J ' 1 WvA Baity ItmntaL EVANSVILLE, IND. MONDAY SEPTKMBER 21, 1m,3. ci rv Sews. JftlKXAL tINBIIT. I'Uc- publishem of the Eranscille Jour nal have jsist added to their Newspaper and Jofc Prfutlag Kstablishment, a FIHST CLASS BINDERY and Manu factory of Hunk Books. Having se cured the services of some of the best workmen i:i the West, they are prepared to ext ent.- orders at Cincinnati and Louisville prices. Fverv description of Blank Books, Ftaeh us Railroad, Couuty, Banking, Mer canti!.'. and Forwarding Books, manu facture! to order and from the best quality of stock'. Muling ami Blanks, and Book-Head Printing, executed in a superior man ner. All kinds of Printed Work, such as Magazines, Law and Medical Works : Pamphlets and old books re-bound in every variety of style from half-bound to Antique and Full Gilt Work. tS-Fbr Commercial and Hirer S'etcs ate fourth page. We are under obligations to Joe. Davis and Jim. Ferry, of the Adams ex press, and to our handsome young friend, Geo. Williams, of the Mercury, for latest papers. Rebel Papers. We are under obliga tions to Lieut Estep, of the 8th Indiana Battery, for a dozen rebel newspapers, including the Atlanta Intelligencer, Chat tanooga Rebel, Athens Post, Richmond Sentinel, Memphis-Grenada-Jackson-At-lanta Appeal. Christian (Richmond) Ob server, Knoxville Register, Augusta Con stitutionalist, Savannah Republican. At lanta Gazette, and the Richmond Ex aminer. These were captured in Chat tanooga, and though not of very recent dates, running from the Gth of July to tho Urd of September, they are full of iutt-.-vst and will be highly prized by us as relics of the rebellion and souvenirs of our brave and thoughtful friend Estep. We .ire also indebted to Lieut. H. L Barett, of company F, 58th Indiana, for a copy of the Chattanooga Rebel, of the 3rd inst. Dktainkh. The train on the E. & C. R. i. was detained on Saturday evening by the Ohio 4 Mission! train heing I , ,.- j J 'l'he otficrs of :he K. t C. K. R., know- j in theyreat anxiety t'or news, in a most ' couiuicuclaoio spirit of accommodation, had tha irain wait the arrival of the train from Cincinnati, in order t.o l.ring through the mails. liaviDg uo connections to make at this end of the Hue, the detention was no - :innn vniiinnr- i iwrBpUBT" freiitiv accommodated hundreds of citi zen Thi is the right spirit, and the B. & C. K. H. will lose nothing by enter taining it A Soaav t" Uomanie. On Friday afternoon a woman, or at least a person in female attire, passed up Locust street carrying a .-mall trunk on her shoulder. When opposite ths Journal office, she stopped and drew forth a ping of tobacco j and took a chew, and then proceeded to 1 the railroad depot, but afterwards return- ; ed to near the corner of Locust and Sixth j street, where she seated herself on the i trunk, Mil there sat till late in the evening, when the attention of the City Haraaal wa3 directed to her. and he, af ter inquiring into her case, provided her lodgings and food. Her story is. that her hnsband having enlisted in the 25th Michigan regiment, she, determined to follow hi3 fortunes, ' also enlisted in the ame regiment, in which she served 22 months without her sex being discovered, or even being re cognized by her own husband, who be longed to another Company. Her husband was killed at length and 3he then revealed her sex, .and was dis charged from the service, receiving a certificate of hpr service from Gen. Rose- er an s. Since then, 3he, for a time, traveled with a panorama of the war through Iowa, in the capacity of lecturer. She appeared to be possessed of con siderable intelligence, and has evidently traveled over a large portion of the Xj nited States. ' n Saturday a purse was made up to pay fear lare to Louisville, to which place she expressed a desire to go. Many who saw her were impressed with the belief that she was a man in woman's clothing, and such, we must confess, was our own opinion. The Citv Marshal, however, believes there was no doubt as to the gender of his