Newspaper Page Text
HOKIaAT NOVEMBER 2 - r THE FUNNY CORNER COMPANY Iv. There'! a cap in the closet, Old, tattered and blue, Of v ry alight value, It may be, to you ; Bnt a crown, jewel-studded, Could not bay it to-day, With its letters of honor, Brave " Co. K." The head that it sheltered . Needs shelter no more ; Dead heroes make holy The trifles they wore ; So, like chaplet of'honor, Of laurel and bay. Seems the cap of the soldier. Marked "Co. K." Blight ayes hare looked calmly Its Tisor beneath. O'er the work of the Reaper, Grim Harvester Death ! Let the muster roll, meagre. So mournfully say, How foremost in danger Went "Co. K." Whose footsteps unbroken Came Up to the town-, Where raapartand bastiou Inioked threat'ningly down! Who-closing up breaches, Still kepi on thvir way, Till guns, downward pointed, Faced ''Co. K ? " Like cameras awful Stood eusoi aloof. Till the signal was given, To strike off a proof Of ttW'Sonl of the soldier, To send up to Him, -(Pray God. that be know it Though bloody and dim.) Who faltered, or shivered Whoshaaued battlo-stroke Whose fire was uncertain ? Whose battle-line broks ? Go, ask ft of History, Tears from to-day, And the record shall tell you. Hot "Co. K." Though my darling is sleeping To-day with the dead, And daisies and clover Bloom over bis bead, I smile through d y tears As I lay it away That battle-worn cap. Lettered "Co.K." The Draft- Surgical Examination of a Conscript. Front Uie Bunker Hi.: (Mass.) Aurora The other day Chief Engineer Dean, of the Fire Department, called at the office where 3 make shoes for a living, and handed me a big white invelope, no tifying me that I whs drafted, and must report myself for examination at Law rence, on the lSth day of August. Now I consider it the duty of every citizen to give his life, if need be, for the defense of his country; soon the morn ing of the eventful 18th, I put on a elean shirt and my Sunday clothes, to go to Lawrence, to see if I could get exempted. Lawrence is situated on the Merrimac river, and its principal productions are mud, dust, and factory girls. The city proper, or at least that part that I saw, consisted of a long, narrow entry, up one flight of stairs, adorned overhead with a frescoing of gas-meters, and carpeted with worn out tobacco quids, and furn ished with one chair, two settees, and as many huge, square packing cases, mark ed Q. M. D. Scattered aroand this pallatial entrance hall were some forty or fifty conscripts, looking very much a? if they expected to be exempted by reas on of old age, before the young man with the ferocious moustache should notify ihem of their turn. Most of them, how ever, "were doomed to disappointment, for while they counted the hours of de lay, the door would suddenly open and the tall young man would single out a man f,nd march him through the open doorway to be seen no more. By and by that is, after several hours waiting mv turn came. "John bmith!" shouted the door keeper. "That's me," says I, and, with a cheer from the crowd, I entered a large square room where two persons sat writing at a table, and a third, evidently a surgeon, was examining a man jnihelast .stages , Vine ol the writers at the table, a yonng man with airly eyes and blue hair, nodded to me, and dipping his nen in the ink, commenced "John Smith, what's your name?" "John Smith," says L '' Where were you born? " " Podunk, Maine." ', What did vour great-grandmother die of?" " Darned if I know," says 1. "Call it hapentap," says he; "and yon grandfather, too ? " " I don t care what you call it," says I, for I was a little riled by his nonsensi cal question. "Did yon ever have boils?" says he. "Not a boil." "Or fits?" "Nary fit" " Or depium tremens?" " No, sir-ee !" "Or rickets?" 11 111 ricket you," says I, for I thought he meant something else. ".Did you ever have the measels? " says he. Here 1 took off my coat J4 Or the itch?" "Yes, sir," said I "That ere fist (and I showed a very large brown one within three inches of his nose) has been itching for the last ten minutes to knock your pesky head off, you little mean,, low-lived, contemptible wh?lp, -yon." " My dear sir,' said the mild-spoken, gentlemanly surgeon, laying his hand on my arm, "calm yourself, I pray. Don't lei your angry passions rise, bat take off your clothes, so that I can see what you are made of" So I suppressed my anger, and with drawing to a corner, I hung my clothes up on the floor, and presented myself for examination, clad only with the covering nature had given, except about a square inch of court-plaster on my right shin, where I had fallen over a chair the night beforel feeling for a match. " Young man," said the surgec :, look ing me straight in the eye, " yoa have got the myopia." " Yes, sir," said I, " and a good one, too a little Bininger, with a drop of 6k.6Uiou, makes an excellent eye-opener of a morning." "And there seems to be an amaurotic tendency of the right eye, accompanied with ophthalmia." " Pshaw!" says I. "And that white spot in the left eye betokens a cataract' " I guess you mean in the ear," says I, "'causelwentin swimming this morn ing, and got an all-hred big bubble in my left ear; and here I jumped up and down two or three times on my left foot bat to no purpose. As soon as" I stopped, he mounted a chair, and commenced feeling the top of my head. "Was your family ever troubled with ! epilepsy?" says he. "Only the two boys, says I; "when they catch them, my wife always goe3 at