Newspaper Page Text
EVANSVILLE, 1ST). TUESDAY , OCTOBER 6, 1161 JOlttXAL BIXDEBT. The publishers of the Evansville Jour- nal have jnst added to their Newspaper j and Job Printing Establishment, a j FIRST CLASS BINDERY and Masu- ' factory ov Blank Books. Having se ' cured the services of some of the best workmen in the West, they are prepared to execute orders at Cincinnati and Louisville prices. Fvery description of Blank Books, such as Railroad, County, Banking, Mer cantile, and Forwarding Books, manu factured to order and from the best quality of stock. Ruling and Blanks, and Book-Head Printing, executed in a superior man ner. All kinds of Printed Work, such as Magtzines, Law and Medical Works ! pamphlets and old books re-bound in every varietv of stvle from hlf-l,nimH tr Antique and Full-Gilt Work. u. . i . i . CITY NEWS. 9t&For Commercial and River News see fourth page. t unfortunately the wires were agu.-i out of order last night, and we were entirely cut out of our usual j night report The news by telegraph is j therefore very meager this morning, j much to onr annoyance, but among the ; little we receive is the good news that j our 2nd cavalry, in connection with the 1st Wisconsin, a day or two ago, bursted up Wheeler's cavalry near Dunlap, Tenn., recovering a large amount of Government property and killing and capturing over two hundred of the rebels. W e expect stirring news from that re gion very soon. Rosecrans has been so strengthened that he is now able to 11 go for Bragg," 'and we have an idea that he will not " stand on the order of his going, but go at once," and so will Bragg, only dil feren'lv. Railroad Election. At the meeting j of the Stockholders of the Evansville and ; Crawfordsville railroad, held in this city i yesterday, the following persons were elected as Directors for the ensuing year It will be seen that the old board was re elected, with the addition of E Q. Wheeler, who waa elected instead of Judge Foster, deceased: Vanderburgh County. John Ingle, .Jr., Samuel Orr, John S. Hopkins, H. Q. Wheeler. Gibson County. L. S. French. - Knox County. J. W. Maddox, Wm. Burtcb. Sullivan County Joshua Alsop, H. K. Wilson. Vigo County. Chauncey Rose, W. D. Griswold. Parke County G. K. Steele, C. W. Levings. The following gentlemen were ap pointed as a committee to examine the .books and accounts of the Secretary and Treasury: Victor Bisch, H. C. Gwath mey and W. H. Bingham of Vanderburg, John Caldwell of Knox, and Ferdinand Basler of Sullivan. The Board of Direc.-'rs met last night and elected, nnammously, John Ingle, Jr., President and Superintendent, and John H. Martin, Secretary and Treas urer. The affairs of the road are in a more prosperous condition, and it is a fitting compliment to the ability and fidelity of the Messrs. Ingle and Martin, that they were again unanimously re-elected to the positions they have filled with such uni versal satisfaction, almost since the first opening of the road. Odd Fellowship. We have received ' It will be seen by our advertising a copy of tLe report of the Grand Sec- I columns that Mr. Henry Luta has re retary of the Grand Lodge, L O. O. F., ! turned from the army and re-eommenced of the United States, which shows, that j business at his old stand, corner of the order throughout the Northern States j Chestnut street and tho Canal, where he is in a most healthy and prosperous con- ! dition, notwithstanding the troubles that surround us. h The accessions to the order during the past year though not so large as during former years have been quite encourag- j ing and the receipts have been very j a.rge. i The past two years have rigidly tried j the devotion of the membership to the j principles and teachings of the order, and they have stood the test nobly. The order has a vast representation in the army and not a member so far as re ported has disgraced his brethren or de serted the flag of his adoration. "o Guerrillas. After the most care ful inquiry we are unable to learn any thing of the presence of any large band of guerrillas in the vicinity of Branden" burg, Ky., and are led to the belief that hit, thrimn account of their movements m. to the New Albanv Ledger, was drawing the long bow, or deliberately playing on the credulity of our friends of the Ledger. Kentucky ia more free from the pres ence of guerrillas just now than at any time previous, since the breaking out of the rebellion. Most of the bands have gone to the help of Bragg, and the balance have gone to the help of Vallandigham. A Sad Occurrence. We learn that on Thursday last a number of citizens of Henderson county engaged in a deer drive in the vicinity of Spottsville. " After they had closed the first drive, they called the men together for a sec-1 ond drive, when Joseph Gregory was! c . i, ; j-- i 1 missing. Search was Hnmmed.ately . made for him, and he was soon found j shot through the heart, and of course entirely dead A neighbor named Sartan is supposed . to have been the involuntary cause ot his death, as he alone is laid to have ihot with a rifle and in the direction where the bodj was found. Sartan 18 almost insane at the thought that he has thus been the unintentional t .lw .l., r. . touK " "vnuuur biiu friend. It is an unfortunate affair indeed, and one which should be a warning to those using fire