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1? TERMS IX ADVANCE. ADVERTISING RATES IN DAILY. EVAiN'SVILJLE DAILY JOURNAL. MORNING EDITION. FOB DAILY. One year 6 00 Six months S 00 Three months 1 60 Supplied by carriers at 13 cent per week. FOB WEEKLY. Three months 1 ' 50 Six months... ... 85 One Tear.. $ 1 50 FOB TBI-WEEKLY. Six months... 2 00 One year 4 00 Business cards (5 lines or leas), o; ....S12 0 ths... 7 00 " " " three " ... 4 50 One square (10 lines or lest) one insertion... 7S H three S 1 85 " " one wee 1 75 " on month 5 59 IN WEEKLY. One square, one insertion ............ 1 00 j For each subsequent insertion. 50 Special Notices retained on inside of paper, will be charged 20 per cent, additional on above rates. VOLUME XVI. EVANSVILLE, IND., TUESDAY. OCTOBER i 183. ESTABLISHED, 1831 NOTICE. WATCHES & JEWELRY. NOTIC E TO SHIPPERS. o r Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. 't he undersigned pay their Particular Attention To the sale of the above articles, and SOAP STOCKS GENERALLY. Consignments sent to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and Quick eturns Made on Tory advanced terms. We mall or Weekly Circular gratia to all sending their address to AH RAM KMGHT & SONS, S3 Water Street, N. Y. City. "!vlOdGm STOVE WORKS. W. BarjiKMETIH. A. H KLBL1WQ SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. BR.IMKMEYER & CO., Manufacturer of stoves, Hollow Ware, Iron Ratlings, Hontt, Fronts, Verandas, Balconies, Castings In General, (tiPPEB. TIN AND SHEET IKON WARE, Ao RiT" tales Rfom Main Street, opposite Court House. WTFoundery Near the Mouth of Pigeon Creek EVASSV1LLE, IND. ttrORDEBS SOLICITED "Wa my9 nsMnssaasseaueaaaaaBawMiMKBMR. PICTURE GALLERY. -x rt W ?r wis w 5 p e 2. H g uj CD CD H 1 l 5 a.S,"" en 9 ST WATCHES A X D JEWELRY, AT Wholesale and Retail. GEO. A. BITTEOLFF Has just . pene at the old stand No. ft On of tho Urgent and btf mlecUrd mocks uf WATCHES, CLOCKS PUBLISHED BY JAMES II. McNEKLY. F. M. THAYER. JNO. H. MoNEELY. TNDKB THE FIRM Or THE Evansville Journal Company. son comprehends the lesser ones of deceit, fraud and perjury. When we re. member that the traitors Breckinridge, Toombs, Burnett, and other Repre sentatives from Southern States deliber. ately perjured themselves that they might the better succeed in their con teniDlated treason, we need not ha sur- Journal Buildings, prised that the Enquirer and Times LOCUST STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND WATER. TUESDAY OCTOBER 0 I Or E3 X7V l 3L . Diamond Bings and Fins, Silver Ware, Silver Cnps, Soap Ladles, Table and Tea Spoons, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Childrens' Setts, &c. &c. Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cups, Bntter Dishes, Salt-Cellars, Goblets, Jewelry, A fall assortment of all kinds of Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, &c, &c. Having bought ray stock for Cash, I can sell at the lowest figures for Cash. Call and examine ray stock before purchasing elsewhere. GEO. A. BITTROLFF, aepfi Mo. 48 Main Street. MEDICAL. B. J. DAT, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. EXAMINIG SURGEON FOB PENSIONARY. OFFICE On Second Street, between Main and Lccust. RESIDENCE At Sherwood House. Evansville, January 6, 183. S. W. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Omci aid Rksidmck No. 36 W almut Stust (At Dr. Ronald's Old Stand.) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. nov29-ly DRY GOODS. Dry Goods! Dry Goods .! TVS HAVE JUST RECEIVED AS COMPLETE Tr assortment of Goods as can be found any where, and having bought them before the recent advance, we can and will sell them cheap. SCHAPKER A BUSSING, Ko. 4 I Main Street. Black and Fancy Silks. WE HAVE A 8PLENDED ASSORTMENT of Silks, and sell them very cheap. SCHAPKER A BUSSING, 49 Main Street. Cloths, Casimeres and Vesting s. