Newspaper Page Text
f - LfS't ii , i I T a FOE DAILY. no jour Six months B 00 3 00 1 50 Three months - . i," .Mi.,,, .supplied by carriers at 11 cent par weak. FOB WEEKLY, hree maUis... oths ; Yer.. $ 1 60 FOB TRI-WEEKLY. Six months... One year .. 2 00 4 00 SASH AND DOORS. JAMES STEELE, (Successor t Stkbxb Emm,) ! n OHD ST., BET. CHESTNUT AND CHEEKY, EVANSVILLE, INDIANJ SASH, DOORS, WINDOW BLINDS Dressed Lumber Lh9tc 'f eTery Jeripon constantly .,h?"i..??cin Boxes of aU kind, mads to o7 ui every tlnd don. on th shortest apl8 ly W. HUNNELL, ORNER WALNUT STREET AND CANAL, EVANSVILLE, IN Has on hand the largest lot at Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Frames, Jfcc Err Manufactured In the rest. THEY ABE OF MY OWN MAKE. I lme also a fine lot of White Pin and Popular rUwiDg. Moulding of all kinds nude and sawing a( all drecriptkiMsduiw at the shortest Lotice. MARBLE WORKS. f OHLH0EH & BRINKMAN, (Successor toM. A. Lawrence.) Dealers tn tM ERICAS AND ITALIAN MARBLE. Main Stree. Wear Court Hons. EVANSVILLE, - - INDIANA WMoiiummits, In r vse, midall neatly and promptly x- st styles. .Vr-1 k.!"ls rwte-1 'v ' aa lirr. t from the Qnarrieo, tue i e Fin st Stock of Marble I j n$M te Ibis mark--, and fur sal at E T & YOUNG American and Italian Marble Manufactory, WARE AMD SALES ROOM "KTo. 184 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal Onr facilities for furnishing those wishing JIOMMESTS, GRAVESTONES, TOMBS, MANTLES, jrVnvthiug else in oar line, are unsurpassed In Our Stock of Marble is complete, haying bean elected -with great care at the Quarries. my6dAw r. W. BBIKKVKTEB. . MnBLIBQ SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. BRSNKMEYER &L CO., Manufacturer of -i teres, Holla w Vs, Iwua Rail intra, j House, Fronts, Verandas, Balconies, Castings In General, COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Ae W Sales Rooni Main Street, opposite Court House. -Fonndery Near th Mouth of Pigeon Creek EVASSVILLE, ISO. ORDERS SOLICITED." my8 NOTICE. IRS. ERNENBUTSCH, A LADY FROM iVL Germany, celebrated by her skill as a physi cian for all kinds of diseases, is prepared to give, to every sick person, information on th origin, the cause and treatment of their complaints, with out troubling them with many questions, the aforesaid information being made only by exam ining, the pulse. Terms very moderate, vis : S5 Cents. The Doctress is at her office, in Lamasoo, near Chris Miller's. Hoars far consnltatlon from 9 to 12 o'clock a. m. and from - 5 o'clock p. m. aspl5-3m SADDLERY. REMOVAL. IIIK UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE RE nioved their Saddlery establishment to th Corner of Main and Second Street, in the room oc cupied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF" J. KROEPSCH, SAsrrACTums or add duliu ia Saddles, Harness, CO I LARS, fee., &c., Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly occuppied by Fred. Krone.) ... All orders attended to with dispatch. Work warranted. w. r. cokwin. J. B. K AGUES THE NEW FIRM. ll'E. THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHOLESALE manufacturers of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Harness. Ac, desire to Intorm the public that we have largely increased our stock on hand, and by close application ourselves and the employment of good workman in our shops, wear able to fur n ish on short not lee any aa all kinds and quanti ties of work to suit the trade. Those who will favor as with a call, can satisfy themselves, that they can procure, at lower prices, good substan tial', fancy and durable work of us than they can anyyhere else; (and far better than the Eastern shop-work.) . . The members of the firm being practical work mT, iiomvlvM. attending personally to all ,.-.irv with nn,mntiMu. care and distjatch, deter miW that none shall excel in style of finish or , qaalitv of work, giws belter satisfaction to those j patronizing us; feel confident it will be to ft ' interest of all to cone and see tot Uwmselves bo core purchasing elsewhere. , ! Store on Locust Street, above the Sherwood BasBsa, between First and Second Streets, No. 26. . N. B. Guarantee all we sell. I sep2 W. F. COB-WIN A CO. Charles Babcock, IMPOBTSB AND DEALEB IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STREET, EYANSYILLE, INDIANA. HAVING COMPLETED MY ARRANGE ments with European and American manu lactnrers for a direct supply of all goods in my line I am enabled to offer inducements that can not mil to be to the interest of all engaged in the business to give me a trial. I