protege, as the voice, haw and gen- eral appearance indicated a feminine. At this time, when spies, deserters, trait- , .' . . urs anu traitor emissaries are prowling through the country under all conceiva- ble disguises, we believe it would have been proper to have subjected her to a more rigid examination. She said she had been arrested in Cairo on suspicion ... , . , , c j i OI oe.ng a man, out uau sauaucu m au- thorities her story was correct. It would not be a bad idea for the au- thorities of Indianapolis, Cincinnati and - mi , , . . I.ouisv; to 10 iook out ior ner. A Change. Our enterprising friend, Correspondents must enclose stamps. Mr. Joseph P. Elliott, has bought the en- W& Good references given, if re tire stock of the grocery establishment of lulre'L m2;5 Vickery Bros., and will, in a few days, remove to the premises occupied by the latter gentleman, and will add to their stock his very large assortment of gro- provisions, &c, now on hand at and F7r&ai near lne corner ot .Mam Mr. Elliott nollont stock d bv strict attention tobusVlSllr n ml liberal and generous system of me. rinjeSi EniurH, Firemen, and ing, established a very extensive, and weCoal pavers employet'- in the service of presnme a lncrative trade in the city ''"lte,1 States; collect accounts of By a continuance of the same liberal and Ihaft?0!!! Hu,t,?rs' ,and claims against . . " ll,)era' ana e vcriiincm for damases done real accommodating course of business he estate Hither property by the Army hnn)i tit retain unrl will vi nd Niivv ." j " ""jucaitouaDiy . - . , ,. deserve, not only a continuance of the fT flSDg We8 mn8t S. ZTutJ??- am liberal Dfttronap Knt enclose stampu. Oihce lhird street apbnts do do in 11.0; aameuoerai patronage, but to aeoure a gecond dik.rfroni Main. Evansville TnH sih..sS.i.rtds; still more extensive trade TSMltiBL Railroaj; AcciuEST. We learn from Ihe Cincinnati Commercial. that four or live soldier-, of tlir- 11 8th In diana six months mrn wre killed on the Indinnaj.oli & Ciiieiti.i;ti Railroad dur ing the su.1,1; ii Thin s lay. Some of the men were On Cop of tlu can, and had thrown th.-ir blankets over their head-to protect them from the beating rain, when coming to a bridge' several were struck and knocked off. Vomt or five were killed and several others severely wound ed. No names ivore given. Caet. V. 11. Khkman. This popahu and fflicient oilie r, who ha managed the aftira of the (Quartermaster'-, De- partmcnt in thi? city for the last vear and a half, with Mich consummate abili. ty and fidelity, leaves this morning on a flying trip Fast for recreation, and to visit his Northern friends. Captain J . . , . i k hir,a.-t 1 . 1 - 1. ..... , ... . 1. : I "' 1 " ecrvice since 1 the lflta of April, 1861, and has never j had a day s furlough from duty until the Pre,eilt f L- ,r , ., . . 7" y . -iu ui -vpiu, uie ; anniversary of the battle of Lexington ,. , 6 . in Which was 8hed the first blood of the Revolution, and on the lia when Massa- ' chusetts made her first sacrifice on the I altar of her country in the bloody streets j . . . - Of liaUimore. he went into camp with his i Company, and has always been found faithfully at his post ever Since. He de- : "! L i serves a iurlougn and promotion, ana we i 6 v ' hope he will enjoy the one and recive the other. Mabie's Mexauerie. An immense crowd attended this institution on Satur day afternoon and night, and many were the expressions of admiration of the fine collection of animals and birds. The collection of birds was esueciallv i t iw'-L i . . i interesting, the specimens being the most c' 1 I rare and beautiful of the feathered tribe, Many of the animals were abo noble i specimens of their race. One of the J lions was a perfect sample of his species, j exhibiting ail those characteristics of j majesty and grandeur attributed to him j by writers of natural history. i p. , , . The zebra was also a magnificent Specimen of that rare and beautiful quad- ruped. The nanal nnmhpr nf ul. ! " uv. a w . .