Newspaper Page Text
TiBMS-IN ADVANCE. FOB DAILY n year .. Six months fhree mouths 6 00 I 3 00 i so. ! applied by-arriers at 12)$ cants per For weekly. nr m :, iim x months r .".V. n Tsar FOB TBI-WEKK LY. SU moutis ....... Ouc year . reek as ..$ i .10 S it) - 4 00 MEDICAL. 3. J. DAY. M. D.. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. vAMIJiW SURGEON FOB PENSIONARY Uctat, "V wrona Street, between Main and itESIDKNCE At Sherwood House, i -vHK January 6.18W S W. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSI IAN&SURGttfirV On Rfbiokkci: No. 35 Walslt Stuht (At Dr. Ronald's Old Stand.) VANSVILLE, INDIAN. I VOIfc YTYPES, PHOTO GRAPS AXD ,xci Ictures. ALSO, WEDDING CARDS, Mounted lu Beautiful Style, at Adam's PkstofBk. . . I OVER POaT-OFfe ICK. DRY GOODS KEEN & PRESTON I f.WE JUST RKf'EIVED A LARGE AND 1 1 general assortment of Desirable Dry Goods, Which they invite the "trade" to call and ex aoiir.e prices and qualities; believing, knowing, they can save dealers additional freight and ex paam in'eoing fnrtlwr Kastward. janlS LAW CARDS. W . H. WALKER, Jr , ATTORNEY AT LAW, E VANS VILLE, 1ND., Office on Tblrd Street, octl3-ly Opposite Court House. Z H ARLES DENBY, Attorney at Law. y as resumed the practice of Law. Office on Third trtt. aiiddle of Hall's Block, up stairs. febi JAMES Attorney RE I D, at Law AXD COLLECTING AGENT. ' 'F FK'E On Third Street, third door from Mai:. Street, iu the Crescent City Bank Bnilding, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA blSS-ly Jas. T. Walker, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND Agent for obtaining Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty H'OR D1SCUABGED S0LDIEBS, AND FOB L tho Widows and other legal representatives of those who die in the service of the United States. DITIce on the North-West side or Third Street, near the Washington House and nearly opposite the Cuart House, Kvansville, Indiana. All business entrusted to him will be promptly at tended to. jyl8-ly SASH AND DOORS. -I AMES STEELE, (Successor to 8tkt.i.e A Hunwai,) 4 BOOKS ST., BET. CHESTNUT AND CHERRY, B PA NS VI LLR, IHDIANj SASH, DOORS. WINDOW BLINDS Dressed Lumber it,..inh, Laths, Ac, oTevery description constant!! on hand. Packiui; Boxes of all kinds made to or t rder. Sawing of every kind donu on the shortest notice splS-ly W. HUNNELL, CORNER WALNUT STREET AND CANAL, K V A N S V I L L E , IND., lias on hand the largest lot of Hashes, Doors, Blinds, Frames, Ac, Ever Maunfsctured In the West. THEY ABE OP MY OWN MAKE. I have also a fine lot of White Pine and Popular Flooring. Moulding of all kinds madeand sawing of all descriptions done at the shortest notice. SEWING MACHINES. T M. SET.LMAN HAVING FITTED VV AN . office. No. SS Main Street, will keen. here tofore, a good assortment of Wheeler A Wilson's anil Singers Sewing Machines and Needles, SilV Thread and oil, snd everything that is connected with the hnsiness, and will repair all kind of Sew in? Merhine and put on new improvements. iv24 F. M. SET.LMAN. Ai MARBLE WORKS. UHLHOB.N & BBINKMAN, (Successor to M. A. Lawrence,) Dealers in IM ERICA VND ITALIAN MARBLE. Main Street Near Court Iletase. EVANSVILLE, - - - INDIANA VMonuments, tl kinds of Furniture W cnted In the latest an ties. Tombs, Vases, and all neatly and promptly ex : K-st styles. deel Just Received, Direct from the Quarries, the Tho Finest Stock of Marble Ever brought te this market, and for sale at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory, WARE AIsO SALES ROOM No. 134 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal Onr facilities for furnishing those wishing flONl'MESTS, (1RAVESTOXES, TOMBS, ' '-.-gBfti CIGARS I A N T L K S Or anything else in our line, are uiisiirpessisl in he West Our Stock of Marble is complete, having beeii selected with great care at the Quarries wybdAw i 1 1 inn nm i i I, - .;, VOLUME XVI WARREN & CONYNGTON'S A N I Bazaar of Fancy Goods P'rwS Fv0KT5i!?