Newspaper Page Text
FOR LEASE. PO LEASE THE BEST UNOCCUPIED Hin Street I Will lej-M fnr lni rm cf vcars a cortw irociiof a jeet tor w running ( on Sycamore street. Atao, two lota fronting 2t feet 6 inches on Syca more street by 60 fret in depth. One of said lot corners on the alter, back of Bo men t and Vtele's Store For terras apply to botIT MBS. 0. I. LEWIS FOR SALE. T70R SALE A HOUSE AND LOT ON THE J? river bank, tenth of Gnm street. The house la almost new, contains 6 rooms, hall, pantry, Ac. Good stable, wood-shed, outbuildings, Ac. lot 614 fret fro" by 150 feet deep. A bargain will be given Inquire at this office, or of JNO. S. McCORKLJ:. X70K SALE A FAKM OF 40 ACRES LO F CATKD about 4 miles from the city ; in high star of cultivation ; cf the best soil, Frame House, Kood fences; on reasonable forms. Apply to JACOB 8INZICH A SON, norS Water bet. Sycamore and Vine. IHJR SALE THE FOLLOWING LOTS ON A? reasonable terms, in Huston's Addition : Lots 16. 17. IS. lfi. 20 and 21. fronting l.V, fcet on ' Division Street ; Lot 37, 38, and 39, fronting 80 I feet on Kim Street; Lots 4. 49, and 50, fronting i so iton Third street. Apply to aov20- TUOS. E. GARVIN, Third Street. House and Lot for Sale. ONE OF THE MOST DESIBABLE BESI DENCEs in the city for sale ; in complete order, containing ten Booms with Chanualiere and Bracketta for Gas. two brick Cisterns, Stable, Wood, Coal and Out-Houses, a good dry brick Cellar 18 leet square., well lighted. Tbe House is wood heavy oak frame stands back 40 feet from the street, leaving a beautiful front yard. Corner Lot 75 by 300 fret, enclosed with a good substantial fence. Corner of Oak and Water streets, above the residence of Bobert Barnes. Esq. Enquire of octlO-tf CHARLFS BABCOCK, " No. 8 Main Street. ?OB SALE LOTS 15 AND 10, BLOCK 51, A? la the Eastern Enlargement of the city of Evansville, at a bargain. Enquire of BOTStf ASA IGLEHEABT. "COB SALE A TWO STORY BBICK HWEL- 17 LING, containing nine rooms. , a good celler, and cistern, and out-bnildings, together with the lot on which it is situated. Said lot is situated on Second Streat, the next square above Mr. B. Raleigh's dwelling. Said lot fronts 62 fast on Second street, and runs back 150 feet to ai alley. The lot is high and wall improved. For terms apply to O. E. LEWIS. novStf THIS FARM IS LOCATED ONE MILE from Golcoada, Pope County, Illinois! is in a high state of cultivation, with one of the finest slews of the Ohio river of any on its banks. It contains about one hundred and forty acres ; good dwelling and out-houses ; a fine Peach and Apple Orchard, all Grafted choice fruit of about 1,000 Trees, and Nurse rr oH.OOO or 8,000 Trees, all Ine Grafted Fruit. Will be sold at a great bar gain, or exchanged for city property. For full particulars enquire of W. E. Stockton, on ths premises, or Zach. Taylor of this city. oc27-4w FOR REN TOR SALE. FC R RENT OB 8ALE A BEAUTIFULLY situated Residence, near the Salt Wells, with abo it two acres of Land. Enquire of E. E. MINGST, cor. Main and First. WANTS. WANTED. A few hundred dollars of "Bick et's Checks " wanted to fill an order, at tut Saving's Bank, No. 4. First street. oct30 8ATCBDAY NOVEMBER 28 M. THAYER, J. X. SILVERTHORX,. Editor. .Associate. NEWS SUMMARY. BY TELEGRAPH. Morning Report. Our morning dis patches, though containing nothing pos itively startling, are very interesting From the army of the Potomac we learn that it was greatly cheered by the news of Grant's success, and was anxious to be led against the rebels. In this they are to be eratified. Camp was broken np Thursday morning, and the whole army put in motion for the Bapidan. It was supposed that a battle would take place near the Gcrmania Ford or at Jacob's Mills It is stated that the re bel Generals Paley and Ewell are dead the former of wounds received at Bristow, and the latter of sickness Richmond papers are whistling in the dark to keep their spirits up. They claim that war is henceforth the business of the South It is stated there are 2,- 000,000 cotton bales at Atlanta a tempt ing prize Genera! Burnside's position is not regarded as seriously dangerous. His communications south are kept open The account of the manner in which the Missionary Ridge was stormed is interesting. The boys got excited in storming the rifle-pits, and swept over the mountain, carrying their officers with them. Generals Grant and Thom as, previous to the assault, had regarded the hill as impregnable by a direct at tack. It was a glorious manifestation of the invincibility of our Western boys. Noon Report. The glorious newa cnlminated in our noon dispatches. Bragg is utterly routed his trains, ar tillery and caissons being abandoned and falling into our possession. TL trinmph is grand. Ourrmy is in rapid pursuit, and will, no doubt, utterly de stroy, scatter or capture the whole rebel army. Over sixty pieces of artillery are said to have fallen into our hands In addition to this cheering news, we learn that the army of the Potomac is advancing across the Rapidan in three -W. -Warm work is expected As we more than exp6CtBrr;-nr,wi aeem to have broken their faith in de livering the supplies sent by our Gov ernment to the prisoners confined at Richmond. Those who were sent to DanVll'f" WPK without lilonl-nto o,1 even filthy and ragged. It is stated that ! the clothing sent them was delivered to Lee's army instead of to our prisoners. A more infamous violation of faith is not recorded on the pages of history. Night Report. Our latest telegraph dispatches report the movement of Gen. Meade's army, and give us various spec ulations as to his probable plans. His aim seems to be to possess himself of the heights of Fredericksburg, and thug obtain a short line of supplies for him self, and at the same time cut off the direct line of the retreat of General Lec on Richmond Operations in Charles. ton harbor are becoming more active, and Gillmore occasionally reminds the rebels that the city is fairly under his guns by hurling a monster shell into the heart of the city We have stronz faith in the ultimate safety and success of the Ifooa- ' isr Opnoral on.i hi. -n-. I ler " " um I'm iHiir o styi xr i O " -a J . we believe, successfully r. ma traiiant urmv Great has, heved him, and rendered Longstreet's j position extremely precarious The pursuit of Bragg's demoralized army goes on vigorously, and our latest dis patches represent Hooker and Thomas as having reached a point half way be tween Chattanooga and Dalton, driving Bragg from every position where he at- tQm, . i. j nr i ".pwru iu wane is Hb&uu...... i e uavc j nothing definite from the army of the ' lotomac Every day now is big with events, and news will bo awaited with intense interest Operations at Chattanooga ome of the most brilliant achieve- in ;nts of the war have transpired this ek. Larly Monday moraing Qen. vaui s arm, nv corps, Wis ng jn mo- tii :, and by a series of brilliant and suc c ssful movemanU, Bragg was driven f-orn Lookout Mountain and Missionary riidge. Fighting Joe Hooker, on the right, Hanked Lookout, and captured it, open ing the river and railroad to Chattanoo- v On the east Sherman crossed the Tennessee above lssionary Ridge, be tween that and the Chicamaura. and marching along in the valley east of the ridge, attacked iu succession the ene my's fortified positions 0:1 the succession of hills. In the meantime Hooker swept around to the south, to the enemy's left, and to- ward thp nnaitinn mi Mission P iArra frr, . r , m. . 