EVANS VILLB, IIP. 8ATCRDAT .NOYEMBiR M, 16 JOIKXAL BINDKBT The publishers of the Ewtille Journal have n,- added -i o : r Newspaper aa.I Job Printing Establishment, a FIRST CLASS BINDRY and RmnMH or Bi.im Booes. Having secured the services or kdu of the beat workman in tha Vet, they are rrepred to execute orders at Cin cinnati and Louisville prioea. Brer; ,: -wri; 'n of Blank Books, snch aa Railroad, Count. Banking, Mercantile, and For warding Buoki. manufactured to order and from tin; beat iuall7 of atoek. BnVmy am' Blamtt, and Bool-Mead Printing, executed in a superior manner. All kinda of Printtd Wri, such aa Magazines, Law and Medical Vorki. Pamphlets and old hooka re , huuud lpererjr variety of style from half-bound to ' Xntiqo. and Full Gilt Work. CITY 1VJEWS. fiSTFor Commercial and River News tee fourth page. Thanksgiving Day. As if in acknowl edgment of the propriety of keeping thanksgiving on Thursday, the sun rose with unusual splendor and the day was one of exceeding pleasantness and beauty. The air was mild and genial asSpring, and all nature seemed to join with a christian people in giving praise and thanksgiving to the Author of all good. Most of the business houses in this city were closed at an early bour.and our whole population, almost, seemed to confess the propriety of observing the day. Services were held in most of the churches and at each large congregations were in attendence. At the lst(0. S.) Presbyterian church, Rev. A. Sterrett, officiated, taking as the foundation of his disconrae the 100th Psalm. After acknowledging the authority on which the day was observed, he enumer ated the common blessings for which we tad cause to give thanks, but which are so common and perpetual that we are prone to forget the source whence they eminated. These were, simple existence, health, freedom from mental anxiety, all tempo ral good things, and all spiritual bles sings and privileges. But there were special blessings for which we have cause to give thanks, among these were the following : Though war had come near us, we at the north have been exempt frctn its ravages. The rich returns of agricultural inter ests, the great productiveness of every branch of mechanical and commercial iadustiy, our preservation from for. eign complications, our relations with the great powers of the world being bet ter than at any time since the rebellion broke out. That in these perilous times God has given us a Governor so wise, patriotic and energetic, as to chal lenge the admiration of the whole nation. We should be thankful that in these perilous times, God had given us a President of great honesty, simplic. ity, patriotism, impartiality, coolness and tenacity of purpose, and withal, exhibiting so much of a devout and godly spirit For the great progress our arnties have made by land and by sea. The high stand our State has been en abled to take for patriotism, liberality, noble daring and bravery. '.'or the signal manner in which all the plans for mischief in the loyal .States have come to nought For triumph over mobjciw. Our great financial prosperity, as illus trated by the good credit of the Govern ment That the North is substantially a unit, and that we are in no danger of civil war in the loyal States as illustrated in the events attending Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, Morgan's raid and the late elections. That so far in this dread ful strife the principles of universal free dom have been steadily gaining ground; that the principles set forth in the De claration of Independence are being vindicated. That in this contest between Aristocracy and Democracy, the latter is larselv in the ascendant. That the capacity of a free and enlightened people to goverft themselves is being fully de monstrated to the joy of the down-trodden millions of earth's oppressed sons. le ought to be thankful tnat the in stitution of domestic slavery is virtually no more. Its political power, which alone has sustained it for many years past, is utterly gone, and although it still actually exists in a small part of our teritory. it will soon die of its own inherent weakness, if let alone. This has been accomplished contrary to the nation's wish and intention, not by the President's Proclamation, not by he acts of Congress but the dreadful God had rolled His chariot of fire text were appropriate to. the occasion. The speaker noticed the fundamental truth implied in the text, that there is a divine control in the affairs of this world, as manifested in the material, so cial and spiritual world not implying, however, that God orders every event and act. W bile the scriptures teach the Divine Sovereignty and control, they as clearly j declare min's moral agency, his power of choice or refusal, to obey or disobey, and as citizens may be free to act under hu man governments, so may man's moral agency remain intact, under the Divine Government. He noticed in the second place that by this Divine control we have reccired especial blessings during the past year for which we should be thankful. Life has been preserved. We have had seed-time and harvest, the early and the latter rain. Our civil rights and relig ions privileges are undisturbed. Our national trials and sufferings have work ed for our good