-i, OUVnit t. L j in attendance, and all were largely pat ronized. Hardware. Wells, Kellogg & Co. are now receiving a very heavy stock of Hardware peculiarly adapted to this ! trade, particulars of which can he found i in Mtena!v, Amrtimant t .wZ ' nub i KSg TSTSn; S Ji , , V ess, and have established an excellent reputation for liberality and fair dealing;. I m. i. , . 6 We besneak fnr thpm u. n.t,n, : ..... , , , TilPnailfifQ in t h fkm. ........... A . , I ....... ,.v- viicn iur.ua. aim nit; ! cellency of their wares. HOME INT1gRiaT School Bocks. On the re-opening of the Schools, I beg leave to thank my customers for past support, and to say I have all the School Books, Slates, Pens, Paper, and everything usod in the Schools, which I will supply at my usual low scale of prices. My principle is ''small profits and quick returns, as all who buy of me will find. B. J. Dohkix. The American House Still lles! 'ew Improvements. Having leased the above-named house for a term of years, I have spared no pains or expense in putting every de partment ot this popular hotel in most perfect repair. I have also fitted up a nice, oar adjacent to th office, where at mil times the choicest of wines and liquors will be kept, aud a polite and at tentive man to wait upon my patrons and t'rieuds. A strict vaU-h will at all times be kept i dnrinpr the night : and particular atlen-1 tion will be paid to gu. sis arriving and departing on hor.ts, both day and night. My table shall at all times be amply Supplied with the best the market affords, ' and by strict attention to business and the wants of the public, I hope to obtain j I a large share of the pub ic patronage, of j , which 1 shaii endeavor to render myself w rthy. J. J. Pillsbuby. Charlie Hall, Clerk, aagd-dtf Do you desire your handsome face Put up in plain or fancy case. Or, better stili, cartes de risite Put up on gilt cards all so neat, Go to Elliott's Gallery, Second street. To Pm'su.'tAXs. If you wish to pur chase pure Drugs. Medicines, and Chem icals al a smaitN advance on eastern prices, go and examine Keller & White's stock, where you will find every article that is needed by the professor, and at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Their store is at No. 34 Main street. niay4d&wtf WILLIAM B.EAVIS, Attorney at law and I". S. Cla!m I 4 irAiit authorized L the Government to pro- : cure Pensions, Bounty Money, Back , Pay, Bounty Land, Claims for Horses other Propeett destroyed while in the service of the Government, ana all Qf against tne TJniu j states, . Bounty for Discharged Soldiers! ; gy an amendment to the Bounty Law, passed at the last session of Congress, : "All soldiers or other persons who have been or shall hereafter be discharged within twQ yeaj.g frQm d&ie Qf their enlistment, by reason of wounds receiv- ! ; in battle, shall receive the same Bounty as though they served two years." I Office 95 i Main street, over Keller's I ... ... !. . n (inn Stnrp. oriDOSlte the Court House. -rr Evansville, Ind. U. S. CLAIM AUEMT. bounties, Pensions, and Arrears of Pay. BEN STINSON is authorized by the United States Government (and has been furnished with all the necessary forms aad instructions) to procure bounties, nenxioiix and back vau for widows and - orPhttr'Si pensions, bounty and back pay a C ,(!'... - x I ,1 XT U . . nihil OTTvoiT mDl1 BEN STINSON. mmmmmmtsr-- - T as H VST 9. Gold, Silver atti Demand Notes Aleo.,Ton::eSce. South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Juomsiam .dank Noter, atTopejana's ravings B'mk, No4 First street. tf. Dr. FLBJKMa still continues to be the only lawful agent in this City for the Artificial Rubber Teeth. After furnishing nearly a huudred sots in the past five years, he has no hesita tion in recommending them as the best and cheapest material in use, being worn in the most ditlicult mouths, with comtort and ettnciencv. Persons suffer- ing with bad fitting mettle plates arc es- ccpted as confirmatory to the reports that pecially requested to call at the Rooms troops have been sent irouth from Vir uext Bittrolfi s, Main Street. : ginia. Another special to the Post, daledhe CANDIDATES' NOTTPF1 't'1' tue a''roHt' north of Wash- VA ington, which was washed away, has JOH.v r, cr.Ai shidj: is a candidate for 00611 repaired. ... ' l I lie UIII.11IIIU l.H HIIHT electi.,u. if john hall, of Knight l,,,W mm serve ss Cunty CwnjMi for the First Dis trict of Vanderburgh County ,he will be -u;.