arms. Good Agaix. A mo excellent work ' has been commenced on Locust street i . . .. . to-wit: the building ot a sewer which will 06 COmmeusuriite With the necessities of the case. There is probably no street in the city is washed by the same amount of water as Locust, and we are glad to see that the city authoritiea are at last determined that justice shall be done the subject A stroll through the city will till any foe with surprise at the great amount of building that is going ou. We had no iuea until witnin a a ay or two mat our i City was making such rapid Strides in the j march of improvement. " I .,,,., , , , j We shouh! jadge tisat not less than one i hundred buildings will erected during the present season. Personal. Among the distinguished personages whom we noticed in the city yesterday attending the railroad meeting were Chauncey Rose, Esq., of Terre Haute, General George K. Steele, C. W. Leavings and Samuel Magill, Esq., of Roekville, Mr. Burtch. John Cald well, of Viucennes, Henry Wilson, Sen ator from Sullivan, and others. Mr. Rose, of Terre Haute, is exten. sively known throughout the State as a gentleman of vast wealth and great pub- lie spirit, through whose instrumentality more than that of any Other man, the TWre Haiitn and K.hmnnrl mr1 tho Evansville and Crawfordsville railroads ere built. He is one of the few men of wealth in the West who have used tbeir money for the public good. The Terre Haute House, at Terre Haute, the best Hotel in the State, with extensive blocks of business rooms out side the business center of the city when built, but now all occupied, are evi dences of his enterprise and far-seeing sagacity. We are glad to see him in the enjoyment of good health and the prom ise of many years of usefulness. ; Strangers or the City. An extra : train from the North arrived here at ' . 1 1 " ' 1 j iiuuu jrsteruisy, uriugiug a targe crowa of the citizens of Vincennes, Carlisle, Sullivan, Terre Haute, Roekville and Princeton, including a large number of ladies, The gentlemen came mostly to attend the election of stockholders of the E. & C. Railroad. The train consisted of five coaches al well filled. We had the pleasure, last even ing, of meeting in our city, our excellent friend Samuel Magill, Esq., editor of the Parke County Republican, one of the ablest weekly Union papers in the State, and one which has done yeoman service in the good cause. Circuit Court. Judge Parrott ap peared on the bench yesterday morning, but it appearing that the clerk, in issu ing the venure for the Grand Jury, had caused them to be summoned to meet on next Monday, the I2th inst, and in the absence of the Grand Jury, court was ad journed until this morning, and the Grand Jury ordered to be re-suninioned for to day. Clothing. Messrs. H. k B. Ahlering, on Main street, between First and Second, have on hand a large and well selected stock of ready-made clothing, which they are selling at very reasonable rates In addition they have a large and ele gunt stock of cloths, vestings, cassimeres, and gentlemen's furnishing goods, which j they make up in the most substantial manner, and on short notice. As the season of the year is advancing apace, wiieu good warm clothing is a necessity, we advise our friends to give this firm a call, as they are bouud to please. is on hand, as of old, to serve his custo mers. He will also have wood for sale in a few davs. JFound On Main street, a small sum of moneyr wch the owner can have by cauing omce, identitying the sum an( Pajinn or tn,s notice. Auction Sale. We call attention to ft, saie household goods by Rev. B. F. Rawlins to-day. The furniture is good as new, and fine bargains my be obtained. HOME INTERESTS. "Ilemember, Adam's new Photograph Gal lery is OTer the Poet-0ffie. He has extensive OtS- Lyon has now on hand the largest stock of Fine Goods in the State, and is selling Clothing at remarkably low prices. ! Copeland s Savings Bank, j T A s a 0. XITSZ street, IS HOW , paying For Gold . 1 35- TJ. S. Demand Notes 1 3d Large Silver 1 25 Small Silver l 15 Call and see before Selling. Do yon desire your handsome face Put np In plain or fancy case, Or, better still, caries ae visits Put up on gilt cards all so neat. o to Elliott's Oallery, Seeond street. fa?-five horses, one top buggy, one : f"Wu, nd harness, for sale. En- j Mn5r r,f Hiram Nelson, if you can find flim- octldlw Ie American House Still LItcs ! .Vew ImproTements. a .. booM for . rB f yM-, i have spared no pains or expense in I PttrRf every department of this popular hotel in J I aajaeent to the office, where at all times the ; uoket f wine, and iiauors win b kept, and a polite and attentive man to wait upon my pationt and friends. A strict watch will at all times be kept during the night ; and particular attention will be paid ! to gats arriving and departing on boats, both ! nlht- i HytRot. i,mM ""P" "B-W . 