God, by these " has proved us" a Government able to stand not only before foreign emisaries, but also to successsful y meet the shock of civil conflict By these He has " tried us as silver is tried" sepa rating the sin of slavery the dross from the pure metal leaving our glorious flag to wave over " the land of the free and the home of the brave. " And lastly, the triumphs of our arm les during the past year, the victory at Gettysburg, the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, Jfce, give good promise of a speedy overthrow of the rebellion, and the establishment of a just, honorable, and lasting peace. For which " make the voice of His praise to be heard " in all the land. In the Walnut Street Presbyterian Church, the Pastor, Rev. Mr. McCarer. delivered a discourse from the text " To what purpose is this waste," (Mat. 26:8.) In which he showed that those who look upon the contest now waging for the Na tion's life, as barren of good results, and that the treasure and life expended in the war, is mere waste, are mistaken. He showed, also, we think conclusively, that the benefits which will flow out of the successful prosecution of the war, will be worth all it costs the nation. Nor are these benefits to be confined to the North t but shared equally by the South. In. deed, that the Sonth will derive greater blessings from the destruction of the pe culiar institutions than the North. We are, in fact, fighting for the good of the South. It would be an unspeakable curse to them, to let them consummate their attempt at secession. Our terribl6 war will soon be over, and the sufferings and cost will be unspeakably less than the Aggregate of sufferings, if the con test was postponed, and then made a protracted one. He declared that he would rather have " severe agong and soon over" than to be bound to the wheel of torture for long years. The act of emancipation was spoken of purely as a war measure ; God had suf forred the Union armies to be defeated, so that the necessity of this measure might be made plain to the nation. If we come out of this contest, estab lishing the nation upon righteous princi ples, it will exert a tremendous influence in hastening on the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. The speaker exhorted his hearers, to have faith in God to have faith in the progress of events to sympathize with, and heartily support, the authorities of the land in crushing the rebellion; and, if there was need, in order to accomp lish this, that they should be ready to of fer up. their children, and themselves too, upon the altar of their God, and the al tar of their country. He then concluded by declaring his assured conviction, that, after the war was over, the sections North and South would not long continue embittered in their feelings towards each other. But, under the inflnence of a purer religion, and the out pouring of the Divine Spirit everywhere, would be melted into the holi est fellowship, nnd, sorrowing over the melancholy past, would rise into a high er national life, and pres3 onward and upward towards the sublime heights to which events are now urging us thence forth TTNiTCD having only one country) one hope, one ambition and one destiny. Tne several speakers presented their views with much fervor and eloquence, giving evidence that their hearts were in the cause. At night Gen. Carrington spoke to a large audience in the lecture room of the Walnut Street Church, which was crowd ed. His speech was a master effort, be ing, as we have heard it remarked by in telligent gentlemen, the ablest speech on : the subject of the war that has yet been made in tV5e ' cUv, cvuvluvtns ntlxe ine The Atlantic Monthly for Decern- j Goon News. By the following dis ber is a superb Number The contents ' patch it will be Seen that some of our are as follows : The Man Without a j Evansville boys participated in the glo Country ; The Birds of Millingworth ; ! rious assault on Mission Ridge, and Literary Life in Paris ; The Great Air j escaped without injury. Three cheers Engine ; A Loyal Woman's No; Eugene for the army of the Cumberland! Delacroix ; Sympathetic Lying ; Some-! " Chattanooga, Nov. 26, 1863. thing about Bridges ; Internal Structure 'To Mrs. C. Schmidt: " Stormed friends safe. Missionary Ridge. All Carl Schmidt." and Progression of the Glacies ; In an Atti c; Longfellow ; Letter to a Peace Democrat ; Reviews and Literary Noti ces ; Recent American Publications. The December number closes the 12th ; Volume of the Atlantic. Its publishers j v , . . , , j everything was arranged with consum-i myself worthy l.v.h Vn lime that their Mnnt ilv hna aK " 1 . . ... f. mate good taste and great liberality, tamed a circulation aud prosperity never i , ? . . , , , w r 1 Had tn9 weather been fair, tho concert equated oy any American magazine oi The Concert and Slpper. Notwith standing the extreme inclemency of tha weather last night, there was a large and elegant assemblage at Masonic Hall. The American House Still Lives I Jfew Improvements. Raring leased tho above named house fur a term of years, I have a pared no pains or expense in putting every department of this popular hotel in most perfect repair. I have also fitted up a nice bar adjacent to the office, where at all times