Newspaper Page Text
EVANSVI1LE, IlfD. MONDAY- .NOVEMBER 2, 153 JOIRXAL BINDERY The publishers of the Eramrille Jomrnal have jtut added to their Newspaper and Job Printing Establishment, a FIBsT CLASS BIKDST and M!ti Ti 'TOtv or Blank Book. Having secured the services of some of the beat workmen in the West, they are prepared to execute orders at Oln rinoati and Louisville price. Every description of Blank Books, such aa Kailroad, County. Banking, Mercantile, and For warding Books, manufactured a order and from the best quality of stock. Ruling and Blank, and Bool-Head Printing, executed In a superior manner. All kinds of Printed Work, such as Magaxinea, Law and Medical Works. Pamphlets and old books re botand in eTery variety of style from half-bound to Antique and Full Gilt Work. CITY NEWS. 9 Far Commercial and River New tee fourth page. BOmp INTERESTS. " Da. Fleaoeji still continues to be the only lawful agent in this city for the Artificial Bubber Teeth. After furnishing nearly a hundred sets in the past fire years, be has no hesitation in recom mending them as the beet and cheapest material in use, being worn in the most difficult mouths, with eomfort and efficiency. Persons suffering with bad fitting mettle plates are especially re quested to call at the Booms next BittrolfTs. Main 8treet. COMPOSITOR WANTED. A good Compositor can find steady employment by applying immediately at this office. JUaT'Mr. M. J. Johnson has constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of popular pictorial papers. Poblic Meeting. There will be a put lie meeting of the citizens of Evansville and Vanderburgh county, at the Court House, this (Monday) evening, Nov. 2d, to form a committee to canvass the county to aid in recruiting, to obviate the draft. I'. S. Pension Agency. Established by Government authority, for pro curing pensions ; for Invalid O (Beers and Soldiers, deceased Officers' and Soldiers' Widows or Orphan Children, De pendent Mother or Orphan Sisters. BOTTSfTT AND ARREARS for Deceased Soldiers' Widows, Children, Fathers, Mothers, or Brothers and 8istera. Also for dis i ebarged Seldlers, who have served two years, or , been discharged by reason of wounds. BOUNTY LAND AND BACK PAY for Widows er other legal elnimants of Soldiers of 1812, Mexican, and other past wars. This Agency adjnsts claims for parties and eol i diers of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, In accord -I ance with the only forms and instructions upon j which their claims are granted at Waahington, and is the only Agency thus located, and solely aud exclusively employed Persons writing their case plainly, and encle 1 aing stamp, always answered. Orrici Third street, near Main, Evansville j Ind. JOHN TENNIS. ootl.i Pension Agent. WILLIAM EEAVIS, j Attorney at Law and V. 8. Claim Agent, Is authorized by the Government to procure Pen sions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, Bounty Land Claims for Hobsbs and other Pbofkuty destroyed while in the service of the Government, and all claims, of whatever kind or nature against the United States. Bounty for Discharged Soldiers! By an amendment to the Bounty Law, paased at the last session of Congress, " All soldiers or ether persons who aart been or thatt hsreafler be CLOTHING. UNITED STATES Wholesale Clothing AND FURNISHING HOUSE. THE VERY LATEST B Y TELEG I? A IP H. Clothing for the Million! L. LOEWENTEAL & CO., 1 - gain iu the market, at stand the oM wall known Cor. Main and First Sts., (Whieh has been rebuilt and enlarged,) with the largest and beat selected stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Gootth Brer Opened in this Market. ..... i uwtuBi gcu mi 11 1 11 iwu jcoi iruiu iuu unto 01 xiittir Patriotic Citizens are expected to . enlistment, by reason ofwounds received in battle, be present. Infanticide. A party of soldiers ac" cidentally discovered the body of an in fant in the brush near Cairo a few days i since. The bod;' had been placed in a ! box and covered with a pillow, with which i it had probably been smothered The ! soldiers notified the proper authorities; j but before they returned the body was ; devoured by hogs or some other animal, j Hobsk Racing. They seem to have a gay time at Cairo running horses. A sweepstake race was won on Saturday a week ago by a horse belonging to a gen tleman connected with the Navy Depart- Blent. A horse of Admiral Porter was enter ed for sweepstakes last Saturday. The navy on the Mississippi seem to have an easy time of it, and a gay. shall receive the same Bounty aa though they served two years. " Office 65 Main Street, ever Keller's Qua Store, opposite the Court House, Evansville, Indiana. Correspondents must enclose stamps. Baflood references given if required. mht3 3-S. D. A H. W. SMITH, sole manufacturers of the NEW AMERICAN ORGANS with treaole attachment, finished in fifteen different