them with a fine-tooth comb, the first thing." Jumping off the chair, he hit me a kick in the ribs that nearly knocked me over; and before I had time to remon strate, his arms were around my neck and his head pressed ain9t my bosom, the same way that Sophia Ann does when J . she wants me to buy her some new bon nets aad things. " JTXst what I thought," says he; "tu berculosis and hemoptpsis, combined with a defect in the scapular membrane and incipient phthisis ! ' " Heavens ! " says I, "what's that?" " And cardiac disease. " "No?' said I " And pendardites ! " P "Thonder I" .aid E No rrn "One!" s.iri fetterft wttk fright. "Two," I yelled " Lxotis of the. right lebularl Three. " " Threel " I gasped "Coxalgia! Fof" " Murder !" said L " Four. " " Confirmed duodenum of thfe right ventricle! Five.'' " Oht ibctor, aift't you most through? I feel faint! " "Through? No! Not half through. Whv, my friend, Pandora's box was nothing to your chest You have sphy issana, and gloriosis, and conchoilogia, and persiflage, and " Here my knees trembled, and so I leaned against the table for support. " And permanent luxation of the an terior lobe of the right phalanx. " My only answer was a deprecatory gesture. "And scrofulous diathesis and omuio podites. " I sank to the floor in utter despair " Elutriation ! " he yelled, for he saw I was going fast " and maxillarium and " And I was exempted. COMMERCIAL. T 1 EVANSTIL1E WHOLESALE MARKET. Evaxsvili.e, Saturday, Oct. 31. Business during the past week, though not particulary brisk, has somewhat improved. The Terr low stage of wav r in the river and the ! scarcity of tonnage has restricted operations ex ceedingly, and some of our heaviest dealers in grain have withdrawn from this market. The arrivals of produce have net been very large, but prices have been well sustained. MONEY has fluctuated considerably, though there has been but little excitement, and at the close was somewhat dull. GOLD opened at 35c, advanced to ?, on J close.! dull aud drooping at 35c. SILYER2S2S FLOUR unchanged and firm at $", 5008 no for ;,.. r.milr hiiH f ru" v brands. .O WHEAT firm and steady, witsiles at $1 00 foechoice Bed and f 1 05l 10 fc.r choice t.i extra white, market closing Buoyum. i COBS quiet but firm, at "OfflVSe for new, and 1 80c for old. OATS advanced to COc and firm. TtYK firm at 9?eAl 00. CORK MEAL scarce and firm at 7'y.SOc. FRTJIT continues abundant w i tfflaarge arrValf I GREEN APPLES abundant at ;6Co0c. DRIED apples nominal at T' S ! 00. DRIED PEACHES $1 752 00. GREEN PEACHES are selling ia nmall quan tities at 80cSl' B bnshefr CLOVER' SEED steady -at S&3og'; 50; but little doing. TIMOTHY SEED firm at Sn H B0. FLAX SEED In demand :U S'J (X'. 15 V ill.:. . i . m - .i- CHEESE firm at.13 dents for Western Reserve, and. n10c fer country. BACON has advanced and prices are higher. HAMS firm at 1 al2'. MESS PORK held firmly at SUal3 go. HAY advanced to t-il&ja for baled. SALT a good stock inmarket at G0G5c bush. LARD firm and steady at OalOq. GROCERIES firm and buoyant at full prices. COFFEE tending upward at 3334c for Rio. SUGAR steady and firm at 1315c. MOLASSES quiet at 5565c. WHISKY in good demand aud firm at 55c. WOOL has advanced and is firmly held at 60 65 cents. Cincinnati Markets. Cincinnati, Oct. 31. FLOUR unchanged and fir i!! WHEAT nncbaii.l and in fair demand at 81 15U is fer red, and $1 37JU it) for white. CORN b'S$e for oar and Hlielled. OATS buoyant and held at 73c, in balk. ! KYL unchanped. RARLEY unchansed. WHISKY advanced to 5ic and in good de 1 maud. BULK SIDES in good demand; 200,000 lbs. ! soldat 5c. A round lot of clear bacon sicVs packed in boxes, and COO tierces of lard sold on terms not made public. LARD held firmly at 10. SOLD 44 (545c and dull. SILVER declined to Z5 38. MONEY rather close. EXCHANGE steady. Xew Tork Market. New Yobk, C-Iber 31. COTTON caution LOl R dull for common erodes. Trade biands scarce and tn request at full price); $7 .7 !(0 for extra R. H. O., market closing; ujot. IfWHEATone cent lower, a-ith aveiy moderate !Pr''Jg "5 K 3M6J w for Chicag aiding, SI 3! I 44 for winter red western. CORN heavy and lc lower, bat -rn for prime in store ; parcels afloat are vary scare and little higher. r-- 75 OATS heavy and l(9c lower, with sales at 82 83c, closiug at the inside qnotaiiou. , PORK heavy and lower at tt5 5D01.1 75 for old ms, Slii 75iJ$l7 for new, Sll 73(3(312 for new prime mess. CIT MEATS qniet and firm at .4(0,6 fo shoulders, and 8('H for hams. . BACON SIDES quiet and unchanged, aud in moderate demand. LARD steady and in mode: a: demand at 11. MONKY easier without material change in rates. STERLING EXCHANGE dull at SI 591 00. GOLD dull without material change, opening at4",aliancuig to 46, closing quiet at 46-j(&t) Total exerts of specie ur-day ? 37.',, 530. GOVERNMENT STOCKS without decided change; U.S. 6e-of "81 coupons, SI KVal 10!sUlIi BOOTS & SHOEs. W. H. WALKER. DE C. EVANS. WALKER & EVANS Retail PeaJern Cxclnairely in B00TS&SH0ES - -4 No. 81 MAIN STREE'I, Evansville, Ind. We deTote our whole time and attention to the Boot and Shoe Trade ExelnsivelT Consequently can give you betttf bargains than ' ! tbwe ''"1" 'll"wln5 " 1? B"' n1 Sh"" In l.unecTTn With nfwprfflftti... etmnectton with other btnTness City and sep5-ly County Orders par for Goeda. - taken at NOTICE. To a Hes of Evaasvilie and Tl JRS. Ro. IS PREPARED TQ DO IVx ml the 1 ' .; jt Embroidery apd Braid StampiDg at In i nee, on Second between Mslbery and Gum Str. eti. , af27-3m 1. , ." " .r3 ,.nOI 1 stop talkint COMMISSION HOUSE. iDAMS 1XPS.SS COMPANY New Arrangement. iWi. ADAMS" EXPRESS COMPANY RE SPECTFULLY announce to their friends and latrons, the public of Evansville and vicinity that, ith increased facilities for the transportation of freight, Packages. Honey and Valuables, Yhry solicit continuance of former favors. K .