Newspaper Page Text
COMMISSION HOUSE. I BOOTS AND SHOES. THANKS. ROAD DRY GOODS CLOTHING. A. S. !1 AT!!Ua ST. J. 3. WUITTAliB rpUE PARENTS OF JULIUS KROEPSCH Jl desire to return their thanks to the Brothers of the Odd Fellow Lodges, members of the Maen erchor, and many other friends who attended the funeral of the deceased on Sunday afternoon last. novl7-lt C. WOLFF. BOOTS & SHOES. " E. :!'. & C. R. R. W A VT-jf TTT? CT P. WTTTTT A WfD W. H. WALKER. DE C. EVANS. 8ATCBDAY NOVEMBER 23 FOR GREAT BARGAINS Produce and Commission D t P A R T S i Way, Freight and Accommodation 6:45 A. Hi Mail.......... 9:25 a. m. ARRIVES: Accommodation 5:24 r. m. Mail 6:40 p. n. JOURNAL BUILDINGS, LOCIST STKEET, BETWEEN FIKST AND WATEH. WALKER & EVANS, No. 6 Water St, (next to R. Barnes,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. RAILROAD REGISTER. ! on Harpeth Shoals, and hopes arc en tertained that the rise there this time will be sufficient water to render that stream navigable for some time to come The May Duke was sold for $16,000, not $6,000, as our compositors made us say in Thursday's issue. REGULAR PACKETS. rpHE SWIFT AND SPLENDID STEAMER R. B. SPEED, LINIMENT. DR. J. WOODRUFF'S ENGLISH HORSE LINIMENT, Manufactured by LEICH & CARLSTEDT, Wholesale Druggists, EVANSVILLE, IND. THIS LINIMENT H AS BEEN rRESCKIBElf by DR. JOSEPH WOODRUFF iu a practice of some twenty year for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprams, Ulcerous Sores, Scratches, Wounds, Cracked Heels, Founders, &c, With the most unparalleled success, eff-cting cures In a number of case where other remedies utterly failed. It is also the best Liniment for the human body ever discoved, having cured per sons who have been confined to their beds by the moat agonizing pains of Rheumatism, Ac, in tome cases as long as three years. We do not propose, like so many proprietors of Patent Medicines to ga in the favor of the public by publishing the cerliftcttee of persons who perhaps uev-r have .existed or whose resi dences are thousands of miles distant from the manufactarer, but feel eonfid?nt the Liniment will speak for itself. We Would refer to the fol lowing well known citizens and others, who hare used the Liniment and are acquainted with it Tirtoes : Seiche 11 A Bowles, Ed. Degarmo, Mr. Degarmo, Solomon Kahs, Henry Dodenhotf, Ronald Fisher, Joseph Rutin. - Oapt. Robinson, Mr. Ed. Bowie, Col. Rbeinlander. John HeWson, We could add hundred of others, but believe the above to be sufficient. The money will be refunded in all rues where the Liniment does not give satiafa tiou. Price 25 cent per bottle. For sale by LEICH t CARLSTEDT, noTl9-3m 34 Main Street. NEW BOOKS. STRANGE STORIES OF A DETECTIVE; Or, Cariosities of Crime. P.EJE-'TKD WIFE. By Mrs. Stephens. THE AGE OF FABLE. By Bulfincb. THREE YEARS IN JAPAN. By AJcock. VOLUNTEER'S ROLL OF HONOR, 25c. PEPE, THE SCOUT. MARTIN POLE. By the author of Abel Drake's Wlfo. SILVER STAR. By May Carleton . LOST BANK NOTE AND MABTYN WARE'S TEMPTATION. SHADOW Or ASH LTD Y AT. 1 ELEANOR'S VICTORY. By the author of Au rora Floyd, 25c. SYBIL CAMPBELL. By May Carleton. ALL DICKENS' WORKS (In Pamphlet form.) TESTAMENTS WITH NOTES AND PSALMS. FLOWER OF SPRINGTIME A pretty Present for Children. GODEY'S LADIES' BOOK FOR '.DECEMBER. ARTHURS HOME MAGAZINE, Do. NEW SUPPLY OF PHOTOGRAPH BIBLES. NEW SUPPLY OF PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. NEW SUPPLY OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS. For sale at nnBEl.t.'S GROCERIES. VTIW n.M3 2,000 lbs sugar-cured Hams just J.1 received at WE CALDWELL'S, gggj No. 9 First street. CRUITS 20 bxs Lager Rasins, now crop; 25 3bxs" ' G cases Leghorn Citron ; 2 casks Zante Currants ; ' 10 drums Sultana Rasins! For sale at No. a FIRST STREET. TV&NDELTON COFFEE JkJ 4 cases Dandelion Coffee ; 3 cases 2 lb cans Oronnd Rio Coffee. Just received at No. '. FIRST STREET. FLAVORING EXTRACTS 10 doz Extract Lemon ; M do do Vanilla; 10 doz 10 doz 10 doz 10 doz 10 doz do do do do do do Cochineal ; Rose ; Almoud ; Cellery ; Peach ; Strawberry ; Raspberry. No. 9 FIRST STREET, 5 doz 6 doz do Just received at ALMOND AND FILBERTS 4 bblasoft shell Almonds ; 2 bbts Filberts. For sale cheap at No. 9 FIKST STREET. STEB1NE LARD I bors for sale at WM. CALDWELL'S. Qov25 No 9 First street. DENTIST. HAAS, IEKLING ''I LY THANKFUL FOR 'I'll P. J. ubaral pat! ' agexeceiTeddnriirgtha past four ' mn, '"S