-. r:.-l r i . . . . . . lur mm cmrt iy ine I Bcondinonal luioii xolers ofKi.iglitTouhiP. Editor. t... .i .i sailors "Journal, ilme aunouccc the name "f BERNARD SIHU as a candidate for County , Ct"nmi"ion-r t the next en.uirR October etec- "n' 0fTwTs rrl 1 I"8 LtWlS U. STINSON, a a candidate at the next October election, fortheofficBofProiecaHuK : Attorney of the 151 h Judicial Di.trict. CI1A.S K. MABSH, the pre.ont Prosecuting Attorney for the loth Judicial Circuit, vill be a j-j . r . candidate for tht office at the ensuing October auction. r SPECIAL NOTICES. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This astonishing preparaliou Hill, by Nature's own Process, Re , ; store Gray Hair to the Original Color. wul mRk' 't Rrow on Bald Heads. Will restore the Natural Seeretiot.. Will . .... .. Will remove at once all Itching. will remoTe all Dandruff. Will cure all Eruptions even Scald Head. raake tha Halr Soft "nd G,0By- Will always Fasten it, and stop it Falling. And is one of the best Toilet Articles for th Hair now la use- Thousands or Soldiers in the Arm IIave testified to the above, who had become era and lost their Hair Uysickness.chani.-e of climat, "d inattention, while performing camp duty. 8 Kestorative and dressing it has no equal. KiLLlK 4 WHITE, Wholesale and Retail Agents for KvansTille. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! j Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye Is the Best in the World ! The. only 1 Harmless, True, and Reliable Dye A"-n .)' I. . . . . pLT"' "f ! "r vxii-j nan , iiisLuuiij iu a u lousy MMOB : r Beautiful; imrart fresh vitality, frequently re- I storing it. prUtine color, and rectm. the UI 'ft"t, of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WIL- ' i.iam a Kwmn.ns . .v. - LIAM A- BATCHEtOB, all others ar mere imi- tations, and should be avoided Sold by al nrutriristR Mr Factory 82 Barclay street, N. BATCHELOR'S NEW TOILET CREAM FO DRESSING THE HAIR. i btnTky am Sexual Systems. New and reli treatment in Reports of the HEWABD A () CIATION Sent in sealed letter envelopes, fre of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILL IS HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. aaZT-Mi THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID, Published for the benefit, and as a warning and CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility, Prematn.e Decay of Manhood, etc., supplying at the same time, THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. By one who has cured himselt after being put to great expense and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By out-losing a post-paid addressed envelope j single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings County, N. Y. GROCERIES. K. K. VH1.KLF.R. Ad. KIQG8. W. J. SVG ft WHEELER, BIGGS & SUGG, Whota M dealers in - K, O O 13 RI E S , SALT. COTTON YARNS Vail-,. Window Glass, Knli. Doors, &c. No. 17 North First Street, Corner ol Sycamore. i: ANSYILLE. INDIANA. COPARTNERSHIP K HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH IS WM.J SuffK. late of Uuiontown, Ky., in the w WhoU sate Grocery business. The style of tho Arm will lie Wheeler, Riggs A Sugg. W HEELER A RIGGS. r tOFFKK Ky Just received IM) hags prime Rio Coffee ; 5 bags good fair Coffee ; 50 boxes Ground d ; aad for sale cheap at WHEELER, RIGGS SUGG'S. L 'L'GAB 2U hhds. prime Sew Orleans Sugar ; 20 ' lair " j 10 " Porto Rico Sugar : J lfi buxes Havana " " barrels Crushed " I 2.r) ' Powdered 125 ' Coffee US Yelllow Coffee Sugar; for sale at HEELER, RIGGS SUGG'S. OYRl'P MOLASSES in barreli 8ymp ; 2.1 barre.a Bertraud s AAA Syrup ; 10 Stewart's Syrup; 20 " extra Honey Syrup; 4W " N. 0. Molasses ; 35 half bbls Honey Syrup ; 50 half bbls Bertrand's XXX Syrup; AO ten gallon kegs Syrup ; For Bale cheap as the cheapest at WHEELERRIUGS A SLOG'S. SPICES 2" bags Black Pepper; IS bag Spice ; 10 bags Haw Uinger ; i i , - . 