-cnl care taken in the collection of Bills, Draft Notes, and the transportation of small and valua iile packages. All persons wisbiug to vail themselves of tit 'icilities of the Express, cuii obtain any desired in formation in reference to the routes and details of he business, at thelrofltee on FirsMtree, between .Uaiii n:id Locust. jy2 CHAS. WKNTZ, Agent. SCHNEIDER & ZTJBEBBIER, (Succeasois tp Schneider A Wise. Commission Merchants For the sale of all kinds of Western Produce, PLOl-R, BAtOU, PORK, LARD, Hay-, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Ac. Corner Lafayette, New Leeee and Fulton Streets, NEW ORLEANS, LA. . aug36-6f H.B CLIFFORD, Commission Merchant E ta : X C f 1 LT S I V E L Y ta 6m 1 'HAVE DISPHS. OF MV STOCK OF GRO- 1-ceries. Prodce,ic, as I find that I calinet, n -r r.,1, nttv one else, do justioi to lueajnemw ami their .ilpjcr when they buy, for it U natural that they will r-ll their own goods first. As I have mmy shippers, I will hereafter confine my sr I f st Hot i y to the COMMISSION BUSINESS, And hop that I will find fa 'continuance of the tuaiiy faTr s'nown me during the past eight years ) shall give personal attention toallcon shttimuntri, and will make liberal cash advances li produce in st "O-. My motto is, Quick Sales amd Prompt Returns. Dealers I n Cotton cannot do better than to leave P'f Mif ,VU-L mtt- Mr- F- M- COPELAND, te ii'f Poielaud, Edmonds & Co.. will give the late Cotton ImsttK his personal attention. He is one among the lst judges in the State Orders solicited. H. B. CLIFFORD, No. 7 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn. . a' LttEt. B. r BALLASD. C. Bj'cLURK tit s? TwrtT TTTT sh- rri PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Dried Frnits, Flour and Provisions, 250 T ulton J9t.f O;.. Washipgton Market, NEW YORK. REFERENCES. Geo W. White, Cash. Mechanic's Bank, Brook lyn, New Yoik. Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New 7ork: Wn. Cripps, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York. A. U. Ballard, Ypsilanti, Michigan. J. L. Kelly, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. R. H. Huntington, Adam's Irlf Co. N. Y. J. H. Reed, Utica, New York. TIdn Tfdnrv .T RnvmnnH. 11 Van- Ynrt Tintpfl'" I C. H. Wheeler, St. Albans Vt. T. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin. ft ATTg, Given & Co., ) Crank k Bbown, Paducah, Ky., f Evansville, Iud. Haxdino, Given. A Co., ; St. Louis, Mo. WATTS, CKANE & CO., OMMISSI0N MERCHANTS No. 45 Bsoao Stbbet, SEW Y0HK CITY. IVe h.ive opened a House in the city of New York for the sale of Tobacco and Western Produce, Urider the name of WATTS, CRANK 4 CO. v, , . V. Wafts, of the firm of Watts, Given A Oo. ?f Pnducah, loag familiar with Tobacco, will take Asanas of that department of our business, and Mr. L Crane, of Crane and Brown, Evansville, will ake charge of the Produce business. mayM WATTS, CRANK 00. T. Cox. F. M. Hcstra-B.iv. COX & HUMPHREY, Steamboat Agents, WHARF - BOAT5 PROPRIETORS. KYANSTILtE, INDIANA. We bTe taken the Grey Kagle Wharf Boat, and ask of our friends a continuance of their patronage. One of us will be found aboard both day and night to attend to the wants of shippers. sepl r- ' lao. Foster. A. H. Foster. Wu. a. Gwrtt. GEO. FOSTER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Provision Merchants, cobjixbj aw UXVTt STREET AND THE CA9AL, ang9 EVANSVILLE. IND. MEDICIAL. A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY. DRUGGISTS IN ALL sections of the city and coast ry jeep on band buy, sell and re commend as a tonic, stimulantand appetizer, Roback's Stomach Bit ters. APOTHECARIES IN all sections of the city and country keep in stock, sell and dispense as a tonic Roback's Stomach Bitters. PHYSICIANS in all scctioa of the city and country apprp've and re commend as a tonic Ro back's Stomach Bitters. GROCERS In all sec tions of the, city and country keep constantly supplied with and deal in Roback's Stomach Bitters. HOTELS in all sec tions of the -city and country are supplied with and "cannot keep a Hotel," without a stock of Roback's Stomach Bitters. HOSPITALS throughout the army of the North have found an indispensable tonic, and are using, for the soldiers Roback's Stomach Bittere. SUTLERS in every regiment ought to have and many have introduced, and highly recom mend Roback's Stomach Bitters. LADIES, old and young, for Billiousness, Liver , Complaints, Languor. Nuakness and general l)e- i bility, are recommended to use Roback's Stomach . Bitters. EVERYBODY who desires a good tonic for giving tone to the spirits, a healthy appetite aud . j atieugtli to the system generally, aboald cot fail I to any a bottle of Roback's 8tomach Bitters. ii. o. v. noBACs, i Proprietor, Cincinnati. Office and Manufactory Nos. M, 58, 60 and 62 East Third Street. BS"For sale by all Druggists everywhere. aug25 MANTUA MAKING. HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOAK, MANTILLA r!!. iH'fin !" is hi; PaJMs ins MRS. ELIZA SPEIGLEBEB.G, IN THE OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING, ON First Street, has just received