lrmanent resident of this city, Jaires all persoi (whether they need his profes sional serriCMjjr i, t) toTisit his rooms and see the Improvements and Inventions Are being made, and everything that will sutxerr the interest of hi patients is secured by him. H I Establishment aad Facllltl s Are equal to any in BASTKRM CITIES. He has Several Anaesthetics roR Alleviating Palm when Extracting Teeth. Cheek that are sunken can he restored to nearly heir original contour. All desirable styles of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, made anywhere In the United States, are made by him. Irregularities of Children's Teeth success' fully corrected. Those having DECAYED TEETH Bhonld either have them Eztracted or Fillod, (the Utter if possibls.) The health of the parties and the remaining Teeth demand It. NEURALGIC AFFLICTIONS TREATED. ALSO CLEFT PALATE Jg5oiEtrgt St , Near Post Office. FURS ! FURS! ! FURS III WTE ARE NOW REGEIVING A VERY large and well assorted stock of radios' and Muses s fane? Furs, comprisiug in part the fol lowing: Sable, Mink, Russian Fitch, Stone Mar tin iishtr, Ly,,s, German Kitch, Siberiau Squir- V"8' Genot- Swa,,s V0 ". " fur trim -rSr&Lllnl descriptions, Gentlemen's Fur Collars and Gloves, Children's Purs, Muffs, Cuffs, either separate or in set,. Having selected t he goods ourselves, customer. can rely .? h the'lowUt8 glKXiS "ud low .: HATS AND CAPS. Our stock of Hats and Caps for Men aud Boy's, is now complete, having just been replenished with the very latest Winter styles, gotteu up with care tinder our own supervision. MISSES' FELT HATS. Latest New York styles. INFANT'S HATS. Fancy and plain, a very lsge assortment. All new stTles. FANCY CAPS, Of wblsh we are receiving a splendid assortment. VAUTIER A MARCONNIER, No. 39 Main Street. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOB, Wheat, Oats, Beans, Flax Seed, Lard, Tallow, Dried Fruit. Beeswax. GEO. W. oBAltAX. WM. C. GKAHAM. (Late of HaUiday, Graham & Co., Now Orleans, and Graham A Co.. Cairo, Illinois. G. W. GRAHAM & CO., Wholesale Grocers GENERAL COMMISSION Mercliaiits, No.'s 46 & 47 First Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. HT Consignments of Western and Southern Produce, and orders for the purchase of Cottan, Sugar and Molasses, solicited. Refer to Messrs. Bement A Viale, Evansville : J. L. Dallam, Esq , Cashier, Paducah, Kj. noIl-2m Watts, Giver A Co., ) f Cbane A Baow, Paducah. Ky., ) 1 Evansville, lad. Hashing, Given A Co., St. Locis, Mo. WATTS, CRANE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 45 Bboad Stbeft, NEW YORK CITY. We hivi opened a Irons in the city of Hew York for the sale of Tobacco and Western Prodnce, Under the name of WATTS, CRANE A CO. Mr. D. Watts, of the Arm of Wstts, Given A Co. )f Paducah, long familiar with Tobacco, will tak .hsrge of that department of our business, and Mr. (. Crane, of Crane and Brown, Xvanarille, will akc charge of the Prodnce business. may-21 WATTS, CRANE A CO. T. COX. " F. M. ni'MPBBXY. COX & HUMPHREY, Forwarding & Commission Merchants, Steamboat Agents, WHARF - BOAT" PROPRIETORS, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. We h ve fatten the Grey Kagla Wharf Boat, and ask of Mir friends a continuance, of their patronage. One of ui will lie found aboard both day and night to attend to the wants of shipper. sepl L. A. CBANE. WU. BROWN. B. K. DtTMKSBSOa CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Commission jMei'cliaiits, AND Special Railroad Agents. Give through receipt and make liberal cash ad rances on shipments of. Produce and Tobacco to Hew York. CRANE, BROWN A CO. Evaubfille, Not. 20th, 1861. IDATiS EXPRESS COMPANY New Arrangement. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY RE SPECTFULLY announce to their friends and jatron the public of Evansville and vicinity that, with i- reused facilities for the transportation of Freight, Packages, Money and Valuables, They solicit a continuance of former favors.' Es pecial care taken in the collection of Bills, Draft Notes, and the transportation of small and valua ble packages. All persons wishing to avail themselves of tit facilitt of the Express, can obtain any desired in formation in reference to the rentes and details of the business, at their office on First street, between Main and Locust. Jy2 OHAS. WENTZ, Agent. H. B. CLIFFORD, Commission Merchant EXCLUSIVELY. I HAVE DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OF GRO ceries, Produce, Ac, as I And that I cannot, nor can any one else, do justice to themselves and their shippers when they buy, for it is natural Kave-many s'Jrtpnera,' I will hereafter confine my self strictly to the COMMISSION BUSINESS, And hope that I will And a continuance of the many favors showu mo during the past eight years. I shall give personal attention to all con signments, anal will make liberal cash advances on produce in store. My motto is, Quick Sales and Prompt Returns. Dealers in Cotton cannot do better than to leave their orders with me. Mr. F. M. COPKL AND, late of Copemnd, Edmonds A Co., will give the Cotton business bis personal attention. He is one among the beet judges in the State Orders solicited. II. B. CLIFFORD, sep No. 7 Front Rosr, Memphis, Tenn. w. 8. M'cLrax. b. r. ballast. o. m cu be W. S. McCLURE&CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Batter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Dried Fruits, Flour and Provisions, 2QO Fulton St., Op. Washington Market, NEW YORK. REFERENCES. Gee W. White, Cash. Mechanic's Bank, Brook lyn, New Yoik. Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York. Wm. Cripus, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York. A. H. Ballard, Ypsilanti, Michigan. J. L. Kelly. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It. II. Huntington, Adam's Irff Co. N. Y. J. H. Reed, Gttea, New York. Hon. Henry J Raymond, New York Time " C. H. vYheeler.St. Albans. Vt. D. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin. jelOdly SCHNEIDER & ZUBERBIER, (Successors to Schneider ft Wise,) Commission Merchants For the sale of altktud of Western Produce, FLOl'H. BACON. PORK, LARD, Hay, Corn, Oats, Butter, Bfrgs, dec. Corner La fayette, Xew Levee and Fulton Streets, arA&ShF Q-RliJS AN L-A 3c. FoeTKB. A. H. Fostek. Wm. A. Gwrn GEO. FOSTER & CO., Wh olesale Grocers, Produce and Provision Merchants, C0B.XC2 OF LOCUST BTBFET AND TH CAKAL, ang9 EVANSVILLE. IND. PROPOSALS. OFFICE C. 8 ft A. A. Q. M., 1 Evansville, Ind., Nov. 23, 1863: f QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED O at this office until Dec. 1st, IStiS, for the fol lowing supplies : 000 t. is Timothy Hay, in hales : 100 ' " " Tloose; 5,0Oi f t Poplar Lumber; l00r Pi , clear common : f-' ' Srantlin. 4$4. Toplar. AL80 50,iU pound Bacon Sides eVShoulders 30,1 MX ,Ftatoes 0,000 ' Onions. Bide will be governed- siiecincatfasjs hereto fore pu d. sheil. Those not a.-uainted with the Kim". . '. intending to bid for stores will re receive further information by applying to the un dersigned in person or by letter. , , E H. XHBMAN. noril-irtd fpt. c. 8. ft A. A. Q. M. OFFICE ACT. ASST. Q. MASTER, , Ev.utsviLLE, Ind., Nov. 23, '63. Till. I NDERSIGNED DESIRES TO secure the service of a person competent to take charge of the steamer "Lue Eaves," a Captain. Also an Engineer, Pilot and Fireman, together with two (2) deck hands. For particulars apply at this office iunned lately. F. II. EHRMAN, nov2l-d3t Capt. C. S A A. A. Q. M. Staati Zeitung please copy.) RECRUITS WANTED For the Old 14th Indiana Volun- TS,1,ErE,?IENT HA PARTICIPATED Uin f"".ow,M: named battles: Cheat Mouu- tain, Green Briar, Blue's Gap, Bloomerv Furnace ericYsburT' OhSSfi AnS.m, Frl B,.owS,;ti,aDCCll0r8V,Ue' "ysburg and Three hundred and two dolUrs bounty given -to new recruits, $b given to veteran soldier, "bo re-enlist. S72 of the bounty money given then, as first payment directly after btiug mustered in Any one wishing to become a member of tnis tried Regiment, will find Headquarters Recruiting Office on corner of Ingle and Central Market streets John Dannatell'g Grocery. CHARLES H. MYNRHOFF, 1st Lieut. Co. E, 14th Ind., novlldlm Recruiting Officer Retail Dealers Exclusively in vSSSsfBfmKj "IIssBbBsk B00TS&SH0ES No. 81 MAIN STREE1, Evansville, Ind. We devote oar whole time and attention to the Boot and Shoe Trade Exclusively Consequently can give you better bargains than those who are " dabbling " iu Boots and Shoes in connection with other business. City and County Orders par for Goida. ep5-ly taken at NEW SHOE BOOT STORE. SELLMAN Has just received, at No. 35 MAIN STREET A large and carefully selected stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S WEAR, OF THE LATEST STYLES, WHICH HE IS selling as low as any honse iu the city. The public are invited to call and examine Goods and Price before purchasing elsewhere. He warrants his goods to give satisfaction. No trouble to show gsods. Mendlii done FREEOF CHARGE, should "'f. M. SELLMAN, Evansville, Sept. 15, 1863. 