tha choicest of wines and liquors will be kept, and a polite and attentive man to wait upon my patrons and friend. A strict watch will at all times be kept dnring the night ; and particular attention will be paid to gusts arriving aud departtag on boats, both day and night My table shall at all times bo amply supplied with the beat the maVket affords, and by strict attention 10 business and the wants of the public, I hope to obtain a large share of the public j patronage, of which I shall endeavor to reuder J. J. PiLLsnuav. CtiAELia 11 all, Clerk . aogU-dtf THE VERY LATEST B Y T ELEG 17 Jh I II. From the Army of Potomac. Good Wen! he r andgood Roads an the Rappahannock Officers ' t out from thirKtgimei..t..Vlmt SIca.de will do If he has luck Meade well supplied with Pontoon. its class. It is in truth our National Magazine. It is the personification, so to speak, of American literature. would have been a complete success. Everything that was tempting to the taste was there arrayed in profuse j nhnniionta Tim m ,,, V. f ' .. . .. the Atlantic tor 1864 will possess many v, . T , .. . . , ,. . i ' 1 City Band was up to their highest stand- features of peculiar interest and import- . ' . . . ard, and was, of course, very excellent, ance. Among others we mention the T, A , .. f .. s. , e n t .i , ! The ladies of the Church did themselves following: Hawthorns new romance: i . , D . . t, . . . ., , . grest credit in the arrangement of the . - - ... . u v j u.i.i . uuin acciai poems; Longfellow will publish some Cantos of his translation of Dante's Divine Gommedia ; Mrs. Stowe is to furn ish a series of capital sketches ; J. T. Tumbridge has a new novel which will also first grace its pages ; Prof. Lewis Agassiz will continue his admirable articles upon different branches of Na tural science. All these, we are sure, constitute a "dish to set before a King," and will be appreciated by the many thousand ad mirers of the Mon.hly, besides adding largely to their number. The Atlantic may be obtained of all periodical dealers or of the Publishers Ticknor & Fields, 135 Washington St Boston. evening's entertainment WSrTha rain which commenced at noon yesterday, continued until mid night, or later and for several hours was very heavy, flooding the gutters with water. Com m u n i sated . November 26, 1863. Editors Journal : We wish the public to understand that we are not amongst those as alluded to in Thursday morning's Journal who re fused to take county orders, except at a discount We had given particular instructions to take county orders the same as " green backs," and compelled none to buy more than they needed, and will continue to do so. As our prices are only one to rich or poor, there can be no gouging in that way. Schapker & Bussikg. Post Office Notice. Marshal Nelson having promised to be in the post office lobby, or have a deputy there, in the evening, to keep order, the lobby will be opened, until further notice, at 8 o'clock p. m., and the mail will be delivered as soon as distributed. Adults will please keep as quiet as possible in the officei and take some interest in keeping the boys quiet, as it is impossible to do our work inside correctly in the midst of such a racket as has heretofore prevail ed. Parents are requested to keep boys and children away from the post office 8s much as possible especially at night. Nothing will be handed out to disorderly boys. Persons who stand back, as they should, and take their turn, will be waited on, when practicable, before those who crowd op as if life depended on be ing first It don't take long to wait on all, if tho people will only be patient Persons habitually shoving and crowd ing will be passed for those who wait for their turn. Such disorder as prevails here is a disgrace to the city, and can be seen nowhere else. It is observed and spoken of by strangers. Every good citizen should try to stop it Please bring change along with you for unpaid matter. Cents are very scarce; therefore, please bring us all you ean spare in exchange for other money. Jas. H. McNeelt, P. M. Thanksgiving. Through the mercy of Providence and the kindness of friends, we were enabled to keep thanks giving day in a very pleasant manner. Our excellent and generous friends, J: Elliott Si Co., furnished us a large, fat and tendcr'turkey, which, with a can of Maltby's best brand of oysters, furnish ed by Billy Caldwell, and delicious teuder- loins from Foster & Co's., together with sundry delicacies provided by a charm ing little woman, who is justly titled our better Jhalf for better enabled us to have a very tempting dinner for an editor. To add zest to the dinner we must not neglect to thank our friend Mr. John S. Goodge,a for bountiful supply of nice ten der cellery, and Capt Cox, the gallant commander of the steamer Coliossns for a bottle of the choicest champagne which we drank to his health, to the memory of the past and the hopes of the future. Hfca? We have reason to acknowledge the kindness of Mr. John Zeroin, of tho Autocrat Saloon, for a present of a box of excellent cigars and a liberal supply of fine chewing tobacco, fine cut Both articles are of the choicest quality, and are fair samples of a large stock kept constantly on hand at the Autocrat, on Water street, near the American House. 