- ME"iK0N HARM0NI n.H . , Ac?r,n'- Violin-., Gaitars, Flutes ssrs ra. Music Sheet Music and i u,t r n 1 1,... n i ""."i! Y.'"tr",ue"U wi" "1 here. The very I SCOWS' VioUll -i at Wholesale Old Pianos takeu in exchange (.,r now one Inst ruments of all kind, repaired and tuned No. 1 MAIN STREET. Evausville. SEGARS, &c. ; . j MKUEDER LEMCKE, WK9t,H!AL2 DEALERS IN Cigars, Smoking:, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, &c. EVANSVILLE, IND. -S'lSllc,k,,P'0tt "and a compete CIGARS & TOBACCO, AND OFFER THE SAME TO THE PURLIC LOW FOR CA8H. a tifltlr-- - iiiwiwi 10 c.tll alio exanTrne oar prices. We are enabled to sell to mem as low as any house in the West oetl7-.lw SC H ROBBER A LEMCKK. QUEENS WARE, &c. China. Glass AND eens ware. I have now on hand, and am daily receiving additions thereto, one of the La i. ges t Stock. O F ' CHINA, GLASS aM J 4 t ' t AXD QUEENS WARE Ever bronght to the West, and am determined that no necessity shall exist for Merchants to go East for their Queens ware. Purchasers will find it to then advantage to call and examine for themselves, at No. 18 Main Street. Common Ware fnruitrfied alone If desired. oo2fi A. LAWRENCE. CIGARS & TOBACCO. JOSEPH FENDRICH & BROS. No. 155 Forest Street, 49 Son II. BALTIMORE 3! f . JOHN FENDRICH & BROS., COLOMBIA, A., AND F. FENDRICH I Evansville, Ind , Branches of tha Bslrlmore Hons, TOBACCO. ARM NuW TUB MOST EXTENSIVE Manufacturers, in our liu. in the State. we iffer the following Tobacco and Cigars, of our own II i i w illlulU f mauufactnre, for sale : 200 Boxes of Five Lump per pound 50 Cts. 200 Boxes of 10 Lump per pound 60 Cts. 200 Boxes Frank's Orange Lnmp B). 65 Cts. 300 Bose Bud, in Caddies, per pound 60 Cts. 3lO Boxes Baows, in Caddies. 300 Caddies Teach Xeaf, per ponnd 60 Cts. 20il El Dorado, Light, per pound $1 00 300 Caddies Pancake, Light, per ponnd 80 Cts. 100 Boxes Sun Cured Tobacco lb 55 Cts. 4.000 Ids Home Spnn Twist Tobacco ; 1,000 Barrels Smoking Tobacco ; 200 boxes Bond's Scotch SnnlT; 60 Half Barrels Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco ; 100 Merchaum Pipes ; 100 Gross Briar and Wood Pities ; 00,000 Clay Pipes, assorted ; 100 Gross Rnblier Pipes ; 10,000 assorted Pipe Steals ; 26,000 Cenha Cigars ; 24,(100 Henry Clny Cigars, first's ; 2." .000 Henry Clay Cigars, Sscoud's 28,000 La Napoleoa Cigars; 30.000 El Brntus Cigi-.rn ; 200,000 H.-Of Spanish Cigars; 20tgD00 Segareets ; 220jBoo I Saleadiaa Cigars;. 1V.000 Sacks Smoking Tobaeeo ; 60 Drums Turkish Smoking Tesacco , 1,0W0 Baius Kiuuicauick Smoking . . . SO Drums Shaughie ; 2,WX) Ponuds SlackalMy Suuff ; 2,000 French Snuff Merchants and K-. j , look lo their interest ; examine onr large stock. IVo. 27 Main Street, Sales Room Factory, Cor. Locust & Water Rts. We manufacture all the above goods, and will sel 30 per cent, cheaper than any Hons in onr State. We wuoM call the attention of Merchants who deal in our line, to buy from the manufacturers, ' where tliey can save 30 per cent. F. KEXDRiCH BROS., ap"l Evansville, Indiana. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE TITTTOTn r.m 1 -J. UllUUs. :m 'sun av ffHE UNDERSIGNED HAS 'OPENED AN 1 Intelligence Office on Third Street, four doors west of the Washiugton Hotel, where he will give atrict and urompt attention to all business in thai JfOMH WAYMAN. Zeituug copy a16 MORNI - ovu, Unjjm WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 1863. ESTABI TSHFH PUBLISHED BY JAMES K McNEELY. F. M. THAYER. JN0. H. McNEELY. rMlF.R TKK TltLH OT TBI EvansviHe Journal Company. Journal Buildings, LOCUST STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND WATEB. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11 fil't'DDIT I a If.. . TT I ' aie-AOE, X1ARDIV AND ; Breckinridge Coi xties, Ky. The New Albany Ledger has reliable information of the presence of panps of guerrillas in Jieade, iiardin and Breckinridge coun ties, Ky., under the leadership of Champ rurguson and other officers of Richard son's command. A party of about two hundred, under Champ Furguson, have WlKhol n . .. i A 1 'a" . uioiij oi me citizens ana mer chants in Big Spring and the surround ing country, and stolen many horses. In Breckinridge county they have perpetra ted similar outrages, and it i ro"-4-1 that they declarea their intention to tear up the track of the Louisville & Nash ville Railroad, as they retreated toward Tennessee. These scoundrels have a regular rendezvous in Cumberland, Clin ton and Monroe counties, and Burks ville, Albany and Tompkinsville may be said to be virtually in their possession. If this report is true, it behooves the Government to aiford Gov. Bramlette all facilities for arming and equipping