6 ' wnicn our army lell OacKOn lliuday nighti .Fio. ih. k.l.f rh;.n,.. n marched direct from Chattanooga, be tween the ranges toward the enemy's center. These operations appear to have occupied three days, resulting in a com plete victory, won by skillful strategy and heroic righting, with a loss on our aide small compared with that of the enemy, and with the important results achieved. This success secures the results of the Chattanoojra campaign, and worthilv w crowns the brilliant career of the Army of the West It dashes all the hopes the Confederates have built up on the situa tion of Chattanooga, and Bends them back a ruined army and a broken down general, and leaves them without a sin. gle place where they can hope to break the fatal coil that is closing in upon them. Our captures of guns, stores and pris oners are very large, and the advan tages gained are of such a character as to place the rebel armies under Bragg and Longstreet in a most perilous posi tion. Longstreet will be compelled to retreat hastily from before Knoxville, and Bragg from before Chattanooga, which will permit the victorious armies of Grant and Burnside to move at once into what Jetl. Davis calls the vitals of the Confederacy. The Army of the Potomac is also in motion, stripped of all encumbrances and eager to emulate the glorious achievements of the armies in Tennes see. 1 he loyal people of the North had g0d cause to render thanksgiving and praise to the god of battles on luursday last Mission Sunday School. The Sixth Anniversary of this inter eating Sabbath School was held in Cres- c ant City Hall, on Thursday afternoon. I he large hall was crowded with chil dren belonging to the school, and their visiting mends. We have not witnessed muio lULcrcsuug Bigni man mat pre sented by the 600 children assembled to commemorate the organization of a Sun day School, in which they weekly receive It ssons of instruction in those things per taining to Bttctr cwmio wdAn. TU. exercises of the afternoon consisted in singing, speaking by visitors, recitations, Ac,, the whole under the direction of the Superintendents, Messsrs. Blount and Tilesoa The songs were sung "with the spirit and the understanding." The children were happy in their souls, and gave expression to it in their songs. The exercises were as follows: 1st, Song; 2d, Prayer by Rev. Mr. McCarer; 3d, Song; 4th, Address by Rev. Mr. Fellows ; 5th, Song ; 6th, Ad dress by Wm. . French; 7th, Song; 8th, Recitation by infant class of boys, under the direction of 'heir teacher, Mrs. Colonel Drew; 9th, Recitation by Mr. Ashley; 10th, Song; 11th, Address by Dr. Day; 12th, Refreshments. The latter were provided by the offi cers and teachers of the school, and were received by the children with hear ty pleasure. The Secretary of the school, Mr. De witt Lamphier, read his annual report, which we are disposed to give our read ers in full. It is as follows: Evansville, Nov. 26th, 1863. This being the occasion of the Sixth Anniversary ot the Mission School we nave once more assembled together with joy in our hearts, an! songs of praise in our mouths to God, for the many mercies He has bestowed on us as the " Mission ounaay acnool. Notwithstanding the many excite rasnts ana the many interruptions that we have experienced durintr the vPr juoi jjm-scu, me ocnooi nas increased in ;.,. i o i ii prosperity. It has averaged 336 schol ars in attendance ot a Sabbath an in - uiw iuk year. inig ig quite an increase, when we take into con- ?iSSia"on-uie d'mculty in obtaining any experiencenSunyonow- tnai h is impossible to keep up regular classes without regular teachers. mi xne increase nas been in the attend ance 01 tne girls, and not the boys, who riBtasa A i 1 a " al?8 off in attend n The average attendance of teachers was not as large this year as it was the year preceding, the number being 24. Oat of the 31 who commenced the year with ns, 1J of the number quit teaching dur ing the year, and their places were only partially supplied, leaving some of the classes without regular instructors for months at a time. I find, in looking over the names of the teachers, that out of the 29 who are now teaching, there are but four gentlemen a fact that spuaks very badly for the young men of our city, or very highly for the ladies, I don't knoV which. During the months of July. August, September and October, one-third ot the year, the average num- oer n teacners in attendance was only 1 7, when there were 30 classes to be sup plied. I dwell upon this to show our friends, who have favored us with their presence, the difficulty there is in keep ing up a corps of teachers. This School wa ' established in the year 1857, and had, at the commencement, thirteen and ' find among the names of the thirteen tear'iers who helped start the School, twr who are now teaching, and have al way ; boetij present whenever it was! in the-r power to attend, dnn'no- tho i years that the school has been in opera- In saying this I do not want to dispar age in t,he least, the efforts of any of the other teachers, who, althonKh they were no' present at the opening of the school nave been as failhfnl guardians over tbair little flocks, as the mountain shen- 18 over bis fleecy pets. Among ine omcers, jar. wm. iiieston, oi Assistant Superintendent, is the only on j mat was present at tbe ovenina. and a more faithful person, it would have been impossible to have obtained. Come when you may, you will always find bira in his place, for during the last year he has been absent but twice. The School is indebted to him for all those beautiful hymns that the scholars can, and love to sing so well. One of the most interesting features j of the School is the Infant Class, taught by Mrs Drew, it has averaged in at tendance fifty-seven scholars. The moat of the time this class has bad a room to itself and it has been kept so entirely by itself, that its teacher and her assistant, have earned it on without any connec tion with the main School; so much so, that oae might call it a Sabbath School within itself. One more item and lam done, and that is the item of expense. With the in crease of numbers the expenses increase in like proportion. The current expens es for last year amounted to about $ 170, and for the coming year they will be ful ly np to that araonnt if not more, and as the fu.ud.