8"A complete assortment of Ladies' White and Black Kid Slippers for bridal and party occasions. Ladies', Misses', and Children's Anklets, and Anklet Bal morals, can be found at Turner k Gwathmey's, No. 15 Main street MaY Just received at Lyon's a large lot of elegant heavy and durable busi ness suits. His stock is now very large, and comprises elegant styles. All sorts and sizes of Mens' La dies', Missess' and Children's Rubber Over Shoes and Saudals, just the thing for a wet morning like this. Are kept and for sale cheap at Turner & Gwath mey's. -. ey , B3T A mild, gentle rain set in just af ter noon yesterday, and continued throughout the day. We may anticipate changeable weather from now until win ter, with its snow and cold, comes down upon us. 1 Ho! tor thb Wood Pile. Messrs. Kratz & Heilman propose to furnish two men to run their steam engine and saw, on Monday, to complete the sawing up of the soldiers' wood pile. Fifteen or twonty men will be seeded to pass wood to and from the saw. Now, while onr brave boys are striking steady licks into the very vitals of the re bellion, let us all turn out and devote one day to the comfort of their families at home. across our eniltv land and wiped out the institution iu the best blood of the na- j judgement and the hearts of his auditory tion. And we ougut to tnank tioo. tnai this blot upon our nation, and on the church, had been virtually wiped out. Finally we ought to thank God for the prospects before us, which have at no former period of the war seemed so bright The speaker closed by exhorting the people to forgiveness towards the rebels. That while the executors of the laws "might End it their duty to inflict pun ishment upon the "uilty, yet it was the duty of the people to cultivate a spirit of forgiveness and kindness. Vengeance U. S. Pension Agency. Established by Governmeut anthority, for pro curing PEXSIOXS for Icralid Officers aud Soldiers, deceased Officers' and Soldiers' Widows or Orphan Children, De lndnt Mother or Orphan Sisters. BOUNTY AXD ARREARS for Tta'eased Soldiers' Widows, Children, Fathers, Mothers, or Brothers and Sisters. Also for dis charged Soldiers, who bars served two years, or boen discharged by reason of wounds. BOUNTY LAND AND BACK PAY for Widows er other legal claimants of Soldiers of 1812, Mexican, and other past wars. This Agency adjnHts claims for parties and sol diers of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, iu accord ance with the only forms und instructions upon which their claims aro granted at Washington, aud is the only Agency thus located, and solely and exclusively employed Persons writing their case plainly, and enclo sing sump, always answered. Orrici Third street, near Main, Evansville Ind. JOHN TENNIS, eetlS Pension Agent. To Phtsiciaxs. If you wish to purchase pure Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals at a small ad vance on Eastern prices, go and examine Kellib Whiti's stock, where yon will find every arti cle that is needed by the professor, and as prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Their ore is at No. S4 Main srsset. maytdftwtf SPECIAL NOTICES. To Coniumtlvei. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption- is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (tree of charge) , with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will And a bube ccbe roa Consumption, Asthma, Bboncaitis, Ac. The only object of t lie advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflieted, and spread information which ho conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress Bev. EDWARD A. WILSON. Wllliamsburgh, Kings County, New York. The above remedy may be obtained in Evans ville of cMe srs. KELLER & WHITE. Druggists. Call for pamphlet, frse of charge. New Yokk, Nov. 27. A special Wash ington dispatch last evening to the Phil- j adelphia Enquirer says its correspon dent at the front reports the weather J tine and roads in tolerable good condi- I tion. The rail road between here and the Rappahannock will be discontinued as a line of communication, ar d will be opened at another point Officers who went down to-day to join their regiments were obliged to return as they could not reach the army. Telegraphic commu nication with Meade is complete. Should Meade succeed in getting possession of the Virginia Central Rfv.'road and the Richmond and Fredricksburg rail road, he will be able to establish a new and shorter line of communication for him self and at the same time cut off the main line of tb i enemy with Richmond. Lee must either fight, or attempt to reach Richmond by the circuitous route of Lynchburg and Petersburg. The heights of Fredericksburg are within his grasp, and with this stronghold in his possession, and the abort line of railroad to Acquia Creek for his supplies, he may move rapidly on "Richmond, reaching there in five or six days. His army is well supplied with pontoons to cross small streams on the road. x P ft LYON'S COLUMN. O WATCHES & JEWELRY. 