35 Maiu Street. o M Ph Eh w o o eC cd pm Q SZ! En o w w Eh w o Eh o 09 m S o u o m w o 10 o 0 o Z M 0 0 r-i Z s 3 0 - ft c 0 HI 1 o o n w H 0 16 M o S ii P o S II No. 15 STREET. TURNER & GWATHMEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UZALEBS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, AND Hats & S, No. 15 Main Street, NSVILLB,V DIANA EVA F. M. T TFT JS3 BIG BOOT AND SHOE JHOUSE. mm ms k n MAIN STREET, Have now in store the larg est stock of Goods of any House in the United States, and of the best makes to be found. Their stock was pur chased before the recent ad vance, at 10 per cent less than they can now be bought, and we will sell them for less than any House in the West will sell the same character of goods. We sell BOOTS & SHOES, not " scab3." Call find ex amine our goods. MORGAN, READ & CO. P. S. No charge for Boxes. Hat Caps 50,000 WORTH Of the most fashionable styles of ' ' HATS and CAPS Now in store, that were pur chased 10 to 30 per cent, less than they can now be pur chased of the manufacturers. We are determined to make Evansville a jobbing point, and to aid in doing so will sell goods for less than any House up the river. We said . , . Ti lt and so it shall be. No r ... ..!...: ,f i !.. i...n1 - In trouble to show goods. ''Quick sales and small profits " is our motto. MORGAN, READ ft CO. Ladies' Hats! MORGAN, READ & CO., 4No. 63 Met ill Street, Have in store a splendid as- sortment of Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats of the latest and most approved styles, viz : Ladies' and Misses' Pelt Trimmed A. ; MaJ Guerrabella ; Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Coquette ; Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Coquette; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Guerrabella; Besides numerous other names and styles. Also, Children's Fancy Trimmed Hats, an of which, we will sell very cheap indeed. Call and examine our stock. MORGAN, READ & CO. NOTICE. -jV TRS. ERNKKBPT3CH, A LADT EROM in. C.ermany, celebrated by her skill as a phvsl ciau fur all kinds of diseases, is prepared to gv. to every sick person, information on the oriirlu the cause aud treatment of their complaints, with out troubling them with many questions the aforesaid information being made only by exam ining the pulse. Terms very moderate, viz 25 Cents. ' ' The Doctress is at her office, in Lamaseo, near Chris Miller s. Hours for consultation' from 9 to 12 o clock a. m. aud from 2 to 5 o'clock n m sepl5-:im ' NOTICE. To the Ladies of Evansville and Vicinitv. syius. buwlamu IS PREPARED; ' ROWLAND IS 1 PREPARED xv a. au me miesi styles or Embroldervhd Bra bet wee. r sBwnary ana uum streets. sep7-3m : ' T H Sl XL R Its DEPARTS FROM T. H. DayExpress.. V.. 3:55 p. M. Accommcdation T: 35 A M. Night Express 12: 50 a. u. ARRIVE AT T. H. Day Express 12:25 p. M. Accommodation 5:10 a.m. Night Express 1:25 a.m. These two roads make good connections at Terre Haute. River News. ARRIVALS. Steamer Convoy No. 4, Louisville, " Little Grey Eagle, Louisville. " R. K Dunkerson, Louisville. " Hunleith, Nashville. " Starlight, Louisville. " Leni Leotl, St. Louis. " Silver Heels, Cln.iinnatl. D. B. Campbell, Louisville. " Charley Bowen, Cairo. " Huntress, Nashville. " Tempest, Louisville. Caroline, Nashville. " Progress. Cincinnati, " Nevada, Pittsburg. DEPARTURES. Steamer Convoy No. 2, Nashville. " Little Grsy Kagle, Losusville. " Huntrsss, Louiiville. " Leni Lejti, Cincioati. " Silver. Heels, Nashville. " Nevada, St. Louis. D. B. Campbell, Nashville. " B. K. Dunkerson, Nashvilh). " Dnnlelth, Louisville. ' Progress, Nashville. " Charley Bowen, Cairo. The river here is rising steadily and rapidly with 7 or 8 feet hence to Cairo and Louisville. The bar in front of the city is now a small island, 'and by noon to-day will doubtlesa disappear entirely. There has been considerable life on the river and the levee, for the past few days, with a large number of arrivals, many of the boats being in Government service. .