Newspaper Page Text
WANTS, FOR RENT, &c T?0 SALE A FULL BLOODED ATER- -I SHTBE Cow. five vears old. bright cherry red, warranted ful! blooded, and gives, when fresh, four gallons. oXii, h milk at a milking. Her last calf is seven mouths old, and ahe now gives t vo and a half gallon" of milk at a milking. For particulars call at this office. oc!4-lw LOST. On Wednesday, a safe key, with a sheath on the end of it. The finder will t liberally rewarded by tearing it at this office. aaln it WANTED. A situation as Book-keeper, As sistant Book-keeper, or Salesman, by a young man of active busiuess experience. Apply to Mo. 6 Water street, or Journal Office. MM FIB SALE OB BENT. A two story frame dwelling house, having nine rooms. Also for sale a One Story Frame dwelling house, having two rooms, a kitcheu, and a cellar. Also 40 acre- of land one-half improved, within seven miles of the city. Also for sale a fine lot bet ween 6econd and Third Streets, fronting thirt) even feet on Main Street. For further particulars euquire at the office of oct7 LAW & ANTHES. TAILORS WASTED. Six good Tailors can obtain employment, at ,'he best of wages, by applying imme iately at DAVID ANDERSON'S, oc6 Main Street bet. First and Water. XTOOD CHOPPERS WASTED. One hundred v V Wood Choppers, to chop wood a short dis tance up the Canal at SI & per cord. Apply to P. HOVLE, So. 12, First Street, or to sep30-2w JOHN SMYTH. C1ITY HOTEL FOR REST The above named ' house is favorably located on Water street, opposite the Steamboat Landing, and has lately been painted inside and out, papered, and put in good order for a first class hotel. The long and noted name of this House is sufficient guarantee to any person qualified, to insure him a good busi ness. Will be rented on faverable terms, from 1 to 5 years. Enquire of CHARLES HARBIXGTON. Evansrille. Ind., Sept. 23, 18G3. WEDNESDAY. ..OCTOBER M - M J. . THAYER, SILVERTHORS,. Editor. ...Associate. tlOW THE COPPERHEADS LOVE THE Soldiers. J. T. Kenny, a Copperhead an . .1 M i- s senator in trie unio Legislature, in a speech the other day, said : " I am doubt1:! who stole the most, Morgan or the contemptible thieves tcho were after him." That is the Copperhead view of soldiers fighting for the maintenance of the Government and the defense of our homes. Telegraphic communication with Chattanooga has been resumed. News from that quarter indicates that warm work will commence soon if Bragg does not retreat before the Union army gets fully ready to attack him. The re port regarding the strength of Bragg' s army, in Saturday's papers, telegraphed west from New York, is regarded as mere sensational speculations. Juvenile Homicide. In Terre Haute, a few days ago, Master Callings called Master Brown a liar, and Master B. shot him dead instantly and was immediately acquitted on the plea of justifiable homi cide! Louisville Journal. Master Collings (not Callings) has practiced medicine for ten years at least, and Master Brown has served a year or more as an officer in the Union army, and that was his great offense. The homicide was not so juvenile as we have heard of. "The New York papers of Wednes day inform us that the Court of Appeals of New York has affirmed the constitu tionality and validity of the act of Con gress which makes certain treasury notes a legal tender. Of the eight Judges two only dissented, but upon what grounds is not stated. This decision may be con sidered as going very far to the final set tlement of the question in regard to the power of Congress in the premises. Another Call for Troops in Virgin ia. Gov. Letcher, of Virginia, has is sued a proclamation calling for volun teers " to protect our citizens and repel invasion, " under an act passed by the Legislature of Virginia on the 28th ult. The proclamation says: " This force is composed of nersons not liable to conscription by the Confed erate authorities, and to be officered by those now in the service of that Govern ment They are to be called out for a term of service not exceeding sixty days any one time; are to be organized, armed and equipped as State troops, and to be paid as such when called into the field under any Executive order." High Prices in Richmond, Virginia- There is a great deal of suffering in Richmond for the necessaries of life. Bacon is quoted in the Sentinel at $2 50 per lb. ; coffee, $7 50 to 8 per lb. ; flour, $40 to 45 per bbl. ; wheat, $5 to 6 per bushel; sugar $2 80 to 3 per rb. ; mo lasses, $ 14 to 15 per gallon; and other necessary articles at equally high rates. Gold $10 to 12 premium. Compliments from their Own Au thors. The Richmond Examiner thus compliments the Southern troops after victory: The Generals of the United States know well that none of their troops, whether Eastern or Western, can sustain with success the first onset of a Southern army. But if they can protract the con test and retreat without a rout till they reach their reserves, they usnallv win at last. Why? Because the Southern army becomes a mob after a victory. Generate and troops give way to exhil eration proper to school boys. The men straggle, officers drink, and all brag of the wonders done by our division. Hence it is that none of the Southern leaders have been able to secure the fruits of victory. Gov. Bramlette has determined