Newspaper Page Text
TKBMS-IX ABYAJ.CR. FOB DAILY ne year 6 up. Six months 3 00 Three month " -v 1 50 .supplied by carrier at 12 cents per week FOR WEEKLY. nrw months H x months -rj ... . 85 ne Year S 1 50 FOB TRI-WEKKLY. Six months 2 00 One year .... 4 00 MEDICAL. . S W. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSj IAN & SURGEON lr-( o l.vsl ni.NCB Ko. 35 WaLNCT ST SECT (At Dr. Ronald's Old Stand.) : VANSVILLE, INDIANA. I VORYTYPES, PHOTOGRAPS ALSO, WEDDING CARDS, Homted in Beautiful Style, AT Adam's IM, olographic Gallery, OVER POST-OFC tOt - j IjAW cards. W S, H. WALKER, Jr , ATTORNEY AT LAW, EVANSVILLE, IND., Office on Third Street, octl3-ly Opposite Court House. '-'HAUL ES DENBY, Attorney at Law, Has resumed the practice of Law. Offlos ou Third .- 1 -1, nii.l.lle of Hall's Block, np stairs. fcb2 JAM ES RE ID , Attorney at Law AND COLLECTING AGENT. nrriCK-Ou Third Street, third door from llain Street, In the Crescent City Bank Bnildiug, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. . i.-J5-ly .Jaw. T. Walker, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND Agent for obtaining Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty FKIR DISCHARGED SOLDIERS, AND FOB tin' Widows and other legal representatives of those who die in the service of the United States. OlHoe on the, Nortb-West side of Third Street, near the Washington House md nearly opposite the Cou-t lion e, Evansvilie, Iudiaua. All business - 1 rusted to him will be promptly attended to. jyl8-ly SASH AND DOORS. . AZVJKS STEELE, (Successor to Steele A Henna,) -:iD ST.. BET. CHESTNUT AND CHEBBY, BVA XS VILL E, INDIA Njt SASH, DOORS, WINDOW BUNDS Dressed Lumber H.unis, Laths, Ac., of every description constantly on bund. Pucking Boxes of all kinds made to or. frder. Sawlug of every kind done en the shortest Mas apl8-ly W. HUNNELL, t oiiNKIt WALNUT STREET AND CANAL, I! V A N S Y I I. I. E 1MB. J n ... m largest lot of Hashes, Boon, Blinds, Frames, 4c, Kver Manufactured In the West. THEY ARE OF MY OWN MAKE. I ii Mrs also h fine M of White Piue and Popular Flooring. M ii i Hn kinds mailt-ami sawing of all sSUrt)AJM done at the shortest notice. SEGARS, &c S HRO EDER LEMCK hi, WHot.KSAI.A IIEAI-KSS IN Cigars, Smoking, Chewing Tobacco. Snuff, Pipes, & c. EVANSVILLE, IND. have now, and will keep, on hand a complete hil well assorted stock of CHGARS & TOBA.C00, AND OFFER THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC LOW FOR CASH. BtaSutlera will find it to their interest to cull and examine our prices. We are enabled to sell t. tliem as low as any home in the West. "tt!7-.lAw SCHROKHKR A LEMCK E MARBLE WORKS. T a x rieceixrod., Direct from the Quarries, the The Finest Stock of Marble Ever bronght te this market, and for sale at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory, WAR.'. AMU SALES HOOM Mo. 134 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal Onr facilities for foroiahing those wishing .HDMJHKKTH, KRAVEsTONES, TOMBS, JI A S T t K S, r anything else lu our line, are unsurpassed In he West Onr Stock of Marble Is complete, having been al ected with great care at the Quarries rayGdcw 0HLH0RN & BRINZMAN, (Successor to M. A. Lawrence,) Dealers in iMKRICAN tND ITALIAN MARBLE. Main Stree. Near t'onrt Honse. KVASSVILLK, - INDIANA -Mocumeiits, to ties, Tsajbo, fuse, and all kiuds .f Furniture W rtratly aud promptly ex 'irte.1 in the latest an " st styles. deel WATCHES & JEWELRY. J. L. BITTROLFF, JR., No. 1, North First Stree. An entirely new Stock of 1 1 Watches and Jewelry, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, &c. i WOULD UsPKCTyULLir INFORM THE (psbtic that I have (ienl an entirely lie and SMtMBsMl stork ..f tie- Iv,v,., w'lich, llriv- iag bea tM.nght f.w cms, I am psaaaMi to sell at .... . . - wir i.iaisi nn. i warrant ever,- ar.icle to sejast :W wsrassslst. Krom laag v-prien.-.- in l.iwiueAs, I hi,, roiin lent or giving satisu:rioo. awae to m-rit a share ufiae out. , lie pat r-tuage. Personal attemi.m paM to repairinc Watches Clocks and Jewelry. . ' ' J L. BITTROLFF, Jr octn-lnidAw No. 1, Nprth First Street. EVASVILJLE DAIJLY VOLUME XVI. EYANSVlLLE, IND., H.TURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 I8r5& ESTABLISHED, 1831 STOVES, &c. 5fiT JTI .iTw JeTT Council Proceedings. ; . TTiimmATJic wathttpq txittttm--r-r 3 35 o ? 0 1 G 2 s a ' E S el & W v Si W i H s A B " O a- g rg) ! I - g f o ? w g. r o 3 m si0 S ft 3 B g i S 3 gj NOTICE. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. o r Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. The undersigned pay their Particular Attention To the sale of the above article, nnd SOAP STOCKS GENERALLY. Consignment seut to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and Quick Returns Made on very advanced terms. We mail our Weekly Circular gratis to all sending their address to A 15 HA M It IOH T &. SONS, ii "Water Street, X. Y. City. iyl0d6m HARDWARE. HARDWARE AT LOW PRICES. Meat Cutters and Sausage Staf-J lers ; Patent Meat Cutters and Snif fers, (combined) -, Axes, Lippiucott's, White's and Taneyck's ; Axe Handles and Wedges ; w W4.IIaud..aud,1j;.i-;v,-,T, il,s,. ton's and others ; if m I Cross Cut Saws, crimmon and patent ; Q i Mill Saws, Rowlnnd's, Ac. ; Butcher's Files, Chisels and Hazors ; to Table and Pocket Cutlery ; Shears and Scissors ; Tea and Table Spoons ; Tea aud Counter Scales; tVale Ben ins j Rutibei Knives aud Saws; Wilson's Sleelf, Cleavers snd Chojpers ; Molasses Gates and Csdar b). cets ; Hay and Straw Knives; Grain and Coal Shovels ; Shovels aud Spades ; -Chains Loir, trace and Halter; Nails; Selves and Rat Traps ; Brushes and Curry Corns ; Door Locks, Hiuges and Screws Chain Pumps ; Ohio Tool Co. PUnes and Truss Hoops ; Barton's Cooper T ols X Cabinet Hardware; Shovels, Tonjp, aud Stands ; Steel Fire Setts, for sale by i d4 Z. H 3! 3 - 2. 15 s s a JACOB STRAUB A SON. i GROCERIES. IRISH POTATOES FIVE HUNDRED BAR RELS choice white Neshanic Potatoes, on con signment, and fcr sale at .. NO. 82 MAIN STREET. CRANBERRIES. Thrco barrels choice culti vated Craulierrics, for sale a NO. 82 MAIN STREET. plOAL OIL LAMPS. -Kj dozen assorted kinds w lor sale at NO. S2 MAIN STREET. TJ01TSEH0LD BLESSINGS. Another lot of Johnson s Union Washing Machines and V, rmgors, just received. These machines are now in use in almost all tlie Hospitals, ConvenU, Ho tela, aud Families generally in the larae cities, aud have been thoroughly tested and la every case have given satisfaction. These machines not only save three-fourths of the labor and soap, bnt garments will last twice as long when washed in them than th-se that are washed on the common wash borfrd Call and see thnist NO. 82 MAIN STREKT. piCKLES AND 8AVCES dozeu I t yt gallon gherkins. " miled pirkles. i 4 jo i 2 2 assorted kinds. " Caullitfower in mustard. rav 7 Lofnlon rinb Sauco. Auoboria Miller's Enicurau Sauce. 2 " Gregs' Salad Sauce For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. 'PEAS. 20 half chests choice Green aud Black A Teas. For sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. c t AN NED FRUITS. 3" dozen Cauued Peaches. " " Blackberries. , " Tomatoes. 5 " " Piue Apples For sale at ELLIUTI S FAMILY GROCERY. (tOAf. AND LAKD Ol L Coal and' Lard Oil J ol tin. ijualily, can lie hud at HT.T.IOTTS FAMILY GROCERY J.M.IH'11 abrnls elidtw Family Flour; 2i V sacks Double Extra Faniilv Flour, for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY OROCEKY. rAldlNS, I'I'RHAN'TS AND CITBOX. 10 1 i 1mxh choice layer Baliit ; '1 - i.- New I Kauto Currants ; 10.1 lbs choice Genoa Citron, for i sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GBOCEBY. - Wll tUi PUBLISHED BY JAidES H. McNEELY. F. M. THAYER. JNO. H. McNEELY. DNDIB THK FI EM or TUX Evansvilie Journal Company. JT ournal Buildings, LOCDST STREET, BETWF.EN FIRST tVn SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 21 From the First Indiana Cavalry. Pine Bluff, Arkansas, ) Nov. 3, 1863. j Editors Journal : I havp not time to write very much. j but a few lines at this time may not prove tinaccep'ajlc. I rot back Yesterday evening fr0m a long scout after Marma duke. As usual, he skedaddled, and our trip did not t.iuount tojnufb. Hut trr tfcpin at the beginning. Sev eral weeks ago Col. Clayton, who com mands the post here, hearing that about SOU of them were encamped at Tulip, a little place about fifty miles from here, concluded to go and route them from their camp. Taking 300 men from the 5th Kansas and 1st Indiana, with our little guns, he started, attacked them be- lore day, and completely routed them, capturing a number of prisoners, most ot their train, a large number of guns and sabres, and a quantity of new cloth ing they had just received. The force consisted of Dobbins' and Newton's regi ments, and they were evidently prepar ing for a raid on this place, but their plans were somewhat frustrated by our thus forestalling them. Smarting under their defeat, and by a so much smaller force, Marinaduke fitted out an expedi tion to take Pine Blufl', and with so much secrecy did he carry out hi.s plans that never a word did we. hpar of it imtll r.n pickets were attacked on the morning of . I OCxl