fresh supplies from the East, of the richest f abrics, and Is now prepared to make up to order on the most reason able terms. Cloaks, Mantles, Creoles, and Sacqnes of the best material and of the most beaut ifr.I styles. -..JI tmm ! stsrsrSTS Her stock is so complete, that with the assist ance of the most competent Dress and Cloak makers in the country, she is able to defy all com petft6rs in both stye and prices. Sirs. Sciegeibexg also ass bought a large as sortment of Silks, Head Dressscs, Hair Braids and Curls, Ladys' Pocket Handkerchiefs of every style and" a great mans .Ofher articles for the conve nience of the tadles-of Evansville a, u vicinity too numerous to mention-. The best Sewing Machine of Groror A Baker manufactory for family use, fcr sale by Mrs. KLl.A SPIEGELBERO, No. 13 First Street bet Main and Second. sep22 NOTICE. ( WANT 80ME SMART, INTELLIGENT labsrers, who are willing to work; to dig Coal fear .usssssk. at the Bod i am Mines, i I can also give employ ment to some Ctial Dljrs, at good paying rites. A good miner can Snake from $T5 to 85 per month, with prospect of steady employment through the wtnter and sprrutr. Alter a Utile experience laborers can earn front 82 to $3 por day. Apply immediately at my office, on Water Street between Main and Sycamore, or at the Min JOHN WYMOND (M ' ' ' J'l. Hti -.liOt wi eaStJsa IaJittxNijE .GrJBNU . INSURANTS COMPANY, Of New York. Onice 112 and 114 Broadway With a Cash Capital all paid in of OKE KILL I 0M" DOLLARS. ASSETS-JULY 1st, lt 51,5:0,000 The Home Insurance Company insures agahtst ' Load or Damage by Fire on Dwellings and their ; coprente, for n term of from 1 to 5 years on the : 'most fitt'irable terms. Stores, Warehotues, Stocks j i Mcrciiaiidize, Produce, Manufactories, Machine , iti 1 a11 iusurabli property, at fair and equitable ) rafs, and on INLAND NAVIGATION And Transportation, Shipment upon the Rivers, Lakes, Canals and Railroads, as low as the nature of the risks will boar, with fairness to the assured :nd the Company. Adjusting all losses fairly, and pr ,mptly paying them. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't. A. F. WILif ARTH, Vice Pres't . J. Mu-TOM Smith, Secretary. Johv McGaz, Ass't Sec'y: Applications made to and policies issued b; A. fl, HAIiLXCK SOH, Ag'ts, First Htreot, near Post Office. T r i-i tn - t r ei U er a n rt tt ALLEN C. HALLECK, UNDER WRITER' AND GENERAL INSURANCE ' AGENT, I . . . - . , ADJUSTER OT ATKBAGXS AND NOTARY K7BLIC. . He Kill Minus to issue PoMcies from several First 'lar ami Biost reliable , 1 "It INSURANCE OOMPANfKS' ' !u tlie Okesjsfrs), on Inland and Fire Rut. He will also receive applications for f .' LIFE INSURANCE. He will attend to the Aiijustmeut of Losses o! every description under policies from other agen cies, and attend to the sesaUnieau of all matters connected with INSURANCE, for parties interest ed. His long experience as an Insurance Agent, ha made him tUmitiar with all snbjecU connected with Insurance. sHTOIIice, on First street, near the Post Office. IN0GRP0 : w D 1847. Fir Insurai ee Company, HARTFoilD, CONN. Onpita 9 sas3Si,00 .:. . WAITK, Sec'y. 0. B. BOWERS, Pres'f. M. 'A. PRICE, General Agent, Residing at Chicag Ilia. CAHH CAPITA!, AND SURPLUS S:27,54:. This Company insnrus . i:...: loss and Unmade by fin; on Dwellings sud 'their Coutentii, -turee, Warehouses, Stocks of Merclniiidize, and all insur able propertv at as reasonable r.ites of" premium a any other solvent and reliable Company. Adjntiny LeSBM fairly and paying Merit promptly. AplicaiioiiH made to a:. Policies issued by I A. C. nALLECK 4 SON:, First Street, ttenr Post Office, aug21-lyd Evansville. Inb. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. INCORPORATED 181 CHARTER PERPETUAL With a Successful Business Experience o FIFTY YEARS. CASH CAPITAL, Sf500,000.i1i CAPITAL AND SUBPLCS 8890,986.81 Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer chandize, Mills, Manufactories, and other kinds ol property, can be effected in this Company upon ar favorable terms as the nature of the risks and secu rity to Policy will admit. PABTICULAB ATTENTION given to insuring Farm property, consisting of Dwellings, Barns, and outbuildings connected, and Furniture, Live Stock, Hay, Grain, Farming Utensils, Ac, Ao., contained therein, for a term of years at LOW rates of premium. OFFICEltS: T.' C. Allyn, Sec'y. H. Huntington, Pres't. C. C. Lyman, Ass't Sec'y. W. N. Bowers, Actuary. D. Alexander, General Agent for the Western and South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. I J.- Graham, Ass't General AgeDt for the Western and South Western States, Columbus, Ohio. Applications for Insurance may be made to the undersigned, the duly authorized Agents of the Company. A. C. HALLECK A SON, Ag'ts. W Office on First street, near Post Office. anir73-l yd LIVERY STABLE. AMERICAN STABLE On Third bet. Main and Lornst Sis, piUS LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH establishment in the City, having arrangements forthe aecojjtion of private horses at livery of the most elegant and complete description, and at the lowest rates. Carriages for visiting 'to 1st. Coaches, light wagons, and every kind of road vehicle to let. Horses sold on commission Second hand Buggy's for sale at the very lowest prices. Passengers for warded to all parts of tlie country by special con veyance. RICHARDSON, BRIT TON A CO. apl4 CIGARS & TOBACCO. JOSEPH FENDEICH & BROS. No. 155 Forest Street, fc 40 South BALTIMORE, MD. JOHN FENDRICH & BEOS., COLUMBIA. PA , AND F. FENDRICH & BROS., Evansville, Ind , Branches of the Baltimore lions. JLttB WW TUB MOOT EATEMS1VK Manufacturers, in our Hue, in the State. We offer the following Tobacco and Cigars, of our own manufacture, for sale: -""' Boxes of Five Lump per pound 30 Cts. 200 Boies of 10 Lump per pound 60 Ots. 200 Boxes Frank's Orange Lump $1 tb. 65 Cts. 300 Rose Bud, in Caddies, perpouod 60ts. 300 Boxes Barow's, in Caddies. 