Newspaper Page Text
f WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 I THEFUyNYCOS President Lincoln's Stories. The Norwalk (Conn.) Gazette says that on a late occasion when the White House was open to the public, a farmer from one of the border counties of Vir ginia, told the President that the Union soldiers, in passing his farm, had not only helped themselves to hay, but his horses, and he hoped the President would uree the Drooar officer to consider his claim immediately. "Why, my dear sir," replied Mr. Lin coln, blandly, " I couldn't think of such a thing. If I consider individual cases, I should find work for twenty Presi dents." The farmer urged his needs persist ently; Mr. Lincoln declined good-naturedly. " But," said the persevering sufferer, " couldn't you give me a line to Colonel about it ? Just one line " " Ha, ha, ha! " responded the amiable Old Abe, shaking himself fervently, and crossing bis legs the other way, " that reminds me of old Jock Chase, out in Illinois." At this the crowd huddled forward to listen. "You've seen Jock I knew him like a brother he used to be a lumberman on the Illinois, and he was steady and sober, and he was the best raftsman on Vie river. It was quite a trick, twenty live years agOj to take the logs over the rapids, but he was skillful with the raft and always kept straight in the ehannel. Finally a steamboat was put on the river, and Jock he's dead now, poor fellow was made captain of her. He used to always take the wheel going through the rapids. One dav. when the boat was plunging and wallowing along the boil ing current, and Jock's utmost vigilance was being exercised to keep her in the narrow channel, a boy pulled his coat tail and hailed .him with ' Say you! Mister Captain! I wish you'd just stop your boat a minute J have lost my ap ple overboard I" INSURANCE AGENCY. INSURANCE AGNCY J. W. NEXSEN, Marble Hall, Main Street, EVANSVILLE, IND., Underwriter and General In surance Agent. Adjuster of Fire Losses and Notary Pubiic. All business connected with Insurance attended to with promptness and fidelity. Polices issued in several ol the oldest and most reliable Companies in the Union. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE. Combined Cash Capital Ren. i resented over $5,000,0 00 00 PREPARE TIME FALL ! ! THE ElfW 1T Tin- OF by- Prime A No. 1 Insurance IS THI Fhcenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CONN. The Fruits of the Phoenix Are manifest in the following statement of Facts cto Figures Showing the amount equalized to pnblic benefit in the shape of losses paid" in the' West audSonth, during the past foar years ; a line of valuable ser vice, honorable as well as commendable, and which shonld suggest HI or o every man who desires to bestow his isiuranc patronage npon WELL TRIED CORPORATION. W,277.45 OHIO tK3Tr.Vi 27,62.94 INDIANA 27,22.94 89,174.56 ILLINOIS !W,m.56 32,670,08 .....MICH1GAN ;,670.08 34,220.13 WISCONSIN 34,92n.l3 1923.34 IOWA .. 18,323.34 8,653.10 MINNESOTA 8,53.10 1. 67.00 NEBRASKA 1.167.00 9,765.00 KANSAS 9J65.0P 34,n54-3 KENTUCKY 34,051.36 43,064.9i TENNESSEE 43,(.54.!KI 20,8325 MISSISSIPPI... 20,832 55 27,698.83 MISSOURI 27 69 83 22.839-43 ARKANSAS ttSS 3,8.98 TEXAS 3 901.98 665-56 ALABAMA 555 55 In ike equitable adputnent, and prompt Ca,h re TT j PiJEA' tand. preeminently at theheadofueprefemm; KhUe iUaUmive, practi tuMl "lAr-cU tmnneu yxem of loci agencies, m not excelled bf any Hmilar corporoiion in the world. iMnrancies solicited, and policies issued and re newed in this leading Corporation, at fair rates by nm w .-TJJSSir.Bwident Agent, Office, Marble Hall Building, Main street Cash Assets, January 1st, 1862, $1,99585.89. Losses Paid, Upward o 14,000,000. bimvof,TS!.P0lii.C "ice-.P'-o'Ptna and relia bility of this well-tried and sterling Comnanv n comud it to preference with WSS " " Ui solicited sad PoIici is,1(, by febfi M 1. m i- W ifliSEN,AKent, S Knrble Hall Bnildin. No. Main it. NOTICE. Administrators Sale of Real Estate OK A V 1 Common Plea, law n. v.. ,'"."" 1UB ed, will on Tuduy, ,he ten... ,L ,7k' tST A. I). 18C3, ltween the houis of ton --- - . ' M and four o'chx-k. tWOsart JllljW'aiW in the c ity of EvanVvill", Tn aid coaty. Lot number forty-eutht 48 lata. -wU:"! UrlouE'n' "P"" the following terms, Oiu-third of the purch.