the troops now being raised and in camp in Kentucky. Not a man should be drawn from the front for this work, until Gen. Bragg' s army is routed and broken to pieces. A GLOEIODS DEMONSTRATION. Relief for Soldiers' Families ! ! Princeton, November 9, 1863. To the Editors of the Evausville Journal. Having noticed movements made in different places recently to provide for soldiers' families, I wish to let the people know what we are doing here. You re member I described in the Journal a meeting we had in Princeton last July, when $300 were raised for the relief of the families of soldiers, and that I then said that " the bravery of our soldiers would ever be remembered, and that our people would see that the wives and little ones they had left behind them, weeping over their memories, should never want for kind sympathy or mate Hal aid." Last Thursday nd Friday the citizens of Princeton and vicinity, to the number of two hundred men, busied themselves in cutting and deliv ering wood to the families of our absent soldiers During the two day3 about two hundred cords of good wood were cut and delivered to about forty-five families. The wood was furnished by ferBtiCuvtPe,&- -Mtf'VdWu afTeasOni hundred dollars. All our citizens joined in the movement with two exceptions those who could not leave their business giving something to purchase wood so besides the wood delivered, the commit tee have in cash and wood yet to be de livered, about $200. We may set it down the families of soldiers in Prince ton and vicinity were, in those two days, assisted to the amount of about eight hundred dollars. We ask what commu nity has done better? While doing this amount of good it was made at the same time a period of jollification tor the men and boys engaged. On Friday evening a grand procession of all the choppers and teams was formed and marched through town in military stvle, com manded by Dr. Kidd, Henry Appenfield, Jesse Kimbal and H. Turner. First came the Pioneer Corps of twenty axe men ; next a large load of wood, upon I which was seated our excellent brass band; next a large wagon drawn by i eight oxen, surrounded by the boy chop- 1 pers; then followed eighteen loads of j wood, than two loads ot rotten wood ana stumps. Upon the latter was seated " a j youth, who bore a banner with a : strange device, namely, a rag upon a stick, having this inscription upon it, ! ' for those who refused to go. A boot and shoe firm, when called upon, would j neither furnish a chopper or contribute anything, so the two loads of rotten wood j and stumps were tor them, immediately ! after these followed eighty axemen and then a rear guard. They marched j through our streets, the band playing and the men holding their axes at a shoulder arms. A halt was made at the shoe shop and the " loads of stumps" dumped off, while the band played an appropriate tune, and the boys enlivened the scene with a few select groans and secesh yells. It was an odd and singu lar rjerformance. This is but one of the many efforts our people have made and will make in car ing for and ministering to the families among us of our brave and absent sol diers. I know a case in another town, where two ladies of a Home Relief Society vis ited the family of a soldier, and found a mother and five children who had not had a mouthful of bread or anything with which to make it for three days. When asked why she had -not made her wants known, the mother replied: Be fore my husband went off to the war, although we were poor my husband, by hisindustry and econo mv, had been able to maintain us comfortably and decently, and did not wish to beg. It is needless to say that the laoies saw that this little tamily were at once provided for. Persons who have never known want feel ashamed to ask assistance, and will sometimes sutler first. It is our duty to hunt out the i I needy, and in as delicate and kind a manner as possible give them aid, letting ! them know that it is not charity, but the : i duty of those who stay at home in com- ' I fort, to help provide for the families of our absent soldiers. ' Few of us know how sad life is, when , starvation and misery walk around the lowly cabin, when those who have lived : in comfort see ghastly famine and the ' chilling winds their daily companions: "God help the