300 Caddies Peach Leaf, per pound 60 Cts. 200 El Dorado, Light, per pound ...21 00 300 Caddies Pancake, Light, per pound 80 Cts. 100 Boxes Sun Cured Tobacco $ lb 55 Cts. 4,000 lbs Home Spun J'wist Tobacco ; 1,000 Barrels Smoking Tobacco ; 200 boxes Bond's Scotch Snuff; 50 Half Barrels Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco ; 100 Merschaum Pipes ; 100 Gross Briar and Wood Pipes ; 200,000 Clay Pipes, assorted ; 100 Gross Rubber Pipes ; 10,000 assorted Pipe Stems ; 25,000 Ceaha Cigars ; 24,000 Henry Clay Cigars, first's ; 26,000 Henry Clay Cigars, Secona's ; 28,000 La Napoleon Cigars ; 30,000 El Brutus Cigars ; 280,000 Half Spanish Cigars ; 200,000 Segareets ; 220,000 La Salvadina Cigars ; 400,000 Packs Smoking Tobacco ; 50 Drums Turkish Smoking Tobacco ; 1,000 Bales Kinnicanick Smoking Tobacco ; 50 Drums Shanghie ; 2,000 Pounds Mackaboy Snuff ; 2,000 French Snuff. Merchants and Store-Keepers, look to their interest ; examine our Urge stock. IVo. 27 Main Street, Sales Room Factory, Cor. Locust & Water Sts. i We manufacture all the above goods, and will sel ' 30 per cent, cheaper than any Honse in our State. ' We would call the attention of Merchants who deal In our line, to bny from the manufacturers, where they can save 30 per cent. " T. FENDRICH A BROS., p21 Evansville, Indiana. . j tr.'ti . in; ! fe noli. or CIGARS RAILKOAD KJililHTliK e. & c. r. n. DEPARTS: Freight and Acrotuinodation. Way, Hail 6 ;45 A. 9 : A . ARRIVES Accommodatien .. Mall 5:24 p. M 6:54 p. T. H. 4t R. II. R. DEPARTS FROM T. H. Dav Express 3: M v. Accommodation Night Bxpress .7:06 a 1:50 a. m. ARRIVE AT Day Express Accommedation T. II 10:45t. . 5:35 A. m. 11:15 A. at. Night Express These two roads make good connections at Terra Haute. S ssU! News. River ARRIVAL. Steamer D. B. Campbell, Henderson. ' May Duke, Cairo. " Dee Arc, I ouievllle. j" Cepway, Louisville. " Nannie, do, DEPARTURES. Steamer I). B. Campbell, Heuderson. " Des Arc, Memphis. " May Dnk, Cairo. " Oisfi sswl Nashville. " Nannie, Nashville. - M Piketon, Rtinsey. The river was still swelling slowly on Saturday evening, having risen up to that tiiu fourteen, inches. The sun rose clear on Saturday morn ing and of course the rain is over for the present, but a reliable friend of ours, who deals const derably in thunder and lightning, and especially in lightning) predicts that it will rain Again in three days. We hope he is a prophet, but not of the tribe of orion. The gallant and gre;;iiy admired May Duke arrivedjhere at 2 o'clock on Satur day morning, having b-cn admitted to the "bar" on her way up, and conse quently detained for some time. She brought up a nte trip,' Including a lot of cotton and a cro wd iif people. She left again at. .' V o'clock, full of freight and people. The magniitcent Des Arc arrived here j from Louisville Saturday morning light. She came through without grounding. and her pilots report feut water on French Island Bar. The Des Arc is incomparable in beau ty and of rare speed, and is worth a mint to her popular commander, Capt. Hicks King. Tae Piketon got off Saturday evening for Green River, stowed full of freight The D. B. Campbell continues her trips regularly between this city and Henderson. She will leave again immediately after the arrival of the cars this evening The J. T. McCombs is the only packet expected here to-day bo far as we have been advised. She has the very best passenger accommodations, and Capt. Ballard is a veteran and accomplished commander. The Hazel Dell psveaed up Saturday afternoon, light, ano u.i ut landing. The regular Green IMver Packet, R. K. Dunkerson, will n - me her trade in Green River on Monday, November 2d, taking freights to Bowling Green and all intermediate landings. She is the neplus ultra of Green River boats and Capt Drir.kwater has " few superiors and no ocjunls. " The Cincinnati Gazelle of Saturday The weather yesterday was wet and cloudy, and showed no signs of clearing up. All along the river up to Pittsburg it was also wet, giving fresh bojies to nil of a rise in the river sufficient to bring down coal. Here the river was rising slowly yesterday, and had risen some four or five inches during the day. There was a depth of five feet of water in the channel yesterday at noon. At Pitts burg the river was stationary at noon, with a depth of three feet three inches of water in the ohimnel by the pier mark. Business on the wharf yesterday suf fered a little from the rain, although there was not much done before that I ' 1J1" 1. s m . T". coum De ninaerea. ine prospects, how ever, are good, and as soon as the river gets up to anything like a navigable channel, we may expect brisk business on the le.vee. The keel Dudley, left yesterday morn insr for Oil City, and the Eclipse and North Bend are loading. The Louisville Democrat of the 29th say 8: The river at this point was rising yes terday, though very slowly, and at'night it came to a stand with two feet eleven inches water in the canal by the mark. During