-,M rnorn-y to 1 pjj on " 13 ."f 5fe u-""'-d iu i mon hs and The purchaser giving notes drawing inU-rt Kltawywaaf whatever from valuation or apl C8S5S w,th Woved personal secarity, for the deferred pay me no., to l- curl l,y 'rt upon the premises sLld Kvausvilfc,, Oet. 8.h, 1863 WILLIAM U.WALKER,'sr. ARJNETTA S. Mm, Adm'rx. ACCOMMODATION EXPRE3S WL5i"2F5" PREPARED HIlISKLr U lltl Ma Room, WM. (STRCBLR. ajtt-M COMMISSION HOUSE. -DAMS EXvUEJS COMPANY New Arrangement. j'MIK ADAMS IX1'BKS COMPANY RE X SPBCTFULLY announce to their friends and patrons, tho pnblic of Evansville and vicinity that, with increased facilities for thi transportation of Freight, Packages, Money and Valuables, They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es social cart' taken in tho collection of Bills, Drafts Votes, ami the transportation of small and valua le packages. All persons wishing to avail themselves of tl Wiiiti-s of the Express, can obtain any desired in formation in reference to the routes and details of ;he business, at their office on First street, between Tlain ami Locust. Jy2 CHAS. WENTZ, Agent. L. A. CHASE. W. EE OWN. R. K. PUNKIttSON CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Commission jVIerch ant s 9 AND Special Railroad Agents. Give through receipts and make liberal cash ad 'ftnees on shipments ofProduce and Tobacco to Jew York. GBANE, BROWN A X. Evansville, Not. 20th, 1861. H. B. CLIFFORD, Commission Merchant EXCLUSIVELY. I HAVE DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OF GBO c. ries, Produce, Ac., as 1 find that 1 cannot, nor can any one else, do justice to themselves and their shippers when they bay, for it is natural that they will sell their own goods first. As I hare many shippers, I will hereafter confine my self strictly to the COMMISSION BUSINESS, And hope that I will finda continuance of the many favors shown me during the past eiht yeais. I shall give personal attention to all con signments, and will make liberal cash advances on produce in store. My motto in. Quick Sales and Prompt Returns. Dealers in Cotton cannot do letter thnn to leave their orders with me. Mr. F. M. COPELAND late of Copeland, Edmonds ft Co.. will give tho Cotton business his personal attention. He is one among the best judges in the State Onlers solicited. . H. B. CLIFFORD, iep25 No. 7 Front Row. Memphis, Tenn. ;o. Foster A. H. Foster. Wm. A. Cwyn GEO. FOSTER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Provision Merchants, COEJiEB. OF LOCTST STREET AMI THE CANAL, ang9 ' EVANSVILLE. IND. w. .-. a'cxtra. a. r. ballabd. c. mVixre. W. S. McCLURE & CO., PBODIXE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . FiTR THE SALE OF Butter, Chef se, Lard, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Dried Fruits, Flour and Provisions, 250 on. St . Op. Washington Market, NEW YOBK. REFERENCES. Ge W. White, Cash. Mechanic's Bank, Brook lyn, New Yoik. Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York. Wm. Cripss, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York. A. H. Ballard, Ypsilanti, Michigan. J. L. Kelly, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. R. H. Huntington, Adam's Irff Co. N. Y. J. H. Reed, Utica, New York. Hon. Henry J. Raymond, " New York Times-" C. H. Wheeler, St. Albans. Vt. D. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin. jelOdly SCHNEIDER & ZUBERBIER, (Successors to Schneider A Wise,) Commission Merchants For the sale of all kinds of Western li-oclnee, FLOUR, BACON, PORK, LARD, Hay, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, die. Corner Lafayette New Levee and NEW ang25-Cm ORLEANS, LA. A'atts, Given A Co., ) f Crass A Brown, Padncah, Ky., Evansville, lad. Hashing, Given A Co., St. Louis, Mo. WATTS, CRANE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 45 Broao Street, Df YORE CITY. ff'e have opened a nonce in the city of New York for the sale of Tobacco and Western Produce, LTnder the name of WATTS, CRANK A CO. Mr. D. Watts, of the firm of Wntts, Given A Co. f P.uiucah, long familiar with Tobacco, will take Jtatgs of that department ef onr business, and Mr. . Crane, of Crane and Brown, Kvansville, will ake charge of tho Prodnce bnMness. may21 WATTS. CRANE A CO. T. Cox. fT M.nSriirHRiY. COX & HUMPHREY, Forwarding & Commission Merchants . Steamboat Agents, WHARF - BOAT" PROPRIETORS, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. We have taken the Grey Eagle Wharf Boat, and ask of onr friends a continuance of their patronage. One of us will be fonnd aboard both day and night to attend to the wants of shippers. sepl MEDICI AL A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY. DRUGGISTS IN ALL sections of the city