CC.. s , iue ,Hii oi. aepremDer, aoout 8 o clock. Your correspondent was quietly eating his breakfast on the outer edge of the city, where the enemy first entered. On hearing the firing he rushed to the door and. saw the pickets coming in, occasion ally stopping and giving them a volley. It did not take him long to consider what to do, and for once legs came into good play. How long it took him to make the one-half mile between him and the court house square I do not know, but I am certain he made telegraph time. On arriving at the Court House, he found all bustle and aetivitv. The square was selected as the fighting ground, and the several streets leading into the square were barricaded with cotton bales, and the howitzers planted so as to command each street Lieut. Clark of the 5th Kansas, who had started out with a small party that morning, met a flag of truce coming in. The Ma jor who brought the" flag wished to su Col. Clavton T : orarK told him he .mud not receive it while his menirfN firing on our lines,whichthey were doing at the time. "Are you aware, sir," said the Major, " do you know that I have a communication from Gon. MareiaJuLv, demanding the surrender of the place? 'Col Clayton aud his command never surrender," replied the Lieut. "If you want tbem, corae and take them, but get away from this place quick, or I will or der my (ire on you." He wheel ed his horse, and putting spurs to him, was soon out of sight Major Owen had been sent out with several companies and a howitzer to check their advance while we could roll the cotton bales out of the warehouse and in proper position. He held them at .bay for some time, until we had got everything ready, when the forces were collected behind behind the breastworks, and two compa nies Fand D, of the 1st Indiana, were placed on top of the Court House. The view from the cupalo was magnificent. On every sidejthey could be seen planting their artillery all aronnd the square" Their forces were four thousand strong, with twelve pieces of artillery. To oppose them we had six hundred men and six howitzers. The skirmishers on each side were all busily engaged, and the sharp crack of rifle and carbine could be heard on every side. Soon, however, the heavy artillery of the enemy commenced opening out, and the crash of shot and shell, as they came tearing through the brick and mortar, was anything but agreeable to those on top of the house. Quite Ja number were knocked down by brick and mortar, and at last Colonel Pace sent an order for the companies to come down, as to bat ter down the Court House seemed to be their great aim and object. All around the lines now the work was getting warm. The enemy, confident in superior and overwhelming numbers, thought that a few minutes close work would give him possession of the place; but, after five hours fighting, enraged by 1 the stubborn resistence he met, he set ! fire to the town. Several blocks were thus ! destroyed, but he soon found be could ! i t . , ' uciiuci ugiii, us oiu or Durn us out, ana about half past two o'clock lie retired, apparently in much disgust and chagrin. But he was not allowed to retire in peace. A portion of the force was mounted, and following up his rear, charged on them, killing and wounding quite a number. The result of the battle may be briefly summed up thus: our loss (both regi ments) in killed was 10, wounded 23, most of them slightly. Sergeant Tavoli, of company B, had his neck and should er torn off by a cannon ball; Corporal i vvcitiaser.oi company Kj, shot through , the head hv a lniiskpt hall- fluvrloa Sstal j (private,) of company G, had his leg j i shattered by a cannon ball and died thai i 1 i mi ,i . ..... - nignt. ine enemy s loss in killed and wounded was one hundred and fifty, we picked up and buried 25 after the i battle was over, and quite a number of) wounded. A few days ofter the fight an expedi tioo of 2.000 cavalry started from here j to find their whereabouts. We were as j far as Arkadelphia the first three days and nights out only getting six hours ' sleep but as usual, the enemy skedad- j died, and we returned without a fight, j capturing 15 prisoners on the trip, j among them a number of officers. But the mail is just ready and I must close. Spencer County. NURSERIES. GEORGE D. BO WEN HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIBE stock of Nurseries of C. Baker A Co., wishes to inform the public that he has on hands a large a-sorted stock of Fruit Trees, ornamental and l.verKreeus. Also, a good selected stock of hardy Kein..jitaiit Bos.