-. i -(.:" i1 tti Shipments were not large as the rapid rise in the river inspires the hope among shippers of more tonnage, and conse quently a 'Jechne in freight and they are inclined to hold back. The Charley Bowen arrived from Cai .t i t i i nil v ro aoout o ciock inursaay evening with one of the biggest trips of the sea son. She returned well tilled with freight and passengers at 121 o'clock yesterday. The Ltttle Grey Eagle came in early on Thursday evening, with Capt. Bal lard in command. We regret to leam that Capt. Hutsonpiller has sold out hi8 interest in the line and has retired from the river, at the 3ame time we are glad so clever a gentleman as Capt Ballard succeeds him. The famous Armada will be the splen did passenger packet for Cairo at noou to-day. She is commanded by that vet eran officer and genial, high-tonedj gen tlemau, Captain Josh. V. Throop, assist ed by the attentive and courteous Fred Huston in the office. It is not only a pleasure but a delicacy to travel on the royal Armada. The Starlight, is loading here for Pittsburg with wheat, Ac. She will leave at 4 o'clock this evening for that vty C nn mml uuuks aud lO-HICU Can- nnn. She is a neat and attractive boat Cox Si Humphrey are her agents. The imperial Big Grey Eagle will be the popular mail boat for Henderson and Louisville to-night. Capt. James A. Lusk, so well and fa vorably known to all the people along shore, is in command, and is assisted in the office by Mr. E. O'Bannon, so long the popular Cleik at the Louisville Ho tel. i-'jtn3rlf r ,: i I j:t oT The New Albany Ledger of Tuesday thna warmly introduces Mr. O'Bannon to the many patrons of the Big Grey Ea gle along shore, and from a short inter course with him on his last trip, we fee no hesitation in fullylndorsing the " fee ble remarks" of the Ledger, which says: We take pleaiure in introducing to the many patrons of the Eagle and to the people along the coast Mr, E. O'Ban non, who has taken charge, as chief clerk, of the office of the Eagle. For many years Mr. O'Bannon has "been act ing as clerk in the Louisville Hotel. In (hat position his genial, winning man ners attracted to him hosts of friends who will not fail to embrace the earliest opportunity of greeting him on the ma jestic steamer where his generous cour tesies are hereafter to be dispensed. We welcome Mr. O'Bannon to his new position, not that we are glad that he takes the stool of our old friend Major Geo. A. Williams, but that we rejoice that so worthy a gentleman succeeds Mr. W. We are confident that by his many amenities Mr. O'Bannon will soon win rank as one of the most popular clerks on the river. As a mark of the esteem in which they held him, for the many services he had performed and the sterling integrity he had always shown, the proprietors tf the Louisville IIl praaantfrl Mr Y fiannnn a nif, icent diamond breast-pin, npon his retir acy from their employ. This token was worthily bestowed, and in his nevr posi tion Mr. O'Bannon will nrove himsplf equally worthy the consideration of his employers. In the the duties of the of fice he will be ably assisted by that com petent clerk and clever gentleman, Mr. Lice Murrell, whose popularity increasm as his acquaintance extends. With Capt, Lusk in command, and Messrs. O'Ban non and Murrell in the office, we predict all Y? 1 W" 1 v. . tur me utg urey .aagie one ot the most prosperous seasons she ever enjoyed. On Tuesday last the steamers Carrie Kenton and Imperial were fired on as they were descending the Cumberland, by guerrillas, when near Jackson's wood yard. No one was injured thohgh the pilot of the Imperial made row escape. a very nar- By telegraph yesterday, we learn that the famous Telegraph No. 3, was sunk in the Mississippi near Osciola. She will be speadily raised. The Missouri Democrat of yesterday, Ibe river is so nearly stationary at this point, as to have fallen bat half an inch duriner the 24 hnnrn Ptwlim, i 1 , " , ; "5 oia rvwasscai yesieraay morning. The pilots now easily find six feet at Crawford's, and no less anvwhere h. tween heie and Cairo. Seven feet only is found at the worst places below Cairo. to t 1 . 