and country Jeep on hand buy, sel! and re commend as a tonic, stimulant and appetizer, Roback's Stomach Bit ters. APOTHECARIES IN all sections of the city and country keep in stock, sell and dispense as tonic Roback's Stomarh Bittera. PHYSICIANS in all section ef the city and country approve and re commend as a tonic Ro back's Stomach Bitters. GROCERS in all sec tions of tbe city and country keep constantly supplied with and deal in Roback's Stomach Bitters. HOTELS in all sec tions of the city and country are supplied with and "cannot keep a Hotel," without a 6.,., k of Rolack's Stomach Bitters. HOSPITALS throughout the army of the North have found an indispensable tonic, and are using, for the soldiers Roback's Stomach Bitters. SUTLERS in every regiment oii(rht to have and many have introduced, and highly recom mend Roback's Stomach Bitters. LADIES, old and young, for Billiousness, Liver Complaints, Languor, Weakness and general De bility, are recommended to use Roback's Stpmach Bitters. EVERYBODY who desires a good tonic for giving tone to the spirits, a healthy appetite and strength to the system generally, should not fail to ouv a bottle of Roback's Stomach Bitters. 3 DR.. C. W. ROBACK, Proprietor, Cincinnati. OfBcf and Manufactory Nos. 50, ftM, OOaadO East Third Street. B-tf-For sale by all Druggists everywhere. sug25 I W m W t LIVERY STABLE. AMERICAN STABLE, On Third het. Main and Ionist Sts, riMlIS LIVKRY ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH 1. is well known throughout the country, pos sesses Stable advantages superior to any similar establishment in the City, having arrangouients for the aeccptiou ot private horses at livery ol tue most elegant and complete description, and at the lowiat rati. Carriages for visiting to Ijt. Coaches, light waeons, and every kind, of road vehicle to let. Horses sold ou commission Second nnd Buggy's for sale at the very lowest prirv.s. Passengers for warded to all rtsof the country by special con veyance. RICHARDSON, BRITTON A OO. ' apH GROCERIES. MADDER 1 cask axil for ule by prims Dutch just received S. K. UILBKRT A CO. INDTC0 500 Is-st qoallty for sale by X. E. GILBERT A Co.. No. 4 Sycamore Street . PINE TAR IN KEGS 1W) kegn G'iinii: Ptae Tar in one gaHon kejrs; At li. A. COOK'S. JELLY, JELLY 12 dor., uatorted insrU Jelly ; H " " pioU " AtH. A. COOK'S" DRY GOODS. THE NEW it urn mu I N T E N S I" E X C I T E M E N T A T NOS. :14& lit First Street. WITHOUT DELAY, TO COOLIDGE'S, Whprc you rill find thwm openiiig tbe )Hrget atidortmout of FINFS GOODS Rrer offered iu this market in Rich Silk and Dress Goods. They have no Competitors tHla aide of New York City. Embroidered Edgings and Insert ing, Real Laces, Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Cloth and Beaver Cloaks, Point Lace Collars and Sets, &.., Ac. Chandler's Block, No's. 14 & 16 First Street, (Two doors West of Post Office,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. inylS J. T. &. S. A. COOLIDGE. No. 10 FIRST STEB, Wholesale and Retail DRY GOODS. In addition to all in our former lines, we now have the BEST STOCK of the fol lowing Goods ever brought to this City, viz: CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, Window Hollands, Curtain Damasks. LACE CURTAINS, Curtain Fixtures, CURTAIN CORNICES; And almost everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING LINE. mya0.lT No. 10 .! AlU'KSS 6c FRENCH, First Street, Kvansville. SEWING MACHINES. F. M. SELI.MAN HAVING FITTED UP AN oilier, No. 35 Main Street, will kaun. as hern. toforn, a good assortment of Whrelor A Wilson's and Sxwing Machines and Needles, Silk 1'h mad and oil, and everything that is connected with tho husiness, and will repair all kind of Sew ing Machines and put on new improvements r. BELLMAN, Ag't. STOVES, &c. ft -3 OB 0 s S G 2 i S P " 5 s S qr S - C I M f ft SB o. H I k o ' S t Si O ' y 9 g. r o 3 i II" 1 1 H 3 m P M INSOLUBLE CEMENT. Gbkat DliCOVF.RY. V8KWVI and YALVABLE DISCOVERY ! HILTON'S tu. , 'INSOLUBLE CEMENT! the nsefnl arts. Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoronshlv tested during the last two yeers by practical men, and pronounced to DO SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Prsparation known. A new thing. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is a new thing, and the result of years ot study; its combination is on Its Combina tion. Scientific Principles. Anu untier no circumstances or change of temperature will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive sraeu. Boot ft Shoo Manufacturers BOOT fe SHOK Manufacturers, using Machines will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels, as i works without delay, is not aff-ct ed by any change of temperature Jewelers. JEWELERS Will find it snffiriently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. It is especially adapted to Leather, And we claim a an especial merit, Families. that it sticks Patches am' Linings to Boots and Shoes sv 'icieutly strong without stitching. IT IS THE ONLY It is a Liquid. LiaUIP CEMENT Extant, that is a sure thing for mending FURNITURE, CROCKERY, TOYS, BONK, IVORY, And articles . f houaohold us?. RFMEMBFR Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is ina liquid form and as SB-Ay applied as pxste. Hilton's Insoluble Cement 1 - insoluble in water or oil Hilton's Insoluble Cement Adheivs oily substances. Supplied in Family or Manufactur ers' Packages from ounces to llKi lbs. HILTON, BROS. & CO., rEOI-BIETOBR, PROVIDENCE, R. I Maim, j23-ly DRUGGISTS. FAMILY STORE WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, NO. 10, FIRST STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE, Has just received another large and splendid as sortment of Pare Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Pomades, Brashes, Combs, Toilet Articles, ans, Flavoring Extnts, &c &c Brandies and Wines, for Purposes. Medical All the Approved Patent Medicines kf pt con itautly on hand and for sale at North American rices. HeaParticnlar attention paid to the compounding t prescriptions at all hours. WM. E. UALLOCK, No. 10 South First Street, near Post Office, uov27 Evansville, Ind. BROUGHTON & WOOD. CRESCENT CITY DRUU STORE. Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Fruit Jars, Sealing Wax, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs. Sole Agents for Whit field's Pile Cure. NOTICE. To the Ladies of Evansville and Vicinity. MKB. ROWLAND 18 PKEPARED To DO all the latest styles of Embroidery and Braid Stamping at her resident, on Sascnd between Multwjry and turn 3rets. eep3T-Sm RAILROAD REGISTER. K. &, C. R. B. DEPARTS: Wav, freight ana Acsommodatioii 6:45 a. m. Mail 9 :25 a. M. ARRIVES: Accommodation 5:24 r. u. Mail 5:54 p. u. T . H. A. R. R. R. DEPARTS FROM T. H. Day Exprasa 3:15 p. M. Accommodation 7: 05 a m. Might Expre.a 1:50 A. M. ARRIVE AT T. H. Day Exprsss 10:45 p. a. Accommodation m 5:35 A. a. Xight Kx press 11:15 A. u. These two roads make good connection! at Terra Hanie. River News. ARRIVALS. SMa uu r Chambers, Henderson. ' Duke, Bowling Green. " Cordeliu Ann, Bowling Green. DEPARTURES. Steamer I'hanibern, Henderson " Curlew, Memphis. " D. B. Campbell, Hnderson. James Gray, Bowling Green. We have no change to note in the river, unless to say it is still declining, though very slowly, a9 it is also at Cin cinnati and Pittsburg. The D. B. Campbell left for Hender son last evening, with a fair trip. She will leave regularly atT p. m. daily until farther notice, and arrive here in time to connect with the morning train for the North. The Campbell has good passenger ac commodations, and Capt. Rea will exert himself to please. The Duke and Piketon came in from Bowling Green last evening. The former will return forthwith. Wo are requested by Captain Gus. Lemcke, Superintendent of the Evans- ville ana Cairo Packet Line, to stale that the star packet May Duke will leave for Cairo at noon to-day. She has just come oft the ways, where she has been straightened up. She may now be considered emphatically the Maid of the Mist, runniag on a light dew. Her passenger accommodations are first class, and Capt GusJ Dusouchet and Billy Dunn are among the most popular and accomplished officers on the wave. The Colonna, due here Sunday, had not arrived at 5 o'clock last evening. The Colossus was also behind her reckoning, but probably arrived during the night. The Missouri Democrat of Monday savs: The heavy rains of last week affected the river only to the extent of checking the decline for two days, and; despair ingly, it may be said, the weather is clear, dry, and settled in appearance. Would that the sky became overcast, and shower down rain ais from compressed sponges. Since our last report the river has fall en two inches. We fear that we exag gerate when we say that there is 4i feat of water from St. Louis to Cairo, and from Cairo to Memphis. But we shall see to-day perhaps sooner. To Keokuk is a very important part of the river, dotted, as it is with numerous