that the guerrillas shall be routed from the State, and the General Order of Ad jutant General Boyle, which we publish this morning, will bring every lukewarm Eentuckian to a vivid sense of his duty. Unless at least one company is raised in each county iu the State by the 24th of this month, a draft will be immediately enforced. The Governor says " the State shall be free from its murderous foes, even though every arm is required to aid in their destruction." Fellow citi zens, go to work now in earnest Let us have another State Gnard Legion filled up in our city, and let the cross of lire be sent to every hill and valley to awaken a proper response to the glorious rallying call of our Governor. Louis rilU Journal of Saturday. Only a Skirmish. The city was, somewhat excited yesterday afternoon over a sensation report to the e'fltetgt that ed then, "fcapturing 310 prisoners and a battle was in progress just outside the tcur piecei of artillery. The Confeder picket lines, etc. We learn that the J ate U M in killed and wounded is not only foundation for these reports was a kuown; Federal loss 29 killed (among slight skirmish yesterday on or near the ' them CoL A-Onrje, of the 123"d Illinois) Tallahatchie, in which the rebels were j and 159 wounded. We are informed contiderably worsted. Memphis Bulk- that the Confederates left five hundred tin, 1th. The Election Yesterday 5-assed off v4Vy quietly There being only two County officers to be chosen, there was not that interest taken that is generally manifested. We have received only the returns from Pigeon and Knight townships up to the time of going to press. Pigeon town ship, it will be seen, did gloriously, elec. ing the whole ticket by a majority of over 150. The following are the returns: UPPER PRECINCT. For Prrsecuting Attorney Marsh, S49; Stinson, 239. Majority 10. For County Commissioner Hall, 356: Nurre, 231. Majority 12". For Keal Estate Appraiser lvoeh, Jr. 335 ; Wayman. 256. Majority, 79. COURT HOUSK PRECINCT, For Prosecuting Attorney Marsh, 289; Stinson, 279. Majority, 10. For County Commissioner Hall, 271; Nurre, 288. Majority, 17. For Heal Estate Appraiser Koch, Jr., 278; John Wayman, 2S7. Majority, 9. LAMASCO PRECINCT. Far Prosecuting Attorney Lewis C. Stinson, 130; Chas. K. Marsh, 199. Ma jority, 69. or Countu Uommissioner tfenianiin Nurre, 121; John Bischmann, 42; John Hall, 166. Majority, 45. For Appraiser Real Estate John Wayrnan, 129; Philip Koch. Jr., 205 Majority 70. TOTAL VOTE IN CITY. For Prosecuting Attorney fcewft C. Stinson, 648; Chas. E. Marsh, 835. Ma jority, 187. ' For County Commissioner llenjaniin Nurre, 640; John Hall, 793; John Bisch mann, 61. Majority, 153. For Seal Estate Appraiser J.ihn Wayman, 672: Philip Koch, Jr., 8ia Majority, 146. KNIGHT TOWNSHIP. For Prosecuting Attorney Charles E. Marsh, 41; Lewis C. Stinson, 53. Majority 12. . For Commissioner John Tlall, 42; B. Nurre, 52; John Bishman, L Majority 10. For Appraiser of Real Estate. Phillip Koch, Jr., 3S; John Waymomi, 51. Majority 13. List of Casualties in o. H, 65th Reg iment Mounted Infantry. Knoxville, Sept 29, 1863. Killed George Lange, William B. Stalling Dangerously Wounded. Mosea' C. Smith, corporal A. J. Stinson. Not dangerously. Philip Welte, Jno Ulrich, Jesse Chapman, John Strange, Marshall F. Bement. This loss is larger than that of all the balance of the regiment. I had the good luck to escape, but the bad luck to have my canteen shot through with a musket ball and the water spilled, my coat and pants both pierced with bullets, and our company flag, which I had taken from the bearer, rendered entirely unserviceable. Lieut. Taylor, command ing Co. I, was slightly wounded, and Capt. Hammond, of the Pike county company, was made as crazy as a bed bug for a few hours, by the explosion of a shell in rather close proximitv. My health is excellent, but my com pany is reduced from ninety to about sixty men for duty. If you knew how we long for paper.s and letters, you would send them often. H The Invalid Corps. Seventeen regiments have already been formed for the Invalid Corps. It is divided into two battalious. The first battalion is composed of men selected from the active armies, who, by reason of lung or heart disease, rupture, chronic diarrhcea, dysentery, or other similar dis eases, cannot endure the fatigues and exposure of an active campaign, but who can be fully sheltered and have their ailment properly treated. They are in tended to man fort and garrisons; to perform the Provost duty in large towns and cities; to guard prisoners, not only in the, but on cars and steam- Doats, ana on me marcn 10 ana irom their place of imprisonment, and to pro tect and defend railroad bridges and de pots in the vicinity of their, the Inva lids', respective stations. These men all pass a rigid medical examination, and are taken from those who are unfit for further field service, and not liable to draft The second battalion is composed of officers and men who have lost a leg or an arm in battle, or are so disabled by disease or wounds contracted in the line of duty, as to be not only unfit for field service, but also for duty in the first bat talion. These men are assigned as stew ards, nurses, cooks, and guards at hospi tals, and as clerks at depots, and in pub lic offices. As