naar in part. Axles, Springs made oft as best SU1 -Bands, enameled a all kinds of Leathe. Cloths, Linings for Carriages , Varnishes, Castings of all kinds ; Saddle Trees, English Bridle Leathers , Bits, Stirrups, Spars. Hames, fine Silver Hash of all kinds ; Jenny ma uig rress ; So'f-adicsting Pads ; Taylor's Patent Hames ; Fly Nts ; Shoe Threads ; Horse Blankets ; London Girth Webs, American Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted ; Lon don Welt Skim, a suprior article; Ivory ; Gutta Percha and Brass lined Martengai Bisgs; superior Kerseys fBr Horse Covers ( the best quality of Carriage Bolts; Patent Gig Trees, Ac., Ac., Ac, Ae. i keep in fact everything appertaining to either Uanch of the business, and nnderstandiag bth branches thoroughly, we would respectfully Isvite your attention before purchasing elsewhere. I am also Agent for Ward's Patent Spring 8a 90dAW EVA VOLUME XVI. HARDWARE. GEO. S.SONHRG&Cfl., Jobbe s and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery Our Fall Stock being very large and complete, we can offer to our Customers and the Trade, Goods: that can not fail to please in Style, Qualitjr and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We oifer the tollowing iu large quant ites: TABLE CUTLERY, English. TABLE CUTLERY, sasjliaa TABLE CUTLERY, English. TABLE CUTLBRY, Amnriean. POCKET CUTLERY. POCKET CUTLERY. POCKET CUTLERY. POCKET CUTLERY. CHOP PI XO AXES. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING AX Eg. 8HEABS AND SCISSOR HJI EARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCISSORS TABLE AND TKA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE A ND TEA SPOONS. MILL AND CUT SA ITS MILL AND H CUT BA WS WOOD AND HAND SAWS. WOOD AND HAND SAWS. BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MECHANICS TOOLS. BUILDER'S HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS. BUNS AND PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS. I ATI. Ki TO Tll J a CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS PLATPORM AND COUNTER SCALES. PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. GEO. S. SOX STAG & CO., Mo. 10 Main Street. SEWING MACHINES. F. M. BELLMAN HAVING FITTED CP A office, No. 36 Main Street, will keep, as Here tofore, a good assortment of Wheeler A ilion s and Singers Sewing Machines and Needles, Silk Thread and oil, and everything that is connectea : with the business, and will repair ait sina oi os ! ing Machines and put on new improvements. jy24 BELLMAN . Ag't. OYSTER DEPOT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL O YSTER DEPOT. T AM SOLE AGENT FOR JSTILE'S CELE 1 13 RATED Gora-fcd Oysters. Received dally by Adam's Express Company. Orders promptly filled. WM. CALDWELL, No. 9 First Street. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OYSTER1 DEPOT LIQUORS. 3tr 3vr N. F. CARR & CO., HrHOLtgALK DEALERS TN IMPORTED VV and Domestic Wines and Liquors, have openeT at No. 28 First Street, (adjoining Messrs. , Bills as TOllOWS were piccu., . bollingswortli A Bro., Ouens-wre Store,) a large ' motion allowed, viz: ! stock of Liquors, to which wbg te call the at- , Street Co,missioner8 weeklj ten tion of th trade. We are prepared to offer ex- ; ine Street uo.uiuisaiunci j traordiuary inducements to Ossh buyers, and re- yJH for work done on Streets, j spectally nette Merchants. Bar Keepers, .dealers, j gy: perkin'8 monthly salary as En- and all others who are lutere.ted la buying good . -"J" th'q , I Liquors to call upon us before pwrchasing. gineer, $66 65; Thomas Bullen s niontn i Our stock is iarg, and consists of a very great j 8alarv as teamster, $40 00; James ; ZS5lfS&SRtt ! Swan90" biil i1Tber f04 Locu8t IS ! Si. Monongai.sta nf By Whi.ity, which Cemetery, $6 50; James bwanson, bill I w warraut to ba gennine t N. F. CAR A CO. PUBLISHED BY I JAMES U. McNEELY. F. M. THAYER. JNO. H. MoNEELY. ONDKK THB F1EM Ot THE Evans ville Journal Company. J" o iii-rial Buildings, LOCUST STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND WATER. MONDAY NOVEMBER The Great Sanitary Fair In Chicago. IMMENSE DONATION 01' STORES THE PRO CESSION THREE MH.BS LONG. The Northwestern Fair, ao long adver tised, opened on Tuesdav in f!k! The spirit manifested at the opening wili send a thrill of jov to every soldier's neart I he Fair is to contime two weeks, and all the receipts will be ex pended in good and useful things for sick and wounded sjldiers. Four halls have been engaged for the Fair and the enter tainments connected with it Among the lecturers expected there are Miss Anne