20 cases XutmegB ; 2,'i boxes ground Ginger ; 30 " Pepper ; 2; " spice ; At " Cinnamon ; 50 " Uloves ; 75 " Mustard ; for sale low at WHEELER. BIGGS A SUGG'S. A TAt'KEUEL 1V1 25 barrels No. It Mackerel, large; 20 " 2 " Sfi bslf bbls 1 30 quarter bbls No. 1 Mackerel ; as 2 " ' 25 ' 3 " 25 kits ' 1 50 f ,k 2 ' " 70 " " 3 Jnnt receiv&d nor rail at WHEELER. RIGGS Jc SUGG'S. CHEESE 50 boxes Western R( serve Cheese ; 20 bones Hamburg Cheese. Just received and to arrive at WHEELER, RIGGS 4 SUGG'S. i ,Tt, titkf PTf j T Tl7.f'.i1,i' 1 i mm , 2 cases Manilla Indiffo 1 ease" Madras Indigo ; I hhd Dutch Madder : 10 barrels Alum ; 10 " Copperas ; .-, ' Cudbear; 50 boxes Extract xjogwoo.t ; 2 barrels Brimstone ; 10 " Sulphur; 5 ' Spsom 8alts ; 2 " Vensia Red ; 2 " Spanish Brown ; 100 boxes Washing Blue ; 10 frails Soft Shell Almonds ; 10 barrels FiUierts ; for sale cheap at WHEELER, RIGGS & SUGG i ; , I 17I.0CB 100 barrels extra Family 1'lour, on coniignnifiit a WHEELER RIGGS A SOGO 't'()inEN WAKE ETC. V 75 dopsa Red Buckets ; be down lllne nd Red Bnrtet; dozen Well Buckets ; 2" do !en No. 1 Tulm ; 4.'. dozen No. 2 nd 3 Tul ; 7A dozen Wash Boards ; 'H Nests Buckets, I in ui-st ; Id dozen half Bushel Mussarea ; 60 boxes Clothes Pliis. K..r sale cheap by WHEELER, RIGIJS t BFG6 .ATK late, at 5 boxes assorted brands lM,st H. A. COOK'S. ' t l,ure resm Tartar; At H, a. COOK S THE VERY LATEST B T TELEGRAPH. Sfws front tlie Richmond Papers s.ee'x, Ami) In Liui of Battle He Standi on the !) f. n-1 - Mea il . ' tlrent pport si nil j . Sril to the Pust. Washington, Sept. I'.'. All the Rich mond papers of the loth and 17th re-' craved here, mention that Lee's army ha. been in line of battle for some days, but seem to intimate that it will remain on the defensn e. This would seem to in- dicate that Fee is not stronu, and is ac- QTJEENSWARB', &c. GREAT QUESTION That the Cheapest China, Glass AND 0 U E E N S W A R E Can be bought at M. A. LAWRENCE'S, IS Main Street, Who is now receiving direct from the Potteries in Staf fordshire, England, 300 CRATES of the Best Quality of Com. inon and White Granite tit "are T.,.-.1 r. 1. j hl Ull:"aSelS 1U1UiSUeU WUU ! WW ware alone'lt SH'Cd. Poll orr ,,. f.....i. v-aii ana see our assort- ment previous to purchasing. No. 18 Main St. aupil-li.1 EXECUTOR'S SALE. Executor's Sale of Bank, Railroad and other Stocks. rpnK UNDERSIGNED, EXECUTORS OK M. JL W. Foster, deceased, will sell ai Auction, on Thursday, the 17th day of September, lb.i, at o'clock n. m at Uealey's Book Store, corner Main and First Streets, Evansvillo. the following Cor poration Stocks : 38 shares stock, S5 each, in th Branch at T iq linf o inoOtetl UUeStlOU that Evansville of the Baukot the State of Indiana. 11 18 UOl IllWUlCU ijurcuuu uioi 47 shan, stocks ?.r0carh, in the EransTilla and CrawfordsTille Bailroad Company. ::l shares, stock 5,0 each, in me k. a v, Stright Line Railroad Company. 5 shares, stock i-Mt each, in the vansville Lihrary Association. TERMS Note at three months, with interest, with approved security, payaMM at BraSBTilU Branch Bank. GEO. FOSTEK, ( Fv,.tuM JOHN W. FOSTER, j sasHa GROCERIES. TEA. TEA, TEA 16 half chests assorte.1 Oolong Cm ; In 11 Japan S " " ' Young Hv -on Tea ; f, B ' Gunpowder " 5 Imperial Just received at II. A. COOK'S. I SOKFEE, COFFEF hags choio Rio Coffee ; B " " .lava l oJtee : 5 Marracaho CoAmi ; t halaa " Gutui Mocha CoSac : In store and to arrive, at II. A. COOK'S. FLAVORING EXTRACTS V li doz. 2 oz. Extract Lemon : 10 " " 24 " 2 " " Vanills C " 4 4 " 2 " Peach ; 4 " 2 " Cetlrry ; 4 ' " " Roses; 4 " 2 ' Orange; Warranted A No. I. At ft. A. COOKS. NTTS. BATES, AND PRI NKS lu barrel. Java Almonds ; j " Bordaux Almonds ; 10 " Filberts; 5 ' English