poor! an infant's feeble wail Comes from yon narrow gateway ; aud behold , A female crouching there, so deathly pale, i 1 Hnddliag her child to secure it from the cold ; ller vesture scant, her bonnet crashed and torn, j A thin shawl doth ber baby dear enfold ; ! And then she bides the ruthless gale of morn, j Which to her very heart h&th sent its cold 1 And now she sudden darts a ravening look, As one with new hot bread comes past the nook, i And as the tempting lead is ouward borne, j She weeps. God help thee, helpless one, forlorn !' ! Such is but a life picture of too many 1ST G - ' cases of misery that visit th hlnloca and destitute. Let us see that in our towns and cities no such sad homes shall De iound, because the father is aay in the army. I am glad to see that the pat riotic ladies of Evansville are making a special and extra effort to encourage men to enlist Since this war first com menced, the ladies of the Crescent City nave shown a degree of energy and pat riotism not excelled by any city or town in Indiana, and many a soldier and fam ily nas been blessed by their labors. The last call demands one hundred and fifty-four recruits from Gibson coun ty. Our people have responded prompt ly to every call yet made, but this ti me 1 iear it win require a draft to raise the number. Alex. C. Donald. Andrew Lewis, S. M. Barton, Albert Kr.owles and myself, have been holding meetings in different parts of our county, address ing the people, and urging them to en list. We will raise by volunteering a portion, at least, of our county's quota. Napoleon B. Risinger STEAM BAKERY. Bread for the Hungry ! To. IX WATER STRE'ET EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. WE DESIBE TO INFOBM THE CITIZENS of Evansville, and the community in Ken oral, that our NEW STEAM BAKERY, NO. 11 WATER STREET, Is now In successful operatiou, and we shall keep constantly on hand and make to order, on short notice, all articles made at like manufactories ; such as Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Ac, Ac. Being supplied with all the modern machinery to faciliate us in onr business, we flatter ourselves that we can give the most ample satisfaction in the quality of our goods and in prices. We will also keep on hand a large and choice stock of Confections, Emits, Nnts, Cigars, Ac , to which we call attention. Orders for public or private Parties, Festivals, Balls, Ac , Ac , promptly tilled on reasonable terms. st.i l8tf A. WELD A CO. WATCHES & JEWELRY. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, AT Wholesale and Retail. GEO. A. BITTROLFF Has Just opened at the old stand No. 48 On. of the largest and best selected stocks of WATCHES, CLOCKS T !E2 VST" Ij .- Diamond Rins and Fins, Silver Ware, Silver Cups, Soup La llet, Table and Tea Spoons, Napkin Rings, Buttor Knives, Childrens' Setts, &c. &e. Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets, fiuttcr"jj7Sire5. nKifovjuriia, Goblets, Jewelry, A full assortment of all kinds of Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, &c, &c. naving bonght my stock for Caih, I can sell at the lowest flgnres for Cash rrall and ex tin ins my stock before pnrchaslne elsrwh.-re. GEO. A. BITTROLFK. gcpS . NO. 4H Main Str.-et. PICTURE GALLERY. 3 m wm (! ' ' 33 no' B 3 i2i 2. ii oM 0 - ft 3 2 3 -3 Q oi; s ft 3 2. re w 33 e- p ( 1 2 "i "tt- . . a o a- 3 cn as 3 IS w CD g CO 0 is to co D .1 s a r S 2 M 9 p - - a : x 2. o' O o 2 a H a p P S3 n s 2 on Vd S- It m on c SOAP AND CANDLES. rhilip T3ecls:ei? (Successor to Decker A Kramer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an extra article of aVBSIKO, SKOIKE, AJVD CAB OIL Dealers in Resin, Soda, Ashes, Ac. Also Pure Catawba Win f our own raising, In quantities to snit pnr chasers, Uo fo Btrret, betueen Finl and Second. EVANSVILLE, IHIILANA. W Terms cash, er W) days' paper negotiable ia .,k. JantsVly BOOTS & SHOIK MI T.-"' IEIj-H cfc CK., Retail bealers and Manufactures of BOOTS & SHOES, No. 38 Main Street, ;EVAN3VILLE. 