1 ... ... . , .rk, .fiords, and bv strict attention to business and the Hants of the public, I hope to obtain s large share of the public patronage, of which I shall eudeavor to render myself worthy. i. i. Pillsbi'rt Charms Haax, Clerk. aug6-dtf Hots Fvrnitvre at Arcrios. I will 1! a a"'on -orfaj.Oetotor KM Afcs residence of Rot. P. F. Rawlins, on Oak between ,nd Third streets, fl o( his household furniture, consisting of fine Carpet, Divans, Sofa, Caue Seat Chairs, Bureaus, Tables, : Wardrobe, Li.;ht Stands, and rarious articles too 1 tedious to mention. The Furniture is a good quality and nearly new. Terms cash. H. taMi Anetioneer. W 1k. Fleaqzb still continues to be the only lawful ngent in this city for the Artificial Rnbbsr Teeth. After furnishing nearly a hundred sets in the past five years, he has no hesitation in recom mending them as the best and cheapest material in w, worl) ln the most difficult months, with comfort and efficiency. Persons goffering wi,h bd fi,tin mettlf pUt"1 are Pcir " quested to sail at the Rooms uext BittrolfTs, Main streef. WILLIAM REAVIS, Attorney at Law and U. S. Claim Agent, Is authorized by the GoTerument to procure Pen sions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, Bounty I and Claims for Houses and other Profertt destroyed while in the service of the Government, and all claims, of whatever kind or nature, against the United States. Bounty for Discharged Soldiers! By an amendment to the Bounty Law, passed at the last session of Congress, " All soldiers or other persons who have been or shall hereafter be discharged within two years from the date of their enlistment, by reason of wonnds received in battle, shall receive the same Bounty as though they served two years." Office 65 Main Street, over Keller's Gun Store, opposite the Court House, Evansville, Indiana. Correspondents must enclose stamps. H9Gond references given if required. mh2S To Physicians. If you wish to purchase pure Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals at a small ad vance on Eastern prices, go and examine Kelleb A White's stock, where you will And every arti cle that is needed by the professor, and as prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Their store is at No. 34 Main street. may4d&wtf U. S. CLAIM AGEXCY. Bounties, Pensions. A Arrears of Pay. BEN STINS0N is authorized by the United States Government (and has been furnished with all the necessary forms and instructions) to pro cure bonnties, petitions and bark pay for widow and orphans ; pensions, Iwunly and back pay for officers in the Army and Navy, Seamen, Marines, Engi neers, Firemen, and Coal Heavers employed in the service of the United States ; collect accounts of Contractors, Sutlers, and claims against the Gov ernment for damages don real estate and other property by the Army and Navy. Correspondents desiring answers most encIose stamps. Office Third street, second door from Main, Evansville, Ind. BEN STINSON nihil B3 The fine side-whunl steamer Chambers, Brown, Captain, will continue to run as a regular packe: betw.ien Evansville and Henderson, leav ing Evansville every ovening at 4 o'clock, and Henderson every morning at 7 o'clock. She will carry freight at the following rates : Pound freights, 10c. ; flonr per barrel, 15c. ; do. per sack, 8c. ; whisky per barrel, 20c. ; molasses, 20c.; shingles, 25c. per 1.C00 feet; lumbar, 15c. p r 100 feet : doors. 10c. ; sash in bundles cf five, 10c. Other freights in proportion. sep24tf CANDIDATES' NOTICE. We aro authorized to annoance that JOHN HALL, or Knight Township, will serve as County Commissioner for the 1st District of Vanderburgh county, if elected. JOHN WAYMAN is a candidate for Ap praiser of Ileal Estate at the next Octoberelection. JOHN BICHMANN, and old citizen of Van derburgh county, is a candidate for Ccnnty Com missioner ai the ensuing October election. JOHN F. CLAUSHIDE is a candidate for Ltounty muiiuii ... .., ... October election. Editors "Journal," please announce the name of BERNARD NITRRE as a candidate for County Commissioner at the uext ensuing October elec tion. mW We are authorized to annonnre the name of LEWIS ft 8TINSON, at a candidate at the next K-tober election, for the office of Prosecuting Attorney of the 15th Judicial District. ('HAS. E. MARSH, the preeent Prosecuting Attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit, will be a candidate for that office at the ensuing October eleciioti. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pulmonary Coitsompllon n Curable Disease!!! .4 CARD. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undereigned having been restored to 1, altl. In a few weeks, ly a vory simplo remedy, sfter having snffered several years wtib a severe lung affection, and that drejid disease. Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow -sufferers the means of cure. To all who de-re it, he will send a copy of the prencription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will fiud a sure curs forCONSVMPTiox, Asthma Bronchitis, Cocohs, Cotns, Ac. The only object thea1vcrtisei has in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, sep30-Sm NbW York. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This astonishing preparation will, by Nature's own Process, Re store Gray Hair to tbe Original C olor . Will make it grow on Bald Heads. Will restore the Natural Secretions. AV111 remove at once all Itching. Will remove all Dandruff. Will eureall Eruptions even Scald Head. Will make th Hair Soft and Glossy. Will preservj the Color of Hair to Old Age. Will always Fasten it, and stop it T illing. And is one of the beet Toilet Articles for th Hair now in nse. t strnm W s .-.