bright villages and thriving towns, with all their villages full of freight, very little of which can be forwarded to this mart, by reason of low water. The depth at latest dates was only three feet, which of course results in much delay by grounding. Pilots trll us last week that twenty two inches was all the water in the Illi nois from the mouth to Peoria, and 'fore God, we believe them when we recollect how frequently those sundry light draft steamers are aground. Ihe Missouri river is falling from Leavenworth down to the mouth, with 3J teet scant above Jefferson City, and 30 inches below that point. The worst bar is at the mouth of the Gasconade. Ihe Omaha, on her last trip from Omaha to St. Joseph, was aground 22 hours. " But," says the St. Joseph Her- aia or Saturday: Her officers are unable to report any improvement in navigation between here and toe Hlufls. Ihe difficulties met with do not dishearten the managers of this line of boats, and notwithstanding th iow stage oi water, tney succeeded in carrying an immense quantity of freight to tne upper country. GROCERIES. PIE FRUIT. PIE FRUIT 10 Doe Fresh Cherries ; 10 " " Raspberries; 10 " " Gooseberries ; 10 " m Currants; At H. A. COOK'S. SYRUP AND MOLASSES IS bfts O K Honey Syrup ; 15 " Excelsior Syrup, 10 ' Nonpariel Syrup; 5 " I X L Syrup; 5 " X X X Syrup; 30 Hlf bbls assorted as above ; 75 Kegs ' In etsre and for sale by fir. A. COOK. QUO BUSHELS WHITE POTATOES M " Sweet Potatoes ; At H. A. COOK'S. COME PUMPKINS U ?.00 Choier Sugar Pumpkins, selected for Pumpkin Pies ; At H. A COOK'S T)INE APPLES IN CANS A Tt SO doien more of those choice Pine Annie? Just received and for sale At H. A- COOK'S. NESTS MARKET BASKETS 4 in a nest. Just received at H. A. COOL'S. ESSENCE OF COFFEE" 30 Gross Essence of Coffee in Tin Roxes : 20 Foil ; 15 " " Papers; At H. A. COOK'S PINE APPLE CHEESE 15 cases Extra Quality Pine Apple Cheese; Just received at H. A. COOK'S. TJEARL BARLEY NEW CROP 1 16 kegs new Pearl Bailey ; At H. A. COOK'S. QPLIT PEAS 10 kegs new Split Peas ; At H. A. COOK'S. TJOAST RYE AND BARLEY xi. .-hi Dhls Fresh Roast Rye: 10 " Baey; At H. A. COOK'S. DOAST COFFEE J I 10 bbls Extra Onalitv Ro.i Just received and tor sale At H. A. fJOOK'S. "CAMILY FLOUR OF EXTRA QUALITY .i 1 have made arrangements to have a consti supply from one of the best Mills in the country XLSSft 3T1 y F1,our in brrel- barrels, y. barrels and barrel sacks, and warranted seconl t""on: At H. A . COOK'S HE,?:ITlrAND WHISK BROOMS 30 doz Hearth Brooms ; 30 Jj 1 String Whtak Brooms; W " Extra Hurl Handle " " Velvet Whisks Brooms: at H. A. COOK'S OPLIT BA8KKTB O 20 dox 14 bushel Split Baskets 15 dot assorted 1 bushel Split Baskets - 1 " " 4 h M At H. A. COOK'S. BRUSHES Shoe, Horse and Scrubbing, for sale By 8. E GILBERT A CO, No. 4 Svcam KM Rt R IO COFFEE- -140 sacks prime for sale by S. E. GILBERT & CO. NOTICE. -.idut'H, A LADY FROM f , T'; ,eur"e" by her skill as aphvsl cian for al kinds of diseases, is prepare. to give, to every sick person, information on the origin, the cause and treatment of their complaints, with out troubling them with many questions, the aforesaid lnformatim being made only by exam ining the pulse. Tonus very moderate, via 25 Cents. Tf? S'f,tr1" '"ttt ber mc. In Lamasco, near Chr s Miller a. Hoars for consultation from 9 to 12 o cloek a. m and from 2 te 5 o'loek p. m eupls-ta REGULAR PACKETS. Evansville and Henderson Daily Packet. qHE- SWIFT AND RELIABLE 'LIGHT 1 DRAUGHT PACKET K E O T O , C0M3T0CK Master, Will take the place of th "EP-jrt," and will make two trips to Henderson daily, Leaves Evansville daily at 12 m. and 7 p. m. Leaves Henderson daily at 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. Connections mad- at Evansville with the Ev ansvi le ft Crawfordsville R. R. For freight or passage apply on board, or to JOHN B. HALL, Evansville. oct2 BIORRIS ft BUCKNER, Henderson. Evansville and Cairo Packet Co. I FST MAIL PACKET LINE. Low Water Arrangement TO L Padvicali Cairo. During tho continuance of low water Boats w run as follows : FINE MAIL PACKET I! THE 3T 13 XT G. DUSOUCHET. Master W. DUNN. Clerk. Leaves Monday's and Thursday's at 2 o'clock, for Cairo and all Way Points. Leaves Cairo Tuesday's and Friday's at S p. ni. THE LIGHT DRAUGHT PACKET 1FTUTSTTSM IkT, E. WHISTLER, Blaster F. R. HUSTON, Cl'k. Leavta Wednesday's and Saturday's at 2 p. m. for Cairo and all Way Point?. Leaves Cairo on Thursday's A Sunday's atop, m., Makin : connections at Cairo with the