-t have to be raised by dona tions, we hope that when the officers ask aid from the friends of the School, that they will receive all the encourage ment that the cause deserves. We have continued the practice commenced last year, that is giving to each scholar a pa per in the place of a library book. The number of papers distributed amounted to 17,470, hieing an excess of 2,694 over last je irs distribution. We feel the greatest pleasure in pub lishing this report, because the officers of the school will be under the necessity of calling on oar citizens for funds to keep it going another year. This report exhibits the disposition that will be made of the funds appropriated. A more worthy object, we venture to say, or one better calculated to do lasting goodi never enlisted the sympathies of onr people. We trust that, when the officers do appeal for help, the response will be liberal and prompt Evansville cannot afford, under any circumstances, to lose the benefits derived from the Mission School. Communicated. A Patriotic College. Editors Journal : For the benefit of the friends of edu cation, I will say, by your permission through the Journal, that " the Union Christian College " is in successful op peration under the supervision of Prof A. P. Hall, who ia favorably known as one of the first educators of the West He is assisted by such eminent professors as Jennings and Buff, also, Miss Gerard and Miss Lapham, who teach their na tive language, to-it: French, and Ger man. The winter term commences Decem ber 16th. Tuition free to all, wounded oldiers, who are in indigent circum stances. The college is located at Me rom, Ind., on the highlands of the Wa bash, midway between Vincennes and Terre Hante. The depot for Merom is Sullivan, where daily hacks meet the train ; Merom is nine miles from Sulli van, and is a village of unsurpassable morals. Ladies board in the college building with Mrs. President Summer bell. Gentlemen board in the village. Price per week, $1 50 to'.$2 00. N. B. Wilciksov. raw ABVFTiTISEMENTS. DIED. On ths morning of ths !Gth, Nn. CORNELIA X. BDTTS, consort of Henry Butts, from that fatal, lingering dlssass -Consumption. Ths friends of the family are inrited to atteud the burial this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from their rssidencs, corner of Locust and Third streets'. A funeral discourse will be delivered at some future time, ef which due notice will be giren. AMUSEMENT. Positively but ono GRAND CONCERT! IN THIS CITY, HI (BATCHDAY) EVENING, November 28th, 1863, at CRESCENT CITY HALL ! THE CELEBRATED BIiAOK S"7T-A.B- (MISS E. T. GREENFIELD,) Under the management of COL. WOOD, lately returned from Europe, where she met with great success, will give One Grand Vocal & Instrumental Concert CoV Wood challenges ths World to produce Her Equal. She sings 31 Clear Notes. MR. ( HAS. DODOS Plants. Admission 60s. Children 25c B Col. Wood is agent for all the first class Piano Manufacturers in this country and Europe Those wishing god instruments, cheap, will do well to call on him. dlt NOTICE. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MARSHAL, 1 ar vuiui't, Evausvuie, ind., November 27, 1363, iuiit;K IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ANY XI person enrolled in the First District as sub ject to draft, may appear before the Board of En rollment, at Evansville, Ind., and claim to have his name stricken off the list, if he can show to the satisfaction of toe Board that he is not, and will not bo liable to military duty at the time fix ed for tbedraft, on account of, 1st, Alienage : 2d on-resldence; 3d, Unenltableness ot Age: 4th, Manifest permanent Disability, til the Sotirbeeam&e SSg. H jgjgg speciftednn- will be heard. By order of the Prevost Marshal General BLYTHE HTNKS, Provost Marshal novUMd And President of Board. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the citi sens of Evansville and vicinity will confer a P" fV.J ANNI KELSON, who will be foond at the Washington Rm,,. i. i of her son, Wm. Nelson, who lives somewhere near this place. By so doing, you will confer a favor on a lonely widow. novza-CT ANNE NELSON. THANKS. HAVING SOLD OCT OUR STOCK OF GRO CERIES te Mr. J. P. 1CLLTOTT onr sincere thanks to our numerous frin,i .-a customers for ths very liberal patronage bestowed uwnu,.Biiu(iiwpMi nine years. We take pleasure in recommondinr ance of the same to our euccessor. bellevln Mm in every way worthy of ths same. o"" VICKEBT BROS. STOVE WORKS. W. UrSKVKYBS. A. RILBLIXO SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. BRINKMEYER & CO., Manulacturer of Stoves, Hollow Ware, Iron Ballings, House, Front, Verandas, Baleontes, Castings la General, COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARS, Ac Bale Boom Main Street, opposite Court Hons. "Foundery Near th Month of Pigeon Creek K VANS VILLE, IND. ORDERS SOLICITED tat my AUCTION & COMMIS'ION Old Anc tion House and a Hew Ane tioneer. T J. COHN. HA VINO RENTED THE OLE Y, J uetion Room en the corner of Main and h ?LU' r a term of years, will o iJSLA' f0". ,d Oommisslou business, Walo 5,Uoa11 kinds of Goods, Furniture EsrSiSsfe m Hor,. ctti.,s fciad of Maaufaet ured Articles, Ac. Liberal ad -eaueemenu made on onsIgnmaU Prompt attention will b aiv.n to all good en. raited to my tan. (mart?) J. J. COHN mi NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. BT THE E. i W. LINE. Exclusively for the Journal. GLORIOUS NEWS ! BRAGG Completely Routed. His Wagons, Artillery and Caissons Captured. Union Army in Full Pursuit. Prisoners Captured by Thou sands. Grant Still Moving on Their Works. Washington-, Nov. 27. Headquarters have received a dispatch from General Grant, dated Chattanooga, Nov. 27th, 10 a. m. , stating that the rout of the enemy is complete. He has abandoned his wagons, caissons and artillery. They are