it is designed to make the Invalid Corps a ' Corps of Honor," none but men who have seen active service, and have been ''honorably discharged," are permitted to enlist in " it. The pay will be ihe same as to other soldiers. The labors performed by these men have heretofore been performed by able bodi ed troops who will no w be sent to the field. There are two companies of this corps in this city. Lieut Dickerson is in com mand, and Lieut. De La Hunt is Post Adjutant. The Front. News from the front continues provokingly meagre, but we suppose that the silence which prevails inaicates active preparations on both sides for another battle. The rebels have planted some heavy siege guns on Lookout mountain, and are throwing occasional shots into our camps, with out doing any great damage. They will hardly be suffered to monopolize that business, and some substantial answers will probably be heard and felt among our " misguidfB brethren " very Boon. 1 he grapevine states that Rosec :rans is tailing back. Not much of it. Nashville Union, 11, Facts and Rciiors. We are inform ed that the Confederates made a raid upon some Government wagons a few miles east of Memphis on tKe 2d inst and captured about one hundred, togeth er with mules and drivers. On Thursday night last Col. Wilders brigade, consisting of the 17th Indiana (his own regiment), the 92d, 98th, and 123d Illinois, and one other regiment, all ; mounted infantry, armed with rifled I " seven-shooters, " and the 2d Kentucky ' Cavalry, commanded oy CoL Nicholas j of Louisville, after a sharp pursuit of ; Wheeler came up with the Confederate cavalry near rarmington, and after ' ?e'rerate fight on Friday morning, rout j dead on the field. Nashville Dis. Uth. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. I BT TSE t. t . USE Inclusively for the Journal From Chtt u 0 )ga. Position of the two Armies Rose- craus Strouffir r.nirruciieu v , . i . . . . . .. I on Lookout and Mr. salon Ridge l Mountains Rebels probable ton. template a Flanking movement. Washington, Oct. 12. The enemy near Chattanooga hold Lookout moun tain and Mission Ridge, from which they threw shells on the 4th and 5?h inst. No damage done beyond wounding a few men and killing one horse. We have several line3 of entrenchments and extensive earth-works are still going on. The plan of the enemy appeirs not to make an attack in front, but to compel us to abandon Chattanooga, by hom ing us in our present position with their army in front annoying us, with their ar tillery breaking our lines of communi cations by cavalry raids, on our rear. A general order issued on the 7h an nounces Major General Reynolds as Chief of Stan", in place of General Gar field, who vacates his position to assume his seat in ongress. All the i visions of the army will be consolidate ! into six to form the 14th and 4th co; 9, with General's Thomas and Grangi i as commanders. The three under the former will he commanded by Generals Laird, Davis, and Rousseau, and those under the lat ter by Generals Wood, Sherriden, and Palmer. Gen. Brennan will be t'hiel of Artillery. Gen. Rosecrans denies positively to have brought any charges against Mc Cook and Crit:enden. It is generally believed these officers will show a much better record than report3 in regard to them warrant With the assistance of 1 reinforcements already arrived, move ments will, soon be made, it is hoped, which will drive the enemy from our front. The army is still well supplied with everything but clothing and blank- ets--the want of which in this unusually ! cold weather causes considerable suf- : fering. All the wounded able to bear j ! removal have been sent North. The I casualties in the late battles will not lie less than 15,000. From the Rappahannock. Another Cavalry Fight - Our forees driven back Meade's army retreat ingThe Rebel! executing a flank movement. Special to the Times. Washington, October 12. Early Sat urday a brigade of cavalry belonging to Kilpatrick's division, attempted a recou noissanee on the south side of Robert son's river. They were attacked by a large force of rebel cavalry, supported by infantry and artillery under the com mand of Stuart The infantry was com posed of about 8000 men. A brisk fight ensued, lasting about an hour, when our cavalry were compelled to fall back on our infantry supports, three miles from Culpepper. At this place another con flict ensued, in which our infantry sup ports were compelled to retire, losing about 100 of the 130th New York. Our cavalry again formed Into line and made a splendid charge and re-captured all the men except 15 or 20. Rebel reinforce ments coming up, our forces were push ed back to Culpepper, skirmishing all the way. Heavy firing this afternoon in dicates that the engagement had been renewed. Later intelligence from the front says o-r fonooi toro fvnriiatprl Onlperiripr nnd such stores as could not be conveniently carried were burned. Their value, how ever, was trifling. It is reported that Gen. Meade has fallen back to the north bank of the Rap pahannock. rrisoners brought back state that Lougstreet's corps has retarned from tbe South-west. This, however, is doubted. The rebels commenced crossing the Rap pahannock Saturday morning in the di rection of Madison Court House, with the