019 18 el'in slowly, with 32 riches tn the channel from Peoria to the mouth. r Navigation in the Missouri is abont ended, .with 33 inches at the mouth of M5 (raseouade, and more all the way np to St. Joseph. , a The telegraph reportB the Cumberland river is rising, with neHj five feet Will run as a regular packet be tween this port aud Henderson until further notice. nov24 Cincinnati and Memphis PACKET COMPANY. For Evansville, Henderson, Mount Vernon, Shawneetown, Smlthland, Paducah. Cairo, Columbus, Hickman and Mempnis, and all way-points on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, comprising the following new iight-nrangnt jiasscnger packets: NORMAN, JEWESS, Captain Eraxier. W. C. MANN, Captain Shnnk. Capt. Batchelor. PRINCESS, Captan Marattn. One of the above Boats will bass Evansville Weekly for Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, ami Mvm phat. Also, weekly for Cincinnati. For rretgbt or passage enquire of COX 4 HUMPHREY, sepSdtf Agents. J. T. McCOMBS, Capt BALLARD J. 6WATHNEY, Clerk Compose the Line, aud will leave Evansville for Louisville as follows : Monday's, STAR GREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock Tuesday's, J. T. McCOMBS, at 5 o'clock p . Wednesday's, BIG GBEY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock P M. Thursday's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE, at ".o'clock P. It. Friday's, J. T. McCOMBS, at 5 o'clock p. at Saturday's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p. H. RETURNING: J. T. McCOMBS, leaves Louisville Monday's and Thursday's. ' BTG" GREY EAGLE lcavos Louisville Tues day's and Friday's. " STAR " GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed nesday's and Saturday's. Punctually at o'clock P. au For comfort and speed tho above steamers are unsurpassed. COX A II I'M I'll UK V. dec 12 CIGARS & TOBACCO. JOSEPH FENDRICH & BEOS. No. 155 Forest Street, & 49 South BALTIMORE, MD. JOHN FENDRICH & BROS., COLUMBIA, PA., ASD F. FENDRICH & BROS., Evansville, Ind., Branches of the I more MonsJ' MANtirAfTraKiw or TOBACCO. ARE NOW THE MOST EXTENSIVE Alanniacturers, iu onr line, in the State. We offer the following Tohaeco aud Cigars, of our own manufacture, for sale : J80 Boxes of Five Lump per pound ' M Cts. 200 Boxes of 10 Lump jr pound uv Cts. 200 Boxes Frank's Orange Lump ft. OS Cts. 300 Hose Bud, -In Caddies, per pound to Cts. 300 Boxes Barow's, in Caddies. 300 Caddies Peach Leaf, per pound no Cts. 900 El Dorado, Light, per Kund .1 tJ SOOCaddies Pancake, Light, per pound 80 Cts. IU Boxes Sun Cured Tohacco lb 65 Cts. 4,000 lbs Home Spun Twist Tobacco; 1,000 Barrels Smoking Tobacco ; IW0 boxes Bond's Scotch SnnfT; 60 Half Barrels Einc-Cut Chewing Tobacco; 100 Merschaum Pipes : 100 Oross Briar smd Wood Pipes ; QO.tsiO Clay Pipes, assorted ; 100 Gross Rubber Pipes ; 10,000 assorted Pipe Steins ; 25,000 Ceuha Cigacs ; 24,000 Heury Clay Cigars, first's ; 20,00o Henry Clay Cigars, Second's; 28,000 La Napoleon Cigars ; 30,1100 El Brutus Cigars ; 200,000 Half Spanish Cigars; 200,000 Segareets; 220,000 La Salvadina Cigars; 40e,000 Packs Smoking Tobarco ; 60 Brums Turkish Smoking Tobacco; 1,000 Bales Kinnlranfck Smoking Tobacco; 60 Drums Shaughie ; 2,000 Pounds Mackaboy Snuff; 2,000 Erouch Snaff. Merchants and Store-Keepers, look to their interest ; examiue our large stock. IV o. 27 Main Street, Sales Room Factory, Cor. Locnst fc Water Sts. We manufacture all the above goods, and will sel 30 per cent, cheaper than any House in onr State. We would call the attention of Merchauts who deal In our line, to bny from the manufacturers, where they cau save M ier cent, F. FENDRICH A BROS., P21 i Evansville. Indiana. LIQUORS. tvolesale r. CAM. IV. r. T. HODGE CARR. Rectifiers and Wholesale Dealers in every des cription of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c., BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION of the trade of tho City of Evansville, South era Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky to om exten sive stock. It being large and complete, we can offer to our customers and the trade, goods that cannot fall to please both in qnalitv and prfce .k JSSS" k,naTn hj bought for cashT H fore the recent srlvance. willenable us to com net e with any house in fhoTVest in prices, t.conlPete W reBirt''1!t9r,nined tI'tn ueo ssltv shall exist for dealers to go either to Oiiicinnati, Louisvila,, m Loula- lo l,y 'heir Liquors ' We ask of you a fair trial. We are certain we can givesaiuraoUon when you visit onr city We vuiu ue j. ,... j io see you at No. 28, FIRST STREET, Next door to nollingsworth A Bro.'s Queenswore store, and show you our stock, consisting iu part of toreign and Domestic Brandies, Wines, Gins, Rams, &c. Of Whiskies, Best Bourbon, Rye, Monongahela, Robinson County, Kimel, Irish, Scotch, c many other brands. Ot Common Whiskies we have Aurora, OM Vir ginia, Mountain Dew, Orange Valley, and " Batty for Von." Of Bitters we have Plantation. " Ba varian Stowton," Cocktail, Ac. Punch, Essence, Absinthe, Schnapps, Smoking aud ChoWiag To bacco, Cigars, and A. S. Bonn's SnnrT. Remember the place, No. 28 First Street, four doors below Sycamore Strest. novll N. Y. CARR A CO. 