found everywhere. He thinks Bragg' 8 loss of artillery is fully 60 pieces. A large number of prisoners have been captured. The pursuit will continue to Red Clay in the morning. Grant says in his dispatch he starts for there in a few hours. Advance of the Army of the Potomac Head (tnarteri Moved at T O'clock It will Cross the Rapidan in Three Columns. Washington, Nov. 27. The Army of the Potomac moved early yesterday morning towards the Rapidan,and Head Quarters followed at 7 o'clock. The Army advanced in three columns and will cross at as many different fords. vcar lor tne raltnrul Delivery of Stores Sent to our Prisoners They are Deuevect to have been sent to Lee's Army. New York, Nov. 27. The Tribune's special says it is feared the clothing and provisions sent by our Government to the Union prisoners have never reached them, but have been sent to Lee's army. One who saw the prisoners, some 2, 000, on their way to Danville, says they had not a blanket, and were filthy and ragged. It is Gen. Meredith's opinion, also, that the rebels have broken faith in this matter. Steamer Sunk. r'i Cincinnati, jnov. 'l The steamer Telegraph No. 3, bound from Cairo to Memphis, mink at Osceola on Monday. She had 4,000 sacks of Government grain and a number of passengers. Three ne groes were drowned and two men scald ed. No casualties among the passen gers. She lies with 7 feet of water on the lower decks, and will doubtless be raised. River and Weather.,,, yu, 27. XLo river has risen 13 inches within the last 24 hours, with 13 feet 3 inches in the channel. Weather clear. Thermometer 48 barometer 29 deg. "0 min. " " l . . .. COMMERCIALS Cincinnati Markets. Cincinnati, Nov. 27 r M. FLOUR unsettled and prk-es nominal. WHEAT 3 to 5e lowr and dull ; very little de mand. CORN firm at for new. $1 10llfor old, and 959Ge OATS held at S48.- HOGS dull and 25e lower, at $C 30(37 00 e- ceipts 7,000 head for two days. snmn unit at 7:ie LARD saies at lOQll for bead and gut and lie Sir nrlme. Market for all articles of hog products fiat, and hanllv anv dtuiand. GROCERIES dull and unchanged SvLV, H? ,to 42c na Si,TOr to 38 and 36c. S.ALIIANGE dull. Jicw York Market. New Yoex, Novemlier 27. " 78COJJTON ln and heavy and 2QSo lower, at LOUR very irregular, unsettled, and I0(a25c lower; g, 30(73o for extra R. II. O., and $7 4TVS 9 50 for trade brands, Closing heavy . WHISKY quiet at 7273c, and 75c for Westsrn. lower Try dU" aUd ,,omil,, n'1 8dSc RYBand Barley quiet. CORN dull and "l2e lower, at 1 18 for shipping mixed Western. O ATS heavy and SQSc lower, with sales at 8Ca 87 for Western and State. PORK opened quiet and closed firm at S16 50 Tor olu niASi nd g:7 70lft 00 for uew. BACON SIDES quiet und wirhout any material chance. DRESSED HOGS dull and lower at 74a8. LARD dull, heavy and lower. JIONKY active and quit, finn at 7 nor cent STERLING EXCHANGE decidedly dull and loweratS15nlofl. ' GOLDdecidedlv lo til A.iU' rfutl.'.i,.. ,.11 5 . - V .vni,i.i iu ,j, anil cioeiug qniet at 44 STOCKS firm, with a fair business doing. GROCERIES. I tfVXIUI YARNS 25 BAGS MATSVILLE a mm oou s ; tor sale by 3- E. GILBERT ft CO.,'. oc-i No. 4 Sycamore Street. LXTRA FLOCR 100 BBLS. ON CONSIGN mem ; for sale at OR STAR bv oc22 No. 4 Sycamore Street. CANDLES 100 BOXES; FOR SALE S. E. GILBERT ft CO f 0. 4 Sycamore Street. I . 7 -DO MATS FOR SALE LOW TO Vthe trade by 8. E. GILBERT ft CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. r ttv a . - FRESH FIGS 600 Just received by lrunis S. K. very choice quality GILBERT & CO. CORN BROOMS for sale by 150 dozen just received and S. E. GILBERT ft CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. STRCPS 125 low by whole and half barrels for sale S. E. GILBERT ft CO , No. 4 Sycamore Street. GOVERN M KNT NORTHERN PITCU tor sale bv -10 bbls E. GILBERT ft CO.. No. 4 Sycamore Street . WELL BUCKETS 50 dozenfor sale bv" 8. E. RII.srT . itr fc. U1LHERT A CO No. 4 Sycamore Street. (COTTON BATTING-50"bale7fcrsale lowftf' V S. E. GILBERT ft CO., ' No. 4 Sycamore Street. SEIVES 25 dozen assorted for sale by 8. E. GILBERT A OO . No- Sycamore Street. pOAL O1L-I0 bbls- best reOned white ealo by S. E. GILRKRT a nn fcr No. 4 Sycamore Street. EET CIDER 10 birrela rlw.t e n-.A .. made from selected Winter Apples, at H. A. COOK'S. B .NK ELECTION. THt0KU0LDKIIS Iw THE EVANS- T .. YILLE Branch of the Bank of the State of , ,nn J"iiiVe J'??bT.notifled that the snnualelee tion will bo hoM at-the Ranking IT...... i ville, on Tuesday January 5th, IStH, betaeen the hours of 10 o'clock a. ni. and. 3 o'clock p m for five Directors to serve the eusueing yecr By order of the Board of Directors, i ,., no25dawtt SAM'L BAYARD. Cashier NOTICE. TN PURSIANCB AT THE RECOMMEND A -X tion of the General in command of the national - , X , ' """" atoroa will be author- - - "... w nuiuur. ! on and after the 25th instant, by Assistant 8plal Agent or th ment at Little Rok, or upon his Mr. Loyal Casz ji..i-iiiy i-pariment hi A,uue Kock, or upon his recommendation by th Assistant fwiai at Helena, Memphis and Si. Louis, or at m nffl- in Cincinnati. W: P. MELLE?f nI'- "P. Agt. Trea. Dept., dot24-2 It Agiacy. tin GROCERIES. t. B. WUtlllt. AS. klOOS. w. J. SVQj WHEELER, BIGGS & SUGG, Wholer o dealers in SALT, COTTON YAH BIS Nails, Window Glass. Sash, Door , 4.C. No. 17 North First Street, Corner of Sycamore. KVANSVILLK, INDIANA. COPARTNERSHIP XXTT HATI ASSOCIATED WITH VS Will J TV Sucg, lata of Uoiontown. Kt.. in the Wholesale Grocery business. The style of tho firm will be w heeler, Kiggs S Sugg. Will ELER ft RIGGS. SYRUPS 40 bbls XXX Bert ran J Syrup: 60 bb " 50 10 gal. kegs ' ' J5 bbls Excelnlsr " " 40 bbls " ' 10 hols Honey " " 15 ' N. 0. Molasses. " For sals cheap bv nor28 WIIKILU, RIGGS Sl'GG. GLA88 ! GLASS 100 boxes 8X10 Glass, "City;" la " 10XU 25 " &X12 ' 15 " 9X14 " " 9X1S si 25 " 10X15 ' 85 ' 10X10 -15 ' 10X18 ' 25 Pint Flasks; 20 " Quart Flasks ; 10 jars; 15 yc gallon Jars; 28 i .i On hand and for sle cheap by WHEKLEB, RIGGS k Sl'GG. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE CHEAP GO boxes a sorted Csndy ; 65 ' assorted Gam Drops ; 25 LoEeugrs; 40 " Fancy Candy ; 25 " Fire Crackers. And a rariety of Christmas Fixius. By WHEELER, K1UUS SUGG. FRUITS AND NUTS , 50 boxet Layer Basin : 60 ' M. K. 75 V bx Layer " 100Jbx " rxilbs Currants: 1000 lbs Fresh Fin : 10 trails S. 8. Almonds ; 10 bbls Filberts ; 5 " Cream Nuts; 10 " Hecans All fresh and for tale cheap by WHEKLEB, RIQQ3 k SUGG. SUGAR 25 hhds choice N. O. Sugar ; 10 " Porto Rico 25 bbls A. Coffee 25 ' B. " " 50 ' T.i, ., 20 " Cr'd " " 16 .j Bought before the adrance, and foi sale by . WHEELER, RlQiiS k SUGG. COFFEE 110 bags prims Rio Coffee ; 50 ' Fair 25 boxes Gronnd " 100 ' Essence " On hand and and to arrire by WHEELEB, RIGGS k SUGG. s ODA 100 kegs "New Castle" Sodu : 600 lbs Sal. Soda: 25 lbs A. M. Soda ; 25bxs, 1 lb papers. Just received and for sale cheap, by WHEELER, RIGGS A 8UGG. OILS AND PAINTS- ' 6 bbls Linseed Oil ; 90 bbls Coal 250 cans Wagon Oil, a new article ; 800 ksgB White Lead ; 1000 lbs Putty ; 60S lbs Venitian Bed. All for sale at lowest cash prices, by WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG. UNDRII8 10U boxes Soap, assorted ; 40 " Pewamtau Floes: 1 auu uoaen assorted Brooms ; 500 reams Paper ; 109 boxes Washing Blus ; S00 lbs Twine, substitute tor Cotton : 800 lbs Hemp Twine; 10tboxeardlties, li't; 000 " 78 " 1 lb can Oysters ; 50 " 2 lb can " And a thouand things too numerous te men tion, for sale as cheap as the cheapest, by novtS WHEELEB, RIGGS SUGG. TAKE NOTICE. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES REMAINING on hands in the Adams Express office at Ev ansville, which, if net called for before the first day of December uext, will be sold on that day at public auction, at 10 o'clock a. m , to pay iroight d sassasjaa t . 1 ukg, J W Jarrett, Jarrettsville, Ind. 1 ao, J 8 Johnson, Evansville. 1 do, J J KrUs, Jo 1 do, Kate Sellanf . MorgaufielJ, Ky. 1 bx, D H Kennedy, Evansville '-' pkgi. D B Kitchen, Polk Patch, Ind. 1 do. M Kroetx, Evansville. 1 do, P Kloppar, do. 2 pkgs. Col R Kirk ham, Shawneetown, Ills 1 pkg, J Lynn k Co., Lyuuvlile, Ind. 1 do, Samuel Listen, Evansville. I do, Andrew Laugmuenter. Evansvllla I do, Dr A Mayer k Son, do. i uo, w Muck, 1 bdl, Wm MeClure, 1 keg, B Morris, 1 pkg, Mertlus ft K renter, 1 do, W T Mounts. do. do. do. do. do. 1 bx, 8 H Menton, Carmi, Ills. l 2 PkS. Martindak, NewWu, Jasper co. In '. I 1 W p Worse, Evausvillo pag, J Y, Norton. Sbawneotown, Ills 1 do, Mrs SB Neale, Evansville, Ind 1 C bag, "Owner" Miss V H Hunter, Evansville 1 pkg, P G O BIIey, ' """ 1 do, Theo Pleiesh, 1 lll. W Powers, ' 4 J0"11" Parker, Bockport, Ind. 1 O bag. A Heaamuu, Evansville, Ind. 1 bdl, E Perigo, BoonviPe, Ind IC bag, U Uichasan, Evansville. 1 pkg. J W Spain, 1 do, C Schowentia, " 1 do, M 8 Sanwm, do, J Sneuer, 1 machine Scautlinft Co , Evansville 1 nkg, J W Stjrmouat, -t 1 bdl, Lncy E Simmous, " 1 pkg, J B Stephenson, Caseyvillc, Ky 1 do, D 6 Anderson, Evansville. 1 guu, G W Ashcraft, " 2 pkgs, D 8 Anderson, ' 1 trunk, E Bocksteln. 1 pkg, Mr Brauu, 1 C bag, P D Bichman, " 1 bx, W 8 Brackett, Carlow, Ky. 1 pkg, G Bowman, Evansville. 1 C bag, Heory Baldwin, Evansville. pg, u vt DTaaiey, 1 do, Mary Bruer, 1 do, W Bunte, Santa Claua, Ind. 1 bx. Fieldimr Calvin Call w - .cj -r . Regiment. "'1 xma- l pkg, Mayer ft Conn, Evansville, Ind I trunk, W Grassland, Shawneetown, Ind 1 pkg. S II Campbell, Oakland, Ind t a 'owner, Btewartsville, Ind. 1 do, Sarah Calemberger, Henderson, Ky 1 do, M J Carroll, Evansville, Ind. 1 do, W II Dixon, Oakland, Ind 1 do, Jno Dalley, Equality, Ills. 1 do, J Downend, Eldorado, Ills. 1 casting, J 8 Davis, Evansville. 8ckJc5e' H Deniberger, Stewartsville, led. 1 do, E J DobclLEvan.ville, Ind. 1 do, J Emerick, 1 do, Graham ft Bro, PhiirtpsfOwn, Ind. 1 bx, 8 Goodman, Evansville. 1 do, Jas Hopkins, Henderson, Ky. 1 pkg, Wm Haynes, Evansville, Ind. tgftjgjWSks iisiiie' sjssaj sjass 1 do, J House EvaTsviile, Ind. 1 casting, M Indlcutt, Evansville. Ind. 1 sack, Fh Inglebrandt, 1 pkg. Journal Co., 1 do, G Jang, 1 do, J J Jarret, Jarrettsville, Ind. 1 do, G Thompton, Evansville I do, W H Thompson, 1 bx, Ool. Von Traboa, " 1 pkg, W W Ware. Hopkinsvllle, Ky. 1 do, Thos Watson, Evansville, Ind. 2 do, C S Wells, do i trunk, J H Wilson, do 1 Package, Capt E T Wallace, Evansville, Ind. 1 do, J Wise Henderson. 1 do, J P Wilson, Newbnrg, Ind. 1 do, W J Whiting, Oynthiaua, lad. 1 do, J K Weaaer, Poseyville, Ind ldo, P Zentholer, Evansville. 1 pair boola, no mark, Evansville noTl OHAS. 8. WENTZ, Agent. GROCERIES. H E N R Y L V T Z Dealer in 3-HOOBRIE AMD PROVISIONS Cor Chesnut Street 1 and the Canal EVANSVILLE, INDIANA T HAVE RETCRNED HOME FROM THE ,VmJ' " T to see my old customers, SutlM,u?,,blit: Knery. t the old stand The highest market price paid for PRODUCE I anialao prepared to accommodate people attend! ng Market with board ami lodgingTa, w in alee l. thlr horae. and wSc" hlvntg a CtSL nd wSn-yrd. My Sar 1. alao open lor customer. u t itt7 UntTBL I Qim.r William R. Bakbb. 8. E. GILBERT ft CO., VHOLESaUJE GROCERS, Sycamore 8treet, bet. Water and Firat, . srvAtlinixB, Ian. A rail assortment nf n.: -i i INTELLTfrF.Vn'R nFFmT! THE CNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED AN I Do, . A Intelligence Office, on Third Street, four doors west of tbe Waehingtoe Hotel, where he will give strict and prompt attention to all business in that JOHN WAYMAN. Zettuag copy eaU Intelligence Office, on Third Street, foar door. CLOCKS. Seth Thomas Clocks. JUST BECEINED. AN ASSORTMENT Of Seth Thomas Clxks, tc4 for sale at No. 13 Second street, by uo2 r. F. ROSENKKANZ PIANOS. TWO BPLENDID PIANOS JUST RECEIVED from tho manufacturer, and fur sal at WARREN CONYNOTON'S, noT2-1 No. 1 Main stn-at. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO JEN nie Liud Tables, Tigeon Hole Tables, and all othor fables upon which games are playsd with sticks or balls, cither for ainnsement gain or re ward. Section t Bo it ordained by the Common Coun cil of the City of Evansville, that hereafter it shall not be lawful for the owner, keeper or poswser of any Jennie Lind. Table, Pigeon Hole Tabli, or any other table upon which games aro pla;.vt with sticks or balls, either for amusi'niejit, g;lin or re ward, to an Her or allow the same to U- used fo hire or reward of any description r kind bjksr, or for the purpose of deciding or determin pfi who of two or more persons shall be liabl- to pay lor any retreglunentg or other urticle, until a License so to use Mich table shall have been pro cured according to the provisions of this Ordi nance. Sec. 2. The price of a Lireuse no to una any ueh table shall be Ten Dollars for one yenr or any shorter period, aud no License shall i ... grauted under this Ordinance for any period less than one year, or less than the time ihWveninu between the time of making the application aud tne first day of August next ensuing: Proeided, That any person or persons now owning, keep ing or possessing any soch table, and wishing to procure a License to nse the same, may make ap plication for sach License at anv time on or before the 15th day of December, MSfk ec. 3. Any person or persons wishing to pro core a Liconse under this Ordinance, shall pay ttio price thereof to the City Treasurer, and take his receipt therefor, which receipt shall be filed with the City Clerk, srho shall thereupon make out and attest a License, which shall be sigued by the II sy or and delivered to the appli cant. 8ec. 4. Any person or pernors who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance, shall for every aud any such violation, forfeit and pay a sum uot less thaa fifeetn nor more thau Jiftg dollar; WM. BAKER, Mayor. Attest : A. PrarruN, ClerA. nor25 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. CORPORATION NOTICE, osncs ma a plane side wxpk. Nov. 21. 