evident intention of turning General Meade's right wing. Heavy reinforce ments have been sent to the front It is reported that the rebel cavalry held the Gaps in Bull Run mountains. A large cavalry force was sent from here yesterday, who will speedily dis lodge them. The rebel forces holding the gaps are supposed to be White's and Moseby's men. FROM CINCINNATI. Ohio State Election The Largest Vote for Years Business Suspend ed and the Voting Going on Qui etly. Cincinnati, Oct 13. Noon. The election in this city is progressing qui etly. A very large vote is being polled. Business is generally suspended. The weather is cloudy and damp. FBOM MISSOURI. Gov. Gamble Issues a Proclamation He Maketh Divers Threats Blunt has Cleared his Track. St. Louis, Oct 13. Gov. Gamble has issued a long proclamation, charging that many evil disposed persons are endea voring to produce disaffection towards the State Government with the avowed pur pose of overthrowing it by violence, should other means fail. Among this class of persons are some holding commissions from the State Government, and to effect this scheme the circulation of the most extraordinary falsehoods and misrepresentations re garding the purposes of the State Gov ernment are resorted to. He puts the people of the State on their guard against the plots of these canspir ators, and announces his determination to use all the force at his command to enforce the laws, preserve the peace of the State, and to punish those who dis turb it He also admonishes them that the highest political right of the citizens to vote at elections, any interference especially by the military with the rights of qualified voters, will be regarded as an offense of the greatest magnitude. Tha Governor makes a lengthy de fence of his own loyalty, and vindicates the State Government against the accu sations of its enemies. The Democrat s Leavenworth special says Gen. Blunt has scouted the country east and south of Fort Blair and satisfied himself that the enemy has gone South. He followed them to a point thirty miles from Fort Gibson, where he sent messen gers to warn the garrison of that place and Fort Smith. Blunt is now returning to Fort Scott. Major Henning arrived from Baxter Springs with the bodies of Major Curtis and Lieut. Farr. Of eighty prisoners taken by the rebels fifty-five were murj dered after their capture. Pennsylvania Election Immense Vote. Philadelphia, October 13, 10 a. m. The voting is proceeding quietly. The indications are that the vote will be the largest since I860. Cincinnati, Oct. 13! The exchange and mo3t of the business houses being closed, there were no commercial trans actions. The river has fallen 2 inches. Light rains all night. Weather cloudy and damp. From Cleveland. Cheering Indications from Ohio Dayton going against Vallantllg-ham-Many Democrats Voting Against Him The Reserve Voting Solid for Brongh. Cleveland, Oct. 13. The indications - - , 0 from all parts of the Stat . r . e are clsei'mis?. Dayton advices say that many Demo S o crats are voting for Brough ; that the city will doubtless give him a majqrity. Many of the towns on the Keserw, are casting almost their entire vote for Brough. Gen. Sigel and others addressed an immense crowd here last night. The meeting was considered lint Antat ever held here. L:ter from Charleston. A Torpedo explode Harmless uu.l. i the,'bow8 of t lie Ironsides Ullluiora still Building Batteries. New York, October 13. The steamer Connecticut, from Hilton Head on the 9th, reports that the rebels on the night of the Cth instant sent a torpedo at tached to a raft from Charleston to the Ironsides, off Fort Moultrie, which ex ploded under her bows, deluging; her decks with water, putting out all her fires, killing Ensign Howard, wounding two seamen, but doing the vessel no damage. The Ironsides remains off Moultrie. The monitors are doing picket dutv off Sumter. Gillsnore is still erecting batteries on Morris Island. NEW ADVERTISE M SWTS. DRUGS, &c. WM H. P. SLODUARD, So. 11 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, IND. I M PORTER, MAXl KAOTURER, AND DKAli 1 or in DruH, Medicines, ('lieiutcal, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass. Brushns, Lumps, Dye Stnlfs, aad sll articles nsnsllv kept in a rirst class Drnjj Store, with a large an1 varied assortment of Patent lied, icinfs and Perfumery, together with every descrip tion of Ambrotrpe and Photograph Goods, con Hinting f Cameras. Chemicals, Cases and Frames constantly on hand, and sold at reasjuable prices Orders frcm Merchants and Artists promptly attended to, and forwarded as Instructed. TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. Just received a fr.