styles ; elegantly polished in Rosewood for Parlor use Also, in Black Walnnt and Oak for Churches, Schools, Lodges, Ac. Also, Smith's unrivalled Melodeons, warranted for five years. For sale by WARREN A OONYNGTON, oct24-6m No. 1 Main Street. S. E. & 0. H. HTTED. DENTISTS, Corner of Main and Second Streets, Evansville, Indiana, upstairs. octl-2w The American House Still Lives! New Improvements. Having leased the above named house for a term of years, I have spared no pains or expense in putting every department of this popular hotel in Boat perfect repair. I have also fitted up a nice bar adjacent to the office, where at all times the Clothing for Contrabands. The section of the city lying above Main Btreet, and between the canal and river, ! choicest wines and liquors will be kept, and will, during the early part of next week, be canvassed by lady solicitor!, to obtain a much second hand clothing as the be nevolent families there are willing to bestow. The object being to clothe the negroes invalid men, women and little children in various encampments in the Southwest. The Government is feeding these un fortunate creatures, but makes no pro vision to clothe them. Many of them will necessarily suffer greatly, or even perish, unless aided in the manner now being attempted. We bespeak for the ladies who have kindly consented to engage in the work, a courteous and generous reception. If any persona will contribute, eveu small sums of money, it will be expended in purchasing coarse material, to be worked up into clothing. polite and attentive man to wait upon my pations and friends. A strict watch will at all times be kept daring the night ; and particular attention will be paid to guests arriving and departing on boats, both day and night. My table shall at all times be amply supplied with the best the market affords, and by strict attention to business and the wants of the public, I hope to obtain a large share of the public patronage, of whieh I shall endeavor to render myself worthy. J. J. Pillsbcby. Cdablix Hm, Clerk . aug-dtf SPECIAL NOTICES. OCB OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE TRADE generally are respectfully invited to call and examine our Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel assured we can offer superier inducements to CASH buyers. One of our firm resides in New York, and has had many years experience in buying and manu facturing, and devotes his whole time to Purchasing and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, And as we buy exclusively for CASH, we can and will sell as low to the trade as any House East or West. sepll WHOLESALE CLQTHIKG HOUSE! GOLDMAN, BERG & CO No. Q North First St., Evansville ; BRANCH OF GOLDMAN, BERG & 00., JSS. 006 Market Street, Philadelphia, ' Saturday was a magnificent day and the fair damsels and elegant matrons of this city were out in full force, breathing the pure air of heaven and rendering the sidewalks gorgeous with their beauty and rich attire. The soldiers in the hospitals in this city, and the members of the Invalid Corps, stationed here, were mustered on Saturday for pay. In a few days the boys will have their hearts made glad by the reception of their pay up to November 1st, which shows that Uncle Sam is still mindful of his brave boys. mptl Disease!!! A C 4 R D . TO COXSl MPTIVEK. The undersigned having been roslor.-l to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Cons'imption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of enre. To all who desire it, he will send a copy or the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and nsing the same, which they will find a ntr cure for Consumption, Asthma Bbonchitu, Coughs, Colds, Ac. The only object the advertise! has in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he conceive to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will eost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsbureh. Kings tJounty, New York. We have now ready a vary large selected stock of Fall i Winter (nothing AND Gentleiui n VFurnishiDg Goods, SHAWLS, BLANKETS AND TRAVELING SHIRTS. Boys' Glotixixig IN GREAT VAKlJSrr, To which we desire to call the attention of the trade. Our Goods beiug all manufac tured by ourselves, buyers have Only One Profit to Pay. We feel confident that car prioes are fully as low aa those of auy other House in the West. All Goods Warranted. sep5 From Washington. Washington, Oct. 30. At 9 o'clock yesterday morning Maj. Gen. Thomas telegraphed to the War Department as follows : Gen. Hooker was attacked at 2 o'clock this morning, and a severe fight ensued, which continued two hours, with light loss. Hooker reports, at 7:30 A. M., the conduct of our troops to be splendid. They repulsed every attack on them, and drove the enemy from every position they assailed. The Star has information on the 27th. that a brilliant movement was