Newspaper Page Text
I i ! SATTODAT OCTOBER 3 Council Proceedings. Council Chamber, 1 Saturday Evening, Sept 26, '63. j The Council mei. Present, the Mayor and Council men Dean, Elliott, Newman. Schmutte, Overell, lloelscher, Cook and Mills. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Bills as follows were allowed, viz. : The Street Commissioner's weekly bill, $56 50; bill of labor on City Wharf, $60; Henry Nobbe, for repairs at Steam Tu- gine Honse, $21 75; John S. Stocks, for repairs on Public Cisterns, $11; John Mclnerney, for repairs on Bridges, $5 25: Christian Decker, repairing Picks. Plows, 4c, for Street Commissioner, $6 30; Lant, Bro. & Co., balance on con- ' tract fjr Franklin Sewer, $71 27; Lant, Bro. & Co. for water table at lower end of the above Sewer, $11 35; Ahlering k j Bromelhaus, bill of lumber, $24; McCius kr, cleaning upper Scales, $1 50; Ches- tar O. Davis, two weeks' salary, $21 ; A. Tenvoorde, da, $JS; Joe Overell, bal ance on bill for constructing Ingle street Bridge, $36 55; F. S. Zumstein, paint ing done on upper Scales, $4; B. Nurre ct Co., bill ot lumber tor Ingle street : Bridge, $13; J. G. Niebling, lor repairs i at upper Scales, $15 05; John Sieber, do.. $15 25; B. Nurre & Co , bill of lumber for upper Scales, $7 93; C. Reitz & Bros., bill of lumber for streets, $30 68; C. Reitz & Bros., do. for Franklin street Sewer, $207 06; C. Reitz & Bros., do. for Ingle street Bridge, 9 72; Jacob Maser, for leveling at Lamasco Park, $1 50; M. J. Bray, one quarter's rent for Council Room. $37 50; Chas. Reddon, 1 month's salary, $25; Niagara Hose Co., quar terly donation, $87 ; Wm. Miln, account of i stock held by him in City Wharf, includ- t ing interest, ol2 50; A. Miehlenkampf, taxss refunded, $1 30; John A. Bauer, refunded. $1 20; John Straussner & Co., j account of excavation and fillino on 1 Franklin street, $100; John S. Stocks, for three new cisterns, $372 On motion of Councilman Dean the i Committee on Markets was authorized to have the inside pavement, also the j outside plankwalk at Upper Market re paired. The Mayor reports $72 83, amount of ; revenue derived from City Wharf up ' to midnight, Sept 24, 1863. Revenue derived from outside collec tions at Upper Market for two weeks ending Sept 26, 1853, $54 40. The public cisterns are reported to be in good condition. Ordered that the further consideration of the extension of Third Street Sewer be postponed for the present The Mayor was appointed a Commit tee to confer with the County Commis sioners relative to the erection of a Rest House. Upon application of A. G. Sullivan ordered that if said Sullivan digs a ditch from the low ground of Oakhill Ceme tery, near Vogel's house, across the road, and secure it passage under the road to the satisfaction of the Township authori ties and locates said ditch so low as to . effectually drain said low ground, the city will contribute $25 00 towards the ! expenses of said ditch. A motion of Councilman Newman to take up the drains across Water Street at the loot of Locust Street and place them at the intersection of Vine and Water Streets was agreed to. confer with the County Commissioners I relative to repairs on Front Street The following sidewalks were ordered: A brickwalk on the South East side of Sixth btreet, between Main and Locust Street; a plank walk on the East side of Third Avenue from Canal to Sixth Street; a plank walk on the East side of lhird Avenue from Sixth to Franklin Street; a plank walk on the West side of : Third Avenue from Franklin to Seventh Streeth; a plank walk on the South j East side of Mulberry Street from Se cond to Third Streets; a plank walk on West side of Leet Street between High , and Center Streets; a plank walk on West side of Leet Street between Center and Second Street Adjourned. INSOLUBLE CEMENT, i Great Discovert. USEFUL and VALUABLE DISCOVERY ! HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Applicable to the useful arts.'1" of more general practical ntility .,,111 u , mo-Ll on nriAl' h.f ira tha : public. It has been thoronirhlv '.tested during the last two vea h'v nrafi.l OJta. ''-v ! practical men, and pronounced to sirmuuK TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. tbins- Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is a new thing, and the result of years of study is on its combination Its Combina tion. Scientific Principl es, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be- SCOmiPt r ernit ,n' offenTe BOOT & SHOE ftHS5 ing Machines, will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels, as it works withont delay, is not affect ed by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. It i especially adapted to Leather, A."? ?Te .c,aJm" an pecia! merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes .,. Iciently strong without stitching. Boot A Shoe Manufacturers Jewelers. Families. IT IS THE nvi.v 14 i,,Lioid- LIQUID CEM NT : hxtant, that is a nra thing for mending FIRMTCRE, CROCKERY TOYS, BONE, IVORY', And articles cfhoosohold uso Remember. REMEMBER i Hilton's Insoluble Cement Ia in a liquid form and as ea i!y applied as paste. Hilton s Insoluble Cement Is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Adheres oily substances. S.ippliedin Family or Manufactur ers Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. rtaia. HILTOX, BROS. (JO., Proprietors, PROVIDENCE, B. I jy23-ly NOTICE. MRS. KRNENBL'TSCH, A LADY FROM Germany, celebrated by hrr skill as a phvsi cian for all kinds of diseases, is prepared to give, to every sick person, information on the origin, the cause and treatment of their complaints, with out troubling them with many questions, the aforesaid