-sh lot of Wade's Printing Ink, comprising Book, Card and an assortment of Colored Inks in cans, at WM. II. P. STODDARD'S. 17 Main street. ALEXANDER'S PATENT CEMENT, FOR Roofing and Railroad and St am boat pur poses. A very superior and durable article at 17 Main Street. DK. LYON 'S PEROpiCAL DROPSH AVE arrived. Call and get a bottle at 17 Main Stseet. COAL OIL A superior article ; white and near ly inoderous, for sale by the gallon or bar rel, at 17 Main street. LAMPS, LAMPS A new supply jmt received, at 17 Main street. BULL'S F AHNESTOCK ' S, McLANE'S iind a variety of other Veimifiiges, at the Citv Ding Store, 17 Main Street. SHALLENBERGER'S FKVKR AND AGUE Antedote for sale at 17 Main Street. BRUSHES An endless variety of kin, Is and qualities can be had at 17 Main Street. MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORATIVE AND Tilsbalsamum. the best preparation extant for the Hair and Scalp. For sale at . STODDARD'8, 17 Main !troet w MasMassBMSnmnnssMnM FOR SALE. FRESH WINTER A II PL K tTDER FOR Apple-Butter, by PHILIP SCHKIMEH, ocKI-lw Cor. Sixth and Division Streets. TO PHYSICIANS. rACCINE VIRUS CAN BE OBTAINED AT W, E. HALLOt'K'S Druir Store. No. 1(1 First Street, near the Post-Office. octlO-at FOR SAL. House and Lot for Sale. ONiC uF THE UiHVT i. I li m i: rkst DEN'CES iu th- city for sale; in -i order, containing ien Rooms with Chandaliers and Bracket! f"r Gas, two brick Cisterns, Stable, Wood, Coal and Out-Houses, a good dry brick Collar 18 feet square, well lighted. The House is wood heavy oak framr stands back 40 feet from the street, leaving a beautiful front yard. Coiner Lot 75 by 300 feet, enclosed with a good substantial feuoo. Corner of Oak and Water streets, above the residence of Robert Barnes. Esq. Enquire of octlO-tf CHARL! 8 BABCOCK, No. 8 Main S'reet. MEAT SHOP. MEAT SHOP REOPENED BT COHN & LEVY, Butchers, At their old stand. Cor. of Second and Chesnut Sts., WHERE THEY RESPECTFULLY INVITE all their old customers and all those wish ing to eat good meat to give them a call. oct!3-3t LANTERNS- Fearful Accidents S ! May occur these dark nights, in passing over bad crossings and dilapidated bridges, to prevent whioh, buy a Coal Oil Lantern from Broughtnn A Wood. Crescent City Drng store. oct.13 2t. OYSTER DEPOT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OYSTER DEPOT. I AM 80LE AGENT FOR STILE'S CELE BRATED Corn-fed Oysters. Reoeived daily by Adam's Express Company. Orders promptly filled. WM. CALDWELL, No. 11 First Street WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OYSTER DEPOT. til-- 1 - A. . - TO CONTRACTORS. SURVEYOR'S OFFICE, ) Evansville, Oct. 6th, 1863. ( THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE Sealed Proposals at this office, until the 20th day of the present month tor making repairs an the Marine Hospital and premises, including Stone and Brick work, Iron and Wood work, Paintinf aud Glazing, Pump and Cistern work', Plastering, Ac. Specifications as to kind aud quantity or work may be seen at tne otnee of Mursoua & ioyd, Ar- chitects, UbSDuier s BiocK. Bids will be rec-ived part separately. for tbe wbole or for any The material and workmanship, must be of the best quality. Terms cash as soon as the work is accepted. A. L. ROBINSON. Survcyer. Volksbote copy dtd-ocl7 CLOTHING. The Best is always the Cheapest. Especially is this true of ANI Gents' Furnishing GoocL. j Test It by ealiing on J. H. OAELI N, No. 8 FIRST STREET,! (.vk-tK rosr-orrwE,) EVA NSVILLE, IND. 'J'HK UNDKHSIGNKD HAS JUST RE 1 tinned irom the East, where he has laid in one of the host stocks of Clothing and Gents' Fur uiflnnii Goods ever brought to this City. My Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting. Ac, were selected with an eye siugln to quality and style ; and hav ing become conversant with the taste of our peo ple, am satisfh-d that in this particular my Goods will give excellent satisfaction. Geats Furnishing Goods of every description wSU also be found at my establishment such as Gloves. Hosiery, Neck-Ties, Shirts, Collars, Sus penders, Ac. .My facilities for mauufacturlu Clothing are excellent ; and as for Cutting Ga.- Meats to fit no satisfaction no pay I ask no one to takes mean "itting garment off my hands. Over-Coatings of every variet y snd style will be found at my . stabiiahuitat. Though it may sonnd unreasonable to. k Overcoats during the " heated term," we niusl remember that in peace is the timetoct re for war," and in Summer make our preparations for the cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can be devieed than the ordering f a good reliable Overcoat, an li as may be found at No. 8 First Street. Orders for Clothing of every description will recoire the personal attention of the nnderatguedt and will be promptly attended to. The motto at No. 8 la, ' Promises punctually fulfilled." Before ordering Fall or Winter suits Gents will consult their own interest hy examining my Gonds and Prices. Remember the place Wo. S First Street, (near Post Office. 1 atlgIS J. H. CARLIX. WHOLESALE CLOTHE HOI' GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., KTo. G North First St., Evansville ; BRAKOH OF GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., Mo. 806 Market Street, Philadelphia, We have now ready a very large selected stock if Fall 3 Winter Clothing AND- GentlemcH's Furnishing Geod, . SHAWLS, BLANKETS AND TRAVELING SHIRTS. Boys' Clotlilng, IN GREAT VARIETY, To which ws desire to call the attention of the trade. Our Goods being sll manufac tured by ourselves, buyers have Only One Profit to Pay. We feel confident that oar pries are fully as low as those ol any other House in the West. All Goods Warranted. sepS HENRY PELDMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, TVo. 54 JVs aln Street, EVANSVILLE, IND. XWISH TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF the citizens of Evansville and