Walnuts ; 3 " Brazill Nuts; 3ti) pounds Shell d Almond ; 3 fails Fresh Bates ; 15,o' jounds Best Turkish Prunes ; At H. A . ..OK S. -T?IGS, FIO fHWirTitw j.. iinj aruiuN r ram r At II A. COOK'S. CHEESE Western Reserve Cheese just received at VICKERY'S, No 82 Main Street. COOPER'S TlSINGLASS--2 boxes 1 lb papers ; 2 boxes 2 ft papers ; At H. A. COOK'S. RAISIENS zo on ljayer Kaisens : Ms quarter bxs Layer Raisins ; 100 eighth bxs " " At H. A. COOK'3. CtCRRENTS AND CITRON i 3,000 lbs choice new Currents ; 300 tbs Genoa Citron ; At H. A. COOK'S. OARDINES 10 cases quarter boxes Sardines ; o cases bait bxs naraines ; 2 cases whole bxs Sardines ; At H. A. COOK'S. TVTACKEREL 1VX 2; 25 barrels assorted Mackerel ; to half barrels ' 30 quarter " At II A. COOK'S. "ERRING 10 barrels extra No. 1 Herring at U. A. COOK S. H. A. COOK'S. T ONDON PORTER 5 easks London Porter 1j just received at h. a. cook's. ' -irorNOER'S SCOTCH ALE i casks Toune- i 1 er's assorted XXX Scotch Ale; best brand j imported; just received at H. A. COOK'S. j i CNOLISH PICKLES i JCj 10 dozen Chow Chow ; 3 " White Onions; i a " Gherkins; B " Mixed Pickles ; All from Gross ft Black well's celebrated facti.ry, : London. At H. A. COOK'S. TNGLISH SAUCES Jli 12 dozen half pints Woiceaterehiro Sauces ; 12 1 ii.;- 8 3 3 initrta Essence Schniass ; John Bull Sauce ; Sir Root. Peel Sauce ; Loyal I shle 41 Reeding " Sultana Beef St. ua Mogul " Suhci " 24 London Ctnb .Inst received il II. Ay COOK'S XTATER PROOF G I) and S B t:APS- ii(K),(K0 assorted Gnu Caps ; At 11. A. COOK'S. Administrator's Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVES Til AT THE 11 nr. ersigned has taken .nit leuers of Adniinis- tratlon upon thu estate of Thomas N Younglovs, 1 late ol vandertinrgn county, Indians, ucoaseu. All persons having rlainis against said estate will i.,nu.nt lK.m li.r.liUilh i.i. in-lH CfTlifie.!. for sett lenient, and persons kn..wiug"themetvee in ilebt..-d to said etat. rtli maVo imm'diat pay BSbBt. Said estat. is supposed to be solvent. OEOROE 0. YODNGLOVE, ' sepl6 Admiaistrstor. I ; TJ , 11 PICKLED S Salmon at i -00HOfs big mm A N I SHOE HOUSE, MOW Mil k MAIN STREET, Are again in Market with the largest Stock of GOOD GOODS, (We say GOOD, for we sell th.it kind of Stofk), to be found in any House of our acquaintance East or "West. They were bought for Cash by one of the "firm who spends the greater part of his f time East for that express purpose. With many years experience in the business, we flatter ourselves that we understand it well, and with facilities at our command, we , Cdni and. A77"lll Sell Goods as cheap as any Jobbing House in the coun- try, we care not where that House may be located ; if in the East we will add trans- . ttt ; POmtlOn. We WOUld Te- call the attention nf' rlio ti-odn f ov nvnn,; W" lllt I ill I 1 I I .III i .1 ill l ii.ib tion of our Goods. We like to Sll trnrui 1 - speak for us whereever they go MORGAN, READ & CC HAT HOUSE MORGAN, READ & CO., No. 63 TbSetixi Street, Have the Largest and Hand somest stock of HATS To be found in any ne House in the West. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hats of every Fashionable style in vague either East or West Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Dress Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and I Wool French Hats. i Men's Black and Colored Fur and ! Wool Planter and Planter Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Burnside, Monitor, Cochran, Men's Plain and Colored Leghorn and Straw Hats. Men's Panama & Palm Leaf Hats. Boy's Fur and Wool Hati (great variety .) Boy's Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leat iiats. Children's Fur, Wool, Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. The above Stock has just been purchased directly of the Manu facturers of New England for CASH, at low figures, and we will sell as low as any jobber East, ; transportation added Call and examiue our Goods before buying. No trouble to show goods. MORGAN, READ & , i . March 