-, which I will sell at low prices. Also, a large assortment of Shade Trees for side walk plautiug. All persons wishing to havt a quick shade aud not have to plant from year to year, will do well by getting good trees that have been transplanted. 'Catalogue sent on application, either by letter or person. GEO. D. BTjWEN, ,. Crescent City Nurseries, 04:28 Evansvilie, lad. MORNING Council Proceedings Saturday Eye., Nov. 18, 1863 The Conncil met Present, His Honor the Mayor, and Councilmen Dean, Birk enbuscn, Hoelscher, Newman, Schmutte, Overell, Elliott, Cook and Mills. The Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A bill allowed at last meeting of the Council for hauling cinders on Front street, is to read, for hauling cinders, unuiaoor on saia street. On motion the following bills were al lowed, viz : The Streeet Commissioner's weekly bill for carting and labor on Front street, $77 50; Chester O. Davis, to weekly salary as wharf-master and police, $21 00; A Tenvoorde, weekly salary as wharf-master and police, $28 00; E. Perkins, monthly salary as Engineer, $66 fi5 : TlintnAB Riill&n misnthli? aiiltteu - - ' " -"v-, .............. as teamster, $40 00; a bill for hauling brush, cinders, Ac, and labor on Frout street, $67 05! John Muth, for hauling cinders to Locust Hill and Oak Hill (1 1 .1 ... si ne i aii lciucicucii 3 iuuus t o eacn, j i t i.a if a - . I tor steam engine, z au; ivraiz & tieil man, for repairing copper branch pipe on Union Fire Company engine, $7 00; -IV K n f oInQl"nrr Vvsa rtvinn A afaarir r. r. ,-. . - av"V-lUJj IVI AAA.lllg VJ DLICCfc ings, $1 00; John Behagg and Thomas Foster, for carting and labor on Main street, $6 88; Thomas Bullen, for cart ing on wharf, $15 00; Thomas Jordan, for carting on wharf, $15 00; Hugh Duffey, for labor on wharf, $9 00; John Dannettele, for construction of Walnut street bridge, $100 00. Oidered, That Christ. Kiefer be re funded the tax on $140, being over as sessed with that amount. Ordered, That Charles Iteddon, Mar ket Master of the Upper Market, be re funded $2, paid by him for candles used in market Saturday last, the gas not burning. A bill by Christ Young, for coals for the Union Fire ( $11.20, was presented, the payment ol wmcn was nor. agreea to. The committee appointed to cancel city orders, report or ders cancelled, after compar-; ing them with the register, and finding them correct, by burniner, to the amount of.. ..$9,434 80 Small currency orders 2 50 interest.... 20 34 Total $9,457 73 For which amount the Citv Treasurer was allowed a credit. Revenue received from City Wharf, for the week ending midnight, Nov. 12, 1863 $73 50 Revenue received from Upper Market, from outside collec tions, for four weeks, ending Nov. 14, 1863 Butcher stall No. 9, sold for $51 0) 25 50 nine months , Total $7.' ") Revenue received from Central Market, from outside collec tions, for the week aodu, Nov. 14, iso.i 2 5i) The Street Oommissinnrr eotrW tha public cistern in good condition. The bond of J. J. Colin. A n i ionppr Class No. 1, with Henry Gumborls, as security in the penal sum or $5,600; wn presented and approved. A petition bv A. B. Carnenti-r fnr n m. . I - s. duction of taxes on the improvements on lot 17, block 2, Stockwell's Enlargement, was laid on the table. Councilmen Birkenbuseh and K.-w. man were annointed a pnnnnittes ti a-r. amine the sidewalk on the south wast ide ot fourth street, between Vine and Divi sion street, and report. Councilman fjliott moved for the ap pointment of a committee to draft an ordinance to prevent hogs from running at large. Councilman Overell moved to anienil that that the Committee on Ordinances be the committee, which was agreed to. On motion of Councilman Overell, the Committee on Ordinunce was also in structed to draft an ordinance for the measure of wood and weighing of coals. A permission asked by J. H M'Ncely to connect with Oak street sewer, wa granted. The Mayor and Councilman Newman, were appointed a committee to .examine the premises contemplated for a Pest House. On motion of Councilman Oean, or dered that a puWic cistern be construct on First street near Gum street On motion of Councilman Cook, per mission was given to place a small wharf-boat at the wharf, for the exclusive use of the packets. James h. Blythe, attorney of John Greek, made application to the Council to permit the case of Greek & Arm strong versus the City of Evausville, to be submitted to the Supreme Court, not withstanding the lapse of time by which said parties had lost their right Which was on motion of Councilman Cook refered to a committee. The Mayor appointed