Dickinson, Senator Sumner, Ed ward Everett, John B. Gough and G. W. Curtis. Balatka will get up a monster concert, and poems are expected from Whittier and Longfellow. Among the famous works of art which will be on ex hibition is " Church's Heart of the Ar. des." The Tribune devotes four columns to a description of the opening ceremonies, trom which we make the following ex tracts: Yesterday will never be forgotten in Chicago, or in the West. Memorable it will remain both as history and patriot ism. Snch a sight was never 3een be fore in the West upon any occasion; and we doubt whethar a mor maraifimnt spectacle was ever presented in the streets of the Empire City itself, than that vast procession of charriots and horsemen, country wagons, and vehicles, civic and military companies, both horse and foot, which converted Chicago for the time being into a vast theatre of wonders. From the earliest dawn of day the heart of the mighty city was awake, and long before eight o'clock the streets were thronged with jieople citizens hurried excitedly to and fro; and country wo men, with their children, came in aarly in the morning, with colors tied to their bridles, and decorating their wagons, and with miniature flags and banners on their horses' heads. On the housetops, on the buildings, flaunted the glorious flag of liberty. By nine o'clock the city was in a roar; the vast hum of multitu dinous voices filled the atmosnhoro Drums beat in all parts of the city, sum moning the various processions, or ac companying them to the grand central rendezvous. Bands of music playing tunes, bands of young men and women singing patriotic songs, enlivened the streets. Every pathway was jammed up with human bodys, so that it was with extreme difficulty any headway could be made. As near 10 o'clock as possible the pro cession started, banners flying, drums the vast multitudes of people with thrill ing, exciting music. On it came, that mighty pageant! following the cuuiao laid down in the printed programme. (Such earnest enthusiasm as accompa nied the procession, from first to last, has rarely been witnessed on any occasion. It was a grand and sublime protest on behalf of the people against the pol troons and traitors who were enemies to the Government and opposed to the war. Bursts of patriotic feeling came from many a loyal bosom on that memorable and never-to-be-forgotten day. The peo ple seemed to overflow with loyalty, and could not contain themselves. Now the mighty eloquence of that majestic aud sublime procession spoke for them 1 That was the thing which they all along wanted to say but could not I They were in themselves cyphers, mere units of the nation; but there, in all those thousands of men, they saw themselves multiplied into an incalculable, irresisti ble host, and felt that their hour of tri umphant speech had come at last! That was the answer which they thundered out j in trumpet tones to ine miserauie traitors who had so long torn the bleeding heart of their country. " I always knew," said one old man at our elbow, in the crowd, while we were watching the procession, " that the heart of the people was all right They didn't know their danger for a long while. Now they've found it out and this is what they say about it" We timed the procession as it passed the Court House. It occupied precisely 1 fifty-eight minutes in its splendid march, j For splendid it truly was such a sight as we expect never to see again. AT THE SANITARY COMMISSION. The scene presented at the Sanitary Commission rooms was worth going a great distance to witness, and thousands improved the opportunity. Here 'vagons were drawn up, delivering their treasures to the agents who are to forward them to the boys in the field. The sidewalks and streets were filled with boxes, bar rels and sacks, and scores and hundreds of by-standers eagerly put their shoulders to the work, and were proud to take part in -andlinji some of thia. soldiers' pro- I duce. Madison street, for nearly a j block, was blockaded for nearly half an ' hour. The back room of the commission i ! was filled with wheat; Mr. McVicker tendered them the use of his cellar. which was soon filled ; next B. W. Ray mond offered storage room in one of his large cellars, which was gladly accepted and promptly used. We regret that some photographist was not on hand to take a view of that crowd, and present j duplicates to the Fair. They would have j sold by thousands. Then follows minute descriptions of the Hall where the Fair is held, Art Gallery, Machinery Department, Curi