planned and executed under the direction of Gen. Smith, Chief Engineer of the Depart ment of the Cumberland. Two wagon roads, and the use of the river, as lines of supplies, were acquired by the forces at Chattanooga, thus reli eving the com mand of Maj. Gen. Thomas of its chief embarrassment. Gen. Thomas' operations at the mouth of Lookout Valley are spoken of as a great success, and their brilliancy cannot be exaggerated. Prom Louisiana. A. Yankee Rebel General Captured Whereabouts of Taylor and Smith A Big Fight Expected. New York, Oct. 31. A letter from Gen. Banks' Headquarters, Vermillion ville,of the 15th, says: Yesterday Frank lin's advance cavalry captured Gen. Pratt and his nephew between Carrion Crow Bayou and Opelousas. Pratt for merly resided in Hartford, Conn. Up to May last he commanded a brigade of Louisiana volunteers. The rebel General Dick Taylor was at Opelousas with 10,000 men, mostly cav alry. Kirby Smith is at Shreveport, with the same number of men. The correspondent says: "When next I write I expect to give you an account of a hard-fought battle." Sick Soldiers to he Sent Home. Washington, Oct. 31. At the sugges tion of numerous medical officers at- Jached to the hospitals here, a large number ot sick and wounded soldiers have been, and are being, furloughed for a short time, in order that Ihey may be sent to their homes in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Michigan and other States. From New Orleans federals Occupy Opelousas The Re. bels mafca a Lonf Stand. New York, Oct 31. The steamer George Washington, from New Orleans on the 24th, arrived to-day. Among her passengers is Q. T. Tick nor, Secretary of Gen, Banks, also Capt Chas. S. Bulkley, Military Superinten dant of Telegraph in the Department of the Gulf New Orleans, Oct 22 The latest news from the Army of the Gulf is to yesterday afternoon, and is of the most cheering character. The column under Gen. Franklin en tered Opelousas at noon, yesterday. The enemy made a stand (Here the continuity ceased and left the cusses standing, DeSauty.) River and Weather. Pittsburg, Oct 31. River 3 feet by tLc metal mark; st&tianay. Weather cloudy. Heavy rain yr-sterday. LaTEOT XTDWC XTT MAUI. The Best is always the Cheapest'. sep30-3m A Poor Imitation. The Wabash Ex press the other day perpetrated a " sell " on its readers in imitation of a little pleasantry we indulged in a week or two a0 relative to a portion of a skeleton ' ,torin6 skirt found by the workmen in the Locust street sewer, and over which they had some fun and we had many inquiries. The Express's " goak " probably suc ceeded in il selling " its readers includ ing the coroner; but to those who read the " Locust Street Ghost Story " it will lack originality. We shall copy right our fun hereafter, and prosecute all counterfeiters and imitators. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye Is the Best in the World! The only Harmless, True, and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect ehaages Red Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without Injuring; the Hair er Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently ra ils pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed lli- Especially Is this true of 3; O "3? JEL I 1ST AND Gents' Furnishing Gooda. From Chattanooga. Nashville, Oct. 29. Lookout Moun tain was taken On the 28th, by our troops under Gen. Hooker, with the 11th corps, a portion of the 12th corps, and Palm er s division of the 4th corps. No oppo sition was offered. The river is now open to Chattanooga, and the Army of the Cumberland Is re leased from any danger threatened by interrupted communications. Gen. Palmer has been promoted to the command of the 14th corps, over Ros sean, Reynolds and Sheridan. Gen. Rosseau is very ill. Gen. Mitchell has teen relieved from his cavalry command, and ordered to re port to Nashville. He is now in the city. Kiver tour feet on the shoals. BOOTS & SHOES. BIG BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. mim, iad k n. fto. 63 MAIN STREET, Are again in Market with the largest Stock of GOOD GOODS, (We say GOOD, for we sell that kind of Stock), to be found in any House of our acquaintance East or West. They were bought for Cash by one of the firm who spends the greater part of his time East for that express purpose. With many years experience in the business, we natter ourselves that we understand it well, and with facilities at our command, we Can .xxLW v 111 Sell Goods as cheap as any Jobbing House in the coun try, we care not where that House may be located ; if in the East we will add trans portation. We would re spectfully call the attention of the trade to an examina tion of our Goods. We like to sell good Goods ; they speak for us whereever they go. MORGAN, HEAD & CC. DRUGS. A LARGE AND WILL SELECTED STOCK pf Pure and Fresh Drags, Herbs, Extracts and Patent Medicines .lust received at 6CHLAEP FSB'S Drag Store. tJULPHITE OF LIME FOR THE THE FEB n mentation of Cider and Wines. and for sale at Just received SCHLAEPFEB'S Drag Store. LYON'S COLUMN. LYON COLLECTOR'S SALE. S5 ODA ASH AND LIME JUST RECEIVED SCLAEPFER'S Drag Store. MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORATIVE ND Zyrobals nu jnst received and for sale at 8CfTLAKPFEB'8 Drug Store. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOOTH AND Hair Brushes just received at SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. HAT HOUSE ANOTHER SUPPLY OF BARBELL A Bull's Worm Confections; also Carj's A Brown's Troches ; just received and for sale at SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store. ARTIC LOTIAN, FOB Limbs, fur sale at FBOST BITTEN SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store yACCINE VIBUS FOB SALE AT SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MT wife, Emily Mclntire, has left my home with out any just cause or provocation. I therefore warn all persons not to credit her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. WILLIAM C. McINTYRK. Gibson Co., Ind , Oct. 22, IS63. , . oo27-2w $50 REWARD. STOLEN, FBOM THE UNDERSIGNED, A Sorrel Mare, in good order, about 11 years old and with foal ; has a white ring around the left hind leg. I will give the above reward for the ap prehension of the thief and mam ; or 825 for the reoovery of the wiare alone. 8. SOBEN90N, No. 30 Water Street, Evansville, Ind. octl92w HARDWARE, &c. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., DEALERS IX I T A R I W A. TEt E AND CUTLERY No. 13 FIRST STREET, (SIGN BIO MILL. SAW,) Have received a complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Test It by calling on J. LIAM A. BATCHELOR, all others are mere imi tations, and should bo avoided Sold by al Druggists, So. Factory 82 Barclay street, N. BATCHELOR'S NEW TOILET CREAM FO DRESSING THE HAIR. JylOdwly H. CAHLIN, No. 8 FIRST STREET, (SEAS POST-OFFIOS,) EVANSVILLE, IND. Atrocious Murder. An unprovoked and atrocious murder was committed at Calhoun, McLean county, Ky.. on Thurs day morning last. The circumstances, as we receive them, i are as follows: A blacksmith named Roberts, hired a iiegro man from a wealthy tobacco factor named cbroeder, at the rate of $30 per month. After the colored man had remained with Roberts for three weeks, Schroeder took his slave away and demanded pay for a full month. Roberts refused to pay more than for the time the negro had been in his employ, whereupon Schroeder shot Roberts dead in bis tracks, and im mediately made his escape. This is another fruit of the infamous system of slavery, which, thank God, is fast beiri!? banished from the face of the ?artb. Every exertion is being made to secure j the arrest and punishment of the mur derer. JSr'fhe number enrolled in this Con gressional District is: 1st class, 9,360; M class, 3,'9. Tival, 13,359. Owens- boro Monitor. To Physicians. If yon wish to parchase pare Drugs, Medicin., and Chemicals at a small ad vance on BetMra prices, go and examine Kkllkb 4 White's stock, where yo will nod every arti cle that is nwsded by the professor, and as prices which cannot tail to give satisfaction. Their n is at hJ Main street mayidAwtf PB0F. 0. J. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This astonishing preparation will, by Nature's own Process, Re store Gray Hair to the Original Color. , Will make it grow on Bald Heads. ' Will restore the Natural Secretions. J Will remove at once all Itching. Will remove all Dandruff. Will eure all Eruptions even Scald Head. Will make the Hair Soft and Glossy. Will preserve the Color of Hair to Old Age. Will always Fasten it, and stop it Falling. And is one of the best Toilet Articles for th Hair now in use. 0 Thousands of Soldiers In tb Armr Uavs testified to the above, who had become gra and lost their Hair by sickness, change of climate and inattention, while performing camp duty. As a Restorative and dressine it has no equal. KELLER A WHITE, Wholesale and Retail Agents fer Evansville. From Missouri. HPHE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RE J. turned from the East, where he has laid in one of the best stocks of Clothing and Gents' Fur -nishing Goods ever brought to this City. My Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings &c. were selected with an eye single to quality and style ; aud har ms: become conversant with the taste of our peo ple, am satisfied that in this particular my Goods will give excellent satisfaction. Gents Furnishing Goods of every description wi?I also be found at my establishment such as Gloves, Hosiery, Neck-Ties, Shirts, Collars, Sus penders, Ac. My facilities for mannfactnriu Clothing are excellent; and as for Cutting Gu' meats to fit no satisfaction no pay. I ask no oue to take a mean fitting garment off my hands. tiver-coatmgs