1803. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the common council of the city of Ev ansuille that the owners of all lots or parts of lots fronting on or adjoining the north-east sidu of Front street, from Sixth Avenue to Poarl street, in" said city.causetbe side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they caus a side walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down thereon with in thirty days from the publication of this order A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 18G3. CORPORATION NOTICE. OEDEB TOE A PLANK fSLUE WALK. Nov. 21, 1SI13. And now it is herebv ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City oi taawnsw mm tne owners or all lots or oarts of lots, frontin on ob adjoining south-west side of r eurtn street between Vine nud Division streets, so far as it is Bituate in front oT lots 170.171 and 172, Donation Enlargement in said oity, caaeo the side walks thereon to lw brought to tho proper grade, and that they cause a sidewalk ibf Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thore. n within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Cierk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OUDEB TOB A PLANK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, 1863. And now It is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the Citv of Evansville, that the owners of all lot or parts of Iota, fronting on or nljoining the south aide Sixth street, from Fifth to Sixth Avenue, in said City, cause the said side walks thereoa to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk efClasi No. 2, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this rder. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office. Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBDEB rOB A PLANK SIDE WALK. Not 21, 1813. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining tho south side of Sixth street, from Fulton Avenue to Fifth Avenue, in said City, cause the side-walks theraoa to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2, to ho laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN. Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBDKa FOB A PLANS SIDE WALK. N .v. 21, 18tt). And now it la hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the-CMy of Evansville, that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the uorthwi-st side of i. -nur street, Irom Canal to Clinrcli street, ia said City, cause the side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that thev cause a a aide walk of Class No. 2, with woodf u'curh, to be laid down thereon within thirty days front the publication of this order. , , . A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk s Office, Nov. 20, 18G3. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDV.K FOB A PLANK SIDE WALK. -H Nov. 21, I8G3. And now it ia hereby ..rder -1 and directed by t!io Common Council of the City of Evansville that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the south-east ai.K of Cbesnut street, from Church ttrert, In said City, cause the side-walks threon to be brought to the proper grade, and that thfy cause a side walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. LIj A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 20, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBDES rOB A PLANK HUB WALK. Nov 21, 1811. And bow it is hereoy ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining tho south-east side of Mulberry street, betwee n Third to Fourth streets, in said City, cause the side-walks thereon to be to bo brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a skle-wlk of Class No. 2 to be laid down within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 20, 18B3. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBBEa TOB A PLANK SIDE WALK. Nov. Jl, 18C3. And now it is Itereby ordered aud directed by the Common Council ef the City of Svansville that the owners of all lots or parts of kits, fronting on or adjoining southwest side of Church from Walnnt to Cbesnut streets, in said city cause tho side walks thereon to be brought to tbe proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days fnm the publication of innoraer. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 26, 1863. THANKSGIVING. 100 CHOICE found at FAT TURKEYS II . A. WILL BE COOK'S. 200 CHOICE found at FAT CHICKENS WILL BE n. A. COOK'S. OYSTERS Choice Monumental Oviters; ex pressly for Thanksgiving Day, at H. A. COOK'S. f lrT J-Choice sweet Havana Orange for H. A. COOK'S. 09 pRANBERBIES-Sbbls. Eipresaly for Thauks- B"inguinntrK M.A.tXH)K'8. CELERY 100 fine heads Celery at H. A . fcsf COOK'S. GROCERIES. WANTED DRIED PEACHES ONE THOU SAND buabels Dried Peache wanted, for which the higbeat market price fa cash will be paid at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery, No. 82 Main Street. Turnips" 200 bcshels nice svvekt Turnips for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. SWEET PUTATOES 50 bushels choice Sweet Potatoes for sate .it large ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. APPLES, APPLES 100 bushels choice apples for sale at LLIOTT'B FAMILY GROCERY. CORN AND BRAN 200 bnahels Corn; Six tons choice Country Bran for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCaRV zz . "TirniTE NESHA NIC POTATOES 1,000 br arka choii Wbite NebaBie PotRtow; for iaa on vvufiguuiru t n ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. THn?SKJN"S UNTPN WASHINQ MACHTNFV tl which are now in nse through. ,i, Tuf ndD fur,re1ri,u,rypiatn,d' conTOn ,s- everywhere the mX? L from a rollnr f . v, i i r - n" ltt"u si ui a T. 1 "I Wa.Sll.