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS, CASI MERES and Vestings can be found at SCHAPKER A BUSSINGS, 40 Main Street. Carpets! Carpets!! Carpets!!! TTTE HAVE NOW A SPLENDID ASSORT VV MENT of Carpets to which we respectfully call the attention of the public. SCHAPKER A BUSSING'8. No. 49 Main Street. SCHAPKER & BUSSING'S Shawl and Cloak Department. A THOROUGH EXAMINATION OF THIS l. Department will satisfy every one that they can be suited In quality and prices. suilArnr.K & HISSING, DRY GOODS KEEN & PRESTON HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LABGS AND general assortment of Desirable Dry Goods, Which they invite the "trade" to call and ex amine prices and qualities; believing, knowing, they can save dealers additional freight and ex peutes In going further Eastward. Janl5 , A. C. PUSHEE, MAI EE IX Foreign & American Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PURSES, WALLETS, Satchels, Toilet Soaps Rubber Goods, GAMES, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ladies' Baskets, Childrens Cabs, &e. No. 20, Main Street, EVANSVILLE, .... INDIANA dec-23 SCHAPKER A BUSSING' S Millinery Department. HAVING HiDK- THIS A SPECIAL PART of our buxlneea, and having bought every thing in that line direct from importers and manufacturers, we defy competition. Misses Epperson and Bellam, who have charge of the Trimming Department, flatter themselves that they cannot be surpassed in trimming by any Milliner. NEW AND ELEGANT GOODS AT rio mm. LAW CARDS. . A. COOK & 0. ARB RECEIVING AND OPENING AT No. T !H ARLES DENBY,iFIRST STREET, Attorney at Law3 I Has resumed the practice of Law. Office en Third Street, middle of Hall's Block, np stairs. fcb2 A New and Elegant Stock of T J WUQ TJP TTi Attorn; J Goods, Faney Goods AND COLLECTING AGENT. OFFICE On Third Street, third door from Uiu Street, in the Crescent City Bank Building, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. tte-Is AND isr o tl" x o bjt m ., Jas. T- Walker, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND Agent for obtaining Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty FOR DISCHARGED SOLDIERS, AND FOR the Widows snd other legal representatives of those who die in the service of the United States. Office on the North-West side of Third Street, near the Washington House nd nearly opposite the Court Hou-e, Evansville, Indiana. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. JylS-ly IYORYTYPES, PHOTO GR APS AND Oard Pictures. ALSO. WEDDING CARDS, Mounted in Beautifnl Style, AT Adam's Photographls Gallery, OVER POST-OFFICE. Their Goods Uve besJ selected with great care by experienced bauds, with special refurenre to the trade of this city ; were bought for CASH and will bi eold very low to Cash Customers only. Their stock comprises all the most ELEGANT STYLES Required to co tltnte a first class Ii-y Goods House, IXSUCISS Black, Plain and Fancy Silks, ; Foulard Silks, , Fine Mozambique Dress Goods.plain and Check; Bareges, Organdies and Jaconets, Lawns, Mourning and Summer Dress Goods, of every description. ' Point Lace Collars, Collars of every Variety, Mourning Setts, Mourning Collars, Silk Talmas Sacques, and i Circulars of all kinds, , Lace Mantles, Summer Shawls, SOAP AND CANDLES. The Union Men of Warrick. The enthusiasm with which the Union men of Warrick County are at work is a sure harbinger of success. They do not labor as men expecting to fail. They beat the Copperheads at the last election and they are confident they will achieve a similar triumph on Tuesday next. During the past week large meetings were held every day, the interest never flagging. The hardy and brave yeoman ry never tire of listening to speeches de picting the noble deeds of their repre sentatives in the Union army and they are determined that no act of theirs shall have a tendency to discourage the boys, or cause them to feel that they are not. endorsed by their friends at home. The meeting at Boonville on Saturday was the close of a series of large gath erings. While it was not as largely at tended as the mass meeting at Igleheart's farm some weeks before, it was still a great success in comparison with the thin gathering which greeted Mr. Hen dricks at Newburg the day previous There were four or five hundred voters on the ground, with an equally large number of women and children. The day was cold and stormy, but the people would not leave their placea They came to hear, and they were not to be driven from their purpose by a rain, however cold und cheerless. We never saw a crowd sopa- tient under such uncomfortable circum stances. lhat they were so, is the clear est evidence that they feel the deepest interest not only in the success of their boys in puttftig down the rebels of the South with bullets, but also in their own in putting down rebel sympathizers in the North with ballots. Bfr. Smith. a3 remarked yesterday, made a fine speech. It took strong hold upon the feelings of his auditors, and many who have always voted the Demo cratic ticket, even so late as last year, were moved to tears of repentance and announced their intention to abandon the treasonable organization. His re view of Vallandigham'8 career was clear niH oandid. His