information being made only by exam ining the pulse. Terms very moderate, viz : 25 Cents. Doctress is at her office, in Lamasco, near J?, , H erV Hor for consultation from 9 to 12 o oloek a. m. and from 2 to 5 o'clock p. m. . ir. NOTICE. To the Ladies of Evanavi Vicinity. M9B.0WhAMD IS PUZPARED TO DO all the latest stvb-s of rWi.i.. j . Stamping at her residence, on Secoiid hf Mulbry and Gum Streets. ep27-3n COMMERCIAL, Cincinnati Market, ClSCISXXTI, OCt. t. FLOUR unchanged. WHIAT rather dull, an 1 white lower; rejt ?1 MU 10; white, 81 i5l 28. CORNdull for shelled, and price loer ; closing at 8GQ87. Ear corn being acarro met with a ready tale at 90c. OATS steady at 70c. RYE advanced to 9Sal 00. WHISKY firm at 52c. No change in Provisions. FLAX SEED declined to $2 00. GROCERIES unchanged. GOLD advanced to 414i SI LVER advanced to ::0 i.S. EXCHANGE active and firm. Sew York Money JMarket. New York, Oct. 2. Money fairly active at G jr cent, chance irn-gular and unsettled; Sterling Ex- SI 57'iff.l .is, and closing quiet at $1 75 for first class bills. Gold unsettled ; opening at 42. ad vancing to 4t, declining to 42, and closing quiet at I-" Government stocks firm. 17. S. 6's of '81 Coupons, 1 0G1 07. 7 3-l Treit-ury Notes 1 001 07. Stocks dull ; closing weak. COMMISSION HOUSE. H. B . CLIFFORD, Commission Merchant EXCLUSIVELY. I HAVE DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OF GRO ceries, Produce, Ac, as I find that I cannot, nor can any one else, do justice to themselves and their shippers wben tney buy, lor it is natural that they will sell their own goods first. As I have many shippers, I willhereafter confine my self strictly to the c ommission::btj sines s, i And hope that I will find 'a continuance of the many favors shown me during the past right t years. I shall give personal attention to all con 1 signments, and will make liberal cash advances i on produce in store. My motto is, Quick Sales and Prompt Eeturns. Dealers in Cotton cannot do better than to leave their orders with me. Mr, F. M. COFELAND, late of Copeland, Edmonds & Co., will give the Cotton business his personal attention. He is one among the best judges in the State Orders solicited. II. B. CLIFFORD, sep25 No. 7 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn. ro. Foster. A. H. Foster. Wh. A. GwTW. GEO. FOSTER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Provision Merchants, CORSER OF LOCrST STREET AND THE CANAL, aug9 EVANSVILLE, IND. W. S. M CLUR1 . B. F. BALLARD. C. M CLTJRE. W. S. McCLURE & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Dried Fruits, Flour and Provisions, 3SO Fulton St . Op. Washington Market, NEW YORK. REFERENCES. Ge W. White, Cash. Mechanic's Bank, Brook lyn, New Toik. Hon . Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York. Wm. Cripps, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York. A. H. Ballard, Ypsilanti, Michigan. J. L. Kelly, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. R. H. Huntington, Adam's IrfT Co. N. Y. J. H. Reed, Utica, New York. Hon. Henrv J. Ravmond, " New York Times-" C. H. Wheeler.St. Albans. Vt. R. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin. jelOdly SCHNEIDER & ZUBEEBIER, (Successors to Schneider & Wise,) Commission Merchants For the sale of all kinds of Western Produce, FLOUR, BACON, PORK, LARD, Hay, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Ac. Corner Lafayette, New Levee and NEW ORLEANS, LA. aug25-6m a attr, Given & Co., ) Paducah, Ky., f I Crane & Brown, Evansville, In 1, Habding, Given A St. Louis, Mo. Co., WATTS, CEANI & CO., DCMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 45 Broad Street, A'EW YORK CITY. e have opened a House in the city of New Yort for the sale of Tobacco and Western Prodnce, Under the name of WATTS, CRANE A CO. Mr. D. Watts, of the firm of WsttaGiven A Co. f P-.iclurah, long familiar with Tobacco, will tnk h:irge of that department of our business, and Mr. C. Crane, of Crane and Brown, Evansville, will ate charge of the Produce business. iy2 WATTS, CRANE & CO. T. Cox. F. M. Humph ret. COX & HTJMP3EEY, Forwarding & Commission iVIercliairt s 5 Steamboat Agents, WHAB.F - BOAT PROPRIETORS, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. We have t-3ken the Grey Eagle Wharf Boat, and mn oi our irienus a continuance ol tneir patronage. 1 0ne of f 09 foand aboard both day and night to attend tOhe wnnta of .hlr,. .i sepl VDAMS EXPRESS COMPANY New Arrangement. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY RE SPECTFULLY announce to their friends and jatrons, the public of Evansville and vicinitv that, with increased facilities for the transportation of Freight, Packages, Money and Valuables, They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es pecial care taken in the collection of Bills, Drafts Notes, and the transportation of small and valua ble packages. All persons wishing to avail themselves of tl facilities of the Express, can obtain any desired in formation in reference to the routes and details ol :he business, at their office on First street, between Main and Locnst. Jj CHAS. WENTZ, Agent. L. A. CBANE. WM. BROWS. B. K . DTOKEaSON CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, AND Special Railroad Agents. Give through receipts and make liberal cash ad vances on shipments of. Produce and Tobacco to Sew York. CRANE, BROWN CO. EvanBville. Nov. 20th. 1861. GROCERIES. "VTEW ORLEANS SCGAE-65 L prime, for sale low by hhds. fiir to S. E GILBERT A CO. T) IO COFFE C 140 sacks prime for sale bv LV S. B. GILBERT A CO TABLE SALT 50 sacks, of CO small bags each, for sale by S. E. GILBERT A CO. VT0. 