- 1 41 j inousanas oi aoimers id ine a. nd Iost tllfir Hair bv ,i,bne9,, chanee of ciimat. aud inattention, while erforining camp duty. As a Reator.itive and dressing it has no eqnal. KELLER & WHITE, Wholesale and Retail Agents for Evansville. HAIR DYE! EAIR DYE!! Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye the Best in the World! The only Harmless, True, and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect changes Red j Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, MMkMfc Injuring the Hair er , Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and , Beautiful ; Imparts fxeeh vitality, frequently re storing Its pristine color, and rectifivs the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WIL LIAM A. BATCHEI OR, all others are mere imi tations, and shonld be avoided Sold by al Druggists, Ae. Factory 82 Barclay street, N. BATCHELOR'S NEW TOILET CREAM FO DRESSING THE HAIR. JylOdwly DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, 8EMINA Urinary ind tatVJU Stst.-New and rell treatment in Reports of the HEWARD A rt ATIOK Kent In Belel letter envelonea. fro. charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Asaociation, Philadelphia, Pa. an27-3m THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID, : Published for the benefit, and as a warning and CAUTION TO TOUNG MEN who suffor from , Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Mauhood, etc., supplying at the same time, THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. By one who has cured himselt 1 after being put to great expense and injury through ' medical humbug and quackery. I By encloeiug a post-paid addressed envelope : single eopies may be had of the author, i NATHANIEL MATFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings County, If . T. GROCERIES. Eirst of the Season! 1 f BARRELS PICKLES Jnst received at 11-' WM. CALDWELL'8, No. 8 First Street. TOILET SOAPS 20 boxes Variegated Toilet Soap ; 15 boxes Colored Toilet Soap ; 10 gross Glycerine Toilet Soap ; 6 boxes Palm Oil " C boxes Almond ' 8 boxes rastile Soap ; warranted to be the genuine Castile Suap. Just received at WMi CALDWELL'S, No. 9 First Street. BRCSHES 20 dosen Steamboat Scrnhs ; 10 dozen extra Floor ' 10 dozen extra Paint " S dozen extra Window Brashes ; 8 dozen assorted Counter Brushes ; Just received at No 8 FIRST STREET. Qfl BOXES GERMAN SOAP; sJ t 12 boxes Mottled German S Soan : jo ooxes .traaivR v hito Soap ; 10 boxes No. 1 Soap. Jnat received at No. 9 FIRST STREET IX BOXES HAMBURG CHEESE ; Just IU reived at PARTNER CALDWELL'S. sep25 No. u First Street. BROOMS 18 dozen medium Fancy Brooms ; 10 dozen Shaker Brooms ; 15 dozen Carpet Brooms ; 10 dozen Hair Brooms ; 15 dozen Steamboat Brooms; 20 dozen Stock Whisks ; 10 dozen Hearth Brooms. Just received at No. 9 First Street. DRUGS, &c. WM H. P. STODDARD, Xo.11 Main Street, EVAX.VILLB, IMD. TMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEAL X er in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Brushes, Lamps, Dye Stuffs, and all articles usually kept in a first class Drug Store, with a large and varied assortment of Patent Med. icines and Perfumery, together with every descrip tion of Ambrotype and Photograph floods, con sisting f Cameras. Chemicals, Cases and Frames constantly on hand, and sold at reasonable prices Orders from Merchants and Artists promptly attended to, and forwarded as instructed. COAL OIL A superior article ; white and near ly inoderous, for sale by the gallon or bar rel, at 17 Main street. LAMPS, LAMPS A new supply just received, at 17 Main street. FEVER AND AGUE MEDICINEStif all kinds At STODDARD'S, 17 Main street. rRKAM OF BEAUTY AND SECRET OF KS Beauty new and splendid articles for the complexion. For sale at W. H. P. SJODDARD'S, 17 Main street. CREAM OF TARTAR AND SODA, PURE for medical or lnmily nse, at STODDARD'S 17 Main street. B'ULL'S FAHNESTOCK'S, McLANE'S and a variety of other Vermifuges, at the City Drug Store, 17 Main Street. SHALLESBERGER'S FEVER AND AGPE Antedote for sale at 17 Main Street. BRUSHES An endless variety of kinds and quali !f i can bo bad at 17 Slain Street. MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORATIVE AND TiUbalsamum, the best preparation extant for the Hair and Scalp. For sale at STODDABD'8, 17 Main Street $400 BOUNTY! CAPTAIN TOM. Old Fourteenth WILLIAMSON'. OF TnE Regiment, is authorized to recruit a Company for one of the uew Regiments. He appeals to the young men of this District to enlist. The Bonnty is most liberal 5402 for old recruits and $302 for new. Now is the time to r- . .m n i , .id,!, , Recruiting Office at Captain HyneV, Provost Marshal's Office. Transportation from all points on the E. A C. R. B. furnished. sep-V). -t . .- 1 TO LET. Business Property to Let. BY 150 FEET, COllNBft OK MAIN AND I Fourth Streets, will be let for a t?rm. Per ons wishing to lease can have the whole or one nsrter, or one-half, as they may desire. Knqniroof ASA IOLRU C. RT, or tiEtf JKO. SHAKKL1 K. tf. vr UMnGrnHHHBKMDsMWanas WOOD & WILLOW WARE 4 NESTS RATTAN CLOTH KS BASKKTS; 10 uestt Oval Clothes Raskets : 5 " Snarl " " " Markt Baskets; B " Paker 6 dozen covered " 6 " Dinner " ''ommon Buckets; A " Cedar Buckets, Iron Bound ; 8 Bound; 12 Flour Buckets : 4 ' Draw " 1' " 8ifters, assorted si see ; 8 " Top Corn Parchers ; 4 M (fedar ChuniK; 4 " Brass Bound Cedar fans ; ' Varnished Spico Boxes ; I 10 " Wash ; 10 ' Tee Picks and Wallets ; 10 gross Smith's Patent Clothes Pins ; 6 i. own Wooden Howls, assorted sires ; 4 dozen Willow Chairs ; 4 dosen Cotton Mops ; 20 sets Table Matts ; Just received at WM. CALDWELL'S, No. 9 First Street. 