osity Shop, etc., etc. The Fair will continue through this week and all of next Quite a number of our citizens have gone up to enjoy a refreshing time, aud more are going. Council Proceedings. Saturday Eve., Oct 24, 1863. Present His Honor the Mayor, and CoaacUmeo Dean, Elliott, Birkenbusch ( Hoelscher, Newman, toenmuwe, uvere.. aud Cook. . , The Minutes ot last meeting were reu and approver of lumber for repairs on pavement MORNING EVY6ViLLJ; IND., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1865. Muth, for hauling cinders to Oak Hill Cemetery, $16 25; Michael Pickel, do Locust Hill Cemetery, $16 50; Isaac Heimar, for 170 feet of gunnels, $6 80; R Nurre & Co,, bill of lumber for cul vert on High street, $16 50; A. Kirk patrick, for repairing fence at old grave yard, $5 00; J. Mclnerny, for repairs on Main street bridge, $0 75 ; Robert Fer gus, bill of lumber used for public side- waiss, ld i; Jtly. Schmutte. tor rais ing house at Locust Hill Cemetery, maic- ;1 t. - soo r.c. iti t ttc, o jj; tnnsuan Jung, re pairing and sharpening plows, &c, $2 20; Sheriff Wolflin was allowed $10 00 to wards expenses removing crazy negro out of town. Michael Bickel, for two days labor at Franklin street sewer, $3 00; John Shapner & Co., for exea vation and filling at Franklin street, $200 00. Councilman Overell's motion to dis continue the work at City Wharf was agreed to. The public cisterns were reported in good condition. Revenue received from outside collections from Central Mar ket for the weeks ending Oct 10th, 17th and 24th $5 95 Revenue received from Citv Wharf for the week ending midnight, October 22, 1863... Tire Committee appointed to $40 50 cancel Uty Orders, report, City Orders canceled by burn- ing, Oct 23, 1863 $23,658.12 Oct 24, 1863 ....10,905.00 ... Total $34,443.12 i'ur wuicu amount dames uaviason, tue treasurer, is entitled to credit. The Mayor reports coupons of Donas of the city issued to the E. I. & C.S. L. R. R. Co. paid to J. Morrison 10 bonds, 4 coupons each; 40 coupons fdS $35 each $1,400.00 interest to Uct. , b3 166.66 Premium on draft 1.96 Total ; $1,568.62 Said report was received, and ordered to be entered on the minutes. The Mayor also reports that agreeably to the order of council he has caused all the wharf stock herd by William Miln and Mrs. Mary Mauck to be paid, viz 1 To Wm. Miln, $8,500 00; for interest on stock, $255 00; to Mrs. Mary Mauck, $2,000 00; for interest on stock, $60 00. The amount of wharf stock yet to be paid is $3,000 00, which is held and owned by Marcus Sherwood. An order for a brick walk, dated Sep tember 26, 1864, on the south-east side of Sixth street, from Main to Locust street, was and is hereby rescinded. 1 he Marshal was instructed to have a sufficient number of copies of an ordi nance, relative to gutters on Main street, printoj. and have such distributed amongst the property holders on said street The Mayor recommended to the coun cil to make an appropriation for the re lief of the poor of the city, particularly widows, and the families of soldiers. STEAM BAKERY meau. ujl tue aa NEW STEAM BAKERY. raro. -l-l WATER STREET, EVAN8VILT.E, INDIANA. IUTE DESIRE TO INFORM THK CITIZENS VV of Evansville, and the community n gen- eral, that our NEW STEAM BAKERY, NO. 11 WATER STREET, Is now in successful operation, ami we shall keep constantly on hand and make to ord.-r, on short notice, all articles mad" at Me limnnfiictcvries ; such as Bread. Cakes, Pies. Crackers, Ac, Ac. Being supplied with all the modern machinery to facHlate us in onr bnstnss, we natter ourselves that we can giv the most ample satisfaction in the quality of our goods and in prices. We will also keep on hand a large and choice stock of Confections, FruitJ, Nnts, Oig.irs, Ac , to which we call attention. Orders for public or private Parties, Festivals, Balls, Ac , Ac , promptly filled on reasouuble terms. aeplStf A. WKLD A CO. WATCHES & JEWELRY. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, AT Wholesale and Retail. GEO. A. BITTR0LFF Uas Just opened at the old stand IVo. t One of the largest and let selected btocks of WATCHES, CLOCKS AND i riO W " 3La JFJL "ST, Diamond Rings and Pins, Silver Ware, Silver Cups, Soup Ladles, . Table and Tea Spoons. Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Childrens' Setts, &c. &c. Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cups, Butter Dishes, Salt-Cellars, Goblets, Jewelry, A full assortment of all kinds of ; Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, &c, &c. Having bought my stock for Cash, I can sell at the lowest figures for Cash. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, st P GEO. A. BTTTROLFF, sep5 No. 4S Main Street. MUSIC STORE. WAEtEJr & COllYNGTON'S MITSIO ST-EL1S: Bazaar of Fancy Goods. Pis. NO FORTES, MELODEONS, HARMONI UMS, Accordeons, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Uarionets. and everything usually kept in Musir Stores. The only stork of Sheet Music and Instruction Books For all instruments will be found here. The very - : best Italian Violin, Guitar, Vsounceuo ana Banjo Strings always on hand. Fancy Goods, Toys aud and Retail. Kottaos at Wholesale Old Piano taken in exchange for new oner. Instruments of sll k!iTd-rpari and tnned l4 .-. 1 lilts r-ir.i.i.i. EvaoBVtllo. Dr. J. T. CONN. H AVISO TERMINATED HIS MEDICAL SERVICES with the Army, ha resumed ,nrm i,f Mr-divine and fcurgerv in t ,u cuv L . ansville. Office and residence on Ninth in I oojsodiw DAILY EDITION. DRUGS, &c. WJt H. P. STODDARD, So. 17 Main Street, EVAXSVILLE, IMD. JMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEAL er in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Oils. Paints. Varnishes, Glass, Brushes, Lamps, Dye Stuffs, and ail articles usually kept is a first class Drug Store, with a large and varied assortment of Patent Med. icines and Perfumery, together with every descrip tion of Ambrotype and Photograph Goods, con sisting f Cameras. Chemicals, Cases and Frames constantly ou band, and sold at reasonable prices Orders from Merchants and Artists promptly attended to, and forwarded as instructed. TO PBINTEB8 AND PUBLISHEBS.-Just received a fresh lot of Wade's Printing Ink, comprising Book, Card and an assortment of Colored Inks in cans, at WM. H. P. STODDARD'S. 17 Main street. ALEXANDER'S PATENT CEMENT, Rooting and Railroad and St amboat FOB nur- P"f. a very superior ana aaraDie article at 17 Main Street. DR. LTON'S PERIODICAL DROPS HAVE arrived. Call and set a bottle at 17 Main Street. COAL OIL A superior article ; white and near ly i aoderous, for sale by the gallon or bar rel, at 17 Main street. LAMPS, LAMPS A new supply Jast received, at 17 Main street. BULL'S FAHNESTOCK'S, McLANE'S and a variety of other Vetmifuees. at the Citv Drtur Store, 17 Main Street. SHALLENBERGER'S FEVER AND AGUE Antedote for sale at 17 Main Street. BRUSHES An endless variety of kinds qualities can lie had at 17 Main Street. and GROCERIES' APPLES I 10 doz 2 lb cans Fresh Pine Annie. 10 " 2 Quart Bottles " For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILT GROCERY. TELLIES JELLIES tl Vdoaen assorted kinds choice Jellies, At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. CHAMPAIGNE CIDER 8 doien Quart Bottles Champaigns Cider. For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. RAISENS AND CITRON 20 boxes Raisens, 100 lbs Genoa Citron. For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. CONCENTRATED MILK " 4 dozen 1 lb cans Concentrated Milk, Jast received and for sal At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. PRUNES 200 lbs Turkish Prunes, 2 dozen Jars French Prunes. For sate at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY PRIME PICKLED PORK 10 barrels choice, for sale st ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. SOMETHING NEW 8 gross Mix's Patent Ventilator for Coal Oil Lamps. Wltn this burner no chimney is needed Call and see them At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. COFFEE 20 sacks choice Rio Coffee, for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. BRUSHES 10 dozen assorted sizes Feather Brushes, o ? 41 Counter 20 " assorted kinds Scrub Brushes, 10 " " Shoe Brashes, 2 " Flour Brushes. Jast received snd for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. FRENCH MUSTARD 8 doz-n Genuine French Mustard, for sale At ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. QUEENS WARE, &c. China, Glass AND Queens ware. I have now on hand, and am daily receiving additions thereto, one of the Ta ge1 Stools. O F CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE Ever brought to the West, and am determined that no necessity shall exist for Merchants to go East for their Clueensware. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine for themselves, at No. 18 Main Street. Common desired. oc26 Ware furnished alone If M. A. LAWRENCE. WATCHES & JEWELRY. J. L. BITTROLFF, JR., No. 1, North First Street. An entirely new Stock of Watches and Jewelry, SILVEKWABE, OXOCI-3, &c- I WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE public that I have opened an entirely new and fashionable stock of the above goods, which, hav ing been bought for cash, I am prepared to sell at prices as low as the lowest, and warrant every article to be just as represented. From long ex perience in the business, I am confident of giving satisfaction, and hope to merit a share of the pub lic patronage Personal attention paiu io rei""'s Clocks and Jewelry. J. L. B1TTBOLFF, Jr., No. 1, North First Street. octl"-lmdAw SEGARS, &c. SCHROEDER & LEMCKE, WHOLESALE DEALESA IS Cigars, Smoking, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, & c. JSTo. 60 MCa,lTi 3t., EVANSVILLE, IHD. Jfe have new, and will keep, on hand a complete nd well assorted stock of CIGARS & TOBACCO, AND OFFER THK SAME TO THE PUBLICS) LOW FOR CASH. aSnilers will find it to their interest to carl and ovnmine our d rices. We are enabled to sell to them as low as any house in the West. octl7-dAw SCHROEDKR A LEMCKE. 1 ' $10,000 CHALLENGE. THE BEST AND ONLY RELIABLE OPE rator in the world, and the oae who ha eclipses all others both in New York, all the cities in the East, West, North and South, is now en gaged, and has been for some months past, in making those supurb Card Photographs at Mr. fc. G. Smith's Gallery, ou Main Street, opposite the the i Court House. Be sure your right then i "i sisirs. ana tor 32 00 i" 1 v.wv , .-- . Street. operator Old Sol, pencil off your charming phiz. osCS-St JOURNAL. GROCERIES. HEN R Y L U T Z Dealer in 0 331 GrROa3H.I AND PROVISIONS, Cor. Chesnut Street and the EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Can al I HAVE RETURNED HOME FROM THE army, and am ready to see my old customers, and the public generally, at the old stand. The highest market price paid for PRODUCE. I am also prepared to accommodate people attend ing Slarket with board and lodging, and will also take care of their horses and wagons, having a good stable and wagon-yard. jay oar is also open iur customers. oct-lwdlmw H. LUTZ. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. STEPHENH. S. COOK, 175 Main Street, Between Sixth and Seventh, Is the place to obtain the Cheapest and best FAMILY GROCERIES Good Sugar 7 pounds For 91. Excellent Coffee 3 pounds For f 1. Everything else in proportion. Eatables of all kinds kept constantly on hand. Call and exam ine articles and prices before purehashing elsewhere WGood Fresh Butter received every Saturday. ang8 WM. GLENN & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, TO and 1 Vine Street, Bet. See ond and Pearl gta. CINCINNA TI, 0. HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR Bale at the lowest market prices, a large and well selected stock of Groceries, Tobacco, Cordago, Wooden Ware, Ac, to which ws invito the atten tion of Merchants. sepl9 amcsl E. Gilbeet. Wiuus R. Baku S. E. GILBERT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Sycamore Street, bet. Water and First, Evahsvillb, Ian. A foil assortment of Groceries always on hand, ;.i for sale at the lowest prices. NEW SALOON. SHAEFER S SALOON. BILLIARD AND RESTAURANT. On Third Street between Main and Sycamore. EVAN8VILLE, INDIANA. oct9-lm CHANGE OF EXCHANGE A NEW ARRANGEMENT SAM GBAMMEB & HABBT JOHNSON having purchased Theodore's Exchange, ABE FITTING IT UP IN EXCELLEN1 style for a first class BILLIARD SALOON and RESTAURANT. They will keep at the bar the best brands o Liquors and their larders will at u iim h i ,a with the richest dainties from the an im.l and vegetable kingdoms, and th wtr. nr tha ....... deep will be made to contribute of their richest stores. Especial attention will ha which will bo under charge of the mnt (-omntr,( aitists. Their Billiard Room is lrn anH iWrTimvc FIRST CLASS. The establishment will re-open on Tuesday next, -l'if Bhare f public Patronage respectfully' c - mviMWiJm groceries. WHEELER, RIGGS & SUGG, Gr -tC 3'1!f p dealers in SALT, COTTON TARHS Malls, Window Glass, Sash, Doors, fee. No. 17 North First Street, Corner ot Sycamore. ETANSVILLE, INDIANA. COPARTNERSHIP 7 K HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH US Wat. J iumr. late of Umontown, ay., in ine Wholesale Grocerr business. The stylsof tho firm will be Wheeler, Riggs A Bugg. WHEELER A BIGGS. COFFEE Just reeeived W0 bags prime Rio Coffee ; 50 bags good fcir Coffee ; SO boxes Ground do ; and for sale cheap at WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG'S CHEESE 50 boxes Western RerTe Cheese j 20 oozes Hamburg Cheese. Jast received snd to arrive at WHEELER, BIGGS A SUGG'S. -1YRCP A MOLASSES 5 25 batrels Syrap; 25 barrels Bertrsnd's XXX Syrap ; 10 ' Stewart's Syrup ; 20 " extra Honsy Syrup ; 40 " N . 