Illinois Central Railroad, and at Evansville with the Evansville and Crawfbrdsvil'.e Railroad. For freight or passage apply on board or to Cox t Humphrey, Lower Wharf Boat, or to P. D. Veits, Agents. sepl5-dtf Low Water Arrangement. EVANSVILLE AND CAIRO PACKET W TT IV T T? T7" a ca ROBERTS, Master SHIELDS, Clerk TTILL PLY AS A REGULAR PACKET BE- tween Evausvilln, Paducah and Cairo dur ing the low water. She is very light not. roomy She leaveson MONDAY, September It, at 10a. m For freight or passage applv to -pl2 tf JNO. B HALL, Agent Cincinnati and Memphis PACKET COMPANY. For Evansville, Be4rrwn, Jin' Vernon, Shawneetov:. Smithlai Paducah. Cairo. Oolnmlom TTw-'-r. and Menipnis, and all way-points on the Ohi.. and Mississippi Rivers, comprising the following new light-draught passenger packets : NORMAN, I JEWESS, T.T-?Pi" Bfttcnelr. I Captain Frazier. PBINCES8. W. C. MANN. Captan Maratta. Captain Shunk. One of tbe above Boats will pass Evansville Weekly for Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, and Mem phis. Also, weekly for Cincinnati. For freight or passage enquire of COX A HUMPHREY, pMtf Agent.. Regular Evansv'lle and Cairo PACKET, DURING LOW WATER. THE STEAMER IiON NA, BOLUS, Captain. H. HYDE, Clerk, WILL RUN REGULARLY IN TIU5 TOM, fabovo trade during low water. rorireignt or passage apply on sep9 board. IT. S. Mail Boat for Louisville. "raaon the Louisville and Evansville " U. S. Mail Comnanv will rnn a . 1 i 1 v line, (Sunday's excepted of liirht drauirht steam ers, leaving from Cox A Humphrey's Wharf Boot. For further information apply to Cox A Hum phrey. JO. H. BUNCE, Superintendent. Juno 25-tf Kesular Evansville and Bowling Green Packet. THI- SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAMER R. K. DUNKERS0N, A. DRINKWATEB, Master, , TT7 WILL LEAVE EVANSVILLE I-tifc?-'?? '"yyr Monday and Thursday at 4 5 j. J-.Tfl o'clock p. ni . Leaves Bowling Green every Wednesday and Saturday at S a. m., making sure connections with me Armaua tor tne Lower Ohio, and Grev Eaele for Louisville. m-26 LOUISVILLE AND HENDERSON AII.Y LINE, (SUNDAY'S X KPT . The Kvansville & Louisville V. S STB AMBRS " BIG " GREY EAGLE, (apt. BUNCE . J, A. LUSK, Clerk. u STAR " GREY EAG LE, Capt. HUTSINPILLEB W. G. V0RIS, Clerk J. T M c COMBS, Capt. BALLARD J. GWATHNEY, Clerk Compose the Line, and will leave Evansville for Louisville as follows : Monday's, STAR GREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock m ') , j. i. racuuniBS, at a o clock, p n. Wednesday's " BIG " GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock STAR" GREY EAGLE, at o o'clock T. McCOMBS, at 8 o'clock p. m ' BIG " GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p. n. Thursday's, p. M. Friday's, J Saturday's, p. v. RETURNING: J. T. SIcCOMBS, leaves Louisville Monday's ana Thursday's. BIG" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Tues day s and Friday's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed nesday's and Saturday's. Punctually at C o clock p. M. For comfort and speed the at: ore steamers an unsurpassed. COX A HUMPHREY dec! 2 0 GROCERIES.; T7RUITS, FRUITS l JO doz 2 lb cans Fresh Peaches. 20 " " " Tomatoes, 20 " " " Blackberries. Just nn-eived and for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY CROCERY. DINE APPLES A 10 dox 2 tb caus Fresh Pine Apnle. 10 " 2 Quart Bottles " For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. JELLIES JELLIES " C dozen assorted kinds choice Jellies At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. rHAMPAIGNE CTDETl J 8 dozen Quart Bottles Cliampaigne Cider. For aale at ELLIOTT'S FA3IIL Y GROCERY. RAISENS AND CITRON - 20 boxes Raisena, 100 lbs Genoa Citron. For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. CONCENTRATED MILK -vy 4 dozen 1 lb cans Concentrated Milk, Just received and for sale At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. PRUNES 200 lbs Turkish Prunes, 2 dozen Jars French Prunes. For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY PRIME PICKLED PORK 10 barrels choice, for Bale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. QOMWHIHG NEW O 5 gross Mix's Patent Ventilator for Coal Oil Lainjjs. Wita this burner no chimney is needed tll and see them At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. iOKFEE 20 i sacks choice Rio Coffee, for 1 ... ELLIOTT S FAMILY GROCERY. ORrsiIES 1J lo dozen assorted sizes Feather Brushes S ' I'.iM.I.r 20 " assorted kinds Scrub Brushes o " '" " Shoe Brushes, 8 Flour Brushes. Just