the previous 24 hours, ending at dark last evening, the rher at the head of the falls had swollen two inches, which is equal to six inches at Portland. As the river is falling at all points above, we expect that it will commence reced ing at this' point to-day. The weather has been delightfully c ear and pleasant, though rather warm for this season of the year. The Pittsburg Dispatch of the 29th, says: The river was stationary at this point last evening, with 3 feet 5 inches in the channel, by the metal mark. The weather yesterday was clear and moderate. Should this kind of weather continue for a few days, the reported eight inches of snow at Olean will melt nnd keep the rivoi from falling. Business at the wharf was confined to the Oil City loading for Wheeling. She defered her departure till this evening, on account of two metal boats being aground at the Sisters, 6 miles above Wheeling. Capt, Nos3 reports meeting the steamers Capt John Brickel and Le ni Leoti above the Sisters, and the Stockdale at Steubenville. The Brownsville packets are making their regular trips. The New Albany Ledger of Pridav says: There has not been much alteration in the stage of the river since our last re port The weather since yesterday has turned quite a summerset An " old fashion" rain storm commenced about midnight, and up to noon to-day it still tames with us; and we think, if any one can judge from appearances, we are likely to have another " wet spelL" The last arrival up report a similar state of affairs below. So if the rains are as heavy above as they are here we may look lor another rise in the river in a dav or two. 1 F s Business on the whart both here and ! t Portland to day was dull the arrivals and departures were few The Des Arc got off last evening with i a fair trip of both freight and passengers i for Memphis. & j The Big Grey Eagle, the pride of the t Henderson hne, decked in her fall dress, backed gracefully out yesterday from her I ; summer retreat, and steamed up the river : : under command of Capt. Joseph Bunce ! i She seemed to elide bv th I as if her renting spelf had but added to I Her repairs have heen completed- frwa stem to stern, aud the internal )Vor.rtrons are, if anythinp;, more gorgeous than ever. "The travel- ing public will, no doubt, be delighted to learn that they can soon book themselves on board of this floating palace. She is I ! now lying in the sylvan shades of Saud . : ri "i .-...:.:.. r-1 - ur. . iMauo,'awauiii ivrk nioic wmti ijcxuid i j entering the Henderson trade. The Wabash river, at Vincennes, was 1 , reported rising at that point on Thnrs- day, and raiirfrig hard all diiy. The Louisville Journal of Saturday : says: The river at this point is risirrg, with two feet eleven inches water in the ca- ; nal. Our reports from above are to the effect that the river is rising all the way down from Pittsburg. It commenced raining here at 12 o' clock Thursday night, and the fall ot wa ter has continued almr.s-; -without inter mission up to the presen: riting. SfS. LOvv Water A rangement. MondRy and Thursday Packet. rpiIE FINE TX)W West Capf. CRANK . WATER PACKET, Vii-g-inia,, Clerk HALL. Will leave Evans villi' every Monday and Thursday at 12 o'clock, noon, for Paducah and all way landings. She will carry freight at the Dexter Line. CARD RATES for high water. John B. Hall will recuive and store, freight for her any dav or night free of charge. She will run for the aocommodatioo of the pub lic, and solicits a share of public patronage. oclCtf J0. B. HALL, Agent. Evansville and Cairo Packet Co. FAST MAIL PACKET LINE. Low Water Arrangement fi -- - ;, Pflrrt- the '-ojitlMmi Iff 1 A , i Bair wiR run as TuIIkws : THE FINE MAIL P A C li K T I I Mii rti .T. Mas'.-r V DUNN, t I. rk Li-sjTes 'Monday's nrirt Thin- !n '- n. ' k. for Cairo and all Way Pomts. TfpMVcs Clint Tut'Si.HV is Jtnd Friday's at S . tn. - - . TT U T M 3ST E. WIITSTLER, Master F. R. HD8T0N, Cl'k. Leaves Wednesday's and Saturday's at 2 p. m. for Cairo and all Way Points. Leaves Cairo on 1 nursday s ,v Si: iday ' at "1 p. le Making connections at Cairo v.fth ihaJDlio' Ceutral Railroad, and at Evans. !e with l Evansville and Orawfordsville Aailroad. For freight or passage apply on board or to Coi. A Humphrey, Lower Wharf Boat, or to P. D. Yeits, Agents. sep15-dtf Cincinnati and Memphis PACKET COMPANY. OC For Evansville, Henderson, Mount Vernon,. Shawnee tojvp, Smithland, Paduratr, f atro, rolnmhusT Hickman and Menipnis, and all way-points on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. oompriiing the following new light-draught )assenger packets : NORMAN, I JEWESS, Capt. Batchelor. Captain Fraiier. PRINCESS W. C. MAN, ' Captan Miur.itta. ' l anfiifn filumlr I One of -1h almve Boats will nais Evansville Weekly for Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, and Mem phis. Also, weekly for Cincinnati. For freight or passage enquire of COX A HUMPHREY, sPP'dtf Agents. ar EvansvUle and Cairo PACKET, DURING LOW WATER. THE STEAMER 31s o 3a- TOM. BOLUS, Captain. II . HYDE, Clerk, WILL RUN RE0T LARLT IN THE above trade during low water. For freight or passage apply on sep9 TT S. Mail Boat for Louisville. rCffiBt DLRINO THE. LOW WATER e-nson the Louisville and Evansville - - 1 8. Mail Company will run a daily liii, f-iudav's excepted) of light draught steam ers, loavm.g. from Gov A Humphrey's Wharf Boat. ta ;W ahouO t For further information apply to Co A Hum phrey. JO. H. BUNCE. Superintendent. June 