0. Molasses ; 35 half bbls Honey Syrup ; 50 half bbls Bertrsnd's XXX Syrup; 50 ten gallon kegs Syrup ; For sals cheap aa the cheapest at WHEELER, R1GOS A SUGG'S. rtPiCES 25 bags Black Pepper ; 15 hags Spice ; 1(1 bags Baw Ginger j 5 bags uassia ; 20 cases Nutmegs ; 25 boxes groun .1 (i Ginger; 25 60 1 60 75 l'epi-r ; Spice; Cinnamon ; Clove ; Mustard ; for sal low at WHEELER, BIGGS A SUGG'S. SUGAR 20 hhds. prims New Orleans Sugar ; 20 " fair " " 10 " Porto Bico Sugar ; IB boxes Havana " 25 barrels Crashed ' -25 " Powdered ' 25 " Coffee IB " YeUlow Coffee Sugar ; fr sal at WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG'S. MACKEREL 26 barrels No. S Mackerel, large ; 20 "8 " 25 half bbls 1 25 " S " 25 S 3" quarter bbls No. 1 Mackerel ; XRs 1 " 60 " " 2 " 70 " " 3 -Just received por rail at WHEELER, RIGG8 A SUGG'S. DYE STUFF, ETC. 2 cases Manilla Indigo ; 1 case Madras Indigo; 1 hhd Dutch Madder ; 10 barrels Alum ; 1(1 " Copperas; 3 " Cudbear ; 50 boxes Extract Logwood ; 2 barrels Brimstone ; 10 6 2 2 Sulphur ; Spsom Salts ; Vensla Bed ; Spanish Browa ; 100 boxes Washing Blue 10 frails Soft Shell Almonds ; 10 barrels Filberts ; for sale cheap at WHEELEB, BIG Iuus A SUGG. 1ATOODEN WABE, , ETC. VV 75 dozen Red Buckets ; 60 dosen Blue and Rd Buckets ; 25 dozen Well Buckets ; 20 do len No. 1 Tabs ; 46 dozen No. 2 and 3 Tubs ; 76 dozen Wash Boards ; 10 Nests Bnckets, 3 in nest ; 10 dozen half Bushel Measures ; SO boxes Clothes Pins. For sale cheap by WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH'S SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 1 No, 8 Second (tw skat's block.) SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER FROM MEAS nr stent and a fit warranted. A stock o ready. made Shirts and Collars always on hand, and at prices that will salt the purchaser. Tacking aauzs, etichlng Bosoms, A., done with neatness and despatch. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber respect fully solicits a eontnance of the patronage liberally bestowed for the past five years. oet22 J SMITH uP ESTABLISHED, 1831 DRUGGISTS. BROUGHTON to WOOD. . . ' :cf '-i.iOO ss&dX I s .?-fwi i CRESfET CITY DRUG STORE. Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Fruit Jars, Sealing Wax, Patent Mgdicines, Dye Stuffs. Sole Agents for Whit field's Pile Cure. FAMILY B m WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, 0. 10, FIRST STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE, Has Just received another largo sortment of aud splendid as- Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Pomades, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles, "-aps, Flavoring Extn.3ts, &c, &c Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes. All the Approved Patent Medicines kept tor. itantly on hand and for sale at North American srioea. aPa'ticular attention paid to th compounding f prescriptions at all hours. WM. E. HALLOCA, No. lOSonth First Street, near Post Office, nov2? Evansville, Ind. DRY GOODS NEW AND ELEGANT GOODS AT 2T3GlXfV 'RIO - rtt ARE RECEIVINO AND OPKNING AT No. T ITIIfcST STREET, A New and Elegant Stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods AND NOTION Their Goods hsve been selected with great care by experienced hands, with special reference to th trade of this city ; were bought for CASH and will be sold very low to Cash Customers only. Their stock comprise all the most ELiGANT STYLES Required to co titute a first class Lry ixOOdS fclOlXSe, I HBBACIHS Black, Plain and Fancy Silks, Foulard Silks, Fine Mozambique Dress Goods, plain and Check; Bareges, Organdies and Jaconets, Lawns, Mourning and Summer Dress Goods, of every description. Point Lace Collars, Collars of every Variety. Mourning Setts, Mourning Collars, Silk Talmas Sacques, and Circulars ot ail Jonas, Lace Mantles, Summer Shawls. Silk Parasols, a beautiful just received. Marseilles duilts and Spreads, Cloths, Cassimeres, Staple Goods of every description. xoTXoisrs. Onr stock in this line Is large, and of the nnesi qaality, to which particular attention is directed. Remember the place for bargains. HO. 1 IUU5T STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. BOILER MAKER. JOHN P. LAURENT, B oiler ivr alter. Corner of Pine and Water Streets, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. T Alt PBEPABED TO MAKE ALL KINDS 1 of Steam Boilers, stationary or portable. I have every mcility for deing good work that good machinery and good workmen can give, and all work entrusted to me will be made under my per sonal supervision. ! Workmen sent to any part ef the city and country to do repairing. o13-lm FOREIGN LIQUORS. Bceawx kapplzx. WM. SCT1NAK.EN ur BG. KAPPLER & SCHXAKEXBIKG, Importers and Dealers in Wniskys, Brandies, Wines, Gins, & c., & c., & c. Also Rectifiers and Manufacturers of ! Domestic Wines and Liquors I NO. 4 WATER ST. 1 augU bet. Main and Sycamore, EVANSVILLE. IND i ABVBRTrtlx, RATES IH DAJII , Business cards (5 lines or less), on year.,...