1 nERRtNG 50 boxes best quality just 1 received and for sale by S. E. GILBERT & CO. EV ORLEANS Sl'GAR- 11 10 hhds. prime and choice New Orleans Su gar ; 5 hds. good and fair New Orleans Sugar ; In store, and to arrive, at H. A. COOK'S. P'IsppeIiTspice 5 bags Pepper : 2 " Spice ; sept. 17. At II. A. COOK'S. BARREL AND HALF BARREL COVERS 15 doz. assorted barrel and half qarrel covers ; At H. A. COOK'S. SHOE, 8CHUB, AND DUSTING BRUSHES 5 doz. assorted Scrub Brushes ; 30 handle Shoe Brushes ; I? " Shoe Brushes without handles: to r i t ........ ii .; r 1 1., . . -. . ...ii j i.i .1 i'.i.. i . , C-MOKEb HF-URIXG- kJ Uerr 100 boxes extra No. At H. A. COOK'S JE5 fresh VAllB inality : At u. A. COOK'S. V AN K EE V EG F, T A 1! L KsH X 5 doz. 1 lb fresh Mackerel : 5 " 2 lb ' 10 " 1 ft Salmon ; 1 " 5ft " spiced Salmon: 15 "1ft fresh Lobsters : 6 " 2 ft " At H. A. COOK'.1?. PICKLED CLAMS AND LOBSTERS IS doz. quart Pickled Clams, extra ; 5 ' bf. gal. Lobsters ; r ( nnnrl .. n qnart pint At H. A. COOK'S. ROUNG PINS, POTATOE MASHERS, &c 10 doz. common Roling Pius" 10 revolving handle Potatoe Mashers, assorted : Towel Rollers, At H. A. COOK'S. 10 CAROLINA TAB V In 10 and 2 trullon K-. .,! w - D . - o p. -) " .Togou xar in Barrels, for kale By S. E. GILBERT & CO. EXECUTOR'S SALE. EXECUTOR'S SALE VALUABE EE AL ESTATE. BY VIRTUE Or THE POWER CONTAINED in the Will of M. W. Foster, deceased, as well as an order of the Conrt of Common Pleas of Van derburgh county, the undersigned will offer for tale at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, the loth day of October, 18ti3, between 10 o'clock a. m . and 4 o'clo. k p. m., at the Court !!:.- door, in th city of Kvauavillc, the following described Real Estate : Item L The corner jiart of Lot 36, Old Plan of Evansvilli;, bei"g 40 f et front on Main street by UO feet deep on First street, with the three story brick (double) s.ore situated thdreon, the first stories n w oc cupied by John Healey and J. P. Elliott. Irs 2. The lot of ground adjoining the above, commencing on First street 90 feet from the intersection of Maiu street, thence along First street 32 feet, inoreor less, to the center of the partition wall dividing the store now owned by J. G. Venemaii from the store now occupied by Goldman, Berg A Co., thence at right angle with Firs street along the center of said par tition wall 70 feet mom or less to the out side of the rear wall of said stores, tt.ence at right angle towards Main street 32 feet more or less, to the line of the Lot owned by Charles Viele, th-nce at right angle to the place of beginning, with the buildings situated thereon; also, an alley in the rear of said property, 10 feet wide, whieh is to be kept forever opened. t The first ' -kits of said building are now ' occupied y G. Cope land and Goldman, : Berg A Co. Item 2. Thelo: .. ground on the corner of Lo- cust and V .iter streets, being 150 feel on Waterstr- : and 150 feet onLocnst street, ! known as lots 7 and 8 Old Plan of Evaua ville, with the two brick warehouses sit uated thereon, now occupied by the U. S. Ouariermaster, and the brick and frame dwelling and store adjoining. Item 4. Tbe undivided one-half ol Lot 1 subdi vision Lot 200, Donation Enlargement of Evansville, being corner part of said lot, having 25 feet front on Fourth or Market street, and 80 feet on Locust street to a ten foot alley, with the common privilege of same. Item 5. The undivided one-half of Lot 2 subdi vision Lot 200 Donation Enlargement of Evansville, adjoining the above, Having 25 feet front on Fourth or Market stret and t0 feet deep, to the alley in the rear, with the common privilege of the same. Item C. The undivided one-half of Lot 3, subdi vision Lot 200 Donation Enlargement of Evansville, adjoining the above, having 25 feet frout on Fourth or Market street, ami 80 feet deep, to the alley in the rear, with the common privilege of the same Itrm 7. The undivided oue-half of Lot No. 4 subdivision of Lot 200 Donation Enlarge ment of Evansville, having 30 feet frout on Locust street and 75 feet on Dunham street, with the common privilege of the ten feet alley on the south-west side, to gether with the brick smoke house and frame pork house situated on the same. Item 8. The undivided one-half of Lot 5, and one-half Lot 4, block 28,Eastern Enlarge ment of Evansville with the wooden shed situated thereon, having 35 feet front on Fifth street orCanal and running through to Church street. Item 9. The undivided one-half of Lots G and 7, block 28, Eastern Enlargement of Ev ansville, having 48 feet front on Fifth streetor Canal, and running back 130 feet ... . to Church street. The above property is all in good order and un der rent at profitable rates, and possession can bo given at very short notice. Title indisputable. Any one desiring to purchase may examine the property and see plats of it by applying at George Foster A Co.'s Warehouse, corner of Locust street and Canal. TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash, one third at three months, oue-third at six months, the pur chaser giving notes with approved security bear ing interest, and waiving relief laws. GEO. FOSTER, lKcntor8 JOHN W. FOSTER. J 'xcn,or8 Evansville, Sept. 12, 1863. d-td. INSURANCE AGENCY. HO'ME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. Office 112 and 114 Broadway With a Cash Capital all paid in of ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ASSET8 JULY 1st, 186" ,.l,5C0,O00 The Home Insurance Company insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings and their contents, for a term of from 1 to 5 years on the all insurable property, at lair and equitable rates, and on INLAND NAVIGATION And Transportation. Shioments mion ttwSI : Lakes, Canals and Railroads, as low as the nature of the risks will bear, with tairness to the assure'! and the Company. Adjusting all losses fairly, and pr .mptly paying them. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't. A. F.WILMARTH, Vice Pres't. J. Milton Smith, Secretary. Jons McGee, Ass't Sec'y. Applications made to and policies issued by A. C. HALLECK A SON, Ag'ts, First Street, near Post Office. Insurance Agency. ALLEN C71ALLECK, UNDERWRITER AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ADJUSTER OI AVERAGE8 AND N0TART PUBLIC He continues to issue Policies from several First Class and most reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES In the Country, on Inland and Fire Risks. He will also receive applications for LIFE INSURANCE. He will attend to the Adjustment of Losses oi every description under policies from other agen cies, and attend to the settlement of all matters connected with INSURANCE, for parties interest ed. His long experience as an Insurance Aoent, has made him familiar with all subjects connected with Insurance. Office, on First Street, near the Post Office. INCORPORATED 1847. CITY Insurance Company. Pire -OF- HARTFORD, CONN. Capita , 250,000 B. C. WAITE, Sec'y. C. B. BOWERS, Pres't. S. A. PRICE, General Agent, Residing at Chicago, Ills. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $327,540. This Company insures against loss and damage by fire on Dwellings and their Contents, Stores, Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, and all insur able property at as reasonable rates of premium as any other solvent and reliable Company, Adjusting Losses fairly and paying them promptly. Applications made to and Policies issued bv A. C. HALLECK A SON.,' First Street, near Post Office, aug21-lyd Evansville. Ind. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. INCORPORATED 181 charter"perpetital With a Successful Business Experience o FIFTY YEARS. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000.''0 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S890.ii86.81 Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer chandize, Mills, Manufactories, and other kinds ol property, can be effected in this Company upon as favorable terms as the nature of the risks and secu rity to Policy will admit. PARTICULAR ATTENTION givon to insuring Farm property, consisting of Dwellings, Barns, and outbuildings connected, and Furniture, Live Stock, Hay, Grain. Farming Utensils, Ac, Ac, contained therein, for a term of years at LOW rates of preminm. OFFICERS : T. C. Allyn, Sec'y. H. Huntington, Pres't. C. C. Lyman, Ass't Sec'y. W. N. Bowers, Actuary. D. Alexander, Genera Agent for the Western and South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. J. Graham, Ass't General Agent for the Western and South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. Applications for Insurance may be made to the undersigned, the duly authorized Agents of the Company. A. OL HALLECK A SON, Ag'ts. Office on First street, near Post Offiee aug23-lyd GROCERIES. AMERICAN PRIDE BLACKING 250 doz. assorted sizes Blacking; Just Received, at H. COOK'S. CORN STARCH 30 doz. cooking, at best Corn Starch, for H. A. COOK'S. REFINED SUGARS '0 barrels Crushed Sugar ; 20 " Powdered Sukw I 5 boxes Loaf Sugar : 25 barrels Refined B. Suear Just Received, at II. A. COOK'S. ASHING BLUE-10 gross best for ,! by " B. E. GILBERT A 0? LKESU FIGS 50 P just received by lruius S. E. very choice nunlity GILBERT A CO. Ci.uio,o rins-i) noxes No. 1 ronnd head whittled Cloths Pins; At H. A. COOK'S Avrr"nT t.-- " - - - - - S- T ATtll-j ... . 1 . uTnonaiijii JMUKTHEKN PITCH 10 bids iui nio o o. r.. Ill HET CO . No. 4 aycauiore 8treet. YRUP- 150 bbls., different brands, for sale low IMB K. GILBERT A COM O by, INSURANCE AGENCY. 1NSURANGEAGENCY J. W. NEXSEN, Marble Sail, Main Street, EVANSVILLE, IND., underwriter and General In-; surance Agent. Adjuster of Fire Losses and Notary Pub'ic. All business connected with Insurance attended to with promptness and fidelity, j Polices issued in several ol j the oldest and mcst reliable vomp riies in the UnioE. f IRE, LIFE anrj M ARINE. ! C ombined Ca h Capital Rett, resented over $ 5,0 00 ,000 00 PREPARE TN AGAINST Till THE FIRES OF TIME FALL ! BY Prime A No, 1 Insurance tit TIIK Phoenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CONN. The Frnits of the Phoenix Are manifest in the following statement of ts cfc Figures (bowing the amount equalized to public benefit in the shape of losses paid in tbe West and Sonth, luring the past four years ; n Hue of valuable ser vicu, honorable as well as commendable, and which dmnltl suggest 17 33: 323 -OF o every man who desires to bestow his iaiuranc patronage upon a WELL TBI ED CORPORATION. i4o,277.45 OHIO ..T Ill TVTtT a VI 540,377 45 27.B22.94 t9.174.56 , 33,670.08 7,622-M INDIANA. . . W.174.56 ILLINOIS.... 32,670,08 MICHIGAN.., 34,2. i.13 WISCONSIN.. 1H,:523.34 IOWA 34,920.13 18,323.34 8,653.10 MINNESOTA 8,53.10 1, 67.00 NEBRASKA I,lli7.'i0 ,765.O0 KANSAS 9,765.(X' 34,054.36 KENTUCKY 34,054.36 43,054.90 TENNESSEE 43,1)54.90 21,832.55 MISSISSIPPI 20,832.55 27,698.83 MISSOURI 27,698.83 i OA OOn AO A "D XT A UB A O DO D-Jd AO ' '. t i .1 I. K . .. . i . t 3,861.98 TEXAS 3.901.9E 555.55 ALABAMA 5S5 55 Iu the equitable adjustment, and prompt Cash re ivoHse to the PHQ2HIX statute pre-eminently at the head of its profession ; while its extensive, practi' lical, and first-class business system of locul agencies, is not excelled by any similar corporation in the world. Insurancies solicited, and policies issued and re newed in this leading Corporation, at fair rates by J. W. NEXSEN, Resident Agent, Office, Marble Hall Building, Main street. 