1A REELS COTTON CORD; IU i; j dozen Mannilla Cord ; 12 dozen Jute " 3 bnles Candlo Wick ; Jnst received at CALDWELL'S Family Grocery, No9 First Street. i rpABLE SALT-16 sacks Ashton's Liverpool ! 1 Salt, GO pounds to the sack ; 4 cases Ashton s Liverpool Salt, 50 boxes to t he case. Just received at No. 9 FIRST STREET. GROCERIES. WHOLESALE STOCK OF Wood and Willow Ware ! ! I HAVE NOW IN STORE and to arrive, the best assortment of Wood aud Willow Ware ever opened iu Evansville. The attention of the trade is called to my stock, which will be found full and complete. H. A. COOK, 73 Main street. 1 ENUINE IMPORTED CASTILE SOAP 15 V I boxes, warranted genuine Castile Soap ; At H. A. COOK'S. 0LJ LIVES AND CAPERS do. French and Spanish Olives " Honpanei v apers ; At H. A. COOK'S. HOLLAND HERRING 25 kegs Imported Her ring, Fresh aud very choice ; At H. A. COOK'S. "S OKI EE, COFFEF J 23 bags choice Rio Coffee ; 5 " M Java Coffee ; 5 ' " Marracabo Coffee ; I bales " Gunn Mocha Coffee ln store and to arrive, at H. A. COOK'S. T7LAV0RING EXTRACTS JT 24 doi. 2 os Extract Lemon ; 10 24 r. 4 4 a 4 2 2 2 ( Vanilla; i Peach ; Cellery ; Roses ; 1 4 4 2 Orange ; At H. Warranted A No. 1 A. COOK'S. N TUTS, DATES. AN PRL NEi lit barrels Java Aiinonae ; S Bordaux Almonds; 10 " Filberts ; 5 " English Walnuts; 3 " Braxill Nuts; 800 pounds Shell, d Almonds; 3 fails Fresh Dates ; 15.00 pounds Best Turkish Prunes ; At H. A onuK's. CLOTHES BASKETS J 15 sets oval Clothes Baakete, 4 inch ; 15 5 " A At H. A. COOK'S. square ; large ail MARKET BASKETS 100 nests Imported and Domestic WUlow Market Baskets, 4 inch nest ; At H. A. COOK'S. C1CH00L BASKETS O 30 doz. assorted sixes covered round School ,, i Baskets; 10 dos. sssortrd sizes, covered oval At H. A. COOK'S. nf School asaei5 GRAIN SCOOPS i doz. Wood Grain Scoops ; At H. A. COOK'S. SARDINE OR CAN KNIFES 10 doz. French Can Knifes. Every family should have one. Ten times the rost saved every year. Only to be had at H. A. COOK'S. CODFI8H. CODFISH 2 boxes large Codfish ; 2 drnms " Just received, at H. A. COOK'S. T::llY, jTILlt J 12 doc. assertsd quarts Jelly ; I pints At H A. SJOOK'M HARDWARE. GEO. S. SONNTAG&CO , Jobbe.s and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery. Our Pall Stock being very large and complete, we can offer to our Customers and the Trade, Goods that can not fail to please in Style, Quality and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We offer the tollowing in large quantites: TABLE CUTLBBY, English. TABLE OVTLEBT, American. TABLE CCTLEBT, English. TABLE CUTLEKT, Amerlcwn. POCKKT CVTLEBY. POCKfT CUTLERY. POCKET CUTLERY. POOKET CUTLERY. CHOPPING A XEH. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING A IBB. SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHE ABU AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCI8S0R8 SHEARS AND SCISSORS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TAB LB AND TEA SPOON8. TABLE AND TBi SPOONS. WILL AND CUT SAWS MILL AND H CUT BAWB. WOOD AND HAND SAWB. WOOD AND HAND BAWB. BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MECHANIC'S TOOLS. BUILDER'S HARDWARES MECHANIC'S TOOLS. GVNS AND RISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS. BUIIB ATD PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. CEO. S. SOSNTAO etc. CO., No. 10 Main Street. lNSOLUBL : CEMENT. Great Diacovcnr. USEFUL and VALUABLE DISCOVERY ! HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is efmore general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced to SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. Applicable to the useful arts. new iiUng.jftHo,,', Insoluble Cement Is a new thing, and the result of lyeara of study; its combination is on I Its Cnusfitiis 1 Scientific Principles, tiou. i n, under no circumstances or change of temperature will it be jcome corrupt or omit any offensive ;mell. Boot & Shoe Manufacturers BOOT sSt SHOK Manufaetnrers, using Machines, will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels, as it worKs without delay, is not anect ed by any change of temperatnro. JEWELERS Will find it snfnriently adhesive for JewuUts. their use, as has been proved. It Is especially adapt ud to Leather, And we claim as an esecial merit, that it sticks Patches am' Linings to Boots and Shoes sv Iciently strong without stitching. Fatullie. IT IS THE ONLY LiaUI CEMENT It is a Liguid. Extant, that is a sure thitig for mending FURNITURE, CROCKERY, TOYS, BONG, IVORY, And articles f honsohold nss. REMEMBER Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is in a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. Remember. Hillons Insoluble Cement . T ineslnblo ls sator P oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Manufactnr era' Packages from 2 ouuees to 100 lbs. Finis. H1LT0X, BROS. & CO., Proprietors, PKOVIDENCK, R. I LIQUORS. N. F. CARR & CO., IT THOLES ALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED VV and Domestic Wines and Liquors, have ooened at No. 28 First Street, (adjoining Messrs Hollingsworth 4 Bro., yueensw;ire