25-tf LOUISVILLE AND HENDERSON AlI.Y LINE, (SUNDAY'S XI RPf ' The Kvansville & Louisville riiiine Go's. Splendid rasscnger "BIG" GREY EAGLE, apt. BUNCE , J. A. LUSE, Clerk. "STAR" GREY EAGLE, npt. 1IUTS1NPILLER W. G. VORIS, Clerk J . T . M c C O M B S, Capt. BALLARD J. GWATHNEY, Clerk Compose the Line, and will leave Evansville for Louisville as follows : : . Monday,- STAR OREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock M Tuesday's, J. T. McCOMBS, at 5 o'clock p Wednesday's, 'BIG" (iltEY EAGLE. at 5 o'clock Thursday, "IST.VR V SiiET EAGLE, P. H at 5 o'clock Friday'. J Saturday's. p. M 1'. MeCOMBS, at o'clock r. m ' stlG 0 QUI KAGLK. at A o'clooh RETURNING : J. T. McCOMBS, leaves Louisville Monday's and Thursday's. BIG" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Tues day's and Fridav's, ft STAR " OBEY "EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed nesday s and Saturday's. Punctually at 5 o'clock p. if. ' For comfort and speed the above steamers are unsurpassed. C0X A ncMPHREY. dec!2 '. . RAT EXTERMINATOR. 9 as '"if - - in.,l.r..iiin " Frt from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human FauiHy." Bats come out of their holes to die." Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by all Dkvogists and Retailehs every where. H ! Bewarf ! ' " nf .li ...rii.i.... sWSee that "Costab's" name is on eaeh Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy "WTAddress itENRY R. COSTAR, PauiCiPAi Dl 4Ai Bkoakwav. N. V. BSuldJ KKLLEU A WUITE, A'hahsalo aad Retail Agent, my To. Cm Evansville. Ind. ADMINISTRATOR' S SALE. XTOTiCE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY LI virtue of an order of the Court of Commoa t rieas oi vanderburch county, the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Lorenzo T. .Hop kins, deceased, will on the 3d dav of December, leoj, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and lo clock P. M., of said day, at the door of the j Court House, in the city of Evansville, Vander- ! burgh county, Indiana, "at public auction, sell the j fallowing described Real Estate, situated in said I county, to-wit i Lots No. 15 and lfl, in block No. I 5, in the Northern Enlargeiusiit of s-tid city. upon ' the following terms, to-wit: One-third of the j purchase money to be paid in cash, one-third in ' six moatk.1, and vine-third in twelve months, the ! purcliaser to glwj ,is notes tbr the dfsrred pay- ' ments, with security, with interest from day of I i ronei irom valuation or appraim i.t M.,,,..jnv, (,T niorfjyiitfA noon tns nrem. A. G. SULLIVAN, Adm r. novldlw V. s cS a !iiii095HLsBX - H 4ssSBBSSSSSSSRrSSSSSSSSS& fljlJl JBsWssWsssm.'T Sh9F SsBsUiBBBBaBK SBBBSHBBBBBBBB ? i. wMFii&KzSL y m'WmW' tfhBBBBBSSSBBBlu SBBBbnBBMSBBBBBBBBSpW DElfTIST. x" tn o 0NT1'STj It HAAS, 1 THANKFUL FOB THX I igc received during the past frxir I lrmanent resident of thisoity, ! (whether they need his profea- ; BssMssfsji eats, .r.l 'dni, destics ail perso ional HdM or Vs. rlorts Sty le t ) to visit his rooms aud see the i work Manufactured Improvement and Invent :ods Are lieinp made, and everything that will subeervr the interests of his patients is secured by him. H I Establishment and Facllttl s Are equal to aay in K A S TERK CITI , He has Several Anaesthetics Alieviatig Pain when Extracting i eem. Cheeks that are sunken can be restored to nearly heir ori glnal contour. All desirable styles of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, made anywhere in tho United States, are made by him. ' Irregularities of Children's Teeth success- lully corrected. Those having DECAYED TEETH Should either have the in Extracted or Filled, (the laUer if possible.) The health of the parties and the remaining Teeth demand it. NEURALGIC AFFLICTIONS TREATED. ALSO QLEFT PALATE Office on First S4 , Star Post Office. MACHINEST. MIBISS 1A KttAT. ' Htli.Mlv, KRATZ & HESLfr AN, ?5anutacturers an ' staildteW of Steam Engines and Boilers. 5?.w arHlfiri. Ki'! Ma shinerji Toba-c Screws. ' '.iirviisg 1Z. 'inei. se'Sv..trGme ''3. vmv ; m juxr .CHiifis. WeiabatKii ?-- 'CV SSVf l.f.f iM, i 'v i,-v t" itii'urtu tfi.-ir. irisx.ibj. iu,l ili. -tlbii. I -rsi, '! ! :i : li -un.,1 t..i u. al' Unds ot Si a ... . F j i g Work . . i . in --.;,;.. rta, ii.i. t i-unury esv :'ma tiHrig St-ans Kngiuw a,,'. Itiw. r, ,1 :.y -aid Hwf 'ilMil. Sfew :,t !t) , ..'.!. aid Mill (faring ot any size : Us-'i,-' . ! ' 'iiHi( daolii'iery, Tt'tstcco Scriews, :. ii" i : y fl.r iiiiug .Uaclliues, Malt laltMIr?reA:,lrei-.ii Corn Kfmlefw; lachiuery of . all liiiidi ci i i- und rupairwl-; Ir n il Brass Cast ing" v! , ve:y . s. i iptiiui. Iron House K routs, Cel lar Gratis, .vc. Cookltig aud lieaUng Stores of the latest inii-nn-.