90. ia3. NOTICE. - Dissolution of Copartnership. rpilE FIRM OF ANSPACKER A PLAUT, X Evansville, Ind., and Louisville, Ills, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st Inst. the firm in the sottlement of business. r.itner partner is bnkb.ii is.. ..." unuit - A. ANSPACHKR, sepl" :it I.. M. PLAl"'. TO LET. Business Property to Let. 7L BY l.V) FEET, CORNER OF MAIJ sj Fourth Streets, will he let for a term IF MAIN AND Per sons wishing to lease can have tho whule or one quarter, or oue-half, as ther may desire. Enquire of ASA IGLEIIEAUT, or nui2tf JNO. SIIANKlilN. ; NOTICE. - ' T PROPOSE TO BUILP a temporary frame Car - J. riage House on the middle third of lot six, old plan of Kvansvills. Any one having objections will plasse inform me within two weeks. spl7-St HIRAM E. REAP. DRY GOODS THE NEW dry INTENSE EXCITEMENT A T Nos. 14 & 16 First Street, WITHOUT DELAY, TO COOLZDGE'S, Where you riU flnd them '"' dtift" Rich Silk and Dress Goods. Tliey have no Competitors this side of New York City. ZED ZZJ Embroidered Edgings and Insert. Ings, Real Laces, Dress Trimmings, sanies' Cloth and Beaver Cloaks. Point Lace Collar, and Sets, .,. Chandler's Block, No's. 14 & 16 First Street, (Two doors West of Post Office,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Sj. mm T wi & Ja No. 10 IPiriST STEET, Wholesale and Retail BUY GOODS. In addition to all in our former lines, we now have the BEST STOCK of the fol lowing Goods ever brought to this City, viz: CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, r u a j WINDOW SH ADE S, 'Window Hollands, Curtain Damasks, LACE CURTAINS, I Curtain Fixtures, CURTAIN CORNICES; And almost everything in the i ! HOUSE FURNISHING LINE. i my20-Iv JAO.I ESS fc FRENCH, Xo. 10 First Street, Evansville. ELECTION NOTICE. .T1TL' I I L- 1 V1U A X A . . . I I ''I ...... I nn Vanderburgh County. J I LOUIS RICHTER, CLERK OF THE VAN- , uernurgu t irnm uouri, winuo ana lor saia County, do hereby certify to the Sheriff of said connty, what officers are to be elected at the next general election, (in the State of Indiana), to be held on the Seeond Tuesday in October A. D. 186.'., t the diffcreut places of holding elections in said I couutv. tu-wit : t An Attoruev. Prosecntiiis for the fifteenth Judicial Circuit. A Connty Commissioner for the First District of Van.lerbureh county An Apjiabsr, to appraise the Real Estate of said county. r ir w itness my nana and the seal ot said county this 14th day cf September, 1863. j LOUIS RICHTER, 0. V. C. C. I, George Wolflin, Sheriff of Vanderburgh county, certify that tho above notice Is a true and complete copy. GEORGE WOLFLIN, 8. V. C. seplC COAL. Pay for Coal, when you order it, in Bankable- Funds. au28 JNO, WYMOND HOUSE C 1 DP ft ft r H S3 5 9 m 9 96 - r 9 9 S ft g i X9l 1 M. LiOX. AMERICAN STABLE, On Third bet. Main and Lorust Sts, TUTS LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH is well known thronghont the country, pos sesses Stable advantages superior to any similar establishmeut in the City, having arrangement! for the seception of private horses at livery of the most elegant and complete description, and at the lowest rates. Carriages for visiting to lt. Coaches, light wagons, and every kind of road vehicle to let. Horses sold on commission. Second hand Buggy's for sale at the very lowest prices. Passengers for warded to all parts of the countrv by special con veyance. RICHARDSON, BRITTON A CO. ap!4 NOTICE. MRS. ERNENBCTSCH, A LADY FROM Germany, celebrated by her skill as a phvsi cian for all kinds of diseases, is prepared to give, to every sick person, information on the origin, the cause and treatment of their complaints, with out troubling them with many questions, the aforesaid information being made only by exam ining the pulse. Terms very moderate, vis : 35 Cents. The Doctress is at her office, la I.amasco, near Chris Miller's. Hours for consultation from 9 to 12 o'clock a. in. and from S to 5 o'clock p. su splt-ta CLOTHING. HENRY FELDMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, M