$12 I " ' " Jj1 months... 7 Of ; three " 1 ,, I One square (10 lines or less) oae insertion " 7s Z 1 25 I " on week i 7S one month..., 5 fio WEEKLY. One square, one insertion.. .... 4 qq For each subsequent insertion jq Special Notices retained on inside of paper, will be charged 20 per cent, additional on above rates. MEDICAL. B. J. DAT, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. EXAMINIG SUBGEON FOB PENSIONARY. OFFICE On Second Street, between Main and Locust. RESIDENCE At Sherwood House. Evansville, January 6, 183. S. W. THOMPSO-r, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Orfica abd Residence Ho. 36 Wiurur Stbrt (At Dr. Ronald's Old Stand.) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. nov29-ly IVORYTYPES, PHOTO GR APS AND Oard. ALSO, WEDDING C Mounted in Beautiful Style, A T Adam's Photographic Gallery, OVER P08T-OI. ICE. PICTURE GALLERY. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. The undersigned pay their Particular Attention To the sale of the above articles, and SOAP STOCKS GENERALLY. Consignments sent to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and Quick eturns Made on very advanced terms. We mail onr Weekly Circular gratis to all sending their address their ad SONS, to Aim a: ji a.vitiHi' 3t VARIETY STORE. IS THE PLACE TO FIND FANCY GOODS. Combs, Brush. Pocket Wallets, Card Cases, Tablets, Scissors, Knives, Watch Keys, Guard Chains. Thimbles, Needles, 11ns, Tap Measures. Beads, Belt Clasps, Goggles Spectacles, Ther mometors, French Harps, Pop Gens, Ivory Bat tles, Marbles. Chessmsa, Dells, Corset Clasps, Steel Pens, Penciles, Games, Bubber Balls, Toilet Soap, Jewelry, Violin Strings, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Feather Dusters, Bird Cages, Childrens' Carriages, Ladies' Fancy Work and Traveling Baskets, Ac., Ac., at wholesale and re tail. DRY GOODS KEEN & PRESTON TJAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND X A general assortment of Desirable Dry Goods, Which they invite the "trade" to call and ex amine prices and qualities; believing, knowing, they can save dealers additional freight and ex penses tn going farther Eastward. jaal5 LAW CARDS. WM. H. WALKER, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, EVANSVILLE, IND., Office on Third Street, octl3-ly Opposite Court Hons. CHARLES DENBY", Attorney at Law. Has resnmed the practice or Law. Office on Third street, middle of HaU'sBloc-, upstairs. fcb2 JAMES Attorney REID, at Law AND COLLECTING AGENT. OFFICE On Third Street, "third door from Main Street, in the Crescent City Bank Building, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA ieb26-ly . . Jas. T. Walker, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND 1 Agrnt for obtaining Pensions, Back. Pay and Bounty 'OBDISCH A RG EP SOLDIERS. AND FOR those wbo die in the service of the United State. OOee on the North-West side of Third Street, near the Washington Boose aad nearly opposite the Court Hou-e, Evansville, Indiana. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. j vl-l y SOAP AND CANDLES. lliilip Decker, (Successor to Decker A Kramer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an extra article of BUBXINC, ENGINE, AND CAR OIL Dealers in Beein, Soda, Ashes, Ac. Also Pure Catawba Win if onr own raising, tn quantities to salt par chasers, 116 Vuib Strtti, UtKten Tit aud Second, EVAKSVILLX, IWDIABA. Trms cash, er CO days' paper negotiable is auk. jan2u-ly INTELLIGENCE OFFICE THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED AN I A Intelligence Office, on Third Street, fourdoors 1 west of the Washington Bossl, where he will give strict and prompt attention KtHJestalssta el JOHN WAISAfl. Zeitang copy aplS . a .- WM- JA-"w sr -., BLOWN. CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Commission Mercliants, AND Special Railroad Agents. Give through receipts and make liberal cash ad- aneeaon shipments oL. Produce and Tobacco to Bew Fork. CRANE, BBOWN A CO. Kvaosville. Nov. th, 181. bsf " 00 f J fc Tal W ss-Sso- v.- SSiSKO Iaw3 C .. C 2. Hi t& - - SWBJ as m ssa x 2, spsassw notice! - sep8-Sm