'INDIAN A. a T x WE HAVE NOW ON HANS! A LARGE and-well selected stock "of Firstirn and home made G oda, eoneist i uT of ik descriptions of Ladles', Misses', Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes, II0T9 aid Slippers, Which we offer for sale. a,low as any house in thecitv. All our work is warranted. sep!6 - MILLER A CO. STOVE WORKS. '. W. BBIKKaSTEB. A. HKLBLIK8 SOUTHERN STOVE .WOBXS. BRINKMEYER & CO., r Aft a r' Maniifwctnasr oj; ) ; '111'i' Stovos, Hollow Ware, iron Kailfngs, House, Fronts, Verandas, Balconies, Castings In .General, COrPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Ac 09 Sales Room Main Street, opposite Court n.iiiu. ti .n -in 'T : . 1 r "For.iidery Near the Mouth of Pigeon Creek EVANSVILLE, IND. ORDERS SOLICITED.-tBB my9 DAILY EDTTTON. CLOTHING. WHOLESALE tllTIIKIIVSI! GOLDMAN, BERG & 0 North First St., Evansville : BRANCH OF GOLD Iff AN, BERG & 0., 2S0"o. GOG Market Street, Philadelphia, Fall 3 Winter Clothing AND Gentleinen's Furnishing Goods, SHAWLS, BLANKETS AND TRAVELING SHIRTS. Hoys' Clotlalng, IN GREAT VARIETY, To whii-h we desire to call the attention of the trade. Our Goods heiug all manufac tured l.y ourselves, buyers have Only One Profit to Pay. We lVe confident that our prices are fully a low omer uouse in ine y eat. AM Goods Warranted. sep5 UNITED STATES Wholesale Clothing AND FURNISHING HOUSE. Clothing for the Million! L. LOE WENT HAL & CO., in tho market, at stand the old well kuown Cor. Main and First Sts., (Which 1ms Veen rebuilt and enlarged,) with tho largest and best selected stock of T.TT A XI) Gentlemen's fohusiiif GoojIm Ever Opened In tills Market. 0' UR OLD CUriTOMKKS AXD THE TRADE generally are respectfully Invited to call and examine our uoous an-i prices nesors purcnasing elsewhere, as we leel assured we can offer superier inducements to CASH buyers. One "f onr Arm resides iu New York, and has had many years experience in buying and manu facturing, and devotes his whole time to Purchasing and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, And as we liny exclusively for CASH, we can and will sell as low la t lie trade as any House East or West. eepll The Best is always the Cheapest Especially Is this true ef OTHI 1ST o AND Gents' Furnishing Good. Test It by calilng on Js Si CA1LIN, No. 8 FIRST STREET, (NEAR POST-OFFICE,) EVANSVILLE, IND. rHE UNDERSIGNED nAS JUST RE turned trom the East, where he has laid In one of the best stocks of Clothing and Gents' Fur nishing Goods ever brought to this City. My Cloths. Cassimercs, Vestincs. Ac, were s-lect-d with an eye siugle to quality and style ; and hav ing become conversant with the taste of our peo- j pie, am satisfied that in this particular my Goods will give excell-mt eat is taction. Gents Furnishing Goods of every description ; will also be fonnd at my establishment such as Gloves, Hosiery, Neck -Ties, Shirts, Collars, Sue penders, Ac. My ucilities for mannfacturin Clothing are excellent; and as for Cnttlug Ga - ntfrnti to fit no ! satisfaction no pay I ask no on u. take a mean fitting garment oif my hands. Over-Coatings of every var. -ly nd style will be i funnel at my rstblishmn'. Though it may sound unreasonable to. k Overcoats during the " heated term," we mnst remember Hiat in "peace is the timeto'- re for war,"' and in , Summer make onr preparations for the cold blasts f Winter. No better preparation can be devised ' I than the ordering of a good reliable Overcoat, sach as may be found at No. 8 First Street. Orders for Clothing of every description will . I receive tlie personal attention of the undersigned, ' ' and will lie promptly attended to. The mott at ' j No. 8 Is, " Promises punctually fulfilled." ! Before ordering Fall or Winter suits Gents will I consult their own interest by examining my ! ; Good and Prices. K'-member the place No. 8 First Street, (near Post Office.) J. II. CAUL IX. anglS NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern. NOTICE is hereby given, that a petition signed by freehold citizens of Pigeon township, Vanderburgh connty, Indiana, will be presented to the Board of Oommissioners of said county on I tbe first Monday in December next, at the Court . House in Evansville, in said county, for the ap pointment of viewers to view, mark and locate a i read ctfmmencine at a point on the road ' leading from Fnlton Avenue to the Salt i wells, where the line dividing ranges ten and ' eleven intersects said road, and running thence I en the range line due north, through lands owned l and occupied by Daniel Morgan, M. P. Jones' ! heirs, E. G. B. Waldo, Wm. Mocck. John Greek, John