or every var.viy ma style win do found at mi- estsM iahm a.. Though it may sound unreasonable U k Overcoats dnring the " heated term," we mast remon.ber that in "peace is the tiuietot'M re for ar," and in Summer make our preparations for the cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can be devined than the ordering of a good reliable Overcoat, such as may be found at No. 8 First Btreet. Orders for Clothing;, of every description will receive the personal attention of the nndersigned, and will be promptly attended t. The motte at No. 8 is, M Promises punctually fulfilled." Before orderi- g Vail or Win car suits Gents will consult their own interest by examining my Good and Prices. Remember the place- No. 8 First Street, (near Post Office.) augl .1. II. CARL. IN. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct 30. D. K. Abeel, editoi of the Tribune, was arrested to day and sent to St. Louis. It is sup posed the arrest was in consequence of articles published in the Tribune, in vio lation of that part of Order No. 96, which relates to uttering or publishing a word calculated to produce disaffection or. in subordination in the ranks of the militia, or to bring into contempt the military authority. The articles referred to wer defamatory of the independent militia. From Cairo. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the-benefit, aud as a warninc and ; CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from ', Nervous Debility, Prematu.e Decay of Manhood, i etc.. suDDlving at the same time THE MEAN . OF SELF CURE. By oue who has cured himselr after being put to great expense and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a (Kvtt-paid addressed envelope single copies msy be had of the author. NATHANIEL MATFAIR, Esq., Bedford. Kings County, N. T. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, 8EMIN-1 UaivARY aud 8kxfa.l Srgrnis. New and reli treatment in Reports of the HEWARD A t CIATION !nt in sealed letter envelopes, fr of j charge. Address, Dr. J. SKI LLI N HOUGHTON, I Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. an27-;lni NUB SERIES THANKS. AVIKG SOLD OUT OUR STOCK OK GRO- CKRIES l Mr. J. P. ELLIOTT, we return our sincere thanks to our numerous friends and customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us during the pst nine yenm. We take pleasure iu recomuiouding a continu ance of the same to our uccr-or, lielieving him in everv way worthy of the tanie. oct23u V1CKERY BROS. RAILROAD NOTICE. Ohio 4k Mississippi Railroad. GEOBGE D. BOWEN HAVING PURCHASED TnE stock of Nurseries of C.Baker a ENTIRE Co., wishes to inform the public that he has on hands a large assorted stock of Fruit Trees, ornamental and ; Evergreens. Also, a good selected stock of hardy i Hybeid Rosea, which I will sell at low prices. Also, a large assortment of Shade Trees for side . walk planting. All persous wishing to have a ' quick shade and not have to plant from year to year, will do well by getting good trees that have been transplant- d. CatalOaue sent on application, oitlier by letter or person- GE0 D BOWErf, Crescent City Nurseries, ojjfg Evansville, Ind. EVANSVILLE, Oct. 20th, 1863. Until further notice, we will carry freight from j the Depot of the E. A C. R. R. between Evansville and Cincinnati at the following rate per ion lbs. : j 1st Class. 2d Clas. ;id class. ith Class. 50r. 40c. 25c. yiour at 30 cents per barrel. For any lurtlier information call at the ofllce of the undersigned. W. C. BAEHBING, Agent. oc2l-lm Office No. 5 Water Street Evansville & Crawfordsvllle B. K. to. Cairo, Oct 30. Advices from Little Rock to the 19th state th .1 urtteering for the Union army contina t -..--cessful. The company organizations in the north west part of the State number two thou sand. Capt Ryan, of Gen. Steele's staff, is appointed Superintendent of the organization of loyal troops for the de fense of the State. Efforts are being made by the Union men of Arkansas to have "W. M. Rodgers, of Pine Bluff, ap pointor Military Governor. Petitions have been forwarded to Washington ask ing the appointment. Dobbins, a notorious guerrilla, was surprised at Tulip. Thirty-two thousand dollars in Confederate notes were capture-Deserters from Price s army are daily arriving at Little Rock aud Pine Bluff i SGj to take the oath of allegiance. At last accounts more tban half -ot Price's army had deserted. Marmaduke, with his cavalry, was at Arkadelphia last week. General Holmes commands al Arka delphia The rebels have removed their ma chine shops to Marshal, Texas. The postofiice has been re-established at Little Rock. A party of guerrillas under Campbell entered Charlestons Mo., last m .