am street, EVAKSriLLE, TND. I WIXH To CALL T1IK ATTENTION OF , 1 the citizens of Evan vi lie sssi vicinity to my large and well selected stock of French Cloths, Cassiaieres, beautiful Vesting and Furnishing 3oods in general. I have just returned from the Eart, where I havr made my own purchases, and can therefore recom mend all my Goods as being of thefin-t qaality 1 employ none hut the U-st of workmen, and ron joeutly tun. out wort ...,iu la snv in the fitv seiiS-45m UNITED STATES Wholesale Clothing FURNISHING HOUSE. Clothing for the Million! L- LOEWEKTHAL & CO., A r again in th market, at the old we known stand Cor. Main and First Sts., ; (Which has kei-ii rebuilt aud enlarged,) with the largest snd best selected stock of FALL AND WTFTER CLOTHIHG AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Kver Opined In this Market. OUR OLD CUSTOMERS ANP THK TRADK generally are respect folly invited to call and examine our Goods and prices before purchasing i . . ' w" " mu. we can oner superior inducements to CASH buyers. One of onr firm resides in New York, aad has had many years experience in buvingand manu facturing, and devotes his whole time to j Purchasing and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, ! And as we buy exclusively for CASH, we cau and will sell as low to the trade as any House East or West sepll WHOLESALE CLOTilMflOUSS! No. 3 North First St., Evansville ; BRAXCH OF GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., KTo. 806 Market Street, Philadelphia, We have new ready a very large selected stock of Fall 5 Winter Clothing AXI Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHAWLS, BLANKETS TRAVELING SHIRTS. i' Clotlains, IN GREAT VARIETY. ' To ahich we devire to call the attention of th. trade. Our Goods being all m anil far -tnred by ourselves, buyers have Only One Profit to Pay. We feel confident that oar prices are fully as low as those ot any other 1 louse in the nest. All Goods Warranted. sep.', 'l The Best is always the Cheapest. Especially is this true ef OLOTHIN AVD Gents' Furnishing Good.-. Test it by calling ou J. H. CARLI N, No. 8 FIRST STREET, t.YIUJ? POST-OFFICE,) EYASSVILLK. INP rHE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RE turned from the East, where he has laid In one of the best stocks of Clothing and Gents' Fnr nishing Goods ever brought to this City. My Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings. Ac., were selected with an eye single to .jaality and style ; and hav ing become conversant with the taste of our peo ple, am satisfird that in this particular my Goods will give excellent satisfaction. Gents Furnishing Goods of every description will also ha found at my establishment such as Gloves. Hosiery, Neck-Ties, Shirts, Collars, Sus penders, A.-. My facilities for manufacturing Clothing are excellent ; aud as for Cutting Garments to fit no satisfaction no pay. I ask no one to take a mean fitting garment tt my hands. Over-Coatings of every variety and style will be found at my .staliHshment. ' Though it may sound unreasonable to talk of Overcoats daring the " heated term," we most remember that in " peace is the time to prepare for war," and in Summer make our preparations for the cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can be devised than le ordering of a good reliable Overcoat, such as may be found at No. 8 Firt Street. Orders for Clothing of every description will receive the personal attention of the undersigned, and will I promptly attended to. The motto at No. ft is, ' Promises punctually fulfilled." Before orderii g Fall or Winter suits Gents will consult their own interest by examining my Goods and Pri ?es. Remember the place No. 8 First Street, ipear Post Office.) auglS J. II- CAM. IN. APPLE PARERS. OfTdOZEN GENUINE 11 UN TABLE AP jCU pie Parers the best machines In the United elates. Every machine warranted to gjve satis faction. Also on hand Brass and Enameled Ket tles. For sale by JACOB STRAUB A SON., asfO-lB 71 Main Street. Issslr