vicinity to my j large and well selected stock of French Cloths, I Cassimeres, beautiful V eatings and Furnishing j 3oods in general. I have just returned from the East, where I have made my own purchases, and can therefore recom mend all my Goods as being of the first qaality. I employ none but the beat of workmen, and con sequently turn out work equal to any iu the City. sep8-Cm UNITED STATES Wholesale Clothing AND FURNISHING HOUSE. Clothing for the Million! L LOEWENTHAL & CO., gaiu In tbe market. St tbe old well known stand Cor. Main and First Sts., (Which hss seen rsbsilt and enlarged,) with the largest and best selected stook of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Kvr.r Op.n.d i thi. M.rk.t. OUK OLD CU8TOHEBS AND THE TEADE generally are respectfully invited to call and examine our Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we teel assured we can offer superior inducements to CA8H Wyere. One of our firm resides in New York, and has had many years experience in buying and manu facturing, and devotes bis whole time to Purchasing and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, And as ws buy exclusively for CASH, we can and will sell as low to the trade as any House East or West. sepll TO LET. Business Property to Let. iJfL BY 150 FEET, CORN Eft OF MAIN AND I J Fourth Streets, will be let for a term. Per o ns wishing to lease can have tbe whole or on u arter, or one-half, as they nisy desire. Enquire of ASA IGLEHEABT, or u32rf JNO. 8HANKLIN SPECTACLES. I. RITTENBEEG, Manufacturer of the nowly bare D ted PERISCOPI Spectacles AND Army Field Glasses, Superior to all others now In use. SPY GLASSES, raiorosooipess, OPERA GLASSES, Marine Spy Glasses, SIMPLE MICROSCOPES, i Hunting Glasses, And all Kinds of OPTICAL INSTRUMENT Can be had only of X- "EX tt ' xxlooi-g,, No. H7 HrH &,xx Street, E VANS YILLE, INDIANA. IRITTENB'RG HAS NOW ON HANDS A . splendid assortment of Optical Instruments, which he will ilisi.os of at greatly reduced prices; hit goods being all of the very latest im Drovements in manufacture, consisting of a very large variety of Spectacles frontbe mot common to the very best, viz : The finest quality of Gold pectacles, these Glasses being constructed on the most accurate adaptation of tbe Convex Concsvo Pariscopic principles. Also, Silver of three dif ferent grades of Glasses, No. 1 being on tbe same principle as the Gold Spectacles. No 2 is a Peri focal Lense ; No. ' being a fine Achromatic Lens t, mirror shape. In addition to the shove I have a fine assort ment of Steel, of the very best quality of Lenses, tbe frames being grooved into the Glasses. The frames are so fine as to be scarcely visible. No. 2 of steel is Perifocal No. 3 the globules of a smoked Lense, adapted for weak sight where strong light, snow or wind affects the vision. These Spectacles are a perfect preventative by use Ing them constantly, causing the eye to gain its healthy power and retain it to old age. Having Jiad very considerable experience also iu cateract eyes, in adapting glasses 1o such i-ion, would impress on the minds of all peranv. etd iugglasses of any descriptor". .. apply s : uch only to a regular Optician, i, l iking that sole study and business for years, he alone bei.. able to know from the peculiar anatomy or the i. e the nature of the defect, whether arising from weak ness of s!ght, flattening of the pupil, or other misfortune occurring to the vision. The eye be ing the most delicate organ, and of the most vital Importance to the happiness and prosperity of man, should never be tampered with, either by the individual or by those who, for mere profit, take upon themselves the selling of Optical In struments, and who know nothing of the anatomy of theeye, orhow to discover tberoper glasses to suit the peculiarity oi the different sights of those needing spectacles. Thousands have lost their vision entirely from not applying to those only qualified to know the different defects in each in dividual's sight, and how to remedy it by wearing the proper kind of spectacles. I. Bittenberg, having had over twenty-five years experience as a regular practical optician, can assure those giving him their patronage that by applying to him tbey can get the very right kind of glasses adapted to their rase, and in almost every one secure good eye sight to old age. Neir sighted person can also obtain of him tbe latest improvement iu spectacles suited to them, being a new invention. 1 have also the most recently new Field Glasses, with Astromical eye pieces, being very superior to the old opera glass arrangement. All kinds M Optical Instruments repaired at the shortest no tice, Hand thaee having purchased spectacles of me, and having had the misfortune to broak one of the lenses, can have it replaced gratuitously by apply- inSt"l. RITTENBERG, 67 Main Street, Bet. Secnnd and Third Sts., EVANSVILLE, IND. sep. 29. BOOTS AND SHOES. 0 u t o ri i U 0 d fv s 0 a PS O w o a 9 0 n o o Hi o ed o CO X o 03 X a 0 0 o SI 73 S 9 0 u O O n w w M Q n 33 -2 o CO w Eh CO W VOLUNTEERiNG ! 302 BOUNTY For New Recruits! 