'A Cash Assets, -Jannary 1st. 1862. $1,992,585.89. Loss, s Paid, U p w a r d o 14,000,000. The great public service, promptness and relia bility of this well-tried and sterling Company, re commend it to preference with those needing In surance. Insurance solicited and Policies issnt-i by J. W. NEXSEN, Agent, febfi Marble Hall Building, No. 9. Main st. MACHINIST?. tin poraiY EVANSVILLE, IND Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Of the most Approved Pattern. ALSO All kinds of Machinery appertain ing to Railroads, Steamboats, Distilleries, Flouring Mills. SUGAR MILLS, or all sizes with the latest Improve ments attached ; Tobacco Screws, Portable Engines, &c., &c., &c. House Fronts, Grates, Rail ing, Iron and Brass Castings I of every description. DEALERS IN Steam Ganges, Gnm Belting, Fire Brick, Wronght Iron Pipe, Bolting Cloth, &c., at MANUFACTUBEBS' PBICES. Bepairing done at short notice. Workmen sent to all parts to fit up work and repair Boilers fc machinery "A11 orders will receive our individual atten tion anu will he promptly hllcd on the most reasonable terms. Office and Foundry on the Canal, corner of Ingle Street. mhl7-ly 7?..'.-.-'-ti..-, - ' ' fj - v - 4t RAILROAD REGISTER DEPARTS: Way, Freight and Accommodation i:45 A. H. Mail 9:25 A. to. ARRIVES: Accommodation 5:24 P. it. Mail . 5;54 p. M. T. H. &- R. II. It. DEPARTS FROM T. H. Day Express Accommodation Night Expre.-s ARRIVE AT T Day Express Accommodation Night Express 3: 15 p. M. 7:06 a a. 1:50 a.m. H. 10:45 p. m. 5:35 A. M. 11:15 a. M. Thi-se two roads make good connections at Terre Haute. ji... River News. ARRIVALS. -Chambers, Henderson. Steamer- ' Colossus, Louisville. ' Mercury, Cairo. M Keoto. Henderson DEPARTURES. Mat chambers, Henderson. ' Mercury. Louisville. " Keoto, Henderson. Colossus, Louisville. " Colouua, Louisville. St. The decline in the river still eontin ues, and the weather is again fair. At Cincinnati the river has risen two inches, and is stationary at Pittsburg. Heavy rains have fallen at Cincinnati, and it was raining at Pittsburg yesterday. Very little business was done on the levee yesterday. The Colouna took out some freight and a number of passengers. The Colussus came down full of peo ple as usual. Among her passengers was Capt. .Jim Lusk, late of the Big Grey Eagle, who proposes rusticating a few days at Henderson and in this city be fore assuming command of his new boat, the Tarascon. We predict for him and his new boat a vast popularity. The Mercury passed up light yester. day from Cairo. To-day the fascinating and fleet May Duke, Captain Dusouchet in command, with the ineffable Dunn in the office, will be the unrivalled packet for Cairo and all way points. Our robust and popular friend Phy. D. Veits, in connection with Cox & Humphrey, at the lower wharf boat, is her agent, and will attend to all business connected with the May Duke in the most prompt, courteous and satis factory manner. The Des Moines City, a boat of very light draught, well appointed and ad mirably officered, will also leave for Cairo to-day at noon. J. B. Hall, at the lower wharf boat, is her agent The Big Grey Eagle has been put in the most complete repair, and is now ready for the fall and winter campaign, looking and being really finer than when new. She has been finely painted out side and in. Her engines have been overhauled and improved, and many fine and beautiful improvements have been made in her cabin. Parties have gone below Memphis to mmot. tirtubcu aim lament ed Courier. Her hull is but little dam aged, and with Smith's patent pump3 she can readily be raised. She will be re built. Likr Ice. Plenty of Lake Ice constantly on hand day and night, at the Lower Landing. E. INGLE & CO. DENTIST. Dr. F. HUTCHINSON, DENTIST, Corner Main and Second Streets, ( UP STAIRS.) DB. HUTCHINSON HAVING FOR THE last seveu years received the unlimited pat ronage ot the citizens of Evansville and surround ing ton us and country, would return most sincere tnruiKs ior their appreciation of bis skill as a ieniisr, Hoping, by untiring ing for his patients all the eneryy in secur- LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AXD 1 VESTIONS, to merit a continuance of the same favor. Personal Attention Given In Every Case. His facilities for doing good work equal any Establishment in ine united states Every style of East ti n Artificial Teeth. made lit cities are made by him. Bet rence at all times givtu by roferrin to peinooH now wearing tne BEAUTIFUL SETS OF TEETH j w. n. walker. prepared in his office. Having had much exiieri In" treatment of irregalartiy of CHIL. ; "'"'vs 'X''1'JH, he would have no hesita tion m saying the most irregular cases can be entirely correcred by him. Cases can be seen in this city and county entirely corrected by him. Cleft, Palate or openings in Palate succesfully treated. Scurvy, Neuralgia affections and all dis eases of the mouth successfully treated. Those desiring ARTIFICIAL TEETH would de wen ro consult nim. WFTernis verv moderate BThe best Anearthetics for alleviating paiD when extracting teeth. Chloroform given when requested. jne m . H. V. AS, 1 Y THANKFUL FOR THE ipe received during the past four (i rmanent resident of this city, (whether they need his profes- t ) to visit his rooms and see the utwork Mannfaetnred . i-.l,, N . liberal pat years, ml 'Kin desires all ierso sioual services or Various Style Improvemen s and Invent ;ods Are lieing made, and everything that will suhsi rve the interests cf his patients is secured by him. H i Establishment and FacilitI s Are equal to any in EASTERN CITIES. He has Several Anaesthetics FOB Alleviating Pain when Extracting Teeth. " Cheeks that are sunken can be restored to nearlv heir original contour. All desirable styles of AKTIFICIAL TEETH. made him. wuere in me united States, are made by fully corrected. Those having r v. vuumru a leem Teth success- DECAYED TEETH Should either have them Extracted or Filled (the alter if possible.) Tho health of the parties' and the remaining Teeth demand it NEURALGIC AFFLICTIONS TREATED AL80 CLEFT PALATE OlRce on Firat St , Near Post Office. LIVERY STABLE. AMERICAN STABLE, On Third bet. Main and Locust sts. T'ESST1"' c.i, .WU thro"Bht the country, pos- i . I "staTli.f..m J : forth. Kptlo of privaterho,nltBl,veToTthe 1 most elegant and complete description, and at the 1VWCB. lairs. Carriages for visiting to Ut. Coaches, light wagons, and every kind of road vehicle to let Horses sold on commission. 