Councilmen Cook, Dean and. Elliott. On motion of Councilman Mills, a new gas meter was ordered for the Up per Market House, also twelve globes for burners in said market, and ordered Councilman Mills to procure such. Ordered that the labor on the City Wkarf be continued one more waek. GROCERIES. ' HEN R Y L U T Z Dealer v 3FL O O ERIE8 PRO V I S Cor. Chesnnt Street EVANSVILLE, I O N and the INDIANA. Can al I HAVE" BETCBNED HOME FROM THE army, and am resdy to see my old customers, and the public generally, at the old stand. The highest msrket price paid for PBODUCK. I am also prepared to accommodate people attend ing Market with board and lodging, An I will alsu take care of their horses and wagons, having a good stable and w .gun-yard. My Bar is also open for customers. H. L0TZ. octC-lwdftlmw Umc el K. Gilbert. William B. Barer S. E. GILBERT & CO., WHOLESALE GP-OCERS Sycamore Street, bet. Water and First, EVAKSVILLS, IND. A full assortment of Groceries always en haii.l, ad for sale at the lowest priCAS. . I ! .jt Ji . BOOTS & SHOE-. MIIIjE tl rt! CO., Betail Dealers and Manufactures of BOOTS 8l SHOES, No. 38 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA HrCJa ITE HATE NOW ON HAND A LARUE .VV and well selected stock of Eastern and home made Goods, consisting of all descriptions of Ladles', Misses', Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, W':.oh we offer for sale as low as an v house in Ui city, pic AH our work is warranted. MILLER A CO. EDITION. GEO. S. SQNNTAG&CO., Jobbers and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery Our Pall Stock being very large and complete, we can offer to our Customers and tlie Trade, Goods that can not fail to please in Style, Quality and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We offer the following in large quant ites: TABLE CVTI.F.UY, Baglisk. TABLE CVTLEHY, American. TABLE CVTLEHY, Enslisli. TABLE avmuiY. American. M0HT CVTLEHY VOCKET CUTLERY l'OCKET CVTLEHY. VOCKET CVTLEHY. arorpixo axes. CHO VP IS a A A f.S. OBOfPllIO AXES. cho vr rx a axes SHEARS ASP SCrSSORS SHEAR? AND SCISS0R8 SHEARS AND BCISBOHS SH EARS ANB SCISSORS TABLE AXD TEA SPtn.. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AX l TEA SPOONS. M YL 1. A NO CVT SA WB MILL AilD i-i CVT SAWS WOW AXO HANDSAWS. WOW AXD HAND SAWS BUILD ER'S II A R I) II ,1 R E. MECHANIC'S TOOLS. , " nviLDEIt -S HARDWARE MEi 11 AX it :s Tools HUNS AXD tSTOtJ. i ARTHIH.:i:s AND QVN CAPS. CVNS A Te PISTOLS. CARTHIDIIES AND (.UN CAPS PLATFORM iN It COUXTEB SCALES. Pl.ATPi' AX1 I'OVXTER SCALES. Si ALE i:;:ams AXO STEELY A HPS. S ALE BEAMS AXD STEELYARDS. GEO. S. SOVNTAfi &. CO., No. 1U Main Street. QUEENS W ARE, &c China, Glass Z'i eons ware. I have now on hand, and am daily receiving; additions thereto, one of the CHINA, (JLASS AXD QUEENS WARE Ever brought to the West, and am determined that no necessity shall exist for Merchants to go East for their Queensware. Purchasers will find it to thcU advantage to call and examine for themselves, at Ho. 18 Main Street. Common desired. ocliG Ware furnished alone If M. A. LAWRENCE. STEAM BAKERY. Bread for the Hunarrv ! j y 'NEW STEAM BAKERY, WATER STREET, EVANSVILLE, INOIANA. XITE DESIRE TO INFORM THE CITIZENS v of Evansvilie, and tin' community in gen eral, that our NEW STEAM BAKERY, NO. 11 WATER STREET, Is now in successful operation, and we shall keep constantly on hand ami make to order, on short notice, all articles madn at like manufactories : such as Bread, Cakes, l'ies, Crackers, Ac., Ac. Being supplied with all the modern machinery to faciliate ns in our business, we flatter ourselves that we can givo the niotit ample satisfaction in the quality of our goods and in prices. II e will al&u keep on hand a largo aud choios stock of Confections, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Ac , to which we call attention. ' Orders for public or private Parties, Festivals, Balls, tj , Ac , promptly filled on reasonable terms. seHstf A. WELD A CO. DRY GOODS KEEN & PRESTON IT AVE .ll-ST RECEIVED A LARGE AND a. general assortment of Desirable Dry Goods, Which they invite the "trade" to call and ex amine prices and qualities; believing, knowing, they can save dealers additional freight aud ex penses in goiug further Eastward. janl5 JOURNAL WATCHES AND JEWELRY, AT ' 1,6110188816 Botail. GEO. A. BFTTROLFF Has just opened at the old stand IVo. 48 THLIIW STREET One of the largest snd best selected stocks of WATCHES, CLOCKS -f 33 W 13 L R Diamond Bina and Tins, "sr, aUVM Wars, Silver Cnps, Soup Ladles. Table and Tea Spoons, Napkin Kings, Butter Knives, Childrens' Setts, &c. &c. Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cups, Butter Dishes, Salt-Cellars, Goblets, Jewelry. A full assortment ot all kinds of Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, Ac., &c. Having' bought my stock for Cash, I can sell at the lowest figures for Cash. Call and etamine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. GEO. A. BITTBOLFF. -I5 No. 48 Main Street. HARDWARE, &C. WELLS, KELLOGG & DO., DEALERS IN H A R, I W ARE AND CUTLER7 No. 13 FIRST STREET, (SlOlt BIO .HILL. SAW,) Have received a complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Purchased aud Imported direct from the Manufacturers FOR OflLiS Enabling us to offer inducements to Pur chasers rarely found in the West. We call the special attention of Dealer 1 t It a to our lare and well selected Stock, con- sisting in part of t Axes brands, All the celebrated Chains Halter, Log, Trace and Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver's Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Br ess Kettles, Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, iioiiow Ware, Dog Irons, Gum Belting, Japanned Ware, Notions Large Stock. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., No. 13 First Street. SOAP AND CANDLES. (srm Decker ir), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES Also, an extra article of BURNING, ENGINE, ANB CAB OIL Dealers in Besin, Soda, Asses, Ac. Also Pure Catawba Win 3f our own raising, in quantities to suit pur chasers, 118 Main Strut, Utvom Ffnt and geeoad, Evansville, Indiana. ' Terms cash, or 80 days paper negotiable is lan 20-1 y ank. RAILROAD NOTICE. Ohio fc Mississippi Railroad. EVANSVILLE, Oct. 20th, 1863. Until further notice, we will carry freight from the Depot of the I. A C. B. B. between Evansvilie and Cincinnati at the following rates per 100 lbs. : 1st Class. 2d Class. 3d Class. 4th Class. 60c. 60c. 40c, 30. Flour at 60 cents per barrel. For any lurther Information call at the office of the undersigned. W. C. BAXHBING, Agent. oc2l-lm Office No. 5 Water Street Evansvilie 4 CrawTordsvllle E. K. Co. Freight Tariff between Evansvilie and Cincinnati per 100 lbs. 1st Class. 2d Class. 3d Class. 4th Class. "0 - 50 4o vi Flour bbl. 60 Cento. Time consumed in transportation between these points is from four to Ave days. oct6 A. E. SURAL) KB, Freight Ag't. i . : . 1 A. A. & , Cl.iNd Hk THANKFUL FOB TH1 1'boral pai ge received during the past four years, m4 twins Vlwraanent resident of this city, desires all perso. - (whether they need bis profes s.onal services or . t) to visit his rooms and see the Various Style ot work manufactured Improvemen s and Invent ;ods Are being made, and everything that will snbserve the interests of his patients is secured by him. H i Establishment and Faetlltl s Are equal to any in .ASTERS CITIES. He has Several Anaesthetics Alleviating Pain when Extracting: Teeth. B hnnit1 1"re ?uukeo cube o-tored to naaib; oetr aririnal conlnur in jiu. .. , ATI rrt -r "." sijiesor K T rFTCXAX- T 1SE in , made anywhere in the United States, are made by him. Irregularities of Children's Teeth success fully corrected. Those having DECAYED TEETH Should either have them Extracted or Filled, (the latter if possible.) The health of the parties and the remaining Teeth demand it. NEUBALGIC AFFLICTIONS TREATED. ALSO CLEFT PA I. ATI Office on First St , Hear Post Office. NEW SALOON. SHAEFEB'S S AKON. BILLIARD AND RESTATJKAHT, On Tblrd Street between Main and Sycamore. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. oct9-lm CHANGE OP EXCHANGE A HEW ARRANGEMENT. SAM GBAMMEB & HARRY JOHNSON having purchased Theodore's Exchange, A BE FITTING IT UP IN EXCELLENT styie ior a nrat class BILLIARD SALOON and RESTAURANT. They will keep at the bar the best brands o Liquors and their larders will at all times be fllled with the richest dainties from the animal aud vegetable kingdoms, and the waters of the vasty deep will be made to contribute of their richest tores. Especial attention will be given to the eatnae, which will be uuder charge of the most competent at taste, .Tr BilIird Boom is large and their TABLES FIRST CLASS. The establishment will re-open on Tuesday next. A liberal share of public patrsuage is respectfully' Hcited. mySKUm OYSTER DEPOT. MONUMENTAL OYSTER A. O E IV O Y H. A. COOK HAS B1CRIVED TIK ROLK AGENCY FOB the celtfbrat.1 Vltmnment,.! flv.L.r .n.l will Uteep a constant and regular supply of warranted rfJvsttrs at all times. A trial is asked U. A. COOK, Sole Agent. MEDICIAL. A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY. DRUGGISTS