-ht. and robbed the stores and itizens. They took Colonel Deil prisoner after he had shot two of their party. Campbell was captured aud brought here in irons. The prohibition on private shipmeuts to points below has been removed, pro viding the freight is shipped on boat coming from St. Louis. It IS IlOt mnntAil mipction that MORGAN, READ & CO., Have the Largest and Hand somest stock of II A T S To be found in any one House in the West. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hats of every Fashionable style in vague either East or West. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Dress Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool French Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Planter and Planter Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Burnside, Monitor, Cochran, &c, Hats. Men's Plain and Colored Leghorn and Straw Hats. Men's Panama & Palm Leaf Hats. Boy's Fur and Wool Hats, (great variety.) Boy's Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. Children's Fur, Wool, Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. ft ml tt mm vi Purchased aud Imported direct from the Manufacturers FOR Enabling us to offer inducements to Pur chasers rarely found in the Weat We call the special attention of Dealers to our large and well selected Stock, con sisting in part of Axes AH the celebrated brands, Chains Log, Trace and Halter, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver's Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Brass Kettles, Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, HoUow Ware, Dog Irons, Gum Belting, Japanned Ware, Notions Large Stock. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., No. 13 First Street. The above Stock has just been purchased directly of the Manu facturers of New England for CASH, at low figures, and we will as low as any jobber East, . transportation added. Call and examiue our Goods before buying. ! No trouble to show goods. MORGAN, REAJ. CV CONDITION POWDERS. W F. DECKERMAN'S " 1 'ii 33 Ij O 13 CONDITION POWDERS, rou Horses and Cattle, Contpoed principally of Roots and Herbs. 3 91 . er t i O oo -! .a o f 5 a i P P M t3 1 B a z OB o & I i 9 T3 S t a o 2. a. 5 s m 5' a i M GO a 3 r? P" o 9 Q o ET a a. -1 ST 3 : 3 ST p- 5 --1 5" S p a a. cp a" r 3 W s 5? CO o o PT a a D J 3 9 3 a. a 32 o 3 o 'S. s a a a a p 1 9 CO K a. o a CO O 3 all t et at en CO a S S o 1 a. a n o 3 & a- SL g 2 . O o" zr. c 3 3" 3 525 o S fr o n I I Q a m o B 3 SB 8 2 e 5" S H p 09 e n T E- 0O 3 a 5S M K a - K O CO o c a w CO X LYON S c O r O o 9 o E L 3 o p Cu CO 2 t 3 5 65" S- g CO Q. 8 - zr. . a- ft B (0 to 3 1 ft. B 5' 2. sr 5; a 3 d CO a p 3" 3 5 a n p 3 o 3 33 a o c OB a o " f-. tr a o a i 3 a. B o a 1 et 1 p q. co a ft X- to zr s- 3 o c p r 1 3 P 4 p 3 ft. P 3- P P 3 3 p o. a o o ft. a 3 p P 3 ft. O o ! o 2. 3 3 B a & C3 3 s p B ft. tX) 3 32. a ft. 5 P 00 3 S "3 o a a to p 3 O C n iT c a ft. c 8 1 3 p 3 a to "3. 3' & CO 3 c tr m p S 2, ET P r-- 3- 3 3 O P ?r p Ph B era r tr p s p 3 o P 3 PS P P P -J ft 1 P m ST. 5" a r s s- 3. i8 5 P c 3 P a ft. 3; S" CO o ft O 3- to tr i tr p B p P S ft. 3- A p m a ft. o 3 a. vr ft o 8 3 S E 3" 3 J 00 CO o H es ts a; H O o 1-3 a 1 1 Q i O o CO a So II. LVOV Blackford, l;aac, heirs, lot 7 do... 8 do do...l2 do Jo.13.... do... do.I7 do do. -18 do do. ..25 -. .do ..i.....;r do do. ..49 .do...51 do...52- do...5t; do...58 dc.50 .. do...90 ..fractional lot 11.. ont-lotl.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do... .do.. X'OTICK IS HEREBY SIVEN THT I WII JL LIAJI G. BdPPLK, Collector of ths City of Evansrills, betweea the hoars of 9 sjd 12 o'clock A. M and 3 and 5 o'clock P. H., on MOKDAT THE 23d OF XOVEMBEB, A. D. 1863, will ssli al Poblic Auction, at the door of the Court nn i in the City ot EransTille, Indiana, the following LoU, parts ot Lots, and parcels of Real Estate, and Improrements, assessed for the payment of City Taxes for the year 1863, doe from the owners thereof to the City of ETans-rllle said Taxes being now doe and unpaid and for the coats of said sale; and that said sale will be continued! on the next day thereafter, viz : on Tuesday, the 24th day of November, 1863, at 2 o'clock P. M., at .rhe door of the Court House in Evansrille, for the purpose of selling such property as may hare been sold on the day first above mentioned and no', paid for : ORIGINAL PLAN. Blackford, Isaac, heirs, lot 1 . ..$51 30 Caselberry, Hiram, setf of lot 27 ......... 35 10 Keller, D C, lot 26 70 25 DONATION ENLARGEMENT. Carpenter, A B, let 221 $11 48 Keller, DO, n whf of lot 22 13 50 Sherwood A Burtia, a e tw ,-thirds of lot 183. 58 73 Wheeler, HQ, n e one-third of lot 217 6 06 do 42x75 feet alley end of lot 231 10 53 de lot 238 27 00 UPPER ENLARGEMENT. Aikman, Wm M, 25x150 feet middle one- third o lot 3 $14 44 ... 40 60 .... 40 50 .... 33 75 ... 32 40 . 31 05 ... 29 70 . 32 40 ... 32 40 .... 9 70 ... 28 35 ... 28 35 .. 27 00 ... 27 00 ... 27 00 ... 25 65 ... 33 75 .. 74 2.5 Broer. Anthony. 21st subd of out-lot 3.... 