3' era o a o The Black Swan. This sonffitoi- :: ' Those who believe that a minister should never allude to secular matters, may perhaps deem it unbecoming in a soldier to allude to the evident impresses of the finger of God in the history of the times. Gen. Carrington is doing great good in our State. We believe no thanksgiving day indi. dipated by either the State or Federal executives had ever been so generally or appropriately observed by our people, and this almost universal acknowledg ment of the providence and goodness of God, gives us strong encouragement to belongs "to God, and He will mete it ; hope for and expect His blessings in days out in justice and to the full measure of i to come. the iniquity. The two Methodist churches of this city held their services in union at the Locust Street Church, where was as sembled a large and intelligentaudience. Rev. W. M. Hester preached front the 8tb,9th and 10th verses of the 66th Psalm: O bless our God ye people and make the voice of His praise to be heard, Which Holdeth our soul in life, and suffer eth not our feet to be moved, For Thou, O God, hast proved us, rwu hast tried us, as silver is tried. Grand Promenade Concert and Sup per. In consequence of the rain last night and the large amount of delicacies i left over, the ladies of the First (O. S.) j Presbyterian Church will repeat their social reunion to-night, and we hope to ' see Masonic Hall filled to its utmost ca i pacity. Elegant music, delicious re freshm ents and facinating ladies will be there. Admission the same as last night Personal. We are pleased to learn celebrated one of her conserts at the Crescent City Hall. The press every where speak in glowing terms of her power as a singer. Among other favorable notices, we copy the following from one of our exchanges: The concert of the Black Swan at the Congregational Church on Saturday even ing last, was attended by a very appre ciative audience, ine ftwan was in good voice, but apparently too indinerent as to her success, to excite much enthusiasm in her audience. In the beautiful song angels ever bright and fair," she called out a good round of applause.which in the n n . u u-ot anfikanlmant" inAmnDflil irk an encore. Although it has been our pleasure to hear Bishop Fabbri, James, D'Angri, Patti and other celebrities, we have never yet heard so remarkable a voice. Its compass is greater than that of any woman who ever sang before an American audience, extending as it does from C in the F clef. She sings equally well as a baritone, a contralto, a mezzo soprano, or soprano, the remarkable masculinity of her voice being very per ceptible in'Himmel's Battle Prayer of the President, written for a mezzo soprano, and which the Swan sang the first time through oik octave below where it was written. NoTIOK. All iwrnnna r brKir quested to present at my oce, corner of Main and Water streets, forthwith, claims for charges against the steamer Char ley Bowen; also all bills against the steamers Superior, Armada, Charley Bowen, Huntsman and Courier, to date, for examination and payment. Gus. Lemcke, Sup't E. & C. Packet Co. nov28d3t To thb Ladies. Burnet's standard Flavoring Extracts are remarkable for their perfect puritg and great tirength, Their excellence has secured the reputa tion of being the best in the world. H. A. Cook has a full stock. HOME INTERESTS. A CARD. Etavsttlle, Nov. 20th, 1863. 1 wish to say to those who aro pre paring to put up this dirty canal ice, for the purpose of supplying the retail trad next season, if they will call upon tne I can convince them that the arrange ments I have made for the coming season Will enable me to supply them upon :inch terms, with a good article, that they will do better to buy of me at prices that I can give them, than to bother putting up such stuff as is usually saved at this place. Edward Ixouk. Nov. 25th tf. Ladibs. Attbntisx. Mrs. McCormick wishes to inform the Ladias of Kvansvllle and viciaity that she is selling ut her entire atoek. at cost, consisting of Millinery Ooods, Hosiery, Oloves and Sotions, as she is obliged to give up her old stood, No. 37 Main street, la order to make room for a now building. WILLIAM EEAYI8, Attorney at Law and . S. Claim Caution. Wb hive this day obtained a Patent for our Manufactories, known as "FAMILY DYE COLORS." The Dyes manufactured by other poisons, under the name of "Domestic Dtbs," ic, are made in violation of our Patent. We caution all persons making or selling the same hereafter, that we shall prosecute for all in fringements of our right. HOWE & STEVEKf. Boston, Oct. 13, lSfkl.-cov-Jt-.Tw One of Ilunnewell's Great Remedies. HUNME WELL'S TOLTJ ANODYNE. This most wonderful and reliable preparation which has earned its true name aud fame by results which has baffled every other attempt at relief in HHrahjia, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervous Head Arhe, Tooth and Bar Ache, Btuel Complaimit, lbiteria, DiMrem after Eatine, Lou of Slrrv, (ieiieral A'T' O" IXUWUf, ritfMMW 1H l HOOpiHlJ ' "j'l, OtUt AMAOi'l, now declared to be larg-ly Nerrmu. For the pains In Menthly Menttrnatiou, a perfect relief, while na ture's afterwork is undisturbed, and one of its most important point. This valuable preparation should be in overy Family, as no description equals its real necessity, or its splendid results. 