received and for sale at LLIOTT'B FAMILY GROCERY IRENCH MUSTAKDH " Sdoaeu Genuine Fn-nch Mustard, for sale AKLLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. TLOUI L' r'0 barrels Donbl Eitra White Wheat Flour, JUO Sacks Just received at , ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. SO'OAR Loaf, Crushed, and Powdered Sugars I ' 50 bbls. just received and for sale bv j 8. K. GII.UKRT 1 lCI Juit received ; for sale T by s. E. GILBERT ft CO. BOOTS & SHOES. BIG BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. WM, IBM h Ct Jo. 63 MAIN STREET, Are again in Market with the largest Stock of GOOD GOODS, (We say GOOD, tor we sell that kind of Stock), to be found in any House of our acquaintance Eaat or West. They were bought for Cash by one of the tirm who spends the greater part of his tame hast for tnat express purpose. With many years experience in the business, we natter ourselves tnat we understand it well, and with facilities at our command, we Can etrxcS. w 111 s Sell Goods as cheap as any Jobbing House in the coun try, we care not where that House may be located ; if in the East we will add trans- portation. we would re spectfully call the attention M . 1 oi tne trade to an examina tion of our Goods. We like to sell good Goods ; they speak for us whereever they MORGAN, READ & CC HAT HOUSE It is not a mooted question that MORGAN, READ & CO., ISTo. 68 We xx Street, Have the Largest and Hand somest stock of H jAl. 1$ To be found in any one House in the West. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hats of every Fashionable style in vague either East or West. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Dress Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool French Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool J Planter and Planter Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Burnside, Monitor, Cochran, &c, Hats. Men's Plain and Colored Leghorn and Straw Hats. Men's Panama & Palm Leaf Hats. Boy's Fur and Wool Hats, (great variety.) Boy's Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. Children's Fur, Wool, Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. The above Stock has just been purchased directly of the Manu facturers of New England for CASH, at low figures, and we will sell as low as any jobber East, transportation added. Call and examiue our Goods before buying. No trouble to show goods. MORGAN, READ A Cn I March 'Zfc. iaS. COLLECTOR'S SALE. tollector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment of the costs and expenses of Sidewalk Improve meuts. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY virtue of a precept issued by the ilayor of thu City of Evansville and tome directed, I will sell at public auction, at the door of the Court House in said City, rriaay, uciooerv, mi iu o clock a. in., the following Lots or parcels of Real Estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay tbe amount charged and assessed against said Lots re Sectlvi ly for the coats and expenses of ntakiug sidewalk improvements upon aaid Lots, togetbet with the costs of sale, and that the said sale will be continued on the nextday thereafter, vis: Satur day, the loth of October, at 10 o'eloek a. m., at the same place for the purpose ofeellingsueh prop erty as may have been sold on tbe day abovw mea oued and not paid for : F01RT1I ENLARCBMEKT. L ot No. 1, block No. 8; Frank Chainoers nam owners, SIB 56. STOCKWEI.L'S HNLABBM1ST. Lot . bloek 1, C. L. Neainasten's heirs, Sit ;t. N. W. tflot 10, bloek L, U4 W. 8. BOSPPLE, Colleetor. RvansTilU, Sept. 24, ItAS. BOOTS & SHOES. W. H. WALKER. DE C. EVANS. WALKER & EVANS, Retail Dealers Exclusively in B00TS& SHOES No. 81 MAIN STREEi, Evansville, Ind. We devote onr whole time and attention to the Boot and Shoe Trade Exclusively Consequently can give you better bargains than thoae who are " dabbling " in Boots and Shoes in connection with other business. City and County Orders par for Goods. sepS-ly taken at SADDLERY. Charles Babcock, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. HAVING COMPLETED MY ARRANGE ments with European and American man o facturers for a direct supply of all good in my line I am enabled to offer inducements that can not fail to be to the interest of all engaged in the business to give me a trial. I s'f is part . Axles, Springs made ott ae best Strel Bands, enameled ax all kinds of Loathe. Cloths, Linings for Carriages, Varnishes, Castings of all kinds ; Saddle Trees, English