IN ALL sections of the city and country xeep on hand buy, sell and re commend as a tonic, s 1 1 m ulan t and appet 1 zer, Ro back's Stomach Bit tors. APOTHECARIES IN sll sections of the city and country keep in stoc't, seal aud disiense as a tonic Ro back's Stoniarh Bitters. .PHYSICIANS in all section of tlie city and country approve and re commend as a tonic Bo back's Stomach Bitters. UBOCEBS in all sec tions of the city and country keep constantly supplied with and deal in Ro hick's (stomach Bitters. HOTELS in all sec tions of the city and jcountry are snpplied with and "cannot keep II, t. 1 " ,., ,:. I stock of Boliack's Stomach Bitters. HOSPITALS throughout the army of tlie North hare found an indispensable tonic, and are using, for the soldiers Boback'a St. .ma. I. Bitters. SUTLERS in every regiment ooght to have and many have introduced, aud highly recom mend Ro back's Stomach Bitters. LADIES, old and young, for Billioosness, Liver Complaints, Languor, Weakness and general De bility, are recommended to use Boback's Stomach Bitters. EVEBTBODY who desires a good tonic for giving tone to the spirits, a healthy appetite and strength to tbusvsteiu enrn. ' w .uf a uottte of Roback s Stomach Bitters. DR. C. W. ROBACK, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Office and Manufactory Nos. 66, 58, GO aud 62 East Third Street. "For sale by all Druggists everywhere. aug25 COLLECTOR'S SALE. Collector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment of the costs and expenses of Sidewalk Improve ments. VJ"OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY X 1 virtue of a precept issued by the Mayor of the City of Evansvilie and to me directed, I will sell at public auction, at the door of the Court House in said City, Friday, November 27, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following Lots or parcels of Beal Estate, or so much thereof as may be neoeasary to pay the amount charged and assessed against said Lots re spectively for the costs and expenses of making sidewalk improvements upon said Lots, together with the costs of sal,-, and that the said sale will be continued on the next day thereafter, vis: Satur day, the 28th of November, at 10 o'clock a m. , at the same place for the purjtfme of sellingsuch prop erty as may have been sold on the day above men oned and not paid for : t'PPEB ENLARGEMENT. North-east three fourths of Lot No. 19, John T. McC ain, owner, $2 00. mi s.i. ,.m LAMASC0. IJbu Lot 4, Block 130, U . Q. Wheeler, owner. $ 7 60. FOCBTH ENLARGEMENT. Lot 21, block 10, G. Cope laud, owner, $7 SO. Lot 22, Block 10,O. Copeland, owner, $7 50. STOCKWKLL'ft ENLABGEMENT. Fractional lot 3, Block 1, A. B. Cat penter, owner, $5 57. W. G. BOEPPLE, Collector. Evansvilie, Nov. 11, 1863 VARIETY STORE. PUSHEE'S VARIETY , STORE, No. 20 Main Street, YS THE PLACE TO FIND FANCY GOODS, JL Combs,, Pocket Wallet., Card Cases, Tablots, Scissors, Knives, Watoli Keys, Guard Chains, Thimbles, Needles, Pius, Tape Measures, Beads, Belt Clasps, Goggles, Spectaclm. Ther mometers, French Harpe, Pop Guns, Ivory Rat tles, Marbles, Chmsmen, Dells, Corset Clasps, teel Pens, Penclles, Games, Bubber Bails, Toilet Soap, Jewelry, Violiu Strings, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Feathir Duaters, Bird Cages, Childrens' Carriages, Ladies' Faucv Work and Traveling Baskets, Ac, Ac, at wholesale and re tail. m.p ADVERTISING BATES IX DAILY Business cards (5 lines or leas), one year. I., f 12 " " 2 ,u otns"'. 7 Ot " " I " three ... 4 50 One square (10 lines or less) one Insertion... 75 " " three ..' 25 one week 1 75 " one month 5 so IN WEEKLY. One square, one insertian . Fur each subsequent insertion Special Notices retained on inside of paper, will be charged 20 per cent, additional on above rates. SADDLERY. Charles Babcock, IMPOBTEB AND DEALEB IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. HAVING COMPLETED MY ABBANGE ments with European and American manu facturers for a direct supply of all goods in my line I am enabled to offer inducements that can not fail to be to the interest of all engaged in the business to give me a trial. I nans in part . Axles, Springs made oft ne best Steel -Bands, enameled &i all kinds of Leathb. Cloths, Linings for Carriages , Varnishes, Castings of all kinds ; Saddle Tmm SrjJl. T . Bits, Stirrups, Spars, Hamee, fine Silver Haaies of all kinds; Jenny Lind Gig Trees; Self-adjusting Pads ; Taylor's Patent Haass; Fly Nets ; Shoe Threads ; Horse Blankets ; London Girth Webs, American Girth and Beln Webs, both cotton and worsted ; Lon don Welt Skins, a superior