8econd hand Buggy's or sale at the very lowest prices. Passengers for warded to all parts of tbe country by special con veyance. RICHARDSON, BRITTON A CO. aplt ! REGULAR PACKfeTS. Evansville and Cairo Packet Co. FAST MAIL PACKET LINE. Low Water Arrangement TO Paducah & Cairo. During th continuance of low water Boats will run as follows : THE FIXE MAIL PACKET !MC jA. "3T T" XT , G. DCSOUCHET, Master W. DUNN, Clerk. Leaves Monday's and Thursday's at 2 o'clock, for Cairo and all Way Points. Leaves Cairo Tuesday's and Friday's at 5 p. m. THE LIGHT DRAUGHT PACKET E. WHISTLER, Master F. U. HUSTON, Cl'k. Leavta Wednesday's and Saturday's at 2 p. m. for Cairo and. all Way Points. Leaves Cairo on Thursday's Suuday's at 5 p. m., Making connections at Cairo with the Illinois Central Railroad, and at Evansville with the Evansville and Crawfordsville Railroad. For freight or passage apply on board or to Cox A Humphrey, Lower Wharf Boat, or to P. D. Veits, Agents. sepl5-dtf Low "Water Arrangement. EVANSVILLE AND CAIRO PACKET ROBKRTS, Master '. SHIELDS, Clerk. WILL PLY AS A REGULAR PACKET BE tween Evansville, Paducah and Cairo dur ing the low water. She is very light and roomv. Sho leaves on MONDAY, September 1, at 10 a. m. For freight or passage applt to sepl2 tf JNO. B HALL, Agent. Cincinnati and Memphis PACKET COMPANY. For Evansville, Henderson. Mount Vernon, Shawnectown, Smithland, Paducah. Cairo. Columbus. Hickman and Mempnis, and all way-points on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, comprising the following new light-draught passenger packets : NORMAN. JEWESS, Captain Frazier. W. C. MANN, Captain Shnnk. Capt. Batchelor. PRINCESS. Captan Maratta. One of the above Boats will pass Evansville Weekly for Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, and Mem phis. Also, weekly for Cincinnati. For freight or passage enquire of COX A HUMPHREY, seP9dtf Agents. Regular Evansville and Cair PACKET, DURING LOW WAT Eli. THE STEAMER OOLONNA, TOM. BOLUS, Captain. H. HYDE, Clerk, WILL RUN REGULARLY IN THE above trade during low water. For freiirht or nassaze annlv on board. gepg TJ. S. Mail Boat for Lonisville. DURING THE LOW WATER season the Louisville and Evansville I U. S. Mail ComDnv will rnnadailv line, (Suuday's excepted) of light draught steam era, leaving from Cox A Humphrey's Wharf Boat. ' For further information apply to Cox A Hum phrey. JO. H. BUNCE, Superintendent. June 25-tf Regular Evansville and Rowling Green Packet. THE SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAMER R. K. DUNKERSON, A. DRINKWATER, Master, WILL LEAVE EVANSVILLE 1 ajMCrw1? Monday and Thursday at 4 -rT-:rvViork p. m. .-alimiay Vii!U:, fiffliIh(Fif? connections with the Armada for the Lower Ohio, and Grey Eagle Tor Lonisville. mv2G LOUISVILLE AND HENDERSON A ILY LINE, (SUNDAY'S Xt KIT . The Kvansvlllc & Louisville IT. s i JE?"- rii'inc Co's. Splendid ISmm Passenger . ' T H A JUS " BIG GREY EAGLE, t. BUNCE J. A. LUSK, Clerk. "STAR" GREY EAGLE, Capt. HUTSINPILLEB W. G. VOBIS, Clerk J. T McCUMBS, Capt. BALLARD J. GWATHNEY. Clerk Compose the Line, and will leave Evansville for Louisville as follows: Monday's, STAR GREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock Tuesday's, J T. McCOMBS, at 5 o'clock p it. Wednesday's, " BIG " GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p M. Thursday's, "STAR " GREY EAGLE, at 5o'clock P. M Friday's, Saturday' T. McCOMBS, at 6 o'clock p. a 'BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock RETURNING: J. T. McCOMBS, leaves Louisville Monday's and Thursday's. BIG" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Tues day's and Friday's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed nesday's and Saturday's. Punctually at o'clock p. h. For comfort and speed the above Bteamers are unsurpassed. COX HUMPHREY, deals BOOTS & SHOES. DE C. EVANS. WALKER & EVANS Retail Dealers Exclusively in B00TS& SHOES No. 81 MAIN STREEi, Evansville, Ind. Wo devote our whole time and atlention to the Boot and Shoe Exclusively ijsji.iiwii Conseauentlycan give you bath barge , hau oes in connection with other business City and County Orders takeu t par for Goods. sop5-ly LEATHER" DUSTERS- A 12 ( doz. assorted Feather ri..t..,. asssorted Just received at H. A. ''OOK'S. CLOTHING. The Best is always the Cheapest. Especially is this truo of O T H I ST G AND Gents' Furnishing GoodL Test it Ly calling on J. H. 0 AHLI N, No. 8 FIRST STREET, (A'E.IR POST-OFFICE,) EVANSVILLE, IND. rHE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RE turned from the East, where he has laid in one of the best stocks of Clothing and Gents' Fur nishing Goods ever brought to this City. My Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings. Ac, were selected with an eye single to quality and style ; and hav ing become conversant with the taste of our peo ple, am