1. It. HUNNK WELL, Proprietor. Commercial Wharf, Boston. BSTor sale by all wholesale and retail di alers novlo-2 News from Kebel Papers. A Feigned Assault on Sumter More Snells Thrown into the City A Splendid Fight Going On. New York, Nov. 27. Richmond pa pers contain the following dispatch: Charleston, Nov. 20. Between 2 and 3 o'clock this morning the enemy, in small barges, approached Sumter, and upon being hailed from the fort, an swered with oaths. They fired several volleys of musket ry, which were replied to by the garrison, when the barges withdrew. Monltrie, Bee and Johnson also opened on the barges. It is not known what damage was done to them. Mai. Scott savs it was a feigned assault Last nijrht 18 shells were thrown into the city, between 12 und 2 o'clock. Ten buildings were struck, but no per son injured. The fire on Sautter contin ued heavy during the night One white man, and two negroes, were killed in the fort yesterday. A spirited fight between the enemies batterries, Gretrjr and Warner, rod our batteries, Bee and Simpkins, together witn .torts Moultrie and Johnson, took place this afternoon. Gregg opened heavily on Moultrie and Wagner on Johnson. Our fire, particularlv from Simpkin's, was exceedingly active, com pelling the enemy to leave their guns at every fire. The contest closed it dark 1 he hre on Sumter continues heavily From New York. KELLER WHITE. AKentx. Kvansvllle, Ind. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPKRIENCB OF AN INVALID, Published for the benefit, and as a warning and CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, etc., supplying at the sams time, THE MBANS OF SELF CUBE. By one who has cured himseli after being put to great expense and injury through msdical humbug aud quackery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope single copies may be had of the author. NATIIANIEL MAYFATK, Esq., Bedford, Kings County, N. Y. . X p CD g PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This astonishing preparation will, br Nature'a own Process, lie tore Gray Hair to the Original Color Will make it grow on Bald Heads. Will restore the Natural Secretions. Will remove at once all Itching. Will remove all Dandruff. Will curs all Eruptions even Scald Head. Will make the Hair Soft al Glossy. Will preserve the Color of Hair to Old Age. Will always Fasten it, and stop it Falling. And Is one of the beat Toilet Articles for th Hair now in use. Thousands of Soldiers in tne Armv Have testified to the above, who had become gra and lost their Hair by sickness, change of climate and inattention, while performing camp duty. As a Restorative and dressing it has no equal. KELLER & WHITE, Wholesale and Betail Agents for Evansville. is autnonssu By tne uovrmment to araeure Ten sions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, Beauty Land Claims) for Hokeu and other PmomaTT destroyed while in the service of tha Government, and all claims, of whatever kind or ature against the United States. Bounty for Discharged Soldiers! By an amendment to tha Bounty Law, passed at tha last session of Congress, "All soldiers or otker persons who hat been Or thall hertaUr be discharged within two years from the date of their enlistment, by reason ef wsuads received la battle, shall receive the same Bounty aa thengh they served two years." OfBce 65 Main Street, ewer Keller's Gaa Store, opposite the Court Heuse, Xvaasvllle, Indiana. Correspondents most enelese stamps. Geod references given if required. mhJS a-S- p- H- W SMITH, tele manufacturers of the NEW AMERICAN OBGANS with tremole attachment, finished in fifteen different styles; elegantly polished in Keeewoed! for Parlor use Also, in Black Walnut and Oak for Churches, Schools, Lodges, Ac. Also, Smith's unrivalled Melodeons, warranted for five years HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! New York, November 27. A special dispatch from Cincinnati to the PhilaJ clciphia Inquirer says: We have some reports from Knoxville which seem to indicate that Buruside is perfectly secure in his position. 1 he rebel cavalry is now in the country lying between Cumberland Gap and Knoxville, but no damage has been done a -p m 1 i yet Longstreet has not made a heavy as sault on the city, but seems anxious to ecure prominent positions tor his batter ries, so that he can command the city from different points and demand a ca- pitulrtion. He acts as thougn nis iorces were not sufficient to hazard a heavy battle under existing circumstances. A column is alreadv moving for the relief of Burnside under Gen. Wilt-ox, and reinforcement are being sent as rapidly as possible. Bragg attempted to make a stand f (Jhicamauga button, but was again forced back. The rebels were in full re treat on Dalton. Parson Brownlow is in the interior, and working hard to keep open commu nications with the army. There is nothing from General Burn side. It is conjectered that Longstreet will attempt to join Bragg; but ample provis ion has been made to prevent tne con summation of any such attempt. He will, therefore, be forced to retreat in Virginia, if he will be able to get away at all. There is officiaf authority for assert ing that in the several battles just fought before Chattanooga, we have captured 7,000 prisoners at least. The Jiepublican has the following in an extra: The army of the Potomac advanced yesterday morning, and doubtless cross ed the Rapidan without much opposi tion, as firing was. heard at Bealton's Station, which commenced at X o ciock. LateBt from Chattanooga. Tne Pursuit of the Rebels Pushed Vigorously-Hooker and Thomas Driving them like. Sheep 7,000 Prisoners Captured, pad D CD 1 Nasi e 2 " sr 3D sa 2 7- 5 5 CD 3 S 35 3D C5 32 P law) S cs . z CD . 