proof that the Copper heads of this State had attached wem aelves as a tail to Vallandigham's kite was strong and unanswerable. Mr. Smith said that 16 years ago there were two young men in the Ohio Legis lature one representing the city of Cin cinnati and the other the Quaker county of Columbiana. Both of these young men were Democrats. Upon all ques tions dividing parties, they voted togeth er, except one. During the session, a bill was introduced repealing the Black Laws of Ohio. These lavs prohibited negroes from voting, from testifying against white men, and from sitting in the jury box as jurors. Their repeal would place the negroes on an equality with whites as nearly as such a state of things could be brought about through the instrumentality of law. Upon this question, Mr. Smith, the young man from Cincinnati, voted no ; while Val landigham, the young man from Colum hiana. voted ave. Thus, while Mr. Smith was in favor of sustaining and perpetuating the laws depriving the ne groes cf the social and political rights enjoyed by the whites, Mr. Vallandigham voted for their repeal. Mr. Smith was opposed to negro equality, Mr. Vallan digham in favor of it Yet, added Mr. Smi'.h, I am an Abolitionist and Mr. Val landigham &par excellent Democrat. Three years afterwards Mr. Pngh rep resented the Democracy of Cincinnati in the Ohio Legislature. In that body the Whiffs and Democrats were very ... nearly equal in strength, a few Abolition ists from Northern Ohio holding the bal ance of power. Weeks were spent in trvinjr to affect n organization. Fi nally a bargain was struck between the Democrats and Abolitionists, by which the latter secured the Speaker, Clerk, eiht Circuit Judges, Treasurer and State Agent, while the former were to have the U. S. Senator in the person of Mr. Chase, the repeal of the Black Laws, and the Secretary of StatB. For this infa nous bTtrgain, every Dem ocrat in the Legislature voted. Yet, aaid Mr. Smith, I am an Abolitionist, while Mr. Push, who was the principal actor in making the alliance between the Democracy and the Abolitionists, is a ' Democra' ! Pugh, voting to repeal the i Black Laws ami thus placing negroes on an equality with whites Pugh voting ; for Salmon P. Chase, ns U S. Senator, is i and always has been a Democrat, while j ; I, who always opposed such measures, ' am an Abolitionist, because 1 stand by i my country should practice every species of fraud and all the arts of lying," to aid in securing the success of that treason. The Richmond papers have con tinually insisted that the main hope of the rebels was in the success of the Copperheads in the North. The Rich mond Enquirer, in particular, has con tained many articles on this point Last week the dispatches from Washington to the Associated Press, gave an extract from another article of the same sort, de claring that if Rosecrans were defeated at Chattanooga, and driven back on Nashville, the Vallandigham men would carry the Ohio election with ease. But the Cincinnati Enquirer does not regard it as good policy to set before its readers this Southern testimony to the cordial co-operation of the Northern Democrats and Southern rebels in this war; so it tinkered the dispatch to make it show something very different To show the Enquirer's anxiety to suppress the evidence of the entire sym pathy and co-operation of the Confede rates and the Vallandighammers, we re produce the dispatch in parallel columns, in one as it appeared in the press in general, and in the other as it appeared in the Enquirer. As it vus fixed up in the As was Telegraphed to the Kooiated Press. The Richmond papers of the 2'id hare been re ceived. The Enquirer, in a leader headed 'Vic tsry in Georgia, " says Charleston and Chatta nooga are the only points where the enemy preserve the ' least ap pearanoe of fight. De bated at Chattanooga, aud driven back on Nashville, the Vallan digham men would car ry the election in Ohio next mouth with little difllculty. The peaco men In the United States would onca mora assert their manhood aud speak out as they did be fore the hue disasters choked their utterance. But it is nut among the peace men of the United States that a victory at Chatta'i' ga would most tell li- will bo the greatest, as It will reanimate our people. Ttie army needs but little reanimation, but the people hare not ex perienced the same hard ships the army has, and they are more easily made despondent. The army never despairs of is itself able to bear its fortunes and misfor tunes also ; but some of the -.people are so bust ly discussing the proba bility . of a financial ban kruptcy that the peo ple overcome them. A victory is wanted ly the cuireucy En.ui.