satisfiid that in this particular my Goods will give excellent satisfaction. Gents Furnishing Goods of every description will also be found at my establishment such as Gloves. Hosiery, Neck-Ties, Shirts, Collars, Sus penders, Ac My facilities for mannfacturing Clothing are excellent ; and as for Cutting Garments to fit no satisfaction no pay. I ask no one to take a mean fitting garment off my hands. Over-Coatings of every variety and style will be found at my . stablishment. Though it may sound unreasonable to talk of Overcoats during the " heated term," we must remember that in " peace is the time to prepare for war," and in Summer make our preparations for the cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can bo devised than the ordering of a good reliable Overcoat, such as may be found at No. 8 First Street. Orders for Clothing of every description will receive the personal attention of the undersigned, and will be promptly attended to. The motte at No. 8 is, " Promises punctually fulfilled." Before orderirg Fall or Winter suits Gents will consult their own interest by examining my Goods and Prices. Remember the place No. 8 First Street, (near Post Office.) auglS 3. H. C All I, IN. WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE! GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., No. 0 North First St., Evansville ; BRANCH OF GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., No. Q06 Market Street, Philadelphia, We have now ready a very largo selscteJ stock of jran 3 winter Clothing AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. SHAWLS, BLANKETS AND TRAVELING SHIRTS. Boys' Olotlalng, IN GREAT VARIETY, To which we desire to call the attention of the trade. Our Goods being all manufac tured by ourselves, buyers have Only One Profit to Pay. We feel confident that osr prices are fully as low as those of any other House in the West. All Goods Warranted. sep5 HENRY PELDMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 54 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, IND. 1 WISH TO CALL THE ATTEVTIAV the citizens of Evansville mil virion. large and well selected stock of French Cloths Cassimeres, beautiful Testings and Furnishintr I have just returned from the East, where I have ; made my own purchases, and can therefore recom ! mend all icy Goods as being of the first qality : I employ none but the best of workmen, and con ! sequently turn out work equal to any in tbe Citv Bp8-Cm UNITED states Wholesale Clothing AND FURNISHING HOUSE. Clothing for the Million! LOEWENTHAL & CO., gain in the market, at stand the old well knowu Cor. Main and First Sts., (Which has been rebuilt and enlarged,) with the largest and best selected stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND Gentlemen' Furnishing (iuuu Ever Opened in this Market. OUR OLD CUSTOMERS AN!' THE TRADE generally are respect fully invited to call and examine our Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel assured we can offer suoerier inducements to CASH buyers. uperir One of our firm resides in New York, ,d has had many years experience in buying and manu facturing, and devote his whole time to Purchasing and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, And as we buy exclusively for CASH, w can and will sell as low to the trade as any House East or West. sepll MACKERKL IN KITS 50 kits No. 2 Mackertl ; 50 " "3 25 " " 1 " :15 " assorted mess and extra Mackerel; At H. A. 0OOK'. SADDLERY. Charles Babcock, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STREET, SVAKSVILLE, IK DIANA. IT AVING COMPLETED MY ARRANGE ' - ments with Enropr-an and American manu facturers for a direct sujijdy of all goods in my line I am enabled to offer inducements that can not fai! to be to the interest of all engaged in the business 'o jive ui; a trial. I i n oart . Axlea, Springs made of: ae best Stvrl Bands, enameled aW all kinds ot Leathe. Cloths, Linings for Carriages , Varnishes, Castings of all kinds ; Saddle Trees, English Bridle Leathers ; Bite, Stirrups, Spurs, Haines, floe Silver ilams of all kinds ; Jenny Lind Gig Tress ; rSeif-adjusting Pads ; Taylor's Patent Uames ; Fly Nets ; Shoe Threads ; Horse Blankets ; Londou ilirth Webs, American Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted ; Lou -don Welt Skins, a superior article ; Ivory ; Gotta Percha and Brass lined Martengal Rings ; 3uperior Kerseys for Horse Covers , the best quality of Carriage Bolts; Patent Gig Trees, Ac, Ac, kc., Ae. I keep in fact everything appertaining to either 'ranch of the business, and understanding both branches thoroughly, we would respectfully invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. I am n:n Agent f.-r Ward's Patent Spring Sa W. V. CoEWIN. J. B. SIGH F.E THE NEW FIRM 9 H T.'E, THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHOLESALE I manufacturers of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Harness, 4c, desire to inform the public that we have largely increased our stock on hand, and by close application ourselves and the employment of good workman in our shops, we are able to fur nish on short notice any and all kinds and quanti ties of work to suit fha trade. Those who will favor us with a call, can satisfy themselves, that they can proenre, at lower prices, good substan tial, fancy and durable work of us than they can anywhere elss, (and far better than the Eastern shop-wo-k.) Tlie memler of the firm being practical work men themselves, attending personally to all orders with promptness, care and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in style of finish or quality of work, give better satisfaction to those patronizing us ; feel confident it will be to the interest of all to come and see for themselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Store on Locust Street, above the Sherwood House, between First and Second Streets, No. 25. N. B. Guarantee all we sell. sep2 W. F. COBWIN A CO. REMOVAL. rj'HE UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE BE- moved their Saddlery establishment to the Corner of Main and Second Street, in the room oc- cepied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF ft-TxROEPSCH, masvfai tvkkks or an nr.ALF.ns m Saddles, Harness, CO LARS, &c., &e., Main Stree", Cor. Second, (Store formerly occuppied by Fred. Krone.) 