Store,) a large stock of Liquors, to which wo beg to call the at tention of the trade, vt e are preparea to oner ex' inordinary inducements to Csh buyers, and re miertfullv nvite Merchants, Bar Kcopers, dealers and all others who are intereited in buying good Liquors, to call upon us before purchasing. Our 6tock is large, and consists of a very great variety of imported Wines and Liquors of almost every grade. Also, a large assoriro-ni oi oia Bourbon. Monongaheia and Kye w nisny, wnicn we warraat to 1m genuine. sep8-9m . OAS co. ELECTION NOTICE. STATE OF INDIANA, Vanderbnrtth County T LOUIS RICHTKR. CLERK OF THE VAN A. derbureh Circuit Court, within and for said County, do hereby certify to the Sheriff of said connty, what officers are to be elected at the next general election, (in the State of Indiana), to be held on the second Tuesday in October A. D. 1863, at tbe different places of holding elections in said connty, to-wit: An Attorney, Prosecuting for the fifteenth Judicial uircnlt. A County Commissioner for the First District o Vm II lit bill il rrninlv An Appraiser, to appraise the Real Estate of said connty. ' Witness my band and the eeal of said f 1 county this 14th day of September, 1863. LOUIS RICHTER, C. V. C. C. iTGeorge Wolfliu, Sheriff of Vanderburgh eonnty. certify that the above notice U a true and complete copy. GEORGE WOLFLIN, 8. V. C. sspU HARDWARE, &c. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., D BALERS IS 11 A R 1 W a R EL ANSI CUTLERY No. 13 FIRST STREET, (SIGN BIO MI SAW,) Have received a complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Purchased aud Imported direct from the Manufacturers JT o n. CASH, Enabling us to offer inducements to Pnr chasers rarely found in the West We call the special attention of Dealers to our large and well selected Stock, con sisting in part of AxesAll the celebrated brands, Chains Log, Trace and Halter, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver's Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Brass Kettles, Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Gum Belting, Japanned Ware, WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., No. 13 First Street. CITY ADVERTISMENTS. Order of Council directing Lot to be Pilled. A ND NOW HERS IT APPEARING TO THE . Y Common Council of the city of Evansville that lot two (2) in Block seventy-seven (77) in Lamas co, is so situated that water collects and remains stagnant thereon, and the owner of said lot is hereby directed and required by the said Council to fill up said lot to such a height as will prevent water from collecting and remaining stagnant thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. I, A. Pfafflin, Clerk of the city of Evansville, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an order of said Council, passed on the 24th day of Auguts 1S63, so far as it relates to the within named lot. f , In witness whereof I haT hereunto ) subscribed my name and affixed the A ' ) s al ot said city this 22d day of Septent- -- ber, A. D. 1863. A. PFAFFLIN, Evansville, Sept. 23, 1863. . Clerk. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER rOB a BRICK f IDE WALK. Sept. 26, 1863 And now It is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the city i r.vaueviue tnat tne owners or all lots or parts f lots, fronting on or adjoining the south-east side of Sixth street, from Main to Locust treets, in said City, cause the side-walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 1. to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk Clerk's Office, Oct. 1, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER FOR A PLANE BIDS WALK. Sept. 26, 183. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the. east side of Third avenue, from Canal to Sixth street. n said City, cause the side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a a side walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. fFAIl Ail, uierk. Clerk's Office, Oct. 1, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBDT.R TOR A PLANK SIDR WALK. Sept. 26, 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by t' e Common Council of the City of l.vansviiie that t he owners ot all lots or parts or lots, fronting on or adjoining the east, side of Third Avenue, from Sixth to Franklin streets, in said City, cause the side-walks thereon to be brought to the proper grde, and that they cause a siae wan. oi cinas ito. z, witb woonin wb, ta i laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. z'irAFjrjLiifl, iient. Clerk's Office, Oct. 1, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER TOR A PLANK SIDI WALK. SeDt. 26. 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Kvansville, that the owners or all lots or parts oi lots, fronting on or adjoining the west Bide of Third Avenue, from Franklin to Seventh streets, in said City, cause the side-walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Oct. 1, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER FOR A PLANK SIDK WAPK. Sept. 26, 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the common conncil of the city of Kv ansuille that the owners of all lots or parts of lots fronting on or adjoining sonth east side of Mul-b- rry street, from Second to Third streets, in said city, cause the side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a aids walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down thereon with in thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clsrk. Clerk's Office, Oct. 1, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER TOR A PLANK SIDI WALK. Sept. 26. 