'i. . i SEWING MACHINES. Ff. SELLJIAV H AVISO FITTED VP AS . office, No. 35 Main 8treet. will keep, as here tofore, a good assortment of Wheeler A, wihon's and Singers Soaring Machines and Needles, Silk Thread and oil, and everything that is connected with the bosiBoss, and wilt repair all kind of8w ing Machines and put on new improvemeotsi ijU Y. sY SELLMAN, Ag't. IN DR Y & O O I S GO TO E. A. GOOKE &l CO., Who have Just completed their winter stock of Goods, consisting iu part ot French Merinoes, Checked and Plain Alpacas, Silk Striped Lustres, Wool and half Wool Delaines, Ladies' Hisses' Hoop Skirts, Ladies' Misses' Balmoral Skirts, and Children's and Children's Hoods, Nubias and Misses' Fancy Knit Coats, ttvum4 but) ii Vi JlT'rlzilC rlxr. ' j Son tags and Alexandras, Lambs Wool, Merino and Bal moral Hose, And a great variety of Notions, &c. , .; raol'j - ltKKil hwr.Ub j Also just received by express A fall ass or tment'of Cloaks. All the novelties of the season, comprising Red Riding Hoods, Bine Circulars, Black Cloth Circulars and Sacques Various Prices ; Styles to suit the most fastidious. Come and see for yourself at Wo. 7 FIRST STREE T- Wholesale and Retail DRY GOODS. . 'an- Our second purchase this till of everything in our line that is New, Rich DESIRABLE, Has now arrived, among which will be fonnd a complete assortment of Plain French Merinos, Fancy French Merinos, Fancy French Cashmers, Plain and Fancy Delains all Wool, And all the New Styles of RICH WINTER DRESS GOODS. 11.a si ,.1,,1! li: a , Black Cloth Cloaks. SCARLET AND BLUE CLOAKS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, n tt ca- s , WINDOW SHADES, Window Hollands, Curtain Damasks, LACE CURTAINS, Curtain Fixtures CURTAIN CORNICES; And almost everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING LINE my20-lr JAQX'KSS 4c. FRENCH, No. 10 First Street. Kvib.vIII,. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED "Iu Union there is Strength." BEING Nl-MEROrS IN FAMILY, WE DK sign on chartering a car and take a throuch ticket fo the, Slat of Matrimony, on reach ing home. At the cross-roads, we advise the ladi s to beware of the train, but they can meet as at the station houses. We dinlike to see fair maidens go down the steeps of time, gathering the wrinkles of old age "ieir iace, aim oe nancted by the hobgoblin" of celibacy. Ladjcs, if you wUh to avoid the heartrending mission, fast apply by raafl to u. and "catch" a live soldier. If wa save the big Union, we certainly can manage those of a Hinaller magnitude, although a few .,'" "''" may arise to rack the domeVtfr circle. Helen orcasionel the Troian war. but siiU we'll run a woman at a venture. "Strike while the iron is hot," if you "liitcb" for lif- with Wil.ier'a Imivs th to '' i.h to For fur i her p.irrienlars, apply to any af the fol- lowing uifiubcrs of Co. U, 17th Indiana Pnul Clifford. Willie rarrollton. Jennie June, v -.,- v. . . immimm. 1,1 Fntnk ;,nnt. Jollr Neptune, Aii Clinton, Ira Otto, aud Garibaldi, Jr. Princeton Clarion please oopy - TY TWO OF "ROSUCS" BOYS, WHO HAVii Yj uenn in the employ of "I'acle 8am" for two and a half years, wish (as our time of service tn rly expired), to open a correspondence with as many of "Eve 'air uaugters as choose to reply to this. Object Fun suit. oo, ot uaiever may re- "Photo" desired, if convenient. Address Jerome H. Hanuing, or Dnraud C Dea veaport, 17th Indiana Volunteers. Wil.ler'.'ftf.. nde, Maysville, Ala. . . ovl9 $402 BOUNTY. T ANTED -FIVE MORE RECRUITS FOR v v a Cavalry Company now in eaasp at the J rn ..rounas. aii recruits that have horse. tnt will stand Inspection will be taken at SIM if re ported at eaaip recruiting office at the Fair Grounda. AU r.wruit that have enlisted will re port at camp immediately. novl7-2w THOMAS O. WILLIAMSON. FIRST STHEST, WHOLESALE CLOTHIN&HOUSES s GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., no. e North First St., Evansville ; BRANCH OF G0LDMAN, BERG & CO., 3STom 806 Market Street, Philadelphia, We have now ready a very iargs selected stock at Fall i Winter