Whitehead, Jr., John Shanklin, Philip ; J I A Rausrh's heirs, Geo. B. Walker, Jas. T. WalKer, Scranton, M. A. Lawrence, W. II. Byford, J. L. Bittrolff, J. H. Rogers and A. B. Carpenter, to north east corner of south east quarter of sec tion 13, town , south range 11, west, and thence north westerly, on the road now used to Cody's mill, on Pigeon creek, a distance of about one mile. ocl8 3w. JOUR HARDWARE, &c. KUi, KELLOGG & CO., DEALERS IN HARDWARE aNd CITHER Y No. 13 X it. (SIOM BIO MILL SAW,) Have received a stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Purchased aud Imported direct from the Manufacturers O H ?r Si Enabling us to offer inducements to Pur chasers rarely found in the West We call the special attention of Dealers to our large and well selected Stock, con sisting in part of Axes All the celebrated brands, Chains Log, Trace and Halter, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver's Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Brass Kettles, Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, Hollow Ware, PfW TfriTip Japanned Ware, Notions Large Stock. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., No. 13 First Street. DRUGS, &c. WM. H. P. STODDARD, No. 17 Main Street, EVASS VILLE. IIT. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEAL JL er in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass. Brushes, Lamps, Dye Stuffs, and all articles usually kept in a first class Drug Store, with a large ani varied assortment of Patent Med. icines and Perfumery, together with every descrip tion of Ambrotype and Photograph Goods, con sisting f Cameras. Chemicals, Cases and Frames constantly on hand, and sold at reasonable prices Orders from Merchants and Artists promptly attended to, and forwarded aainstracted. TC PRINTERS"ANDPUBLISHBRS.-Just received a fresh lot of Wade's Printing Ink, comprising Book. Card and an tssortment of Colored Inks in cans, ar WM. H. P. STODDARD'S. IT Main street. LEXANDER S PATENT CEMENT, FOR Roofing aud Railroad and 8t eraboat pur poses. A very superior and durable article at 17 Main Street. DR. LYON 'S P E It T O p IC AL DROPS II AVE arrived. Call and get a bottle at 17 Main Street. COAL OIL A superior article ; white and near ly inoderons, for sale by the gallon or bar rel, at 17 Main street. LAMPS, LAMPS A new supply just received, at 17 Main street. BULL'S FAHNESTOCK'S, McLANE'S ami a variety of other Vetinifogee, at the City Drug i Store, 17 Main Street. . I s HALLEXBERGBR'sl KfcVER AND AGUE An Indole for sale at 17 Main Street. BRUSHES An endless variety of kinds aud ; qsiallties pan he bad at 17 Main Sfroet. NOTICE. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. or Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. The nnderbignrd pay tbeir Particular Attention To the sale of the above articles, and SOAP STOCKS GEHERALLV. Consignments sent to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and Quick Returns Made on very advanced terms. We mail onr Weekly Circular cratls to all sending their address to A BR AM KMGHT A SONS. 33 Water Street, X. T. City. iylOdGm NEW SALOON. SHAEFER'S SALOON. BILLIARD AND RESTAURANT, On TUlrd Street between Main and Sycamore. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. oct'.Mm CHANGE OF EXCHANGE A NEW ARRANGEMENT. SAM GRAMMES & HAURV JOHNSON having purchased Theodore's Exchange, ARE FITTING IT UP IN EXCELLENT : style for a first class BILLIARD SALOON and RESTAURANT. They will keep at tbe bar tbe best brands o ' Liquors and their larders will at all times be filled with the richest dainties from the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and the waters of the vasty ' deep will be made to contribute of their richest ; stores. Especial attention will be given to tbe rainoe, : which will be under charge of the most competent ! aitists. Their Billiard Boom ia large and their TABLES FTRST CLASS. The establishment will re-open on Tuesday next. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully SliciUd. my3nd3m A L. SADDLERY, Olxar-les BabcockT IMPOBTBB AND DEALER FN foach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STBEET, BVANBVTLLf!t is DTA v. Haviflu COMPLETED MY ARU VNGK. ments with European and AmeH.n n.anu a.