3D p CD r O as P 9 CD CD CD s e s CD P d 1 35 CD s S 35 5 CD 35 S3 P 35 - CD a S 3 35 5? CD CD CD CD CD S S3- IMS CD P CD 35 5" (IS 35 cr p 35 CD CD D CD CD P CD -. CD P 35 CD 35 P P P H IS CD 35 CD Eft 0 CD CD P H M CD 35 35 va CD 35 sr 35 o' 35 (TP aV D 35 1 tt 3 p M 35 5 55 IP 5 CD S P- CD i CD P P 55. CD P CD P-v CD P CD CD t ft P X CD P S3 35 Me P CD 35 35 P 35 va p CD o o 3 P Q a e-t- o 3 P . a 3 O P o 7. 3 " CO p p 3 o Q H H (5 1 P m 0 o 0 tc 09 K u V ef 4 9 0 ef es o o " Si a" 9 3 p 5 " s p 3 P- 9 p" 1 CD r- P 3 5 " BO p cr a GO oe 3 p -t 3 o tr. p i o p w tf o P 3 o 3 - 3 P 3 3 y. p rf ft 1 t ft i P -00 3B o S3 03 s 02 O r P O i 03 O p p CO ft i p i ft W o CO ! o w w o F W W CO Q 4 jzj ES H3 p CO sr g o o p fas & O flP o IB V Q 0 P 35 P CD 35 P cT p SI p TOYS & FANCY GOODS. Toys and Fancy Goods AT Wholesale and Retail. OF Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect changes Bed Busty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brewn, without Injuring the Hair er Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Solt and Beaatifnl; imparts fresh vitality, frequently re storins its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WIL LIAM A. BATCHKLOR, all others are more imi tations, and should be avoided Sold by al Druggists, 4e. Factory 82 Barclay street, N. BATCHELOR'S NEW TOILET CREAM FOB DRESSING THE HAIR. JylOdwly Special to the Tribune. War Department from the front, states that, the pursuit of the rabels was contin ued yesterday by Hooker and Thomas. DRY GOODS. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEM' tip L iTamaST asn Sexual Systems. New and tillable treatment in Reports of the HEWARD ASSO CIATION Seat In sealed letter envelopes, fro of eharge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. au27-3in GROCERIES. octtl-em For sale by WARREN CONTXdTON, . 1 Hate Street. Arrival of Goods Much Needed. -y-y-E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS. Ila,ica. LinBoys 4-4 Osnaburgs and "Kerneys." For tale at KEEN it PRESTON'S. novZl . NOTICE. Mr. H. avowed that it was our vocation ( tnat non. Aivan Jo&nson, ot ttoonvme, to davto five thanks to God for His bles- j is making his arrangements to become a 6 - . . ,. . , I . . r .. it. i.. sines to us as a nation ana as inuivm. permaneni reiiuent oi our cuy He has uals. That this day presented a sublime spectacle. Every true American, at tome and abroad, by land and by sea, taken out license to practice law in our Court, and will be a valuable accession to the bar of this city. The Union men brings his thanks offeriug, his sacrifice j of Warrick will miss Mr. Jonnson very of praise and prayer. The words of tha I much; but their loss it our gain. Thanksgiving Ball. Ob Thanksgiv ing night there was a gay and festive party of young folks assembled at Ma sonic Hall, where, until almost morning, they tripped the light fantastic toe, to the sweet measures of delicious music. There was a large crowd of the beauty ani the chivalry of the city, and joy and mirth ruled unconfined. We are under obligations to the cour teous managers for aa invitation, but alas! our dancing days are over. tar Di. r liases still continues to be the only awful agent in this eity for ther Artificial Rubber Teeth. After Rtrnishiag nearly a hna dree seta in the past tlve yean, he has no hesitation la reeom sneuding them as the best and o has peat material in use, being worn ia the most, difficult mouths, with comfort and efficiency. IPsrsoas suffering with bad fitting mettle ill ate -are esp tally re quested to call at the Rooms next BitsroUTl, Main Street. Gold, Silver, Demand Notes and U. S. 5-2 '.O's, Cou pons due 1st November, bought at the high :est mar ket price at Copelaind's Sav ings Bank, No. 4, First Street. SUNDRIES Well Buckets, Strawberry and. Lemon Syrup, Almonds, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Essence of Coffee, Wooden Bowls, English Walnuts, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Rock Candy, Oysters, Shoe, Horse and Scrubbing Brushes, Lob sters, Sardines, Alum, fcpsom sans, not; Brim stone, Sulphur, Copperas, Madder, Extract of Logwood, Washing Bluo, Indigo, Cream Tar tar, Soda, Bed Cords of all kinds. Tobacco of all kinds, Blacking. Batting, Nutmegs, Cigars of all kinds, Jute and Cotton Wrapping Twine, Blue Vit riol, Camphor, Carolina and Wagon Tar, Brooms, Cotton Yarn, Race and Ground Ginger, Castile fteap, Playing Cards, Glass Jars. Lanterns, Tum blers and Flasks, Pepper Sauce, Matches, Picklea, Mustard, Fish of all kinds. Tomato Catsup, Powder, Safety Fuse, Soaps of all kinds, Starch, Teas, Vin asrar. Letter. Note, Cap, and Fancy Pauer, Wrap ping Paper, Envelopes. Salt Petre, Gum Drof, Toys aud Letters, Table Salt, Hemp Sack ing Twine, Wooden Bowls, Jujube Paste, Cin namon, Coal Oil, Clothes Pins, Bonnet Boards, Ink, Gloves, Nails, Glass, Spirits Turpentine, all spice, Sal Soda, Pain Killer, Licorice, Pitch, Seivei, Ac , Ac, 4c. A supply of the above kept constantly on hand and for low by 8. E. GILBERT A CO, nov24 tf No. 4 Sycamoi-w Street. 