402 B0 TJ N T Y For Veteran Volunteers ! MEN OF THE FIRST DIsTRIHT OF INDI ANA, the Governor has called for seven or more Companies of Infantry and five Com panies of Cavalry from this District Shall he have them? I call upon you to give tbe answer. My answer is, " HE SHALL." Will yon endorse it ? I think you will. Your country needs your services in the army, snd oilers you inducements which will enable you to lea re your families amply provided for. Any one wishing to recruit for the Regiment by raising Companies, or parts of Companies, will receive commissions for that purpose by applying to me ia writing, accompanied by proper recom mendations,, directed to Mt. Vernon, Posey coun ty, Indiana, uutil the organization of the en campment. JOHN A. MANN, Commandant 1st District. Other papers iu the District please copy. oct2tf "PAPER MILLS. EVANSVILLE PAPER mills, lKICH & CARL8TEDT, Agents. TATE MANUFACTURE WRAPPING PAPEB VV equal to any made, and atCineiunatl prices. Prices seat on application to the Agents, lyindeni NEW BOOKS! BEYOND THE LINES, by Capt. Alox. Gear. GALA DAYS, by Gail Hamilton. S0CTHEKN HISTORY OF THE WAR. LIFE OF STONEWALL JACKSON. ELEANOR'S VICTORY, by Miss. Braddon. A FULL SET OF OIARLES DICKENS' WORKS In papers. All yet out of the 50 cent Edition of Cooper's Nov els. A FI LL SET OF NOVELS, by J F Smith, I'D paper.) WAVERLY MAGAZINE, for October. Mad. DEMOBEST'S Fall Fashion Book. An assorrmsst of the best C00K BOOKS, At nOBELL'S. PENS, SOAP, &c, &c. Sand and Emery Paper. GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SAND AND L K in. iv Paper just received at SCHLAEPKEIt'S Drug Store. Cooking Extracts. LARGE STOCK AND GOOD ASSORT MENT of Cooking Extracts just received at SOnLAE PEER'S Drug Store. Essence of Coffee. SSENCE OF COFFEE JUST RECEIVED AT t SCLAKPFE'S Drug Sto re. Mustard. THE VERT BEST QUALITY OF MUSTARD for sale at SCHLAEPFEB'9 Drug Store Soap. VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF &0AP9 I ist received and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. Steel Pens. A LARGE A50RTMENT OF STEEI. PENS and Lead Pencils, of the bust brands, for sale at SCllLAKPFER'S Drugstore. CART'S CAUGD CURB FOE SALE AT SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Stors HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC ISALSAM FOR the Cure of Coughs anJ CM.-; just received and for gale at WlitlH gKsl Drug Store. COMMISSI 03 EE'S 'SALE. Commissioner'.' Sale of Valuable Keai Estate. rPHK UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONER AP 1 pointed by the Vanderburgh Circuit Court iu a sslli iu partition wherein Sophia D. Gridley aud others are defendants, to make sale of the' Real Estate belonging to the parties to said suit to-wit : To the heirs or Horace Dunham deceased will, in pursuance of the decree of said Court ou the 28th day of October, 18ti3, between 10 o'clock s. m. and C o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, iu tbe City of Evansville, Indians, proceed to sell at Public Auction, tbe following described Real Es tate to-wit : All those tracts or parcels of laud and town lots lying and being in the County of Yan derburg and State of Indiana, known snd descrih. ed as follows : The north-east quarter of section thirty-two (32) the south-west quarter of sec tion thirty-two (32), the west half of the west half of the south-east quarter of section thirty two (32), and the south half of fractional section thirty-one (31), all in township six (6), south oi range ten (10) west, in theViucennes Lam District. Also, sll those parts of fractional sections fire and six (5) and (6), in township seven (7), south of range ten (10) west, contained within the following boundary : that is to say, commencing si the cor ner of fractional section thirty-ona (31), in town ship six (6), which corner is situate on the bayon bank nearly opposite tbe Green River Island, and running thence east twenty-five (25) chains and forty-eight (48) links to the north-west corner of fractional section five (."), township seven (7), thence running east on the township line fifty (50) chains, thence south nine (9) chains and fifty .six (56) links, thence west aeventv three (73) cbai'is aud forty-four (44) links to the top of the above mentioned bayou bank, thence alougsaid bayou bank to the place of beginning, containing 71 18-100 acres. Also, the north west quarter of the south-west quarter of sec -Hon sixten (16), in township seven 7) south, of range eleven (11) west. Also, lots one hundred and eighty -six, the inside half of lot one hundred an! ninety-seven, being the half oi aaU lot adjoin ing lot 1I8, sold lot 197 .being divided by s line running from front to rear, through the center thereof, lots one hundred and ninety-eight, two hundred and thirty-four, two hundred and thirtv five, and two hundred and thirty- tx, (l6 of 107, 198, 234, 235, pud 230,) all iu the Donation Enlargement of the City i f Evansville. Also, lot eight (8) and the adjoining half of lot uine (9), Union Place, Evansville, said lot 186 being subject to lease for the term of five (5) years from the 1st day of September, 1850, at a yearly rent of three hundred dollars, and 50 feet of the south-east eud of said lot 236 is subject to a leeae from the 1st day of January, 1859, for a term of eleven years, at a ground rent of eighty dollars r year. The above described lands comprise over 5S0 acres in a body adjoiuging this city, which are platted into garden lots, and will be sold in small parcels to suit purchasers,f which maps can be sees at the office of Asa IgWhesxt. TERMS. One-fourth cash, the remainder iu three equal annual Installments, to be secured by notes with spproved surety waiving relief laws and bearing interest. 