Clothing AD Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHAWLS, BLANKETS ' in TRAVELING SHIRTS. Boys' Olotlalng, IN GREAT VARIETY, To which we desire to call the attention of the trade.. Our Goods being all manufac tured by ourselves, buyers hive Only One Profit to Pay. W feci confident that our prices an fnlly as low a those of any other Uoane in the West. All Goods Warranted. sepS UNITJED STATES Wholesale Clothing AHD FURNISHING HOUSE Clothing for the Million! L. LOEWENTHAL & CO., (ain iu the market, at stand ths old well known Cor. Main and First Sts., (Which has keen rebuilt and enlarged,) with the largest and best selected stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING S tti boO .-. ' i ii AXD Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Ever Opened lu this Market. OUB OLD CUSTOMERS AND THS TRAD! generally are respectfully invited to call and examine our Roods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feet assured we can offer superior inducements to CASH Imyers. One f our firm re ides iu New York, and has had. many years Eperlence in baying and manu tactnring, and devotes his whole time to Purrliaglnc and Superintending the M an nlact tiring Department, And as we buy exclusively for CASH, w. can and will sell as low to the trade as any House East or West t sepll The Best is always the Cheapest. Especially is this true of I 3XT a- AND Gents' Furnishing Good;. Test it by calling on J. H. CARL IN, No. 8 FIRST STREET, (NSAB POST-OFFICK,) IVAN8YTLLI, IND. THK FNDERSTGNED HAS JPST KK turned from the East, where b. has hud in one of the best stocks of Clothing and Oents' Far uisbing Goods ever brought to this City. My Clotbs, Cassimeres, Vesting., Ac., were selected with an ye single to quality and styls ; and hav ing became ponversant with the taste of our peo pie, am satisfl-d thaWn this particular my Goods will give excellent satisfaction. Gents furnishing Goods of every description Will also be found at my establishment such as Gloves, Hosiery, Neck-Ties, 8hirts, Collars, Sus penders, Ac. My facilities for sosuufacturia Clothing are excellent ; and as' for Catting Garment, to St no satisfaction no pay. I ask no oa. to take a mean fltiug garmen t off my hands. Over-Coatings of every variety d style will be found at my rstsnltshuvit. Though it may sound unreasonable to-, k Overcoats daring the "heated term," we u.u.t remember that iu 'peace is the tlmetoi.-n refer war," and in Summer make our preparations for the cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can be devised than the ordering of a good reliable Overcoat, such assnsy be found at No. 8 First Street. Orders for Clothing of every description will receive the personal attention of the undersigned and will be promptly attended to. The motte at No. 8 is, Promises punctually fulBUsd." Before ordering F all or Winter suits (Untm .in consult their own interest by examining est Goods snd Prices. Remember the place IC. 8 First Street, (near Pou Office.) auglS J. U. CARLIIf. SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH'S SHIRT MANUFACTORY, O Second st, (in brat's BLOCK.) SIIIRTS MADE nrment aud a TO ORDER FROM MX AS- fit U'ft rrsnlajl a aJ'r 'd;' nl Collars alwayson hand, and t prices that will suit the purchased TEkTn, ThanL-rl Cm. r - . -JSEB fuuy toliclt. J "Dn reapeet .M ' .. . "" coutnauce of the uatrenasa aa Li IK-r M v i...i..u .i r .l . - " .... .., psuii nve i years J. SMITH. ADMINISTRATOR' S SALE. TkJUHCE IS HEREBY , I VEN THAT BY LI virtue of an order of the Court of Common I Pleas of Vanderburgh county, the underaigned, ' Administrator of ths Estate of Lorsnso T. Hop I'kins, deceased, will on the 3d day of December, ) 1863, between the hoar, of 10 o'clock A. M and 4 o'clock P. At., of said day, at ths door of the 1 Court House, in the city of Evansville, Vander I burgh county, In. liana, at public auction, sell the 1 following described Real Estate, situated in said ! county, a-wit: Lou No. If, and 16, in Mock No ' 6, in the Northern Enlargement of said city upon i the folloaing terms, to-wit: One-third of the six month. purcuane uioue; iu oe paw in cash, one-third in a no one-third in twelv aut. .,. , '-' V "b"o u" uoies ior i ue aeferrad nay meats, with security, with Int-rest from daVof sale, without relief from valuation or appraise ment law. , secured by mortgage npon thapresB-- 1J1 A. O. SULLIYAN, Aam'r. novldlw