-turers for . direct supply of all good, u my ,?"e I am enabled to offer - rT " my line W W A t.'twn I naire u part . A ties, Spring made oft ne best St-H Bands, enameled as'' all kinds of Lea'be. Cloths, Linings for Car -iages , ,n?b,i C",(n8 of a kinds , Saddle Trees, Euplish Bridie Leathers aiirrups, bpurs, Hames, fine Silvor 01 all kinds: Jecnv I.inrt rii tv. lf-adiustiue Pala Taylor's Patent UaniHsrn, 2! LffSR 7hnad ; Horse Blankets ; L .moo-.. it. v . '. Amcan Uirth and Rein ..eos, oom cotton and worsted: Lon don Welt Skins, a superior article: Ivory ; Gutta Percha and Brass lined Mart, ngai Rings; snperior Keraevs for Horse Covers ; the best quality of Carriage Bolts; (.rLrrQ,.feCVeLer3'thin8 PPef'ttiniug to eithe. ia.r.fcSiH. -nldres,?, 5 REMOVAL. rPHE UNDERSIGNED FIRM H WE RE A moved their Saddlery eetablishnivut to the rbf DSnd .f Stn' ln he room oct copied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF & J. KROEPSCH, MASl-FACTl-REEl. Or AND DKA.LEBS I N Saddles, Harness, CO! LARS, &c, &c, Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly occuppied by Fred Krone.) ets-.ii oruers attended to with disnatch Work warranted. uovlo-ly W. r. C0BW1N. J. B. MAGHIE THE NEW FIRM. WK- T"E SUBSCRIBERS, WHOLESALE r manulactnrers of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, tiarness, Ac., desire to inform the pnblic that we have largely increased onr stock on hand, and Ly close application ourselves and the employment of good workman in our shops, we are able to fur nish on short notice anv and .11 -T, ties of work to snit the trade. Those who aill ftvor us with a call, can satisfy themselves, that they caa procure, at lower prices, good substan tial, fency and durable work of as than thev can sho"-wo?ke)lse' (aud fer betU,r tl"Ul ,h fera The members of the ftnn being practical work men themselves, attending inrjonally to all ,1 7k ? PromPt"!99. care and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in style of finish or qualuy of work, give better satisfaction to those !uZZ$K .VV fwel c"nfid"n I WUl bo to th. interest of air to come and see for themselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Hn!,J?,? L0Ca 3,reet' Ahoye Sherwood House, between First and Second Streets, No. 25 N. U. Guarantee all we sell W. F. CQRWIK A CO. 'lNSOLUBL CEMENT. GSEAT DlgOOVEBT. USEFUL and VALUABLE DISCOVERY ! HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Applicable to the usi ful arts. Is of more general practical ntiHtv Ihan any inreation my before the P.5S: r.....f? h 'boromrhly Adhesive Preparation known. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is a new thing, and the result of years of study, its combination Is on Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive smell. A new thing. Its Combina. tion. Boot A Shoo HOOT it shok Manufacturing Manufacturers. using Machines, will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels, as it worts without delay, is not affect ed by any Change of temperature. Jewelers. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their nse, as has been proved. It Is especially adapted to Families. neatner, And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches an.' Linings to Boots and Shoes sr iciently strong without stitching. IT TS THE ONLY LIQUIO CEMENT Extant, that is a sure thing for mendirg It is a Liquid FURNITURE. CROCKERY, TOYS, IVORY, And articles ef honsohold us?. REMEMBER Remember . Hilton's Insoluble Ccmen Is in a liqnid form snd as ea ily applied as pasie. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Adheres oily substances. Supplied In Familyor Manufactur ers' Packages from J ounces Finis. HILTON, UU.S. A CO., PROranrross, 1 PROVIDENCE, R. I DRUGS. A LARGE AND WELL SELRTKD STOCK of Pure ml Fresh Drugs, Herbs, Extracts ! and Patent Medicines .lust rr. .-ivrd at SCHLAEPKEB'S Drug Store. SIJLPHITB OF LIME FOR TilK THE FKR meutatiou of (Vler and Wines. .lust reeeiveu and for sale at SiMILAF.rFKR-S Drug slore. i flODs I O St ASH .V I) LIMK MT RECF1VEP SCLA KPFER'.S Drug Store. M RS. ALLEN'S ntlR HESTORATM ani. vrol'iiis mi jmt receive.) 'or ai SCfll.AKI'FKr'M lro Slur. LARGE ASOP.rMr:VT F -t-l.TII Ni Hair Brushy ju-t r.tviv.l SOU LA KPFKK l C Store. A NOTIIER Sl'PPLV OF HAUUP.Lf. Bull's Worm on! . -:i..r.i . auo . s fir wn's Tnx:he : just reeevel Jor sji- at S:HL Ai;PFKI".'S Drug si,.r... A RTIC LOTIAN, FOR .'V Liralis, fi.rsaleat FRi 1ST BITTKN SCIILAEPFElt s Drug Sior.