-.'-. Washiboios, Sept. 24. Richmond papers of the 22d last, hare been received. The Knqulrer, in a leader headed " G reat Victory in Georgia, " says Charleston and Chattanooga are the on ly points where the ene my present the least ap pearance of fight. They wore defeated at Chatta nooga aud driven back ou Nashville. If the Vallandigham men would carry the election in Ohio next M r. Jay with little diffi culty, the peace men In the United States would once more assert their manhood, and speak out m tfcey did before the late disasters had choked their utterance. It is not a oue the uj.ou the cause, peace men of the Unl it! heme its envrt.fed States tht a victorr at' Chattanooga would most tell n;.o', the cause. Here at home its eflect will be the greatest. I In the stress of circumstances the Cin cinnati Enquirer changed the dispatch so as to make it assert positively that Rosecrans' army was defeated at Chatta. nooga and driven back on Nashville, in order to separate it from its co-operation with the Vallandigham men ; and per haps with the intention at the same time of realizing on this anticipated aid to the Ohio Democrats, by changing the problematical defeat of our army, and the driving of it' back to Nashville, to a positive statement of this as a fact. The Chicago Times sa v the danger of laying before its readers the opinions of its Southern allies, as did the Enquirer The editor resolved upon the same plan of operations. It is not improbable that they telegraphed a mutual understanding as to the course they should pursue. Accordingly we find the same Associated Press dispatch appearing in the Times as follows : Washington, Sept. 24. Richmond naners of the 2Sd have been received here. The Enquirer, in a leader headed "Victorv in Georgia," says: "Charles ton and "Chattanooga are the only points where the enemv present the least ap nearance of fight. Victory id 11 reani mate our people. The army needs but, little reanimation, but the people have not experienced the same hardships the j army has, and they are more easily made : despondent The army never despairs of the republic, because it is itself able to bear its fortunes, and its misfortunes, also ; but some of the people are so busy , discussing the probabilities ot a hnan cial bankruptcy that-a-sictory-ia-wantet by the currency. 1 It is bv the perpetration of frauds like the above these papers expect to deceive , the people and break down the Govern-1 ment Not content with " striking out" j of regular dispatches, paragraphs calcu- j lated to open the eyes of the people a3 j to the designs of the Democratic party, i North, these papers deliberately insert language to make tho dispatches convey ; a different idea than the true one. These ; AnAaf-a are too barefaced and unscru- ' pulous to succeed. They only show the ' desperate straits to which the leaders of j the Copperhead organization are placed- J The people will settle with them in due j season. thing of our march over the mountains and tho occupation of Knoxville by our brigade. We entered on Tuesday, the 1st. The events which transpired sub sequent to our entrance into the city fully verify every statement you may have heard of the loyalty of East Tennessee. Never did Washington or Lafayette re ceive a warmer greeting than we did on our entrance into the city. It was about the 10th day of our march and although we were worn, exhausted and sleepy, every man willingly made a forced march on that day. Many horses failed through the excessive heat and dust but the men shouldered their guns and press ed cheerfully on. Well, we arrived at Knoxville by the Clinton road in the evening. (The balance of the forces with Gen. Burnside went down by King ston and Loudon) and such a sight both for us and for the citizens will never oc cur again. The whole town was wild with delight Some were shouting, some were laughing, some were crying and others praying. The doors and wiadows were thrown open and citizens, male and female, old and young, stood in the streets and in the doors to assure us of a welcome. It really appeared as if we were old friends. Citizens and soldiers, without regard to rank, ago or sex, con versed, and gseeted each other with all the f .miliarity of old friends. It was not necessary that a soldier should wear stars, straps or stripes. If he only wore blue pants and jacket he became