11 81 Walker, Jas T, 13th subd of Lister's out -lot 2 3 71 LOWER ENLARGEMENT. Baker, William, undivided hf of 397 feet of wharf property below Divisionstreet $81 00 Baal, Samuel, sehfof n w hf of lot a.... 16 20 D C Keller, s w hf of lot 15 27 00 de 25Vxl48)ft s e aide of lot 14 15 80 do Undivided two-thirds of 287 ft of wharf, beginning at the s eline of Leet street, lying between Water street ind the Ohio river, running toward Pine street 287 ft gi oo Shanklin, John, sehf of lot 4 29 70 EASTERN ENLARGEMENT. Burtis, Edward, lot 1, block 6, $13 50 .do do...lB do...S0 4 73 do do -.14 do...52 8 44 Carpenter, A B, lot 4 do.19 1 36 do Jo.. 5 do 19 1 49 d. ...... do 12 do 21 3 71 Clement, Converse, lot 5, block 34 6 40 do do. 6. ..34 5 40 do do. 7. ..34 6 40 Earley, Robert, lot 2 block 11 38 48 do do...3 do..ll .. 4 73 -do ..4 do. .11 -- ,j ,; 473 do do...S do..2o 4 73 de ..(!. ..1" db..51 .. 6 41 do do. ..16 do..51 6 41 Early ft Garvin, lot 8 block 22 3 38 do lot . 3 38 lot 6 76 do lot 6 75.' do .lot 14.j1o...48 4 05 Garvin, Thomas ., lot 8, block 17 7 76 do undivided hf of lot 6, block 33 2 70 Last, George, lot 10, block 22 10 13 do lot 16 do .. .45.. 1 49 Lant A Bro., lot 19, block 40 12 15 do lot 1 do. . 46... 2 03 Neff, Peter lot 2 .do...31 , 6 08 do lot 20 do...51 8 10 do lot 9 do.. .66 6 75 Oakley, James, lot ..... 2 03 O'Riley, P G, lot 6 do...47 1 69 Sherwood, Marcus, lot 12, block 12 - , 2 70 lotlO do. ..47 1 69 Stockwell, Wm H, lot 27 do....9 4 05 Walker, Wm H, lot 9 do. ..36 45 63 BAKER'S ADDITION. Carpenter, A B, lot 10, block 2.. do lot 11 do.. ..2. do lot 15 do....4... do lot 22 do....4.... LAMASC0. Anthes, M R, lot 9, block 106 do lot Baker, Wm,...lot 23..... do lot 23 lot 23 Jot IK- do... 23 .. Bnrtis, John. ..lot 27 .do.. 55 do lot 66 Carpenter, A B lot 8 . .101 do...lot 3 60 do... lot 1 50 do...lot 1 50 .!... lot 17...d0...171....; 1 68 ... 1 20 00 90 ... 1 32 ... 1 80 . 1 80 ... 1 80 ... 2 10 5 40 ... 6 GO 3 30 ... 3 00 ... 3 00 ... 3 GO ... 3 88 ... 6 60 ... I 20 ..$ 2 16 .. 2 16 .. 2 03 " TO ..$ 3 30 3 00 60 M .. 1 20 90 - 6 00 .. 3 00 .. 2 40 2 40 do...lot Earley. Robert, lot 31, block 20 do do!4 do... 47 ..20 do... 64 do... 64 64 8 do... 75 , ... do... 3 do... 82 , seqr of do..l64 1 do. ...74 3 do 74 do... do .do do .do.... .do Kellt-r, D C,...lot.. do .do.. -do do... do... 5 do....74.... do e of lot ...74. .do -..lot 13 do....83 Miller, Christian, lot 29 do. ...25 w.. 6. .do..l06 3 00 3 00 1 20 60 ,co... do do . r.. .. 132 do do Wheeler, H y, 30 do 64 ...... .do jio. ...3...iio... 80 do. ...80 do do. do do. FOURTH ENLARGEMENT. Baker, William, lot 12, block 1 $ 3 30 do lot 13 dol 6 10 1 lot...8 do...6 2 40 do lot...6 do 20 2 40 4 20 2 10 6 30 11 10 3 60 4 60 do lot ...6 do 20.. Carpenter, A B, lot. .3 do...9 do lot ...4 do...9.... .do lot 11 do 16 Ao lot 12 do 16 do lot 13 do 16 do lot 13 do 17 4 3 60 3 60 & 10 4 50 6 90 3 30 Clements, Converse, lot 32, block 13.. 6 40 do n w qr of lot 10, block 14... 90 . do lot 11, block 14 . 3 60 Reitz, John A, lot 4, block 7 6 60 do lot & 7 16 20 Wheeler, H Q,...Iot 3 60 STOCKWELLL'S ENLARGEMENT. Carpenter, A B, lot 1, block 2. $4 80 .jlo - lot 2 . 4 20 - do fractional lot 3, block I 8 40 -Jo lot 6, block 2 4 20 do lot 6 do...2 4 50 do lot 10 ... do. ..2 6 10 .do lot 11 ... do.2 5 10 do lot 12 ... do...f. 5 40 do- lot 13 5 40 .do lot 15 ...dc.2 , , 5 70 .do lot 16 ...2 . w 5 70 do lot 17 do. 2 3A 60 do lot 1 do 6 4 60 do tt- of lot 13, block 9 1 98 Ao lot 14, block 2 64 .1 lot 15 ... do...9 2 64 .do lot 16... do...9... lot 17 ... de.. 9 do lot 18 do... 9 do- lot 19 do... 9 .do lot 20 ... do... 9..... , do lot 21 ... do... lot 22... do 9.... do lot 23 ... do9... . do lot 24 ...do9, .do. do Ao.. ... do... 4o.... .do.... do. do.. .... lot 26 ....lot 26 do.. .9 .... lot 27 ... do9 ...lot 28 ...do9 .... let 29 . do ....lot 30 ...do9 .... lot 31 . do9 ...fractional lot 3, block 13- for I will pay the highpst market value STRAYED j 'Koii TUK SVBSt.KlUKil'rt S'l'AUi.E, IN 1 Kvsnsville, a sorr?l Mar-. 4 years old, with white spot on the foreh ad a;id right side; also, white hind f ot. Had on wh-a slu- left lridle aud saddle Any one delivering said mare to me, or giving Information where site can be found, will be liberally rewarded. J. L. WHITK oc9B On Eighth St , bet. Vine and Division. ' ' "vl- enameemmmmmmmnmmmmmnemmnkmmmkmeem GROCERIES. STRAYED OR STOLEN ' OTTOJi YARNS 25 BAGS MAYS VILLE V 50) and COO'h ; for sale bv T?U0M THE r HOPKINS, Prelght Tariff between Kwansville aud Cincinnati per 100 lba. 1st Class. 2d Class. 3d Clau. 4th Class 60 40 30 V Flour if, bbl. 50 Cents. Time consumed in transportation belcen these points is from four to five day. oct A. E. SHRADEB, Freight Ag't. PASTURE OF HARRISON near the KvausvilVj and Craw- fordsviile Railroad, alout one mile'frum town, a Bay Horse, about hfteou hands high, branded " 17. 8." on his left shoulder. His two hind fe?t marked white, with a etar iu hU f.