article; Ivory ; Gutta Percha and Bran lined Martengat Kings ; superior Kerseys for Horse Covers , the best quality ef Oarriage Bolts; - - ' Pstant fslg Tsass. faxi , jpa., fas . asj. I keep in fact everything appertaining to either "" -ranches thoroughly, we would respectfullvlaTite four attention before purchasing elsewhere. I am also Agent for Ward's Patent Spring 8a Maw REMOVAL. THE UNDXBSIONED FIBM HAVE BE moved their Saddlery establishment to the Corner of Main and Second Street, in the room oc cupied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF J. XE0EPSCH, M AM r ACTCEEBS Or AND DEALERS IS Saddles, Harness, COLLARS, &c., &c., Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly occuppied by Fred. KroneJ .-vii urue aueuuea to witn uispatch. work wsrran ted uovl5-ly w. r. coswin. J. B. asanas THE NEW FIRM. vv TFTK SrRSPBTPKPU U UATTM3 1I v w wwasssaj vv UVfUMaUss niAnnt'iefllrura ,vf Qedillaa nll. HnriMl Jb. rlallra in taasasMsa K,. a uusssav w luiviui aaw (UUIH LUttL W f have largely increased our itock on hend, and by close application ouroelres and the employment " ...... i iu uuj buvib, we are suie w lur- ties of work to suit the trade. Those who will favor as with a call, can satisfy themselves, that they can procure, at lower prices, (rood sabs tan tial, fancy and durable work of us than they can anywhere else, (and far bettor than the Eastern shop-work.) The nit-tuberx of the firm being practical work- mn il...ii... .......II... .. . , .. . ali,i,uluft yctnuumiij w ail orders with promptness, care and dispatch, deter- T.,1.... 1 .1..., ..I I 1 . I m . u. uvue bu.ii riuci ID Bllie Ul 1111 ISI1 or quality of work, rive better satisfiu-tion to those hHlriini.ino i,a tul ...... t..u,. 1. 1 1 1 . . . , .u , .uuuuvu, i. will uv iaj UH) interest of all to come and see for themselves be- fiuicuaaiii eisewnere. Store on f . hmi.i sir.w r .twiv. ik. i...,.. . i j Uouse, hetaaaa !.! BpcolJ Streets, No. 25. l ... U.-VBBTBUIH Sll U sell. ep W. F. COBWIN A CO. PICTURE GALLER Y. IT, S s B 5? o to a M or-! 3 " B 3 2 3 I OS O t C (j pt VOLUNTEERING ! $302 BOUNTY For New Recruits! $402 BOUNTY For Veteran Volunteers ! MEN OF THE FIBST DTSTBICT OF INDI ANA, the Governor has called for seven or more Companies of Infantry and five Com panies of Cavalry from this District. Shall he have them ? I call upon you to give the answer My answer Is, HE SHALL." Will yon endorse it ? I think you will. Your country needs your services in the army, and oilers you inducements which will enable you to leave yonr families amply provided for. Any one wishing to recrnlt for the Regiment by raising Companies, or parts of Companies, will receive commissions for that purpose by applying to me in writing, accompanied by proper recom mendations,, directed to Mt. Vernon, Posey coun ty, Indiana, uutil the organizatiotLof the en campment. JOHN ATIANN, Commandant 1st District. Other papers in the District please codv oct2tf " DRUGS. ALABGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of Pure and Fresh Drugs, Herbs, Extracts and Patent Medicines. Just received at SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store. SULPHITE OF LIME FOB THB THE FEB mentation of Cider and Wines. Just received and for sale at SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store. s ODA ASH AND LIME JUST RECEIVED SCL AEPFER'S Drug Store. at MBS. ALLEN'S HAIB BESTOBATIVE AND Zyrobalsim just received and for sale at SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store. LABGE AIRTMFVT rtv T, .MTU .... , j r . ' . . u xaa Hair Brushes just received at SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store. ANOTHEB SUPPLY OF BABBILL Bull's Worm Confections; also Gary's Brown's Troches ; just received and for sale at . SCHLAEPFEB'S Drug Store. A 8TIC LOTIAN, - A 1. 1 - , . ' -w ' i i.'.-i Dill A.l imtis, i i sale at SCHLAEPFEB'S Drag Store yACCINK VIBU3 FOB 8ALB AT 8CHLAEPFEB S Drug Store. LIVERY STABLE. AMERICAN STABLE, On Third bet. Main and Locust SK 'II II IS T.IVERV ESTABLISHMCVT. VRtnn is well known thronrhout the countrv pos- sess.'s ."table advantari surierlor to anv slaiii.r establishment in tti City, having arrangements for the Mx.ptiou of private horses at livery of the most eli-gant aud complete description, and at the lowest rates. Carriages for visiting to LA. Coaches, light wagons, and every kind of road vehicle to let Horses sold on commission Second hand Baggy 's for sale at the very lowest prices. Passeagers for warded to ail parts of the country a. special con veyance. RICHARltSoN, BBITTONTco. apll U-l ire M 1 00 - 50