an ob ject of attention and apparently ot re gard and affection. Mags which had been carefully concealed and preserv ed for more than two years were brought out and were soon flying all over the town. A prominent civil officer brought out a flag of mam moth proportions and suspended it across one of the principal streets. It was the flag used by the Bell and Everett party in the Presidential campaign. Though their chosen champion had de serted them, hardly one of this devoted party had faltered in the day of trial Two years' oppression had only strength ened their purposes and confirmed their belief. The people came in from the country by thousands. Ladies marched in companies, carrying flags and dis playing patriotic mottoes. They came loaded with baskets of fruit and provis ions, and when offered pay they replied that the peaches, apples, &c, were for the Yankees, and they did not charge Yankees for anything. There may be different opinions about Kentucky loy alty, but there is nothing spurious in the loyalty of Last lennesseeans. One sole purpose seems to animate them, and that purpose is to sustain the Federal Union. 1 need not go into details showing how they despised property, ease, friendship, and family ties, when these stood in he way of their devotion to the Union of their Fathers. Many are coming home daily from their mountain caves and fastnesses, where they have been for months. Thousands have gone into Ken tucky and other States to escape the con script officer. Many of these are now returning to homes which they have not seen for two years. They went away in fear and by stealth. They came back spite the orders of their officers, they" will mete out a speedy punishment to their persecutors. Wo unto those who have driven these devoted patriots from their peaceful mountain homes, for they will not bear the sword in vain. The people are rapidly organizing an ask ing for arms. Yesterday a large num ber of North Carolinians came over here and received arms. You have seen the market prices of articles in the Confederacy. These are correct, but when you remember that a rebel dollar is about the same as a federal dime, you have the explanation. Ihey were giving $11 50 perdozen for eggs, but we buy them for 10 or 15 cents in our money. The citizens are glad to get our greenbacks, and quite a number of our boys have exchanged with them for silver. Corporal Mansell dropped out of ranks soon after entering the State, and we have heard nothing of him since. I should like to tell you more of the beauty and fruitfulness of this valley of Knoxville and its various camps, hospi tals, prisons, &c, &c, but of this here after. Before I write again, I hope to tread Virginia's soil, and this, of course, will open all the fountains of inspiration. How we long for letters and papers. I understand that telegraphic communi cation will soon be complete, and that Brownlow will commence the issue of his paper. We will hail its advent with delight H. BOOTS AND SHOES. STOVES, &c. Retail Dealers and Manufactures of BOOTS & SHOES, No. 38 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. ft WrE HAVK NOW ON HAND A tAKGE and well selected stock of Eustern aud home made G ods, consisting of all descriptions of Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Which we offer for sale as low as any house in the city. All our work is warranted. SPPl MILLER A' CO. No. 15 MAIN STREET. - o OB is 0 tr1 W 3 M (ft H O m C0 w P o d a o ts o er 9 -t a t3 to i mm & ewiiHMET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IM BOO TSAND SHOES, AND Hats & Caps. I 15 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, .iDIAN A CITY BOOT 4HO3H01 STORE. COMBS & GATCH o 3 S2. 0O H " n d. H if) s - c &2 X o Ou o cr a I -h 0 o B . tr o B o O m a a d a d M Szl o Q W M a o M w o o o o d OQ 0 (0 Til 33 O at o I GROCERIES. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. BTEFHENH. S. COOK, 175 Haiti Street, Between Sixth and Seventh, Is the place to obtain the Cheapest and best FAMILY GROCERIES Good Sugar 7 pounds for SI. Excellent Coffee 3 pounds for 1. Everything else in proportion. Katables ot all kinds kept constantly on hand. Call and examine articles and prices before pure-hashing elsewhere. ttyQood Fresh But t r received every Saturday. nv.x- wmTgt,enn & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, :. . StS. 70 and 73 Vine Sti Bet. So..a and TTAVE ALWAYS ON HANI", A 1 sale at the lowest market p: selected stock of 1 Wooden Ware, Ac to which w invi tion of Merc oauts. V. AND FOR a largo aud sep!9 DRUGGISTS. BROUGRTON & WOOD. CBKSCEXT CITY DRUG STORE. Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Iaicil X. Gilbert. Wiluu S Bakes S. E. GILBERT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Sycamore Street, bet. Water sad First, Evansvillv. In. A full assortment of Groceries always on hand, ad for sale at the lowest prices. w ease snssi a ssss as SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH'S SHIRT MANUFACTORY, KTo, Second St, (is BRAT'S slock.) S1 HIETS MADE TO ORDER FROM 11RAS- nrmeut and a fit warranted. A stock o ready. made Shirts and Collars always on hand, and at prices that will suit the purchaser. Tucking uauts, etiching Bosoms, Ac., done with neatness and despatch . Thankful for past favors the subscriber respect fully solicits a contnance of the patronage sa liberally bestowed for the past five years. ocr J. 8MTTH. NEW SALOON. CHANGE OF EXCHANGE A NEW ARRANGEMENT. SAM GRAMMES & HARRY J0H5S0N having purchased Theodore's Exchange, ARE FITTING IT UP IN EXCELLENT style for a first class BILLIARD SALOOX and RESTAl RAM. They will keep at the bar the best brands o Liquors and their larders will at all times be filled with the richest dainties from the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and the waters of the vasty deep will be made to contribute of their richest stores. Especial attention will be given to the caiane, which will be under charge of the most competent atttti Their Billiard Room is large and their TABLES FIRST CLASS. The establishment will re-open on Tuesday next . A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully 5 licited. ms3Ua3m A: A AAA L J AAA O , uoaxiut SECOND STREET. WK DEVOTK OUR ENTIRB ATTENTION TO The Boot and Shoe Trade Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs. Sole Agents for field's Pile Cure. MUSIC STORE. WARREN & CONYNGTON S AMD .Bazaar of Fancy Goods. a a .'i:. Accomeona, viouus, uuitsn, times. Clarionets, and everything usually kept In Music Stores. The only stock of Sheet Music and Instruction Books For all instruments will be found here. The very best Italian Violin, Guitar, Violincello and Banjo Strings always on hand. Fancy Goods, Toys and hotioas at Wholesale and Retail. Old Pianos taken in exchange for new ods TTTVi i I Instruments of all kinds repaired and tuned. WW AAA A 1 v , V A TAT DTD UPT Evaoeville. OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS ARB Superior to any offered In market. We are receiving goods every day. Our facilities are such wo can and will sell goods cheaper than any other house in the city. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters mended for nothing. FAMILY B ETOHS WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, NO. 10, FIRST STREET. NEAR POST OFFICK, Has just received another large and splendid as sortment of SASH AND DOORS. JAMES STEELE, (Successor ts Stkels k Hub ma,) SECOND ST., BET. CHESTNUT AND CHERRY, EVAKSVILLE, INDUS SASH, DOORS, WINDOW BLINDS Dressed Lumber Beards, Laths, Ac., of every description constantly : on hand. Packing Boxee of all kinds made to or erder. Sawing of every kind dons on ths shortest notice. aplS-ly W. HUNNELL, CORNER WALNUT STREET AND CANAL, EVANSVILLE, IND., Has on hand the largest lot of SEGAR3, &c. BOOT NEW SHOE STORE. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Pomades, Brushes, Combs, Flavor ExWT'&c., &c j ors, Blinds, Frame, c., . . . i Ever Brandies and Wines, for edica Purposes. S HROSDER LEMCKE, fMaUII HEALSRS IS Cigars, Smokiug, Chewing TobacrJo, Snuff, Pipes, &c. EVANSVILLE, IND. behave now, aii'l will keep, on haud a complete nd well assort.'d stock ef CIGARS ft TOBAC O, AND OFFER THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC LOW FOR CASH. aa.'itlfrs will fin4 it to thrir inlert-st to call and . : examine our prices. Yia ro enauixu to sen to Xietory-lil-WitUted . mem n irw in ny-urTT,c in rrre vrrsr. oetlT-tw S:rtKlfcIl!.K l.tmint. RAT EXTERMINATOR. ,imflil!!!!l!ll,-a . I, I. All the Approved Patent Medicines kept .ou itantly on hand and for sale at North American rices. ,Partlcularattention jwid to th' comp"ni:din(r v preemptions at all hours. WM. E HAl.LtK.'h, So. liiSoiith Kir: Strive, near Pot 'ffi.