-r patterns : Hollow Waro, Dog Irons, Ac. Brewers, Distillers, Rectifiers, &c. upplied with every description of Copper and ihect Iron Work, Brewing Kettles, Refrigerators, Attemporators, Sparges, Stillheads and Worms on in improved principle, Columns for Alcohol Stills, Yeast dugs, Cans, Syphons, Ac. ; Copper, Lead and Irov Pipe ; Copper, Brass and Iron Pumps of every variety, for Beer, Spirits, Oil, Ac. Brass Cocks and Valves, Steam Whistles, Ac. Workmen sent to all parts to fit up work and do repairs on SUam Boilers, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Ac. Old Metals Bought. They are dealing In and selling Allen's ltnprev- d Steam Guaee, Wrought Iron WeHed Pipes and Tubbing, Hiram Hopkins' Improved Smut Ma chines, Stephen Hugnes'Tlour Separators, German Bolting Oleth, Gum Elastic Belting, Packing, Hose, Ac., of the best kind ; Tinphte, Sheet Iron Block Tin, Pig Iron, Babit Metal, Spelter, Fire Brick. . They have every facilitv of the best Machinery and workmen, aad will give all work entrusted to Hum, their individual attention, filling orders promptly, warranting their work, and are satisfied with reasonable prrees. is0fflce nd Sale Rooms. Foundrv. Boller-vard Machine Shop on Pine stseet, between First and f -cond streets, Evansville, Tnd. dec 7 INSURANCE AGENCY. INSURANCEAGNCY J W. NEXSEN, mar oie, main street. EVANSVILLE, IND., Underwriter and General In surance Agent. Adjuster of Fire Losses and Notary Public. All business connected with Insurance attended to with promptness and fidelity. Polices issued in several ot the oldest and most reliable Companies in the Union. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE. i i . - Combined Cash Capital Rep resented over $5,000,000 00 PREPARE IN TIME AGAINST THE THE FIRES OP FALL!! BY Prime A No. 1 Insurance IS THC Phoenix Insurance Company 0FHARTF0KD, CONK. The Fruits of the PhoBniz Are manifest in the following statement of Pacts db Fisiires Showing the amount equalised to public benefit in the shape of losses paid in the West and South, dunug the past four years; a Hue of valuable ser vice, honorable as well as eommt ndable, and wbicb should suggest ST o every mau who desires to bestow his iaturano patronage upon a WELL TSnSD COBPOBATIQN. wv.;77.45 ..ohio rr. .'7,6 94 INDIANA . 27,022.94 ri'1,174.66..'. ILLINOIS.. (.-9,174.50 33,eTO,C MICHIGAN.. 32,670.08 STjS.i'J3 WISCONSIN 34,820.13 i1,J23.3i IOWA 1823.34 8,(VSTli MINNESOTA B.S53.10 1, 67.00. .' NEBRASKA 1,167.00 0,7i5.'0 .KANSAS...... 4,765.00 81,054.3.; : KENTl'CKY 34,054.36 4HMi.'-l- ...TENNESSEE. 43,054.90 20,532.55 MISSISSIPPI 80,832.55 27,TO.88 MISSOURI 27,698.83 ttfmm ARKANSAS 22,839.43 3,801.98 TEXAS 3.901.W 666.56. -ALABAMA 556.55 In iht evnitablt ndjmtment, and prompt Oath ft rponse to touts, the PIKESIX ttandt pre-tmmently at tke head of its proftuion ; while U txtentire, pracH tioaly and firtt-claa bastaeaj system of load agencies, is not excelled by any similar corporation in the world. Iasurancies solicited, and policies issued aad re newed in this leading Corporation, at fair rates by i. W. NEXSEN, Resident Agent, Office, Marble Hall Building, Main street. , ,ii - r ' MS J. PV. B ,tsm---' t Cash Assets, January 1st, 1862, Losses Paid, Upward 14,000,000. The great public service, promptness ami re Iti bility of this well-tried and sterling Company. cemmend it to preference with those ueediuj; In surance. " Insurance solicited aud Policies issued bt J. W. NEXSEN, Agent, febe Marble Hall Building, No 9. Main st - 0 F w . - i i , u& ar, asm BOOTS AND SHOES. pa o xfi W o o 5 Q m u 02 X Q - I e 0 s 0 H h a 0 u 0 o o tn o o i 43 03 $ 53 r. 1 Eh r-i -5 0 o O n U B o a Eh s o 0 o o Eh cfi Eh m W PQ NEW SHOE STORE. F. No. V! SELLMAN Has just received, at 35 MAIN STREET A lare and carefully selected stock of BOOTS, SSfOES. GAITERS, SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S WEAR, OF THE LATENT STYLES, WHICH HE IS Belling as low as any house in the city. The public are invited to call and examine Goods and Prices before pyrphasing elsewhere. He warrants his -goods to give satisfaction. No trouble to show geods. Mending done FREE OF CHARGE, should (hey preusMurt'ly give wav. F. M. SELLMAN, Evansvilb, Sept. ft, 1803. 36 Main Street. aafl JEti Dj.m Retail Dealers and Manufactures of BOOTS & SHOES, No. 38 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. 1VTE HAVE SOW OS HAND A LARGE VV and well selected stock of Eastern and home made G-rods, consisting of all descript'ons of Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Boots, Shots. Gaiters and Slippers, Which we offer for sale as low as any house in the city. All our work is warranted. seplft MILT.FR A CO. No. 15 MAIN STREET. TURNER & GEY, WHOLESALE AST) RETAIL PEAl.EBS IX B00TSAN0 SHOES, AND Hats & Caps, .J a ,.: r.'O No. 15 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, . DIANA VOL UNTEEBING ! $302 BOUNTY For New Recruits J $402 BOUNTY For Veteran Volunteers ! MEN OF THE FIRST DI&TBKTT OF INDI ANA, tin Governor has called for seven or more Companies of Infantry and Ave Com panies of Cavalry from this District Shall he havo ihem ? I call upon yoa to give the answer. Mi T.irJ5' "HE Will you endorse it? I think you will. Yourconutrj- needs your ervirs in thi, a-mv . J . i . . . :,, . J ' ' ' vu-ia juu luancemonts ; which will enable yon to leave your families amply provided for. Anyone wishinr to reerait fnr th. by raising Companies, or pa(U of Companies, will receive commissions for that purpose by applying to me in writing, accompanied by proper recom mendations,, directed to Mt. Yernon, Posey coun ty, Indiana, until the organisation of the en campment. JOHN A. MANN, " Commandant 1st District. Other papers iu the District please copy. oct2tf NEW BOOKS. BET0ND THE LINES, bv Capt. Alex. Oeer. ! OA LA DAYS, by Gail Hamilton, j SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR I LIFE OF STONEWALL JACKSON. ! ELEANOR'S VICTORY, by Miss. Braddon. i A FULL SET OF CHARLES DICKENS WORKS In papers. All yet out of the SOcent Edition of Cooper's Nov -els. A fi'iii miuh NOVELS, by J. F. Smith, (in paper.; WAVERLY MAGAZINE, for October BOOT & Mad. DEMOREST'S Fall Fashion Book. An assortment of the beat COOK BOOKS, At BOBKLL'S.