Bridle Leathers j Bits, Stirrups, Spurs, Hames, fine Silvw Ham of all kinds; Jenny Llnd GigTreer; Self-adjusting Pads ; Taylor's Patent Haass; Fly Nets ; Shoe Threads ; Horse Blankets ; London Girth Webs, American Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted ; Lon don Welt Skins, a superior article ; Ivory ; Gutta Percha. and Brass lined Martengal Rings ; superior Kerseys for Horse Covers f the best quality ef Carriage Bolts ; Patent Gig Trees, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. I keep in fact everything appertaining to el that branch of the business, and understanding beta branches thoroughly, we would respectfully iavitt your attention before pun basing elsewhere. I am also Agent tor Ward's l atent Spring 8a as 2nd Aw v. r. ossnrra. J. B. WASHES THE NEW FIRM. VVFni THE SI BSCETBERS, WHOLESALK manufacturers of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Harness, Ac, desire to inform the pnblic that w have largely increased onr stock on hand, and by close application ourselves and the employment of good workman iu onr shops, we are able to fur nish on short notice auy and all kinds and quanti ties of work to suit the trade. Those who will favor as with a call, can satisfy themselves, that they can procure, at lower prices, good substan tial, fancy and durable work of us than they can anywhere else, (and far better than tbe Eastern shop-work.) The members of the firm being practical work men themselves, attending personally to all orders with promptness, care and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in style of finish or quality of work, give better satisfaction to those patronizing ns; feel confident it will be to the interest of all to come and see for themselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Store ou Locust Street, above the Sherwood House, between First and Second Streets, No. 33. N. B. Guarantee all we sell. sep2 W. F. COBWIN ft CO. ITemoval. fyHE UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE RE X moved their Saddlery establishment to :h Corner of Main and Second Street, in the room oc cepied by Fred. Krone, deceased. c. wolff & j: kkoepsch, H AM TACT t Er. OT AND DEALEB8 Ut Saddles, Harness, COLLARS, &e., &c, Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly ocrnppied by Fred. Krone.) SS.A 1 1 orders attended te with dispatch. Work warranted. DOTlS-ly GROCERIES. FRESH FIGS-500 just received by lrums very choice quality 8. E. GILBERT ft CO. CIGARS A large stock from Common to Fine Havana forsalelowby sep30 S. E. GILBERT A CO. SODA 150 Kegs, best quality, for sale low, in lots to the trade. se;..'," S. E. GILBERT A CO. KENTUCKY MUSTARD 100 Boxes, 2 dox, each, aep30 At S.E. GILBERT ft CO AROLINA TAB In lo and 2 gallon Kegs, and Wagon Tar in Barrels, for sale sep30 By S. E. GILBERT ft 00. RIFLE POWDER In Kegs and half pound Canisters, for sale low. sep30 By 8. E. GILBERT ft CO. GOVERNMENT NORTHERN PITCH 10 bbU Vlfor sale by S. E. GILBERT ft CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. SYRl'P 150 bbls., different brands, for sale low by 8. E. GILBERT A CO. TEW ORLEANS srGAaV-STI hbds! fair to J.1 prime, for salo low by 8. E GILBERT ft CO. TABLE SALT 50 sacks, of 60 small bags each, for sale by S. X. GILBERT I CO. 70. 1 HERRING 50 boxes best quality just received and for sale by S. E. GILBERT A CO. FRESH WHITE LIME 150 barrels Blue River. Just received and for sale by S. E GILBERT ft OO. sep.Hi No 4 Sycamore Street. OTTON BATTING 50 Bale; , for sale van low sepUHl By S. X GILBERT A CO. IX WRITING PAPER VV 300 Reams Cap Letter, and Fancy aud Flaiu Note, f. r sale ssp30 By S E, GILBERT A CO. 1 NOTICE. United States Marshal's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE TO me directed rr.mi the Clerks Office of tbe District Court of the I'nited States for the District of Indiana, I will ou Tl'ESDA Y, THE ."OTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 18C3, at George Foster's Warehouse, corner of Locust street and Canal, iu the city of Evansville. Indi ana, offer lor sale at PCBLIC AUOTIOX vnn CAfHa One-half Keg Powder, one Bag Shot, thrje Kegs and seven Pounds Powder, four Trunks ar.i seven Satchels, cotaiuing Needles, Combs, Notions, and Fine Cutlery; one Box Medicine; twenty-five Boxes Blackberry Wine. It having been condon ed and forfeited to the United States as enemies property, aud tho Marshal ordered by the Court to sell tin- same DAVID G. V. S. 9S iB g H ROSE. Marshal. oct By 8. S. Biselow, Deputy.