9.AI1 orders at tended to with dispatch. Work warranted novlS-lr COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Commissioner's Sale of Valuable Beal Estate. rpiIE UNDEr.SlGNED COMMISSIONER AP X pointed by the Vanderburgh Circuit Court in a suit in partition wherein Sophia D. Gridley and others are defendants, to make sale of the Beal Estate !::.: to the parties to said suit to- wit : To the heirs or Horace Dunham deceased will, in pursuance of the decree of said Court, on the 28th day of October, 183, between 10 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m., at the Conrt Honse door, in th City of Evansville. Indiana, proceed to sell at Public Auction, the following described Real Es tate to-wit : All those tracts or parcels of land and town lotB tyln- being in the County of Van- derburg and State of Indiana, known and describ ed as follows: Tho north-east quarter of section thirty-two (32) the south-west quarter of sec tion thirty-two (32), the west half of the west half of the south-east quarter of section thirty -two (32), and the south half of fractional section thirty-one (31), all in township six (6), sonth of range ten (10) west, in theVincennes Land District. Also, all those parts of fractional sections five and six (5) and (C), in township seven (7), south of ranjfe ten (10) west, contained within the following boundary : that is to say, commencing at th cor ner of fractional section thirty -one (31), in town ship six (6), which corner is situate on the bavou bank nearly opposite the Green River Island, and running thence east twenty-five (25) chains and forty-eight (4) links to the north-west corner of fractional section five (5), township seven (7), thence running east on the township line fifty Um chains, thence south nine (9) chains and fifty.six (56) links, thence west seventy thrcc (73) chains and forty-four (44) links to the top of the above mentioned bayou bank, thencs along said bayou bank to the place of beginning containing 71 18-100 acres. Also, the north west quarter of the south-west quarter of sec tion sixten (16), in township seven 7) south, of range eleven (11) west. Also, lots one hundred and eighty-six, the inside half of lot one hundred and ninety -seven, being the half oi said lot adjolc. ing lot 108, said lot 197 being divided hyaline running from front to rear, through the center thereof, lots one hundred and ninety-eight, two hundred and thirty-four, two hundred andthirtv five, and two hundred and thirfv. ir iac.i- 197, 198, 234, 235, and ZVi,) all in the Donation Enlargement of the City of ETansville. Also, lot eight- (8) and the adjoining half of lot nine (9), Lnion Place, Evansville, said lot 186 being subject to lease for the term of five (5) years from the 1st day of September, 1850, at a yearly rent of three hundred dollars, and 50 feet of the sonth-east end of said lot 236 is snlject to a lease from the 1st day of January, 1859, for a term of eleven years, at a ground rent of eighty dollars per year. The above described lands comprise over 550 acres in a body adjoiuging this city, which are platted into garden lots, and will be sold in small parcels to suit purchasers, of which maps can be teen at the office of Asa Igleheart. TERMS. One-fourth cash, the remainder Id three equal annual installments, to be secured by notes with approved surety waiving relief laws and bearing interest. HIRAM NELSON, Asa IsLEnxiET, Commissioner. attorney. septStf PENS, SOAP, &c, &c. Sand and Emery Paper. A WVD ASSORTMENT OF 8AND AND Emery Paper just received at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. Cooking Extracts. LARGE STOCK AND GOOD ASSORT MENT of Cooking Extracts just received at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. A Essence of Coffee. JSSENCE OF COFFEE JUST RECEIVED AT SCLAEPFE'S Drugstore. Mustard. THE VERY BEST QUALITY OF MUSTARD for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. Soap. AVI-RY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SOAPS just received and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store Steel Pens. A LARGE A50RT11ENT OF STEEL PINS and Lead Tencils, of the best brands, for sale ' SCHLAEPFER'S Drug8tore. CART'S CAUGH CURE FOR SALE AT SCHLAEPiEE S Drug Store. HOOF LAND'S BALSAMIC BALSAM FOR the Cure of Coughs and Colds ; just received and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. GROCERIES. L7KESH WHITE LIME A 150 barrel Blue River. Just received and for sale by S. E GILBEBT a CO. sep.10 No 4 Sycamore Street. OTTON BATTING 60 Bales, for sale very low sept By 8. E GILBERT A CO YY BITING PAPER .100 Rcaiu Cap Letter, and Fancy and Plain Note, for sale low sep30 By S. E, GILBERT A CO, TIRVSIIES Jj Shoe, Hone and Scrubbing ' r Bdi By S. E GILBERT A CO. No. 4 Sycamore St. sapM ftlOAJM J A large stock from Common to Fine Havana, for sale low by sep30 S. . GILBERT A CO. ODA ' ' 150 Kegs, best oualltv. for sale low. in lots ta the tr.T.l". sep30 S. E. GILBERT A CO. KENTUCKY MUSTARD 100 Boxes, 2 doz, each, P30 At S. E. GILBERT A CO