11 Hi AM KELSON, Asa Iolkhcabt, Commissioner. attorney. aeptStf INSURANCE AGENCY. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. Office 112 and 114 Broadway With a Cash Capital all paid in of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ASSETS JULY 1st, 186) $1,5: 0,000 The Home Insurance Company insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings and their contents, for a term of from 1 to 6 years on the most favorable tems. Stores, Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, Produce, Manufacteries, Machine sal all insurable property, st tair snd equitable rates, and on INLAND NAVIGATION Aad Transportation, Shipments upon the Rivers Lakes, Canals and Railroads, as low as the nature of the risks will bear, with fairness to the assured aud the Company. Adjusting all losses fairly, snd pr rfnptly savins them. CHAS. I. MARTIN, Pres't. Iw A. F.WILMARTH, Vice Pres't. J. Milton Smith, Secretary. JonH McGxx, Ass't Sec'y. Applications made to and policies issued by A. C. EALLECK A SON, Ag'ts, First Street, near Post Office. Insurance Agency. ALLEN cThALLECX, UNDERWRITER AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, AOJCSTSB OW AVERAGES AND NOT AST PUSLIO. He continues to issue Policies from severs! First Class and most reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES In the Country, on Inlaid snd Fir Bula He will also receive applications for LIFE INSURANCE. He will attend te the Adjustment of Losses ol every description under policies from other agen cies, and attend to the settlement of sll matters connected with INSURANCE, for parties interest-' ed. His long experience as sn Insckaxci Aoznt. has made him familiar with all subjects connected with Insurance. Office, on First Street, near the Post Office. INCORPORATED 1847. CITY Fire Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. Capita , $250,000 l. C. WAITE, 8ec'y. C. B. BOWERS, Pres't S. A. PRICE, General Agent, Residing atChicago, Ills. CASH CAPITAL AND 8URPLUS $327,540. This Company insures against loss snd damage by fire on Dwellings and their Contents, Stores, Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, and all insur able property at as reasonable rates of premium as auy other solvent snd reliable Company Adjtuiing Losses fairly and paying (Am prtmpUy. -t Applications made to and Policies issued by A. C. HALLECK A SON., First Street, near Post Office, sug21-Iyd Xtaxsvius. Imb. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. INCORPORATED 181 CHARTER PERPETUAL With s Successful Business Experience o FIFTY YEARS CASH CAPITAL, CAPITAL AND SCBPLL'S,. $500,000.' ,i $890,986.81 Insurance gainst Loss or Dsmsgs by Flre. OU Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer. chandize, Mills, Manufactories, and other kind, ol property, can be effected in this Company upon ss favorable terms as the nature of the risks anJ !,,. rity to Policy will admit. U ' K,RIrCUI;AB ATTINTI0N i to insuring Farm property, consisting of Dwellings, Barn, 2Sik u,RuJld,"S. cennected,. snd Furniture, Ur .stock. Hay, Grain, Faming Utensils, Ac. Ac , contained therein, for a term of years at LOW rates of premium. OFFICERS T. C. Allyn, Sec'y. H. Huntington, Pres't. C. C. LymiUi, Ass't Sec'y. W. N. Bowers, Actuary. ". Alexander, General Agent for the Western SM South W estern States, Columbus, Ohio. J. Graham, Ass't General Agent for the Western and South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. Applications for Insurance may be made to the undersigned, the duly authorised Agents of tbe Cempany. A. O. HALLECK & SON, Ag'ts. OS Office ou First street, near Post Offiee sug23-lyd WATCHES & JEWELRY. o an P- a p ty 3 P O 3 a o & e-t-c-- C3 B o -3 n p p 3 P P 3 Ps tr a p i CT3 O w -- p 3 r XT CD P I a 3 35 p ft cr 9 X m u i 2 s n Q - o hi - ii 3 o M CO F H d W C 5" 5 o x H o 3 fa n e-f ID Ci 7? o 1 81 V H o 0 0 H 91 a S) cr o zs cr c o o fj c s rt p CD a c o p o ro O d o i p U H t F W p ta 09 0B p B3 0) g 0 0 S 3 o H f s o Q o I f 3 e e n sr t . o g p MACHINISTS. CRESCENT F0H1SI EVANSVILLE, IND., Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Of the most Approved Pattern. ALSO All kinds of Machinery appertain ing to Railroads, Steamboats, Distilleries, Flouring Mills. SUGAR MILLS, or all siies with the latest Improve ments attached ; Tobacco Screws, Portable Engines, &c, &c, &c. House Fronts, Grates, Rail ing, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. DEALERS IN Steam Ganges, Gum Baiting, Fire Brick, Wrought Iron Pipe, Bolting Cloth, &c, at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES Repairing done at short notice. Workmen sent to all parts te at up work and repair Hollers tt .Machinery All orders will ln tion snd will 1. promptly filled en tbe most reasonable terms. Office and Foundry on the Canal corner of Ingle StTeet. ioh!7-lj NOTICE. OFriCK OF THE EVANS VI f LE GAS t LIGHT COMPANY, Octor ryHE ANNUAL ELECTION JOB THE X Directors of this Compsny will be neld m Monday, the Wth day of OcSbeV, isis o JNO. J. OHANBLBB, President, I 4,