- rACCINE VIRUS FOR SALK AT SCHLAEPFER'S Drug St. .re. HOBBY HORSES. PATENT SPRING AND ROCKING HORSES, the finest assortment ever broughtto tlie city, lust receiw.1. Prices from one dollar to forty. AtWlKKEK A CON Y WGToN'8. - neM No. 1 Main Street. f rzrr ..... m ADVKBTISIStt EATES IX DAILY Business cards (5 line, or less), one year $12 six months... 7 n three u 4 50 One square (10 lines or legs) one Insertion " 75 Z iSan J 1 M one -.... 1 75 one month..... 5 50 TN WEEKLY. One square, one insert ten - j For each subsequent insertion 8peoial Notices retained on inside of naner will be charged 20 per cent, additional on above rates. GRCK7ERIES. HEN R Y L U T Z . 1 ia,..nv4i - - 9 Dealer in GHOOERIES PROVISIONS, - iconi ir. ci ana trie EVANSVILLB, INDIANA. Can al T HAVE RETCRNED HOME FROM THE .arn'r' and m reidJr W see my old customers, and the public generally, at the old stand. The highest market prloe paid fox PRODUCE. I ani also prepared to accommodate people attend ing Market with board and lodging, and will also take care of their horses and wagons, having a good stable and w .gon-yard. My Bar is also open for customers. n Ll'TZ octG-lwdAlmw FRESE FAMILY GROCERIES. STEPHENH. S. COOK, 175 Main Street, Between Sixth and Seventh, Is the place to obtain the Ci sapest and best FAMILY GROCERIES Good Sugar 7 pounds tor Si. Excellent Coffee 3 for 1. Everything else in proportion. Eatables of all kinds kept contaBUf.QH.InMulJ0,F jtuUU. WM GLENN & SONS, Wholesale Grocers, 70 and 7 Vine Street, Bet. Second and Pearl Sts. CINCINNA TI, O. HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR sale at the lowest market prices, a large snd well selected stock of Groceries. Tobacco, Cordaee W . . .. 1 .. ...... i... .A 1. : i . St . u, a! , ftO WUIOU W I U VI l I Ilf at t' U - tion of Merchants. seply iaMUEL E. Gilbert. William R. Bun S. E. GILBERT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Sycamore Street, bet. Water and First, EVAHBTILLS, 1m.. A full assortment of Groceries always en hand, d for sale at the lowest prices. DRUGGISTS. EEI UGHTON k WOOD. CBESCEXT CITY DRTfci STORK. Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Fruit Jars, Sealing Wax, Patent Modicines, "Bore "'Agents ior wniT field's Pile Cure. FAMILY n STORE WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, NO. 1, r'l iu-fT STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE, Has Juit received another large and splendid as sortment of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemical, Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Pomades, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles, aps, Flavoring Extruats, &c &c Brandies and Wines, for Purposes. Medical All the Approved Patent Medicines kept con tautly eu hand and for sale at North American ricos. BParticnlar attention paid to the compounding l prescriptions at all hours. WM. E. HALLOCK, No. lo South First Street, near Post Office, nnv-27 Evansville, Ind. BOILER MAKER. JOHN P. LAURENT, H3 :- Ilex- Maimer, Corner or Pine and Water Streets, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. T AM PREPARED TO MAES ALL KINDS stationary or portable. I X of Steam Boilers. have everv facility fur detng good work that good machinery ana good workmen can give, ana an : work entrusted to me will be made ander my per I sonal supervision. Workmen sent to any part of the dry and I country to do repairing. ocl3-lm FOREIGN LIQUORS. ErGEVF. lAi'lUE. ML KHMimrM. K4PPLER A SCHKAKE5BTRG, Importers and Dealers in Whiskys, Brandies, Wines, Gins, &c, &c, &c. Also Rectifiers and Manufacturers of Domestic Wines and Liquors. I NO. 4 WATER ST., bet. Main and Bycamore, autH EVANSVILLE. IND. RAT EXTERMINATOR. at 2 " - Only infollible remedies knowa." " Krw trom ruo".. ,, Not dangerous to the Human Family " RaU eosne t of their holes to die. na-Sold Wholesale in sll large cities. M-Sold by all Kst'oaiSTg and RrtsjLias svery- ! -T'BcwAKi. ! ! !" of all worthless imitations. - sWSer that ' Costa e's " name is on eaeh Box, K.itllr auu r i ,ul. uj -Ad.lres HENRY &. COSTAR, sj-fsiv iru Depot 8S Bboai wat, N . V a-SolJ by KELLER A WHITE. A h.ilemle and Retail Agent, niyiveai EvaBsvills, Ind. m iaBMaB2sVLw s3 HBSh mFts ri a. m WW I I nevisxs It