Baskets, Fine Card Lasketp, Cups and Goblets, Tea, Table and Desert Spoons, Tipped, Beaded & Threaded Forks. Soup Ladles, Fruit Knives, and Napkin Rings, Children's Setts of Knives, Fork and Spoons; Also, a large stock of Gold Pens. All of which we offer at Wholesale and Retail at very bm figures. Call aud examine oar at ck before purchasing elsewhere P. Is. GEISSLER . CO., No. is Main Street, (One door above First.) N. B. Personal attention paid to repairing fine Wau h-s. DRY GOODS. THE NEW MY cms MUl EXCITEMENT A T Nos. 14cfc 16 Street. WITHOUT DELAY, COOUDCHETS, When, you will find them opening the Urgeat a-ortmentof Ever offered in this markst in Rich Silk and Dress Goods. T.r h.v, -oCaj, tk Embroidered Edt. .nd lB.ePt. ng'! Ke1 -, Dress,, L-dlea' ClotM and Be.v.r Cloak. x.ace Collars and e.. a,. a. Chandler's Block, No's. 14 & 16 First Street, Tvo doors Wat of Pott Office,) .auonubB, INDIANA. L. riXUAM, Soc'v. myis T- a. eooLioex.