1VTEWdRLEAXS SUGAR 40 hhds. prime for n sale by Public Sale, AT THE LATE RESIDENCE OF W. G. HUGHES, deceased, we, his administrators, will, on tho 28th day of November, 1863, (Satur day), sell to the highest bidder, who will give bond with approved security, all the machinery and apparatus of the Saw and Grist Mill of the said Hughes, together with all the lumber iu the mill yard. TheTumber will be sold on a credit until the 1st of March next, and the mill, ma chinery aud fixtures will be sold on a credit by equal installments, payable en the 1st of March, aud the 1st of September, ISM. There is a Urge amount of lumber os hand, and the mill is the best iu the connty. All those indebted to the estate are for the last time invited to come forward and settle. J0NA R. HUGHE. DANIEL H. HUGHES November 3. 1864. GOLD, SILVER, Bickett's and James" Checks, and all other recurrent money bought at the highest market value. LYON. rpilE LARGE8T AND BEST STOCK 1 Toys and Fancy Goods will be found at WARREN & COffYNGTOFS, No. 1 Mam Street. Having bought our stock at first hands, we will dupli. ate Cincinnati bills. We invite the trade to call and look through our establishment. Every Immaginable kind of TOYS Tin, Wood. Iron, &C. DOLLS Of all sizes and kinds-Wax, Linen, China, Paper and Wood. MACHINE TOYS Steamhoats, Monitors, Engines, Carriages, kc. India Rubber Toys, Rocking and Spring Horses, Wagons, Carts, Sleighs, Velocipedoes and Children's Cabs. Baskets of all kinds, China Tea Sets and Figures. Beautiful Christmas Presents for Ladies or Gentlemen of the most ex quisite workmanship a line of goods never before offered in this place; Pearl and Silver Card Cases, New and Beautiful Portmonies, Velvet and French Kid, Steel Trimmed Bags and Wire Purses, Cornucopias, Paper Boxes, &c, for Candies ; Wax Candles and Mots for Christ mas Trees ; Musical Ooods of every kind always on hand: d L U U C. U (M 5 , VIOLINS, GrXLltetxrei. Flutesi ACCORDEONS, MUSICAL BOXES, &c., &c. WARREN & CONYNGTON. nov21-2m DRY GOODS. Dry Goods and Notions. AFTER A THOROUGH EXAMINATION OF our stock and prices, of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Notions, we have no doubt In satisfying the closest buyers that our stock cannot be surpassed, and that it Is to their interest to bny fr-m us. SCUAPKER ft BUSSING, 1IT1 No. 49 Main Street. NOTICE TO FARMERS. THE RURAL AMERICAN Tle Beat Paper for Farms ami Fruit Groweri-Elght Dollars Premium for only Twenty Subscribers. T WANT 10 000 CLUB AGENTS TO CIRCT I late the Urmi AMKMCA3, Ttica, New York. Volume VIII commences January 1st, 1S64. paper . f .ik .iihvrihpn in D.TeLit,r! This is de- cid-dly the best and cheapest termer's and fruit grower's paper in existence, at only SI a year, and every subscriber receives two of the best c.KkW. VINES known to exist, sent free of all exnense, or tt.t.ab s worm oi bv3sm,l g : GKEAT PROLIFIC STRAWBERRY PLANTS ' the larrest and moat productive in the world, j I manv of which are actually as large as utiis' eg,,,. ! wno remits l will rercive the Cloaks and Shawls. flTE HAVE NOW Oil HAND THE LARG- VT est stock of Cloth Cloaks and Shawls of j evtry deacriptiou ever brought to taia city, and I sell them at wholesale or retail aa rhsap as they ! can be found anywhere ia the West. 8CHAPKER ft BCSS1NG, No. 49 Main street. Blankets and Coverlids. LARGE STOCK OF BLANKETS AND fx Coverlids, of ike beat make, on hand an J tiling cheap. SCHAPKER ft BIASING. No. 49 Main Street. 8. E. GILBERT (JO. No. 4 Sycamore Street. B LASTING POWDER Just received and far ' S. I. GILBERT ft CO., No. 4 Sycamore St. aarKvery person paper rttrr to January next, v.m tnroi:gh leH for t fc-i- , C - . , ,. . . , -.. . . . . 1 1 EE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR i f " " ' " terms to Postmasters and other club agents of auy other publisher iu this couutry. EIGHT DOL LARS in premiums for every club of twenty sub scribers! I have an Immense supply of the choic est grape vines, ail of which are to be rasa to my subscribers! Send for specimen copies immedi ately, and address T. B. Mines, Clinton, Oneida Connty, N. T. novl'J-fw T HIDES, . A PURS, FEATHERS, WOOL, BEANS, DRIED FRUIT, CLOVER SEED, FLAX SEED, GRASS SEED, BEESWAX, . GINSING, Aad all kinds of Cantry Produce by A. OTnttsTBTS. OrriCK At L. Loewentbal ft Co.'s Store, corner of Maiu and First Streets. nov(-3m Hoods and Nubias. IT IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED FACT THAT Schapker ft Bossing have the best stock of Hoods and Nubias and sell them cheaper than any other hooae iu the city. ' SCH APKER 4 BCSSING, No. 49 Main Street. Millinery at Wholesale and Retail OCR STOCK OF MILLINERY HAVING just been re-ssworted, oar stock in every par ticular is second to none in the West, to which we respectfully call tho attention of the wholesale aud retail trade. SCHAPKKB ft BCRSING, No. 49 Main Street. COW PEED. HOBBY HORSES. TONS OF CITY BRAN Nesbannook Potatoes J Bring ia ; nv-l JCST RKi'EIVEU our orders. Also. 2,000 btl whit For sale at IELLIOTT S Famils Grocery. PA . EM SPRING AND ROCKINU UOKSEd, the finest assortment ever broughtto the city, just received. Prices from one dollar to flirty. AtWARBEN ;C0NYVGT0N'S, oc8 No. 1 Main Street.