-w. novJT Eaiisvllh. lud. Mannfaetured in ths Wast. THEY ARE OF MY OWN MAKE. I have also a flue lot of White Pine and Popular Flooring. Moulding of all kinds made and sawing of all descriptions done at the shortest notice. FOREIGN LIQUORS. Ilsilip Iecls:er, (Successor to Decker A Kramer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an extra article of tBKMJg'4, ENdlKg, AND CAB OIL Dealers in Rosin, Soda, Ashes, Ac. Also Pure Catawba Win f onr own raising, is quantities to suit par chasers, OS Mam Street, lehceen Fintemd Meeoud, XVANSVIUC, I N r.IANA. a Terms rash, er M days' paper negotiable ik Ank. jan20-lT mi i a.. I i a S11X rVHOU, a uroumui assonnitrnw am an AOOUtwoias, o j pr,vate lcUer From tne 65th Reg ""'fi,r. n.SH. aA. .my country . imcnt. nntrts These truths struck the honest mean- Greenville, Tenn., Sep. 14, '63. Cassimeres, ing Democrats of Warrick with great ; Dear rjncThis morning we had Staple Goods Of every description, j force and they will show the Copperheads or(jer8 t0 pacj np and be in readiness to 5 e a eat HOA?" S SC9 13 s a I 3W OT X O 1? St . Our stack In this line is large, and of the finest : quality, to which particular attention is directed. Remember the place for bargains. NO. 7 KIRST STREET, 'EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. rlHE USDEB9IGNED HAS OPENED AH 1 Intelligence Office on Third Street, four doors west of the Washington Hotel, where lie will give strict aud prompt attention to all business in that line. JOint WATMAH. lleltsng cot apis VARIETY STORE. PUSHER'S VARIETY STORE, No. 20 Main Street, IS THE PLACE TO FIND 7ACT GOODS, Combs, Brus- s, Pockot Wallets, Card Cases, Tablets, Scissors. Knives, Watch Keys, Guard Chains, Thimbles, Needles, Pins, Taps Measures. Bead", Belt Clasps, Goggles, Spectacles, Ther mometers, French Harps, Pop Guns, Ivory Bat tles, Marbles. Chessmen, Dells, Corset Clasps, Stael Pens, Peueiles, Games, Bubber Balls, Toilet Soap. Jewelry, Violin Strings, Work Boxes, Wririnu Desks. Feather Dusters, Bird Cages. Childrens' Carriages, Ladies' Taney Work and at., at wnotssais sq rs-sspB i that they do not endorse that kind of ' spurious Democracy. After Mr. Smith finished his speech, a ! collection was taken up for the Sanitary Commission and over $600 paid in. ' This is a practical evidence that the ! hearts of the people of Warrick beat march to-day. By reference to the map you will see that we have gone up the valley from Knoxville and are now up near the Virginia and North Carolina line. Scouts sent up the road toward responsive to the efforts of our soldiers, j jone8Doro' report the enemy there, and and on next Tuesday they will demon- ( we wilj proi,ably move up in that direc- psSi " Only infollible remedies known." Free from Poisons." " Not dangerous to th Human Family." " Bats come out of their holes to die." Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by all Deoqgists aud everywhere. ry has subsided and we will probably not j BarniBawABa!!!" of ail worthless imitations. r J l n, , .i... 'PnsTAa a" name is on eaili Box. Bottle and Flask, before vou buy S-Address HENRY R. COSTAR, SPsiiceiPAL Dbfot 482 Broauwat, N. Y. BWSold by KELLER A WHITE, Wholesale asd Betail Agent, my!5-6m Evansville, Ind. M. SELLMAJN Has just received, at 35 MAIN STREET A largo and carefully selected stock of BOOTS, SII0KS. liAITKSS, SLIPPERS, F. No CHILDREN'S WEAR, OF THE LATKST STYLES, WHICH HE IS aelliug as low as any house in the city. Ths public are invited to call and cxanilue Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Ho warrants his goods to give satisiaction. No trouble to show geods. Mending dono FBES OF CHARGE, should they prematurely give way. F. M. SKLLMAN, Evansville, Sept. 15, 18G3. 55 Main Street. STEAM BAKERY. march at a moment's notice. The hur- NOTICE. strate that their heads are too clear, to be bamboozled by tricky demagogues. tion sood. lne railroad is in our posses sion and is in running order from a few miles above here to Loudon, below Knox ville. To hold this road is of vast im- swells z Baskets, As., Practicing Fraud. The Cincinnati Enquirer and Chicago 7Vm have been detected in oracticins ' t.ortance, as the valley abounds in corn the most shameful frauds upon their nd wheat and is essential to our occu readers. This, however, is not to be j pation of East Tennessee. Were it not I a . .1 1 T 1J -a-1 1 l wondered at The great crime of tree.-1 so late in tne aay i wouiu mi you i,- Evansville & Crawfordsville Railroad Co. SECRETAR YS OFFICE, I Evansville, Ind , Sept. 10, 1803. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Annual Meeting of Stockholders in this Com pany will be held at the Court House, in the City ef Evansville, on Monday, the 6th dar of October next at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time an Elec tion will be held for thirteen Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. By order of ths Board. seplS-tt "JOHN A. MARTIN, lest'y. Bread for the Hungry ! NEW STEAM BAKERY, WATER STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. WE DESIRE TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Evansville, aud the community in gen eral, that our NEW STEAM BAKERY, NO. 11 WATER STREET, Ts now in successful operation, and we shall keep constantly on hand ami make to order, on short notice, all articles mado nt like manufactories ; such as Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Ac, Ac. Being supplied with all the modern machinery i ! to faciliate us in our business, we flatter ourselves ! that we can give the most ample satisfaction In the quality of our goods and in prices. We will also keep on hand a large and choice stock of Confections, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Ac, to which we call attention. Orders for public or private Parties, Festivals, Balls. Ac. Ac . promptly fllled on reasonable I A. wilu a tu. MACHINEST. KRATZ & HEILMfVN, CJit.v rtmiHh'.v. Manufacturers ' 3 l lftrs of Steam Eniuc- an! 3oilers. Saw ann Grii M l jla fininery, Aobicco SereWi. Gumming Machines. Chinese uar Cane Mills. THRESHING MA.CHIHES, &c, EVANSVILLE, ISD. rf'HE PB0PR1KT0RS Ol TUB 0ITT FOITND I ry beg leave to inform their friends and the public In general, that they an- prepared to do all kinds of MacHine & Fir Js itsgWork And everything appertaining to tho Foundry bus iness. They are manufacturing Steam Eagiues and Boilers of any sise and pewer required. 8aw Mill Machinery and Mill Gearing of any sire ; Dis tillery and tlining Machinery, Tobacco Screw., Gumming Machines, Threshing Machines, Malt Mills, Horsepowers, Corn Sliellrrs, Machinery of all kinds made and repaired ; Iron and Brass Cast ings of every description, Iron House F routs, Cel lar Grates, Ac. Cooking and Heating Stoves of the latest improved patterns : uoiww Irons, Ac. Brewers. Distillers, Rectifiers, &c. upplied with every description of Copper and 3ht Iron Work, Brewing Kettles, Refrigerators, Attemporators. Sparges, Stillbeads and Worms ou au improved principle, Columns for Alcohol Stills. Yeast Jugs, Cans, Syphons, Ac. ; Copper. Lead and Iron Pipe ; Copper, Brass and Irou Pumps of every variety, for lteer, 8pirits, Oil, Ac. Brass Cocks and Valves, Steam Whistles, Ac. Werkmen sent to all parts to 9t up work aud do repairs on Stoats Boilers, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Ac. Old Metals Bought. They are dealing tu and selling Allen's improv ed Steam Guage, Wrought Iron Welded Pipes and Tubbing, Hiram Hopkins' Improved Smut Ma chines, Stephen Hughes' Flonr Separators, German Bolting Cleth, Gum Elastic Belting, Packing, Hose, Ac, of the best kind ; Tinplate, Sheet Iron Block Tin, Pig Iron, Babit Metal, Spelter, Fire Brick. They have every facility of the best Machinery and workmen, and will give all work entrusted to tbem, their individual attention, filling orders promptly, warranting their work, and are satisfied with reasonable prices. aeOfflc and Sale Rooms, Foundry, Boiler-yard Machine Shop on Pine street, between First and acond streets, Evansville, Ind. dec 7 POSEY COUNTY PAIR. rrHE FIFTH X A VXTTAL FAIR OF THE Posov Conntv Aericultural Society will be held in the Fair Grounds uoar New Harmcny, on terms. set'lstf Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 6 th, Trh and 8th. sepIMt t. T. COX, President. L PELHAM, Sea y. KTOtir KAPPLI R. WM. SCHKAXEXBCTQ KAPPLKR & SrH.V AKKXBl R(i, Imponera and Dealers in Whiskys, Brandies, Wines, Gins, &c, &e., &c. Alxo Rectifiers aud Manufacturers of Domestic Wines snd Liquor. NO. 4 WATER ST.. bet. Main and Sycamore, iielt EVANSVILLE. IND. MARBLE WORKS. Txx x ieoeived, Direct from the Quarries, the The Finest Stock of Marble Ever brought te this market, aad for sale at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory. WARE AND SALES ROOM No. 134 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal. Our facilities for furnishing those wishing MONUMENTS, GRAVESTONES, TOMBS, MANTLES, Or anything else In our line, are unsurpassed in the West i . Our Stock of Marble is complete, having been selected with great care at the Quarries. myfidAw TJHLH0RH & BRINKMAN, (Successor to M. A. Lawrence.) Dsslsis in AMEBIC. IX VXD ITALlAJf MARBLE. Main Stree. Near Court House. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. VMonuments, M ties, Tombs, Vases, and all kinds of Furniture W Vneatly aad promptly ex ecuted In the latest aa t -est styles. dset