-tl nor - - -- v umajaQi, or Jlrl cal w rabE. - liwkl. .... ,.. '2 . outinhin7.toam!;'i7rUUK,n'1 r,nSfl'1 witl ting the hadaTn te PrgicSlT' vringer ST For nly f machlna ELLIOTT'S FAMILY SBOCERY SPECTACLES. I. BITTENBERG, Mamwacturrr of the I ewly invented PERISC OPIO Spectacles fir "J" r. AND Army Field Glasses, Superior to all others wow In use. SPY GLASSES, Microscopes, OPERA GLASSES, Marine Spy Glasses, SIMPLE MICROSCOPES, Hunting Glasses, And all kinds of OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Can be had only of X- 3rt1 ttonlberg, No. 67 -aa- am s t or o 0 x E VANS VILLE, INDIA NA. I. RITTENB-RG HAS NOW ON HANDS splendid assortment of Cptlcal Instruments, ch he will dUloe of at creatl l, which prices; his goods being all of the verv latest Im provements in manufacture, consisting of a very large variety of Spectacles from the most common to the very bast, ri: Tho finest qnality of Gold Spectacles, these Glasses being constructed e the most accurate adaptation of the Convex Concavo Periscpic principles. Also, Silver of ttirfe dif ferent grades of Glasses, No. 1 being on the same principle as the Gold Spectacles. No. 2 is a jeri focal Lense; No. 3 being a fine AchromaticLensr-, mirror shape. In addition to the above I have a fino assort nient of Steel, of the very best quality of Lenses tho frames ling grooved into the Glasses The frames are so fine as to be scarcely visible No ot steel is Perifocal. No. 3 the globules of a smoked Lense, adapted for weak eight where strong light, snow or wind afiects the vision. These .spectacles are a perfect preventative by use ing them constantly, causing the eye to g.dn its maitny power and retain it to old age. rfa-rinirhad vervcnnsId,rftblo catcract eyes, in adaprlnc; glasses to sued vision, wonld impress on tho minds of all persons need ingglasses of any description, to apply for such only to a regular Optician, making that his sole etndy and business for years, he alone being able to know from the peculiar anatomy or the eye the nature of the defect, whether arising from weak nessof sght, flatteaing of the pnpil, or other misfortune occurring to the vision. The eve be log the moat delicate organ, aad of tho most vitt.1 importance to the hsppinese and prosperity oi man, should never be tampered with, either b the individual or by those who, for mere profit take upon themselves the selling or Optical In strnmeuts.and who know nothing of the anatomv of the eye, or how to discover the proper glasses t'o suit the peculiarity of tho different sights of those needing spectacles. Thousands have lost their vision entirely from not applying to those only qualified to know the different defects in each In dividual's sight, and-how to remedy it by wearing tbe proper kind of spectacle-. I. Rittvnber having had over twenty -lire rears experience as a regulsr practical opticjan, can assure those giving him their patronage that by applying to bim theT can get the very right kind of glasses adapted to their case, aad in almost every one secure good eve sight to old age. Near sighted persona can also obtain of bins th-. latest improvement in spectacles saited to them, being a new invention 1 have also tbe most rwyiatly new FicW Glasses, with Astromical eye pieces, taring very suporior to the old opera glass arrangement. AH kind- oi Optical Instruments repaired at the shortest no tice, and thdee having purchased spectacles of me and having had the misfortune-to break one of the eases, can have It replaced gratuitously by apply ing to L RITTENBERG, 67 Main Street, Bet. Second and Third Sts , EVANSVILLE, IND. sep. 20. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. Great Sale of Choice City Prop -j erty. rN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 18C1, WE y '!' ' a' puWiaanction, at the d'H.r or the .''""" EvansviUt, the old and l,.ng es- iiMishoil STEAM FT.nrrMVn mtu j Yl Situated immediately on the bank of the Ohio Itiver, In tho city of Evamrrille, aad well and fa vorably known as I THE INDI ANA MILLS, Together with two acres of grosmd, iaclading the bank of the river to low water murk, end the office, warehouse, and other bandings appur tenant. ' The machinery of this Mill, though at present out of repair, ia of the most superior character, liaviug Uen manufactured to the order of the rortner proprietor, Jfr. James Hewitt, with the view of iu..U- g first class Mill, and without regard to cost. , J Sinco it was put in, the mill, though conducted ! , i ine ausenco oi tbe owner, has been one of the most successful money-making estab lishments cT the kind in Southern Indiana For the truth of this, we take the liberty of referring to Mr. Geo. WolOin, Sheriff of Vanderhurg oeuii fy;Mr. Newton Rues of Princeton, Gibson couu y, and Mr. Lyman T. Bay leas, aow of Mt. Vernon, who have respectively managed tbe mill for tbe late proprietor. This property, being centrally aitoated just at the lower line of the City Wharf, prevnts a rare opportunity to purchasers, either fo- Mill purposes, or as a most desirable investment in real estate, which must rapidly echance in value. At the same time and place we will sell 2a. Lot in Mr. Richard Atkinson a Subdivision of Bl cka Nos. 130 and 154, according to tho- plan of La masco City (now Evansville.) See hand bills for a plan of said subdivision a laJavwf 'J Also Lot No. S, lo Block Nrx 171. 0 Lots Nog. I, 2, . i and 5, In Block No. 172, and Lot No. 2, in Block No. 174; according to the pfan of Lanaasco City. Also-UU feet front on Water street by SO fast deep, m feet froal on Leet street, by 98 feel deep, part of Lots Nos. 7 aad 8, in tbe Lower En largement of the Citv of Kvnnaville Also !frTots in block 4, according to the plan of Liimasco City ; said lots being 25 hy 110 feet, with a 12 foot alley in real. Also the following lots in the Southern Enlarge ment of the City of Evansville Lots 10 11, 12 i3 U( 15 and .a ,n Blo.k Nw a ois o, , b, a, iu, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in Block Ho. B. Lots 30, 31, 37 and 38, in Block No. 9. Lots U and 16, in Bloc No. 10. Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, in Block No 11 Lots 13 and 14, in Block No 14 Nol ' 5 10' 12' 13, 18 Dd ,9' in BI o0W ' 5' 10-"'3K.3. ""d 38. In Block -n,,wmbe one ofthe '"Treat sales of Evana ville City property ever made, and will be positive i" kjrfect, and general warrautee deeds wreai oar-ratna will Will be given TERMS OF SALE -For the MIL tract, eartf. For the residue of the above named r,r, ,r.v one-tourth cash, and the balance in one, two and three years, for which the notes of the piirchiuors, witli intereat and without relief, soured by mort gsge cn the premise, will 1 uken iHA.NULEK A HYNES. Real Estate Agents. Hibax Nelbo, Auctioneer noli -wtds PAPER MILLS. EVAHS VILLE PAPER MILLS, LEICH & CABLSTEDT, Agents. WE MANUFACTURE WRAPPING PAPER V.i?Ul1 to ar,y mtde- nd t Cincinnati aricea iy l'lZ, D appllc,ion to ,he Afjanu, DISSOLUTION. THE PARTNERSHIP HBfiETOFORlTxx . .at.iig under the Arm of Orr, Dal tell A ci n ,he 2,1 of Novemb;? all parta baihig claims agatnst the old firm will present -meu;ieac;o:,nat.:, 3 ORR, DALZELL A CO. XT A VINO PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF AA my former partners, I ,111 contrt.n,. it. ,i,. v - - ... j "U.IUW1 ai ine old .t n, thartSS '"1 WUUid "' th. new h VA-"..T.Lr?cer7 boiP t the old tand. ' . ""-" "r me new huiige ' -" - n,,i " ,ODg 'o-ed on the ol.l -T4 MATTHEW DALZELL NOTICE. Real Estate at Private Sale. TLlSfJS?" 0TltR FOR a.l0 tbe Citv itT. L- ,. for.,nrlJ oceopted by the Crescent Bt.eot. V. ,.?UVSt"on lhe ".-r Main and Third SLTr n'i hlly of Svansville. The lot is VU C t ,?ti f 'n ",re' nd 90 t on Third atreet, an' tie ,,nf, ' tbtee ,tori" i hizbt, covering the whon lot. Also, a drst-raie burglar-vroof Bale. For terms, enquire of JOHN A. REIT7, 1 THOS. E. GARVIN, or noJ W. BAKES. DRUGGISTS. BRIGHTON & WOOD. CRESCEXr CITY DRUG STORK. Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Fruit Jars, Sealing Wax, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs. S:ile Agents foi- Whit field's Pile Cure. MM m WM WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, SO. 10, FIRST 8TREET, NEAR FWT OFFICE, Has Just received" another large and splendid as sortment of Pure Dru, Chemicafs, Perfumeries, Medicines, Fancy Articles, Pomades, Combs. Diusnes, Toilet Articles, pap, -Flavoring Extras, &c &c Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes. : AU the Avm-oeed Patent Mariioln i..... . rtatrtlj On huud and for sale at North American " a a. - BSPrvicu!ar attention paid to the compoundinr af prescriptions at ail hours. gW . WM. E. HALLOCK, No. 10outh First Street, near Past Office, Evansville. Ind. MACHINEST. CHRISTIAN' KBATX. WK. HEILMAM. KRATZ 8l HEILMAN, C2it J?oxua.try9 Manufacturers and Builders of Stsam Engines and Boilers, Saw antf Grist Mill Ma chinery, Tobacco Screws, Gummine Machines, Chinese Sugar Cane Mills, THRESHING MACHINES, Ac, EVANSVILLE, IND. THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CITY FOUND ry beg leave to inform their friends and th public in general, that they are prepared to do all kinds of Macnine & Finishing Work And everything appertaining to the Fonndry bns lUese. They ere tuacufact urine Steam ri;,.... I and Boilers of any size and pewer required. Saw ; jiiij .TLHcuinery aud 31 in Gearing of any aixe ; Dis- fillery and Mining Machinery, Tobacco Screws i Gumming Machines, Threshing Machines, Malt f Mills. Horscpouora, Corn Sbellem. Machine t.f all kinda made and repaired ; Iron aud Braes Cast ings of every description, Iroa House Fronts, Cel lar Grates, c. Cooking and Heating Stores of the latest improved patterns ; Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, ke. Brewers, Distillers, Rectifiers, &c. - applied with every description of Copper and ihoet Iron Work, Brewing Kettles, Refrigerators, Attentporatore, Sparges, SUIIbeads and Worms on an improved prinrlple, Colnmns for Alcohol Stills, Yeast Jugs, Cana, Syphons, Ac. ; Copper, Lead and Irov Pipe; Copper, Brass and Iron Pumps of every variety, for Beer, Spirits, Oil, Ac. Brass Cocks aud Valves. Steam Whistles, Ac. Werknien aonl to ell parts to at up work and do repairs on Sham Boilers, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, 4c. Old Metals Bought. i uejr are uraiing re anu sei line AUen a lmprer. ed Steam Gnage, Wrought Iron Welded Pipes and Tubbing, Hiram Hopkins' Improved Smut Ma chines, Stepbeu Hughes' Flour Separators, Germaa Bolting C'leth, Gum Elastic Belting, racking, Hose, ke., of the best kind ; Tinplate, Sheet Iron Block Tin, Pig Iroa, Babit Meul, Spelter, Fire Brickr They have every facility of the heat Mxltlnerv uu wuiKiuru, Mu w iii give an wore entrni tbem, their individual attention, filling promptly, warranting their work, and are aa wiui reisonanie prices. 1 and Sale Rooms, Foundry, Boiler-yard Machine Shop on Pine street, between First and ci.nil streeta, Kranaville. Ind. dec 7 COMMISSION HOUSE. W. It. ft. OL'DLXT, Mem phi vr lyrtnj" " J. B. WOODWABD, Formerly of St. Loom. DUDLEY & CO., Commission Merchants, MO. 3 FROrYT ROW-Office up Stair. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Shipments- of Produce respectfully solicited. Liberal a tacn mad on ahipasetffs in store. Refer to Merchants of Memphis generally. novl0-3in NOTICE. THE FIRM OF J. H. MAGHEE k CO. WAS dissolved on the 27th of September last by tho death of John II. Maghea. The business wilf be settled up by the surviving partner. G MAOHEE. s November 2. 186J. NEW FIEM. rpHE CKDKRSIGNED WILL 00NTINTTE A the wholesale Dry Good business under th style of G. Magbee A Co., at the old atanl on First street. OILLISON MAGBEE. NICHOLAS M. GOODLETT. November 2. 1803. - - J?EWSONGS. WnS PASSING THE BRIDGE, MOTH IE A new and beautiful song. OCR GOOD SUIP SAILS TO-NIGHT. I'M BLIND. JENNIE, MY LOVE. KISS ME GOOD-NIGHT MOTHEB. WIN NIK, DARLING, I'LL BE WAITING. ASK IF I L0VK THEE. THE BANNER OF Tint STARS."1 I'M LONELY TO-NDHT. sonssarr all new and good, a ad for leaf v. , t, ,.... . n sale at no7 a txMf atiTUH o. No. 1 Main Street. Evansville. DRUGS, &c. WM. H. P. STODDARD, JSo. 17 Main Street, KVAHSVttLlI "H. TO ARTISTS A mbrotyp aaa Photograph stock of including Came ra, Chemicals, Cases and Fram ; a large variety eonatantly on hand and or ,e at toaaonabte prices at VVM. H. P. sTOPP-aSg1 Main street. QjOfiA. ASHAND CONCENTRATED LYE for uikiUi fSosp. "PJor article Just re wived at . " MAIN STREET. HOSTETTEK S PLANTATION BITTERS and Oriaaii tiers. togfcther with a great vari,v of Patent .MedH-ioe. at 17 MAIN STBEET, T3l"K EE AP l"h ADULTERATED CRE ikf Tartrrfor family use; also SckI ,nd ' fUiiA"!-'"" """ol. .AXtlARION TRt . ...!,-RJll S v.. 1.1m. i.. a '"I- liest nrcpanUion for th Uair at kll the lt. t . i P STODDARD'S COAL OIL AND BURNTNg FLFID BT trb gallon or barrel at T TH W MAIN STREET i PRINTERS INK. BLACK AND COLOBKn" in small cans Wade's manufacture fr ,., ' at STODDARD'S, 17 Main Street. LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLOBES AND Shado ; a large and varied assortment at 17 MAIN 6TREKT. VTJIZZABD oTLTliE" OLD ORIGINAL v V kind ; a supply just received at STODDARD'S, 17 Main Strvet. OF cy la not to 8G t of and they AND ot. HAT k of ,any at. ail ING we Baals cit, r S et. ! -XI !,.