-reliM.wi. He is seven years old, hearily built, ami canters Auy one haviug any knowledge of his wherea bouts will confer a favor by giving notice at Un united States Quartermaster's omce. octlildlf. VERNMENT NORTHERN riTOH-Hi bbls o.-22 6. E. GILBERT A CO., No. 4 Sycimore Street. THIS POWDER HAS BEEN FOUND, BY long experience, to be highly nsefnl lor the cure of the various diseases io which Horses and Cattle are subject viz : Pounder, Distemper, Hide-Bound, Loss of Ap petite, Inward Sprains, Yellow Water, Scratches or Grease, Mange, Infiamation, Fatigue, or Rheumatism, commonly called Stiff Complaint, a disease fatal to Horses ia this country. Warranted to Cnre Hog Cholera- Sold in Evansville by BaocaHTOX A Woods, ' K astkr A Koarr, August Ellis, and Jostra ' NcnTXB!f And at Newburg by Wm. Fan A Co. ang20 Notice of Application for License. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE j -Ll will apply to the Board of County Commission- ' era of Vanderburgh County at their next term, j commencing on the first Monday in Sept., 1863. for license to sell intoxicating liquors in a less quan- ! tity than a quart for the term of one year. Oar place of doing business Is on tne corner of 1 First and Vine Streets, Lot No. 68, Old Plan of j the City of Evansville. auglOwSw JOHN H. BREMER A CO. GOI I Xj "7" 13 3EL , n.d Notes. Eicketf s and Jame's Checks, and all other uncut-rent money. M. LYON. NEW MUSIC OF TI'ST RECEIVED A SPLEXD1D LOT J New Music, among which will be found "DARLING. HOW CAN I FORGET THEE," By the author of " When this Cruel War is Over," and will become as popular as the hitter piece. DEAR MOTHER I'LL COME HOME TO DIE." By th same author. KISS ME MOTHER E'RE I'M DEAD." By M. Keller. WARREN A OONYNGTON. oetl5 No. 1 Main Street, Evansville. 2 64 2 64 2 64 2 64 2 64 2 64 3 00 2 64 ...2 64 ... 2 64 -.3 00 2 64 .... 2 64 2 64 . 2 64 .- 1 32 13 Garvin, Thomas E, lot 28, block 19 9 00 Igleheart, Asa, ne of lot 24, block 19 1 50 do lot 26, block 19 6 60 Nurre, Bernard, lot 27, block 14- 3 30 do mm of lot 28, block 14- 1 68 GREEK'S ENLARGEMENT. Earlv, Robert, lot 8, block 3 1 50 Ao lot 1 50 do lot I". .do 3 1 so r 11 1111 ii 1 in 1 issmsm 11 u Garvin, Thomas E, lot 12, block 5 1 68 do lot 13, block 5 1 68 do Ut 14, block 6.. 1 08 SHARPE'S ENLARGEMENT. Babeock, H O, lot 5, block 8 1 50 do let 1 do-13 4 92 Jones, Joshua, heirs, lot 2". block 15 90 -do 21- do 15 3 30 .do do 1 2i Wheeler, H Q., lot 14, Mock 11 1 20 NORTHERN ENLARGEMENT"" Hughes, William, lot It block 8 -1 50 Igleh-art, Asa, lot 1"-. Id.k 5 5 71' I do do 10. block 5.. 2 lit ( Joue, Joshua, heirs, lot 10, block 8 3 90 CARPENTER PLACE. , Carpenter, A B, lot .", block 3. 4 20 do do 6 do. ..3.. 4 20 ! do .7 do. .3... 4 do do 8 do... 3 5 441 I Keller, D C, lot 1, block 4 5 40 ; .do ).....-.' de...4 4 eJ 1 do 4 80 j do .do.4. . d.... 4.. 4 80 Kerritt John J, Uock 1 00 WILLIAM (i lUKPFLK. o -tt Coll clor BAKERY. ADA VK' (3 CO ECTIONlKY FOR SALF. AND ljvXTBA FLOOR 100 BBLS. ON CONSIGN- jJotiC6 XLi ment; for sale at S. E. GILBERT A CO., or22 No. 4 Mrcamore .trv-i ST A bv Km y oc22 CANDLES 10) BOXES; FOR SALE S. E. OILBEKT Si Co.. Fo. 4 Sjcauiore Street. 3 jr sale by E. GILBERT A CO., No. 4 Syeamore Street. CINNAMON 200 MATS "FOR SALE LOW TO the trade by S. E. GILBERT A CO., oc'22 No. 4 Sycamore Street. lrums very choice quality S. R. GILBERT A CO. FRESH FIGS-57T Just reeelved by of Application for .License. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL apply to the Board of County Commissioners of Vanderburgh County, at their next term, com mencing on the first Monday in December, 1 m3, for license to sell intoxicating liquors iu a lees quantity than a quart, for the term of one year. My place of doing business is on the corner or Water and Vine Streets, Lot No. 31, Old Plan of the City of Evaatvllls. sepMwSw JOHN HENDERSON. 01 House and Lot far Sale. iNX OF THE MOST DESIRABLE BKSt- DENCES in the eity for sale ; iu . omuiete order, containing ten Rooms with Chandeliers aud Bracketta lor Uas, two ones mens, Ktaoie, Wood, Coal and Out-Houses, a I dry brick Cellar 18 feet square, well lighted. The House is wood heavy oak frame stands FAN YC-i BAKERY, Second Street, Near Main, K vnnsvlllr. Ind. ' P1IE rSDKIiSitiNKD INFORMS THE 01T1 I ZEN'S of I vsHsvule that he servio ! and is no p Fancy Oak secured lha ;t:irv vforaman irom ew Yoik, .! sa make to order all kinds of Pyramids Jellies, Blanc llamres back 40 fast from the street, leaving a beautiful ' ana auo snapes front yard. Corner Lot 75 by 300 feel, enclosed '! Weddings &ud PartlPS with a good substantial fence. Corner of Oak and ' , " UU nie w. ma. above the residence of Robert Suppli -1 ifi t akee ..I th Iwt material names. Eao. Enquire of New Tork Mle, o -he t.r,e.t notice. OCtlO-tf CHARLES BABCOCK, No. 8 Main Street. ding Cake haudionioiy decorated. and in Wed- ocJI-2 G. ADANK