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, frontin on or adjoining west side of Leet street, from High to Centre streets, in said city, cause the side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publi cation of this order. . A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Oct. 1, 18C3. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER roil A PLANK SIDE WALK. Sept. 26, 1863. And now It is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville that the owners of all lota or parts of lots, trontini; on or adjoining west side of Leet street, from Centre to Second street, ln said city, cause the side walks thereon to be brought to tbe proper grade, and that they cause a side waik of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid dewn thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Oct. 1, 186. LYON'S COLUMN. LYON T, ' 3 3 o s 2 CO O to M O M 9 9 ra tr a - 00 a a W 5 a ot; o "t O) T3 9 3 C9 ES GO ST 9 a B P 5 d J g w a B o 0 l-t" 00 o g M. OQ p- V- B 9 a o SS 2 CO Hp p o ts o !25 ts m S3 X o CO a 09 85 S W c a s. o GO c r C a 7T B 9 a cr 0) 3 c s a. p cr o o er 09 C 9 3 5 O a S c 3 JL M. o s s sr H m 2 co & E. o s tr &7 tr o V Q. a s o 3 as tr o ST" a 0 -g I s p 73 9 H. 00 o 9 l c O o 3 S B" a 2. M co eO a a M 8 o o? O p 3 P - 5 9 r O 2. er n 2. er LYON 3 5 S p. r at O rD O .1 r ? g p a O sp m 0 S- co 1 O I if "A o 6 B - 2 p 3 CD tr tr 9 a D p. o S. p L 3 5 no r. o o pr 3 C or a ft T3 OD 5' OCj p OCj Z 9 2. Bi p 3 5 o o tr. 5 9 C f 9 3 ft. a 9 cr 5 a. a e . n cr B . . 3 3 as cr OJ (O 5" a I s. s p fl O O o- 5' 5! U oq s Si l-M ; O 2 " 55 g p r- p s: S b : s o ft cr B S B 9 2 5 a I s o P 2 r1 CP o a H K H O 5 9 5 5 1 a 9 9 B oq r. a S 2 a TZ. B 3 tr 9 3 tss SB 3 3- 5" O 3 p 3 9 x " 0 S- 3 O H a o O 73 a o CO P 3 a 3 9 4 w 9 - cr i a " 9 s S- 3 er. -e a tr S T3 8 S3 -I S3 P B p O 5" 3 S 3 (D 9 m a tr a oo o 5 5 Si. i o a or cr o 2. cr 3- - tr 3 0 3 a e a p n er CD ft- 3 er S CD - 2 B 9 3 ft. I a S- tr c 9 2 tr co t 3 ft. e a - 5o D HI. LYON. GROCERIES RAISINS 60 whole, half and quarter boxes bast M. R. and Lsjerjus. received ontHVis Meases halves and quarters for b for sal. by S. E. GILBERT A CO MADDER 1 eask prime Dntch just received and for sale by 8. E. GILBERT A CO. I- NDIGO 500 pounds best quality for sals by S. E. GILBERT A CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street . SUGAR Loaf, Crashed and Powdered Sugars (0 bbls. just received and for sale by 8. E. GILBERT A 00. FBby! RESH RICE 5 tie re just received ; for sale 6. B. GILBKKT A tv. RICE. RICE 10 bags Prime Rice ; At H. A. COOK'S. CODA ASH S easks best quality Soda Ash ; Just Received, at H. A. COOK'S. M ACARONA AND VERMAOILLA J6 boxes Macaroni ; W " Vermaeilla; Just Reserved, at H. A. COOK'S. PENS, SOAP, &c, &c. Sand and Emery Paper. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SAND AND XA. Emery Paper just received at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. Cooking Extracts. LA ROE STOCK AND GOOD A9SOBT- A H 1 SCHLAPFSB'S I'rug Store. Essence of Coffee. psSKNCl OF COFFEE JCST RECEIVED AT SCLABPFE'S Drng Store. Mustard. THE VERT BEST QUALITY OF MUSTARD for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. Soap. A TERT LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SOAPS -iA- inst received and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. Steel Pens. A LARGE A30RTMENT OF STEEL PENS and Lead Pencils, of the best brands, for sals at SCHLAEPFER'S Drugstore. CABT'S CAUGH CURE FOR SALE AT SCHLAEPFER'S Drug 8tore. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC BALSAM FOB the Cure of Coua-hs and P.nlH. . iM. : and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store SADDLERY. Charles Babcock, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STREET, ETAN8VILLB, INDIANA. HAVING COMPLETED MY ARRANGE ments with European and American n fact tire rs for a direct supply of all goods ln my line I am enabled to offer inducements that can not fail to be to the interest of aU engaged in the business to give me a trial. I nasss ia part . Axles, Springs made oft ae best Su el Bands, enameled as all kinds of Loathe Cloths, Linings for Carriages , Varnishes, Castings of all kinds ; Saddle Trees, English Bridle Leathers j Bits, Stirrups, Spun, Hames, fine Silver Hamos of all kinds ; Jenny Lind Gig Trees Self-adjusting Pads ; Taylor's Patent Hames ; Fly Nets ; Shoe Threads ; Horse Blankets ; London Girth Webs, American Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted; Lon don Welt Skins, a superior article Ivory ; Gutta Percha and Brass lined Martengai Rings ; superior Kerseys fer Horse Covers , the best quality of Carriage Bolts; Patent Gig Trees, Ac., Ac, Ac., Ac. I keep in met everything appertaining to either branch of the business, aad understanding betb branches thoroughly, we would respectfully invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. I am also Agent for Ward's Patent Spring Sa 2iidAw w. r. corwin. J. B. Si.; HEt THE NEW FIRM. irE, THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHOLESALE v v manufacturers of Saddles. Bridles. Collars. Harness, Ac, desire to inform the public that we have largely increased our stock on hand, and by j have largely I cl we applic I of good worl r nish on shot .lication ourselves and the employment orkraan in our shone, we are able to fur- hort notice any and all kinds and quanti ties of work to suit the trade. Those who will favor us with a call, can satisfy themselves, that tial, fancy and durable work or tfs ruA 1TiH?Bfi anywhere else, (and far better tljui the Eastern shop-work.) The members of the firm being practical work men themselves, attending personally to all orders with promptness, care and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in style of finish or qnslity of work, give bettor satisfaction to those patronizing us ; feel confident it will be to th interest of all to come and see for themselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Store on Locust Street, above the Sherwood House, between First and Second Streets, No. 23. N. B. Guarantee all we sell. sep2 W. F. CORWIN A CO. REMOVAL. 'pHE UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE RE 1 moved their Saddlery establishment to tbe Corner of Main and Second Street, in the room oc cupied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF & J. ZROEPSCH, MiSTFACTrjEERS Or AND DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, co:lars,&c.,&c, Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly ocenppied by Fred. Krone.) fejk.AH orders attended to with dispatch. Work .rranted. uovl5-ly COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Commissioner's Sale of Valuable Real Estate. THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONER Ap pointed by the Vanden urgh Circuit Court in i a suit in partition wherein Sophia D. Gridley and i t hers are aeieuaants, to make sale of the Heal Estate belonging to the parties to said suit to-wit: To the heirs oc Horace Dunham deceased will, in pursuance of the decree of said Court, on the 28th day of October, 1863, between 10 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in tbe City of Evansville, Indiana, proceed to sell at Public Auction, the following described Real Es tate to-wit : All those tracts or parcels of land and town lots lying and being in the County of Van derburg and State of Indiana, known and describ ed as follows : Tbe north-eas; quarter of section thirty-two (si) tne south-west quarter of sec tion thirty-two (32), the west half of the west half of the sonth -et?t quarter of sec tiou thirty two (32), and the south half of fractional section thirty-one (31), all in township six (6), sonth of range ten (10) west, in the Vincennes Land District. Also, all those parts of fractional sections five and six (5) and (6), in township seven (7), south of range ten (10) west, contained within the following boundary : that Is to say, commencing at the cor ner of fractional section thirty-one (31), fn town ship six (6), which corner is situate on the bayou bank nearly opposite the Green River Island, and running thence east twenty-five (26) chains and forty -eight (48) links to the north -west corner of fractional section five (5), township seven (7), thence running east on the township line fifty (60) chains, thence sonth nine (9) chains ana fifty.six (66) links, thence west seventy mree prf) Clmtno mrtj fcrty-fotrr (4) Hnka So the top of the above mentioned bayou bank, thence along said bayou bank to the place of beginning, containing 71 18-100 acres. Also, the north west quarter of the south-west quarter of sec tion sixten (161, in township seven f7) south, of range eleven (11) west. Also, lots one hundred and eighty-six, the inside half of lot one hundred and ninety-seven, being the half oi said lot adjoin ing lot 198, said lot 197 being divided by a Una running from front to rear, through the center thereof, lots one hundred and ninety-eight, two hundred and thirty-four, two hundred and thirty five, and two hundred and thirty-ix, (1864 of 197, 198, 231, 235, and 236,) all in the Donation Enlargement of the City of Evansville. Also, lot eight (8) and the adjoining half of lot nine (9), Union Place, Evansville, said lot 186 being subject to lease for the term of five (51 years from the 1st day of September, 1850, at a yearly rent of three hundred dollars, and 50 feet of the south-east end of said lot 236 is subject to a lease from tbe 1st day of January, 1859. for a term of eleven years, at a ground rent of eighty dollars jer year. Tbe above described lands comprise over 560 acres in a body adjoiuging this city, which are platted into garden lots, and will be sold in small parcels to suit purchasers, of which maps can be seen at tbe office of Asa Igleheart. TERMS. One-fourth cash, the remainder in three equal annual installments, to be secured by notes with approved surety waiving relief laws and bearing interest. HIRAM NELSON, Asa Islchiart, Commissioner. attorney. sept&tf PAPER MILLS. EVANSVILLE PAPER MILLS, IKICH & CARLSTBDT, Agents. -E MANUFACTURE WRAPPING PAPER W equal to any made, and at Cincinnati prices. Prices sent on application to the Agents, jylOdftm i, NOTICE. Button Change Redeemed. ST' TM WILL IttI savaBaP V V postage Stamps for ' Greenbacks " at any tlms and in any sums. 8CHAPKEH A BCSSINS, seplf H.A.COOK.